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Unit Title: How do we as human shape our future based on what we did in the past?

Name: Maddie Day

Unit Overview

DAY #1: Read aloud Lesson DAY #2: Read aloud #2 DAY #3: Social Studies Lesson 1  DAY #4: Social Studies Lesson 2

Objective The students will seek the central idea  Students will create an engaging and  Students will investigate how Fashion, Art, Music, and  Students will gain an understanding of Fashion, Art,
Music and Dance in the renaissance era by completing
through details of the book My Brother  informative presentation and research a  Dance in the renaissance era has changed and 
the centers and reviewing the content they learned
Charlie by Holly Robinson Peete and Ryan  person in history that has changed the world shaped out culture today by participating in class  throughout the unit.
Elizabeth Peete and illustrated by Shane W.  for the better. They can choose anyone they  discussions, making a note foldable, and completing 
Evans. They will then apply the theme of  want but they must complete the  the graphic organizer. 
acceptance to the Big Idea of this unit.  requirements and give and oral presentation 
to the class. 

Standards IAS: 6.RL.2.2 Determine how a central idea   IAS: 6.W.1 Write routinely over a variety of  NCSS: Time, Continuity, and Change: Studying the past  NCSS: Time, Continuity, and Change: Studying the 

of a work of literature is conveyed through  time frames for a range of tasks, purposes, and  makes it possible for us to understand the human story  past makes it possible for us to understand the 
particular details. audiences; apply reading standards to support  across time.  human story across time. 
NCSS:­  analysis, reflection, and research by drawing 
IAS: (Unit Standards/Lesson Standards) 6.1.8 Compare the  IAS: (Unit Standards/Lesson Standards) 6.1.8 
ISTE: ­ evidence from literature and nonfiction texts. 
diverse perspectives, ideas, interests and people that brought Compare the diverse perspectives, ideas, interests 
 6.ML.1 Critically analyze information found in 
electronic, print, and mass media used to 
about the Renaissance in Europe. 6.1.9 Analyze the  and people that brought about the Renaissance in 
inform, persuade, entertain, and transmit  interconnections of people, places and events in the  Europe. 6.1.9 Analyze the interconnections of 
culture. economic, scientific and cultural exchanges of the European people, places and events in the economic, scientific 
 6.SL.4.2 Create engaging presentations that  Renaissance that led to the Scientific Revolution, voyages  and cultural exchanges of the European Renaissance
include multimedia components (e.g., graphics,  of discovery and imperial conquest.  that led to the Scientific Revolution, voyages of 
images, music, sound) and visual displays in  ISTE: Students plan and employ effective research  discovery and imperial conquest. 
presentations to clarify information.  strategies to locate information and other resources for their  ISTE: Students plan and employ effective research 
intellectual or creative pursuits.  strategies to locate information and other resources 
ISTE: [optional]: Knowledge Constructor: Students  for their intellectual or creative pursuits. 
critically curate a variety of resources using digital tools  
to construct knowledge, produce creative artifacts and 
make meaningful learning experiences for themselves 
and others.

Materials  Book  Chromebook  Multi­colored paper (4 pieces)   Paint

Pencil   Paint Brushes
 Picture of my brother Braeden    Note cards for Anticipatory Set 
 Paper   Foldables
 They will need a pencil   Pencils   Chrome books
 Writing Prompt  Power point   Center Instruction Sheets
 Document Cam  Quizizz game
 Finished Flipbook   Projector
 Paper
 Stapler/Staples for the foldable   Question Paper
 Graphic Organizer  Shakespeare plays (3 or 4 different plays)
Unit Title: How do we as human shape our future based on what we did in the past?
Name: Maddie Day
 Pencils

Managemen Time:35­ 45 minutes Anticipatory Set: 7­ a. Time: 25­45 minutes Time: 35­46 minutes Time: 35-45 minutes

t b. Anticipatory Set: 5­7 minutes 
10 Minutes  7-10 minutes: Anticipatory Set (Quizizz
c. Lesson/ Expectations: 10­15 minutes  5­ 7minutes Anticipatory Set 
Read aloud: 15­20 minutes  Game)
d. Questions: 10 minutes  10­12 Minutes for Flipbook construction.   10 Minutes: Centers (3 centers)
Grand Conversation: 5­7 minutes
 10­15 minutes Present Power point   3-5 Minutes: Debriefing
Activity: 10­15 minutes  10­12 minutes Group Graphic Organizer 

