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State of Qatar -Public Works Authority

Drainage Affairs


1 Introduction ............................................................................................................... 1

1.1 Terms of Reference ...................................................................................................... 1

1.2 Manual Development Process ...................................................................................... 1
1.3 Recommendations for Additional Study ........................................................................ 1
1.4 Manual Updating ........................................................................................................... 2
1.5 Literature/References ................................................................................................... 2
2 Planning Issues ......................................................................................................... 5

2.1 Master Plans ................................................................................................................. 5

2.1.1 Sewerage ............................................................................................................................... 5
2.1.2 Surface and Ground Water .................................................................................................... 6
2.1.3 Irrigation using TSE ............................................................................................................... 7
2.2 Allocation of Lands ....................................................................................................... 7
2.3 Statutory Undertakers ................................................................................................... 8
2.4 Infrastructure Projects ................................................................................................... 8
2.5 Catchments & Flood Plains........................................................................................... 8
2.6 Groundwater ................................................................................................................. 8
2.7 Environmental Planning ................................................................................................ 9
2.7.1 Introduction ............................................................................................................................ 9
2.7.2 Planning ............................................................................................................................... 12
2.7.3 Screening ............................................................................................................................. 12
2.7.4 Scoping ................................................................................................................................ 14
2.7.5 EIA ....................................................................................................................................... 14
2.7.6 Conclusions ......................................................................................................................... 17

3 Investigations .......................................................................................................... 18

3.1 Geotechnical ............................................................................................................... 18

3.1.1 Introduction .......................................................................................................................... 18
3.1.2 Investigation Objectives ....................................................................................................... 18
3.1.3 Desk Study and Site Reconnaissance................................................................................. 19
3.1.4 Ground Investigation ............................................................................................................ 19
3.1.5 Extent of Ground Investigation ............................................................................................ 21
3.1.6 Field Works .......................................................................................................................... 21
3.1.7 Sampling .............................................................................................................................. 25
3.1.8 Field Tests ........................................................................................................................... 28
3.1.9 Laboratory Tests .................................................................................................................. 29
3.1.10 Reports and Interpretation ................................................................................................... 30
3.2 Hydrogeological Investigations ................................................................................... 37
3.2.1 Purpose of Investigations..................................................................................................... 37
3.2.2 Outline Methodology ............................................................................................................ 37

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1st Edition June 2005 -  Copyright Ashghal
State of Qatar -Public Works Authority
Drainage Affairs

3.2.3 Sources of Information ........................................................................................................ 37

3.2.4 Data Requirements: Desk Study Phase .............................................................................. 38
3.2.5 Data Requirements: Site Investigation Phase ..................................................................... 38
3.2.6 Notes on Site Investigation Techniques .............................................................................. 39
3.3 Surveys ....................................................................................................................... 40
3.3.1 Types of Survey................................................................................................................... 41
3.4 Operating Data ........................................................................................................... 43
3.4.1 Pumping Stations ................................................................................................................ 43
3.4.2 Sewage Treatment .............................................................................................................. 44
3.4.3 Sewerage ............................................................................................................................ 44
3.4.4 Surface Water/Hydrology .................................................................................................... 44
3.5 Asset Condition........................................................................................................... 44
3.6 Meteorology ................................................................................................................ 44
3.6.1 Introduction .......................................................................................................................... 44
3.6.2 Climate Overview ................................................................................................................ 45
3.6.3 Rainfall ................................................................................................................................. 45
3.6.4 Other Climatological Variables ............................................................................................ 49
3.6.5 Wind Speed and Direction ................................................................................................... 49
3.7 Environmental Investigations ...................................................................................... 53
3.7.1 Introduction .......................................................................................................................... 53
3.7.2 Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA) ....................................................................... 53
3.7.3 EIA Investigations ................................................................................................................ 53

4 Design Process........................................................................................................55

4.1 Background Information.............................................................................................. 55

4.1.1 Existing Services and Utilities ............................................................................................. 55
4.1.2 Services Hierarchy .............................................................................................................. 55
4.1.3 Site Investigations ............................................................................................................... 55
4.1.4 GIS / AIS.............................................................................................................................. 56
4.1.5 QNBS/QCS.......................................................................................................................... 56
4.2 Ground Conditions ...................................................................................................... 56
4.2.1 Topography & Regional Geology ........................................................................................ 56
4.2.2 Geology of the Dammam Formation ................................................................................... 59
4.2.3 Hydrogeology ...................................................................................................................... 61
4.2.4 Summary of Relevant Conditions ........................................................................................ 62
4.3 Construction Materials ................................................................................................ 62
4.3.1 Materials Selection .............................................................................................................. 62
4.3.2 Structures ............................................................................................................................ 69
4.3.3 Quality Control and Quality Assurance ............................................................................... 71
4.4 Design Standards, Procedures and Calculations ....................................................... 72
4.5 Standard Drawings ..................................................................................................... 72
4.6 Building Permits .......................................................................................................... 73
4.6.1 Opening a Building Permit File ............................................................................................ 73
4.6.2 Initial DC 1 Approval ............................................................................................................ 73
4.6.3 Utility Approvals ................................................................................................................... 73

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State of Qatar -Public Works Authority
Drainage Affairs

4.6.4 Final DC1 Approval .............................................................................................................. 74

4.6.5 DC 2 Approval ...................................................................................................................... 74
4.6.6 Building Permit ..................................................................................................................... 74
4.7 Environmental Design ................................................................................................. 74
4.8 Tendering and Contract Procedures ........................................................................... 75
4.8.1 Professional Service Agreement ......................................................................................... 75
4.8.2 Conventional Construction Contracts .................................................................................. 76
4.8.3 76
4.8.4 Design and Construct Construction Contracts..................................................................... 76
4.8.5 Material Supply Contracts .................................................................................................... 76
4.8.6 Hybrid Contracts .................................................................................................................. 77
4.8.7 Work Carried Out Under Work Order Agreements .............................................................. 77
4.9 Health and Safety and Security .................................................................................. 77
4.9.1 Policy Statement .................................................................................................................. 77
4.9.2 Accident Reporting............................................................................................................... 79
4.9.3 Training ................................................................................................................................ 79
4.9.4 Site Safety Meetings ............................................................................................................ 81
4.9.5 Enforcement Policy .............................................................................................................. 82
4.10 CDM Best Practice...................................................................................................... 83
4.10.1 Introduction .......................................................................................................................... 83
4.10.2 Earliest Involvement............................................................................................................. 83
4.10.3 Co-ordination ....................................................................................................................... 83
4.10.4 Preparing the Design ........................................................................................................... 83
4.10.5 Health and Safety Plan ........................................................................................................ 84
4.10.6 Health and Safety File.......................................................................................................... 85

5 Reporting Systems.................................................................................................. 86

5.1 General ....................................................................................................................... 86

5.1.1 Quality Control ..................................................................................................................... 86
5.1.2 Format of Documents .......................................................................................................... 86
5.2 Sketch Stage .............................................................................................................. 90
5.2.1 Structure/Content of Report ................................................................................................. 90
5.2.2 Programme .......................................................................................................................... 91
5.2.3 Design Enquiry Status ......................................................................................................... 91
5.2.4 Available Information ........................................................................................................... 91
5.2.5 Investigations ....................................................................................................................... 91
5.2.6 Land Use .............................................................................................................................. 91
5.2.7 Design Criteria ..................................................................................................................... 91
5.2.8 Options ................................................................................................................................. 91
5.2.9 Recommendation ................................................................................................................. 91
5.2.10 Appendices .......................................................................................................................... 91
5.2.11 Typical Drawings.................................................................................................................. 92
5.3 Preliminary Stage Report ........................................................................................... 92
5.3.1 Structure/Content of Report ................................................................................................. 92

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State of Qatar -Public Works Authority
Drainage Affairs

5.4 Detail Design and Tendering Stage ............................................................................ 93

5.5 Documentation............................................................................................................ 93
5.5.1 Drawings.............................................................................................................................. 93
5.5.2 Specification ........................................................................................................................ 93
5.5.3 Bill of Quantities................................................................................................................... 94
5.6 Engineering Report ..................................................................................................... 94
5.7 Supplementary Reports .............................................................................................. 95
6 Checking Systems...................................................................................................96

6.1 Project Quality Plan .................................................................................................... 96

6.2 Stage Approvals ......................................................................................................... 97
6.3 References and Information updating......................................................................... 97
6.4 Progress Reporting ..................................................................................................... 97
7 Operation and Maintenance....................................................................................99

7.1 Normal Operations...................................................................................................... 99

7.1.1 Operational Objectives and Priorities .................................................................................. 99
7.1.2 Management and Control of Operations ........................................................................... 100
7.1.3 Operating Procedures, Schedules and Organisation ........................................................ 101
7.1.4 Cost Control and Operational Efficiency ........................................................................... 101
7.2 Routine (Scheduled) Maintenance ........................................................................... 101
7.2.1 Definition of Scheduled Maintenance ................................................................................ 102
7.2.2 Classification of Routine Maintenance Tasks.................................................................... 102
7.2.3 Method Statements on Each Activity and Sub-Activity ..................................................... 103
7.2.4 Organisation and Control of Scheduled Maintenance....................................................... 103
7.2.5 Inspection, Quality Control and Follow-Up ........................................................................ 104
7.2.6 Maintenance and Inspection of Safety/Rescue Equipment............................................... 104
7.3 Non-Scheduled (Non-Routine) Maintenance ............................................................ 105
7.3.1 Definition of Non-Scheduled Maintenance ........................................................................ 105
7.3.2 Classification of Non-Scheduled Maintenance Tasks ....................................................... 105
7.3.3 Identifying the Need for Non-Scheduled Maintenance...................................................... 105
7.3.4 Management of Non-Scheduled Maintenance .................................................................. 105
7.3.5 Control of Costs and Quality ............................................................................................. 106
7.3.6 Inspection and Follow-Up .................................................................................................. 106
7.4 Emergency Procedures ............................................................................................ 106
7.4.1 Definition and Classification of Emergencies .................................................................... 106
7.4.2 Establishment of Emergency Response Plans/Procedures .............................................. 107
7.4.3 Emergency Plant and Equipment ...................................................................................... 108
7.4.4 Public Health and Environmental Considerations ............................................................. 108
7.4.5 Safety Considerations ....................................................................................................... 109
7.4.6 Feedback and Optimising Emergency Response ............................................................. 109
7.4.7 First Aid Arrangements and Emergency Procedures ........................................................ 109
7.5 Spare Parts and Equipment...................................................................................... 109
7.5.1 Targets and Objectives ..................................................................................................... 110
7.5.2 Spare Parts Availability...................................................................................................... 110

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Drainage Affairs

7.5.3 Storage Facilities ............................................................................................................... 110

7.5.4 Inventory Control and Stock Management Procedures ..................................................... 110
7.6 Records..................................................................................................................... 111
7.6.1 Operational Records .......................................................................................................... 111
7.6.2 Records of Scheduled Maintenance .................................................................................. 111
7.6.3 Records of Non-Scheduled Maintenance .......................................................................... 112
7.6.4 Records of Emergencies.................................................................................................... 112
7.6.5 Recommendations for Reporting of Operation & Maintenance ......................................... 112
7.6.6 Records of Existing Assets, Including GIS and Electronic Media...................................... 112
7.6.7 Procedures for Maintenance and Updating of Asset Databases ....................................... 112
7.6.8 Verification, Updating and Maintenance of ‘As-Built’ Drawings, Documents and Manuals113
7.7 Capacity Review ....................................................................................................... 113
7.7.1 Guidelines for Monitoring and Reporting of Operational Capacity .................................... 113
7.7.2 Measurement of Pump Performance Against Design ....................................................... 113
7.7.3 Comparison of System/Part of Actual System Against Design Capacity .......................... 114

8 References ............................................................................................................. 115

Appendix 1 - Sample Calculation Sheets, Forms, HARA & Report Page Layout
Appendix 2 - Programmes
Appendix 3 - Drawings
Appendix 4 -Tender Procedure Flowchart
Appendix 5 - Industrial Waste Application
Appendix 6 - Soil and Rock Descriptions
Appendix 7 - Sample Letters

Volume 1 General Page v

1st Edition June 2005 -  Copyright Ashghal
State of Qatar -Public Works Authority
Drainage Affairs

This Manual is the sole property of the Drainage Affairs (DA) of the Qatar Public Works Authority. It was produced
by Hyder Consulting (ME) Ltd under a Project Service Agreement (PSA), on behalf of the Qatar DA in December

This is the first of 8 Volumes, as listed below:

• Volume 1 - General
• Volume 2 - Foul Sewerage
• Volume 3 - Surface and Groundwater Drainage
• Volume 4 - Treated Sewage Effluent
• Volume 5 - Sewage Treatment Works
• Volume 6 - CAD Manual
• Volume 7 - Standard Drawings
The Manual is intended for use as a guide to good practice in the design of work on behalf of, and for adoption by
the DA. It is intended to be used by consulting engineers in order to produce a degree of uniform quality and
similarity for future infrastructure developments throughout Qatar.

The content of the Manual has been compiled by a panel of specialists based upon their collective individual
experiences, and in close consultation with DA staff.

The first issue of the Manual is available for general circulation in paper format. Digital master copies will be
retained by the DA. A web-based version of the Manual will be compiled subsequent to the successful launch of
the first issue. Any enquiries regarding this Manual should be directed to the Head of Consultancy Services
Division, Qatar Drainage Affairs. It is intended that the Manual will be reviewed by the DA after the first year of
implementation in June/July 2005.

i Standards

This Manual should be used in accordance with, or as a supplement to the relevant standards, codes, papers and
other documents, as categorised into the three categories below.

A. Contract Documents
B. Local Technical Regulations
C. Technical Codes and Papers

Please note, that the reader should always check with the relevant authority for new standards or revisions of
existing documents pertaining to the task at hand.

A. Contract Documents

The following are examples of relevant contract documents (not exhaustive):

• General Conditions of Contract, Prepared by the Ministry of Public Works;

• Professional Service Agreement General Conditions of Engagement 1984;
• Conditions on Contract Governing the Supply of Materials;

• Conditions of Contract for Design and Build Projects.

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State of Qatar -Public Works Authority
Drainage Affairs

B. Local Technical Regulations

The following are examples of applicable technical regulations (not exhaustive):

• The Qatar National Building Specification ("QNBS") published by the Ministry of Public Works, including all
revisions issued by the Ministry of Industry & Public Works and the Public Works Authority(Qatar Contract
Specification (“QCS”), is currently undergoing revision and not preferred by DA);
• The Survey Manual prepared by the Survey Section of the Ministry of Public Works;
• The Qatar Traffic Manual prepared by the Ministry of Public Works;
• The Traffic Control at Road Works Manual issued by the Ministry of Industry & Public Works;
• Rules, Regulations and Code of Practice for Design and Installation of Air Conditioning, Heating, Ventilation
& Refrigeration (ACHVR) Systems for Government Buildings, 2nd Edition, 1989, prepared by Electricity
and Water Department (MEW);
• Regulations for the Installation of Electrical Wiring by Qatar National Telephone;
• The Regulations for the Installation of Electrical Wiring, Electrical Equipment and Air Conditioning
Equipment, sixth re-issue dated January 1992 prepared by the Ministry of Electricity and Water, PO Box
41, Doha;
• Any current and relevant regulation, notice or circular issued by the Public Works Authority(including the
previous Ministry of Public Works and the previous Ministry of Industry and Public Works), the Ministry of
Electricity and Water or the appropriate local Municipality prior to the date of the letter of invitation to
• State of Qatar Law Number (8);
• State of Qatar Law No. 30 of 2002 and all subsequent amendments concerning “The Environment and
Natural Resources Protection” – Articles 6, 17, 19 & 35 obtainable form Government House.

C. Technical Codes and Papers

The following are examples of applicable technical codes/papers (not exhaustive):

• The Code of Practice and Specification for Road Openings in the Highway prepared by the Ministry of
Industry & Public Works;
• The Guide for Civil Users of Explosives in Qatar prepared by the Ministry of Public Works.

ii Authorities
The following utility/planning authorities should be contacted as appropriate for guidance, approvals and applicable
standards/regulations/codes of practice, pertaining to the design task being undertaken.

