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co») United States US 200900784021 c2) Patent Application Publication —(o) Pub. No.: US 2009/0078402 Al Fuhst et al. (43) Pub. Date: Mar. 26, 2009 (54) TUBULAR CUTTING DEVICE 75) Inventors: Karsten Fubst, Hannover (DE); Sven Krueger, Niedersichsen (DE) Correspondence Adres: KEITH R. DERRINGION BRACEWELL & GUILIANI LLP P.O. BOX 61389 Houston, TX 77002-2781 (US) (73) Assignee: Baker Hughes Ineorporated, Houston, TX (US) (21) ApplNo: 12824487 (22) File: Now: 26,2008, Related U.S. Application Data (62) Division of application No. 11/585.447, fled on Oxt 24, 2006, now Pat, No. 7,478,982, Publication Classification G1) Inc. E218 2900 2006.01) (2) US.CL 166088. on ABSTRACT The casing cutter disclosed herein is usefil for severing downhole tubular and comprises a body, a cutting ead, cutting blades, andl actuators for operating the cuting bea ‘and cutting blades. Cutting is accomplished by rotatingly actuating the cutting head with an associated motor, and then radially extending the euting blades away from the cutting Fea. In one embodiment, the cutting bead includes a cutting rember that pivotally extends from the cutting head upon rolatio ofthe euting head, In another embodien, cutting ‘members extend from the cutting head due to centrifigal Forces asoeiated with rotating the cutting head Mar. 26, 2009 Sheet 1 of 5 US 2009/0078402 A1 $507 99US 6907 ‘IT URIN VON BITIGNd uoHanddy juayed TV ZOPSL00/6007 SA.

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