Anda di halaman 1dari 60

1 % v/v

2 % w/v
3 % w/w
4 2A
5 3D-CRT
6 4S
7 5-FU
8 5P
9 6-MP
10 6P
11 A
12 a
13 A
15 A.D
16 a.i
17 a.n
18 a.u.p
19 A/S
20 A/V/P
23 AB
24 ABA
26 Abd
30 ABP
31 ABR
33 AC
34 ac
35 Ac.Sal
36 Acc
37 ACD
38 ACE
39 ACE-i
40 Ach
41 ACL
44 ACS
45 ACT
47 ad
48 ad lib
49 ADD
50 add
51 ADE
52 ADH
55 ADL
57 ADO
58 ADP
59 ADR
60 ADS
61 ads
62 AEP
63 AF
64 AFP
66 Ag
67 AGD
69 AH
70 AHA
71 AHC
72 AHF
76 Ak / Akt
78 AKE
79 AKG
80 AKI
81 Alb
82 ALI
83 ALL
84 ALP
85 ALS
86 ALT
87 am
88 AMA
89 AMB
90 AMD
92 AMI
93 AML
94 Amp
96 AN
97 ANA
99 Ant.
100 APAR
101 APC
102 APD
103 APG
106 App
107 AP-PA
108 applic.
109 APR
110 aPTT
111 Aq Bidest
112 Aq Dest
113 AR
116 ARDS
117 ARF
118 ARMD
119 ARV
120 AS
121 AS 6%
122 As.
123 ASA
124 Asam urso
125 ASD
126 AsDI
127 ASHD
129 Askep
130 ASSR
131 AST
132 AT
133 ATN
134 ATP
135 ATS
136 ATZ
137 AuD
138 AV
139 AV fistula
140 AV Shunt
141 AVB
142 AVM
143 AVN
145 AVRT
146 AVT
147 AZA
148 B3
149 BAP
151 BB
152 BB/TB
153 BB/U
154 BBA
155 BBI
156 BBK
157 BBL
158 BBLR
159 BCG
160 BE
161 BEP
162 BHD
165 BMR
166 BP
167 BPH
168 BPK/B
170 CaCx
171 CAD
172 CAE
173 cap
174 CAP
175 CAPD
176 CAS
179 CBC
180 CBD
181 CBDC
182 CC
183 CCLE
184 CCTV
185 CD-R
186 CD-ROM
187 CD-RW
188 CEA
189 CF
190 Cgy
191 CH
192 CHD
193 CHF
194 CI
195 CITO !
196 CK
197 CKB
199 CKD
201 CKR
202 CKS
203 Cl
204 CLI
205 CLL
206 CLLM
207 cm
208 CME
209 CML
210 CMV
211 CNS
212 CO
214 CoA
215 COD
216 Comp
217 Conc
219 COR
220 Cost-effectiveness
222 CP
223 CP
224 CPA
225 CPAP
226 CPB
227 CPC
228 CPD
229 CPM
230 CPOE
231 CPR
232 CPU
233 CPV
234 CPZ
235 Cr
236 CRAO
237 CRF
238 CRI
239 CRO
240 CRP
241 CRRT
242 CRT
243 CRVO
245 CS
246 CSME
247 CSR
248 CSWS
250 CTA
251 CTC
252 CTEV
253 CTG
254 cth
255 CTM
256 CTO
257 CTPS
258 CTS
259 CV
260 CVA
261 CVC
262 CVD
263 CVI
264 CVP
265 CVVH
268 CXR
269 D
270 d
271 d.c
272 d.i.d
273 D/
274 D/C
275 D10%
276 D10N5
277 D40%
278 D5%
279 D5N2
280 D5N4
281 DA
282 DAP
283 DBD
284 DBMP / BMP
285 dbn
286 DBP
287 DC
288 DC
289 DCR
290 DD
291 DD
292 DD/
293 DDS
294 DE
295 DEM
296 Demam H-4
297 DES
298 Desat
299 DEX
300 DEXA
301 dext
302 DFG
303 DH
314 DKBM
316 dl
317 DL
319 DM
321 DMS
324 DNA
325 DNR
326 DNS
327 DOA
328 DOB
329 Dobu
330 DOC
331 DOLV
332 Dopa
333 DORV
334 DOS
335 DOTS
336 DP
337 DPJP
338 DPL
339 DPMP
340 DPT
341 DPTP
342 DRAM
343 DSS
344 dtd
345 DTT
346 DVT
347 Dx
348 Dx Kep
349 Dzp
350 E
351 e-
352 E.coli
353 EAC
354 EBD
355 EBS
356 EBV
358 ec
359 ECCE
361 ECHO
362 ECI
363 ED
364 EDH
369 EEG
370 EF
372 EG
373 EGD
374 EH
384 eMail
385 EMG
387 EN
388 ENL
389 EO
390 EOA
397 Eri
398 ER-PR
407 EXAM
408 EXC
409 Extr
410 FA
411 FAM
412 Faskes
413 FAT
416 FDD
417 FDE
431 FORM
432 frek
439 g
440 g %
441 G6PD
445 Garg
446 GB
447 GBM
448 GBS
449 GCS
450 GCT
451 GD
455 GDP
456 GDS
457 GEA
458 GEAD
459 Gen-Set
460 GERD
461 GF
462 GFR
463 GGA
464 GGK
465 GGT
466 GH
469 GMK
470 GNA
471 GNC
472 GnRH
473 GO
474 GP
480 gt
481 gt auric
482 gt nasal
483 gt opth
484 gt orales
487 H
495 HAI
496 HAP
497 HASIL -
498 HASIL +
499 HAV
500 Hb
502 HBV
503 HC
506 HCU
507 HCV
508 HD
514 HG
515 HHD
518 HID
519 HIL
520 HILS
521 HLHS
522 HMD
523 HN
524 HNP
525 HOCM
526 HONK
528 HPP
529 HPV
530 HQ
531 HR
532 HRB
533 HRD
534 HRIG
535 HS
536 HSC
537 hs-CRP
538 HSDR
539 Hsl
540 HSM
541 HSP
542 HSSR
543 HSSS
544 HSV
545 Ht
546 HT
547 HTML
549 HTTP
550 HUR/L
551 HW
552 Hz
553 I
554 I : E
555 i.m
556 I/O
557 IABP
558 IADP
