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Geomorphologic development of the Sunda volcanic complex, west Java,


Article · January 1996


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Journal of Soufheasr Asian Earrh Sciences, Vol. 14, Nos 112, pp. 101-115. 1996
Copyright sfj 1996 Elsevier Science Ltd
Printed in Great Britain. All rights reserved
PII: SO743-9547(%)00069-4 0743-9547196 $15.00 + 0.00

A chronology for geomorphological developments in the

greater Bandung area, West-Java, Indonesia
M. A. C. Dam,*? P. Suparan,$ Jan J. Nossin,$ R. P. G. A. Voskuil$
and GTL Group11
*Faculty of Earth Sciences, Utrecht University, P.O. Box 80021,3508 TA, Utrecht, The Netherlands;
TInstitute for Earth Sciences, Vrije Universiteit, Amsterdam, The Netherlands; SQuaternary Geology
Division, Geological Research and Development Centre, Jalan Diponegoro 57, Bandung, Indonesia;
$Intemational Institute for Aerospace Survey and Earth Sciences ITC, Division for Applied
Geomorphology, P.O. Box 6, Enschede, The Netherlands; and /[Staff of Directorate Environmental
Geology (Geologi Tata Lingkungan), Jalan Diponegoro 57, Bandung, Indonesia

(Received 5 March 1996; accepted for publication 21 June 1996)

Abstract-The greater Bandung area (West-Java, Indonesia) is a large intramontane basin

surrounded by volcanic highlands. Geomorphological and sedimentological studies reveal that the
morphology of the central basin and the Sunda-Tangkuban Perahu volcanic complex developed
during the Middle-Late Quaternary, in particular since 125 kyr B.P. Tectonic subsidence, paroxysmal
eruptions, volcanism-induced faulting/rifting, drainage system adaptations and intramontane
lacustrine sedimentation (partly geomorphology-controlled) constitute the dominant landform-deter-
mining processes. A reconstruction of the regional morphological development is based on
interpretation of morphological features and morphodynamic processes in the volcanic upland, in
combination with analysis of the sedimentary record in the basin. A chronological framework is based
on datings obtained from surficial sediments and deep drill cores.
Initially, long term patterns in volcanicity and tectonic effects determine regional sedimentation
and relief development in the greater Bandung area. Fluvial sedimentation and weathering prevailed
in the basin, while the southern and northern volcanic ranges gradually formed. Basin subsidence,
with contemporaneous volcanism around 125 kyr B.P., resulted in the formation of an enclosed
intramontane basin, and stimulated lacustrine sedimentation. From this time on, concentration of
volcanicity in the northern Sunda-Tangkuban Perahu complex and the resulting morphostructural
developments caused rapid (catastrophic) and localized morphological changes. Cataclysmic
eruptions (around 105 kyr B.P. and 50-35 kyr B.P.) caused voluminous sediment inflow in the
northwestern basin. These events mark the significance of the Sunda-Tangkuban Perahu volcanic
centre during the Late Quatemary; the Sunda volcano collapsed into a caldera in which later the
Tangkuban Perahu volcano developed. Moreover, these eruptions controlled regional sedimentation
and determined landform development in the greater basin area. In the vicinity of the eruption centre,
volcano-tectonic faulting formed the conspicuous E-W Lembang fault that controlled distribution
of volcaniclastic sediments and the initiation of a new drainage system in the Lembang area. In the
low-lying Bandung plain persistent (fluvio)lacustrine and volcaniclastic sedimentation, followed by
basin subsidence and minor fluvial erosion characterised the younger phases of landform
development. Copyright 0 1996 Elsevier Science Ltd

Introduction cipitation increases to some 4000 mm yr - ‘. The regional

climate is classified as humid-tropical (KGppen type ,4f
The greater Bandung area consists of a large to Am). The Citarum river with its tributaries forms the
intramontane basin and adjacent volcanic highlands main drainage system of the Bandung basin catchment
(Fig. 1). The central Bandung plain is situated at ca. (some 1600 km*). It meanders through the centre of the
665 m above sea level, and is surrounded by up to basin in a western direction and, after crossing several
2400 m high Late Tertiary and Quaternary volcanic topographical barriers through narrow gorges, reaches
terrain (Figs 2, 3 and 4). North of Bandung the the northern coastal lowlands.
Sunda-Tangkuban Perahu volcanic complex is located. Regional geological studies and investigations of basin
The adjacent Lembang plain (approximately 1200 m sediments (Van Bemmelen, 1934, 1949; Siliitonga, 1973;
asl), is bordered to the south by the conspicuous Polhaupessy, 1980; Lyon/Indec, 1981/1982; Bannert and
Lembang fault (Fig. 6). The Bandung basin is densely Riyadi, 1989; Suparan and Dam, 1992; Dam et al. 1993;
populated with some 5 million inhabitants (RUDS- Dam, 1994), volcanological studies (Dalimin, 1988;
BMA, 1989). The area is connected to the coastal region Dvorak et al. 1990; Soetoyo and Hadisantono, 1992) as
near Jakarta, and to Central- and East-Java, by major well as geomorphological surveys (Pannekoek, 1949;
rail, road and air links. Bandung plain (approx. 400 km*) Nossin et al. 1992; Nossin and Voskuil, 1995) reveal that
has a mean annual precipitation of around 1700 mm, the present geologic and morphologic configuration
and a mean annual temperature of around 24°C largely developed during the Quaternary. An overview
(IWACO-WASECO, 1991). On higher elevations pre- of the regional geology and morphological features is
102 M. A. C. Dam et al.