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State of Qatar -Public Works Authority
Drainage Affairs

Utility/Planning Authorities
The Director of Drainage Affairs
Public Works Authority
PO Box 23337

The Director of Roads Affairs

Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Agriculture
PO Box 22188

The Director of Building Engineering Department

Public Works Authority
PO Box 22188

The Director of Agricultural Development Department

Public Works Authority
PO Box 22188

The Head of Mapping & Positioning Services

Centre for GIS
Public Works Authority
PO Box 22188

The Director of Electricity Networks Department

Qatar General Electricity & Water Corporation
PO Box 41
The Director of Water Networks Department
Qatar General Electricity & Water Corporation
PO Box 41

The Director of Programmes & Planning

Qatar General Electricity & Water Corporation
PO Box 41

The Manager of External Planning Division

PO Box 217

Engineering Manager of Oil & Gas Operations

Qatar Petroleum
PO Box 70

The Director of Planning Department

PO Box 3843

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Drainage Affairs

The Director of Land Information Centre

PO Box 23999

The Director of Land Acquisition Department

PO Box 2199

The Director of Land Department

PO Box 2199

The Director
Supreme Council for the Environment and Natural Resources
PO Box 7634

The Director of Department of Industrial Development

Ministry of Energy & Industry
PO Box 2599


The Chairman
General Tenders Committee
Public Works Authority
Doha - Qatar

The Chairman
Limited Tenders Committee
Public Works Authority
Doha - Qatar

The Chairman
Small Tenders Committee
Public Works Authority
Doha - Qatar

State Audit Bureau

PO Box 2466

Department of Legal Opinions & Contracts

PO Box 917

iii Qatar National Height Datum (QND) and Qatar National Grid

The Qatar National Height Datum is referred to as the Qatar National Datum 1995 (QND95). Both QND and
the Qatar National Grid are regulated by:

The Head of Mapping & Positioning Services

Centre for GIS
Public Works Authority
PO Box 22188, Doha

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State of Qatar -Public Works Authority
Drainage Affairs

Details of benchmarks and co-ordinates of survey stations throughout Qatar can be obtained from the
Centre for GIS (cGIS).

iv Definitions

The following definitions apply to terms used throughout Volumes 1 – 8 of this Manual

Accuracy -is the extent to which a given measurement agrees with the standard value
required for that measurement, or the level of error on measuring instruments.

Aeration -is the addition of oxygen to wastewater.

Aerobic -respiration is respiration in the presence of oxygen.

Ammonia (NH3) -protein breakdown product common in wastewater

Anaerobic -respiration is respiration in the absence of oxygen.

Approved -terms such as “approved”, “approved by”, “to the approval”, “as directed” and the
like refer always to approval or directions given by the Engineer in writing.

Backfill -material used to fill pipe trench to formation level.

Bacteria -single celled organisms, which play a part in the breakdown of organic matter.

Bar screen -catches large objects prior to entering pumping stations, water treatment and
wastewater treatment processes.

Bedding / Bed and Surround -granular material used to bed pipes in trenches.

Belt press -device for mechanical dewatering of sludge.

Bioassays -tests on biota which can be used to determine both the short and long-term impact
of schemes.

Biochemical Oxygen Demand -(BOD) is the quantity of oxygen used by micro-organisms in the aerobic demand
stabilisation of wastewater. It is a measure of the amount of organic matter in the

Catchpit -roadside drainage appurtenance designed to collect silt (also known as silt trap).

Centrifugal separation -is a method of concentrating suspended solids.

Chloramines -product of chlorine and ammonia sometimes used for disinfection.

Chlorination -most common method of disinfection.

Chlorine dioxide (CO2) -less common disinfectant.

Client -the Municipality, Department, Agency or individual for whom the Project is being
undertaken and to whom the hand over of the final product will be made.
Chemical Oxygen -the amount of chemically oxidizable material present in the wastewater.
Demand (COD)

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State of Qatar -Public Works Authority
Drainage Affairs

Coliform bacteria -indicator organisms for faecal contamination in wastewater

Comminutor -mechanism used to shred suspended material in wastewater.

Contract -legally binding agreement.

Contractor -the company or organisation responsible for the construction of the Works under
the terms of the contract.

Cover -depth of fill above pipe, or thickness of concrete surround to reinforcement.

Crown -top of pipe.

Datum -reference level.

Design Flow -flow used for design of facilities such as Sewage Treatment Works (STW) (also
called FFT), for sewer and stormwater (SW) drainage pipes.

Density -mass per unit volume.

Digester -wastewater treatment module to promote breakdown of settled sludge.

Detention time -the time which elapses between wastewater entering and leaving a tank.

Dilution -is the mixing of a strong concentration of solution with water or other liquid to
produce a weaker concentration.

Disease -health disorder caused by pathogens, which can be associated with wastewater.

Disinfection -deactivation of viable pathogens.

DO (Dissolved Oxygen) -refers to the amount of dissolved oxygen in water expressed in milligrams per litre.

Drain -pipe conveying surface or ground water.

Drawings -drawings included in the Project Documentation.

Drying beds -type of facility using evaporation for dewatering digested sludge.

Dry Weather Flow (DWF) -sewer base-flow during dry periods with no inflow due to rainfall.

Efficiency -actual performance expressed as a percentage of theoretical maximum.

Effluent -outflow from a sewer or treatment process.

Engineer -the Director of Drainage Affairs, Director of Roads Affairs, or the Director of
Building Engineering, as appropriate, unless specified otherwise in the Project

Environmental Protection -standards set by the Supreme Council for the Environment and Natural Reserves
(SCENR) for application under the Qatar Environmental Law.
Evaporation (Pan) -measure of water loss to atmosphere from large water surfaces (not to be
confused by evaporation (piche) referring to plant evaporation).
Extended aeration plants -type of activated sludge process.

Flow to Full Treatment (FFT) -design flow at the STW, commonly three times DWF in Qatar.

Formation -Founding level for road construction, or top of excavation level.

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State of Qatar -Public Works Authority
Drainage Affairs

F/M -food to micro-organism ratio.

Facultative bacteria -are able to break down organic matter in the presence or absence of oxygen.

Feasibility -is the viability or likelihood of an event or process taking place.

Fixed media filters -use micro-organisms attached to a medium to treat wastewater.

Government -government of the State of Qatar.

Granular sub base -road construction material.

Grease -long chain hydrocarbons common in wastewater from cooking processes.

Grinder/Macerator pump -comminutor (see above).

Grit -dense, inorganic material in wastewater.

Guarantee -is a written assurance.

Hydraulic loading -is the volume of wastewater treated per unit time.

Hypochlorite -oxidising agent used for disinfection.

Invert -lower inside surface level of pipe, or top of slab level.

Kinetics of growth -conditions for microbial treatment of wastewater.

Mixed Liquor Suspended

Solids (MLSS) -amount of total suspended solid material (organic and inorganic).

Mixed Liquor Volatile

Suspended Solids (MLVSS) -amount of organic material suspended in the mixed liquor sample.

Nocardia -bacteria which are a major cause of foaming in activated sludge plants

Organic Loading -amount of BOD applied to a treatment plant.

O.U.R. (Oxygen Uptake

Rate) -rate at which oxygen is consumed by living organisms in the waste stream.

Oxidation Ditch -suspended growth treatment process for wastewater, commonly with large specific
surface area and surface aeration.

Ozone (O3) -strong oxidising agent sometimes used for disinfection.

Package Plant -small treatment plant manufactured in modules.

Peak Flow -maximum value of flow at a point in a sewer or other system. Design flows in pipes
are generally taken as the peak flow.

Pipe Full Flow -pipe capacity with no surcharge.

pH -measure of acidity on a scale of 1-7.

Power -measure of energy consumption or output, expressed as a total or rate.

Precision -degree of accuracy.

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Pre-treatment -is the first phase of the wastewater treatment process. It usually includes
screening and grit removal or in the case of small plants, screening and shredding
the sewage.

Primary Treatment -settlement stage of the wastewater treatment process in a conventional STW
following pre-treatment.

Project Documentation -all documents associated with and applicable to the Project Contract.

Pumps -are mechanical devices that impart additional pressure head at a given flow.
Pumps are most efficient at only one pressure and flow and are rated accordingly.

Rotating Biological
Contactor (RBC) -fixed film bioreactor used in wastewater treatment.

Recirculation -proportion of effluent from a treatment which is recycled to improve treatment.

Sequencing Batch
Reactor (SBR) -activated sludge system which operates sequentially as opposed to continuously.

Sedimentation Chamber -settlement tank.

Seeding -is the process of inoculating the influent with micro-organisms usually for removal
of contaminants.

Septic -anaerobic.

Septic Tank -septic tanks treat sewage by anaerobic means and are installed with soakaways or
tile beds. They are installed primarily for private homes. In Qatar the term is also
used to include cesspits, which do not have soakaways and require emptying
regularly by tanker.

Settling -process in which denser material is separated by gravitation.

Sewage -domestic or industrial wastewater.

Sewer -pipe which conveys sewage.

Sewerage -refers to complete sewer system and appurtenances.

Site -the land allocated for Works to be constructed.

Sludge -is a semi-solid material produced during wastewater treatment processes.

Sludge consists of mostly of dead micro-organisms and inorganic matter.

Sludge – Returned/Activated -Secondary sludge returned to the head of the process to seed influent.

Soakaway -facility for dispersion of water to soil strata, primarily for surface water dissipation,
but also associated with septic tanks.

Soffit -underside of pipe or slab.

Solubility -is the amount of a substance which will dissolve in water.

Specific Gravity -density relative to water.

Supernatant -clear fluid decanted from the top of tanks

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State of Qatar -Public Works Authority
Drainage Affairs

Suspended Solids -Insoluble substances suspended in water.

SVI (Sludge Volume Index) -measure of sludge settleability formally defined as "the volume in millilitres
occupied by 1gm of activated sludge after settling the aerated mixed liquor for 30

Tertiary Treatment -polishing stage in wastewater treatment to further improve treatment and remove

Time of Concentration -time required for surface water flow to reach a specific point downstream of entry in
SW drainage system.

Time of Entry -time required for surface water flow to enter SW drainage system.

Toxins -poisonous compounds.

Tricking Filter -are a type of fixed-media filter used in wastewater treatment.

Total Suspended Solids

(TSS) -measure of insoluble content of wastewater.

Ultraviolet (UV) Light -is light beyond the violet end of the visible spectrum, used for wastewater

Valve -flow control device used to limit or isolate flow.

Washout -low point of a pressure pipeline equipped with a tee/branch pipe and isolating
valve, to enable draining of the main and flushing of solids.

Washout -occurs when a great deal of stormwater flows into a treatment plant. Micro-
organisms, sludge, and wastewater are forced through the plant and out into a river
or stream before being properly treated.

Wastewater -domestic and industrial sewage.

Wet well -pumping station chamber receiving inflow.

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State of Qatar -Public Works Authority
Drainage Affairs

v Abbreviations

A. Drainage Affairs Abbreviations

The following definitions refer to Qatar Drainage Affairs Divisions/Areas.

Abbreviation Description

DD Designs Department
DA Drainage Affairs
DODA Director of Drainage Affairs
AMoDD Acting Manager of Designs Department
AMoMD Acting Managerof Maintenance Department
AMoPD Acting Manager of Projects Department
AMoQ&SD Acting Manager of Quality and Safety Division
MMAA Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Agriculture
MD Maintenance Department
PD Projects Department
Q&SD Quality and Safety Department

B. Other Departments/Organisations Definitions

The following definitions refer to Qatar Departments/Organisations other than the Drainage Affairs.

Abbreviation Description

BA Building Affairs
CEBA Contract and Engineering Business Affairs
CTC Central Tenders Committee
DLOC Department of Legal Opinion and Contracts
cGIS Centre for Geographic Information Systems

PDS Prime Document Storage

QGEWC Qatar General Electricity and Works Company
QP Qatar Petroleum
Q-Tel Qatar Telecommunications
RA Roads Affairs
SAB State Audit Bureau
SCENR Supreme Council for the Environmental and Natural Reserves
TAC Tenders and Auction Committee

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C. Technical Definitions
The following definitions relate to technical abbreviations found throughout Volumes 1-8 of this Manual.

Abbreviation Description

% Percent – i.e. 50/100 = 50%

°C Degrees Celsius
A/C Air Conditioner/Conditioning
AASHTO American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials
ABS Acrylonitrile Butadiene Styrene
AC Alternating Current
AC Asbestos Cement
ACB Air Circuit Breaker
AIS Asset Information System
AMCA Air Movement Conditioning Association
ANSI American National Standards Institute
APIS American Petroleum Institute Specification
ARF Areal Reduction Factor
ACRI Air Conditioning and Refrigeration Institute
ASHRAE American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air-Conditioning Engineers

ASTM American Society for Testing and Materials

BOD Biological Oxygen Demand
BS / BSI British Standards / British Standards Institute
C&CA Cement and Concrete Association
CBGF Cement Bound Granular Fill

CESMM3 Civil Engineering Standard Method of Measurement, 3rd Edition, 1991

CFD Computational Fluid Dynamics
cGIS Central Geographical Information System
CI Cast Iron
CIBSE Chartered Institution of Building Services Engineers
CIRIA Concrete Industry Research and Information Association
COD Chemical Oxygen Demand

COSHH Control of Substances Hazardous to Health

CPU Central Processing Unit

CPVC Chlorinated Polyvinyl Chloride
CS Concrete Society
CW Constructed Wetlands
dBa Decibel Amperes (electrical)

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June 2005 -  Copyright Ashghal
State of Qatar -Public Works Authority
Drainage Affairs

Abbreviation Description

DC Direct Current

DCS Distributed Control Systems

DA Drainage Affairs of the Public Works Authority

DI Ductile Iron
DICL Ductile Iron Concrete Lined
dia/diam Diameter
DO Dissolved Oxygen
DOL Direct on Line
DWF Dry Weather Flow
dwg Drawing
EC European Community
EFA Environmental Flooding Areas
EGL Existing Ground Level
EIA Environmental Impact Assessment
EIS Environmental Impact Study
ELCB Earth Leakage Circuit Breakdown
ELV Extra Low Voltage

EPDM Ethylene Propylene Rubber

FGL Finished Ground Level
FLC Full Load Current
F/M Food to Micro-organism Ratio
GGBS Ground Granulated Blastfurnace Slag
GI Ground Investigation
GIR Ground Investigative Report
GIS Geographical Information System
GL Ground Level
GPS Geographical Positioning System
GRE Glass Reinforced Epoxy
GRP Glass Reinforced Plastic
GSB Granular Sub Base
GL Ground Level

GWL Groundwater Level

H2S Hydrogen Sulphide

HCME Hyder Consulting Middle East Ltd

H&S Health and Safety

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State of Qatar -Public Works Authority
Drainage Affairs

Abbreviation Description

High Voltage (exceeding 650 volts between conductor or between any conductor and

HVAC Heat, Ventilation & Air Conditioning

I/O Input/Output
ICE Institution of Civil Engineers
IDF Intensity Frequency Duration
IEE Institution of Electrical Engineers
IEE Regulations The Institution of Electrical Engineers Regulations for Electrical Installations

ISO International Standard Organisation

KSM Kuwait Stormwater Master Plan
KVA kilo Volt Ampere
LAN Local Area Network
LCD Liquid Crystal Display
LED Light Emitting Diode
LRA Lock Rotor Current

Lux The metric unit of measure for illuminance of a surface (Light intensity)

Low Voltage (exceeding 50 volts but not exceeding 250 volts between any conductor and

M&E Mechanical & Electrical

Mbgl Metres below ground level
MCB Main Circuit Breaker
MCC Motor Control Centre
ME Middle East
MLSS Mixed Liquor Suspended Solids
MLVSS Mixed Liquor Volatile Suspended Solids
MMAA Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Agriculture
MCCB Moulded Case Circuit Breakdown
MS Mild Steel
MTU Motor Terminal Unit

Medium Voltage (exceeding 250 volts but not exceeding 650 volts between any conductor
and earth)

N/C Normally Closed

N/O Normally Open
NDM Non Destructive Methods (e.g. trenchless)
Ne Not exceeding
NH3 Ammonia
No. Number