559 IAS
560 IB
561 IBD
562 IBS
563 IC
564 ic
565 ICCE
566 ICD -10
567 ICD 9 CM
568 ICRA
569 ICU
570 IDDM
571 IDE
572 IF
573 IFA
574 IFP
575 Ig
576 IgA
577 IgE
578 IGF (1,2)
579 IgG
580 IgM
581 IGNS
582 IHD
583 IHK
584 IK
585 IKP
586 Ikt(-)
587 IL (1,6)
588 IL 20%
589 ILI
590 ILO
591 IM
592 IMB
593 IMD
594 IMM
595 IMS
596 IMT
597 IMT/U
598 Inf
599 INH
600 Inj
601 INOS
602 INR
603 Insp
604 INST
605 IO
606 IOL
607 IP
608 IPAL
609 IPAL (1)
610 IPC
612 IPCM
613 IPCN
614 IPCO
615 IPG
616 IPK
617 IPM
618 IPPS
619 IPRS
620 IPTB
621 IR
622 IRC
623 IRIS
624 IRT
625 ISDN
626 ISK
627 ISMN
628 Isotret
629 ISP
630 ISPA
631 ISR
632 IT Ratio
633 ITP
634 ITS
635 IUFD
636 IUGR
637 iv
638 IVC
639 IVFD
640 IVFD 2 Line
641 IVIG
642 IVP
643 IVS
644 IW
645 IWL
646 J/P
647 JB
648 JBAC
649 JBPX
650 JCC
651 JKDK
652 JM
653 JNA
654 Jor
655 JPBoTH
657 JRA
658 JT
659 JVP
660 K
661 k/p
662 K/P
663 K3
666 KAD
667 KAFS
668 KAK
669 Kal
671 Kaps
672 KARU
673 Kasi
674 KB
675 KCI
676 KDB
677 KDK
678 KDS
679 KE
680 KEK
681 Kesling
682 KET
683 Kg
684 KGB
685 KGDH
686 KH
688 KHS
689 KI
690 KIE
691 KIL
692 KK
693 Kkal
694 KLB
695 KLR
696 KMK
697 KNC
698 KNF
699 KOH
700 Koord
701 KPC
702 KPD
703 KPPI
704 KPR
705 KRK
706 KS
707 KS/CS
708 KSB
709 KSO
710 KSS
711 KTC
712 KTD
713 KTP
714 KTS
715 KU
716 KV
717 KVA
718 KVV
719 Kwh
720 L
721 LA
722 LAB
723 LABA
724 LACI
725 LAD
726 LAD-cath
728 LAM
729 LAN
730 LAO
731 LAP
733 LAR
734 LASA
736 Laser CO2
737 Laser Er-Yag
738 Laser QS-Nd-YAG
739 L-Asp
740 L-ASP
741 LB3
742 LBBB
743 LBP
744 LCD
745 LCOS
746 LCx
747 LDH
748 LDKB
749 LDL
750 L-dopa
751 LDR
752 LE
753 LED
754 LET BO
757 LET SU
758 Leu
759 LGS
760 LH
761 LHP
762 LI
763 LILA
765 LIO
766 LIS
767 LK
768 LK
769 LKS
770 LL
771 LLA
772 LLD
773 LLK
774 LLL
775 LLM
776 LLQ
777 LMA
778 LMA
779 LMH
780 LMN
781 LMNH
782 LMS
783 LMWH
784 LNH
787 LOLA
788 LOS
789 Lot
790 LP
791 LPA
792 LPI
793 LPM
794 LPR
795 LPT
796 LR
797 LRI
798 LSK
799 LT
800 LTF
801 LUTS
802 LV
803 LVAD
804 LVB
807 LVEF
808 LVH
809 LVH
810 LVOT
811 LWBP
812 m.f
813 MAC
815 MAP
816 MAPCAs
817 MAS
818 MB
819 MBO
820 MBTC
821 MC
822 MCB
823 MCI
824 MCL
825 MCU
826 MDF
827 MDR
828 MDS
829 MDT
830 ME TB
831 MEA
832 MED
833 MEP
834 mEq
835 MESA
836 MeV
837 mg
838 MH
839 MIC
840 MIHL
841 Mixt.
843 MKS
844 ML
845 ml
846 MLB
847 MLC
848 MLPA
849 mm
850 mmHg
851 MMP
852 MMR
853 MMSE
854 MMT
855 mnt
856 MO
857 MOD
858 MOF
859 mol
860 MP
861 MPA
862 MP-ASI
863 MPO
864 MR
865 MRA
866 MRCP
867 MRI
868 MRM
869 MRND
870 MRS
871 MRSA
872 MS
873 MS
874 MSBL
875 MSDS
876 MST
877 MT
878 MTP
879 MTX
880 MU
881 MV
882 MVP
883 MVR
884 MWD
885 N / Nd
886 N2
887 N4
888 N5
889 Na
890 NAB
891 NAC
892 NaCl
893 NAK
895 NASH
896 NB
899 NC
900 NCB
903 NCH
904 NCP
905 NCV
906 NDS
907 NE
908 NEC
909 NET
910 NFR
911 NGPP
912 NGT
913 NH
914 NHS
915 NICU
917 NIHL
918 NIK
919 NIK
920 NKB
921 NL
922 NLB
923 Nn
925 NO
926 No
927 No.RM
928 NOE
929 NOK
932 Not
933 NP
934 NPC
935 NPDR
936 NPH
937 NPO
938 NPV
939 NRM
940 NRTI
941 NS
942 Ns
943 NSAIDs
945 NSPM
946 NST
948 NTG
949 NU
950 NUG
951 NUP
952 NUS
953 NVP
954 NWB
955 OA
956 OAB
957 OAE
959 OAK
960 OAT
961 OBH
962 Obs
963 OCT
964 OD
965 ODHA
966 ODNL
967 OE
968 OGT
969 OGTT
970 OHO
971 OI
972 oint
973 OK
974 OKC
975 OM
976 OMA
977 OME
978 OMSK
979 Op
980 OPD
981 Opday
982 Oph/opht
983 OPPE
984 ORIF
985 OS
986 OSAS
987 OT
988 OTT
989 P
990 P
991 P N C
992 P S A
993 p.c
994 P.I
995 p.i.