given by a photo reproduction of an excellent SPOT Gn. Malabar as the central edifice south of the
satellite image (Fig. 2). The basin area, with the northern Bandung basin and the Sunda-Tangkuban Perahu
and southern volcanic ranges, is depicted on a complex, that forms part of a larger (40 x 20 km),
generalised morphological map (Fig. 3). A schematic WNW-ESE oriented mountain zone north of the basin
N-S cross-section through West-Java (Fig. 4) illustrates (Gn. = Gunung = Mountain). The major geologic and
the geological structure. Deposits in the basin comprise morphologic features in the area are illustrated in Figs
coarse volcaniclastics, fluvial sediments and notably a 3 and 4. Along the western border of the basin the deeply
thick series of lacustrine deposits. The lacustrine eroded remnants of Late Tertiary volcanic instrusives
sequence contains a detailed record of local and regional form steep ridges and isolated cones. These so-called
vegetational developments. Their palaeoclimatic impli- Cimahi hills form a major N-S topographic barrier. The
cations are discussed by Dam (1994) and Van der Kaars Citarum river presently drains the basin via a narrow
and Dam (1995). The basin deposits provide not only a gorge through these hills. In the southwestern comer of
dateable sedimentary record but they also reflect the the plain a small alluvial fan is located adjacent to older,
volcanic events and geomorphic developments in the mostly inert volcanic terrain. The southern margin of the
surrounding uplands, notably in the mountains north of basin is formed by the Late Tertiary-Early Quatemary
the basin. This paper proposes a chronology for the intrusives of Gn. Geulis that are partly covered with
major geomorphological developments during the Late undifferentiated volcaniclastics. Further south the
Quaternary, and reviews the nature and patterns of Early-Middle Quaternary Gn. Malabar volcanic com-
morphodynamic processes that took place. plex dominates the area. Its summit rises to some 2300 m
as1 (Fig. 4) and extensive footslopes in the southwest and
southeast reach as far as the central plain. Further east,
steep volcanic footslopes rise to other Middle Quater-
Regional geologic and morphologic setting nary volcanic centres. In the surroundings of Bandung
city the large Bandung volcaniclastic fan extends far into
The central West-Java segment of the Sunda arc the plain. It is clearly expressed in the local topography
subduction system is characterised by active basalt- and the radial drainage pattern. East of Bandung
andesite volcanism. Quaternary volcanoes form two undifferentiated volcanic footslopes associated with the
major mountain ranges: the Southern Mountains, with older Gn. Pulusari volcanic centre border the plain. The


-8” 106’ 107” 108” 109O

Fig. 1. Location of the Bandung basin area. The study area is situated in the central part of West-Java,
Indonesia, some 150km southeast of Jakarta. The shaded area is the Bandung basin proper. Surrounding
volcanic highlands (over 750 m asl) are indicated with vertical hatching.
Fig. 2. SPOT satellite image (dd. 6 July 1986) of the northern Bandung basin and the Sunda-Tangkuban
Perahu volcanic complex. The conspicuous Lembang fault is oriented 280”-100”; approximate scale on A4
size: 1: 180.000, oriented to the north. 0 CNESjSPOT Image.


voLcuac SLOPES






LAKE SHORE ZONE . . . . . .

Fig. 3. Regional generalised morphology of the Bandung basin. Indicated are major morphogenetic landform units. For a discussion of the main features reference is
made to the text. Specific morphologic features are further illustrated in Figs 7a-g.
106 M. A. C. Dam et al.

Miocene - Pliocene volcanicr * Oliqoccne : Lower Miqfette

marme sedtmats and llmatotw
a Miocene. Pliocene intmsivcs
m Palacogenc - Early Miocene complex
Pliocene vohnic necks
block faulting,
@ Neogeae marine sediments J\ tbnlsting

Fig. 4. Schematic cross-section through West-Java across the Bandung area showing the structural setting of
the intramontane Bandung basin and the major geological and morphological features. Most (inferred) faults,
except for the conspicuous Lembang fault, have been obscured by overlying volcanic deposits. Contrary to
the impression given in the section, the extinct Gn. Malabar volcano is the most eroded, least conical volcanic
edifice. The structural setting of the basin as depicted in this section is discussed by Dam (1994) and is based
on a synthesis of the available literature.