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State of Qatar -Public Works Authority
Drainage Affairs

Abbreviation Description

NPSH Net Positive Suction Head

NPT National Pipe Thread
Nr Number
NRV Non Return Valve
O3 Ozone
OEL Occupational Exposure Limit – e.g. to hydrogen sulphide gas.
OHSA Occupational Health and Safety Act
O&M Operations and Maintenance
OPC Ordinary Portland Cement
O.U.R Oxygen Uptake Rate
PC Personal Computer
PF Power Factor
PFA Pulverised Fuel Ash
PH Measure of acidity, units are pH on a scale of 1-7
PID Proportional, Integral, Derivative
PIMP Percentage Impermeable
PLC Programmable Logic Controller
PLSW Paper Lead and Steel Wire
PM Project Manager
Ppb Parts per Billion
Ppm Parts per Million
PS Pumping Station
PSA Professional Services Agreement
PSTN Public Switched Telephone Network
PTTA Partially Type Tested Assembly
PVC Polyvinyl Chloride
PVC-U Unplasticised Polyvinyl Chloride, also referred to as uPVC
QA Quality Assurance / Assured
QC Quality Control
QGEWC Qatar General Electricity and Water Corporation
QHDM Qatar Highways Design Manual
QNBS Qatar National Building Specification
QND / QNHD Qatar National Datum / Qatar National Height Datum
QR Qatar Riyals
Q-Tel Qatar Public Telecommunications Corporation

R Radius
RBC Rotating Biological Contactor
RC Reinforced Concrete

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State of Qatar -Public Works Authority
Drainage Affairs

Abbreviation Description

RPM Rotations Per Minute

Rpm Revolutions Per Minute
RTU Remote Telemetry Unit
SAR Sodium Absorption Ratio
SBR Sequencing Batch Reactor
SCADA Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition
SKVA Starting kilo Volt Ampere
SLS Serviceability Limit State
SMS Short Message Service
SNMP Simple Network Management Protocol
SPN Single Phase and Neutral
SRC Sulphate Resisting Cement
SRPC Sulphate Resisting Portland cement
SS Stainless Steel
STP Sewerage Treatment Plant
STW Sewerage Treatment Works
SVI Sludge Volume Index
SW Surface Water or Stormwater
SWL Safe Working Load
TDH Total Dynamic Head
TDS Total Dissolved Solids
TSE Treated Sewage Effluent
TSS Total Suspended Solids
TTA Type Tested Assembly
TTW/TTP Tertiary Treatment Works/Tertiary Treatment Plant
TWL Top Water Level, e.g. of a tank or wet-well
UAE United Arab Emirates
ULS Ultimate Limit State
UPS Uninterrupted Power Supply
uPVC Unplasticised Polyvinyl Chloride, also referred to as PVC-U
UV Ultra Violet
v/v Concentration volume/volume
Vac Volt alternating current
VC Vitrified Clay
Vdc Volt direct current
VDU Visual Display Unit
VFD Variable Frequency Drive
VSD Variable Speed Drive
VT Voltage Transformer

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Drainage Affairs

Abbreviation Description

WG Wire Gauge
WHO World Health Organisation
WIS Water Industry Specification
WRC Water Research Centre, UK
XML Extensible Markup Language

vi Units and Dimensions

The units used on all projects shall be SI units only, as per the table below

Multiplication factor prefix Symbol

1 000 000 000 000 = 1012 tera T
1 000 000 000 = 109 giga G
1 000 000 = 106 Mega M
1 000 = 103 Kilo k
100 = 102 hectot h
10 = 101 dekab da
0.1 = 10-1 decib d
0.01 = 10-2 centib c
0.001 = 10-3 milli m
0.000 001 = 10-6 micro µ
0.000 000 001 = 10-9 nano n
0.000 000 000 001 = 10-12 pico p
0.000 000 000 000 001 = 10-15 femto f
0.000 000 000 000 000 001 = 10-18 atto a

Volume 1 General Page xxi

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State of Qatar -Public Works Authority
Drainage Affairs

1 Introduction 1.1 Terms of Reference

This Manual was written by Hyder Consulting Middle
The Drainage Affairs (DA) Design Manual comprises East Ltd (HCME). under the terms of the DA PSA
eight separate volumes. The coverage of each is DFC1050/D9. The content of the Manual was
designed to reflect the organisational structure of the developed from Appendices A and B of the PSA
DA. (developed during the period 1997–2000 by staff of
the DA). The initial PSA was issued for competitive
The content in some areas of the Manual, such as
tenders in 2000, and Hyder was commissioned to
Volumes 2 and 3 (foul and surface water
prepare the Manual in 2003.
respectively) is repeated. This is because the
different specialisms are covered by different
sections within the DA. Separate volumes of the
Manual are available corresponding to the different
1.2 Manual Development
administrative sections of DA, and are intended to Process
be complete for the particular section, or provide
The initial PSA contents were further developed
references to relevant sections of other volumes
during 2003 through a series of meetings between
where this is not possible. For this reason, material
Hyder specialists and DA staff. Information obtained
is repeated in some volumes in order to provide a
during these meetings included DA policy on
source of information for each department that will
drainage planning, operational policies, preferences
be, on the whole, independent of other volumes.
for equipment, procurement strategies, and practical
References to other volumes are provided where
issues associated with the operation of the existing
appropriate however.
The Manual is for use by Design Consultants in
Visits were made to Consultants ASCO and KAME
developing new infrastructure for the DA. The
site offices to view typical local construction
Manual will be controlled and administered by the
conditions including; high water tables, deep
DA. Sections of the Manual will be revised from time
excavations and micro-tunnelling.
to time, and it will be the responsibility of all
Consultants using the Manual to ensure that they
are working to the current issue. The DA can be 1.3 Recommendations for
contacted for information on revisions. Any errors or
omissions, or recommendations should be notified Additional Study
to the Designs Department DA. The Manual will serve as a useful guide for
Original drafts were produced using Microsoft Word, experienced designers in design for the DA. It is not
and converted to Adobe Acrobat files for use by the exhaustive in its’ coverage, and is not intended to
DA. Paper copies will be distributed to consultants replace the standard texts or proven theory listed
on request. elsewhere.

A web version of the Manual will also be developed Where detailed procedures are considered to be
by the DA following initial launch. beyond the scope of the Manual, some
recommendations are made for further reading. For
Copyright of the Manual in its current format is the example, the Trenchless Section within Volume 2,
property of the DA and it may not be reproduced in includes discussion of design of jacking pipes, thrust
any format without written permission of the DA. and delivery pits for new installations. These
activities are always carried out by experienced
Use of the Manual does not absolve design specialist contractors, however, design consultants
consultants from their normal responsibilities. The may wish to check the adequacy of these designs.
Manual is be utilised as a guide to good practice and Hence references are provided for this purpose.
should be used only by competent practitioners, with With trenchless installation for rehabilitation of
due diligence. existing sewers, there is a wealth of literature
commonly cited for reference.

Volume 1 General Page 1

1st Edition June 2005 -  Copyright Ashghal
State of Qatar -Public Works Authority
Drainage Affairs

As current DA preference in Qatar is for new-build, • British Standards Institution, 1997, BS 5228-
the rehabilitation of existing sewers is covered by 2:1997 - Noise and vibration control on
cross-references to some of the more commonly construction and open sites — Part 2: Guide to
used literature. noise and vibration control legislation for
construction and demolition including road
construction and maintenance. London, BSI.
1.4 Manual Updating
• British Standards Institution, 1981, BS 5911-
Updates to the Manual will be issued periodically. 1:1981 Precast concrete pipes and fittings for
These will incorporate any technical improvements drainage and sewerage. Specification for pipes
identified since the last revision, in addition to any and fittings with flexible joints and manholes
new or updated references/publications included in (No longer current but cited in the Building
the Manual. Descriptions of the updates will be Regulations), London, BSI.
forwarded to all consultants, whilst both hard and
• British Standards Institution, 1992, BS
digital copies will be available on request from the
6472:1992: Evaluation of human exposure to
vibration in buildings (1Hz to 80Hz), London,
1.5 Literature/References • British Standards Institution, 1990, BS 7385 -
The following list of references has been compiled 1:1990, Evaluation and measurement for
from Volumes 1 to 8 of the Manual. References vibration in buildings. Guide for measurement
used within this volume are also included at the end of vibrations and evaluation of their effects on
of the text. buildings, London, BSI.

• B Maidl, M. Herrenknecht, L.Anheuser, • British Standards Institution, 1990, BS 7385 -

Mechanised Shield Tunnelling, Ernst & Sohn 1:1990, Evaluation and measurement for
Publications. vibration in buildings. Guide for measurement
of vibrations and evaluation of their effects on
• Bazaraa, A.S., Ahmed, S., 1991. Rainfall buildings, London, BSI.
Characterization in an Arid Area, Engineering
Journal of Qatar University, Vol. 4, pp35-50. • British Standards Institution, 1990, BS1377:
1990 - Methods of test for soils for civil
• Bowker D. G., Smith J. M., and Webster N. A., engineering purposes. London, BSI.
1989, Odour and Corrosion Control in Sanitary
Sewerage Systems and Treatment Plants, • British Standards Institution, 1990, BS 5930:
United States, Hemisphere Publishing 1981- Code of practice for site investigation,
Corporation. London, BSI.

• British Standards Institution, 1997, BS 8301: • British Standards Institution, 2001, BS 6164:
Code of practice for building drainage, London, 2001 - Code of practice for safety in tunnelling
BSI. ISBN 0-89116-067-1. in the construction industry, London, BSI.

• Bras, R.L., 1990, Hydrology: An Introduction to • British Standards Institution, 1991, BS 7405:
Hydrologic Science, Addison-Wesley. 1991: Guide to selection and application of flow
meters for the measurement of fluid flow in
• Building Research Establishment, Digest 250: closed conduits. London, BSI.
Concrete in sulphate-bearing soils and ground
water. UK, BRE. • British Standards Institution, 1991, BS EN ISO
6817: 1997: Measurement of conductive liquid
• British Standards Institution, 1989, BS 8010- flow in closed conduits. London, BSI.
1:1989 - Code of practice for Pipelines, Part 1:
Pipelines on land: general, London BSI. • Chow, V.T., Maidment, D.R., Mays, L.W., 1988.
Applied Hydrology, McGraw-Hill, p140.

Page 2 Volume 1 General

1st Edition June 2005 -  Copyright Ashghal
State of Qatar -Public Works Authority
Drainage Affairs

• Construction Industry Research and • Boon, A.G., 1992, Septicity in sewers: Causes,
Information Association, 1997, Special Consequences and Containment. JIWEM, Vol
Publication 137: Site Safety for the Water 6 No.1, February 1992, pp.79-90.
Industry, London, CIRIA.
• Linsley, R.K., Kohler M.A. & Paulhaus, J.L.H.,
• E.J. Cording, T.D. O’Rourke, and 1982, Hydrology for Engineers, 3rd Edition,
M.D.Boscardin, 1978, Ground Movements and McGraw-Hill.
Damage to Structures, Proc., Int. Conf. On
Evaluation and Prediction of Subsidence, • Ministry of Civil Aviation and Meteorology,
Florida, pp 516-537. State of Qatar, 2002. Long Term Climate
Report –2000, extracted from Long Period
• Foundation for Water Research, 1993, Means & Extremes of Climatological Elements,
Enclosed wastewater treatment plants - health Doha International Airport, period (1962-2002),
and safety considerations, FR/W 0001, UK, Qatar Ministry of Civil Aviation and
FRW. Meteorology.

• British Standards Institution, 1998, BS EN • Morin, J., and Benyamini, Y., 1997. Rainfall
1508:1998, Water supply - Requirements for Infiltration into Bare Soils, Water Resources
systems and components for the storage of Research, 13(5), pp812-817.
water, London, BSI.
• Water Research Centre, Network analysis - A
• British Standards Institution, 2000, BS EN code of practice, UK, Water Research Centre.
805:2000, Water supply - Requirements for
systems and components outside buildings, • Peck, R. B., 1969, Deep excavations and
London, BSI. tunnelling in soft ground. Proc. of 7th Int. Conf.
Soil Mech., Mexico, State of the Art 3, pp. 225-
• United Nations, 1985 , Food & Agriculture 290.
Organisation of the United Nations, Rome, UN.
• Pipe Jacking Association, 1987, A guide to pipe
• Milligan G., Norris, P., , Pipe jacking: Research jacking and microtunnelling design, Pipe
results and recommendations, Pipe Jacking Jacking Association.
• Water Research Centre, 1995, Pipe materials
• International Society for Trenchless selection manual - water supply, 2nd edition,
Technology, 1992, Introduction to trenchless UK, Water Research Centre.
technology, 2nd edition, ISTT.
• US Environmental Protection Agency, 1974,
• Tyson A., and Harrison K, Irrigation for Lawns US EPA Report 625/1-74-005 - Process Design
and Gardens, Extension Agricultural Engineers, Manual for Sulphide Control in Sanitary
The University of Georgia College of Sewerage Systems, USA, EPA.
Agricultural & Environmental Sciences.
• Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Agriculture,
• Burland J.B., and Wroth C.P, 1975, Settlement 1997, Qatar Highway Design Manual, January
of Buildings and Associated Damage, Building 1997, Qatar, MMAA.
Research Establishment Current Paper,
Watford, Building Research Establishment. • Taylor, R. N., and Bracegirdle, A., 1993,
Subsurface settlement profiles above tunnels in
• Burland J.B., 1997, Assessment of risk of clay, Geotechnique, 43(2), pp.315-320.
damage to buildings due to tunnelling and
excavation, Earthquake Geotechnical • Reynolds, C.E. and Steedman, J.C, 1988,
Engineering, Ishihara (ed.), Balkema, Reinforced Concrete Designers Handbook. 10th
Rotterdam, pp. 1189-1201. ed. London, Spon Press.

Volume 1 General Page 3

1st Edition June 2005 -  Copyright Ashghal
State of Qatar -Public Works Authority
Drainage Affairs

• Boone S.J., 1996, Ground Movement Related Revising WHO Guidelines, World Health
Building Damage, Journal of Geotechnical Organisation.
Engineering, ASCE, 122(11), pp. 886-896.
• World Health Organisation, 2000, WHO EHC
• State of Kuwait Ministry of Planning & Hyder 216 Environmental Health Criteria –
Consulting, 2001, Kuwait Stormwater Disinfectants and Disinfectant By products,
Masterplan Hydrological Aspects - Final World Health Organisation.
Report. Cardiff, (AU00109/D1/015), Hyder
Consulting. • World Health Organisation, WHO Guidelines
for the Safe Use of Wastewater and Excreta in
• State of Qatar, 2002, Law No. 30: Agriculture and Aquaculture, World Health
Environmental Protection, Qatar, State of Organisation.
• World Health Organisation, 1987, Air Quality
• HR Wallingford and DIH Barr, 2000, Tables for guidelines for Europe, WHO Regional
the Hydraulic Design of Pipes, Sewers and Publications Series No. 23, Regional Office for
Channels, 7th Edition, Trowbridge, Wiltshire, Europe Copenhagen, World Health
UK Redwood Books. Organisation.

• Construction Industry Research and • Building Research Establishment, 1991,

Information Association, 1994, Guide to the Soakaway Design, BRE Digest 365, BRE
Design of thrust blocks for buried pressure Watford.
pipelines, Report 128, London CIRIA.

• UK Health and Safety Executive, 2002,

Occupational Exposure Limits, EH40/2002, UK,
Health and Safety Executive.

• Various publications arising from time to time

From the Regional Centre for Environmental
Health Activities (CEHA), a subgroup of WHO,
dealing specifically with issues relating to the
Eastern Mediterranean Countries, having a
similar climate to the Gulf Region. They
publish notes of their programmes on the

• Vincent A.J., 2001, Sources of odours in

wastewater treatment, eds. Stuetz R. and
Frechen F.B., Odours in Wastewater
Treatment, IWA Publishing.

• Twort, A.C., Ratnayaka, D.D., Brandt, M.J.,

2000,Water Supply, 5th Edition, Arnold and
IWA Publishing.