996 P.I.M
997 p.m
998 p.o
999 p.r.n
1000 P/S
1001 PA
1002 PABX
1003 PACL
1004 PaCO2
1005 PACS
1006 PAD
1007 PAF
1008 PAGT
1009 PAI
1010 PAK
1011 PAMOR
1012 PaO2
1013 PAOD
1014 PAOP
1015 PAP
1016 PAPS
1017 PAPVR
1018 PASI
1019 Patient Safety
1020 PB
1021 PB
1022 PB/LK
1023 PBF
1024 PBP
1025 PC
1026 PCI
1027 PCL
1028 PCNL
1029 PCO2
1030 PCR
1031 PCS
1032 PCT
1033 PCWP
1034 PD
1035 PDA
1036 PDD
1037 PDD NOS
1038 PDMO
1039 PDR
1040 PE
1041 PEB
1042 PEEP
1043 PEGA
1044 PEP
1045 PER
1046 Perdalin
1047 Perhitungan E
1048 perhitungan KH
1049 Perhitungan L
1050 Perhitungan P
1051 PESA
1052 PF
1053 PFO
1054 PG
1055 PGL-1
1056 PGRS
1057 PHA
1058 PHBS
1059 PHP
1060 PHPV
1061 PICC
1062 PID
1063 PIN
1064 PIP
1065 PIS
1066 Pit Ros
1067 PITC
1068 PJ
1069 PJB
1070 PJR
1071 PJT
1072 PKB
1073 PKK
1074 PKL
1075 PKM
1076 PK-PD
1077 PKRS
1078 PKS
1079 PKWT
1080 PL
1081 PLC
1082 PLE
1083 PLEVA
1084 PLSVC
1085 PM
1086 PMA
1087 PMK
1088 PMN
1089 PMT
1090 PMTC
1091 PNET
1092 PO2
1093 POBA
1094 POD
1095 PoE
1096 POP3
1097 POS
1098 PP
1099 PPDS
1100 PPG
1101 PPh
1102 PPH
1103 PPHN
1104 PPI
1105 PPIRS
1106 PPJ
1107 PPK
1108 PPM
1109 PPM
1110 PPN
1111 PPn
1112 PPOK
1113 PPS
1114 PPT
1115 PR
1116 PRC
1117 Premed
1118 PRP
1119 PS
1120 PSA
1121 PSAD
1122 PSG
1123 PSIMV
1124 PSN
1125 PSSW
1126 PSU
1127 PSV
1128 PT
1129 PTA
1130 PTBD
1131 PTBV
1132 PTCA
1133 PTFE
1134 PTH
1135 PTK
1136 PTMC
1137 PTS
1138 PTT
1139 PTU
1140 PUFA
1141 PUGS
1142 PUIL
1143 PUJO
1144 Puka
1145 Puki
1146 pulv adsp
1147 Pulv.
1148 PUVA
1149 PV
1150 PVD
1151 PVR
1152 PW
1153 PWB
1154 PWS
1155 PZA
1156 q.d.d (qid)
1157 q.s
1158 QMR
1159 r
1160 R/
1161 R/H/Z/E/S
1162 RA
1163 RAD
1164 RAID
1165 RAJAL
1166 RAM
1167 RANAP
1168 RAO
1169 RAPD
1170 RBBB
1171 RC
1172 RCA
1173 RCC
1174 RCL
1175 RCS
1176 RCTL
1177 RCTSU
1178 RD
1179 RDS
1180 Renpra
1181 Rev./REV
1182 RF
1183 RFC
1184 RFS
1185 RFT
1186 RG
1187 RGE
1188 RGP
1189 RI
1190 RJ-45
1191 RJP
1192 RK/RL
1193 RKK
1194 RKK
1195 RKL
1196 RL
1197 RLL
1198 RLQ
1199 RM
1200 RND
1201 ROM
1202 ROP
1203 RPD
1204 RPG
1205 RPL
1206 RPR
1207 Rpro
1208 RPS
1209 Rpurin
1210 RR
1211 RS
1212 RSI
1213 RT
1214 RTLB
1215 RT-PCR
1216 RUHIS
1217 RUL
1218 RUQ
1219 RV
1220 RVH
1221 RVOT
1222 RVT
1223 S
1224 S 1-8
1225 S L E
1226 s.u.e
1227 S/M
1228 S1
1229 S2
1230 SA
1231 SAC
1232 SAD
1233 SAH
1234 SAL
1235 SaO2
1236 SAPS
1237 SAR
1239 SARS
1240 SB
1241 SBE
1242 SBP
1243 SBPK
1244 SBT
1245 SC
1246 SCBA
1247 SCBB
1248 SCC
1249 SCLE
1250 SCN
1252 SDA
1253 SDA
1254 SDH
1255 SDM
1256 SDRAM
1257 SEM
1258 SEP
1259 SF
1260 SFJ
1261 SGA
1262 SGOT
1263 SGPT
1264 SHI
1265 SHU
1266 SHU
1267 SICS
1268 SID
1269 SIDA
1270 SIK
1272 SIM
1273 Simetris +/+
1274 SIMV
1275 Sin
1276 SIO
1277 SIP
1278 SIP
1279 SIPA
1280 SIPPT
1281 sir
1282 SIRS
1283 SK
1284 SKBS
1285 SKTM
1286 SL
1287 SLE
1288 SLF
1289 SM
1290 SMK
1291 SMRS
1292 SMTP
1293 SN
1294 SNI
1295 SNNT
1296 SNP
1297 SNR
1298 SO
1299 SOB
1300 SOD
1301 SOHND
1302 Sol
1303 SOP
1304 SOS
1305 SP
1306 SP 1
1307 SP Farkes
1308 SPD
1310 SPI
1311 SPJ
1314 SPK
1315 SPM
1316 SPO
1317 SPO2
1318 SPR
1319 SPT
1320 SSI
1321 SSJ
1322 SSP
1323 SSS
1324 STE
1325 STEMI
1326 stqa
1327 STR
1328 STRA
1330 STSG
1331 Supp
1332 Susp
1333 SUTET
1334 SVC
1335 SVO2
1336 SVT
1337 SWD
1338 syr.
1339 t.d.d
1340 TA
1341 TAA
1342 Tab
1343 Tab Vag
1344 TACI
1345 TAK
1346 TAO
1348 TAUS
1349 TB
1350 TB/U
1351 TBC
1352 TBI
1353 TBJ
1354 TBW
1355 TC
1356 TCC
1357 TcO2
1358 TD
1359 TDL
1360 TE
1361 TEA
1362 TEE
1363 TEMP
1364 TENS
1365 TEOAE
1366 TESE
1367 TEWL
1368 TFA
1369 TGA
1370 Tgl
1371 TGT
1372 Th/
1373 THR
1374 TIA
1375 TIK
1376 Tilkam
1377 TILUT
1378 tinct
1379 TIO
1380 TJO
1381 TKP
1382 TKPI
1383 TKR
1384 TKTP
1385 TL
1386 TLS
1387 TNM
1388 TNPM
1389 TOF
1390 TOGA
1391 TON
1392 Topo 1
1393 TOS
1394 TPA
1395 TPC
1396 TPHA
1397 TPIB
1398 TPM
1399 TPM(ma)
1400 TPM(MI)
1401 TPN
1402 TPPI
1403 TPS
1404 TR
1405 TRD
1406 Tromb
1407 TRT
1408 TRUS
1409 Tsk
1410 TSS
1411 TT
1412 TTA
1413 TTN
1414 ts
1415 TTV
1416 TUL
1417 TUNA
1418 TUR
1419 TUR B
1420 TUR P
1421 TV
1422 TV
1423 u.e
1424 u.i
1425 u.p
1426 u.v
1427 UAP
1428 UCVA
1429 UDT
1430 UFH
1431 UG
1432 UK
1433 UKBM
1434 UKL
1435 UL
1436 ULI
1437 UMK
1438 UMK
1439 Ungt
1440 Ungt. Ophth
1441 UNHS
1442 UNS
1443 UP
1444 UPL
1445 URS
1446 URT
1447 US
1448 USB
1449 USG
1450 USG Doppler
1451 UTI
1452 UTP
1453 UUB
1454 UUK
1455 UV
1456 UVA
1457 UVB
1458 UYHD
1459 V E S
1460 V/U
1461 V-1
1462 VAP
1463 VAR
1464 VAS
1465 VCT
1466 VE
1467 VE
1468 VEGF
1469 VeR
1470 Vert C
1471 Vert L
1472 VES
1473 VF
1474 VGA
1475 Vit
1476 VL
1477 VLAN
1478 VLDL
1479 VP.Shunt
1480 VPC
1481 VPN
1482 VSD
1483 VT
1484 VTE/ Kg
1485 VTP
1486 VU
1487 VUR
1488 VV
1489 WAN
1490 WB
1491 WBC
1492 WC
1493 WD
1494 WD/
1495 WFDT
1496 WFI
1497 WHO
1498 Wi-Fi
1499 Win 7
1500 Win 8
1501 Win Xp
1502 WL
1503 WPW Syndrome
1504 WSD
1505 WT
1506 WWW
1507 X (T)
1508 x/mnt
1509 XLD
1510 XLR
1511 XVI
1512 yl
1513 ZDV
ml zat terlarut/ 1L pelarut
gram zat terlarut / 1L pelarut
gram zat terlarut / 100 gram pelarut
NaCl 0,45%+dextrose 2,5%
3 D-conformal radiation therapy
staphylococal scalded skin syndrome
pain, pallor, pulseless, paresthesia , paralysis
pain, pallor, pulseless, paresthesia , paralysis, poikkilotherm
Assesment gizi
Telinga kanan
atas Indikasi
malam sebelum tidur
untuk dipakai sendiri
Apgar scor
automated audiotory brainsistem response
Asma Bronkial
anti-brain antibody
automated brainsistem audiotry evoked response
arterial blood pressure
audiotory brainsistem respone
Aur Birugo Tigo Baleh
Alternating Current
sebelum makan
Asam Salisilat
accepted / disetujui
actinomycin D
angiotensin converting enzyme
angiotensin converting enzyme inhibitor
anterior cruciate ligament
acute cutaneous lupus erythematosus
advance cardiac life support
acute coronary syndrome
alternate cover test
adrenocorticotropic hormone
Atentions Defisit Disorder
antibody dependent enhacement
antideuretic hormone
Atentions Defisit Hiperactive Disorder
Assesment, Diagnosa Gizi, Intervensi, Monitoring, Evaluasi
