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A Classroom Action Research to the Eleventh Grade Students of SMA
Bhayangkari Sungai Raya in Academic Year 2011/2012

Sity Djuhariah, Clarry Sada, Dewi Novita

English Education Study Program, Teacher Training and Education Faculty
Tanjungpura University, Pontianak

Abstract: This research was aimed at investigating the improvement of students’

ability of reading comprehension of narrative text using the suggestopedia
method. The subject of this research was 40 students of the eleventh grade of
SMA Bhayangkari Sungai Raya. The researcher applied classroom action research
which has conducted into two cycles.
The finding showed that the students’ reading comprehension of narrative text
indicated the significant increase from the average score of reading
comprehension within the two cycles (cycle 1 and 2). In average score of test, the
achievement score was 63 for cycle 1 and 86 for cycle 2. From these results, this
research indicated that suggestopedia method can improve the students’ reading
comprehension of narrative text in teaching and learning process, particularly on
the aspect of finding the main ideas (moral value).

Key Word: Improving, Reading Comprehension, Narrative text, Suggestopedia


Abstrak: Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk melihat lebih jauh peningkatan

kemampuan siswa dalam reading comprehension terutama untuk teks naratif
menggunakan metode Suggestopedia. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan pada SMA
Bhayangkari Sungai Raya. Subyek dari penelitian ini adalah 40 orang siswa kelas
XI. Dalam melaksanakan penelitian ini, penulis menggunakan dua siklus (siklus 1
dan 2).
Hasil temuan menunjukan bahwa pemahaman membaca siswa untuk teks naratif
mengindikasikan peningkatan yang signifikan untuk skor rata-rata pemahaman
membaca dimana diperoleh dalam dua siklus. Dalam skor rata-rata dari tes, skor
pencapaian yang diperoleh adalah 63 untuk tes siklus 1 dan 86 untuk tes siklus 2.
Dari hasil ini, penelitian ini mengindikasikan bahwa metode suggestopedia dapat
meningkatkan/memperbaiki pemahaman membaca siswa dalam teks naratif
khususnya pada aspek menemukan ide utama atau nilai moral dari sebuah teks

