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Running head: Joanie Abdu Crawford 1

Rachel Crawford

Joanie Abdu Comprehensive Breast Care Center

Youngstown State University

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Joanie Abdu Comprehensive Breast Care Center

The Joanie Abdu Comprehensive Breast Care Center is a great community resource for

women who are underinsured or do not have insurance. It’s a beautiful place where women in

the community can come to receive free breast care services such as mammograms and biopsies

of suspicious growths and lumps. In my short experience there many women came of all ages to

receive breast care. I shadowed the nurse navigator and got a better grasp of her role in the health

care system. Her role is to help patients understand procedures and diagnoses, explain where

they can receive continued care, and help them obtain things they may need like insurance.

During my day at the Joanie Abdu Comprehensive Breast Care Center I observed many

mammographies, two ultrasound guided needle biopsies, and two consultations. During all of

these procedures and observations I learned a great deal more than I thought I would.

Immediately before a mammography the radiology technician asked if a woman was of Jewish

heritage or descent. I inquired why that question would be asked I learned of another risk factor

of breast cancer that I had been unaware of previously; being of Ashkenazi Jewish Heritage can

increase one’s risk of developing breast cancer. In this population, Jewish women of Eastern

European descent, there is a greater probability of having specific gene mutations that contribute

to the increased likelihood of developing breast cancer in their lifetime.

During my time there I observed the nurse navigator and was able to sit in on two

consultations. One in particular was a younger woman who had just been diagnosed with breast

cancer. The nurse navigator explained to me she had been absolutely aghast by her pathology

report because the radiologist performing her biopsy had said several times during the procedure

it resembled a fibroadenoma which is a benign breast tumor. Although her biopsy indicated it

was in fact cancerous the nurse navigator was disappointed that the doctor would give her such a
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strong sense of false hope. During the consultation the recently diagnosed woman was visibly

anxious and unsure of the next step in her treatment. I was very impressed with how the nurse

navigator explained the results in an understandable way, explained how to obtain insurance, and

guided her along with her family through the possible next steps in treatment. The nurse

navigator’s whole demeanor and attitude was absolutely admirable. She said that although no

one would choose this diagnosis, her pathology report results were favorable because the tumor

was slow growing and did not have any lymph node involvement.

The second ultra sound guided needle aspiration biopsy I observed did have lymph node

involvement, so biopsies of the breast lump and lymph node areas were taken. This woman was

older and had two mammographies in the past year. One showed no lump, the other taken a few

months later showed a growth, and she was obviously very surprised. She said her whole world

stopped when she got the results. During the consultation and the biopsy she was very nervous

and talkative. We tried our best to calm her and soothe her anxieties, while not giving false hope.

We prayed, hugged, and even encouraged her to attend church during that evening like she had

been planning to after giving her post procedural instructions. Overall I was very impressed with

the staff there and the great communication between patients and health care professionals.

 Describe the community as a setting for all levels of health care delivery from

clinical community experience

 Relates cultural and spiritual components to illness, wellness and health as

assessed in clients

 Demonstrates communication, research critical thinking and teaching skills and

reflects these in weekly summary/journal

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