activities of daily living
amplatzer ductal occluder
adenosine diphosphate
adverse dug reaction
antidiptheria serum
telinga kanan kiri
atopic eruption of pregnancy
Atrial fibrilasi
Atrial fibrilasi rapid ventrikuler response
analisa gas darah
acute generalized exanthematous pustulosis
alpha hydroxy acid
acute haemorrhagic conjungtivitis
antihemophilic factor ( faktor koagulasi darah VIII )
acute inflammation demYelinating polyneurophaty
acquired immunodeficiency syndrome
antiinflamasi nonsteroid
arteris karotis eksterna
angka kecukupan gizi
acute kidney injury
acute limb ischemia
acute lymphoblastic leukemia
alkaline phosphatase
amyotropic laterial sclerosis
alanine aminotransferase
anti-mitochondrial antiboody
angka metabolisme basal
alat bantu dengar
Analis Dampak Lingkungan
acute myocardial infarction
acute myelogenous leukemia
amplatzre muscular ventricularseptal occluder
auditory neuropathy
antinuclear antibodies
antineutrophil cytoplasmic antibody
Alat Pemadam Api Ringan
atrial premature complex
Alat Pelindung Diri
Antegrade pyelography
anterior posterior-posterior anterior
penggunaan, pemakaian
achilles pee reflex
actived partial thromboplastin
Aqua Bidestilasi
Aqua destilasi
aortic regurgitation
acute respiratory distress syndrome
acute renal failur
age related macular degeneration
Telinga kiri
amino steril 6%
acetyl salicylic acid
Atrial Septal Defect
Asosiasi dietisien indonesia
Aterosclerosis Heart Disease
Asuhan Keperawatan
auditory steady state responses
aspartate transaminase
acute tubuler necrosis
adenosine triphosphate
achilles tendon lengthening
autosomal dominant
arterio-venous fistula
anterio-venous shunt
akne vulgaris berat
anterio-venus malformation
avascular necrosis
atrio-ventricular nodal recipprocating tachycardia
atrio-ventricular reciprocating tachycardia
auditory verbal therapy
azelaic acid
Bahan Berbahaya dan Beracun
Berita Acara Pemeliharaan
Berat badan
Status Gizi berdasarkan Berat Badan menurut Tinggi Badan
Status Gizi berdasarkan Berat Badan menurut Umur
Berat Badan Aktual
Berat Badan Ideal
Berat Badan Aktual
Bayi baru lahir
Bayi Berat Lahir Rendah
Imunisasi BCG
Break Event Point
Bantuan Hidup Dasar
Basal Metabolic Rate
Benign prostat hyperplasia
Bukti Pengeluaran Kas/Bank
Basic Trauma Cardiac Life Support
carsinoma cervix
coronary artery disease
canalis acusticus externus
Community acquired pneumonia
Continous Ambulatory Peritoneal Dialysis
caratid artery stenting
catherization laboratory
complete atrio-ventricular septal defect
complete blood count
Common Bile Duct
chronic bullous disease of childhood
Commostio Cerebri
chronic cutaneous lupus erythematous
Close circuit television
CD Read-Only Memory
carcino-embryonic antigen
Cash Flow
centi gray
Cirrosis Hepatis
Congestif heart disease
congestive heart failure
Clinical Instructur
Pasien dalam kondisi gawat , harus cepat
creatinine kinase
cedera kepala berat
chronic kidney disease
Cedera kepala ringan
cedera kepala sedang
critical limb ischemia
chronic lymphocytic leukemia
Cair low lactose milk
cystoid macular edema
chronic myelogenous leukemia
central nervous system
Cut Out
coarctation of the aorta
cause of death
Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease / penyakit paru obstruktif kronik
cedera olah raga
pembiayaan yang efektif
Clinical Pathway
Cerumen prop
continuous positive airway pressure
cardiopulmonary bypass
Cor pulmonal Cronis
Cephalo Pelvic Dysproporation
continuous passive movement
Clinical Prosesing Order Entry
cardiopulmonary resuscitation
Central Prosessing Unit
Central venous Pressure
central retinal artery occlusion
chronic renal failure
Catheter related infection
cairan rehidrasi oral
c-reactive protein
continuous renal replacement therapy
capillary refill time
central retinal vein occlusion
Cleaning Service
clinically significant macular edema
central serous retinopathy
cerebral salt wasting syndrome
CT angiography
Completion of treatmen cure
congenital talipes equino varus
Sendok teh (5ml)
Chlorpheniramine maleat
chronic total occlusion
cairan tanpa susu
carpal tunnel syndrome
Curiculume Vitae
cerebrovascular occident
central venous catheter
cerebrovascular disease
chronic venous insufficiency
central venous pressure
Continuous veno – venous hemofiltration
Continuous veno – venous hemodialysis
Continuous veno – venous hemodialysis hemofiltration
Chest X – ray
Diagnosa gizi
dietary history
Ketika malam
Berikan separuhnya
Dilatasi Curretage
Dextrose 10%
Dextrose 10% + 1/5 NS
Dextrose 40%
Dextrose 5%
Dextrose 5% + ½ NS
Dextrose 5% + ¼ NS
dermatitis atopatik
duktus arteriosus persisten
demam berdarah dengue
Daftar Bahan Makanan Penukar / Bahan Makanan Penukar
dalam batas normal
diameter biparietal
Decomppensasi Cordis
Dower catheter
Demam Dengue
Diet Diabetes
dignosis banding / differential diagnosis
diaminodifenil sulfon ( dapson )
disfungsi ereksi
doll’s eye movement
Demam hari ke-4
De Saturasi
dual energy x-ray absorptiometry
dermatofat graft
diet hati
Daftar Komposis Bahan Makanan
Darah lengkap
diet lambung
diabetes mellitus
Document Manajemen System
deoxyribonucleic acid
do not resuscitate
Domain Name System
death on arrival
Date Of Birth
drug of choice
double outlet left ventricle
double outlet right ventricle
Disk Operating System
directly observed treatment strategy
distortion product
dokter penanggung jawab pasien
darah perifer lengkap
daftar permintaan makanan pasien
defteria, pertusis, tetanus
defteria, pertusis, tetanus, polio
Dynamic Random Access Memory
dengue shock syndrome
Da tales doses ( berikan sebanyak dosis tesebut )
Desinfeksi Tingkat Tinggi
deep vein thrombosis
Diagnosa Keperawatan
Escherichia coli
erythema annularecentrifugum
epidermolisis bulosa distrofik
epidermolisis bulosa simpleks
estimated blood volume
et causa
Extra Capsular Catarac Extraction
extracorporeal intradiation
Eye drops
epidural hematoma
Electro Encephalo Graphy
Enteral Feeding
eosinophilic granuloma
Electronic Mail
eritema nodosum
eritema nodosum leprosum