• Washington State Department of Health, 2001,

Water System Design Manual, Washington,
State Department of Health.

• Blumenthal et al, 2000, Guidelines for the

Microbiological Quality of Treated Wastewater
Used in Agriculture: Recommendations for

Page 4 Volume 1 General

1st Edition June 2005 -  Copyright Ashghal
State of Qatar -Public Works Authority
Drainage Affairs

Land Use
2 Planning Issues
Fundamental to the planning of the scheme is the
type of land use, as this will set the criteria on which
2.1 Master Plans generated sewerage and surface flow will be
determined. Information in this respect can be
Master Plans set the policy for each particular obtained from the Lands Department. Where
service and will be carried out on a regional scale to information is not available, the consultant should
suit the specific requirements. The three main types clearly state on what assumptions the planning has
of Master Plans undertaken by the DA are: been undertaken, in terms of land use and
estimated flows to the sewerage system.
• Sewerage;
• Surface and Ground Water Drainage; Population Estimates

• Treated Sewage Effluent/Irrigation. Data on existing and future populations are essential
to the overall planning of an area. The expected
Each Master Plan should incorporate the main three timing of population growth is important so as to set
elements: the programme for the network development and
sewage treatment requirements. Information in this
• Data Collection and Scoping; respect can be obtained from the Planning Council
• Capability of Existing Facilities; who undertake the population census in Qatar.

• Recommendations for Future Requirements. Adequacy of Existing Systems

Design Consultants should contact the DA for Implementation of a new Master Plan will result from
information regarding Master Plans a change to the criteria on which the design of
existing works was based. This would either imply a
surplus or deficiency in the existing works. The
2.1.1 Sewerage consultant must, in the preparation the Master Plan,
Sewage Treatment Works ensure that any upgrading or redundancy is carried
out in an economical fashion.
Sewage treatment works are the focal point of each
sewerage system. Provision of sufficient treatment Utilisation of Natural Topography
capacity is the most important factor in the planning
Having assessed the population in all areas of the
of a sewerage network. Disposal of the arisings,
catchment, and thus the predicted flows, the best
sludge, and TSE, also have to be planned to enable route for conveyance to the treatment facilities
a balanced system to be constructed.
needs to be determined. In this determination the
Existing Assets natural ground topography must be used to
minimise the depth of sewers and reduce the
Identification of existing and proposed assets is number and size of forwarding pumping stations.
essential to the development of a Master Plan. This
will include: Land Acquisition

• Details of the network: i.e. plots connected; During the development of the Master Plan there
manhole locations; pipe diameters/materials; may be a need for land to be purchased. In this
and levels; event, the consultant is to make the requirements
clear to the DA so the feasibility of purchasing the
• Contributing pumping stations; land can be determined.
• Schemes under design and construction.

Preparation of Options

Volume 1 General Page 5

1st Edition June 2005 -  Copyright Ashghal
State of Qatar -Public Works Authority
Drainage Affairs

The process described above will lead to the Identification of existing/proposed assets is essential
development of several options with differing merits to the development of a Master Plan. This will
and demerits, such as reduced sewer depths or include:
fewer pumping stations. The consultant is to prepare
a detailed study of the different options and make a • Details of networks;
recommendation as to which is to be adopted. • Type of surface/ground water disposal

2.1.2 Surface and Ground Water • Pumping stations and rising mains;

Discharge Points • Outfalls available;

• Schemes under design and construction.
The identification of existing and potential discharge
points is the first stage in the assessment of any • Historical information
Surface Water Master Plan. These vary greatly in
capacity and availability and include: Definition of Rainfall Characteristics

• Sea Outfalls; These are to be identified and quantified at the

Master Planning stage as they are fundamental to
• Flooding Areas;
any design and will be required for the analysis
• Existing Facilities; described below.
• New Pumping Stations and Pumping Mains; Analysis
• Infiltration system such as chamber and
Computerised modelling is to be undertaken at the
trench soakaways.
Master Planning stage to assess the overall run-off
• Storage Tanks and flow characteristics. This will demonstrate the
need for major works such as pumping stations,
The consultant is to identify and assess the usage of
attenuation tanks, and main pipeline routes and
all available options.
sizes. This will be used to develop the various
Natural Topography options for the Master Plan.

This is of the utmost importance in preparing a Land Use

Master Plan, as it will determine the catchment area
Fundamental to the planning of the scheme is the
and natural surface water flow routes. A full-scale
land use, as this effects the development type, run-
topographical survey would not be appropriate at the
off characteristics, and more importantly, the design
Master Planning stage so the consultant must
storms applicable to a specific area. Information in
carefully assess the accuracy of the available data.
this respect can be obtained from Lands
It is also noted that future development can change
the surface flow characteristics of surface water due
to land use change or road construction. The Land Acquisition
bearing these would have on the flow need to be
identified and incorporated into the Master Plan. During the development of the master plan there
may be a need for land to be purchased. In this
Ground Water Control event the consultant is to make the requirements
clear to the DA so the feasibility of purchasing the
Ground water levels can have a significant effect on
land can be determined. This is a critical factor in
the design of surface water systems, as it will affect
determining the overall scheme, especially where
the surface absorption and potential for the use of
flooding areas or large attenuation tanks are
infiltration systems. Master Plans should therefore
desirable options.
identify any requirements for ground water control
and methods by which this can be achieved. Preparation of Options
Existing and Proposed Assets

Page 6 Volume 1 General

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State of Qatar -Public Works Authority
Drainage Affairs

The process described above will lead to the Land Acquisition

development of several options with differing merits
and demerits such as use of attention tanks or large As noted in previous sub-sections the consultant is
diameter pipelines. The consultant is to prepare a to ensure that any need to purchase land is made
detailed study of the different options and make a clear to the DA.
recommendation as to which is to be adopted.
Preparation of Options

The process described above will lead to the

2.1.3 Irrigation using TSE development of several options with differing merits
Identification and demerits such as the use of pumping stations or
elevated towers. The consultant is to prepare a
The identification of existing and proposed assets detailed study of the different options and make a
will be the first stage in master planning as this will recommendation as to which is to be adopted.
define the existing supply points and sources.
Existing TSE irrigation assets may include:
2.2 Allocation of Lands
• Pumping Stations;
Land in Qatar has generally been allocated with
• Elevated Towers;
certain plots owned by the Government. The DA are
• Supply and Distribution networks. allocated some of these plots for existing and future
Land Use
When the need for land is identified on a particular
Fundamental to the planning of the scheme is the
project the following procedure should be followed:
land use, as this affects the development type and
will effect the irrigation requirements and TSE • Check that a plot has already been allotted
demands. Information in this respect can be to the DA. If this is the case, confirmation
obtained from the Lands Department. with the DA is required to check that the plot
is available for the specific use intended;
Planting Scenarios
• Check that a Government plot is available.
The purpose of the irrigating system is to support In this case, a check is required to assess if
plant life, therefore assessing likely plant irrigation the plot has been allocated to a specific
regimes and resultant demand is of the utmost Government authority. If the plot is available
importance. The consultant is to produce various for use, then an application for transfer to
planting options and assess the effect on the overall the DA should be made. If a plot has been
scheme and TSE supply/demand balance. allocated to another authority but is
undeveloped then that authority’s
Supply Facilities
requirement for the plot is to be ascertained,
The next major factor in the development of a and potential for transfer to the DA;
Master Plan is the main supply method, e.g. • Where no Government plots are available,
pumping stations, or elevated towers. The an undeveloped plot will need to be
consultant is to identify the options, outline the identified. Once this has been done,
advantages and disadvantages of each, and the permission for the proposed use will need to
suitability of the various methods available. be obtained from Lands Department. When
Distribution Networks it has been obtained, the matter will be
referred to Lands Acquisition Department for
Computerised modelling of the distribution system is Government purchase.
to be undertaken to establish the pipeline routes,
diameters and materials. This should demonstrate
that all the necessary hydraulic design parameters
are achieved.

Volume 1 General Page 7

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State of Qatar -Public Works Authority
Drainage Affairs

2.3 Statutory Undertakers • The ability of soakaways to function is

critically dependent on the local
The process for applying for and monitoring receipt hydrogeological conditions.
of information from the statutory authorities is
Variations in geological, hydrogeological and
described in Section 5. These enquires should
topographic conditions, together with the extent of
highlight the need for any particular requirements for
urban development, are the main influences on
service co-ordination, or special measures required
groundwater conditions. The geological conditions
for the project.
control hydrogeological properties, especially the
If the need for such measures becomes apparent, ability of the ground to accept, store and transmit
then the consultant is to undertake all the necessary groundwater. Topography is an issue because of the
co-ordination and design work to ensure the shallowness of the water table in low-lying areas.
authority’s requirements are met. New development is particularly important because
it is almost always associated with enhanced
recharge to groundwater, due to the installation of
2.4 Infrastructure Projects soakaways, septic tanks, excess irrigation etc. and
this results in a rise in water table levels.
The DA usually administers projects that are solely
for their own assets. However, where infrastructure These issues have significant practical implications
projects are undertaken, this will bring together the that designers of drainage systems must recognise.
design aspects of several Departments and For example, the ability of soakaway systems to
authorities. The Roads Affairs usually administers function properly depends on the permeability and
these types of projects. However it is imperative that effective porosity of the soil medium. In some cases
the design of any DA works is undertaken with its the ground is effectively impermeable and standard
full knowledge and approval. chamber-type soakaways will simply not function.
Similarly, groundwater levels may rise to the extent
that there is no significant head difference between
2.5 Catchments & Flood the water level in the soakaway after a storm and
Plains the pre-storm groundwater level outside it. Under
such circumstances the soakaway will not function
Catchments, subcatchments and floodplain areas effectively.
have been identified in most areas by the DA.
Designers must check these against current Numerous studies, reports and internal documents
developments. have addressed the groundwater issue and the
adverse consequences of high and rising
Where such master plans identify areas that need to groundwater levels are well documented. The
be reserved, i.e. not developed, then the land principal adverse effects are reported as:
acquisition measures described in Section 2.2
above need to be followed. • Unsightly, unhygienic and disruptive
accumulation of water at the surface;
• Damage to infrastructure such as telephone
2.6 Groundwater and power cables;
Groundwater control is a key aspect of drainage • Damage to the fabric of buildings;
design because:
• Leakage to basements in old properties;
• Parts of Doha City experience severe
• Possible geotechnical instability.
drainage problems associated with high and
rising groundwater levels and low It is generally regarded that groundwater levels
permeability rates (i.e. perched water should be no higher than four metres (4m) below
tables); ground level. In practice, three metres is a safe
level but using four metres builds in a factor of
safety allowance to cater for temporary rises due to

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Drainage Affairs

rainstorms and the more extreme effects of urban Meeting these needs is the objective that underpins
development. Four metres is taken as being a target the references to groundwater that are contained
level that can safely be adhered to. within the Design Manual.

In strategic planning terms it should be noted that It is recognised that this manual is expected to be a
several different government departments have a guide to drainage requirements in the whole of the
direct interest in groundwater. These include: the DA State of Qatar. However most attention will be given
for reasons explained above; the Roads Affairs to the greater Doha area because of the rapid
because of its use of soakaways for roads drainage; development compared to the rest of the country. It
the Agriculture Department because of its use of is inevitable that the level of understanding of the
groundwater for irrigation; and the Ministry of critical hydrogeological conditions that characterise
Electricity and Water which is understood to the shallower geological formations is better for the
maintain a network of groundwater monitoring greater Doha area than for elsewhere, as reflected
boreholes in Doha City. The Roads Affairs is in this part of the Manual.
particularly important because of the opportunity
some of its works present to help deal with the It is intended that the techniques used to acquire
groundwater drainage problem. The private sector this level of hydrogeological understanding in
also has an interest because of the need to consider greater Doha, may be applied to ensure appropriate
groundwater levels and drainage requirements in drainage design wherever it is needed in Qatar. It
building design. may be noted in this regard that as long ago as
1983, preliminary studies were carried out that took
It may be noted that these different interests cause into account the hydrogeological conditions relevant
the organisations involved to focus on different parts to drainage in the Umm Said, Al Wakrah and Wukair
of the hydrogeological system and this is reflected in areas south of Doha.
the publications produced. The Department of
Agriculture is concerned with water resources and
will tend to concentrate on the deeper groundwater 2.7 Environmental Planning
in the freshwater lens, typically more than 50m
below ground level (i.e. down to the Rus / Umm er
Rhaduma interface). By contrast, the DA needs a
2.7.1 Introduction
detailed understanding of the conditions that This Section introduces a general overview of the
characterise the 0-15m depth range (i.e. above importance of environmental issues as part of the
Midra shale), particularly the 0-10m section. Also, planning process for sewerage and drainage
whereas the other departments are concerned with infrastructure projects in Qatar. Further guidance on
groundwater per se., the Roads Affairs is concerned environmental impact assessment (EIA) is also
primarily with ground strength. included in: specific sections on Investigations
(Volume 1, Section 3.7); EIA and the design process
In general terms, what results from the above
(Volume 1, Section 4.7); surface water and ground
discussion, is as follows:
water control (Volume 3, Section 3.2); treated
• There is a need to understand the sewage effluent (Volume 4, Section 1.5); and
hydrogeological conditions that characterise sewage treatment plant design and odour (Volume
an area as a basis for designing schemes 5, Section 1.5).
guaranteed to maintain acceptably low
Increasing environmental awareness and global
groundwater levels;
concerns over sustainability have broadened the
• There is a need to maintain liaison between range of issues that need to be examined in the
government departments in respect of assessment of the potential impacts of proposed
groundwater drainage, including free projects and programmes. Three different concepts
exchange of information where possible. of sustainable development may be identified.
These are based on economic, ecological and
socio-cultural criteria.

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The economic approach to sustainability is based on

the concept of maximising the flow of income that
could be generated through maintaining assets
and/or capital. The ecological view of sustainable
development focuses on the stability of biological
and physical systems and overall ecosystems.
Protection of biological diversity is a key component
of the approach. The socio-cultural concept of
sustainability seeks to maintain the stability of social
and cultural systems. These concepts should be
considered during the impact assessment process.

he identification of sustainable development options


• A good understanding of the physical,

biological and social impacts of human
• Good estimates of the real economic value
of investment proposals.
General sustainability objectives for various
environmental parameters are identified in Table
2.7.1 below.

Sustainable development is achieved most

efficiently when negative and positive environmental
impacts are identified and addressed at the earliest
possible project planning stage.

The environmental sections within this manual

provide practical guidance for designing sustainable
sewerage and drainage projects in Qatar. The aim
is to provide specific information and guidance as
common ground for discussion among those
involved – designers, operators, EIA professionals,
planners, regulators and the Government in general.

