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Leader Election Algorithms for Wireless Ad Hoc Networks

Sudarshan Vasudevan , Brian DeCleene , Neil Immerman , Jim Kurose , Don Towsley

Department of Computer Science, ALPHATECH, Inc.

University of Massachusetts, 50 Mall Road

Amherst, MA 01003 Burlington, MA 01803-4562

Abstract for this problem; good surveys can be found in [1, 2]. Most
We consider the problem of secure leader election and pro- of the algorithms described in [1, 2] are extrema finding al-
pose two cheat-proof election algorithms : Secure Extrema gorithms that elect a node with the maximum identifier from
Finding Algorithm (SEFA) and Secure Preference-based among a set of candidate-nodes.
Leader Election Algorithm (SPLEA). Both algorithms as- Recently, there has been considerable interest in using
sume a synchronous distributed system in which the var- leader-election algorithms in wireless environments for key
ious rounds of election proceed in a lock-step fashion. distribution [4], routing coordination [10], sensor coordina-
SEFA assumes that all elector-nodes share a single com- tion [13], and general control [7, 6]. Here, user mobility
mon evaluation function that returns the same value at may result in frequent leader election, making the process
any elector-node when applied to a given candidate-node. a critical component of system operation. Security is also
When elector-nodes can have different preferences for a of particular concern in any wireless environment. Exist-
candidate-node, the scenario becomes more complicated. ing leader-election algorithms implicitly assume complete
Our Secure Preference-based Leader Election Algorithm trust among the nodes participating in the leader election
(SPLEA) deals with this case. Here, individual utility func- process, and consequently are vulnerable to a variety of at-
tions at each elector-node determine an elector-node’s pref- tacks. Secure group communications architectures in [4, 3]
erence for a given candidate-node. require a central key distributor to propagate key updates to
We relax the assumption of a synchronous distributed existing group members. In such applications, trust among
system in our Asynchronous Extrema Finding Algorithm nodes cannot be assumed while electing a new key distribu-
(AEFA) and also allow the topology to change during the tor. Also, most of the leader election algorithms for mobile
election process. In AEFA, nodes can start the process of ad hoc networks elect a “random” leader and hence are not
election at different times, but eventually after topological extrema-finding. In many scenarios, it might be preferable
changes stop long enough for the algorithm to terminate, to elect a leader that is “good” from some system related
all nodes agree on a unique leader. Our algorithm has been point of view, as against electing a “random” leader.
proven to be “weakly” self-stabilizing. We first consider the problem of secure leader election
Keywords : wireless ad hoc networks, secure leader in ad hoc networks and propose two algorithms, SEFA and
election, network protocols, formal specification and veri- SPLEA. These algorithms assume a synchronous network
fication, self-stabilization. and a lock-step execution of election rounds. We relax these
assumptions in our Asynchronous Extrema-Finding Algo-
rithm (AEFA). However, security issues in AEFA have not
yet been explored in detail.
1 Introduction SEFA and SPLEA use a round-based hierarchy-building
approach towards leader election:
Leader election algorithms find many applications in both 

Our Secure Extrema Finding Algorithm (SEFA) be-

wired and wireless distributed systems. In group commu- longs to the category of extrema finding algorithms.
nication protocols, for example, a new coordinator must be SEFA assumes that all elector-nodes share a single,
elected when a group coordinator crashes or departs the sys- common evaluation function that returns the same
tem. The problem of leader election in distributed systems “value” at any elector-node when applied to a given
has been well-studied and there is a large body of literature candidate-node. A candidate-node’s identifier (name),

battery life, or certified level-of-trust within the system SEFA and SPLEA. The algorithm in [9] constructs a hierar-
are examples of values for which all nodes might well chy in a sensor network of low power devices by promoting
hold such a common view of a candidate node. nodes with higher energy up the hierarchy. A Landmark
hierarchy is constructed in a bottom-up fashion in [11] for