Anticipatory I will show a picture of my brother Braeden.  I will be showing a video of Kid President about   Students will have a notecard on their desk. “Open up your chrome books because we are going to be
Set How to Change the world. I will ask them to  taking a little review quiz over what I and Miss Cross
I will ask if they can tell he has a disability. I  All they will need out is a pencil. 
think of someone in their live that has changed  have been talking about this week. You will be taking
will then show his video he made for them   I will say, “I will be playing you a piece of music  this on Quizizz. The Code is one the screen.”
talking about his life with Autism. I will then their world. 
from the Renaissance, I want you to right everything Quizizz Questions:
open it up for them to ask me questions   Show video: that comes to your mind when you hear it. Be sure  1. What was a popular
about growing up with a brother with  form of
v=4z7gDsSKUmU to put your name on your notecard please.” 
entertainment in
Autism.   Show video. ( the Renaissance?
v=5SvEttR6HTY)  Answer: Music and
 I will have some questions posted on the board so if  Dancing.
they feel stuck the can refer to the board to help  2. Who were the only
people that were
spark some writing inspiration. (“Does it remind you allowed to wear
a selection you have heard before? What are some of fur? Answer: The
the things you hear in the music? Can you pick out  Nobles
any instruments? How does it make you feel? Do  3. What color hair was
desirable for
you think it sound or sad?”) 
women? Answer:
 So, you are probably wondering why I just had you  Blonde
listen to that selection of music. Well it is because  4. What Renaissance
today we are going to be learning about more about  Art Technique was a
way of blurring
the Renaissance today. 
lines between
Let’s talk a little bit a about what you all thought of this  subjects. Answer:
piece. Had you heard it before? How has this music  Sfumato
changed from today music? 5. This concept
involves a number
of techniques that
make the subjects
and background
look like they would
in real life. Answer:
6. What instrument
became very
popular during this
time? Answer:The
Unit Title: How do we as human shape our future based on what we did in the past?
Name: Maddie Day
7. What were the two
types of dances?
Answer: Court and
8. What invention was
invented to help
with waste?
Answer: The Flush
9. What was invented
in the Renaissance
that changed the
way we see the
world? Answer:
Microscope and
10. Who was the
Renaissance Man?
Answer: Leonardo
Da Vinci
11. Who invented the
first tank? Answer:
Leonardo Da Vinci
12. The Renaissance
was the rebirth of
what three
subjects? Answer:
Science, Literature
and Art.
13. Who was a
playwright during
the Renaissance?
Answer: William
14. What was invented
due to a lack of
education and
information for
everyone? Answer:
The Printing Press.
15. What does the
word Renaissance
mean? Answer:

Purpose “I am going to be reading you the book, My  “We have been talking about how humans have the  “Today we will be talking more about how there was a  “Today you will be going through some centers. We
power to effect the future. So Today I am introducing a  are going to explore a little more with the Renaissance
Brother Charlie by Holly Robinson Peete  rebirth in the Arts important to us because we will be 
Unit Title: How do we as human shape our future based on what we did in the past?
Name: Maddie Day
and Ryan Elizabeth Peete. This is based on  research project you are going to be gathering  seeing how music, art, dance and fashion have changed  Arts. We are going to see more of how the Arts in the
information about a person that changed history for the  Renaissance have shaped the world we live in.”
the authors lives. I want to you to pay  over time and how aspects of the renaissance are still 
attention to the similarities and differences  better.” visible in our culture.”
Charlie and his sister share.” 
Lesson I will ask them who has heard of the term   “You will choose a person to research  Make a Flipbook for notes.  o I will go through each center and explain them to
Presentation and create a presentation to share with  each group of students. I will tell them where to get
“autism”. I will share what autism is and  Slide Break down: 
the rest of the class. By doing this you  their supplies and how I expect them to move.
how it is a spectrum. I will then share a little  1: Title Slide  o Center 1: Art Center: “You are going to be painting
about our story of him growing up with  will learn about a single human from 
2: Listen to the music slide  like Michelangelo did, on your backs, except you will
autism and how he has learned to utilize it in  the past can change the future.”I am  not be suspended in the air. You will be laying under
going to share with you what platforms  3: Foldable instructions 
his talents.  your desk. You are going to paint your own Sistine
you can create your presentation on.  4: Renaissance Fashion  Chapel. You will type a piece of paper to the bottom
Read Book and Discuss how they felt about 
You may use Canva, Google slides, or  5: Renaissance Fashion Cont.  of a desk and paint laying on your back. You will
it.  paint for about 5-6 minutes and then you will need
Easelly.  6: Renaissance Art 
Have them do the paper over central theme   What you must have on your  to come together in the group and answer some
of the story.  7: Renaissance Art Cont.  questions about how the what you just did. They will
 Their name
8: Renaissance Art Examples  be on the paper under the Art Center section.”
o Center 2: The Renaissance Crash Course with
 Occupation/job/ title  9: Renaissance Music
Questions sheet: You will watch a video at the front
 Where they are from  10: Renaissance Music of the room. You will answer the questions I have
 Birth date/death date 11: Renaissance Dance provided on the centers sheet the questions will be
 How the changed the world  answered throughout the video. You do not have to
 What they did to change the world  write in complete sentences and are allowed to work
Introduce Graphic Organizer:   together to answer the questions as the video is
 10 Facts other facts about them
being played. (
 Feel free to add pictures and videos to   I will pass out the papers to each table. I will ask them  v=Vufba_ZcoR0&t=14s)
your project. But be sure to check the  to immediately put their names on them. Ask them to  o . Center 3: Dancing Station: We will be reviewing
videos with me first. The videos should 
have their foldables out on their desks so that I can  the dancing video as a group and we will be
also be no longer that 5 minutes.  practicing the dance steps. Remember this is a
check them.
 You will have three days to work on this Country not a court dance so everyone can dance
 “We will now work individually to complete a graphic 
project.  because we are not professional dancers. So I will
organizer. You will be comparing. renaissance Fashion,  be coming to that station first to get things started.
 Along the way I will be meeting with 
you to hear who you have selected as  Dance, Music, and Art to today’s Fashion, Dance,  If you forget what a step is then you can look at
Music, and Art.” Let me know if you have any  your centers paper and
your World Changer.” 
o The steps we are performing:
 When it gets closer to the presentations  questions I will be walking around to each table to 
 Reverence - This was a "greeting" step where the
I will discuss with you my expectations  check your foldables.  dancers would face each other. They would then
on that.  slide the left foot back and bend both knees to bow
to the other dancer.
 Saltarello - This is a lively dance step where the
dancer would take three steps forward and then
 Pavane - A slow "walking" dance that gave the
dancers a chance to show off their fancy clothes
and gowns. It was usually the first dance of the
 Italian Double or Doppio - A step where the dancers
Unit Title: How do we as human shape our future based on what we did in the past?
Name: Maddie Day
would take two elegant steps forward and then rise
up on their toes.