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Table 2.7.1 - General Sustainability Objectives

Parameter Objective

To provide benefits for local communities and minimise

Community Cohesion and Social Equity
disruption from development and training activities
To help provide a good quality of life for all who live and
work on the estate, take full account of environmental
Land Use
considerations, and encourage public access within
operational, safety and conservation constraints
To reverse trends of damage to biodiversity, in the sea
Biodiversity and Nature Conservation
and on land, and identify enhancement opportunities

To reverse trends of damage to landscape character and

Landscape and Townscape
identify enhancement opportunities
To protect and enhance all aspects of the historic,
Archaeology & Cultural Heritage archaeological and cultural environment for their own
sake, and as a central part of our cultural heritage
To achieve major long term cuts in greenhouse gas
Climate Change & Air Quality
emissions and improve the quality of air
To safeguard marine resources, reduce the threat of
Water and Drainage pollution, and prevent death, property damage, and
distress from flooding
To reduce the need to travel, especially by road and air,
Traffic and Transport
and increase the use 0f coastal shipping
To protect soil as a limited resource, remove unacceptable
risks to human health and the environment from
Geology and Soils
contamination, and seek to bring damaged land back into
beneficial use
To ensure the prolonged availability of finite fossil fuels,
Energy Consumption and Supply improve energy efficiency and support the development
and use of renewable energy sources such as solar power
To move away from the disposal of waste towards
Waste Management
reduction, recycling and recovery
To maximize the efficient use of land and construction
Efficient Use of Land, Buildings and Construction
materials, and pursue opportunities for sustainable
building design
To maintain and encourage a diverse and thriving
Economic Prosperity

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2.7.2 Planning 2.7.3 Screening

Decisions on the type and location of sewerage and In the strategic planning context, given the
drainage infrastructure are crucial and should not be importance of the environment on planning
made without adequate information (see also development, it is good practice to consult with
Section 2.1). Full consultation must be made with SCENR and the Planning Department prior to
the DA in all stages of the planning process. project conception. This enables key areas to be
identified that might inhibit a project developing
The level of sewage treatment depends on the further in the future, for example, the proposed
performance standards that apply to the system works may be located in:
(see also Volume 1, Section 4.7). These are usually
expressed as limitations on the concentration of • an ‘Environmental Protection Area’;
regulated substances permitted in the treated
• land use zone inappropriate for sewerage or
effluent. In cases where Treated Sewage Effluent
drainage works; or
(TSE) is applied to crops or otherwise used on land
(as is often the case in arid states such as Qatar), • dense human population areas.
the standards are set to prevent crop and
Screening out potentially sensitive projects with
groundwater contamination.
unacceptable environmental impacts, or with no
A second component of planning involves the agreement on ‘environmental clearance’ ensures
sequencing and phasing of projects as part of long- optimised, efficient and effective use of resources. A
term pollution abatement programmes, and in useful tool which can be used during the screening
relation to activities in other sectors. In addition to process is the environmental matrix, giving a simple
the aspiration for sustainable development, there visual representation of potential hold points during
are specific environmental laws in Qatar that require the anticipated stages of a project. An example is
compliance. shown in Table 2.7.2.

The SCENR are the Licensing Authority and must

be involved as statutory consultees. EIA Procedures
have been developed by SCENR. These relate to
the legal requirement of the State of Qatar for
polluting industries to conduct an EIA (Law No. 30,
2002), the policy of the State, and its commitment to
the outcomes of the United Nations Conference on
Environment and Development, 1992.

Law 30 dictates that EIAs be undertaken for specific

projects, including ‘waste disposal or treatment
facilities, including hazardous waste treatment’, and
‘projects which may effect ground water including
irrigation and drainage projects’. As a result,
sewerage and drainage projects require submission
of an ‘Application form for Initial Environmental
Authorisation’ to the SCENR. Prior to the
submission of this form it is good practice to consult
with SCENR and the Planning Department to
discuss the scale of the proposed project and its
location. This will enable confirmation that the
proposed works location falls in an approved zone
on the basis of land use planning, and whether or
not an EIA is required.

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3) areas classified or protected under

Table 2.7.2 - Environmental Screening Matrix
Qatari legislation;

4) landscapes of historical, cultural or

archaeological significance.


Characteristics of Projects

Social The following must be considered:

○ ○
Land Amenity • the size of the project;
● ● ● ○ ○
• the cumulative effect with other projects;
Public Health
● ● ● ○ • the use of natural resources;
Economic • the production of waste;

Visual • pollution and nuisances;

• the risk of accidents, having regard in
● ● ○ particular to substances or technologies
Air pollution
● ○ Characteristics of the Potential Impact
● ● ● The following must be considered:
Ecological ● ● • the geographical extent of the impact;
Archaeological probability;
● •
• duration, frequency and reversibility.
○ Denotes positive impact
Assuming that an EIA is required for a particular
• Denotes negative impact sewerage or drainage project, then the EIA
Procedures (available from SCENR) should be
closely followed, with frequent consultation with

Location of Projects It should be noted that it is often the case that an

EIA is prepared prior to, or during preparation of the
The environmental sensitivity of geographical areas Initial Environmental Authorisation (IEA) process.
likely to be affected by projects must be considered, This is because EIA is often undertaken during the
in particular, having regard to: preliminary design process, with environmental
mitigation being built into the final designs (see
• the existing land use; Volume 1, Section 4.7). Early consultation with
• the relative abundance, quality and SCENR may have identified a clear need for an EIA,
regenerative capacity of natural resources in and as such, the EIA can then be submitted with the
the area; IEA application at a later date, as at this stage more
detailed design information may be available.
• the absorption capacity of the natural
environment, paying particular attention to
the following areas:
1) coastal zones;
2) nature reserves and parks;

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2.7.4 Scoping The ‘Scoping’ approach encourages efficient and

effective use of resources, by focusing any required
It is a requirement of Law 30, to undertake an EIA EIA on the important issues only.
Scoping Study prior to undertaking a full EIA. This
stimulates early consultation with SCENR, and
others. The Scoping Study should consider the 2.7.5 EIA
following sections:
An EIA may be required by the DA for larger
Project description: projects. This will be indicated in the PSA.

• a description of the physical characteristics It is good practice to submit a Draft EIA to SCENR
of the project and land-use requirements prior to IEA application. This approach should be
during the project lifetime; incorporated into the project programme.
• a description of the main characteristics of On finalisation, the EIA should be submitted with the
any production processes, for instance,
IEA Application. A ‘clearance’ decision should be
nature and quantity of the material used;
reached by SCENR within 30 days. A key
• an estimate, by type and quantity, of any component of the decision is the EIA report and its
expected residues and emissions (water, air contents. The EIA should include (following similar
and soil pollution, noise, vibration, light, heat, lines to 2.7.4 above, but in greater detail) the
radiation, etc). following sections indicated as follows:

An outline of the main alternatives studied by the Information Describing the Project
developer, and an indication of the main reasons for
the proposed alternative, taking into account the • Purpose and physical characteristics of the
environmental effects. project, including details of proposed access
and transport arrangements, and of numbers
A description of the receiving environment,
to be employed and where they will come
population, fauna, flora, soil, water, air, climatic from;
factors, material assets, architectural and
archaeological heritage, landscape and the inter- • Land use requirements and other physical
relationship between the above factors. features of the project:

A description of the environmental impact which 1) during construction;

should cover the direct effects and any indirect, 2) when operational;
secondary, cumulative, short, medium and long-
term, permanent and temporary, positive and 3) after use has ceased (where
negative effects of the project), resulting from: appropriate).

• the existence of the project; • Production processes and operational

features of the project:
• the use of natural resources;
1) type and quantities of raw materials,
• the emission of pollutants, the creation of energy and other resources
nuisances and the elimination of waste; consumed;
• the description by the developer of the 2) residues and emissions by type,
forecasting methods used to assess the quantity, composition and strength
effects on the environment. including:
Proposed mitigation steps. i) discharges to water;
A non-technical summary. ii) emissions to air;

An indication of any difficulties encountered in iii) noise;

compiling the required information. iv) vibration;

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v) light; This should also include references to relevant

national policies and to regional and local plans and
vi) heat;
policies (including approved or emerging
vii) radiation; development plans).
viii) deposits/residues to land Reference should also be made to international
and soil; designations, for example. those defined under the
ix) others. Biodiversity Convention and the Ramsar
3) Main alternative sites and processes
considered, where appropriate, and Assessment of Effects
reasons for final choice.
This includes direct and indirect, secondary,
Information Describing the Site and its cumulative, short, medium and long-term,
Environment permanent and temporary, positive and negative
• Physical features; effects of the project. The following effects should be
• Population - proximity and numbers;
Effects on human beings, buildings and man-
• Flora and fauna (including both habitats and
made features:
species) - in particular, protected species
and their habitats; • Change in population arising from the
• Soil - agricultural quality, geology and
geomorphology; • Visual effects;
• Water - aquifers, wadis, shoreline, including • Levels and effects of emissions during
the type, quantity, composition and strength normal operation;
of any existing discharges;
• Levels and effects of noise.
• Air - climatic factors, air quality, etc.;
Effects of the development on local roads and
• Architectural and historic heritage, transport.
archaeological sites and features, and other
material assets; Effects of the development on buildings, the
architectural and historic heritage,
• Landscape and topography; archaeological features, and other human
• Recreational uses; artifacts, e.g. through pollutants, visual intrusion,
• Any other relevant environmental features.
Effects on flora, fauna and geology:
The Policy Framework
• Loss of, and damage to, habitats and plant
Where applicable, the information considered under
and animal species;
this section should include all relevant statutory
designations. These may include nature reserves • Loss of, and damage to, geological,
and any area allocated for the preservation of a palaeontological and physiographic features;
species of plants, animals, birds or aquatic life in • Other ecological consequences.
danger of becoming extinct, in which it is prohibited
to eliminate, hunt or kill such species, and which Effects on land
shall be determined by a decision of SCENR.
• Physical effects of the development, e.g.
Consideration should additionally be given to areas
change in local topography, effect of earth-
and sites of environmental importance as defined by
moving on stability, soil erosion, etc.;
the Qatari Environmental Protection Standards
(2003). • Effects of chemical emissions and deposits
on soil of site and surrounding land;

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• Land use/resource effects: Mitigating Measures

1) quality and quantity of agricultural Where significant adverse effects are identified, a
land to be taken; description of the measures to be taken to avoid,
2) sterilisation of mineral resources; reduce or remedy those effects, for example:

3) other alternative uses of the site, • site planning;

including the `do nothing' option;
• technical measures, including:
4) effect on surrounding land uses
1) process selection;
including agriculture;
2) recycling;
5) waste disposal.
3) pollution control and treatment;
Effects on water
4) containment (e.g. bunding of storage
• Effects of development on drainage pattern vessels).
in the area;
• aesthetic and ecological measures, e.g.:
• Changes to other hydrographic
characteristics, e.g. groundwater level, water 1) mounding;
courses, flow of underground water; 2) design, colour, etc;
• Effects on coastal or estuarine hydrology; 3) landscaping;
• Effects of pollutants, waste, etc. on water 4) tree planting;
5) measures to preserve particular
Effects on air and atmosphere habitats or create alternative
• Level and concentration of chemical
emissions and their environmental effects; 6) recording of archaeological sites;

• Particulate matter; 7) measures to safeguard historic

buildings or sites.
• Offensive odours;
• Assessment of the likely effectiveness of
• Any other climatic effects.
mitigating measures.
Other Indirect and Secondary Effects Associated
Risk of Accidents and Hazardous Development
with the Project
Risk of accidents as such is not covered in the
• Effects from traffic (road, rail, air, water)
Qatari Environmental Protection Law or,
related to the development;
consequently, in the implementing Rule on EIA.
• Effects arising from the extraction and However, when the proposed development involves
consumption of materials, water, energy or materials that could be harmful to the environment
other resources by the development; (including people) in the event of an accident, the
environmental statement should include an
• Effects of other development associated with
indication of the preventive measures that will be
the project, e.g. new roads, sewers, housing,
adopted so that such an occurrence is not likely to
power lines, pipe-lines, telecommunications,
have a significant effect. This could, where
appropriate, include reference to compliance with
• Effects of association of the development Health and Safety legislation.
with other existing or proposed development;
There are separate arrangements in force relating to
• Secondary effects resulting from the the keeping or use of hazardous substances and the
interaction of separate direct effects listed Health and Safety agency provides local planning
above. authorities with expert advice about risk assessment

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on any planning application involving a hazardous included in Volume 1, Section 3.7, and Section 4.7,
installation. Volume 3, Section 3.2, and Volume 4, Section 1.5.

Nevertheless, it is desirable that, wherever possible, EIA as part of the planning process assists in
the risk of accidents and the general environmental making good decisions, to screen strategies and
effects of developments should be considered projects efficiently for their environmental impacts, to
together, and developers and planning authorities clarify to Governments what is needed for
should bear this in mind. sustainable projects, and to design them effectively.

2.7.6 Conclusions
Any approval might be accompanied by specific
conditions, normally related to capacity and
processes specified (if these change, then re-
application is required), mitigation and/or monitoring
measures, which are identified in the EIA. Prior to
operation of new works a ‘Permit to Operate’ is
required from SCENR. This is the mechanism by
which SCENR can check that the IEA Approval
Clearance conditions (if any) have been actioned.

The environment has a significant impact on the

planning process for sewerage and drainage
projects. Consultation with SCENR and the Planning
Department, environmental impact screening,
scoping and detailed assessment are often key
components of securing regulated clearance to
proceed with a project proposal. Strict adherence to
the EIA Procedure is required.

Detailed examples of International Best Practice for

EIA as part of the project cycle for sewerage and
drainage projects are as follows:

• UK Environment Agency Scoping Guidelines

for EIAs, May 2002;
• UK Office of the Deputy Prime Minister EIA
Guidance on Procedures;
• World Bank Environmental Assessment
Sourcebook Volume 1 Policies, Procedures,
and Cross Sectoral Issues, 1992;
• World Bank Environmental Assessment
Sourcebook Volume 2 Sectoral Guidelines
Wastewater Collection, Treatment, Reuse,
and Disposal Systems, 1992;
• Asian Development Bank Environmental
Guidelines for Selected Infrastructure;
More detailed information regarding the
investigations and content required for sewerage
and drainage project scoping studies and EIA’s are

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State of Qatar -Public Works Authority
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3 Investigations
The investigation should accomplish the following
3.1 Geotechnical • Assess existing soil data;
• Identify soil and groundwater conditions at
3.1.1 Introduction the site;
This section of the Design Manual provides general • Delineate any areas of exceptionally soft
guidance on the investigation of sites in Qatar for soils;
the purposes of assessing their suitability for the
construction of sewerage and drainage works. It • Identify any soil instabilities such as slope
also covers the acquisition of knowledge on the failures or geologic faults. In Qatar, natural
characteristics of a site that affect the design and soil/rock instability is generally not a cause
construction of such works, and the security of for concern due to the landscape topography
adjacent land and properties. Guidance on the of the region. However, this is particularly
selection of construction sites with regard to the relevant to the design of deep cuttings for
wider environmental and economic considerations underground structures where excavations
affecting the community is outside the scope of the may expose soil and rock faces that may
Geotechnical Section of the Design Manual. lead to instability;
• Identify long term instabilities such as
This Design Manual describes design
uncontrolled earthworks.
considerations for site investigations and all involve
some risk to safety unless an appropriate safety The ground is naturally variable and often the nature
plan has been prepared and implemented. It is of these variations is not known in advance. A site
emphasised that safety is of paramount importance investigation is a process of continuous exploration
for every activity in site investigation. and interpretation, with the scope of the
investigation requiring regular amendment in the
An understanding of the geology is fundamental to light of the data being obtained. In order to evaluate
the planning of Geotechnical investigations. The properly the nature of the ground and the
general topography and regional geology in Qatar groundwater and so to achieve the objectives of the
are described in Section 4.2 of this Volume. site investigation, it is essential that the work be
planned, undertaken and supervised by personnel
who have appropriate qualifications, skills and
3.1.2 Investigation Objectives experience in geotechnical work. If this is not done,
Investigation of the site is essential to the the results and conclusions of an investigation may
construction of sewerage and drainage works. The be inadequate or even misleading and result in a
purpose and objectives of the investigation are as considerable over-run of time and expenditure when
follows. the proposed works are under construction.

Purpose The extent of the investigation depends primarily

upon the magnitude and nature of the proposed
The purpose of the investigation is to examine the works and the nature of the site. The former use of a
general soil conditions at a construction project site, site and the presence of contamination of the
which will impact any proposed features of a project. ground or groundwater can also have a significant
Identifying problem soil conditions prior to schematic impact on the extent of the investigation.
development will enable the designers to produce
the most efficient and cost effective design. Problem A site investigation should proceed in stages as
soil conditions may even dictate a different project follows:
alignment than that initially proposed.
Stage 1 Desk study and site reconnaissance.

