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Westbury High School

Science Department Lesson Plan

A merger of Madeline Hunter’s Lesson Cycle and the 7-E Method of Instruction

Teacher: M. Boyd, M. Callegari, C. Gray, E. Newmons, P. Osamor, R. Russell Subject: Biology

Date: September 2-5 2014
Lesson: Biochemistry

LESSON OBJECTIVE: What will your students be able to do by the end of the class?
The student knows the significance of various molecules involved in metabolic processes and energy
conversions that occur in living organisms
Defining Success


1. What are the different types of
Reporting Category 1:Cell Structure and Function biomolecules?
The student will demonstrate an understanding of biomolecules as 2. How do simple organic molecules
building blocks of cells, and that cells are the basic unit of structure form into complex molecules?
and function of living things.
3. Why is the structure of a biomolecule
important to its function
9(A) compare the structures and functions of different types
of biomolecules, including carbohydrates, lipids, proteins, and
nucleic acids.

Access prior knowledge : ELICIT ( Questions, short quizzes or pre-test)

EOC based warm-up activities Biology Pre-Assessment

ANTICIPATORY SET: (ENGAGE): A “hook” to get the students interest and attention. (A question, picture, 2-3
minute long video clip, a demonstration).
Show students pictures of the biomolecules and ask them to identify the molecules as lipids, proteins,
nucleic acids, or carbohydrates.
TEACHING/INSTRUCTIONAL PROCESS: (EXPLORE/EXPLAIN): Provide students with a common experience (Labs,
hands on activities). Debrief activity, teach concept.
Reteach Biomolecules
Lesson Cycle

Enzyme Guided notes

GUIDED PRACTICE AND MONITORING: (EXPLAIN). Interactive discussions between teacher and students.
Guide/help students as they solve problems and/or answer questions. Clarify misconceptions and check for
Biomolecules Concept map (Students will use information given to create their own concept map)
INDEPENDENT PRACTICE: (ELABORATE) Students apply the information learned in the Explain to answer
questions or solve problems.

Biomolecules stations. Students will read about the 4 biomolecules and transfer the information onto a concept
map. (Carry over from last week)

EVALUATE: Assess student mastery. (Quizzes, Lab Reports, Unit tests)

 Biomolecules Homework, biomolecules quiz

CLOSURE/EXTEND: Revisit objective to see if it was met. (Student written reflections, Open ended Questions,
Exit tickets). Make connections between the lesson and everyday life.
EXIT Ticket/Open-Ended Response Questions/Writing Reflection/Concept Map

SpEd/ ELL Modifications

Extended Time Guided Practice
Shortened Assignments Peer Tutoring
Short and Repeated Instructions Visuals
Preferential seating

7E Lesson Plan Template 2010

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