Closure or “The characters in this book love each other  Let me know if there is anything I can help you with  “I hope you all have now gained a better understanding of  “Alright Guys head back to your original seats and
Conclusion anything on this project. This will apply towards our big pull out your question sheet from the video. We are
despite their differences. We all are made  how the Renaissance Arts have changed and shaped our 
going to debrief a little and have a class discussion.
differently and we all have things we are  unit we are working on. How do we as humans shape  culture.”  What is one thing you learned from the video that
good at despite having a disability or not.” our future based on what we did in the past? either I, Mrs. Fagan or Mrs. Cross didn’t mention
this week? Which play from the drama center was
your favorite? And would anyone like to show us
your finished art project? Thank you guys for being
so good today and participating so well.”
Formative The students will complete a writing prompt  Students will work individually on the research project.  Students will work individually to complete a graphic  They will turn in their Art Work, Foldable, and Question
Assessment They will meet all the requirements and give an  Paper from the video. We will also have a debriefing at
that I have provided below. They will be  organizer. They will be comparing renaissance Fashion, 
engaging and informative presentation over their World  the end of the period.
allowed to take some notes about the text  Dance, Music, and Art to today’s Fashion, Dance, Music, 
while I read. They will also be allowed to  Changer. and Art I will give them 10­12 minutes to work on them 
take notes during the grand conversation in  but if they don’t finish it will be homework. 
order to have the some more ideas.                
Adaptations In the group conversation have them discuss  I will allow these students to work with me and be able  Period 1: I will make sure they all understand the lesson.  Period 1: I will make sure they all understand the 
what they learned about Autism. The actions  to ask for help throughout their research time.  Since they are my geniea pigs I will have to make sure to  lesson. Since they are my geniea pigs I will have to 
the children will take in the response time  explains things well and follow my script pretty well. I will make sure to explains things well and follow my 
will give them the chance for everyone to  be sure to ask questions through since there are some  script pretty well. I will be sure to ask questions 
work at their own pace. students in this period that struggle with lectures.  through since there are some students in this period 
Period 2: Is a very diverse class, I have a lot of high  that struggle with lectures. 
ability students in this class and a lot of below average  Period 2: Is a very diverse class, I have a lot of high
students in the period. I will need to make sure that I am  ability students in this class and a lot of below 
challenging the high ability students enough with my  average students in the period. I will need to make 
questions and also making sure my below average students  sure that I am challenging the high ability students 
are receiving help throughout the lesson.  enough with my questions and also making sure my
Period 3­5: These 3 classes are a lot like period one  below average students are receiving help 
except they are mixed pretty evenly with average students  throughout the lesson. 
in each period. These students are the students, I need to  Period 3­5: These 3 classes are a lot like period one 
make sure understand the content as well as challenge them except they are mixed pretty evenly with average 
a little. I will be sure to ask challenging questions to check  students in each period. These students are the 
for understanding throughout the lesson.  students, I need to make sure understand the 
content as well as challenge them a little. I will be 
sure to ask challenging questions to check for 
understanding throughout the lesson. 
Summative None.  None.  None Quizizz Game 
(as needed)
Unit Title: How do we as human shape our future based on what we did in the past?
Name: Maddie Day

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