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Stage 2 Detailed ground investigation for • Indication of obstructions below ground;

design including ground
• Record of differences and omissions in
investigation, topographic,
relation to published maps;
hydrographic surveying and any
special studies plus interpretative • Position of survey stations and benchmarks
reports. (the latter with reduced levels);

Stage 3 Construction review, including any • Meteorological information.

follow-up investigations during
Site Reconnaissance
construction, and the appraisal of
performances. At an early stage, a thorough visual examination
should be made of the site to evaluate such
conditions as:
3.1.3 Desk Study and Site
Reconnaissance • EFA’s and / or other low lying areas with
perched water tables which may need
The purpose of the desk study is to examine all special consideration;
information in the project files and literature, which
might yield useful information for the project. The • Soft soils indicated by wet areas or
desk study should cover characteristic wet land vegetation;
• Unstable slopes or stream banks;.
Published Literature

Typical soils information sources are:

3.1.4 Ground Investigation
• Geological maps; Consultants should note that the work of all staff and
• Geological memoirs; contractors involved in ground investigation (GI)
would be subject to DA approval.
• Flooding, erosion, landslide and subsidence
history; The objectives of ground investigations are to obtain
• Data held by central and local authorities; reliable information to produce an economic and
safe design, to assess any hazards (physical or
• Construction and investigation records of chemical) associated with the ground, and to meet
adjacent sites; tender and construction requirements. The
• Seismicity. investigation should be designed to verify and
expand information previously collected.
General Land Survey
Of primary importance is the establishment of the
Typical existing data, which is normally available, soil profile or soil and rock profile, and the
includes: groundwater condition. The profile should be
obtained by close visual inspection and systematic
• Location of site on published maps and
description of the ground, and by correlation of the
charts; engineering properties of the soils and rocks in
• Aerial photographs, all dated where detail. Where appropriate the geometry and nature
appropriate; of discontinuities should be established.

• Site boundaries, outlines of structures and The investigation should cover all ground in which
building lines; significant temporary or permanent changes may
• Ground contours and natural drainage occur as a result of the works. These changes
features; include: changes in stress and associated strain;
changes in moisture content and associated volume
• Obstructions to sight lines and aircraft changes; changes in groundwater level and flow
movement, for example transmission lines; pattern; and changes in properties of the ground,

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such as strength and compressibility. Materials location for the works. For instance, when an
placed in the ground may deteriorate, especially in excavation has to be carried out, knowledge of the
landfill and contaminated former industrial sites. It is subsurface strata and groundwater conditions
therefore necessary to provide information from should indicate, for example:
which an estimate of the corrosivity of the ground
can be made. • whether removal of the material is difficult;
• whether the side of the excavation is stable
On many occasions, , a preliminary investigation is
if unsupported or requires support;
necessary in order that the main investigation may
be planned to best advantage. The main • whether groundwater conditions necessitate
investigation obtains the bulk of the information special precautions such as groundwater or
required, but it may be necessary to carry out other geotechnical processes;
supplementary investigations after the main work to
• whether the nature of the excavated material
gather more detailed information related to specific will change;
• whether the excavated materials can be re-
The ground investigation should be completed used as backfill to pipework;
before the works are finally designed. It is therefore
• whether any of the soil or groundwater is
important that sufficient time for ground
investigation, including reporting and interpretation, contaminated, therefore requiring special
controls on excavation, movement, disposal,
is allowed in the overall programme for any scheme.
and additional safety measures;
Should changes in the project occur after completion
of the main investigation, additional ground • whether environmental or ecological
investigation may be required. considerations might impose any constraints
on the scope of the new works.
Sometimes conditions necessitate additional
investigation after the works commence. In On the design side, it is necessary to assess such
tunnelling, for example, probing ahead of the face considerations as bearing capacity and settlement of
may be required to give warning of hazards or foundations, stability of pipe trenches, earth
changes in ground conditions. The properties of the pressures on supporting structures, and the effect of
ground and also the groundwater levels may vary any chemically aggressive or hazardous ground
with the seasons. In planning the investigation, conditions.
consideration should be given to predicting the
Groundwater control is also a key aspect of
ground conditions at other times of the year.
drainage design. Guidance on groundwater
The imposition (for reasons of cost and time) of considerations and hydrogeological investigations
limitations on the amount of ground investigation to are given in Sections 2.6, 3.2 and 4.2 of this
be undertaken may result in insufficient information Volume.
being obtained to enable the works to be designed,
For the design of new works, it is important that the
tendered for and constructed adequately,
range of conditions, including least favourable
economically, and on time. Additional investigations
conditions, should be known. This entails not only a
carried out at a later stage may prove more costly
study of the degree of variability in the strata over
and result in delays.
the area of the site, but also an appreciation of the
It is essential that there be adequate direction and possible injurious effects of groundwater variation
supervision of the work by a competent person who and weather conditions on the properties of the
has appropriate knowledge, training and experience various strata. Where works require excavations into
and the authority to decide on variations to the or within rock, the orientation and nature of
ground investigation when required. discontinuities in the rock may be the most important
Investigations for new works are required to yield
information to assist in selecting the most suitable

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State of Qatar -Public Works Authority
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3.1.5 Extent of Ground • Site preparation;

Investigation • Access;
The extent of the ground investigation is determined • Utility clearance;
by the character and variability of the ground and
• Traffic control;
groundwater, the type of sewerage and drainage
works, and the amount and quality of existing • Mechanical excavator and borehole/core drill
information. It is important that the general character equipment and their impact on groundwater
and variability of the ground be established before profiles;
deciding on the basic principles of the design of the • Probing;
• Geophysical surveying;
A range of methods is used to carry out ground
• Groundwater;
investigations for sewerage and drainage works.
These include excavations, boreholes and probing. • Barge work;

The greater the natural variability of the ground, the • Trial pit/drill hole filling.
greater the extent of the ground investigation Site preparation - Drilling sites need to be prepared
required to obtain an indication of the character of prior to arrival of the drill crew to avoid standing
the ground. The depth of exploration is usually time. A levelled terrain or working platform is often
determined by the depth of sewerage and drainage necessary to accommodate the drill rig, particularly
works, but it may be necessary to explore to greater where the site is at or adjacent to any excavation or
depths at a number of points to establish the overall slope formed by other construction activities. Prior
geological structure. The technical development of to site work, consultation should be made with the
the project should be kept under continuous review drilling operatives for specific site preparation
since decisions on the design influence the extent of requirements.
the investigation.
Overhead clearance - Overhead must be clear of
The investigation should yield sufficient data on obstructions. It is not safe to work adjacent to an
which to base an adequate and economical design overhead power. Consultation should be made with
of the project. It should, in addition, be sufficient to the Power Company to determine the minimum
be able to decide which of the various possible standoff distance from overhead power. If it is
methods of construction would be desirable and, necessary to work closer, the Power Company must
where appropriate, to suggest sources of be contacted in order to cut the power during site
construction materials. The lateral and vertical works period.
extent of the investigation should cover all ground
that may be significantly affected by the new works Underground utility locations must be determined,
or their construction. including:

• High pressure gas lines;

3.1.6 Field Works • Water lines;
Successful ground investigation requires careful • Sewer and storm sewer lines;
advance planning to be conducted in the most
expedient manner. Proper exploratory location • Electrical and telephone conduits and
selection and preparation are essential to minimise cables.
site operational standby time and associated
All locations proposed for drilling must be cleared for
charges. Utility clearance is an essential item that
utilities prior to arrival of the drill crew. When utilities
must be considered. Disrupted utilities can result in
are present, their exact location should be clearly
a tremendous liability to all parties concerned. The
marked by the utility company. The drilling operative
following are some detailed items to consider prior
must verify the locations of underground utility on
to commencing field works:
site prior to drilling.

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Access permit must be secured from the land been completed, since open pits can be a hazard to
owner to ensure that the drill crew has access to drill the general public.
sites upon arrival to avoid difficulties associated with
farm animals and uncooperative landowners, for Light cable percussion boring is an adaptation of
instance. standard well-boring methods, and normally uses a
mobile rig specially designed for ground
Traffic control may be required where the investigation work.
investigation location is adjacent to highways /
public roads. The clay cutter is used in cohesive soil in a damp or
dry borehole. The shell is used in cohesionless soils
Shallow trial pits are usually dug using a hydraulic and requires there to be sufficient water in the
backhoe excavator, preferably mounted on a tractor bottom of the borehole to cover the shell (about
for ease of mobility. This expedient is used in 2.5m). It is therefore necessary to add water to a
ground that can temporarily stand unsupported and borehole in order to bore through dry cohesionless
in suitable conditions. For practical reasons, the strata that require the use of the shell.
maximum depth of excavation is 4m to 5m. Where
personnel are required to enter pits, it is essential Light cable percussion boring is suitable for soil and
that the sides are safe or made safe, particularly weak rock. The sizes of borehole casings and tools
from sudden collapse, by supporting the sides. are usually 150mm and 200mm. For deeper
Ideally, the support system should consist of boreholes, 250mm and 300mm are available. This
purpose-made metal frames that can be quickly gives a maximum borehole depth of about 60m in
inserted and extracted. Entry by personnel into suitable strata. This type of rig may have a hydraulic
unsupported pits deeper than 1.2m is not allowed for power take-off to drive a rotary drilling attachment
health and safety reasons. for coring rock. The drill tools, which are worked on
a wire rope using the clutch of the winch for the
By providing access for taking samples and carrying percussive action, consist of the clay cutter for dry
out in-situ tests, shallow trial pits permit the in-situ cohesive soils, the shell or baler, for cohesionless
condition of the ground to be examined in detail both soils and the chisel for breaking up rock and other
laterally and vertically; they also provide a means of hard layers. The clay cutter and shell bring up
determining the orientation of discontinuities in the disturbed material, which is usually sufficiently
ground. The field record should include a plan giving representative to permit identification of the strata.
the location and orientation of the pit with details of
which face(s) was logged, and a dimensioned Mechanical augers for ground investigations
section of each side and the floor. Whenever normally use a continuous-flight auger with a hollow
possible, the record should include photographs. stem and these are suitable for auguring in cohesive
soils. When auguring, the hollow stem is closed at
Shallow pits without side support can be used for its lower end by a plug, which may be removed so
making a rapid check on the condition of the ground. that the sampler can be lowered down through the
It may be unsafe for personnel to enter a pit but, stem and driven into the soil below the auger bit.
working from ground surface, a visual log of the The use of hollow-stemmed augers in cohesionless
strata can be made and disturbed samples using the soils often presents practical problems because it
excavator bucket can be taken. may be difficult to prevent material from flowing into
the hollow stem on removal of the plug.
Tube samplers can be driven into the floor of the pit,
using jarring link and drill rods, and then extracted When rock is encountered, boring can be extended
by the excavator. In-situ testing, such as the vane by core-drilling through the hollow stem. Typically,
shear strength test, can also be carried out. Pits that augers with hollow stems of approximately 75mm
are unsupported may collapse soon after being dug, and 125mm diameter produce boreholes of about
so any logging, sampling and in-situ testing should 150mm and 250mm diameter respectively, to a
be carried out immediately after the pit has been depth of 30m to 50m.
dug. It is advisable to backfill pits as soon as
possible after logging, sampling and testing have

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State of Qatar -Public Works Authority
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Continuous-flight auguring requires considerable be satisfactory alternatives. The rotary drilling rig
mechanical power and weight so that the machine is should be well maintained and should be capable
therefore usually mounted on a heavy vehicle. The both of controlling rotational speed and providing
debris from drilling is brought to the surface by axial load and torque to suit the nature and
auger flights and gives only a very rough indication hardness of the material penetrated, the diameter of
of the levels and character of the strata. A precise the core barrel and drill string, drilling fluid and
intermittent identification of the strata may be flushing system, weight of drill string and installation
obtained from drive samples taken through the of temporary casing(s).
hollow stem of the auger.
Probing and penetration testing - Probing from
In self-supporting strata, solid rods and a suitable the surface probably represents the oldest method
auger tool can be used, the auger tool being drawn of investigating the depth to a hard stratum where
up to the ground surface each time it has to be the overburden is weak and not unduly thick. The
emptied. Drive sampling and testing can be carried simplest probe is a sharpened steel rod, which is
out in the borehole. pushed or driven into the soil until it meets
resistance. The method is still of use where other
Rotary drilling methods, in which the drill bit is means of site investigation have disclosed relatively
rotated on the bottom of the borehole, are used to thin layers of very soft soils overlying much harder
drill rocks and sometimes soils for investigation ones, when the thickness of the soft stratum may be
purposes. The drilling fluid, which is passed from the determined over a wide area very quickly and
surface through hollow drill rods to the face of the economically. Two distinct types of probe have been
bit, cools and lubricates the bit, transports drill developed: one where the probe is driven into the
cuttings to the ground surface and, when using soil by means of some form of hammer blow; and
particular types of drilling fluids, stabilises the the other where the probe is forced into the soil by a
borehole. static load.
Drilling fluids are commonly clean water, air, or a Dynamic probing - The apparatus for dynamic
mixture of both. In some cases mud, polymers or probing comprises a sectional rod with a cone fitted
foam are used to maintain or assist borehole at the base of a slightly greater diameter than the
stability, aid the transport of drill cuttings to the rod. It is driven into the ground by a constant mass
surface and maximise core recovery, particularly in that is allowed to fall on the rod through a constant
superficial deposits and weak rock formations. It is distance, and the arrangement should be such that
essential that the cleaning and recirculation of the the mass falls through the constant distance without
drill fluid is arranged so that the cuttings transported judgement to be made by the operator. This is
from the bottom of the borehole are not recirculated usually achieved using a mechanical latch on
and that the condition of the drill fluid is maintained machine-driven equipment, and mechanical
to achieve its objectives. indication on hand-operated apparatus.
There are two basic types of rotary drilling: open The main uses of dynamic probing are for
hole (or full hole) drilling, where the drill bit cuts all preliminary investigations of a site using hand-
the material within the diameter of the borehole; and operated equipment, followed by machine-operated
core drilling, where an annular bit, fixed to the equipment during the main investigations, thereby
bottom of the outer rotating tube of a core barrel, allowing the interpolation of data between boreholes
cuts a core, which is recovered within the innermost using site specific correlations with known ground
tube of the core barrel assembly and brought to the property data. Where a site investigation has been
surface for examination and testing. carried out by more conventional means, it may be
possible to use dynamic probing to check rapidly
Rotary drilling for ground investigation is usually
and cheaply that conditions on neighbouring sites
core drilling. When open hole drilling or coring,
temporary casing is normally used to support are similar.
unstable ground or to seal off fissures or voids, Static cone penetration test or static probing -
which cause excessive loss of drilling fluid. Drilling The basic principle of static probing is that a
fluid additives or cement grouting may sometimes

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Drainage Affairs

cylindrical probe, fitted to the lower end of a string of the geological structure. Invariably interpretation of
hollow rods, is pushed into the ground at a slow geophysical survey data involves some degree of
uniform rate by a static thrust. The probe has a cone prior knowledge of the underlying geological
at its base, which is fitted with a sensor, so that its structure derived from the preliminary
resistance to penetration can be measured. If reconnaissance and from boreholes. For optimum
required, probes can also incorporate a friction interpretation of the data from a geophysical survey
sleeve, by which the local frictional resistance can it is essential that adequate direct control is
be measured, and also a piezometer for measuring available, such as boreholes or trial pits. In
the pore water pressure in the vicinity of the cone comparison with borehole investigations,
and sleeve. The most frequently used probe has geophysical surveys can offer considerable savings
electrical sensors, which can permit continuous in both time and money.
recording throughout the test.
On sites where contamination is suspected, a
Mechanical penetrometers are occasionally used in geophysical survey may form part of a preliminary
very isolated sites, where the more sophisticated risk assessment prior to drilling or sampling. During
electrical read-out systems are not readily the drilling programme on the site, geophysical
applicable, and employed as preliminary probing to surveys may be used to check the interpretation of
assess whether the ground conditions are suitable the geological structure between the boreholes.
for the use of the much more expensive electrical Later in the site investigation further geophysical
probe. surveys may be carried out within and between the
boreholes and on the ground surface; these are to
Geophysical surveying - The primary objectives in determine the geological, hydrogeological and
the use of engineering geophysical surveys in geotechnical properties of the ground mass in which
sewerage and drainage works are: the construction is taking place.
• Geological investigation: geophysical The performance of all geophysical methods used in
methods have a major role to play in site investigation is influenced by four fundamental
mapping geological boundaries between controlling factors:
layers; determining the thickness of
superficial deposits and depth to rockhead; • depth penetration;
establishing weathering profiles; and the
• vertical and lateral resolution;
study of particular erosional and structural
features, such as the location of buried • signal-to-noise ratio;
channels, faults, dykes, etc.; • contrast in physical properties.
• Hazard assessment: detection of voids and
Prior to the employment of geophysical methods, it
buried artefacts; location of buried
is necessary to determine the quality of information
mineshafts and adits, natural cavities, old required, taking the above four factors into
foundations, pipelines etc.; detection of leaks
consideration, in order to yield an effective
in barriers; pollution plumes on landfill sites;
• Determination of engineering properties of
Groundwater - The determination of groundwater
the ground, such as dynamic elastic moduli,
rock rippability and rock quality; soil pressures is of the utmost importance, because
these have a profound influence on the behaviour of
corrosivity for pipeline protection studies etc.
the ground during and after the construction of
There are many different geophysical techniques, engineering works. Various strata, particularly those
each based on different theoretical principles, such separated by relatively impermeable layers, can
as seismic velocity or electrical resistivity, and have different groundwater pressures, some of
consequently producing different sets of information which may be artesian. The location of highly
relating to the properties of subsurface materials. permeable water-bearing strata and the
For any given geophysical technique the variations measurement of water pressure in each is
in the information obtained can give an indication of particularly important where deep excavation or

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tunnelling is required, since special measures may minimises the entry of surface water into the
be necessary to deal with the groundwater. To borehole. If surface contamination of lower aquifers
measure groundwater pressures accurately, it is or cross contamination is a concern, backfill the hole
usually necessary to install special measuring with bentonite pellets or grout. This is especially
devices called piezometers. important in urban areas where ground
contamination from leaking underground storage
The groundwater pressure may vary with time owing tanks is a common occurrence.
to seasonal, tidal, or other causes, and it may be
necessary to take measurements over an extended
period of time so that such variations may be 3.1.7 Sampling
investigated. When designing drainage works, it is
often helpful to determine the contours of the water The selection of sampling technique depends on the
table or piezometric surface to ascertain the quality of the sample that is required and the
direction of the natural drainage, the seasonal character of the ground, particularly the extent to
variation and the hydrological controls. which it is disturbed by the sampling process.