The leader-election problem is more complicated when

routing purposes. In [12], a structure called an AC Hierar-
nodes can have different preferences for a leader. For
example, if topological distance is taken as a metric chy is constructed that logically organizes processors into
for determining a node’s preference among candidate- various levels. In [13], sensors organize themselves into
nodes, each elector-node might well have a differ- clusters and cluster heads are elected based on localized co-
ent view of the “value” of each candidate. Our Se- ordination and control. In addition, cluster heads are ran-
cure Preference-based Leader Election Algorithm domly rotated, with each node serving as a head only for a
(SPLEA) deals with this case. Here, individual utility fixed duration. In order to minimize energy spent in com-
functions at each elector-node determine the elector- municating with the remote base station, cluster members
node’s preference for a given candidate-node, and communicate to the base station through their cluster heads.
(loosely speaking) SPLEA serves to aggregate individ-
As we will see, two of our secure leader election algo-
ual elector-node preferences into a single, system-wide
choice of a leader. rithms, SEFA and SPLEA, use the idea of bottom-up hi-
erarchy construction, and are similar to the clustering pro-
We formally specify these two algorithms and prove their posals in that respect. However, none of the algorithms
correctness and security properties, using linear time tem- described above consider the notion of secure leader elec-
poral logic as the formal tool. tion. Indeed, it is not clear whether security can easily be
We then present AEFA, an asynchronous leader election built into their protocols. In this paper, we develop two se-
algorithm. In this algorithm, nodes are allowed to be mobile cure leader election algorithms, called SEFA and SPLEA,
during the process of election. This algorithm uses the con- and prove that these algorithms are cheat-proof. However,
cept of diffusing computations [8] to perform leader elec- these algorithms require lock-step execution of the election
tion. Informally, the algorithm operates as follows. Nodes algorithm and that nodes remain static for the duration of
periodically poll their leader. When a node is disconnected election. Both these assumptions are relaxed in our Asyn-
from its leader, the nodes detecting this event begin a new chronous Extrema-Finding Algorithm (AEFA), which is a
diffusing computation to determine the new leader. Eventu- non-secure election algorithm. AEFA can tolerate multiple,
ally, when a diffusing computation terminates, the node that concurrent topological changes during the process of elec-
initiated that computation finds the “extremal node” and in- tion itself. It guarantees that when topological changes stop
forms other nodes of this extremum. for a sufficiently long period of time, the node with the ex-
The remainder of the paper is organized as follows. In trema is elected as the leader.
Section 2 we discuss related work. We describe SEFA and
SPLEA in detail in Section 3 and also discuss their proper-
ties. In Section 4, we present an overview of AEFA and its 3 Secure Distributed Leader Election
properties. Finally, in Section 5 we present our conclusions Algorithms
and agenda for future work.
In this section, we describe two secure election algorithms,
SEFA and SPLEA, for secure leader election. Each of these
algorithms adopts a hierarchical round-based approach in
2 Related Work which a leader is elected in a bottom-up fashion. Dur-
ing round one, candidate-nodes compete with their one-hop
Many algorithms for leader election, clustering, and hierar- neighbors. During the second round, the winners from the
chy construction have been proposed. Leader election al- first round compete with the other round-one winners that
gorithms for mobile ad hoc networks have been proposed are two-hops away. These rounds continue until a single
in [6, 10, 7]. But the algorithms in [6, 10] do not con- leader is elected.
sider security issues and are not extrema-finding algorithms. The fundamental difference between our two algorithms
The leader election algorithms proposed in [7], although is that SEFA assumes that all elector-nodes share a single,
extrema-finding, are not suitable to the applications we dis- common evaluation function that returns the same “value”
cussed earlier because they require nodes to move and ex- at any elector-node when applied to a given candidate-node.
change information with other nodes in order to elect a SEFA also requires that the parameters used to select the
leader. leader in each round remain constant. Thus, the “goodness”
The clustering/hierarchy construction proposals in [9, 11, of a node is independent of time. SPLEA supports a het-
12, 13] use a bottom-up approach that we have adapted for erogeneous decision model in which different elector-nodes

may have different preferences for a leader. For example, region) to the node’s identity. This certificate is ob-
if topological distance is taken as a metric for determining tained from a trusted Group Authority (GA), as de-
a node’s preference among candidate-nodes, each elector- scribed later. These latter certificates may change from
node might well have a different view of the “value” of each one election to the next, but remain constant (and valid)
candidate-node. In SPLEA, individual utility functions at during a given election.
each elector-node determine the elector-node’s preference 6. Reliability and Survivability: Participating nodes are
for a given candidate-node, and (loosely speaking) SPLEA reliable and do not fail during the election process.
serves to aggregate individual elector-node preferences into Furthermore, no messages are lost or delayed due to
a single, system-wide choice of a leader. buffering or other performance problems at the re-
7. Asymmetric links: The communication links in the ad
3.1 Objectives, Constraints, and Assump- hoc network may or may not be bi-directional.
8. Network Topology: Although, nodes can be mobile
In developing our secure election algorithms for wireless before and after the election, it is assumed that the net-
networks, we must first define the security objectives and work topology remains static for the duration of elec-
related assumptions. Foremost, we assume that malicious tion.
nodes have the capacity to “snoop” on a conversation and
to corrupt messages. However, they cannot delete messages
from the network. That is, message loss can be detected.
The goal of the proposed algorithms is to efficiently elect 3.2 Secure Extrema Finding Algorithm
a leader without allowing a legitimate (but malicious) par- (SEFA)
ticipant to change or disrupt the election process. We make
the following assumptions about the nodes and the system SEFA is an extrema-finding algorithm in which all nodes use
architecture: a Common Election Algorithm (CEA) to determine their re-
spective votes. Specifically, we define the CEA as a map-
1. Unique and Ordered Node IDs: All nodes have ping, f, from  decision factors, X  , that are associated with
unique identifiers. These are used to construct certifi- node  into the real numbers (f :  
 ) such that the
cates and establish secure communications. They are larger the CEA value, the more “desirable” the node is as
also used to identify participants during the election a leader. Decision factors might include node identity, bat-
process. Also, node IDs are ordered and therefore use- tery life, or level-of-trust. It is important to note that since
ful in breaking ties during election. all elector-nodes use the same CEA, all elector-nodes will
compute the same CEA value for a given candidate node.
2. Clock Synchronization: The clocks of all nodes in As we will see, SEFA securely elects the node with the
the network are synchronized. This is used to prevent
maximum CEA value as the leader. We emphasise that the
replay attacks.
list of decision factors is defined based on the selected al-
3. Secure Node-to-Node Communications: Each node gorithm (or class of algorithms in the case of SPLEA) and
i has a (public-key,private-key) pair ( , ) that can the number/format of decision factors is chosen accordingly
be used to securely establish a communication link be- and agreed upon by all nodes prior to the start of election.
tween any two nodes. The public key is considered SEFA uses four message types : ELECTION, OK, PAR-
shared information and is available to all members of ENT and LEADER. The various fields in each message and
the domain. message security are discussed in detail in [21]. The vari-
ous actions and states taken by an elector node are shown
4. Reliable Node-to-Node Communications: The ad in the finite state machine in Figure 1. Each of the states is
hoc network is modeled as a discrete time system
where a node takes one time unit to deliver a packet described below:
reliably to its immediate neighbor. 