Kata Kunci : Meningkatkan, Kemampuan Membaca, Teks Naratif, Metode

S ome methods of communicative language teaching have been applied by
ome researchers in their research such as suggestopedia (Lazanov, 1982: 29),
reciprocal teaching (Rosenshine, 1996: 56) and KWL (Ogle, 1986: 39). These
methods were successfully to encourage the students to comprehend the text
because the students were given more opportunities to involve the process in order
to get the ideas of the text.
Based on the writer’s experience, many students have difficulties in reading
comprehension. They did not focus on what they read during the reading activity.
The classroom environment did not support them to read well. Many students also
look like getting bored to follow the classroom activity. As a result, the students’
reading comprehension achievement was not achieved to the minimum level of
achievement (MLA), 65.
Theoretically, the teacher should consider some aspects, such as the
students’ characteristics, and the students’ preference toward learning. It means
that in designing the material and preferring the method, the teacher should
understand the needs of the students in learning. As the writer’s own thought on
this matter, the students in this level need a new and interesting model of teaching,
which the teacher can modify the concept of learning that the students can involve
the process actively with a desirable achievement from the teaching learning
In other word, the considerations of students’ preferences in learning should
also be developed in order to achieve the standard and basic competency of
learning, particularly in reading comprehension of narrative text. Sometimes,
however, some teachers cannot pay more attention on how to make the classroom
environment with entertaining and relax. They even never support the teaching
process with background music that the students might feel better during the
learning process.
According to Lazanov (1982: 32), suggestopedia method is a method of
teaching that seeks to help learners eliminate psychological barriers to learning.
The learning environment is relaxed and subdued, with low lighting and soft
music in the background where the students just relax and listen to them being
read and later playfully practice the language during an “activation” phase. From
the idea of suggestopedia, the classroom environment will be set playfully and
enjoyable during the learning process. The effect of this way, the students might
feel relax in reading because they do not feel under pressure to learn in the
classroom. When the source of text is narrative, the students might enjoy reading
the text by having the comfortable classroom setting by hearing the back sound
music (the instrumental music) related to the story and the interesting activity
during the reading class.
In relation to this method and the students’ difficulties of reading
comprehension of narrative text, the writer intends to conduct a classroom action
research (CAR) to the eleventh students of SMA Bhayangkari using the
suggestopedia method.
Suggestopedia is a teaching method which is based on a modern
understanding of how the human brain works and how we learn most effectively.
It was developed by the Bulgarian doctor and psychotherapist Georgi Lozanov
(1982: 29). The term 'Suggestopedia', derived from suggestion and pedagogy, is
often used loosely to refer to similar accelerated learning approaches. However,
Lozanov reserves the title strictly for his own method, and he has his own training
and certification facilities. Suggestopedia was originally applied mainly in foreign
language teaching, and it is often claimed that it can teach languages
approximately three times as quickly as conventional methods.
According to Stevic (1980: 112), some of the key elements of
Suggestopedia include a rich sensory learning environment (pictures, colour,
music, etc.), a positive expectation of success and the use of a varied range of
methods: dramatized texts (texts contain the dialogues), music, active
participation in songs and games, etc.
In suggestopedia teaching method, sensory learning environment is need
because the students might feel better when the teacher include several pictures,
statues and even flowers in the classroom setting. Some background music should
be settled to complete the expected classroom setting of suggestopedia.
Suggestopedia adopts a carefully structured approach, using four main
stages as follows:
a) Presentation
A preparatory stage in which students are helped to relax and move into
a positive frame of mind, with the feeling that the learning is going to
be easy and fun.
b) First Concert - "Active Concert"
This involves the active presentation of the material to be learnt. For
example, in a foreign language course there might be the dramatic
reading of a piece of text, accompanied by Classical music.
c) Second Concert - "Passive Review"
The students are now invited to relax and listen to some Baroque music,
with the text being read very quietly in the background. The music is
specially selected to bring the students into the optimum mental state
for the effortless acquisition of the material.
d) Practice
The use of a range of games, puzzles, etc. to review and consolidate the
learning. In practicing the concept of suggestopedia method, the teacher
is expected to apply activities such as games.
According to Stevic (1980: 46), there are some aspects of suggestopedia
teaching method that is important to know for the teachers in using this method as
a) Goals
To learn, at accelerated pace, a foreign language for everyday
communication by tapping mental powers, overcoming psychological
b) Roles
Teacher has authority, commands trust and respect of students; teacher
“desuggests” negative feelings and limits to learning; if teacher
succeeds in assuming this role, students assume childlike role,
spontaneous and uninhibited.
c) Teaching/Learning Process
Students learn in a relaxed environment. They choose a new identity
(name, occupation) in the target language and culture. Each dialogue is
presented during two musical concerts; once with the teacher matching
his or her voice to the rhythm and pitch of the music while students
follow along. The second time, the teacher reads normally and students
relax and listen.
d) Interaction: Student-Teacher & Student-Student
At first, teacher initiates all interaction and students respond only
nonverbally or with a few words in target language that they have
practiced. Eventually, students initiate interaction.
e) Dealing with feelings
Great importance is placed on students' feelings, in making them feel
confident and relaxed, in “desuggesting” their psychological barriers.
f) View of Language, Culture
Language is one plane; nonverbal parts of messages are another.
Culture includes everyday life and fine arts.
g) Aspects of Language Emphasis
Vocabulary emphasizes some explicit grammar. Students focus on
communicative use rather than form; reading, writing also have place.
h) Role of Teacher’s Native Language
Translation clarifies dialogs' meaning; In starting the lesson, the teacher
is expected to show something that he can be the model to speak
English even though in a little time in order to encourage the students to
speak more in English.
i) Means for Evaluation
Students' normal in-class performance is evaluated. There are no tests,
which would threaten relaxed environment
j) Response to Students' Errors
Errors are not immediately corrected; teacher models correct forms later
during class.
By having these aspects, the use of suggestopedia teaching method will give
the important influences on the students’ readiness to learn and it also will give
the students the playful situation in learning. With suggestopedia method, the
students also might have relaxed situation and it is useful for their improvement of
getting the ideas during the reading activity.
Reading as one of the primary focus in this paper has been defined in
various statements by several experts. Formerly, Miles and Collogue in Marrioti
and Homan (2005: 27) stated that reading involves the identification and
recognition of printed or written symbols to build up meaning through past
experience and further the construction of new meaning are organized within
thought processes. Moreover, Richards, Plat and Webber in Chesla (2001: 46) say
that comprehension is the act or action of grasping an idea with the intellect
understanding.” In this theory, reading can be meaningful if the students can
comprehend the text well.
In addition, reading comprehension is the process of getting the information
from the written words. As Shaw in Marrioti and Homan argue the purposes of
reading comprehension as follows:1) to gain and understand accurate information
and ideas, 2) to recognize organization and style, 3) to interpret what is real in the
term of personal experience and 4) to analyze and evaluate.
There are some levels of comprehension in reading. In this case, levels
mean different depth of understanding, different analysis of what is meant. Smith
in Westwood (2001: 14) and Berry (2005: 23) states that there are four levels of
comprehension, they are:
1) Literal level: At the literal level the basic facts are understood. The
questions in literal level can be answered by reading the text at glance,
because it is usually directly stated in the text.
2) Inferential level: At the inferential level the reader is able to go beyond
what is written on the page and add meaning or draw conclusions. The
questions in inferential level could be answered if the reader
understands the whole text well. The answers are not stated directly in
the text, but it’s often implied in the text.
3) Critical level: At the critical level the reader assesses the good sense of
what he or she is reading, its clarity, accuracy and any apparent
exaggeration or bias.
4) Creative level: At the creative level the reader can take information or
ideas from what has been read and develop new ideas from them. The
creative level stimulates the reader to new and original thinking.
Based on the levels of comprehension, the writer designed the test to
measure the level one and three of comprehension because in narrative text, the
students are expected to understand the content of the text, to judge the value or
find the moral value of the story.
Furthermore, Anderson and Anderson (2002: 26) point out that the narrative
text can be divided into four general components of understanding, they are
Orientation-introducing about the characters and setting, Complication-
introducing the crisis or problem arises, , Resolution-introducing the crisis and
how the problem is solved, both are also called plot, and Coda-introducing the
moral value or message optional from the author.
A narrative text is organized by using story grammar. Story grammar is the
knowledge of how stories are organized with the beginning of the story containing
the setting, characters, and character problems. The middle of the narrative is
organized around the plot. The plot includes a series of episodes that are written
by author to hold our attention and build excitement as the story progresses.
The plot contains an initiating event, the event that tells the main character
on the series of events to solve the problem. The excitement builds until the
climax, the high point in the story where the problem is solved. In this research,
the writer was used suggestopedia method in improving the students’ reading
comprehension of narrative text.