Borehole permeability tests and large scale pump There are four main techniques for obtaining
tests should be considered. These tests require samples:
some flow of water into or out of the measuring • taking disturbed samples from the drill tools
system before the recorded pressure can reach or from excavating equipment in the course
equilibrium with the actual groundwater pressure. of boring or excavation;
For an excavation or a borehole, a large volume of
water may flow before the water level reaches • drive sampling, in which a tube or split tube
equilibrium with the groundwater pressure. On the sampler having a sharp cutting edge at its
other hand, some types of piezometer require only a lower end is forced into the ground, either by
very small change in the volume of water for the a static thrust or by dynamic impact;
groundwater pressure to be read. The rate at which • rotary sampling, in which a tube with a cutter
water flows through the soil depends on the at its lower end is rotated into the ground,
permeability. The time required for a measuring thereby producing a core sample;
system to indicate the true groundwater pressure is
known as the response time and depends both on • taking block samples specially cut by hand
the quantity of water required to enter the system from a trial pit.
(including all pipes and tubes) to operate the Samples obtained by techniques as noted in the
pressure measuring device, and on the permeability second, third and fourth points above are often of
of the ground. Depending on the response time, a sufficient quality to enable the ground structure
suitable method for measuring the groundwater within the sample to be examined. The quality of
pressure should be employed. such samples can vary considerably, depending on
the technique and the ground conditions, and most
Barge work - When the sewerage must cross large
exhibit some degree of disturbance.
bodies of water, barges are used to obtain ground
information. Sufficient lead-in time must be allowed When taking samples for chemical testing and in
for mobilisation of barges. particular, on potentially contaminated sites,
additional care is needed to avoid cross-
Trial pit/drill hole filling - Upon completion of trial
contamination and chemical or biological reactions,
pitting works, the pits should be filled and
which may affect the result. The risks of cross-
compacted to better than its original conditions. If
contamination are reduced by:
the materials arising from the trial pits could not be
compacted (e.g. some silty or clayey soils), then the • using dry drilling or air flush methods for
arising should be disposal off site and the pit be progressing the boreholes;
filled with imported materials.
• using casing to isolate upper layers of soil
Drill holes must be filled or plugged. This prevents and groundwater;
injury to livestock or people in the area and also

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State of Qatar -Public Works Authority
Drainage Affairs

• ensuring that all sampling and boring stored at the lowest temperature practicable and
equipment are clean; below 450C. The daily temperature variation within
the store should not exceed 200C.
• implementing strict sample handling
protocols. All samples should be labelled with a unique
Any sample of ground that might be contaminated reference number immediately after being taken
by substances hazardous to health should have a from a borehole or excavation. If they are to be
warning to that effect on the sample label so that preserved with their natural moisture content, they
personnel can follow appropriate safety procedures. should be sealed in an airtight container or coated in
wax at the same time. The label should show all
Sampling in sand and gravel should be carried out necessary information about the sample. If the
at the top of each new stratum and thereafter at sample is of ground which might be contaminated
1.5m interval of depth; a disturbed sample should be and contain hazardous substances, then the label
obtained from a split-barrel sampler. should carry a warning to that effect. The sample is
normally recorded on the daily field report. It should
Sampling in cohesive soil should be carried out at carry more than one label or other means of
the top of each new stratum and thereafter at 1.5m
identification so that the sample can still be identified
intervals of depth for undisturbed samples, and at
if one label is damaged. The label should be marked
each metre of depth, a disturbed sample should be with indelible ink and be sufficiently robust to
withstand the effect of its environment and the
If with the sampler there is inadequate recovery or transport of the sample. An additional record copy of
the sampler cannot be driven, this should the sample should also be kept separately.
immediately be followed by a standard penetration
Disturbed samples of soil and hand specimens of
test using a split-barrel sampler.
rock may be required for testing, or where it is
Sampling in rock should use continuous rotary desirable to keep them in good condition over long
core. In cases where the core recovery is poor and periods for later inspection. Immediately after being
the rock is weak, the split-barrel standard taken from a borehole or excavation, the sample
penetration test sampler should be used after each should be placed in a glass container of at least 1
core run in an attempt to recover a small sample of litre capacity, which the sample should fill with the
the rock. Depending on the rock type, it may also be minimum of air space. The container should have an
useful to take a disturbed sample from the drill fluid airtight cover or seal so that the natural moisture
return, and thereafter at 1 m intervals of depth. content of the sample can be maintained until tested
in the laboratory. The sample containers should be
Handling and labelling of samples - Samples labelled. For rock samples, an alternative procedure
obtained should be treated with great care. The is to coat the sample in a layer of paraffin wax. A
usefulness of the results of the laboratory tests microcrystalline wax is preferred because it is less
depends on the quality of the samples at the time likely to shrink or crack. Larger disturbed samples
they are tested, so it is important to establish a that are required for certain laboratory tests may be
satisfactory procedure for the handling and labelling packed in robust containers or plastic sacks. For
of the samples, as well as their storage and hand samples of rock, the reference number should
transport both to prevent their deterioration, and to be recorded by painting directly on the surface of the
ensure that they can be readily identified and drawn sample or attaching a label. Samples should then be
from the sample store when required. wrapped in several thicknesses of paper and packed
in a wooden box.
The samples should be protected from excessive
heat and temperature variation, which could lead to During the interval when the samples are on site or
deterioration in the sealing of the sample containers in transit to the sample store, they should be
and subsequently damage the samples. The protected from excessive heat.
temperature of the sample store is influenced by the
climate, but it is recommended that the samples be For Undisturbed samples that are retained in a
tube or liner, procedure a) below should be followed.

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State of Qatar -Public Works Authority
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For other samples, procedure b) below should be protected with tight-fitting formwork or packed in
followed: rigid cement, wax or resin to prevent fissures from
opening up under the weight of the samples.
a) Immediately after the sample has been taken
from the boring or excavation, the ends of the Groundwater samples - Care should be taken to
sample should be removed to a depth of about ensure that the samples are representative of the
25mm and any obviously disturbed soil in the water-bearing stratum and have not been
top of the sampler should also be removed. contaminated or diluted by water entering the
Several layers of molten wax, preferably borehole from other strata, or by contact with any
microcrystalline wax, should then be applied to water or drilling fluid used to advance the borehole.
each end to give a plug of about 25mm in
thickness. The molten wax should be as cool The depth and method of sampling, as well as the
as possible. It is essential that the sides of the subsequent storage and handling of samples, may
tube be clean and free from adhering soil. If the influence the results of analyses undertaken on
sample is very porous, a layer of waxed paper groundwater samples.
should first be placed over the end of the
Sample containers should be made from glass,
sample. Any remaining space between the end polyethylene or polypropylene, be clean and
of the tube or liner and the wax should be
completely filled with the water sample so as to
tightly packed with a material that is less
minimise contact with oxygen. The samples should
compressible than the sample and not capable be stored in the dark, at low temperatures and
of extracting water from it. There should be a
tested as soon as possible after sampling.
close-fitting lid or screw-cap on each end of the
tube or liner. If necessary, the lids should be When groundwater samples are to be taken from a
held in position with adhesive tape. stratum that has been contacted while advancing
b) Immediately after being removed from the the borehole, all water-bearing strata from higher
levels should first be sealed off by borehole casings.
sampling tool, samples that are not retained in
As far as possible, all the water in the borehole
a tube should be wholly covered with several
layers of molten paraffin wax, preferably should be removed by baling or pumping and the
sample taken from water that collects by seepage.
microcrystalline wax, and these should then be
About one litre should be collected in a clean
tightly packed with a suitable material into a
metal or plastics container. The lid of the polyethylene, polypropylene or glass bottle, which
should be rinsed three times with the water being
container should be held in position with
sampled before filling.
adhesive tape. If the sample is very porous, it
may be necessary to cover it with waxed paper More stringent requirements may apply in certain
before applying the molten wax. circumstances, particularly when accurate or
The liners or containers should be packed in a extensive chemical testing is to be undertaken in
way that minimises damage by vibration and order to investigate possible chemical
shock during transit. contamination. Additional requirements may include
special sampling techniques, multiple samples in
Rotary core samples should be kept in a sample different sample containers with different fixing
store as described above. agents, duplicate sampling, and special sample
handling procedures.
Block samples - After labels have been attached to
the sample to indicate its location and orientation the Some investigations require the use of permanent
sample should be coated with a succession of layers monitoring wells from which groundwater samples
of microcrystalline wax. It may be advisable to can be taken at various times. Before taking a
reinforce these with layers of porous fabric (e.g. sample, it is essential that the well be purged, i.e.
muslin) or plastic film. Additional labels should be the water standing in the well is removed by baling
fixed to the outside of samples. The sample should or pumping, and groundwater allowed to flow in until
be packed in a suitable material and placed in a the water in the standpipe is representative of the
strong box or crate. Large samples should be

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Drainage Affairs

groundwater. The sample is then taken using a baler barrel sampler may be replaced by a solid cone of
type sampler or a suitable pump. the same outside diameter and an included angle of
600. It is important that the test is carried out
precisely as described in BS 1377-9:1990, 3.3, since
3.1.8 Field Tests even minor variations from the specified procedure
During ground investigation field works, in-situ tests can seriously affect the results and its interpretation.
in boreholes should be carried out concurrent with The main purpose of the test is to obtain an
soil/rock sampling. Numerous tests in boreholes indication of the relative density of sands and
have been developed. Routine tests that are gravels, but it has also been used to find out the
considered relevant to sewerage and drainage consistency of other soils (silts and clays) and of
design include: weak rocks (e.g. chalk).
• Standard penetration test; In sand and gravel, at the top of each new stratum,
• Vane test; and thereafter at one metre intervals of depth, a
standard penetration test should be carried out.
• Permeability test;
• Packer test. In cohesive soil, when the recovery of samples from
the sampler is inadequate or the sampler cannot be
Other specialist tests in boreholes, e.g. plate load driven, a standard penetration test using a split
tests, or pressure meter tests may be relevant to barrel sampler should be carried out.
foundation design of pumping stations and tunnels.
These tests should also be considered as Vane test - A cruciform vane on the end of a solid
appropriate. rod is forced into the soil below the bottom of the
borehole and then rotated. The torque required to
In addition to tests performed in boreholes, pump rotate the vane can be related to the shear strength
tests may also be relevant to sewerage and of the soil. The method of carrying out the test is
drainage works, particularly for the design and described in BS 1377-9:1990, 4.4.
construction of deep shafts where the mass
permeability of the ground and its groundwater The test can be extended to measure the remoulded
response to pumping during construction phases. strength of the soil. This is done by removing the
Other in-situ tests, including field density, in-situ torque-measuring instrument from the extension
stress measurement, lateral and inclined loading rods and turning the vane through six complete
tests, pressurised chamber tests, and in-situ shear rotations. A period of five minutes is permitted to
tests are not usually employed for sewerage and elapse after which the vane test is repeated in the
drainage works. However, the merits of these tests normal way.
may be relevant to particular sites and design
The test is normally restricted to fairly uniform,
cohesive, fully saturated soils, and is used mainly for
Standard penetration test is a dynamic penetration clay having undrained shear strength up to about
test carried out using a standard procedure, which is 100 kPa. Results are unreliable in materials with
described in BS 1377-9:1990, 3.3. The test uses a significant coarse silt or sand content.
thick-walled sample tube, the outside diameter of
Permeability tests are carried out in boreholes to
which is 50mm. This is driven into the ground at the
determine the hydraulic conductivity, a measure of
bottom of the borehole by blows from a standard
the rate of water flow of soils.
weight falling through a standard distance. The blow
count gives an indication of the density of the Before carrying out any tests, it is important to
ground. The small sample that is recovered will have identify the aquifer and understand whether it is
suffered some disturbance but can normally be used confined or unconfined. The determination of in-situ
for identification purposes. permeability by tests in boreholes involves the
application of a hydraulic pressure in the borehole
When the test is being performed in gravel of
different from that in the ground, and the
coarser soil or in rock, the cutting shoe of the split-

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measurement of the rate of flow due to this intermediate or other boundaries; the shape of the
difference. ground water table; and nature of recharge. From
the data obtained from the test, the coefficients of
The pressure in the borehole may be increased by permeability, transmissivity and storage can be
introducing water into it, which is commonly called a determined.
“falling head” test, or it may be decreased by
pumping water out of it in a “rising head” test. The The results obtained are averages for the entire
pressure may be held constant during a test mass of ground which has been influenced by the
(constant head test) or it may be allowed to vary (a pumping test. In permeable ground, pumping from
variable head test). the well may have a significant effect on piezometric
pressures to a distance of 100m or more. Flows
The Packer or Lugeon test gives a measure of the from a well pumping test are accumulated from
acceptance by in-situ rock of water under pressure. contributions coming from strata that may have very
In essence, it comprises the measurement of the different values of permeability individually and may
volume of water that can escape from an uncased not be of consistent thickness within the radius of
section of borehole in a given time under a given influence of the well. The overall result could be
pressure. Flow is confined between known depths dominated by the flow from one highly permeable
by means of packers, hence the more general name layer or discontinuity; hence a thorough
of the test. understanding of the geological sequence of the
The flow is confined between two packers in the ground is vital in the interpretation of the pump test
double packer test, or between one packer and the
bottom of the borehole in the single packer test. The
test is used to assess the amount of grout that rock
3.1.9 Laboratory Tests
accepts, to check the effectiveness of grouting, to
obtain a measure of the amount of fracturing of rock, Soil and water samples obtained from the field
or to give an approximate value of the permeability works should be tested to evaluate their engineering
of the rock mass local to the borehole. properties and to complement field observations.
Before samples are passed to the laboratory, care
The results of the test are usually expressed in should be taken to assess the possibility that some
terms of Lugeon units. A rock is said to have a may be contaminated with harmful substances. If
permeability of 1 Lugeon if, under a head above such a possibility exists, appropriate safety
groundwater level of 100m, a 1m length of borehole precautions should be implemented and preliminary
accepts 1l/min of water. A simple rule that is tests done to determine the nature of any
sometimes used to convert Lugeon units into contamination. The results of these preliminary tests
permeability is to take one Lugeon unit as equal to a establish whether it is necessary to impose any
permeability of 1027m/s. special procedures to ensure the safety of the
laboratory personnel.
Pump test - In principle, a pumping test involves
pumping at a steady known flow from a well and The purpose of laboratory testing of samples of soil
observing the drawdown effect on ground water and rock is to determine the following properties:
levels at some distance away from the pumped well.
• Classification;
In response to pumping, phreatic and piezometric
levels around the pumping well fall, creating a “cone • chemical and electro-chemical;
of depression”. The permeability of the ground is • soil corrosivity;
obtained by a study of the shape of the cone of
depression, which is indicated by the water levels in • compaction-related properties;
the surrounding observation wells. • compressibility;

The shape of the cone of depression depends on: • permeability and durability;
the pumping rate; the duration of pumping; the • shear strength (total stress and effective
nature of the ground; the existence, or otherwise, of stress).

