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Quiz #1

2nd Quarter
Name: Carmelo Josef F.Garcia
Section: Sampaguita

Instructions: Read each statement below. In the column provided for the answer, write TRUE if the statement is correct
and write FALSE if the statement is incorrect. Submit this take home exam via email on Friday, November 17, 2017 before
1:00 pm. Email it at Follow the following format for the file name and subject title for the
email: Section---Class Number---Last name---2QQuiz#1. Example: Camia---27---Rebong---2QQuiz#1. Bring a hard copy of this
exam on our first meeting next week (either November 20-21 depending on your section’s schedule). There should be no
erasures in the hard copy and answers in the soft copy that was submitted online should match those in the hard copy.

# Statement Answer
1 Subsistence farming resulted in the division of labor and specialization. TRUE
2 Social relationships become more complex as population decreases. TRUE
3 Specialization and division of labor creates social hierarchy and the emergence of different social TRUE
classes in a civilization.
4 One of the factors that caused the development of writing was the growth of population in a TRUE
5 Writing triggered the development of laws in a civilization. FALSE
6 The emergence of trade is only possible for a civilization that has a capacity to produce food surplus. TRUE
7 A civilization is defined as a complex culture with several characteristics. TRUE
8 The creation of food surplus was the last step in the development of a civilization. FALSE
9 Government and religion were developed as means to manage conflicts among people during the TRUE
initial development of a civilization.
10 The defining characteristic of a city is the existence of a complex trade within it. TRUE
11 Barter system involves trading goods with the use of money. FALSE
12 Government and economy are examples of complex institutions. TRUE
13 Ziggurat was used not only as a religious center but also as a political center in Mesopotamia. FALSE
14 All four ancient civilizations in Mesopotamia, Egypt, Indus Valley, and ancient China had a FALSE
monotheistic religion.
15 All four ancient civilizations developed near river valleys. TRUE
16 The concept of a city-state in Mesopotamia was similar to a concept of an independent country
17 Cultural exchange refers to the process in which an idea or a product spreads from one culture to
18 Mesopotamians had a positive and optimistic view of afterlife.
19 The Code of Hammurabi exhibited fairness and equality because the punishments for crimes were
similar to all social classes in Mesopotamia.
20 Ancient Egyptian civilization developed a theocratic form of government wherein their religious
leader was also their political leader at the same time.
21 In the ancient Egyptian civilization, the tomb of their pharaoh was more important than the palace.
22 The ancient Egyptian civilization allowed social mobility among its different social classes.
23 The early hieroglyphics was pictographic in form which was similar with that of the early form of
24 In the ancient Indus Valley civilization, the coming of monsoons was an important geographic factor.
25 Indus Valley developed a bilingual writing system which was already deciphered and became the
source of information for the historians.
26 The people of ancient Indus Valley civilization developed a sophisticated city planning.
27 Social division within the Indus Valley civilization was great as manifested in the sizes of their houses.
28 In the ancient Chinese civilization, women were treated with high regard.
29 The early form of religion in the ancient Chinese civilization was characterized by ancestor worship.
30 The ancient Chinese civilization was a highly literate society because its writing system was easy to
learn for everyone.

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