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Justine Andrei C.


1. Recessive (ri-ˈse-siv)- tending to recede, move back or withdraw

2. Endurance (in-ˈdu̇ r-ən(t)s)- the ability to sustain a prolonged stressful effort or activity
 The exercise will increase our strength and endurance.
3. Locality (lō-ˈka-lə-tē)- a particular place, situation, or location
 The plant has only been found in one locality.
4. Illustrative (i-ˈlə-strə-tiv)- serving, tending, or designed to illustrate
5. Revolutionary (re-və-ˈlü-shə-ˌner-ē)- constituting or bringing about a major or fundamental
6. Population (pä-pyə-ˈlā-shən)-the whole number of people or inhabitants in a country or region
 The city has experienced an increase in population.
7. Accordance (ə-ˈkȯr-dᵊn(t)s)- AGREEMENT, CONFORMITY
 The fund-raiser is in accordance with the school rules
8. Scriptures (skrip(t)-shərs)- a body of writings considered sacred or authoritative
9. Dilemma (də-ˈle-mə)- a problem involving a difficult choice
 The country's decision to go to war has caused a major dilemma for its allies.
10. Transcriptions (tran(t)-ˈskrip-shəns)- an act, process, or instance of transcribing or copying
11. Laggards (ˈla-gərds)- lagging or tending to lag
 My father hates being stuck behind laggard motorists on the freeway.
12. Disciplinary (ˈdi-sə-plə-ˌner-ē)- designed to correct or punish breaches of discipline
 The committee is considering disciplinary measures against him.
13. Transcendence (tran(t)-ˈsen-dən(t)s)- the quality or state of being transcendent or exceeding
the usual limits
14. Feudalistic (ˈfyü-də-ˌlis-tic)- the system of political organization prevailing in Europe from the
9th to about the 15th centuries having as its basis the relation of lord to vassal with all land
held in fee and as chief characteristics homage, the service of tenants under arms.
15. Colloquialism (kə-ˈlō-kwē-ə-ˌli-zəm)- a local or regional dialect expression
16. Excerpt (ˈek-ˌsərpt)- a passage (as from a book or musical composition) selected, performed,
or copied
17. Knowledgeable (ˈnä-li-jə-bəl)- having or showing knowledge or intelligence
 My uncle is fairly knowledgeable about wine.
18. Subscribers (səb-ˈskrīb- ers)- person who gives consent or approval to something written by
19. Lieutenant (lü-ˈte-nənt)- an official empowered to act for a higher official
 He was promoted to the rank of lieutenant.
20. Indecisiveness (in-di-ˈsī-siv-nez)- marked by or prone to indecision : IRRESOLUTE
 Her plans usually don’t materialize due to her indecisiveness.

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