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Williams 1

Brandy Williams
14 April 2019
Mentor Questions
Was there a time you messed up and felt like you had failed? How did you bounce back?
“My freshman year at Gordon State College, I failed there of my classes and put on
Academic Probation. The next semester,I hard to end up taking 18 hour credit courses to
Be removed from Academic Probation. At the end semester, I passed all my classes with
A’s and B’s.
How did you learn to embrace risk-taking? Tell me about a recent business setback. How
did you recover? Think back to five years ago. Did you envision your career as it is
today? “No; I envision my career being much different. I thought in my career, I will be
more stable in my career in my career choice.

Was there ever a job you applied for and landed, but were not 100 percent qualified to
do? How did you proceed? What do you wish you had known before pursuing this
career? “Before pursuing my career, I wanted to develop more experience and network
with people working in my career field.

Which leadership skills were the most difficult to develop? Can you tell me about a time
When you had a difficult employer? How did you handle the situation? “When I worked
at Mcdonald’s my supervisor was very nasty to her employees. She made things so
difficult such as not giving us off lack leadership skills. I handle the situation by still
being respectful and doing my job. Always made sure I followed procedures by the

How am I viewed? “You are viewed as a leader”. Where do you see my strengths? “You
have good communication skills , your very outspoken, and talented”. What do you see
as some of my blind spots and how can I improve? “You tend to limit your options in
certain areas in your life”. What do people say about me when I’m not in the room?
“They would say that your nice, funny, blunt and outgoing”.
Do I come across as strategic and goal oriented in my day-to-day communication? “Yes;
you work towards your short and long term goals everyday”. How can I become more
assertive when pursuing my dreams? “You need to stay focused and never give up”. Can
you recommend a book or resource for thriving in this career field? What practices can
you recommend for dealing with nervousness when speaking to groups? “I will
recommend to practice in front of your friends, before your speaking, also, take deep
breaths before going in front of people to speak”.

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