smaller Manglayang and Bukitjarian volcanic centres and Voskuil, 1995). East of the divide, the Lembang
are presumably also of an Early to Middle Quaternary fault scarp is expressed as an imposing cliff with a
age and presently inactive. The nearly flat central plain relative height increasing from some 75 m near
varies in elevation between 660 m in the centre and some Lembang, to over 450 m at Gn. Pulusari in the east. This
675 m towards the margins. Shallow subsurface deposits relative height has increased because of erosive incision
comprise minor fluvial sands, a thin veneer of in the volcanic deposits at its foot. The fault scarp in the
backswamp deposits and fluviolacustrine clays and, eastern zone is developed in older volcanics, which form
below this cover, poorly consolidated lacustrine sedi- the Pulusari block to the south (Fig. 6). The western part
ments. In the margin of the plain, fan delta and deltaic of the fault scar-p is much more modestly expressed in the
deposits occur. terrain, as a distinct ridge of some 40 m relative height.
North of Bandung the morphology is determined by Both ends of the western Lembang fault are marked by
the Sunda-Tangkuban Perahu volcanic complex, includ- small cross-faults. The fault scarp in the western part is
ing the large Sunda caldera and other remnants of older developed in younger volcanics.
volcanism (Figs 2, 3, 4 and 5). The conspicuous flat
summit of the active Tangkuban Perahu volcano, which
formed inside the Sunda caldera, rises to some 2000 m.
To the east and northeast, in the Bukanegara area, older A chronology for geomorphological
volcanics are strongly affected by faulting and gravita- developments
tional collapse. A relatively flat but dissected zone south
and east of Tangkuban Perahu and adjacent to the town The analysis presented here is based on correlation of
of Lembang is indicated as the Lembang surface or (1) the sequence of volcaniclastic, fluvial and lacustrine
Lembang plain (Fig. 6). Southwards, it is bordered deposits in the basin proper, with (2) the geology and
abruptly by the Lembang fault scarp, running practically morphology of the basin’s upland surroundings. More
East-West. The fault orientation does not conform with specifically, detailed analysis of two continuous sediment
the prevailing local lineament trends nor with important cores (104 and 60 m, Fig. 5) and surficial deposits (Dam,
regional fault system trends and the fault is probably of 1994) facilitate a correlation of the Late Quaternary
a local volcano-tectonic origin. The normal faulting is sedimentary record with the contemporaneous geologic
ascribed to magmatic depletion as a result of the and morphologic evolution of the surrounding volcanic
eruptions of the Sunda and Tangkuban Perahu upland. A chronology for the relief development of the
volcanoes (Van Bemmelen, 1934, 1949; Nossin et al. area is provided by the association of significant
1992; Noor, 1992). morphological events with radiometrically dated de-
The geomorphic expression of the Lembang fault posits. For the younger events, ages are based on 14C
shows two distinctly different zones; the boundary datings on deposits from the upper levels of the cores
between these lies near the road from Bandung to and surficial deposits. These provide a consistent
Lembang where it crosses the fault. This coincides with chronologic framework for the younger (~50 kyr)
the boundary between the eastern and western Lembang lacustrine and volcaniclastic deposits, including pyro-
surfaces which have formed in response to the faulting elastic flow and lahar sequences (phase 5). The 50-55 m
phases. A flat divide zone between these two surfaces palaeosol level of both cores was dated with U/Th
runs roughly along this road between the fault and the disequilibrium method. The age estimates for the
town of Lembang. (Fig. 6; Nossin et al. 1992; Nossin intermediate levels are based on extra- and interpolation.
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108 M. A. C. Dam et al.

initiated the faulting now expressed as the eastern part fining-upward sequences, little coarse volcaniclastics and
of the Lembang fault scarp. This area subsequently no primary volcanic deposits. All are moderately to
formed an effective sediment trap for younger volcanic strongly weathered. Several pronounced weathering/
products. As will be discussed below, northern palaeosol levels are observed, and the sequence is
volcanism is active until today, indicating that most of capped, at a depth of 50-54 m, with a strongly developed
the terrain developed in the Late Quaternary. (See also palaeosol (Dam, 1994). U/Th disequilibrium method
Van Bemmelen, 1934,1949; Dalimin, 1988; Soetoyo and dating of calcareous pedogenic nodules (concretions,
Hadisantono, 1992; Nossin et al. 1992; Dam, 1994.) kankar) in the palaeosol indicates that it formed around
Prior to, or contemporaneous with the regional 126-135 kyr B.P. (Dam, 1994).
volcanism, tectonic activity along deep-seated east-west Essentially, regional volcanic activity, induced by
oriented faults (presumably intra-arc rifting; Hamilton, widespread, subduction-controlled magmatism, in com-
1989; Cas and Wright, 1987; Dam, 1994) caused a bination with structural deformations (intra-arc rifting),
topographic low between the northern and southern determined the major morphodynamic processes in the
volcanic ranges. This initial basin served as an area during this early phase. It is reflected in the build-up
intermediate to distal depocentre for the volcaniclastics of the southern and northern volcanic ranges (Fig. 7a).
derived from the adjacent eruption centres. Based on the Landform development during this phase was character-
geological and morphological configuration of the area, ised by a regular occurrence of volcanic events, while
it is most likely that the sediments found at depths below erosive and denudational processes in the volcanic
50 m in drill cores, form part of these older volcanic upland resulted in fluvial and fluviovolcanic deposition
deposits. The basal sequence (50-104 m) in drill core II throughout the basin. Deposits probably formed part of
(Fig. 5) contains a number of sandy coarsening- and widespread volcaniclastic aprons (much conform to the

