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Describe an exercise you know.

You should say:

 what it is
 how it is done
 when you first tried it
 what kind of people it is suitable for
 and explain why you think it is a good exercise


There are many forms of exercises people can do to keep fit, and the choice of which
depends on their taste. As for me, I have been walking for almost eight years and I
would like to talk about it.

People normally think that you should be soaked in sweat when walking so that exercise
works. The truth is that walking moderately is more efficient than walking briskly.
Besides, you shouldn’t start or stop suddenly because your body needs time to adapt.
You see, even the most simple exercise requires carefulness.

I first tried walking when I was a junior at university. It was not easy for me to find a
partner to exercise with then, so I took up an individual activity. At first it was not
interesting enough, but the more I walk, the healthier I feel. And now it’s a part of my
life, I walk heart and soul every morning.

Walking is suitable to everyone and easy to do. It doesn’t cost you an arm and a leg
because you don’t need any professional tools but a pair of walking shoes. Also, you
don’t need a special place like a tennis court or a golf course. You can walk wherever
you like, on a street, in a park, or even indoor with a treadmill.

It’s a beneficial exercise because it’s not only simple but also efficient in burning
calories. As a result, it helps us stay fit and it can even help people with obesity to lose
weight. If anyone asks me this question again, I would definitely answer the same.

 Keep fit: giữ sức khỏe

 Depend on: phụ thuộc vào
 Taste: gu, sở thích
 As for me: về phía tôi
 Soaked in sweat: ướt đẫm mồ hôi

1 Mr. Danh (

 Work: hiệu quả, có tác dụng

 Moderately /ˈmɒdərətli/: đều, vừa phải
 Briskly: nhanh
 Adapt: thích nghi
 Junior: sinh viên năm kế cuối (thường là năm 3)
 Take up: học/bắt đầu một thứ gì đó
 Heart and soul: hết mình, nhiệt tình
 Cost an arm and a leg: tốn nhiều tiền
 But: ngoại trừ, ngoài
 Tennis court, golf course: sân tennis, sân golf
 Indoor: trong nhà
 Treadmill: máy chạy bộ
 Obesity /əʊˈbiːsəti/: béo phì
 Ở đây dùng mệnh đề quan hệ (people can do…), hiện tại hoàn thành tiếp diễn (have been
walking), bị động (should be soaked), liên từ (so that, because, so, not only… but also…), so sánh
kép (the more…, the healthier…), mệnh đề trạng ngữ (wherever)

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