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contoh soal Clutch

Example 24.1. Determine the maximum, minimum and average pressure in a plate
clutch when the axial force is 4 kN. The inside radius of the contact surface is 50 mm
and the outside radius is 100 mm. Assume uniform wear.

Contoh 24.1. Tentukan tekanan maksimum, minimum dan rata-rata pada
kopling plat tunggal Bila gaya aksial adalah 4 kN. Bagian dalam radius
permukaan kontak adalah 50 mm dan radius luar Adalah 100 mm Asumsikan
pakaian seragam.

Diketahui : W 4 kN 4000 N
r2 50 mm
r1 100 mm
Ditanya : pmin pav
jawab : C 50*pmax
pmaks 0.2546149 N/mm2
C 100*pmin
400 = 2πC(r1-r2)= 2π*100pmin (100-50)=31420 pmin
pmin 0.1273074 N/mm2
pav 0.169697 N/mm2

Example 24.2. A plate clutch having a single driving plate with contact surfaces on
each side is required to transmit 110 kW at 1250 r.p.m. The outer diameter of the
contact surfaces is to be 300 mm. The coefficient of friction is 0.4.
(a) Assuming a uniform pressure of 0.17 N/mm2; determine the inner diameter of the
friction surfaces.
(b) Assuming the same dimensions and the same total axial thrust, determine the
maximum torque that can be transmitted and the maximum intensity of pressure
when uniform wear conditions have been reached

Kopling pelat yang memiliki pelat penggerak tunggal dengan permukaan kontak
pada masing-masing sisi diperlukan untuk mentransmisikan 110 kW pada 1250
r.p.m. Diameter luar permukaan kontak adalah 300 mm. Koefisien gesekan
adalah 0,4.
(A) Jika tekanan merata 0,17 N / mm2; Tentukan diameter dalam permukaan
(B) Dengan asumsi dimensi yang sama dan gaya aksial total yang sama,
hitunglah torsi maksimum yang dapat ditransmisikan dan intensitas tekanan
maksimum yang terjadi jika koplingnya kopling lama.

Diketahui : P 110 kW 110000 W

N 1250 rpm
d1 300 mm
r1 150 mm
µ 0.4
p 0.17 N/mm2
Ditanya :

Jawab : T 840 Nm 840000 Nmm

W = Pressure × Area = p × π [(r1)2 – (r2)2]
: 0.17 × π [(150)2 – (r2)2] = 0.534 [(150)2 – (r2)2]

Example 24.3. A single plate clutch, effective on both sides, is required to transmit 25 kW
at 3000 r.p.m. Determine the outer and inner diameters of frictional surface if the
coefficient of friction is 0.255, ratio of diameters is 1.25 and the maximum pressure is not
to exceed 0.1 N/mm2. Also, determine the axial thrust to be provided by springs. Assume
the theory of uniform wear.

Diketahui : n 2
P 25 kW 25000 W
N 3000 rpm
µ 0.255
d1:d2 1.25
r1:r2 1.25
pmaks 0.1 N/mm2
Ditanya :

Jawab : T 79.545455 Nm 79545.455 Nmm

C 0.1*r2 N/mm 9.6
W = 2π C (r1 – r2) = 2π × 0.1 r2 (1.25 r1 – r2)= 0.157 (r2)2

T nµWR

d1 240 mm
d2 192 mm

W = 2π C (r1 – r2) = 2π × 0.1 r2 (1.25 r2 – r2)

:0.157 (r2) = 0.157 (96)2 = 1447 N
Example 24.4. A dry single plate clutch is to be designed for an automotive vehicle whose
engine is rated to give 100 kW at 2400 r.p.m. and maximum torque 500 N-m. The outer radius of the
friction plate is 25% more than the inner radius. The intensity of pressure between the plate is not to
exceed 0.07 N/mm2. The coefficient of friction may be assumed equal to 0.3. The helical springs
required by this clutch to provide axial force necessary to engage the clutch are eight. If each spring
has stiffness equal to 40 N/mm, determine the dimensions of the friction plate and initial compression
in the springs.

Diketahui : P 100 kW 100000 W

N 2400 rpm
T 500 Nm 500000 Nmm
µ 0.3
NO of spring 8
Stiffness/spring 40 N/mm
Ditanya :

Jawab : r1 1.25*r2
C 0.07*r2
W=2π C (r1 – r2) = 2π × 0.07 r2 (1.25 r2 – r2) = 0.11 (r2)2 N
�=(𝑟_1+𝑟_2)/2=( 〖 1.25𝑟 〗 _2+𝑟_2)/2=1.
�=(𝑟_1+𝑟_2)/2=( 〖 1.25𝑟 〗 _2+𝑟_2)/2=1.
500 × 103 = n.μ.W.R = 2 × 0.3 × 0.11 (r2)2 1.125 r2 =0.074 (r2)3 ...(Q n = 2)
(r2)3 = 500 × 103 / 0.074 = 6757 × 103 or r2 = 190 mm Ans.
r1 = 1.25 r2 = 1.25 × 190 = 237.5 mm Ans.
W = 0.11 (r2)2 = 0.11 (190)2 = 3970 N
Kompresi awal di musim semi
: W / s = 3970 / 320 = 12.4 mm

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