Fig. 6. The morphology of the Sunda-Tangkuban Perahu volcanic centre, the adjacent Lembang surface, and
the east and west Lembang fault. The boundary between the two parts of the Lembang fault, which trend
in the same direction, is made by a cross-fault. 1. Lake Umar located in between the east and west Lembang
surface. 2. Part of the east Lembang surface experiences ongoing subsidence, which affects the drainage
. pattern. 3. The Cikapundung gap in the Lembang fault near the village of Maribaya. 4. The fault-controlled
Cikapundung gorge (valley). 5. (Cross-hatching): blocked valley-infill sediments (fluvial and organic swamp
deposits) behind the west Lembang fault scarp. 6. Crescentic faulting of older Sunda volcanics towards the
Geomorphological development, West-Java 109

present Bandung fan, Fig. 3), associated with one of the relatively young pyroclastic deposits mantle the topogra-
southern or northern volcanoes. The dissected surfaces phy north of Bandung.
of some major fan bodies can be distinguished in the
southwestern, southeastern and northeastern compart- Phase 2. 125 kyr B.P.-The start of lacustrine sedimen-
ments of the basin (Figs 3,7a). The prevailing weathered tation and the formation of an enclosed intramontane
facies of the fluvial deposits in the basin and the absence basin
of coarse and primary volcanic deposits suggests
sedimentation was intermittent and not truly Analysis of the upper part of the sedimentary
catastrophic (without exceptionally large or frequent sequence in the basin reveals a radical change in
eruptions). Denudation and sedimentation rates facili- sedimentation. An ominous tephra layer, directly
tated contemporaneous weathering of these deposits, overlying the dated palaeosol, preceeds a thick sequence
either before or after deposition in the basin. Drainage of fine-grained, organic lacustrine deposits. From
of the area took place in a western to northwestern around 12.5kyr B.P. lacustrine sedimentation prevails
direction (Fig. 7a). Morphological evidence suggests that throughout the low-relief central basin (Fig. 7b). (See
southern volcanism terminated earlier. The southern Dam (1994) for a discussion of the age assessment.) This
mountain range is characterised by the eroded, inactive persisted until approximately 105 kyr B.P. Basinwide,
volcanic centre of Gn. Malabar, with strongly dissected the quiet lacustrine environment (with sedimentation
upper volcanic slopes and incised alluvial fans. In rates of approx. 48-34 cm - kyr) recorded no marked
general, the volcaniclastic deposits are deeply weathered. aberrations in sedimentation, although palaeoecological
The northern Sunda range is still active today. Several evidence suggests that smaller disturbances occurred
younger cones (Tangkuban Perahu, Bukit Tunggul) are continuously (Dam, 1994). It is concluded that on a
built on the older, deeply eroded, volcanic edifices, and smaller scale, morphodynamic processes continued as

125,000 yr B.P.
1 I 1 I 1



&!ii21km8&~~R~%~%~‘c coMPLExEs


En,. 13rbmu I


Fig. 7a-g. Cartoons presenting major sedimentation events and morphological developments (phases l-7) that
shaped the Bandung basin area as it is today. The following specific features are indicated with numbers l-7.
1. The initial Sunda volcanic complex in the northwestern part of the Bandung basin. 2. The Cimahi Hills.
3. The older Malabar volcanic complex. 4. Eastern Lembang fault. 5. Tangkuban Perahu volcano in the
eastern part of the Sunda caldera. 6. Cikapundung gorge and gap through the eastern Lembang fault.
7. Western Lembang fault. 8. The new (and present) Citarum river outlet from the Bandung basin. For further
explanation reference is made to the text.
110 M. A. C. Dam et al.

Aftor 16.000 Yr 6.P

Fig. 7d-g.