In conducting this research, the writer applied a classroom action research.
According to Skerritt in Cohen, L et al. (2005: 227), there were four strategic
cycles of conducting classroom action research, they are:
1) Planning;
2) Acting, i.e. implementing the plan;
3) Observing, evaluation and self-evaluation;
4) Reflection on the results of points 1–3 and making decisions for the next
cycle of action research
As its name implies, classroom action research can be viewed as having two
main outcomes; action and classroom research. It therefore requires two sets of
procedures, one to achieve each of the outcomes. In terms of the distinction
between content and process, these are both instances of process.
The different conceptions of classroom action research can be revealed in
some typical definitions of classroom action research, for example Hopkins
(1993) suggest that the combination of action, classroom research renders that
action a form of disciplined inquiry, in which a personal attempt is made to
understand, improve and reform practice. Cohen and Manion (2005:186) define it
as ‘a small-scale intervention in the functioning of the real world and a close
examination of the effects of such an intervention.
Kemmis and McTaggart (1990) argue:
“Classroom action research is a form of collective self-reflective inquiry
undertaken by participants in classroom situations in order to improve the
rationality and justice of their own educational practices, as well as their
understanding of these practices and the situations in which these practices
are carried out… The approach is only classroom action research when it is
collaborative, though it is important to realize that the classroom action
research of the group is achieved through the critically examined action of
individual group members in the classroom situations”.
There were two kinds of technique of data collecting used in this CAR,
namely 1) measurement technique, which measured the students’ achievement of
reading comprehension of narrative text and 2) the observation technique, which
measured the teacher’s action and the students’ feedback/response toward
teacher’s action.
Since this research had two techniques of data collecting, the writer applied
two model of tool of data collecting. First, she applied the objective test of reading
comprehension of narrative. The second instrument of this research was
observation checklist. The observation checklist was constructed to observe the
teacher’s action, particularly in the teaching activity using suggestopedia method.
In analyzing the result of cycle test, the writer used two kinds of data
analysis as follows:
1. Analysis of the students’ ability of reading comprehension of narrative
The writer used two formula are as follows:
a. Students’ individual score achievement

A= x100

Note: A = The Students’ individual score

S = The right answer
N = The Total number of items
Adapted from Hadi (2004)
b. Students’ mean score achievement of reading comprehension ability

= ∑

Note : X = The mean score

∑ X = The sum individual scores
N = The total number of individuals
Adapted from Hadi (2004)

To obtain the interpretation of the result of students’ score

achievement, the writer used criteria of MLA by KTSP (2006).