Eye ointment
erupsi obat alergik
estrogen receptor-progesteron receptor
Faringitis akut
Fibroadenoma mammae
fasilitas kesehatan
File allocation table
floppy disk drive
fixed drug eruption
gram persen
glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase
Obat kumur
glomerular basement membrane
Gullain-barre syndrome
Glascow coma slace
Giant cell tumor
gula darah
gula darah puasa
gula darah sewaktu
gastroeneritis akut
gastroenteritis akut dehidrasi
Generator set
gastroesophageal reflux disease
granuloma facial
Glomerular filtration rate
gagal ginjal akut
gagal ginjal kronik
gamma-glutamyl transpeptidase
growth hormone
gingivitis marginal kronik
glomerulonefritis akut
Glomerulo Nephritis Cronic
Gonadotropinreleasing hormone
obat tetes telinga
obat tetes hidung
obat tetes mata
obat tetes oral
Hospital Acquired Infection
Hospitalized Acquire Pneumonia
Hasil Belum Ada
Hasil Ada
Hepatitis A Virus
Hepatitis B Virus
Head Circumference
High Care Unit
Hepatitis C Virus
Herpes Genitalis
Hipertensive Heart Disease
Hernia Inguinalis Dextra
Hernia Inguinal Lateral
Hernia Inguinal Lateral Sinistra
Hypoplastic Left Heart Syndrome
Hyalin Membrane Disease
Hernia Nukleus Pulposus
Hypertrophic Obstructive Cardiomyopathy
Hyperosmolar Non-Ketotic
Haemorrhagic Post Partum
Human Papiloma Virus
Heart Rate / Laju Jantung
Hiperreaktivitas Bronkus
Human Resource Department
Human Rabies Immune Globin
Hiperplasia Sebasea
Hans Sholler Christian Disease
High Sensitivec - Reactive Protein
Hernia Skrotalis Dekstra Reponibilis
Hygiene Sanitasi Makanan
Henoch scleiden purpura
Hernia Skrotalis Sinistra Reponibilis
Hernia Scrotalis Sinitra Strangulata
Herpes Simplex Virus
Hyper Text Markup Language
Histerektomi Salpingooferektomi Bilateral
Hyper Text Transfer Protokol
Head Up Right/Left
Intervensi gizi
Inspirasi : Ekspirasi
Intra-Aortic Ballon Pump
infeksi Aliran Darah Primer (BSI / Bloodstreem Infection)
Interatrial Septum
Indeks Bakteri
Inflammatory Bowel Disease
Irritable Bowel Syndrome
Intermediet Care
Intracapsular Cataract Extraction
International Statistical Classification Of Diseases and Related Health problems
International Classification Of Diseases 9th Revision Clinical Modification
Infection Control Risk Acessment
Intensive Care Unit
Insulin Dependent Diabetes Mellitus
Integrated Drive Electronics
Indorect Immunoflouresent Assay
Imbang Feto-Pelvik
Imunoglobulin A
Imunoglobulin E
Insulin-Like Growth Factor
Imunoglobulin G
Imunoglobulin M
Infeksi Genitalia Nonspesifik
Ishemic Heart Disease
Instruksi Kerja
Insiden Keselamatan Pasien
Tidak Ikterik
Intra-Lipid 20%
Influenza Like Illness
Infeksi Luka Operasi (SSI / Surgical Site Infection)
Izin Mendirikan Bangunan
Inisiasi Menyusu Dini
In Manus Medicine, Serahkan ke tangan medis
Infeksi Menular Seksual
Indeks Massa Tubuh
Status Gizi berdasarkan Indeks Massa Tubuhmenurut Umur
Infeksi Nosokomial
International Normalized Ratio
Intake Output
Intraocular Lens
Internet Protocol
Instalasi Pengolahan Air Limbah
Izin Pembuangan Air Limbah
izin potong cuti
Infection Prevention and Control Link Nurse / Perawat penghubung pencegahan dan pengendalian infeksi / perawat pelaks
Infection Prevention and Control Manual / Manual pencegahan dan pengendalian infeksi
Infection Prevention and Control Nurse / Perawat pencegahan dan pengendalian infeksi / perawat koordinator
Infection Prevention and Control Offcer
izin potong gaji
Insentif Prestasi Kerja
Inspection Preventive Maintenance / Pemeliharaan Fungsi Alat Medis
International Prostate Symptom Score
Instalasi Pemeliharaan Sarana Rumah Sakit
Izin Pelaku Teknis Bangunan
Infra Red
Insect and Rodent Control
Immune Reconstitution Inflammatory Syndrome
Ibu Rumah Tangga
Isosorbid Dinitrat
Infeksi Saluran Kemih
Isosorbid Mononitrat
Internet Service Provider
Infeksi Saluran pernafasan Atas
Infeksi Saluran Reproduksi
Immature to Total Neutrophil Ratio
Idiopathic Thrombocytopenic Purpura
Idiopathic Thrombocytopenic Syndrome
Intra_Uterine Fetal Death
Intra-Uterine Growth Retardation
Inferior Vena Cava
Intravenous Fluid Drip
Infus Intra Vena 2 Line
Intravenous Immunoglobulin
Intravenous Pyelography
Interventricular Septum
Intermediate Ward
Insensible Water Loss
Junction Box
Jari Bawah Arcus Costae
Jari Bawah Processus Xiphoideus
Jackson Cross Cylinder
Jaminan Kecelakaan diluar Jam Kerja
Jasa medis
Juvenile Nasopharyngeal Angiofibroma
Janin Presentasi Bokong Tunggal Hidup
Janin Presentasi Kepala Tunggal Hidup
Juvenile Rheumatoid Arthritis
Junctional Tachycardia
Jugular Venous Pressure
Kalau Perlu
Kapan Perlu
Keselamatan dan Kesehatan Kerja
kepala Bagian
Kepala Bidang
Ketoasidosis Diabetikum
Krakatau Accounting and Finance System
Kecelakaan Akibat Kerja
kepala Unit
Kepala Ruangan
Kepala Seksi
Keluarga Berencana
Kalium Chlorida
Koefisien Dasar Bangunan
Kejang demam kompleks
Kejang Demam simpleks
Kantung Empedu
Kekurangan Energi Kalori
Kesehatan Lingkungan
Kehamilan Ectopic Terganggu
Kelenjar Getah Bening
Kontrol Gula Darah Harian
Koma Hiperosmolar Non-Ketotik
Kecepatan Hantar Syaraf
Kortikosteroid Intralesi
Kartu Keluarga
Kejadian luar biasa
Kanker Leher Rahim
Kecil Masa Kehamilan
Kejadian Nyaris Cedera
Karsinoma Nasofaring
Kalium Hidroksida
Kondisi Potensi Cedera
Ketuban Pecah Dini
Komite Pencegahan dan Pengendalian Infeksi
Knee Patella Reflex
Ketetapan Rencana Kota
Keratosis Seboroik
Kompartemen Sindrom / Compartment Syndrome
Karsinoma Sel Basah
Kerjasama Operasional
Karsinoma Sel Skuamosa
Kejadian Tidak Cedera
Kejadian Tidak Diharapkan
Kartu Tanda Penduduk
Klippel Trenaunay Syndrome
Keadaan Umum
Kapasitas Vital
Kilo Volt Ampere
Kandidosis Vulvovaginosis
Kilo Wat Hour
Left Atrium
Long Acting Beta -2 Agonist
Lacunar Anterior Circulation Infarction
Linear IgA Dermatosis
Left Anterior Descending
Left Axis Deviation
Lipo Arabino Manan
Local Area Network
Left Anterir Oblique
Laparatomi Cholelithiasis
Low Anterior Resection
Look A Like Sound A Like
Light Amplification Stimulation Emission Radiation
Laser Carbondioxyde
