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It was the internship at Bristlecone India Pvt Ltd that eventually led me to consider a career in

Information Management. My internship especially helped me gain experience in dealing with

corporate clients to the point that I am now comfortable in handling such matters confidently and

The MSIM curriculum would allow me further strengthen my grasps on topics pertinent to ERP
and Database management which have all been among the topics of my interests. They are
limited by my knowledge and understanding with respect to information management. I am
certain that my studies in this field will widen the horizons of my knowledge. Projects such as
the “Capstone project “ would sharpen my exisiting skill set by providing me with a platform
to apply my knowledge in a business scenarios. Challenging scenarios such as these would not
only hone my skills as an IT professional but would also provide me with vital experience that
would largely benefit me in the long run. The hazy picture of my career will be crystallised to a
well defined objective that I wish to achieve.I believe this will be in perfect tune to my innate
skils that have not been harnessed untill now.

The qualities I believe that make me suitable candidate for this program include the ability to
cooperate and work as a team, requisite skills in the field of computer science and the
experience of working on a project relevant to the field I wish to embark upon.

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