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FN 1 Food Trip


BMI Standards for Adults (18 years old and above)
Name: ______________________________________ Age: ______ Sex: _____
BMI WHO Asia-Pacific Interpretation
Instructions: (kg/m2) Classification Classification
1. Get a partner (preferably of the same sex). < 18.5 Underweight Underweight Low risk for NCD but higher risk for infection
2. Watch the demonstration of the instructor on how to use each anthropometric assessment tool. 18.5-22.9 Normal Low to moderate risk for NCDs
3. Carefully measure your partner using the tools and write down the measurements in this form. 23.0-24.9 At-risk Moderate risk for NCDs
4. Calculate the Body Mass Index and Waist-Hip Ratio. 25.0-29.9 Overweight Obese 1 Moderate to high risk for NCDs
5. Use the standards printed on this form to assess each measurement. 30.0-34.9 Obese 1
35.0-39.9 Obese 2 Obese 2 High to very high risk for NCDs
Measurement Trial 1 Trial 2 Trial 3 Average ≥ 40.0 Obese 3
Height in meters

Weight in Body Fat Percentage Standards for Adults (18 years old and above)
Males Females Classification
Body Mass BMI = _________average weight in kilograms_________ ≤ 5% ≤ 8% Unhealthy range (too low)
Index Calculation (average height in meters) x (average height in meters) 6% – 15% 9% – 23% Acceptable range (lower end)
16% – 24% 24% – 31% Acceptable range (upper end)
BMI (kg/m2) WHO Classification Asia Pacific Classification ≥ 25% ≥ 32% Unhealthy range (too high)

Waist Circumference and WHR Standards for Adults (18 years old and above)
Measurement Trial 1 Trial 2 Trial 3 Average
Waist circumference in Males Females Interpretation
centimeters aWaist Circumference ≥ 1.0 > 102 cm Considered for Android
Hip circumference in bWaist-Hip Ratio
 0.85 >88 cm Obesity
centimeters aIOTF, 2000
bIASO-WHO, 2000
Waist-Hip Ratio WHR = average waist circumference in centimeters
Calculation average hip circumference in centimeters Computing Desirable Body Weight (DBW)

Waist Classification Waist-Hip Ratio Waist-Hip Ratio Classification Tanhauser’s (Broca) Method
1. measure height in cm (if inches multiply by 2.54; feet to inches multiply by 12)
2. deduct 100
3. deduct 10% (for Filipinos)
Percent Body Fat Body Fat Classification 4. add and deduct 10% for DBW range

FN 1 | 2nd Sem AY 2018-2019

FN 1 Food Trip

1. Record the nutrient content of 2 food/beverage items consumed. Using available nutrient database or (nutrient label for pre-package foods).
Note: Create your account in iFNRI website ( to access the Food Composition Tables (PhilFCT) under iServe function.

Table 1. Energy and nutrient contents of consumed foods and beverages

Food and Description Nutritional Value per 100g
Estimate Energy (kcal) Protein (g) Carbohydrate Fat (g) Vitamin A Iron (mg)
amount (g) (mcgRE)


2. Compare the nutrient content of the foods consumed to the nutrient recommendations for your age group according to the Philippine Dietary Reference Intakes (PDRI). Refer
to the screen (in class) for the reference intakes.
Table 2. Energy and nutrient contribution to of consumed foods and beverages

Nutrient Content (total computed energy and PDRI values (for Males 29-29 years PDRI values (for Females 29-29 %PDRIc
nutrients from Table 1) old) years old)
Energy (kcal) 2530 1930
Protein (g) 71 62
Fat (g) a a
Carbohydrates (g) b b
Vitamin A (mcg RE) 700 600
Iron (mg) 12 (28)
a 15%-30% of total energy
b 55%-75% of total energy
c(energy/nutrient content in foods and beverages / PDRI values) x 100

( ) Requirements cannot be met by usual diet alone. Intake of iron-rich and iron-fortified foods and the use of supplements are recommended if necessary.

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