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Nama : Khafifah Indah

Prodi : FKIP Bahasa Inggris

Semester :2


Assalamualaikum Wr Wb

Oke, i will speech in front of you all. And the kinds of my speech is demonstrative speech.
The tittle is”How To Apply Makeup”.

Material For Makeup :

1. Foundation
2. Powder
3. Mascara
4. Blush on
5. Lipstick

So, how to apply is as follows:

1. Foundation
The first, apply foundation to the face. Apply it can with makeup sponge so that the
foundation is evenly distributed.
2. Powder
The second, cover with powder after foundation. Pat the face with the powder until it
looks fresher.
3. Mascara
The third, clip eyelashes and apply mascara. Mascara makes the eyes prettier.
4. Blush On
Fourth, use blush on. Use a pink or reddish blush.
5. Lipstick
Finnaly, polish your favorite lipstick. It’s finished.

That’s the right steps to apply facial makeup so you don’t fail and are disappointed with the
results of your own makeup. I think enough for today, sorry for my mistake. Thank you,
assalamualaikum wr wb.

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