Anda di halaman 1dari 3


l)Thinking, Philosophy and Neuroscience -An Overview

2)Ways of Thinking - Critical Thinking ,Creative Thinking,

Lateral Thinking, Mathematic al Thinking and

Scientific Thinking

3) 21st century pedagogy - TBL , Problem Solving , Thinking Routines , Visible

Thinking And Documenta tion Of Thinking

4)Applicatio n of HOT in education and real life.

S)lnfusion Of Critical and Creative Thinking into content instruction

through TBL and Problem Solving

6) Cognition and Metacogniti on .How are they related .

7) A look at assessment and teaching for understandi ng

8}How to align educational objectives, pedagogy and assessment through HOT

9) What is Visible Thinking and how it helps in the developmen t of A Culture Of

- Thinking In Schools And Society
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l}To develo p critical thinkin g skills and other HOT skills among participants

2) To guide the participants on how to infuse and integrate critical and creative
thinkin g into conten t instruc tion

3)To guide the participants on how to develop critical thinking skills among their
studen ts and at the same time provide them with. the teaching approaches .-.1

how to develop problem solving skills

4)To provide an opport unity for the participants to view teaching and learning
a broade r perspectives

S)To guide the participants on how to align pedagogy with assessment

6)To help the participants to understand the relationship between 21 Century
Learning , 21 st Century Pedagogy And STEM and hence could help teachers and
principa Is of schools to view 21 Century Learning intellec tually and broadly .


l)Partic ipants will be able to think critically not only to improve the thinkin g
others including their teachers and principals of school , but also to keep
monito ring their own thinkin g and progress and thus, could improve the quality
of their mind

2)Participants will have a better idea on how to help educators infuse or

integra te critical and creative thinkin g into conten t instructions

3)Participants will have a better idea on how to align educational objectives with
that of pedagogica I approach and assessment

4)Parti cipant would be in a better position to guide educators on how to develop

the skills of' Learn how to Learn'



8.30 pagi - 9 .00 pagi Pemgenalan I

9.00 pagi - 10.30 pagi

10.30 pagi - 11.00 pagi REHAT

11.00 pagi - 12.00 petang Refl eksi dan Perkongsian Idea Dan
Penga laman Dari Peserta
12.00 petang - 1.00 petang Apa Dia KBAT/ HOTS
Aktivit i +Apli ka si Pelbagai Kemahiran KBAT +
1.00 petang - 2.15 petang REHAT
2.15 petang - 3.15 petang Membina Kema hiran membuat
Analisis Melalui Pendekatan TBL(Compare Anc
Contrast) + Aktiviti Berkumpulan

3.15 petan g -4.15 petang Membina Kemahiran Membuat Analisis Melal~ i

Pendekatan TBL
(Parts Whole Relationsship)+ Aktivit i Berkump JI,
4.15 pm -5.00 petang Aktiviti Berkumpulan


I.Y 8. 30 pagi - 9.30 pagi Pendekatan Problem Solving (1)

9 .30 pagi - 10 .30 pagi
(Pendekatan Problem Solving 2)
10.30 pagi -11.00 pagi REHAT
11.00 Pagi- 12petang Visible Thinking Dan Thinking-Routines
12.00 petang -1.00 petang Membina Budaya Berfikir Dalam Bilik
Darjah Dan Kehidupan
1.00 pe tang - 2.15 petang REHAT
2.15 petang - 3.15 petang Membina Kemahi ran Metakognit if
3.15 peta ng - 5.00 pe tang Perbincangan Dan Rumusan

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