Initialization State: At the start of the election process,

5. Node Certificates: Each node has two certificates. node i initializes Winner, a boolean variable, to true.
The first certificate is a one-time certificate that binds This variable reflects i’s candidacy status and is true as
the node’s identity with its public key and static charac- long as i is still a candidate during algorithm execution.
teristics such as its trust-level, processing capabilities,
etc. This certificate is available from a Trust Author-

Election State: The Election state corresponds to the

ity (TA) that is well known to all nodes. The second
beginning of a new round of an election. During round
certificate is shorter-term, and binds dynamic charac-
, when in the Election State, a node broadcasts an
teristics of a node (e.g., the density of nodes in its ELECTION message to all nodes that are hops or

Initialization State parent and sends an OK message to i. If w = i, then i
Winner True
does not have to choose a parent and therefore enters
the Adoption State. In the event of a tie, a tie-breaking
mechanism such as node with maximum identifier, is
used. The OK message originated by i contains a cer-
Election State Parent
k=k+1 Nomination State tificate that binds i’s identity with that of its parent.
send "ELECTION" Vi,k T_e timeout
W = TOP(Buff)
start timer T_e = A*k if (i <> W) send "OK" W
This certificate is signed using i’s private key. As be-
Rcv "ELECTION" from
other nodes in Buff Winner False
fore, a hash of the message is computed and signed
using i’s private key. Since i is no longer a candidate
T_p timeout in the election, it sets its variable Winner to false. Even
Winner = True
though i is no longer a candidate, i could have been
chosen as the parent of some other node. In order to
Parent/Decision State Adoption State
receive their OK messages, i enters the Adoption State.
T_o timeout start timer T_o = B* k
send "PARENT" to all nodes from
which "OK" received Rcv "OK" from children-to-be
start timer T_p = C*k Add children to set I_i of

Adoption State: In this state, a node waits for OK mes-

its immediate children
T_p timeout
sages from its children-to-be. All parent-child relation-
and k=L ships in the hierarchy are established in this state. Ev-
ery node i maintains a list,   , of its immediate children
Winner = False
Wait State Leader State
Wait for "LEADER" message send "LEADER" to every
On receiving "LEADER", forward to node in I_i in the hierarchy and adds nodes in this list as it receives
every node in I_i , if no exceptions Wait for all nodes to receive
"LEADER" message. OK messages from them.
Node i starts a timer  on entering this state, waiting
for OK messages from its potential children. Upon re-
Terminal State
ceipt of an OK message, i adds the originator of the
End of election
OK message to the set of its immediate children,   .
On expiration of   , i enters Parent/Decision State.

Figure 1: Finite State Machine diagram of SEFA.   de- Parent/Decision State: In this state, i sends a PARENT

notes the set of all nodes k hops away or less from node message to every node from which it received an OK
i message. It starts a timer  for its PARENT message
to reach its children and also for receiving a PARENT
message from its parent. Following expiration of  , i
evaluates its candidacy status and determines an appro-
less from node  and starts a timer  that is propor-
priate course of action. If the boolean variable Winner
tional to . This timer interval ensures that node i col- is still true and if L rounds of election are not yet over,
lects ELECTION messages from all other candidates it means that i is still a candidate in the election and
whose distance to i is k or less. Node  ’s ELECTION so i loops back to Election State to participate in the
message contains the values of the decision factors, X  , next round. If Winner has already been set to false, i
that are needed by the CEA to calculate f(X  ). The de- goes to Wait State. If L rounds are over and the boolean
cision factors X  include the factors that are signed ei- variable Winner is still true, i enters the Leader State.
ther by the TA or GA and those that have to be taken on
trust. Before sending an ELECTION message, the en-

Leader State: This state marks the end of all of the

tire message is hashed and the hash is signed using  ’s election rounds. Node i first verifies that all nodes
private key to protect message integrity. On expiration with which it competed in round L have sent an OK
of   , i enters state the Parent Nomination state. message, accepting i as their parent. If this is not the
case, i broadcasts an exception message to ensure that

Parent Nomination State: On receiving advertise- some other node does not maliciously declare itself the
ments from other candidate nodes, a node must deter- leader after the Lth round.
mine the node that it prefers from among those from Following this, i sends a LEADER message to all other
whom it has received an ELECTION message. This nodes, declaring itself the leader. This is done either
is done via the TOP function in Figure 1. This func- by distributing the LEADER message down the par-
tion computes f(X  ) of every node i from which it re- ent/child hierarchy, or by a broadcast to all nodes. In
ceived an ELECTION message using X  , and returns the former case, i sends the LEADER message to its
w =  
   f(X  ), i.e. the node with maximum CEA immediate children in   which in turn forward the
value. If w is a node different from i, i accepts w as its LEADER message to their immediate children, and so

on, until all nodes in the hierarchy receive the LEADER I

message. If none of the recipients of the LEADER mes-

sage report an exception within a finite time interval, i Round 2

becomes the leader of the group.