during the previous phase, without significant adap- Phase 3. 105 kyr B.P.-Paroxysmal volcanic eruptions,
tations. formation of the Sunda caldera and the east Lembang
In the upper 50 m of the sedimentary sequence, no fault
indications for significant activity of the southern
volcanoes are found (only minor sediment inflow took A thick, massive bed of highly vesicular, andesitic
place, which probably derived from volcanoes in the scoria (in Fig. 5 indicated as volcaniclastic gravelly sand,
southwest). This suggests that the change to lacustrine bed C), occurs intercalated in organic lacustrine
sedimentation coincided with a shift in volcanic activity deposits. The heavy mineral suite of the deposit is
towards predominantly the northern Sunda-Tangkuban characterized by high amounts of clinopyroxene
Perahu complex. Sediment properties and heavy mineral (augites), minor olivines and a few zircons. This mineral
content support this (Dam, 1994). Volcanism-controlled suite is typical for northern Sunda volcanics (see also
morphodynamic processes gradually decreased in inten- Dam, 1994). In contrast, deposits from southern sources
sity in the southern highlands. In addition, the change contain high amounts of orthopyroxenes (hypersthene
to lacustrine sedimentation, most likely the result of and enstatite). Also the large amount of highly vesicular
further subsidence of the basin, in combination with the scoria in the deposits is typical for the northern
ongoing build-up of volcanic terrain in the northwestern Sunda-Tangkuban Perahu volcanic centre. The sedi-
surroundings of the basin, suggests the low-lying central mentary facies show it is deposited by a pyroclastic flow
basin became completely enclosed by topographically and secondary, high sediment-concentration afterflows.
higher volcanic terrain. As will be discussed below, the A new sequence of organic lacustrine sediments directly
volcanic upland in the north-northwest part of the basin overlies this deposit. It is found in drill cores throughout
(Figs 6, 7b) actively developed during the last 125 kyr. the basin, over distances of 25 km apart (Figs 3 and 7~).
Consequently, the existing, west-northwest oriented The age of the pyroclastic flow deposit is estimated at
drainage system may have been disturbed from these 105 kyr B.P., based on interpolation between the
early times on, preventing proper drainage of the radiocarbon ages in the upper part of the cores and the
intramontane area. U/Th datings at 5&55 m depth (see also Fig. 5). The
Geomorphological development, West-Java 111

6-8 m thick sequence is indicative for extremely high (1968). Apart from the offset in the topography near
(instantaneous) sedimentation rates. The area1 distri- Maribaya, there is no other conceivable hypothesis by
bution and large volume of the pyroclastic flow deposit which the deep, straight valley could maintain itself
suggests it derived from a destructive, Plinian type against the developing east Lembang fault. This is a
eruption at the Sunda-Tangkuban Perahu volcanic normal fault where the north wall has subsided with
centre (Cas and Wright, 1985). Likely, this catastrophic respect to the south wall. In view of the vertical
sedimentation strongly affected the regional drainage displacement it may be assumed that this faulting took
system (cf. Smith, 1986; Costa and Schuster, 1988), and place in several phases, probably initiated by the collapse
may have created new topographic barriers in the of the Sunda volcano and the emptying of the magmatic
western to northwestern direction of drainage. This reservoir. In conclusion, it is proposed that also the
caused a further deterioration of drainage of the basin Cikapundung gorge is a fault that is associated not only
area and facilitated higher lake levels in the central with the eastern Lembang fault but also with the collapse
depression. Hence, voluminous volcaniclastic sedimen- of the Sunda volcano at 105 kyr B.P.
tation, disturbing the drainage capacity of the upper
Citarum river and stimulating lacustrine sedimentation
immediately afterwards, ultimately controlled landform
development in the western-central Bandung basin. The
repeated occurrence of this phenomenon during younger Phase 4. 105-50 kyr B.P.-Ongoing lacustrine sedimen-
phases is further discussed below. tation
In the northern volcanic range the major paroxysmal
eruption at around 105 kyr B.P. initiated the formation A thick, monotonous sequence of lacustrine sediments
of the impressive Sunda caldera (Figs 2, 3 and Fig. 7d). (organic clayey silts) occurs in the central-eastern basin
The pressure release in the underlying magmatic body between 36 and 14 m depth (deep drill core II, Fig. 5).
was compensated with tensional faulting and rifting. A Thin peaty horizons, some fine-grained iuvial deposits
major off-set of the east Lembang fault and subsidence (with minor soil development) and several distinct tephra
of the eastern Lembang surface may have taken place layers are intercalated. The sequence reflects the
(Fig. 6). Tentatively, it is concluded that the east low-intensity lacustrine sedimentation that prevailed
Lembang fault was initiated some 105 kyr B.P. The during this period (approximately 105 to 50 kyr B.P.) in
geomorphological significance of the east (and west) the central lake basin. Sedimentation rates extrapolated
Lembang faults is that the fault scarp largely prohibits for the lacustrine deposits amount to 29-34 cm- kyr.
the movement of volcanic products towards the plain. Palaeoecological evidence (Dam, 1994) confirms a
Most of the deposits in the eastern Lembang area, prevailing shallow lacustrine environment, without
north of the fault, are thought to derive from the 105 kyr major disturbances. In the central-western part of the
B.P. eruption phase. Volcanic deposits from the basin there was a more significant inflow of fluvial
Sunda-Tangkuban Perahu complex have not been sediment, temporary exposure and soil development,
able to cross the eastern Lembang fault after it was and shorter periods with typical open water, lacustrine
formed, with the exception of some basaltic lava conditions (core I, Fig. 5). The heavy mineral content of
flows through the Cikapundung gorge. It should be the coarser fluvial deposits (with predominantly
noted that the east Lembang area is not the most orthopyroxenes and moderate brownish hornblende) is
likely depocentre for volcanic products from the early indicative for a southern provenance of the sediment
Sunda eruption centre. Most of the southbound (Dam, 1994). In the western part of the basin only minor
ejectamenta travel straight down the initial volcano lacustrine deposits are encountered and the sequence
slope, to be deposited in the Bandung basin. Van mostly consists of moderate- to coarse-grained fluvial
Bemmelen (1934) already speculated that part of and volcaniclastic deposits.
the older infill in the eastern basin may be derived The regional differences in the sedimentary record
from the eastern volcanoes such as Bukit Tunggul. reflect the spatial differentiation in sedimentation
However, the nature of the deposits in this area give few processes, denudation/erosion patterns and conse-
clues as to their source. quently, landform development (Fig. 7d). The eastern
Volcaniclastic deposition and the Lembang fault also and central basin area recorded environmental quies-
exercise strong control over the ongoing development of cence, with minor effects of volcanism (tephra layers)
the drainage system. Lake Umar is situated in between and ongoing lacustrine conditions. Essentially, the
the east and west Lembang surface, on a slightly bulging central-eastern basin remained a low-lying depression
area (Fig. 6). This lake has no catchment, so it must be that formed an effective sediment trap for relatively
fed by groundwater flow, and the Cipaganti river small amounts of fine-grained sediment derived from
originates from it. The position of lake Umar on the predominantly inactive volcanic upland. Towards the
divide between the eastern and western Lembang surface western part of the basin the effects of upland volcanism
illustrates the youthfulness of the unadapted drainage in the hinterland are noticeable in the form of more
system in the Lembang area. The east Lembang surface voluminous sediment inflow, i.e. fluvial deposits derived
shows the conspicuous anomaly of all drainage from more distant, incidental volcanic activity in the
concentrating in the Cikapundung gap at Maribaya south (Patuha volcano), and increased coarse volcani-
(Fig. 6). Volcaniclastics in the area show a further elastics derived from a relatively nearby northern
post-depositional subsidence of some 30 m; the drainage volcano. These latter deposits indicate the ongoing
system has the Cikapundung gap as the local base level. activity of the Sunda volcanic complex. Possibly, the
On morphological grounds alone, the Cikapundung eruption centre was located in the eastern part of the
gorge may be considered a fault. A distinct fault block Sunda caldera (Fig. 7d), were it formed the initial stage
in the Cikapundung valley wall was described by Tjia of the Tangkuban Perahu volcano.
112 M. A. C. Dam et al.

