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Part 6 Final Reaction.

What did I enjoy and learn in the journey?

One of the things I enjoyed the most, is all of the practical tasks that we had to do. One of the
reasons for this is that we all put a lot of creativity to our work in many ways. Frankly, one of the
practical tasks that I had a lot of fun doing is the video itself. Directing the video made me
realize how easy it was to make something out of your own imagination and share it with people
as well as getting it graded to know the potential you have to make a video all by yourself.
I also enjoyed exploring how to recreate or change the genre of a video, I found interesting that
no matter the scene, the meaning can change by just changing the color scheme, of the
brightness of the video.
In the making of our class video, where we explore editing skills as well, I learnt that sometimes
mistakes can actually be good in the making of a video, in this scenario, i was standing at the
back of the scene and i look like im spying on the girls that are talking, this made the video
much more interesting.
Making other preliminary tasks, like our powerpoints on our favourite director, not only we
explored how movies are edited, but also how different directors have different ideas all
depending on their background. I found that directors and producers tend to express with a
certain movie genre. Here we also learned how makeup and props are important due that
certain directors really focused on these features to create effects for the audience.
While presenting my pitch idea, I was starting to realize how the ideas of making a film opening
keep on flowing the more you think about it, and depending on what you know that people like,
including yourself, you start giving shape to reach the final product.
While we were working on our own products, our classmates asked for help with their own work,
including the teacher who asked us to shoot a video of a song in different languages to show to
the school in world language day. To make this video we used an stabilizer and a phone, but
the person that was shooting it found it quite hard to use the stabilizer with the phone due of the
heaviness of the phone. Later in the year, i was asked once again to shoot a music video for
one of my classmates that is finishing her media À-levels, and once again, i realized how
everything mattered in the making of a film opening or any other video.
Due to the pitch idea video being to large to send(it was shot with the phone of our teacher) we
were not able to share it therefore i could not upload it to the website.
Technologies and skills
The technologies that I have used the most to make the videos, are cameras, mainly Canon
(different versions). With the camera, I had to use manual focus so the sound of the autofocus
would not interrupt the audio of the the video. I was not able to use any other filming equipment
due to monetary issues, therefor ever shot made was hand held.
However to do other preliminary tasks, i used a lot my computer and explored different
presentation softwares, as well as converting videos and audios to different files and
downloading videos to recreate or music to add to my videos.
For all my editing processes, I used a software called Wondershare Filmora. I used the free
version and the paid version after realizing that uploading or creating a video with the free
version, would have a watermark and it would have not looked as professional. The paid version
also had more features that i could use to create my final opening as well as being much easier
and faster to use.
As a video editor, i also tried VideoPad, however, i was unable to use it after 7 days due that i
needed a licence and i had already used the paid version of filmora. On the 7 days that i had it
for free, i did use some of its features to try to edit part of the video, this part was deleted
because i took too long to finish the VideoPad version. I did notice some features in VideoPad
that were very useful, mainly in making the flashbacks scenes for my final opening.
What would I change next time?
I think one of the big factors of why my film opening is not how i wanted it to be is because i did
not have the right equipment to shoot, and very little experience editing. Next time i would make
sure i would have the right equipment as well as more practice editing videos of any kind.
I think i would also like to try new presentation devices or be more creative when presenting my
pitches and ideas to my classmates even if it is with a simple powerpoint.
I would also work harder on getting my work done more interestingly and giving it different looks
so the viewer would not get too bored when looking at my work.
I would also change the website that i used to create my website due that i found it hard to get
used to this one, but i did not want to change it for that specific reason, because i already got
used to the website. We encountered some problems opening the website in our country, and
there were times where the website would open on other computers but not mine.
Even with all this problems that i had encountered on the journey of finishing my video and the
website itself, i absolutely thought that the experience of making this was very life challenging
and i liked that not only it challenged me to work, but it also challenged my creativity, as well as
it got involved in how i live my life now due that i started to have a passion for making videos
and putting them together to transmit a message.

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