Wait State: In this state, i simply waits for a LEADER B E I K

message from the eventual leader. Upon receipt of a

LEADER message, i checks to see if the proclaiming B Round 1 E I K
leader is not already its child and only forwards the
LEADER message to its immediate children if it is not.
If the proclaiming leader is a child of i, then  broad- A B C D E F G H I J K L M

casts an exception alerting other members of a mali-

cious attack. After entering the Wait State, if i does Figure 3: Hierarchy constructed on execution of SEFA
not hear a LEADER message for a finite time interval,
i will broadcast an exception.

To illustrate the operation of SEFA, consider the net- SEFA elects the node with the maximum CEA value as
work shown in Figure 2. Each node has a unique iden- the leader, a result discussed in Section 4 and proven in Ap-
tifier followed by a bracketed number indicating its CEA pendix B. Intuitively, at every round high CEA-value nodes
value, and links are assumed to be bi-directional. During are propagated up the hierarchy. It is easy to see that the
the first round, node C receives decision factors from nodes CEA value of any node is greater than all of its descendants.
A, B, and D. Calculating their corresponding CEA values Since the leader is the root of the hierarchy, its CEA value
and comparing, node C selects node B as its parent, and is the highest of all of its descendants. We also prove that
send an OK message to B. Similarly, A and B also select B this algorithm prevents malicious nodes, that do not send
as their parent. The final hierarchy resulting from execution the required OK messages but continue to participate in the
of SEFA on graph of Figure 2 is shown in Figure 3. At the election process, from being elected leader.
end of round 1, nodes B,E,I and K are eligible to compete in
round 2. At the end of round 2, I is the only surviving node. 3.3 Secure Preference-based Leader Election
Algorithm (SPLEA)
H(6) J(5) Under SEFA, nodes share a common CEA and thus view
C(5) L(2)

the “desirability” of a candidate node identically. Our sec-
ond leader election algorithm, SPLEA, allows elector nodes
to have different views of the “desirability” of a candidate
node. We define elector node  ’s utility function,  , for a


candidate node, , as a mapping from the  decision fac-

B(7) F(4) G(8)
I(11) M(1) 
tors of node to the real numbers (  
 ). We
assume, without loss of generality, that the node with the
Figure 2: An example graph of an ad hoc network. Circles largest utility value from among a set of candidate nodes is
represent the mobile nodes and the edges between nodes the preferred leader from the perspective of node  .
indicate that the two nodes are directly connected to each We note that  ’s utility function is general in that no as-
other. sumption is made about the decision factors,  that  
passes to  . For example, one of the decision factors that
 might pass to  is the number of nodes for which it is cur-
Note that a node i may receive OK messages from other rently the parent in the SPLEA algorithm. This is a value
nodes, but itself have sent an OK message to some other 
that will change as is promoted up the leader-election hi-
node. In this case, i sends an PARENT message to the nodes erarchy.
that sent an OK message to it, but does itself not participate We note that while SEFA elects the leader with the largest
futher in the election, since it has already sent an OK mes- CEA value (and in that sense this node can be termed the
sage to another node. This situation is illustrated in Figure “optimal” leader), SPLEA does not elect an optimal leader.
3 - node B sends an OK messages to node E, while node Indeed, no global system-wide objective function has been
E itself sends an OK message to node I. According to the defined and hence the issue of optimality is itself not mean-
algorithm, node E will send a PARENT message to node B, ingful. A utility function simply represents the preferences
but will not participate any further in the election. of the individual nodes, and allows elector nodes to vote for

a candidate node that they prefer (via their utility function) ification. Each ELECTION message in SPLEA also
over other candidate nodes. The voting process serves to contains the list of descendants of node i as of round k,
aggregate individual elector node preferences into a system- maintained by i in the form of a list denoted by     .
wide decision for the elected leader. The extent to which the The list of descendants is in the form of a set of certifi-
elected leader is “good” (from a performance standpoint) cates - one for each of its descendants, thus allowing
or close to optimal (according to some meaningful system-  to prove to others that it is indeed an ancestor for
wide objective function) remains an open question for future each of its descendants. The inclusion of the list of  ’s
research. descendants in the ELECTION message allows other
nodes to consider this information in their evaluation
Initialization State of the utility of  .
Winner True

Voting State: In this state, every node chooses a node

other than itself (from the set of candidate nodes from
whom it has received an ELECTION message) that has
Election State
Nomination State
the highest utility, and then votes for that node. Infor-
send "ELECTION" Vi,k T_e timeout
start timer T_e = A*k
W = TOP(Buff)
if (i <> W) send "OK" W
mally, the goal of voting is to allow candidates with a
Rcv "ELECTION" from
other nodes in Buff Winner False large number of votes to proceed on to the next round
of the election.
T_p timeout
and Upon entering the Voting State, i executes a function
Winner = True
TOP that computes the utility of every node (from
whom it has received an ELECTION message) with re-
spect to i, using i’s utility function,  . If node  has
the highest utility, i sends a VOTE message indicating
Adoption State
w as the choice for its parent. This message is to be
Parent/Decision State
send "PARENT" to all nodes from
T_o timeout start timer T_o = B* k
Rcv "OK" from children-to-be
broadcast by i to all members from whom it received an
which "OK" received
start timer T_p = C*k Add children to set I_i of
its immediate children
ELECTION message, to assure them that it has made
T_p timeout a choice for its parent. This rule is enforced in order
Winner = False
to prevent nodes from refusing to cast their votes. The
Wait State Leader State VOTE message contains a digital signature that binds
i with its choice. A timer  is started to allow other
Wait for "LEADER" message send "LEADER" to every
On receiving "LEADER", forward to node in I_i
every node in I_i , if no exceptions Wait for all nodes to receive
"LEADER" message. competitor’s VOTE messages to reach i. Following the
expiration of this timer, i enters the Announce Votes
Terminal State
End of election

