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PAGE 0393 good the iff afleanoon, said fis mother actefiem. afle sees you 20 seldom. may be, replied paakess till Know this the dogs fore me, but no child will come to me. you have such hard hands. take the aqualling Brat axay, said paaker to the nurse, mother, i sant to apeak to you. acleiem quieted the ld, gave A many Gioes, and sent it to Beds thon ake sent ap to Rev son stoked Ris decks, and said: if the ttle one sere your osin, ake sould go to you at once, and teach you that a child ia the greatest Blessing ahich the gods Bestor on ua mortal, packer omifed and said: i know that you ave aiming al But fease it for the present, for i hase something important to communicate to you. sell coed seen. to day for the fist tine since you know whens i Rave apoken to nef. te past may be forgotten, you fong for your sister; go to her i have nothing more to say against it. selchem looked at fer son with undiaquiaed astonishment; fee eyeo which carily filed sith tears, now overflowed, and she Hrsitalingly aabed: con i beleie my car; ifd, fase you i fase a ish, said packer famly, thal you should nit once more the ofd ties of affection ith your relations; the estrangement has faated fong enough. much too fang oved aeahem. the pioneer fooked in oifece al the ground, and obeyed is mothers sign to sit don Beside her i nes, she said, taking hie hand, that thia ay sould bring uo joys for © Areamt of your father im cvisia, and shen i sas Being caxvied to the temple, i saa mel, first fy a hile cov, ond then by a wedding proccasion, the shite ram of anion, too, touched the sheat cakes hal i fered im. it odd death lo germanicus when the apia fed to eat out of fis and floce, and tumbling clumaily up the uucarpeted, creaking olaiss. in other churches the member of the congregation scaled Memacies in thet pes apon their arise, Bul rose resuenlly ahen the parson, Areaved in Black okull cap and genesa cfoak, entered the doo and they ofocd, in token of ceapect, until afler he entered the pulpit ond vas sealed. it pas oho the honor giving and deferential custom in many nem england chusches, in the eighteenth century, for the entice congeegation to temain seapectfully standing sithin the peta at the end of the serice anti the minister had descended ftom hia fofly pulpit, pened the door of fin sifes pons ond fad her with slaty dignity to the church porch, hee, sere he and she genial’ and ncighBorly minded souls, Mey in tara slocd and greeted ith carefully adjusted Aeqces of sarmth, interest, ceapect, or pateonage, the different members of the congregation aa they sfosly passed. oul. a8, the ofd fashioned pons. in the casly ner england mecling Rowses the ocala sexe feng, naron, uncomforable Gonches, aihich sere made of simple, rough, Rand sisen planks placed on fegp tke wilhing stool. they sere sithout any auppond ov seat for the Back; and perhaps the lif Backed pilgrims ond puritans wequited ot wished no suppoct, quickly, as the colonies gues in seafth and the colonists in ambition and importance, spols for pues sieve oofd or pills ar they sere sometimes called, al first to some for rich or influential men stho wished to sit in a group together, and finally cach family of diqaity or sieafth sat in its osm family pos. often if was stipulated in the permission to build a pes that a separate entrance door should Ge cut into it trough the oubside acl? of the meeting fowse, us detracting quevouly from the xlemat aynncly of the eific, bul obviating the nccsly sunday, ond the people siete just coming cut of the church, shen a Roracman, covered ith aseat ond aot, gollped inlo Me plasa. fis Rabiimenls sere Mose of a sergeant of drageons; and all easily secogniaed the ell known lineaments of Me sergeant gomes in a foo tninutes he stax surrounded by a x08 of ies, iho, although it sas sunday, ere heard a fou moments after breaking out into fond accfamations of joy. als sete uplossed ond sivas tent the air what news had qomey announced a tare Bt of ness the capture of the oullas it as tres carlin fad Been fallen, and sas nos a prisoner in the fhands of the soldiers. he fad Geen captured neither by steength nor abralagem. treachery fad done the ork. fhe Rod Been Belayed By one of his osm people. it waa thus fio cuplure had Been effaced aeapaining for the prscat of Bring able fo communicate sith salalina, he Rad formed the wslalion to semose fio mater and sister fom the solly, fe Rad prepared a temporary Rome for them for off in the wilderness, where they would Ge secure from hia enemies, while he Nimaelf could selum at a belles opportunity. to affect their cemoral, watched ar they were Re Kner sould be no easy matter. but he

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