Range Qualification

>65 Over achieved

65 Achieved
<65 Not Achieved
Adapted from KTSP Scoring Criteria in SMA (2006)

2. Analysis of the work of suggestopedia method in improving the students’

reading comprehension ability.
There was a checklist table observation used to analyze the process of
suggestopedia teaching method works in improving students’ reading
comprehension ability, namely observation checklist of teacher’s action

1. Research Finding of Cycle 1
Based on the research purpose in the chapter one, conducting CAR using
suggestopedia method is aimed at investigating and revealing how suggestopedia
method can improve the students’ reading comprehension of narrative text.
Therefore, there are two main findings will be reported in this chapter: 1) finding
of the improvement of students’ reading comprehension of narrative text based on
the score of MLA (minimum level of achievement) and the findings of the process
in applying the suggestopedia method in teaching reading comprehension of
narrative text.
- Finding of the Test
To know the students’ reading comprehension achievement, the teacher
has conducted the cycle test that was constructed in multiple choice
with 15 items. This test was conducted after the treatment process of
cycle has been accomplished using suggestopedia method. The time of
test was definitely held on Monday, 29 May 2012. All the students were
participated in this test. It means that there were 40 students have taken
the test. As a result of the test, it was found that the students’ average
score was 63. From this score result, it indicated that their achievement
was not achieved to the MLA, 70.
This result also showed us that there were only 30% of the students who
passed the test into the MLA but there were 70% who still failed the
test. Specifically, the result of the cycle test found that the students’
difficulties in getting the detailed information on the complication part
were the highest than other parts. Some items on this part were failure
to answer correctly. By having this result, the researcher decided to
conduct the next cycle.
- Findings of the Observation
Applying the suggestopedia method needed several stages in order to
make it meaningful for the students’ improvement of reading
comprehension. From the result of observation checklist table, it was
found that the researcher/teacher actually applied all the stages in
completing the procedures of suggestopedia method in teaching reading
In the result of observation that was conducted on Monday, 29 May
2012 it was found that the researcher focused on the whilst-reading
phase of the teaching process. It means that there were phases observed
during the activity; exploring, elaborating, and confirming where the
suggestopedia teaching procedures were positioned within these phases
and all the procedures also have been completed such as using the
classical music from Baroque. Both active and passive concerts in
suggestopedia procedures seemed to be applied well in the classroom.
However, the students looked like confusing about this learning process
because they never learnt like this before. Some students were found
that they looked like sleepy during the process because of the music. As
a result, the teacher’s explanation and instructions might be lost from
their concentration.
2. Research Finding of Cycle 2
As the procedure of conducting CAR, when the students’ score of MLA was
not achieved and also the treatment of using the technique/method of teaching did
not work well in the cycle 1, the researcher should decide to continue the next
cycle. Since the result of the cycle 1 was not achieved to MLA score, the research
then conducted the cycle 2 of CAR.
As the result of the cycle 1, the reflection resulted that the researcher should
focus on the improvement of the students’ reading comprehension of narrative
text, particularly on the complication part. The students’ difficulties on this part
were the major concern to improve in the cycle 2. As the result of cycle test 2, the
students’ average score was achieved to MLA score where their average score
was 86.