Announce Votes State: In this state, i first reports an

exception if it has not heard a VOTE from any of its
competitors, thus forcing nodes which refrained from
Figure 4: Finite State Machine diagram of SPLEA.   de- voting to cast their vote. Node i announces the votes
notes the set of all nodes k hops away or less from node i it has received from its competitors (i.e., those nodes
and    denotes the set of all nodes from which i received who chose  as their parent). An ANNOUNCE mes-
ELECTION message in round k sage is broadcast to all members from which i received
an ELECTION message, indicating the votes it has re-
ceived. The absence of an ANNOUNCE message from
SPLEA uses six message types : ELECTION, VOTE, AN- a competitor indicates that the competitor has received
NOUNCE, PARENT, OK and LEADER, each of which is no votes. Again, a timer  is started by i to collect
discussed in detail in [21]. The finite state machine diagram ANNOUNCE messages from other competitors. The
of SPLEA is shown in Figure 4. Each state in the state dia- expiration of timer   causes a transition to the Parent
gram is described below: Nomination State.

Initialization State: This state is identical to the SEFA

Parent Nomination State: As in SEFA, each node i

Initialization State described earlier. chooses its parent based on the vote count of each of
its competitors, choosing as its parent the node with the

Election state: This state is similar to the SEFA Elec- maximum number of votes. i sends an OK message to
tion State described earlier, with the following mod- that node accepting it as its parent and starts a timer   .

As in the case of the VOTE message, the OK message true if and only if nodes i and j receive each other’s ELEC-
is sent to all of its competitors. Upon expiration of   , TION messages in round k.
a competitor j of node i that has received more votes The properties of our algorithms have been divided into
than i will report an exception if it does not hear an OK two classes: correctness properties and security properties.
from i. Once an OK is sent, the Winner variable is set Correctness properties include those properties that are re-
to false and a transition to Adoption State is made. quired of a leader election algorithm regardless of security
aspects; the security properties specify the security claims

Adoption State: This state is identical to the SEFA that our algorithms satisfy. Properties C1-C3 and S1-S2 (be-
Adoption state described earlier. The only difference low) are proved in [21]. The correctness properties C1 and
from SEFA is that upon receipt of an OK message from C2 hold for both algorithms. Although while proving them
node j, i adds node j and all of j’s descendants (which we have used some specific details of SPLEA, the proof pro-
it knows from the ELECTION message) to the list     cedures will remain exactly the same and will differ only
of its descendants. in minor details when applied to SEFA. We leave it to the
reader to see how proofs for C1 and C2 can be applied to

Parent/Decision State: This state is identical to the SEFA as well. The properties C3 and S2 are specific to
SEFA Parent/Decision State described earlier.

Wait State: This state is identical to the SEFA Wait

State described earlier. 3.4.1 Correctness Properties

Leader State: This state is identical to the SEFA

The election algorithms elect a unique leader, under

Leader State described earlier. the assumption that the number of rounds (L) in the
election is at least as large as the diameter of the net-
3.4 Formal Specification and Verification of
Properties /54  (
  6# 7 (
 9: 8  
 # ;.<.

In this section, we state the correctness and security proper-

The proof shows that at the end of L rounds of election,
ties of SEFA and SPLEA, proofs of which are in [21]. The
if there is a surviving candidate then every other node
proofs make use of linear-time temporal logic.
is in the failed state i.e., is no longer in contention to
A temporal formula consists of predicates, boolean op- become the leader.
erators (     ), quantification operators ( 
and temporal operators like (’at every moment in the fu- 

The algorithms satisfy the liveness property that even-

ture’), (’eventually’), (’at some moment in the past’), tually there is a node i that is elected as the leader.

(’at every moment in the past’),  (’at next time instant’), More formally, we prove that :
(’until’),  (’unless’),  (’since’),  (’just’). If  and 
are arbitrary formulas, then  means  is true at every /1= > (

  6# ?.
moment in the future.  
 means  will be true at some
moment in the future.   means that  will eventually The liveness property is proved by showing that at the
be true and  will be contiunously true until that moment. end of L rounds of election there is at least one sur-
 is a “weak until” operator, i.e.  means that ei- viving candidate and in conjunction with property C1,
ther  holds indefinitely or   holds.  means that we infer that the algorithm indeed terminates electing
at every moment in the past  holds true.  means that a leader.
at some moment in the past  holds.  means that 
has been true at some moment in the past and  has been

