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Anjas Panca Wacana - 170722637036
Department Geography
Faculty of Social Science
Universitas Negeri Malang

Eruption is a process of releasing material from volcanoes such as lava, gas,
ash and so on to the Earth's atmosphere or to the surface of the earth in an erratic
amount. One of the particles of material released during and after the volcanic eruption
is volcanic ash. Volcanic ash is a volcanic material, which is sprayed into the air when
an eruption occurs and consists of large to fine-sized rocks. Material can have a
negative impact on health and the environment.
Keywords: Eruption, Volcanic Ash.

Indonesia is a country with a large number of natural disasters . According to
the National Disaster Management Agency ( BNPB. 2010 ) there are at least 13 types
of disasters that always threaten the island nation namely geological disasters
(earthquakes, tsunamis, volcanic eruptions), hydrometeorological disasters (floods,
landslides, droughts, land and forest fires, tornadoes and tidal waves) biological
disasters (epidemics, epidemics) and social disasters (social conflicts and terror) in
Ariyadi Nugroho Susilo and Iwan Rudiarto (2014). One of the disasters that hit
Indonesia lately is the disaster of volcanic eruptions.
Eruption is a process of releasing material from volcanoes such as lava, gas, ash
and so on to the Earth's atmosphere or to the surface of the earth in an erratic
amount. This eruption can be interpreted as a volcanic eruption or a burst of oil and hot
steam from the bowels of the earth. Volcanic eruptions are actually caused by forces
originating from within the earth due to disruption of the magma equilibrium system
(temperature equilibrium, thermodynamics and hydrostatics) and geological
equilibrium systems (equilibrium of Earth's attraction, physics-chemistry and
geothermal ) (Alzwar et al., 1988: 103). This eruption is classified into 2 types, namely
effusive eruption, namely eruption eruption ( effusive) and non eruption eruption
( explosive). eruption eruption is where the material that comes out of the surface of the
earth is melted. This type of eruption will produce a shield or shield shape.Whereas non
eruptions ( explosive ) , which is an eruption that occurs when the magma exits the
surface of the earth in a burst or eruption (Bronto, 2001: 5.1).

One of the materials released by volcanic eruptions is volcanic ash. often

referred to as volcanic sand or a pyroclastic fall in volcanic material, which is sprayed
into the air when an eruption occurs and consists of large to fine-sized stones. Large
rocks (gravel lumps) usually fall around the crater with a radius of 5 to 7 km from the
crater. While the fine-sized ones can fall with distances reaching hundreds or even
thousands of kilometers from the crater depending on wind speed.

Spread volcanic ash has an impact on health and the environment. Volcanic ash
coming out of the volcanic eruption contains an acid layer that can cause irritation to
the lungs and eyes. The acid layer will be easily washed away by rain water, so it can
contaminate the local water supply. This acidic ash can also damage plants, this results
in crop failure, causing economic and social losses to the community.

The method used in making this article is library research This method is
done by finding and collecting data from various sources, both published in the internet
or from the librarywhich is then processed into sautu papers. The reading sources used
in this paper are research journals , research atrics which discuss the same topic of

Volcanic ash which is the product of volcanic eruptions has an impact on the
environment and health. The following is the effect or impact caused by volcanic
eruptions or volcanic ash based on research conducted by previous researchers in
several volcanoes in Indonesia :
A. Environment
After the eruption of Mount Merapi in 2010 caused an impact on the
environment, especially in buildings, both houses, buildings or historical relics
such as the Borobudur temple, Prambanan and others. the impact caused many
temples scattered in the Central Java-East Java region to be covered by volcanic
ash. If this is allowed, it will cause damage to the building
B. Health
Post-volcanic eruptions have caused several health problems such as respiratory
infections, visual disturbances, and diarrhea which are the most common
complaints from refugees from various ages . According to the Karo District
Health Office, at the beginning of February, out of a total of 34,973 refugees,
suffering from gastritis disease 202 people, ARI 790 people, conjunctivitis 65
people, diarrhea 84 people, hypertension 59 people, anxiety 13 people, and other
diseases (diarrhea, dizziness, etc.) around 222 people.

