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Statement of Purpose

"Do not go where the path may lead, go instead where there is no path and leave a trail."
- Ralph Waldo Emerson

My parents always encouraged me to go where there was no path and leave a trail rather than follow
where they would lead. I am who I am because I was given the liberty to take my own path and also the
understanding that it is within my power to fulfill and achieve my dreams. Today, I am proud of what I
have accomplished – a Computer Engineer with first class. More importantly, I am pursuing a passion
and therefore have excelled and will continue to excel.

My relationship with computers began early, when computers were introduced in our school through an
audio visual computer based presentation. I knew from then that this is what I wanted to do. I spent
hours on it, first with games, then projects and programs, and finally the net. I was hooked. I knew my
future was with computers.

Within this broad field, I chose the Computer Engineering area because along with the device I was
intrigued by the systems, tools and processes that enabled the common man to utilize this potent
device. I have learnt both through academics and my projects too.

At college, I was one of the most prolific students, experimenting and taking on challenging projects. I
have done projects and provided solutions on Crop Disease Detector using Android Technology, Android
Studio and NetBeans; on LPG Gas Leakage Detection based on IOT using Arduino IDE and C
programming; on Base Conversion Calculator using Turbo Assembler and Assembly Language; and on
Blood Bank Management System using Oracle 10g and MySQL.

After graduation I realized that though I am well versed in use of diverse technologies, I lacked
professional exposure. In order to augment this I have joined Infosys, one of India’s leading information
technology and software providing company with global presence. At Infosys, I have developed an App
Use Case Portal using Java and Eclipse. I have also gained first hand exposure in use of advanced tools
and technologies for specific problem solving and developed an ability to work in teams. Over a period
of four months I have gained training in Generic, Stream and Project training.

The past four years have brought to the fore two key issues I have the programming skills and
fundamental knowledge to succeed in this field. I studied the entire gamut of subjects on offer, but from
all these I love _______ the best. Not just for my love, but also the power it has in making information
available to the masses it attracts me to spend my career in improving its effectiveness, efficiency and
reach. But, I need further knowledge, exposure and guidance. In my quest for the right program, I came
across the work in the ___lab at the ____ University. This is where I see myself gaining the right
knowledge and perspective through perusal of a Master’s program in___________. I especially like the
work of Prof. ______ in ____(technical comment required).

I know given the opportunity I will excel - I urge you to give me the opportunity. I have the desire to
succeed and am willing to put in the effort required to make this happen.

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