Based on the results of cycle test and observation checklist table in the
cycle 1, it was found that the students’ average score was not achieved to the
MLA. There were 70% of students who failed to achieve the standard score
achievement. By having this result, the writer continued the next cycle and it was
known that the students’ score of MLA in the cycle 2 was increase with 86. From
this finding, there was nothing wrong with the application of suggestopedia
method during the reading process because the teacher/researcher looked like
successfully to apply the procedures of this method. However, the students were
not familiar with the way the teacher did during the teaching and learning process
because they never obtained the specific ways of learning in the classroom
activity. In this case, the researcher also used classical music by Baroque that
presented the instrumental music to follow the reading activity. After having some
treatment of this method, the students finally could be more familiar with this
method in reading comprehension.
Furthermore, reading comprehension is the reading activity that needs
concentration in order to get the ideas of the text. The students are expected to
read the text with full attention and also supposed to relax during the reading. In
suggestopedia method, the students are conditioned with the learning environment
that they feel enjoy involving the lesson with any pressure. The classroom is set
with music background and sometimes they also join the song for a moment as the
refreshing time.
When this situation is running in every reading activity, the students will
have a good motivation and feeling that they will focus on what they read. Having
this method has also eliminated the psychological problems faced by the students
in adapting the lesson they have.
Practically, the implementation of suggestopedia method in teaching
reading comprehension of narrative text in the cycles can be described into the
following three basic steps:
a. Preparation
Preparation is related to set up of the classroom and to give the
students information about the objectives of the learning. The
behavior of the teacher suggested at this stage that learning could be
enjoyable and easier that what the students might have thought.
b. Presentation
During this session, the materials for the cycle 1 and 2 were handled
out to the students. For language teaching they were usually organized
in dialogue form, with some explanations of vocabulary and grammar.
Materials are clearly laid out with wide margins so that text could be
followed easily by the students.
The first part of this session was called introduction or decoding. Here
the teacher introduced the text too the students using gesture, mimicry
and body language to describe the characters and setting in the story.
The teacher’s gestures further reinforced the understanding and the
students’ memorization.
After the entire text has been introduced, the concert session was
started with active and passive concerts. In active concert, the students
sit calmly on the chairs. They had their text in front of them. The
teacher who was standing in form of them read the text in the target
language while and entire piece of classical music was playing as the
background. At the end of the active concert, there was a short break
when the students might get up and stretch, but not talk.
The teacher waited until the music has begun to captivate the audience
before the reading begins. The speed now was that of everyday speech
with clear diction. There were no unnatural pauses during the reading.
When reading the dialogue, the voice slightly charged to indicate a
charge in a character. When the text was completely finished, the
teacher waited for the musical piece to end then students were
encouraged to read the text again before going to bed and on walking.
It was emphasized that they should not learn the text and simply
glance through it. Then the teacher quietly got up and left the class.
c. Review and Elaboration
On the next day review and elaboration were conducted, practice took
place during the review and elaboration session in the form of
creative-communicative exercises such as sketches, games, drama,
etc. and its emphasis was put on the meaningful communication.
By conducting these steps in every cycle of teaching, suggestopedia
teaching method was successfully to encourage the students to learn with fun and
joyful in order to help them easier to understand reading passage in form of
narrative text.
Based on the results of this research, the writer found the advantages and
disadvantages of applying the Suggestopedia method in teaching reading
comprehension of narrative text as follows:
a. Advantages
- The students are very happy to join the class when the classroom
setting is different from common setting.
- The students have better concentration when they read a text.
- The teacher can be optimal to elaborate the lesson using some
instrumental music to the students.
- The teacher can be a good story teller, particularly when s/he reads
the story aloud.
- The students can practice their listening skill during the passive
b. Disadvantages
- The preparation in teaching reading is more complex rather than
other methods.
- The teacher should spend more time to prepare the classroom
setting for suggestopedia method.
- Not all the schools can be supported with the teaching aids as the
suggestopedia method needs.
- The teacher should be able to read the story as good as possible in
order to make the meaningful “passive concert” session.

Based on the results of CAR at SMA Bhayangkari Sungai Raya,
particularly on the eleventh grade students in academic year 2011/2012 was found
that the students’ reading comprehension of narrative text could be improved from
the cycle 1 to cycle 2. Teaching reading comprehension of narrative text for the
eleventh grade students can be joyful for them when the teacher uses
suggestopedia method and applies it procedurally during the teaching and learning
process. Conducting CAR to solve the students’ problems in reading
comprehension of narrative text using suggestopedia method gave more useful for
them the students can map their information between main ideas and supporting
ideas because they could feel better classroom environment. However, this
teaching method needs much time to spend in order to direct the students’
understanding in reading comprehension.
Using classical music by Baroque could be more helpful for the students in
order to encourage them to read the text more than before because the students
were not in the pressure during the process. The implementation of active and
passive concert in suggestopedia method has given the new changes in the
classroom activity and the classroom environment during the teaching and
learning process of reading comprehension.

After having conducted a classroom action research, there are some
suggestions that can be made by the writer. The teacher should provide the
variations of teaching model in order to avoid the students’ boredom in learning.
The variation can be the way to read the story aloud that might be changed into
recorded story from the CD.
To have a better result in every cycle, the teacher should consider all the
stages of action so that the process cannot be redundant. The redundant activities
will make the students feel bored. For example, re-explaining and representing the
suggestopedia method used the different activities such as simulation technique
where the teacher can wear the specific dress/cloth to support the story.

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