Damage environment caused by the volcanic ash tr adi because the chemical
Environmental damage caused by volcanic ash occurs due to the composition of
chemicals in it. The chemical composition of acidic volcanic ash can pollute ground
water, damage plants, and when compounded with rain water can cause acidic rain that
is corrosive. This corrosive nature causes damage to various types of infrastructure and
utilities not only containing metals, such as bridges, housing and settlements, but also
various historical heritage buildings.

For health impacts occur when volcanic ash after the eruption of volcano
spread in the air. Then carried by the wind to other areas in a radius of tens or even
hundreds of kilometers usually the size is very small (<2! M). According to The
International Volcanic Health Hazard Network, volcanic ash generally causes health
problems, especially causing irritation to the lungs, skin and eyes. As
revealed by Pulmonologist, Dr. Ceva Wicaksono Pitoyo, SpPD, KP FINASIM, that,
roughly, volcanic ash is like cement ash (small and fine rocks) thrown upward. Some
of the chemical compositions produced by these eruptions can cause health problems ,
these compositions such as carbon dioxide (CO2), sulfur oxide (SO2),
hydrogen, chloride ( HCI), Florida Hydrogen (Hf), and Helium (He), this chemical is
in in certain concentrations cause headaches, dizziness, diarrhea, bronchitis
(inflammation of the respiratory tract) bronchopneumonia (inflammation of the lung
tissue), irritation of the respiratory tract mucous membranes, skin irritation, and affect
teeth and bones. This health disorder can be due to short-term acute exposure or within
a few days and long term in a few weeks to several months.
After the mountain eruption also caused per skin health problems of the body ,
itching, irritation, and infection due to the impact of volcanic ash , this occurs when the
volcanic ash is acidic. This condition can also be caused by changes in the quality of
water contaminated with volcanic ash. The chemical composition of acidic volcanic ash
can pollute ground water, damage plants.
The efforts that can be made in volcanic ash processing are, for the
environmental aspect, the most rational thing to do is post-disaster handling to minimize
the potential negative impacts that may arise. It is quite reasonable because the results
of volcanic eruptions are mainly volcanic ash. As for health impacts, the solution is
evacuation, this is done so that the community must be as far as possible with the
location of the eruption or avoid the volcanic ash. they also have to stop consuming
water from polluted water sources. In addition to the house must be closed to prevent
the entry of ash and gas into the house. And the last is to reduce activities outside the
home. If you have to get out you have to use a mask and the
glassesare absolutely necessary . reduce respiratory problems and irritation of ash with
eyes . The solution can be realized by providing information about disaster mitigation
by the government or other things to the community.

Volcanic eruption material particles produce many material particles, one of
which is volcanic ash. This material has a negative impact on the environment and
public health both near and far from the location of volcanic eruptions. Lack of
knowledge and information about volcanic disasters in the community makes the
impact that has a greater potential. Therefore, it is necessary to take anticipatory actions
in handling disasters, both by the government and the community. The government
needs to disseminate and educate the public regarding disaster mitigation, the aim of
which is to reduce disaster risk, threats, and the impact caused by volcanic eruptions.

Alzwar, M., Hanang Samodra, and Jonatan J. Tarigan, 1988, Basic
Introduction Volcano Science , Bandung: Nova Publisher.
Bronto, S. and Hartono, HG 2001. Geological Excursion Guide Field Lecture
2. STTNAS: Yogyakarta.
BNPB, 2010. Eruption Prone Areas, 2010. National Disaster Management Agency,
Yogyakarta, November 18, 2010.
Susilo, Ariyadi Nugroho and Rudiarto, Iwan. (2014). "Analysis of the Risk Level of
Mount Merapi Eruption Against Settlement in Kemalang District, Klaten
Regency". PWK Technical Journal. Volume 3 Number 1.

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