Lasrt Erbium-Ytrium Aluminium Gamet
Laser Quality-Switch Ytrium Aluminium Gamet
Leunase / L-asparaginase
Limbah Bahan Berbahaya dan Beracun
Left Bundle branch block
Low Back Pain
Liquid Crystal Display
Low Cardiac Output System
Left Corcumflex Artery
Lactic Dehydrogenase
Lembar Data Keamanan Bahan
Low Density Lipoproteins
Low Dose Rate
Lupus Erythematosus
Light-Emitting Diode
Letak Bokong
Letak Kepala
Letak Lintang
Letak Sungsang
Lingkup Gerak Sandi
Limfoma Hodgkin
Laporan Hasil Pengecekan
Laju Jantung
Linglar Lengan
Lilitan Tali Pusat
Laser Intraocular
Laboratorium Information System
Laporan Keuangan
Left Kidney
Lembaga Kerja Sama
Leukemia Limfositik Akut
Leg Length Discrepancy
Leukemia Limfositik kronis
Left Liver Lobe
Low Lactose Milk
Left Lower Quadrant=Daerah Abdomen Kuadran Kiri Bawah
Laryngeal Mask Airway
Leukemia Mielositik Akut
Limfoma malignum Hodgkin
Lower Motor Neuron
Limforma Maligna Non-Hodgkin
Left Main Stem
Low Molecular Weight Heparin
Limfoma Non-Hodgkin
Logging In
Logging Out
Lingkar Otot Lengan Atas ( sering menjadi singkatan untuk L-ortinin-L-Aspartat, pada resep dokter hepatologi)
Length Of Stay
Obat Cair untuk luar
Lumbal Pungsi
Lokasi Pembuangan Akhir Sementara
Laser Perifer Iridectomy
Liter per menit
Laringopharingeal Reflux Disease
Luas Permukaan Tubuh
laba Rugi
Linear Relaxing Incision
Lichen Simpleks Kronis
Light Therapy
Late Treatment Failure
Lower Urinary Track Synptoms
Left Ventricle
Left Ventricular Device
Laser V-Beam
Left Ventricular End-Diastolic Diameter
Left Ventricular End-Systolic Diameter
Left Ventricular Ejection Fraction
Left Ventricular Hypertropy
Left Ventrikuler hypertrofi
Left Ventricular Outflow Tract
Luar Waktu Beban Puncak
Campurlah dan buatlah
Media Access Control
Management Aktif Kala III
Mean Arterial Pressure
Multiple Aorto-Pulmonary Collateral Arteries
Meconium Aspiration Syndrome
Makan Biasa
Mati Batang Otak
Makanan Biasa Tanpa Cabe
Makanan Cair
Miniatur Circuit Breaker
Myocardial Infark
Medial Cruciate Ligament
Medical Check UP
Main Distribution Frame
Multi-Drug Resistent
Myelodisplasia Syndrome
Multidrug Therapy
Meningoencepalitis TB
Meningoencephalocele Anterior
Medical Check UP
Meningoencephalocele Posterior
Microscopic Epidydimal Sperm Aspiration
Mega Elektron Volt
Morbus Hansen
Minimal Inhibitory Concentration
Music Induced Hearing Loss
Majelis Kehormatan Disiplin Kedokteran Indonesia
Mandiangin koto selayan
Makan Lunak
Makanan Lunak Blender
Multileaf Collimator
Mycobacterium Leprae Particle Aglutination
Milimetres of Mercury
Mucous Membrane Pemphisoid
Mumps, Measles, Rubella
Mini Mental State Examination
Manual Muscle Test
Medula Oblongata
Multiorgan Dysfunction
Multiorgan Failure
Master Plan
Main Pulmonary Artery
Makanan Pendamping ASI
Mental Retardation
Magnetic Resonance Arteriography
Magnetic Resonance Cholangio Pancerathograpy
Magnetic Resonance Imaging
Mastectomy Radical Modifikasi
Modified Radical Neck Dissection
Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy
Methicillin Resistant Staphylococcus Aureus
Makan Saring
Multiple Sclerosis
Medical Staf By Laws
Material Safety Data Sheet
Morfin Sufat
Muara Tuba
Medial Tibial Plateau
Monitor Unit
Mega Volt
Mitral Valve Prolapse
Mitral Valve Replacement
Micro Wave Diathermi
NaCl 0.45% (1/2 NS ) + dextrose 5%
NaCl 0.225% (1/4 NS ) + dextrose 5%
NaCl 0.18% (1/5 NS ) + dextrose 10%
Nilai Ambang Batas
N-Acetyl Cysteine
Natrium Chloride
Nilai Ambang Kuantitas
Non-Allergic Rhinitis Eosinophilic Syndrome
Non-Alkoholic Steato-Hepatitis
Neomisisn Basitrasin
Neonatal Berat Badan Lahir Cukup
Non-Bullous Congenital Ichtyosiform Erythroderma
Nasal Canulla
Neonatus Cukup Bulan
Neonatus Cukup Bulan Kecil Untuk Masa Kehamilan
Neonatus Cukup Bulan Sesuai Masa Kehamilan
Napas Cuping Hidung
Nursing care Plan
Nerve Conduction Velocity
Hidung Kanan Kiri
Necrotizing Enterocolitis
Nekrolisis Epidermal Toksik
Not For Resuscitation
Neisseria Gonorrhoeae penghasil penisilinase
Naso-Gastric Tube
Nifas Hari
Newborn Hearing Screening
Neonatal Intensive Care Unit
Non-Insulin Dependent Diabetes Melitus
Noise Induced Hearing Loss
Nomor Induk Karyawan
Nomor Induk karyawan
Neonatus Kurang Bulan
Nasi Lunak
Neonatus Lebih Bulan
Non-Nucleoside Reverse Transcriptase Inhibitors
Nitric Oxide
Nomor Rekam Medis
Naso Orbito Ethmoid Fracture
Neoplasma Ovarium Kistik
Nomor Registrasi
Nama Obat Rupa Mirip
Nasopharingeal Carcinoma
Non-Proliferative Diabetic Retinopathy
Neuralgia Pasca-Herpes
Nothing per Oral
Net present Value
Non Rebreathing Mask
Nucleoside Reverse Transcriptase Inhibitors
Normal Saline
Non-Steroid Antinflamatory Drugs
non-small cell lung cancer
Norma Standar Pedoman dan Manual
Nutrition Support Team
Non ST elevation myocardial infarction
narkose umum
necrotizing ulcerative gingivitis
necrotizing ulcerative periodontiks
necrotizing ulcerative stomatitis
Non Wieght Bearing
overactive bladder
obat anti-epilepsi
obat anti-inflamasi non-steroid
obat-anti kejang
obat antituberkulosis
Obat Batuk Hitam
ocular coherence tomography
orang dengan HIV-AIDS
obstruksi duktus naso lakrimal
otitis eksterna
oral gastric tube
oral glucose tolerance test
obat hipoglikemik oral
osteogenesis imperfecta
operatie kamer (kamar operasi)
open kinetic chain
obtuse marginal (branch)
otitis media acute
otitis media efusi
Otitis Media Supurative Kronik
Out Patient Departement (Rawat Jalan)
operation day
Ongoing Professional Practice Evaluation
open reduction & internal fixation
Operasi System
obstructive sleep apnea syndrome
operating theatre (OT sering menjadi singkatan "Orang Terlantar")
overall treatment time
Pielonephritis Chronis
Perdarahan sub Arachnoid
Sesudah makan
Untuk disuntik
post iktal
(Periculum in Mora) Berbahaya bila ditunda
Sore hari
Per oral
Kalau perlu
Patologi Anatomi
Private Automatic Branch Exchage
partial anterior circulation infraction
pressure arterial carbondioxide
Picture archiving and communication system
peripheral artery disease
platelet activating factor
Proses Asuhan Gizi Standar
