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Suicide Committee Meeting

November 30, 2018

8:30 am

Lori Guzman-Alvarez- Not present

Leslie Agostini

Michael Cowen

Jody Burriss

Paul Ouellette

Brittany Perry

Kathleen Slicker- Not present

Teresa Kellstrom– VCC-Not present

D’drea Black

Jessica Camacho

Kimberly Martinez- Not present

Sydney DeAnda- Not present

Rupi Bhatti

1. Ongoing Training
a. Has been asked a lot of questions
i. Do we call SRO if on level 3---YES
ii. Two VCC people can provide the assessment
iii. Psychologist to provide list to VCC on who has IEP’s/ ERMHS
1. VCC to make ERMHS people aware
iv. Maybe doing another retraining to clarify
b. Michael and Leslie did a training on human trafficking
i. All went well but would like to add to Ed Con
c. Training with groups- do role playing—more hands on
i. Need to talk to Julie Jenkins
ii. Committee to assist in role play
iii. Make it mandatory for psychologist and guidance counselors
d. Mental Health Training from Loretta
i. At the county office
ii. January 26
iii. Leslie to send flyer out to school sites

2. Concerns
a. Yellow Ribbon
i. Sierra High is involved but has not been a success
b. Leslie to talk to Victory Brunn to discuss suicide awareness month for September
c. New Health Curriculum to come out 2020 as per Clara
d. Reaching Parents
i. Send emails
ii. Black Board
iii. Facebook
iv. Talk to Victoria for outreach ideas
v. Have each high school do a 1 min piece on awareness
1. A video
2. Provide timeline
3. 19/20 year
vi. Francisca to contact admin to identify Link Crew/Peer Resource teacher
1. Leslie will invite teacher to discuss video and provide input
2. Counselors: Jan Dahle, D’Drea Black, Larry Machado, Gina Jurkota, Sill
need names for High School teachers (Link Crew)
e. Safety Plan
i. Committee to check and make sure the school has a plan
ii. Make sure that all schools have one
iii. All schools are updating and redoing

3. Staff Communication
a. SharePoint vs One Note
b. Michael shared One Note with all suicide info with Committee
i. Everyone to look into it and understand One Note
c. Rupi will add suicide document to CWA in SharePoint
d. Francisca to add to SharePoint for Health Services—Need to reach out to Peter Gale for

4. Ed Con
a. Need to talk to Julie Jenkins to add Suicide and will be required for psychologist and
guidance counselor to attend
b. Adding Human Trafficking—Leslie and Michael provide

5. Suicide form- Adjustments/Modifications

a. Add ERMHS Provider into flow chart (if Available) assigned to student??
i. Continue to discuss topic and issues
6. Game Plan
a. Getting it digital
b. More Training at Ed Con
i. January—Refresher
ii. Michael to train new VP’s
iii. Teresa to train new VCC
iv. Leslie to train new Nurses
v. Jody to train new Psychologist
c. For special situation on students that are ID, autism, young age, and special ed discuss in
the training

Next Meeting

Date: March 8, 2019

Time: 8:30-10:00 am

Location: DO room 200

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