SEFA elects a node with the maximum CEA value as

continuously true since that moment.  means that at the the leader. We show that :
next time instant  will hold true while  means that 
has just become true. In our proofs, we introduce another /!@  (
  6# 7 (
 A: 8 CB D 
B ;.E.
temporal operator  . Thus ! means that  was true at
some moment in the past after time " . This property is proved using a very similar reason-
Before formally specifying the properties of our algo- ing as for property C2. We show that at the end of
rithm, we introduce some notation. Let #  be a predicate L rounds, the maximum CEA-value node is still in
that evaluates to true if i is a leader and $%'&  
 +*-,). contention and every other node is in the failed state.
be a predicate that evaluates to true if node i sends msg to
Hence the leader is indeed the maximum CEA-value
node j in round k. The predicate /1012 1% 3%    . is

3.4.2 Security Properties if i competes with higher utility nodes and does not
send OK messages. This forms the basis of a cheat-
The algorithms that we propose are for secure election and
proof election in SEFA.
the biggest challenge in designing such an algorithm is

to ensure a cheat-proof election mechanism across a dis- $ =  (
     3: 8  /1012
1% 3%
B  D
tributed system of nodes. In this section, we state the var- B .   $% &   0  .   # .
ious security properties of our algorithms. Some of these
properties are formally proved, while the others are obvious This property is shown by proving that maximum
(though no less important) and we state them for sake of CEA-value node, say w, will be a candidate in round
completeness. L and all nodes have to compete with one another in
round L. Hence if the malicious node does not send an

The algorithms guarantee the integrity of every mes- OK message accepting w as its parent in round L, w
sage. This is facilitated by hashing the message con- will report an exception.
tents and signing the hash using the sender’s private
key. This allows the recipient of the message to verify
the signature by using the sender’s public key which 4 Asynchronous Extrema Finding
is also sent in the message. Hence if a malicious in-
tervening node tries to corrupt a message from some
Algorithm (AEFA)
other node, it will be detected by the recipient. Also if
The secure leader election algorithms discussed in Section 3
the integrity of the message is verified, then the source assume a synchronous network in which nodes remain static
of the message is also verified. This is because only
for the duration of election. In this section, we discuss the
the source knows its private key and hence the signa-
Asynchronous Extrema-Finding Algorithm (AEFA). Unlike
ture must have been generated by the source only and
SEFA and SPLEA, AEFA is a non-secure election algo-
no one else.
rithm, but allows the topology to change during the process

All messages in the algorithms are replay protected. of election itself. Networks can partition or merge because
In each message, the sender is required to include the of node movement. Like SEFA, however, AEFA assumes
time when the message is originated. Since all nodes that each node has an associated CEA value and guarantees
have synchronized clocks, a recipient of a message can that after a finite number of topological changes, a unique
determine whether a message is recent or not. leader is elected that has the maximum CEA value from
among all nodes in its network. This algorithm belongs to

The election algorithms are cheat-proof. We show that the class of self-stabilizing algorithms [20] and uses diffus-
a node i that sends an OK message in any round k can ing computations [8] for leader election. Informally, self-
never get elected as the leader. This property means stabilizing algorithms are those algorithms that can start in
that our algorithms prevent nodes from cheating once any arbitrary state and are guaranteed to converge to a sta-
they lose in a round. ble state in a finite time. We have shown that starting from

( ( a restricted set of states (and not from any arbitrary state),
$ 4    &    
0 .   # . AEFA converges to a stable state in finite time. Hence
AEFA can be thought to be “weakly” self-stabilizing. Also,
This property is proved by showing that if a node that AEFA is terminating, i.e. upon reaching the stable state all
sent an OK message in a certain round k, but competes its program actions are disabled. Before presenting the de-
in the Lth round and survives that round, its LEADER tails of our algorithm, we note that self-stabilizing leader
message will reach all nodes in the hierarchy including election algorithms have been studied in [15, 17, 18]. But all
its parent in round k, which will report an exception. of these algorithms assume a shared-memory model in con-
Moreover, in SPLEA, we make it compulsory for trast to a message-passing system of interest here. When ex-
nodes to send an OK message when they encounter tended to a message-passing system, these algorithms can-
competitors with higher number of votes. As de- not be both self-stabilizing and terminating [16].
scribed in Section 3, every node monitors its competi-
tor closely and reports exceptions as and when a ma-
4.1 Objectives, Constraints and Assumptions
licious behavior is noticed. Since there is no enforce-
ment mechanism in SEFA for nodes to send OK mes- In developing an asynchronous leader election algorithm,
sages, a malicious node might not send an OK message we first define our system model, assumptions, and goal.
even after encountering a node with higher CEA value. Our ad hoc network is a multihop, wireless network of mo-
We show that if a node i is not the maximum CEA- bile nodes and is modeled as an undirected graph dynam-
value node, then i cannot get elected as the leader even ically changing over time as nodes move. The vertices