Phase 5. Xl-35 kyr B.P.-Bandung volcam’clastic fan volcanic complex in the northern Sunda range. This
development confirms the tendency, as noted by Van Bemmelen
(1949) of (I) a shift of the volcanic activity in the
Detailed sedimentary facies analysis and stratigraphic northern range from east to west, and (2) is further proof
correlation of volcaniclastic deposits in exposures, in of the effect of the eastern Lembang fault as a major
conjunction with radiocarbon dating, indicates that topographic barrier for volcaniclastic sediment from
catastrophic volcaniclastic sedimentation took place the Tangkuban Perahu eruption centre. At the same
around 50-55 kyr B.P. in the western basin (Dam, 1994). time, volcanic landforms in the northeastern and
Geomorphologically and petrologically, these events can southern surroundings of the basin stabilized and
be correlated with eruptions of the Sunda-Tangkuban fluvial erosion became the dominant morphodynamic
Perahu volcanic centre (Van Bemmelen, 1934; Dalimin, process. Ultimately, (as will be shown below) the lake
1988; Nossin et al. 1992). Probably Plinian-type system was seriously affected by the newly developing
eruptions again produced large volumes of volcaniclastic morphology. It can be concluded that in particular the
debris (i.e. sandy scoriaceous breccias and ashes). It is series of (Plinian) eruptions at the Sunda-Tangkuban
not clear whether the Sunda caldera was already in full Perahu complex, and the closely associated volcano-de-
existence at this stage, or that this phase has contributed positional events, had a major impact on the
to its further formation, and final collapse of the Sunda morphodynamic processes in the direct vicinity of the
eruption centre. The latter is postulated by Nossin et al. volcano, but also on the morphology of more remote
(1996). localities, i.e. the whole lake area.
In the western basin, primary pyroclastic flow, debris
flow (lahar) and coarse hyperconcentrated-flood-flow Phase 6. 35-20 kyr B.P.-High lake levels and lacustrine
deposits indicate the catastrophic, instantaneous nature sedimentation and the west Lembang fault
of the depositional processes. As a result an extensive
(fluvio)volcaniclastic fan body developed in the north- The topographically higher morphology of the
western part of the basin (in the area of Bandung, Bandung fan (Figs 3 and 7e) considerably raised the
Cimahi and Padalarang cities, Figs 2 and 3). This rapidly drainage base level of the Bandung basin as a whole.
aggrading Bandung fan formed a topographically Consequently, higher lake levels were quickly established
distinct sediment wedge of considerable proportions after approximately 35 kyr B.P., facilitating lacustrine
towards the centre of the western basin (Fig. 7e). In the sedimentation over a larger area. Thick organic
central and eastern basin only a distinct ash layer sequences developed in the central plain, while in the
represents probably the major eruption of this phase; in margins peaty shallow-water deposits occur on high
a large area lacustrine conditions are little affected. In topographic positions (684688 m asl). Towards the
core II almost continuous lacustrine settings are lake-shore, sandy fluvial deposits developed in fan-delta
recorded (Dam, 1994) with only a minor interval and deltaic settings as a result of periodically increased
indicative of shallow water, swampy environments. coarser sediment inflow (Figs 7f-g). The latter may be
Around 35 kyr B.P. a second series of eruptions due to smaller volcanic events and lahars that occurred
induced renewed sedimentation in the Bandung fan area. up to approximately 27 kyr B.P.
Although less catastrophic, the series of mass-flows and With relatively high lake levels persistent for several
hyperconcentrated-flood-flows raised the surface of the thousands of years, lacustrine sedimentation shaped the
intermediate and distal fan body significantly. Away morphological features throughout the central basin,
from the main depocentre, sedimentation intensities viz. the exceptionally flat central plain, fan deltas and
quickly diminished and more fine-grained, distal fan deltaic features in the gently sloping former lake shore
deposits formed (partly subaqueously) in the fan-lake area (Figs 7f-g). The older morphology (irregular, gently
transitional zone (Fig. 7e). In the eastern basin lacustrine sloping volcanic foothills) became blanketed with a layer
conditions prevailed, although temporarily shallow of younger fluviolacustrine deposits. Although volcani-
water conditions are recorded. The eruptions and elastic sedimentation in the Bandung fan area may have
resulting depositional events also significantly affected caused the complete termination of the basin’s original
the morphology in the upland region north of Bandung. drainage, a new outlet for the extensive catchment must
Since large volumes of volcaniclastics were transported have been established fairly soon after. Gradual
far into the basin by lahars, it seems unlikely that the downcutting and backward erosion formed the gorge
west Lembang fault formed a major topographic barrier. and incised valley of the Citarum river in the western
There are no indications that large volumes of margin of the basin (Figs 2 and 3). In the mean time,
volcaniclastics were trapped behind the fault scarp. In infilling of the lake by ongoing sedimentation gradually
fact the fault intersects deposits comparable to those in led to more shallow water conditions and a decrease in
the basin, and may therefore be considered younger than size of the lake area. The combination of both processes
35 kyr B.P. caused the ultimate disappearance of the lake between 20
Towards the more recent part of the Bandung basin’s and 16 kyr B.P.
geologic and morphologic evolution (phases 4 and 5) the During phase 5 and most of phase 6 morphologic
differentiation between the central-eastern and the developments in the Tangkuban Perahu volcano and
(north)western part becomes more pronounced. The Lembang areas were determined by the intensive
latter area experienced high-intensity sedimentation and volcaniclastic sedimentation and subsequent fluvial
the active development of a large volcaniclastic fan. Also erosion. Volcaniclastics from the Sunda-Tangkuban
the adjacent volcanic upland underwent dynamic Perahu complex evidently moved unhindered downward
adaptations of its morphology (Nossin et al. 1992). towards and on the Bandung fan, leading to consider-
Tangkuban Perahu volcano developed into an important able aggradation. The present west Lembang fault does
eruption centre and subsequently formed the youngest not show signs of having been overtopped by lahars or
Geomorphological development, West-Java 113

