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Learning Center: Under the Sea

Objective of Center
This learning center revolves around an Ocean theme, incorporating different aspects of the ocean through various
hands-on material. Based on this theme, several educational play-based activities and an interactive makerspace
were created. Throughout our creation process, we greatly embodied Reggio Emilia’s approach of viewing the
classroom as a third teacher. Therefore, our consideration for aesthetics is evident in every aspect of the spaces.
With respect to our image of the child as strong, curious, active, and powerful, we wanted to create a makerspace
which reflects on these notions. We decided to focus on the ocean and wildlife for our Makerspace as we think
that it is essential to nurture an appreciation for nature and the environment. We focus on the development of the
“whole child” by offering enriching hands-on experiences that foster the social, cognitive, emotional and sensory
motor skills while learning about the several characteristics of the ocean. Prior to beginning this project our group
considered the following question: how can our makerspace offer experiences that heighten multisensory
awareness? We included academic areas such as literacy, math, and music. Each area provides open-ended
material in which children can explore and experiment with. For each activity, challenges are incorporated to
excite interest and motivation. The objectives for this makerspace is to foster children's’ literacy skills, social
skills, creative skills, and communication skills while emphasizing the importance of learning through play.


Competence 1: In our center children will develop sensorimotor skills through various activities. For instance,
students will develop fine motor skills by handling small objects such as seashells, tweezers, marbles, etc. These
activities will help children pay attention to his/her sensory motor action. Their hand-eye coordination will also be
fostered. Furthermore, children will experiment with gross motor skills by moving and dancing throughout our
various activities. Lastly, children will target this competency by adjusting their actions to the demands of the
environment. For example, they will use tools and materials for an explicit purpose.

Competency 2: Children will be encouraged to interact and express their ideas and feelings throughout the
activities. Our center fosters independence and responsibility as children engage in various activities with minimal
teacher support. In doing so, children will become aware of his/her strengths and develop selfconfidence in their

Competency 3: Through the use of books, visual cues, and manipulative, children will be able to use appropriate
vocabulary when communicating with their classmates. In addition, children will be encouraged to collaborate
with each other; thus, developing respect for individual differences. For instance, children will have opportunities
to develop their conflict resolution skills since they will have to share the materials with their peers and take turns
at each learning center. It is important that these makerspaces foster attentive collaboration between students.

Competency 4: The vast majority of our activities have an early literacy component. Therefore, students will have
many opportunities to develop oral and written communication. By interacting with their peers, children develop
their ability to produce and understand a message. These aspects of the competency will also be targeted when
students make connections between speech and writing through play-based activities. A word wall will be
implemented for children to develop awareness of sight words and vocabulary words frequently used throughout
the spaces.

Competency 5: Through these activities, students will construct their understanding of the world as they discover
subject areas such as mathematics, arts, and English language arts. Children will exercise thinking in a variety of
contexts by experimenting with various strategies such as counting and measuring; thus, developing their
cognitive skills.
Competency 6: Our center provides ongoing activities and challenges for students to complete. Students will need
to use their resources and persevere in order to carry out these activities. Furthermore, children will need to use
creativity when they are working on “transient art” and develop their interest in the activities.

Activities & Brief Descriptions

1. Create your underwater story: For this activity, children will be provided with a variety of felt marine
animals. Their task is to create stories and/or scenarios using the provided materials. The children will be
encouraged to incorporate several vocabulary words learned throughout the unit. This activity fosters creativity
and imagination as it permits children

2. Let’s go fishing: This activity is deliberately planned for children to develop their number sense and
enumeration. Children are given a fishing rod and required to pick a card out of a hat. The card will illustrate a
number written with letters (e.g. two) and the accompanied numeral (e.g.2). Children will “go fishing” by
selecting a fish with the magnetic rod which appropriately represents the quantity of the number. The quantity of
the selected number will be represented by black dots illustrated on the fish.

3. Feed the Shark: The task for this activity is for children to “feed the shark.” Each child will receive a card,
and on the card, the length of the fish needed to feed the shark will be indicated (e.g. 5 cube-long fish). Then,
students will need to determine which fish measures 5 cubes by counting with the cubes and place the
corresponding fish in the mouth of the shark.

4. Sand Writing Tray: Children will trace a variety of letters on the sand. They will also be able to use this
writing tray to explore different forms of spontaneous writing and explore the conventions of written language
(e.g. uppercase/lowercase letters).

5. Transient Art: For this activity, children will be given a transparent frame that has an image in it. The task is
for children to use the loose objects that are provided to them such as, seashells, marbles, bootleg caps and many
more to re-create the image. This activity type of art is non-permanent and constantly evolving. It encourages
creativity and imagination as children are experimenting with the various manipulative. In addition, this activity
strengthens children's fine motor skills, eye coordination and most importantly fluency skills.

6. Shark Song: Students will listen to a song about a shark that eats 5 fishes one after the other. As they listen to
the song, students will be able to act out the songs with figurines on popsicle sticks. This activity can be done
either individually or in pairs.

8. Ocean I spy: The activity focuses specifically on developing children’s sensory-motor as they will engage in
actions such as: digging, squeezing, and pinching. There are no set rules for this activity, it is simply a sensory
box contained with natural materials: sand, seashells, rocks. However, hidden beneath the sand are various sea
creatures. Students are given a small shovel (but they could also use their hands) and must find all the sea
creatures. Students are also given a challenge of writing the number of multiples they can find. To further their
math development, children can sort and classify the objects found.

9. Reader’s Reef: This is the reading corner for our center. Although, it is not considered an actually activity, the
children are still actively engaged in their learning. The children will be provided with picture books on oceans
and marine animals. Our Reader’s Reef promote early literacy and fosters critical thinking.

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