plasminogen activator inhibitor
Penyakit Akibat Kerja
Pengembangan Organisasi
pressure arterial oksigen
peripheral artery acclusive disease
pulmonary artery acculusion pressure
pintu atas panggul
Pulang Atas Permintaan Sendiri
partial anomalous pulmonary venous return
Pengganti Air Susu Ibu
Keselamatan Pasien
potong beku
Panjang Badan
panjang badan/lingkar kepala
pulmonary blood flow
penicilin binding protein
Personal Computer
percutaneous coronary intervention
posterior cruciate ligament
percutaneus nephrolithotripsy
oxygen partial pressure
polymerase chain reaction
pelvic congestion syndrome
pulmonary capillary wedge pressure
Periksa Dalam
patent ductus arteriosus
percentage depth dose
Pervasif Development Disorder Not Otherwise Specified
pemeriksaan dalam di meja operasi
proliperative diabetic retinopathy
pericardial effusion
Pre Eklampsia Berat
positive end expiratory pressure
pustulosis eksantematosa generalisata akut
polymorphic eruption of pregnancy
Pre Eklampsia Ringan
Perhimpunan Pengendalian Infeksi Indonesia
percutaneus epidydimal sperm aspiration
pemeriksaan fisis
persistent foramen ovale
phenolic glicolipid-1
pelayanan gizi rumah sakit
polyhydroxy acid
perilaku hidup bersih dan sehat
personal home page
persistent hyperplasy posterior vitreus
percutaneus intravenous central catheterization
Pelvic Imflamatory Disease
prostatic intraepithelial neoplasia
peak inspiratory pressure
Perdarahan Intra serebral
pitiriasis rosea
provider initiated testing and counseling
Penanggung jawab
penyakit jantung bawaan
penyakit jantung rematik
Pertumbuhan Janin Terganggu
Perjanjian Kerja Bersama
Perjanjian Kerja Kemitraan
Praktek kerja Lapangan
penyuluh kesehatan masyarakat
promosi kesehatan rumah sakit
Perjanjian Kerjasama
Perjanjian Kerja Waktu Tertentu
paket limfoma
pityriasis lichenoides chronica
Post Laringectomi
pityriasis lichenoides acuta
persisten left superior vena cava
Pedoman Mutu
progrresive muscular athropy
Perawatan Metode Kangguru
Pemberian Makanan Tambahan
prevention mother to child transmision
primitive neuro-ectodermal tumor
carbon dioxide partial pressure
plain balloon only plasty
post-operative day
Power over Ethernet
Post Office Protocol v3
pembantu orang sakit
Post Partum
Program Pendidikan Dokter Spesialis
psoriasis pustulosis generalisata
Pajak Penghasilan
periodic paralysis hypocalemia
persistent pulmonary hypertension of the newborn
Pencegahan dan Pengendalaian Infeksi
pencegahan dan pengendalian infeksi rumah sakit
pembesaran prostat jinak
Panduan Praktik Klinik
Peraturan Pemberian makan
Plan Preventive Maintenance / Program Pemeliharaan Preventif
Pajak pertambahan Nilai
Panjak Penjualan
penyakit paru obstruksi kronik
post phlebitic syndrome
Placenta Previa Totalis
pulmonic regurgutation
packed red cell
pan retinal photocoagualtion
pulmonary stenosis
prostate specific antingen
prostate specific antingen density
pressure synchronized intermittent mandatory ventilation
pemberantasan sarang nyamuk
pedikel screw sublaminar wires
Power Supply Unit
positive support ventilator
prothrombin time
percutaneus transluminal angioplasty
percutaneous transbiliary drainage
percutaneous transluminal ballon valvuloplasty
percutaneous transluminal coronary angiography
polytetrafluoroethylene (balan salah satu jenis graft vaskular)
parathiroid hormone
petugas teknik khusus
percutaneous transluminal mitral commissurotomy
post thrombotic syndrome
penarikan tali pusat terkendali
polyunsaturated faty acid
pedoman umum gizi seimbang
Peraturan Umum Instalasi Listrik
pelvico ureteric junction obstruction
punggung kanan
punggung kiri
Serbuk tabur
Serbuk tunggal
psoralen dan ultraviolet A
pemfigus vulgaris
posterior vitreus detachment
proliperative vitreoretinopathy
posterior wall
Partial Weight Bearing
port wine stain
Empat kali sehari
Quality Management Representative
Riwayat Personal
Rifampisin, Isoniazid, Piranizamid, Ethambutol, Streptomisin
Rheumatoid Artritis
right axis deviation
Redundant Array of Inexpensive Disks
Rawat Jalan
Random Access Memory
Rawat Inap
right anterior ablique
relative afferent pupilary defect
right bundle branch block
refleks cahaya
right coronary artery
renal cell carcinoma
refleks cahaya langsung
red carpet services
refleks cahaya tak langsung
release carpal tunnel syndrome unilateral
respiratory distress
Respiratory Distres Siyndrom
rencana perawatan
rheumatoid factor
release from control
reflux finding score
release from treatment
Rendah Garam
refluks gastroesofageal
rigid gas permeable
regular insulin
Registered Jack Type 45
Resusitasi Jantung Paru
Rendah Kolesrtol /Rendah Lemak
Rencana Kewenangan Klinis
Rincian Kewenangan Klinik
Rencana Pengelolaan Lingkungan
Ringer lactat
Right Liver Lobe
right lower quadrant = daerah abdomen kanan bawah
Rekam Medis
Reflex Neurovascular Dystrophy
Read Only Memory
retinopathy of prematurity
riwayat penyakit dahulu
Retrograde Pyelography
Rencana Pemantauan Lingkungan
rapid plasma reagin
Rendah Protein
riwayat penyakit sekarang
Rendah Purin
Respiratori Rate
rumah sakit
Rumah Sakit Islam
rectal toucher
Rencana Tata Letak Bangunan
reverse transcriptase polymerase chain reaction
Ruhuul Islam
Left upper quadrant=daerah abdomen kuadran kiri atas
right upper quadrant=daerah abdomen kanan atas
right ventricle
right ventricular hipertrophy
right ventricular outflow tract
recto-vaginal toucher
Shuffner 1-8
Sistemic Lupus Erythematosus
tandai obat luar
sifilis stadium 1
sifilis stadium 2
Sulfas Atropin
Spondilo Artrosis Cevicalis
source axis distance
subarracnoid hemorrhage
Spondilo Artrosis Lumbalis
saturasi oksigen arterial
simplified acute prognostic score
stomatis aftosa rekuren
Sasaran Mutu
severe acute respiratory syndrome
scleral buckle
subacute bacterial endocarditis
spontaneous bacterial peritonitis
Surat Bukit Pelayanan kesehatan
spontaneous bacterial trial
Section Caesarea
Saluran Cerna Bagian Atas
Saluran Cerna Bagian Bawah
squamous cell carcinoma
subacute cutaneous lupus erythematosus