pyroclastic flows after its formation; rather the fault formed, locally containing elongated bodies with sandy
breaks deposits of this nature. Therefore, it is postulated channel deposits. In the central plain meandering fluvial
that the west Lembang fault is younger than 27 kyr B.P., systems formed levees, cut-off meander bends and
the upper age of the main volcaniclastic accumulation backswamp settings. Until recent times, seasonal,
phase of the Bandung fan. Exceptionally big pyroclastic shallow lakes and large swamps occurred in the poorly
flows, for which the fault would not be an impassable drained plain. Human activity (drainage, levelling,
barrier, predate the formation of the fault. Supposedly construction, etc.) has obscured many of the less
young lava flows from the Tangkuban Perahu eruption conspicuous morphological features.
centre have only passed through the Cikapundung and
Cipaganti valleys in the east but not through gaps in the
west Lembang fault (Fig. 6).
The morphology of the drainage pattern is a further Regional sedimentation and morphodynamic
argument for the youth of the west Lembang fault. At patterns; conclusions
numerous places along the fault there are clear ruptures
of the southward drainage system. The fluvial erosion The proposed morphological evolution of the area,
gaps in the fault scarp were described by Tjia (1968), developed on the basis of an analysis of the upland
Nossin et al. (1992) and were analyzed in detail by Djodi morphology and the sedimentary record in the basin,
Sukardjo (1990). The adjustment of the drainage system reflects major changes in regional sedimentation and
amounts to re-establishing contact with the valleys morphodynamic processes. In conclusion, the following
below the fault scarp, which had been severed by the trends and spatial patterns are revealed.
fault. This entails important deviations from the original (1) Volcanic activity and volcaniclastic sedimen-
system, and hence, significant increases in erosive power tation, initially the major morphodynamic processes in
of those valleys where a re-connection has been made. the basin area, became less persistent and, towards
The fault movement has led to infilling (with young present times, remained significant only in the north-
volcaniclastic products) of valleys above and upward western compartment of the basin. There, morphody-
from the fault scar-p. Infill-plains exist in a number of namic processes are associated with the eruption
localities (Fig. 6). Where erosion increased after characteristics and evolution of the Sunda-Tangkuban
re-connecting with the downstream part, significant Perahu volcanic complex. A significant part of the
excavation of the infilled valleys has occurred, leading to evolution of this volcano took place during the last
impressive gorges like the Cimahi and Cihideung valleys. 125 kyr B.P.
In other infill plains erosion is just starting to remove the (2) Tectonic subsidence is responsible for the initial
valley sediments and the gorges are yet to form. Peat development of the structural, intra-arc basin. However,
samples from valley-fill sediments above the western it is most likely that a combination of ongoing
Lembang fault, near Panjairan village, were radiocar- subsidence and catastrophic volcaniclastic sedimen-
bon-dated at about 24 kyr B.P. for peat near the base of tation first caused the development of a lake in the
the deposit, and around 20 kyr B.P. for organic deposits central basin. Lacustrine sedimentation started about
at a depth of 4.30 m (Dam, 1994). As discussed above, 125 kyr B.P. and continued almost uninterrupted until
it may be argued that the valley fill was formed as a approximately 16 kyr B.P.
result of downstream drainage cut-off by the west (3) As a result of the above mentioned shift in
Lembang fault, which would thus be dated at an initial volcanism-induced landform development and sedimen-
movement of around or before 24 kyr B.P., but not older tation, the northwestern basin compartment (around
than 27 kyr B.P. Bandung city) became the main depocentre for
volcaniclastics. In clear contrast, the central and eastern
Phase 7. Landform developments after 16 kyr B.P. basin remained relatively unaffected by this catastrophic
sedimentation, and only fine-grained, organic lacustrine
During this most recent phase there is evidence for sediments with a consistent sedimentary facies formed.
smaller eruptions of Tangkuban Perahu volcano, viz. (4) Because of (1) the relative proximity of the
widespread but thin ash layers (Chartres and Van Sunda-Tangkuban Perahu volcanic centre to the basin,
Reuler, 1985; Dalimin, 1988; Nossin et al. 1992). These and (2) the Plinian nature of the Late Quaternary
eruptions further shaped the present flat-topped, eruptions, that caused large, destructive pyroclastic
multiple-crater cone. Beyond the eruption centre the flows and produced huge quantities of volcanic debris,
morphology was little affected, except for ongoing fluvial catastrophic sedimentation took place in the adjacent
erosion and drainage system development that took part of the basin and instantaneously deposited thick
place in accordance with the present structural and sequences of volcaniclastics. Ultimately, this had a
lithological constraints, in particular in the Lembang considerable effect on the morphological development of
area. After the silting up of the lake and the activation the whole lake area.
of a new drainage system (the present Citarum), (5) The Sunda volcano, which initially may have been
localised fluvial erosion formed moderately incised an imposing and dominating structure, collapsed
valleys in the basin margin and on the elevated fan probably in two phases of major cataclysms (at 105 and
surface. Tectonic subsidence and compaction of the 50-35 kyr B.P.), resulting in the formation of the Sunda
underlying lacustrine sediments caused a substantial caldera. Within this structure the Tangkuban Perahu
lowering (some 20-25 m) of the central basin. This may volcano formed and presently fills a large part of the old
be inferred from the flat to bowl-shaped topography, but caldera.
can also be concluded from detailed, regional chrono- (6) The already complex tectonic pattern of the
and lithostratigraphic correlation (Dam, 1994). A veneer area was further complicated by local volcano-tectonic
of fine-grained fluviolacustrine and fluvial sediments faulting, i.e. the formation of the Lembang fault in
114 M. A. C. Dam et al.

