Anda di halaman 1dari 4


Chapter 1
1. 6 Dimensions of health
2. Models of behavior change
3. SMART system

Chapter 2
1. What is psychological health?
2. What are the 4 dimensions of psychological health?
3. Self efficacy & self-esteem
4. Mood disorders
a. Major depression, Bipolar disorder, SAD
5. Anxiety disorders
a. Panic disorders, OCD, Post traumatic stress disorder, Phobic disorders

Chapter 3
1. What is stress?
a. Types of stress
i. Eustress, Distress, Acute stress, Episodic acute stress
b. General Adaptation Syndrome (GAS)
i. Fight or flight response
2. Ways/techniques to manage stress

Chapter 4
1. Intentional/Unintentional Injuries
a. Different types of each
2. Sexual Victimization
a. Sexual assault, aggravated rape, simple rape, acquaintance rape, marital rape, sexual harassment,
b. Intimate Partner Violence Cycle
3. Distracted Driving

Chapter 5
1. Intimate relationships/Friendships/Romantic Relationships
a. Intimacy, social integration, nurturance, assistance, affirmation.
2. Committed relationships
a. Marriage, cohabitation, common law marriage, monogamy, serial monogamy.
3. Non-Verbal Communication (types)

Chapter 6
1. Birth Control
a. Hormonal/Barrier methods
b. Conception- viable egg, viable sperm, access to the egg by the sperm.
c. Behavioral Methods
i. Withdrawal, abstinence

Chapter 7
1. Addiction
a. Signs of addiction
b. Tolerance
2. Addictive behaviors
3. Drugs
a. Drug abuse/drug misuse
b. Types/Categories
i. Prescription, OTC, Recreational, Herbal preparations, Illicit, commercial.
c. Routes of Administration
d. Common drugs of abuse
i. Stimulants, depressants, narcotics, hallucinogens

Chapter 8
1. Alcohol
a. Binge drinking
b. Ethyl alcohol, ethanol alcohol, proof, standard drink
c. Blood Alcohol Concentration
i. What factors influence how quickly your body absorbs alcohol
d. Immediate effects of alcohol on the body.
2. Tobacco
a. Nicotine, tar, carbon monoxide
b. Tobacco products
c. Environmental tobacco smoke

Chapter 9
1. Hunger, nutrients, appetite, nutrition
a. Macro/micro nutrients
b. Calories
c. 6 essential nutrients
i. Carbs, proteins, fats, vitamins, minerals, water
d. What is a healthful diet?
i. Adequate, balanced, nutrient dense, varied

Chapter 10
1. Obese, overweight, morbidly obese, super obese, underweight
2. Metabolic rates
3. Body Mass Index
a. BMI= weight (kg)/height squared
4. Energy Balance- 3,500 extra calories = 1 lb of storage fat

Chapter 11
1. Physical activity, exercise
2. Physical fitness, components of physical fitness
a. Cardiorespiratory fitness, Muscular strength, Muscular endurance, Flexibility, Body composition
3. Fitness program components
a. Warm-up, cardiorespiratory/resistance training, cool down
4. Principles of Fitness training
b. Target heart rate (how to measure)

Chapter 12
1. Cardiovascular disease
a. Atherosclerosis, PAD, Coronary Heart Disease, Angina pectoris, Arrhythmias, Heart Failure,
Hypertension, Stroke
2. Cancer
a. Tumors
i. Benign, malignant
b. Types of Cancers
i. Breast
ii. Lung
iii. Skin- ABCD rule

Chapter 13
1. The process of infection
a. Pathogens, epidemics, pandemic, autoinoculate
2. STI’s
a. Types
b. Routes of transmission

Chapter 14
1. Physical and mental changes of aging
a. Osteoporosis, dementias, Alzheimer’s, Sexual dysfunction, The senses
2. Death
a. Stages of dying
b. Grief, bereavement, mourning

Chapter 16
1. Taking Responsibility for your health care
a. Self help or self care
2. Health care providers
a. PCP, ophthalmologist, optometrist, dentist, nurses, nurse practitioners, physician assistance
b. Assessing health professionals
3. Health insurance
a. Premiums, HMOs, PPOs, POS, managed care

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