special care nursery
superior caval vein syndrome/sindrome vena kava superior
sindrom delirium akut
Specific Dynamic Action
Subdural Hematom
Sumber Daya Manusia
Synchronous Dynamic Random Access Memory
systolic ejection murmur
Surat Elegibilitas Peserta
sulfas ferrosus
sapheno femoral junction
subjective global assessment
serum glutamic oxaloacetic transaminase
serum glumatic pyruvic transaminase
simple head injury
Sisa Hasil Usaha
Sisa Hasil Usaha
small incision cataract extraction
Surat Istirahat Dokter
sindrom imunodefisiensi aids
Surat Izin Kerja
Surat Izin Kerja Tenaga Teknis Kefarmasian
sistem informasi manajemen
Simetris untuk sisi kanan dan kiri
synchronized intermitent mandatory ventilation
surat ijin operasi
Surat Izin Praktek
Surat Izin Praktik
Surat Izin Praktek Apoteker
Surat Izin Penunjukan Penggunaan Tanah
Sistem Informasi Rumah Sakit
Surat Keputusan
Surat Keterangan Berbadan Sehat
surat keterangan tidak mampu
Di bawah Lidah
systemic lupus erithematosus
Sertifikat Laik Fungsi
simple mask
sesuai masa kehamilan
sebelum masuk rumah sakit
Simple Mail Transfer Protocol
Sindrom Nefrotik
Standar Nasional Indonesia
Struma Nodusa Non Toxic
sodium nitroprusside
signal to noise ratio
Salpingectomy Oophorectomy Bilateral
Salpingectomy Oophorectomy Dextra
supra omohyoid neck dissection
Standard Operasional Procedure (standar operasional prosedur)
Salpingectomy Oophorectomy Sinistra
Surat Peringatan
Surat peringatan
Serikat Pekerja Farmasi Kesehatan
subcorneal pustular dermatoses
single photon emission computed tomography-computed tomography computed tomography
Satuan Pemeriksaan Internal
sapheno popliteal junction
Surat Penugasan Klinis
Standar Pemberian Makan
Standar Prosedur Operasional
Saturasi Oksigen
Surat Perintah Rawat
Septik Tank
surgical site infection
sindrom Stevens Jhonson
Surat Setoran Pajak
sick sinus syndrome
Skleroterapi Endoskopi
ST-elevation myocardial infarction
status quo ad antem; artinya 'sama dengan sebelumnya'
Surat Tanda Registrasi
Surat Tanda Registrasi Apoteker
Surat Tanda Registrasi Teknis Kefarmasian
split thickness skin graft
Saluran Udara Tegangan Extra Tinggi
superior vena cava
saturasi oksigen mixed venous
Supra Venticuler Takikardi
Short Wave Diathermi
Tiga kali sehari
thoracic aortic aneurysm
Tablet Vagina
total anterior circulation infraction
tidak ada keluhan/tidak ada kelainan
thromboangitisobliterans/Buerger's disease
tappering off
Transabdominal ultrasonography
Tinggi Badan
Status Gizi berdasarkan Tinggi Badan menurut Umur
Traumatic Brain Injury
taksiran berat janin
tension band wiring
Tuba Catar
transitional cell carcinoma
transcutaneus oxymetry
tekanan darah
Tarif Dasar Listrik
toxoplasma encephalitis
thrombo end-arterectomy
trans-esophageal echocardiography
Transcutaneus Electrical Nerve Stimulation
transient evoked oto acoustic emission
testicular sperm extraction
Tran-epidermal water loss
tonsilofaringitis akut
transposition of the great arteries
Toleransi Glukosa terganggu
Tunjangan Hari raya
trancient ischemic atack
tekanan intrakranial
Tilatang Kamang
Tinggi lutut
tekanan intraocular
tunggu jadwal operasi
Tempat Kejadian Perkara
tabel komposisi pangan Indonesia
total knee replacement
tinggi kalori tinggi protein
Tinggi Lutut
total leg strength
tumor node metastasis
transient neonatal pustular melanosis
tetralogy of fallot
tanaman obat keluarga
traumatic optic neuropathy
lokasi penyakit
thoracic outlet syndrome
tempat penampungan air
Total Plate Count (Hitung Jumlah Kuman)
Treponema pallidum hemaglutination assay
Tim Penasehat Instalasi Bangunan
temporary pacemaker
tetes permenit makro
tetes permenit mikro
total parenteral nutrition
Tim Pencegahan dan Pengendalian Infeksi
Tempat Penampungan Sampah Sementara
Tegangan Rendah
Technical Registered Dietisien
tinitus retraining Tx
transrectral ultrasonography
toxic shock syndrome
Toxoid tetanus
trauma tumpul abdomen
Tachipnoe Trans Newborn
Tanda-Tanda Vital
Transurethral Lithotripsy
transurethral needle ablation
Trans Uretra Risaction/Transurethral Resection
trans uretra resection buli
transuratral resection of the prostate
Tukar verban
Tukar Verban
Pemakaian untuk di dalam
Usus propium, untuk dipakai sendiri
Pemakaian untuk hewan
unstable angina pectoris
uncorrected visual acuity
Undescended Testis
unfractioned heparin
usia gestasi
usia koreksi
upaya kesehatan berbasis masyarakat
Upaya Kesehatan Lingkungan
urine lengkap
Uji latih jantung
uang muka kerja
uang muka kerja
Salep mata
universal newborn hearing screening
uretritis nonspesifik
Universal Precaution ( Kewaspadaan Universal )
Upaya Penyehatan Lingkungan
ukuran rumah tangga
Ultra Sound
Universal Serial Bus
ultrasonography doppler
Urinary Tract Infection
Unshielded Twister Pair
ubun ubun besar
ubun ubun kecil
ultraviolet A
ultraviolet B
uang yang harus dipertanggungjawabkan
Vertikel Extra Sistol
vulva dan urethra
varian 1
Ventilator Associted Pneumonia
vaksin antirabies
Visual Analog Scale
voluntary counseling and testing
Vacum Ekstraksi
Vacum Extraksi
vascular endhotelium growth factor
visum et repertum
vertebrae cervikal
vertebrae lumbal
ventricular extrasystole
venticular fibrillation
Video Graphic Adaptor
Vulnus Laceratum
Virtual Local Are Network
very low density lipoprotein
ventriculo-peritoneal shunt
ventricular premature contraction
Virtual Private Network
ventricular septal defect
Ventrikuler Takikardi
Volume tidal ekspirasi/ Kilogram
Ventilasi Tekanan Positif
Vesica Urinaria
vesicoureteral reflux
varicose vein (varises)
Wide Area Network
whole blood (darah lengkap)
white blood (cell) count
waist circumference
Water Drainage
working diagnosis
worth four dot test
Water For Injection
world Health Organization
Wireless Fidelity
Windows 7
Windows 8
Windows Xp
woods lamp
Wolf Parkinson White syndrome
water sealed drainage
wound toilet
World Wide Web
kali per menit
x-linkage dominant
x-linkage resessive ichtyosis
x-ray volumetric imaging
yang lalu

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