two phases. The eastern part has an age of at least manuscript. The manuscript benefitted greatly from the
100 kyr, while the western part formed around 24 kyr constructive remarks by anonymous reviewers.
ago. The resulting subsidence created the Lembang
surface, also in two phases, and southward bound by
the Lembang fault. The trend of this fault has no
apparent relation with regional tectonic directions. As REFERENCES
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Dam was made possible by NWO/WOTRO research grant Nossin J. J. and Voskuil R. (1995) Geomorphological Development of
W75-293. The Quaternary Division of the Geological Research the Sunda Volcanic complex, West Java, Indonesia. Paper Intern.
and Development Centre (GRDC) made possible the Association of Geomorphologists South-East Asia Conference,
contribution of P. Suparan and provided logistical support. Singapore.
The assistance of J. Vandenberghe and staff of the Faculty of Nossin J. J., Damen M. and Voskuil R. (1992) Morphostructural
Earth Sciences, Vrije Universiteit, Amsterdam is gratefully relationships in the Lembang fault area, West-Java, Indonesia. 2.
Geomorph. 84, 185-201.
acknowledged. The fruitful cooperation with staff of Geologi
Nossin J. J., Voskuil R. and Dam M. A. C. (1996) Geomorphological
Tata Lingkungan was made possible with support from the
development of the Sunda Volcanic complex, West Java, Indonesia.
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