in the graph correspond to mobile nodes and an edge be- by Dijkstra and Scholten [8]. In this section, we provide
tween a pair of nodes represents the fact that the two nodes an overview of AEFA. Formal specification and a detailed
are within each other’s transmission radii and, hence, can discussion of the algorithm can be found in [22].
directly communicate with one another. The graph can
become disconnected if the network is partitioned due to
node movement. We make the following assumptions about 4.3 Overview
nodes and system architecture: We first describe our election algorithm in the context of
a static network, under the assumption that nodes and links
1. Unique and Ordered Node IDs: All nodes have
unique identifiers. They are used to identify partici- never fail. We assume that nodes have unique identifiers and
pants during the election process and also to break ties that all links are bidirectional. Like SEFA, we assume that
during election. all nodes have a Common Evaluation Algorithm (CEA), f,
that maps the  decision factors, X  , that are associated
2. Links: Links are bidirectional and FIFO, i.e., links do with node  into the real numbers (f :  
 ). As we
not reorder packets. will see, AEFA elects a leader with maximum CEA value.
3. Node Behavior: Nodes can crash arbitrarly at any The algorithm operates by first “growing” and then “shrink-
time and can come back up again at any time. Node ing” a spanning tree that is rooted at the node that initiates
crashes are implicitly modeled in our election algo- the algorithm. A node initiates the algorithm in response to
rithm as a node becoming disconnected from the net- a trigger indicating that it has become disconnected from its
work. The addition of a new node or the reboot leader. We refer to this computation-initiating node as the
of a previously down node is implicitly modeled by source node. When the spanning tree shrinks completely,
new link formations with its neighbors. When a node the source node will have adequate information to determine
restarts after a crash, the election process in that node the node with maximum CEA value and will then broadcast
is bootstrapped again.
the identifier of this node to the rest of the nodes in the net-
4. Reliable Node-to-Node Communications: Commu- work.
nication between nodes takes place using a reliable The algorithm uses three messages.
transport protocol. When a node sends a packet to an-
other node, the sender knows whether or not the packet 

Election. Election messages are used to “grow” the

has been received by the recipient. spanning tree. Upon detecting leader departure, the
5. Partition Detection: There is a mechanism that in- source node, s, will start a diffusing computation by
dicates whether a node is disconnected from another sending an ELECTION message to each of its imme-
node. Examples of such a mechanism include polling diate neighbors, denoted by the set & . Each node,
and heartbeats. i, other than the source, will designate the neighbor
from which it first receives an ELECTION message as
6. Local Connectivity Information: Each node knows its parent in the spanning tree. The parent of node i
is denoted by the variable  . Upon setting its par-
its current list of neighbors. In reality, each node will 

discover its neighboring nodes, e.g., by having each

node periodically broadcasting a beacon message to its ent pointer, node i will propagate the received Election
immediate neighbors. message to all its neighboring nodes (children) except
its parent.
7. Buffer Size: Each node has a large enough receive
buffer so to always avoid buffer overflows. 

Ack. When node  receives an ELECTION message

from a neighbor that is not its parent, it immediately
The objective of our leader election algorithm is to ensure responds with an ACK message. Node  will not imme-
that: diately return an ACK message to its parent. Instead,
“after a finite number of topological changes, it node  will maintain a “pending ACK” for its parent,
holds that eventually each node i has a leader which it will send only after it has received an ACK
which is the maximum identity node among all from all of its children. As we will see shortly, the
nodes in the connected component to which i be- ACK message sent by  to its parent will contain leader-
longs.” election information based on the ACK messages  has
received from its children.

4.2 The AEFA Leader Election Algorithm Once the spanning tree is completely grown via propa-
gated ELECTION messages, the spanning tree starts
Our leader election algorithm is based on the classical “shrinking” back towards the source. Specifically,
termination-detection algorithm for diffusing computations once all of  ’s outgoing ELECTION messages have

(5) (3)
been acknowledged, i will send its pending ACK mes-
sage to its parent,  . Tree “shrinkage” begins at the


leaves of the spanning tree, which are parents to no (3)

other node. Eventually, each leaf will receive ACK
messages for all ELECTION messages it has sent.
B (7) (4) F B F
These leaves will thus eventually send their pending
(a) (b)
ACK messages to their respective parents, who in turn
will send their pending ACK messages to their own par- C D C D
ents and so on, until the source node receives all of its
pending ACK messages. In a pending ACK message, A A
a node announces to its parent the node with maxi-
mum CEA value among all its downstream nodes, in- B F B
cluding itself. The CEA value of that node is also in- (c) (d)
cluded. Hence the source node will eventually have
sufficient information to determine the node with max- C D C D
"C(5)" "B"
imum CEA value from among all nodes in the network,
since the spanning tree spans all network nodes. A A

Leader. Once the source node for a computation has "B(7)"

