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Sarah Hecker

Dr. Lidstone/Dr. Kaninjing

Spring 2019 Internship

Journal Week Thirteen

4/7/19 9:00-5:30, 8.5 hours; 4/8/19 9:00-3:30, 6.5 hours, 4/9/19 9:00-3, 6; 4/10/19 9:00-3:30,

6.5; 4/11/19 9:00-3:30, 6.5; 4/12/19 9:00-4, 7 Total hours worked for the week: 41 Total hours

cumulative: 375 hours

This week I worked extra hours on Sunday. I worked from open until close (9 to 6) to

stay caught up on my internship hours. We were extremely busy on Sunday, having consistent

patients all day without any breaks. We believed that this week was busy, because everyone in

this area was coming back from their spring breaks and most likely picked something up from

their trips. We were also seeing a lot of congestion and sore throats, which goes along with

allergy season. Allergies are bad this year, causing a lot of irritation from post nasal drip. Post

nasal drip is when mucus runs down the back of your throat from your nose. Post nasal drip can

cause a sore throat, which is why a lot of patients came in thinking that they had strep throat.

Another set of symptoms that we have been seeing from patients have a lot to do with

ears. Since it is now heating up, and pools and swimming are back in season, kids are coming in

with ear infections. These are usually easy to treat, and the doctor on site usually prescribes a set

of ear drops. I enjoy working with the little kids who come through, and pediatrics is of huge

interest to me. I love that we are now out of flu season, and seeing different types of illnesses

come in. It’s giving me a broader range of experience during my internship.

I began working on my Weebly portfolio this week, and once I am complete with that, I

will only have weekly journals left to complete. I am extremely excited about reaching the end of

this semester and approaching graduation. I have really been enjoying this last semester of

school with only having the internship and getting a break from college classes. As of right now,

right after graduation I will begin a Maymester and get right back into the college class schedule.

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