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TExES Competencies

Competency 001: The teacher understands human developmental processes and applies this
knowledge to plan instruction and ongoing assessment that motivate students and are responsive
to their developmental characteristics and needs.
Summary: The teacher has broad knowledge of the phases of development that typically occur
during early childhood development. They also know how receptive the students are to certain
methods of instruction and learning during each period of development. They understand that
development in each period is influenced by and influences others. The teacher understands that
every student will learn at different paces.

Competency 002: The teacher understands student diversity and knows how to plan learning
experiences and design assessments that are responsive to differences among students and that
promote all students’ learning.
Summary: The teacher comprehends that their classroom will be made up of diversity. They
understand that not all of their students will be of the same race, gender, cultural and religious
backgrounds. The teacher should be able to teach to incorporate diversity into each lesson so that
no student feels left out.

Competency 003: The teacher understands procedures for designing effective and coherent
instruction and assessment based on appropriate learning goals and objectives.
Summary: The teacher uses assessment information in order to help identify realistic
expectations in various settings. They also use this information to create individualized programs
and support ongoing reviews. Furthermore, the teacher demonstrates knowledge of the needs of
individual students.

Competency 004: The teacher understands learning processes and factors that impact student
learning and demonstrates this knowledge by planning effective, engaging instruction and
appropriate assessments.
Summary: The teacher has knowledge of the basic terminology and statistics used in an
evaluation. They know the procedures used in standardized assessment instruments and how to
use evaluation materials based on individual student needs. The teacher knows how to score the
evaluation instruments accurately and maintains reports according to state guidelines.

Competency 005: The teacher knows how to establish a classroom climate that fosters learning,
equity and excellence and uses this knowledge to create a physical and emotional environment
that is safe and productive.
Summary: The teacher should build positive educator to student relationships as well as positive
educator to parent relationship. The teacher should understand that classroom arrangement needs
to have a positive effect on the students. For example, class themes can create group identity.

Competency 006: The teacher understands strategies for creating an organized and productive
learning environment and for managing student behavior.
Summary: The teacher understands that an organized classroom allows the students get into a
routine. The teacher understands the importance of a schedule that balances rest times as well as
active periods and manages time so that they are maximizing student learning. They are also
aware of appropriate behavior and expectations for students at various developmental stages. The
teacher also uses effective procedures for managing and promoting appropriate behavior and
work ethic.

Competency 007: The teacher understands and applies principles and strategies for
communicating effectively in varied teaching and learning objectives.
Summary: The teacher fully comprehends the curriculum and knows how effectively teach it to
their students. The teacher can teach through a variety of methods to accommodate their
students. For instance, teaching with visual aids, incorporating group activities, class
discussions, and resourceful books.

Competency 008: The teacher provides appropriate instruction that actively engages students in
the learning process.
Summary: The teacher interactively strives to touch the minds every individual in their class
while making sure they understand the curriculum. They engage in the involvement of student
interactions while learning and incorporate an effective motivational learning atmosphere.

Competency 009: The teacher incorporates the effective use of technology to plan, organize,
deliver and evaluate instructions for all students.
Summary: The teacher has background knowledge of the current technology and understand the
issues related to the use of technology. They know how to use task-appropriate tools and
procedures and can communicate information via different formats. The teacher knows how to
incorporate technology and knows how to evaluate the students technology projects.

Competency 010: The teacher monitors student performance and achievements; provides
students with timely, high-quality feedback; and responds flexibly to promote learning for all
Summary: The teacher is observant of the students’ progress. They provide the students with
feedback that will inform them where they are academically. The teacher is flexible to various
situations and can adjust instructional approaches based on ongoing assessments of student’s

Competency 011: The teacher understands the importance of family involvement in children's
education and know how to interact and communicate effectively with parents.
Summary: The teacher closely incorporates and informs the students’ parents with their
academic progress. They interact and communicate regularly via email, conference calls, and
meetings. The teacher encourages the family’s involvement with their students’ educational

Competency 012: The teacher enhances professional knowledge and skills by effectively
interacting with other members of the professional community and participating in various types
of professional activities.
Summary: The teaching continuously expands their knowledge as a professional. They
understand the importance of leadership roles within their district. The teacher reaches out to the
surrounding communities and professional colleagues to contribute value to their district
community. Also, they understand the importance of self-reflection and developmental
resources, such as receiving help from teachers, mentors, and attending workshops.

Competency 013: The teacher understands and adheres to legal and ethical requirements for
educators and is knowledgeable of the structure of education in Texas.
Summary: The teacher is fully aware of their legal rights and the state of Texas requirements
established for an educator. They understand the importance of confidentiality with students and
faculty members. Also, the teacher knows who to approach in a situation involving an educator
or the student body.

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