received ACKs from all of its children, it then broad- (e) (f)
casts a LEADER message to all nodes announcing the
identity of the leader. Figure 5: An execution of leader election algorithm based
on Dijkstra-Scholten termination detection algorithm. Ar-
Let us illustrate a sample execution of the algorithm. We rows on the edges indicate transmitted messages, while ar-
describe the algorithm in a somewhat synchronous manner rows parallel to the edges indicate parent pointers.
even though all the activities are in fact asynchronous. Con-
sider the network shown in Figure 5. For reasons of sim-
plicity, we only consider a part of the network shown in
Figure 2. ple, we chose distinct CEA values for each node. In reality,
The bracketed numbers denote the CEA values of the ad- two or more nodes can have the same CEA value and node
joining nodes. In this example, node A is the source node IDs can be used to break ties during election.
and starts a diffusing computation by sending out ELEC- Although we described AEFA using a static network ex-
TION messages to its immediate neighbors, viz. nodes C ample, AEFA can handle topological changes. In fact, it can
and B, shown in Figure 5(a). As indicated in Figure 5(b), tolerate arbitrary (but finite) number of multiple, concurrent
nodes C and B set their parent pointers to point to node A topological changes during the election process. Further-
and in turn propagate an ELECTION message to all their more, more than one node can concurrently start a diffusing
neighbors except their parent nodes. Hence B and C send computation in response to a leader departure. Eventually,
ELECTION messages to one another. These ELECTION after topological changes stop, AEFA guarantees that each
messages are immediately acknowledged since nodes B and connected component of the ad hoc network has a unique
C have already received ELECTION messages from their leader and this leader is the maximum-CEA node in that
respective parents. Note that the immediate acknowledg- connected component. A detailed description of AEFA is
ments are not shown in the figure. In Figure 5(c), a com- available in [22].
plete spanning tree is built. In Figure 5(d), the spanning
tree starts “shrinking” as nodes D and F send their pending
ACK messages to their respective parent nodes in the span- 4.4 Formal Verification of AEFA
ning tree. Each of these ACK messages contains not only
the identity of the node with maximum CEA value among As for SEFA and SPLEA, we have verified the correctness
the nodes downstream to nodes D and F (in this case the of AEFA using linear-time temporal logic. The proofs of
nodes themselves, since they are the leaves of the tree) but correctness are available in [22]. In this section, we use
also the actual CEA value of the node with maximum CEA the same notation that we used in Section 3.4. that start-
value. Eventually, the source A hears pending acknowledg- ing at any state that satisfies predicate  and assuming a fi-
ments from both B and C in Figure 5(e) and then broadcasts nite number of topological changes, the LeaderElection al-
the identity of the leader i.e., B which has the maximum gorithm is guaranteed to reach, within a finite number of
CEA value as shown in Figure 5(f). Note that in this exam- steps, a state satisfying the state predicate , where

( (
 C,> B   , :
 : B 

   (     8 :    

message. Each node, upon receipt of a LEADER message,
   : computes the CEA value of the leader and compares it with
   .   8  .  its own CEA value. If its CEA value is greater than that of
and , B 

represents the boolean guard of action from  the announced leader, the node broadcasts an exception thus
preventing a malicious node from taking over as the leader.
the algorithm specification and f represents the Common We are currently investigating other possible solutions to
Evaluation Algorithm (CEA). Without loss of generality, incorporate security into AEFA, as also to extend AEFA to
the proofs in [22] assume the CEA value of a node is chosen handle preference-based election. In our future work, we
to be the id of that node. would also like to study the performance of AEFA through
The predicate  captures the arbitrary failures that can oc- simulation.
cur in the system and which can affect the correctness and
termination of the election algorithm. Since is a stable
predicate, the LeaderElection algorithm is said to be  sta-
bilizing to or  . ! 5 Conclusions
The proof of this result is divided into two parts:

Safety Property: If diffusing computations stop in the In this paper, we have proposed two new algorithms for se-
network, then eventually all nodes will have a unique cure leader election in wireless ad hoc networks. SEFA as-
leader which is the node with maximum CEA value in sumes that all elector-nodes share a single common evalu-
the network. More formally we prove that, ation algorithm that returns the same value at any elector-

:        :  node when applied to a given candidate-node. We showed

    " (#
8  . 
  : that SEFA elects the leader with the maximum CEA value.
 .   8 .
    The Secure Preference-based Leader Election Algorithm
(SPLEA) deals with the case that each elector node has an

Progress Property: We also show that eventually there individual utility function that determines its preference for
are no more diffusing computations in the network. a given candidate-node. We formally specified and proved

the correctness and security properties of SEFA and SPLEA
  . using temporal logic. We have also analysed the messaging,
and encryption and decryption costs incurred by SEFA and

Termination Property: Eventually the algorithm ter- SPLEA in [21].

minates i.e. none of the program actions are enabled. We note that while SEFA elects the leader with the largest
CEA value (and in that sense might be termed an “opti-
The Safety and Progress properties together ensure that the
system satisfies the property  . The Termination prop- ! mal” leader), SPLEA has no well-defined system-wide ob-
jective function, and hence the issue of optimality is it-
erty is achieved as a by-product of the Safety and Progress
self not meaningful. The SPLEA voting process serves to
aggregate the individual preferences of elector nodes (as
expressed through their individual utility functions) into a
4.5 Security in AEFA system-wide decision for the elected leader. The extent
We have not yet addressed the security properties of AEFA. to which the elected leader is “good” (from a performance
As we observed earlier, secure election algorithms are standpoint) or close to optimal (according to some meaning-
needed for applications based on secure group communi- ful system-wide objective function) remains an open ques-
cations. A first-cut solution to incorporating security in tion for future research.
AEFA is by assuming each node to have a public key- The secure algorithms we have described are synchro-
private key pair as before. Each node obtains certificates nized and proceed in a lockstep fashion. We relaxed these
from GA(Group Authority) and TA(Trust Authority), that assumptions in AEFA. AEFA is an asynchronous extrema-
bind the node’s credentials with its identity. As in SEFA finding algorithm. It can tolerate arbitrary topological
and SPLEA, message integrity and authenticity is guaran- changes and eventually elects a leader with maximum CEA
teed by computing a hash over the entire message and sign- value.
ing the hash with the node’s private key. The CEA value While SEFA and SPLEA have proven security properties,
of a node is computed from its certificates. Each node, in their applicability in a realistic setting is limited by their
its ACK message to its parent, includes the certificates of assumptions. In a practical setting, asynchronous election
a downstream node with maximum CEA value. Eventu- algorithms are used. In applications where security is not
ally, the initiator of the computation announces the leader a concern, AEFA can be used. However, for secure group
and includes the certificates of the leader in the LEADER applications a secure version of AEFA will be needed.

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