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The selection of tests depends on the design assess the aggressiveness of the ground,
requirements. It is often not necessary to specify especially to concrete;
the whole range of tests listed above. Conversely, it
• Total dissolved solids in groundwater.
is essential to assign appropriate tests to be
undertaken, as late schedule of tests may adversely Soil corrosivity is determined by bacteriological,
impact on the design and construction programme. Redox potential, and Resistivity tests on undisturbed
specimens stored in sterilised containers.
Classification tests are used to determine the
following characteristic properties of soil/rock Compaction tests require the determination of dry
samples: density; standard compaction tests at different
moisture contents and compaction efforts;
• Moisture content or water content; maximum, minimum density and density index tests
• Suction for desiccated soils; of coarse grained soil; and moisture condition value
used for control of materials for earthworks.
• Liquid and plastic limits (Atterberg Limits);
Compressibility tests include: one-dimensional
• Soil volumetric shrinkage limit;
compression and consolidation tests to determine
• Soil linear shrinkage; the coefficient of volumetric changes and the
• Swelling clay content; coefficient of consolidation.

• Soil particle density; Permeability and durability tests include: constant

head tests; falling head tests; triaxial permeability
• Mass density or unit weight;
tests; and Row consolidation tests.
• Soil particle size distribution.
Strength tests for soils include: triaxial compression
Soil suction, volumetric shrinkage, linear shrinkage, tests, unconfined compression tests; laboratory
and swell clay content tests are not usually required. shear vane tests; direct shear box; and residual
Particle density test is required occasionally to verify shear strength tests. Strength tests for rocks
the commonly adopted value of 2.65 is valid. include: point load tests; uniaxial compression tests;
direct and indirect tension tests; and triaxial
Chemical and electro-chemical tests are used to
compression tests.
determine the following properties of soil/rock and
water samples:

• Dispersion for fine grained soils;

3.1.10 Reports and Interpretation
• Chemical contaminants for soils and water; Reports on ground investigation should distinguish
between factual report and interpretative report.
• Organic matter in soils, in particular, peats;
Factual reports should record all information
• Sulphate content of soil and ground water;
obtained from the actual ground investigation carried
• Magnesium content as a supplement to the out. This includes results from field and laboratory
sulphate content test to assess the works.
aggressiveness of soil or groundwater to
buried concrete; Interpretative reports should contain all information
obtained from desk study and site reconnaissance,
• pH value for soils and water; and interpretation of the data contained in the
• Carbonate content to determine the factual report. Often it is convenient to produce
presence of carbonates, which often separate desk study reports and interpretative
indicates cementing; reports. In such cases, references to relevant desk
study reports should be made in the interpretative
• Chloride content, where pH of ground is less reports.
than 5.8. Results are used in conjunction
with those for sulphate, nitrate and pH to Factual Report

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The content of a factual report should include the testing, sampling or drilling to which the work
following (not necessary exhaustive): has been carried out. A note should be
made of any difficulties experienced, e.g.
• Introduction problems in recovering samples. It is
This should state who the client is the works essential that any testing for gases and other
were undertaken for, the dates and nature of contaminants, or observations of these in the
the investigation, the nature of the proposed boreholes and around the site generally be
development for which the investigation was reported. The dates when the exploratory
carried out, and the general location. work was done should also be recorded,
together with a note about the weather
• Site description conditions, if relevant. The report should
The report should contain a description of contain a drawing indicating the positions
the geographical location of the site and and ground levels of all pits, boreholes, field
comment on features outside the site tests, etc. It should contain sufficient
boundary. Where appropriate this should topographical information so that the several
include street names and grid reference. It positions can be located at a later date.
may also include a reproduced section of the
• Exploratory hole (including trial pit) logs.
relevant map of the appropriate scale for Logs of exploratory holes should contain the
clarity. Details of all relevant topographic
following data as a minimum:
features should be included. The description
should also include details of what was 1) title of investigation, report number,
present on the site at the time of the and name of client;
investigation, including the possibility or 2) location detailed by a national or site
knowledge of any contaminated ground or grid reference;
landfill gases. In addition, details of any past
or present man-made underground features, 3) date of start and finish of boring;
such as basements, mineral or other 4) unique borehole number;
extractive workings, access or drainage adits
and other tunnels, should be included. Some 5) type of boring, e.g. cable, percussion
comment should be made on the relative or rotary, and other details, including
levels between the site and its surroundings, sizes of boring tools or drilling
and whether there are conspicuous equipment used;
differences in level over the site itself. 6) ground level related to recognised
national datum;
• General geology
7) diameter of borehole and/or types of
An account should be given of the geology
core barrel including depths of any
of the site, and the sources from which the
reductions in size;
information was obtained should be stated.
Information from previous ground 8) diameter of casings and depth to
investigations on or adjacent to the site which taken;
should be emphasised. The soil and rock
9) a depth scale so that the depth of
types identified and described in the report
sampling, tests and change in strata
should be linked with the known geology of can be readily determined;
the site.
10) a description of each stratum
• Fieldwork together with its thickness. For trial
This should describe the methods of pits, a record of the ease of
investigation and testing used. It should excavation of the strata and stability
include a description of all the equipment of the sides of the excavation should
used, e.g. types of drilling rigs and tools, be taken. Soils and rocks should be
together with the relevant standards for described in accordance with Table

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A6.1 and A6.2, and with symbols as core run, with note of any change in
given in Table A6.3 (see Appendix colour;
18) water levels (including changes) and
11) the depth and level of each change related casing depths at all samples,
of stratum; tests and water inflows; incidence
and behaviour of groundwater.
12) the depth of the top and bottom of
Where no groundwater was
each tube sample, or bulk sample
encountered, this should also be
and its and the depth of each small
recorded. In addition, where
disturbed sample; or the depth of the
groundwater observations could not
start and finish of each core run; the
be observed this should be noted; for
core recovery for each rock core run
instance, drilling with water flush or
expressed in percentage of total core
over water, or boring at a rate much
recovery, the fracture state
faster than water can make its way
expressed in terms of rock quality
into the borehole. Where the
designation, solid core recovery, and
information derived from boreholes is
fracture index; zones of core loss
concise, it should be included in the
and voids; rock cores, cores should
logs. The position of the borehole
be photographed when fresh and
casing and the borehole depth at the
before any destructive logging is
time of an observation should be
carried out. The photographs should
stated. All other data, including those
be in colour, to a consistent format
from separate observation wells,
on any investigation, include job,
should be given in a separate table.
borehole and depth references,
Where water has been added to or
together with a scale and standard
removed from the ground by the
colour chart, and be free from
boring or drilling process, this should
distortion. The photographs should
be recorded.
be presented in the report.
19) a record of each water strike,
13) the depth at the top and bottom of
including rate of rise of water level,
each borehole test and the nature of
depth of water in the borehole at
the test;
start and finish of shift, depth of
14) where standard penetration tests are water at the time of each test or
being recorded, tests made with the sample and depth of casing when
thick-walled sampler should be each observation was made. The
distinguished from those made with final reading to be determined after a
a solid cone; and should include all minimum of 3 readings at 24 hour
incremental blow counts and intervals, when steady state has
penetrations; been reached;
15) the date when each section was 20) a record of any water added to
bored or cored/drilled; facilitate boring;
16) details of tools in use, including 21) where observation wells or
sizes; for trial pits, a description of piezometers have been installed,
excavator type, bucket size, shoring their depths should be given,
arrangement and pumps as together with details of the
appropriate; installation, preferably in the form of
17) an indication of the type of drilling a diagram, and often on a separate
report sheet;
flush and return proportion for each

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22) water levels in observation wells provided in addition to the detailed results.
measured subsequent to the The precise test carried out should also be
completion of the borehole; these stated.
may be recorded separately.
A description of samples should be given.
23) a record of tests carried out, such as Soil and rock samples should be described
permeability and packer tests; in accordance with Table A6.1 and A6.2,
24) the orientation of the exploratory Appendix 6.
• Special reports
25) depth of termination of borehole;
Special reports, such as penetration tests,
26) details of backfilling or instruments well-point pumping, and geophysical survey
installed; should be reported separately as
27) ground and surface water records;
28) details of all samples and tests Interpretative Report
taken, including depth at top of each
The content of an interpretative report should
sample; the core recovery for each
include the following (not necessary exhaustive):
rock core run expressed in
percentage of total core recovery, • Introduction
the fracture state expressed in terms
The Introduction to the interpretative report
of rock quality designation, solid core
should state who was the client for the
recovery, and fracture index.
proposed scheme, the nature of the
• In-situ tests proposed scheme, the contractor who
In-situ tests should be reported giving full carried out the field and laboratory works,
details of the test type, location, equipment the dates and nature of the investigation,
used, start and finish date and time, weather and the general location of the scheme.
conditions, particular difficulties References to factual reports should be
encountered, and details of the testing
procedure and results obtained.
• Desk study
• Location of exploratory holes and in-situ
tests Desk study information should be included in
the interpretative report, unless a separate
These should be indicated on a plan
report has been compiled, in which case a
showing the precise position of each reference to the desk study report should be
borehole so that it is possible to locate each
position accurately even after demolitions
and excavations have taken place. • Ground type and stratigraphy
Extensive tracts of open featureless country
Ground type and stratigraphy should be
present problems that are best solved by
described. Where appropriate, the ground
linking the position of the borehole to a land
should be divided into a series of soil and
survey. Ground levels related to a
rock types for which the engineering
permanent datum are also required.
properties may be regarded as sensibly
• Results of laboratory tests constant for the purpose in hand. This
division is usually, though not always,
These should be reported in accordance
closely related to the geological succession.
with BS 13771. A summary should be

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A description of each ground type should be 4) where possible, compare the

given and any anomalies that have been representative values with
observed should be noted and commented experience and published data for
on. similar geological formations;

An account should be given of the sequence 5) consider and explain apparently

of ground types as they occur in the various anomalous or extreme results.
parts of the site. Wherever possible the • Groundwater
stratigraphy of the site should be tied into its
topographical, geological and Groundwater is a very important factor in the
geomorphological features. Attention should design and also in the selection of methods
be specifically drawn to any anomalies that of construction. Inadequate or erroneous
may have a significant effect on the works assessment of groundwater conditions is
being considered. one of the biggest single contributors to
problems on-site during construction. The
Discussions on ground type and stratigraphy report should describe regional groundwater
should be supplemented by geotechnical conditions and the presence or otherwise of
cross-sections illustrating the ground profile, perched, artesian or downward draining
simplified as required, with groundwater conditions. Comment should be made on
level shown. any anomalies and the possibility of the rise
or fall of groundwater with the season, tide
The presentation of a borehole section or other long term variation. Further
would usually include joining up the guidance is given in Sections 3.2 and 4.2 in
boreholes by stratum boundaries, using all this Volume.
the available information and suitably
qualified in any areas of doubt. Accurate and • Chemical conditions
integrated interpretation of geological maps,
Comment should be made on chemical
boreholes and other data is a prerequisite to
conditions in the ground and groundwater,
a thorough understanding of the ground. It
not only with regard to attack on buried parts
can be helpful to indicate relevant soil
of the structure, but also with regard to
parameters on sections, e.g., results of
possible effects in construction and service
standard penetration tests, triaxial tests or
life, whether these be due to natural causes
earthworks relationship tests.
or to human activities. Any conditions that
• Geotechnical design parameters could affect health and safety during
construction or in subsequent use should be
There is no universally accepted method of mentioned.
selecting these parameters, but the following
approach may help to arrive at reliable • Engineering considerations
Engineering considerations should relate to
1) compare both laboratory and in-situ the nature of the scheme. The following list,
test results with ground descriptions; which is by no means exhaustive, indicates
the topics on which advice and
2) cross-check, where possible, recommendations are often required, and
laboratory and in-situ results in the also what should be included. Given the
same ground; availability of a wide and ever-changing
3) collect individually acceptable results range of proprietary systems, all of which
for each formation and decide interact with the ground in subtly different
representative values appropriate to ways, it is important that the report does not
the number of results; overstate the technical analysis of the
engineering works in relation to the ground
interactions. However, it is essential for the

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report to provide adequate information 7) Pavement design: assessment of

needed to assess the suitability of various appropriate design parameters or
design and construction options. California Bearing Ratios; type and
thickness of pavement; possibility of
1) Spread foundations: level, either in using soil stabilisation for forming
terms of a depth or to a stated pavement bases or sub-bases;
stratum; safe or allowable bearing recommendations, where
capacity; estimated total and appropriate, for sub-grade drainage;
differential settlements; possible comment on susceptibility of soil at
alternative types of foundation; formation level to frost heave.
possible ground treatment.
8) Slope stability: recommendations on
2) Piles: types suited to the ground temporary and permanent slopes for
profile and environment; estimated excavations, including where
safe working loads, or data from appropriate, drainage measures.
which they can be assessed; Comment should be made, where
estimated settlements of structures. relevant, on the possibility of
3) Retaining walls: lateral pressures or weathering of rock faces and the
data from which they can be derived; available methods of dealing with
wall friction; bearing capacity; this hazard. Recommendations for
groundwater conditions. the monitoring of unstable slopes
may also be required.
4) Basements/shafts: comment on the
possibility of flotation. An estimate of 9) Mining subsidence: This is not a
the rise of the basement floor/shaft common issue in Qatar. However, if
base during construction, and where any voids are identified,
appropriate, groundwater levels. recommendations for methods of
filling known cavities near the
5) Ground anchorages: bearing stratum surface; the design of structures to
and estimated safe loads, or data
withstand movements without
from which they may be calculated;
damage or measures to limit the
6) Chemical attack: most commonly damage and simplify repairs.
takes the form of recommendations
10) Tunnels and underground works: a
for protecting buried concrete
description of the ground through
against attack from sulphate-bearing which the tunnel is to be driven, by
soils and groundwater. Also to be
chainage; possible covering of the
considered is the possibility of
following points: methods and
corrosion of steel in saline waters or sequence of excavation; whether
in the presence of sulphate-reducing
excavation is likely to be stable
bacteria. The effect of acidic or
without support; suggested methods
highly alkaline soils may also need to of lining in unstable excavations;
be considered. Contaminated soils,
potential use of rock bolting;
especially those containing high
likelihood of encountering
concentrations of organic chemicals, groundwater and recommendations
should be considered for their effects
for dealing with it; special features
on all building materials, including
for pressure tunnels; risk of
effects on services. These factors encountering ground or water
should also be considered with
contamination; possibility of natural
regard to health and safety during
or man-made gases.
construction and in subsequent use
of the structure. 11) Safety of neighbouring structures: an
assessment of the likely amount of

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Drainage Affairs

movement caused by adjacent or bored pile walls where

excavations and groundwater appropriate.
lowering, compressed air working,
2) Underground excavations: method
grouting and ground freezing or
and sequence of excavation and the
other geotechnical processes. The
need for temporary roof and side
possibility of movement due to
support; dealing with gases.
increased loading on adjacent
ground may also need to be 3) Groundwater: likely flow, head and
considered. quantity and how to deal with it.

12) Monitoring of movements: comment 4) Driven piles, bored piles and ground
on the necessity for measuring the anchors: methods of driving or
amount of movement taking place in construction suited to the ground
structure and slopes, together with profile, environment and
recommendations for the method to neighbouring buildings.
be used; recommendations for taking
5) Grouting: types of grouts likely to be
photographs before the successful in the ground and
commencement of works.
recommended method of injection.
13) Embankments: comment on stability
6) Mechanical improvement of soil
of embankment foundations and pipe below ground level. Comment on the
trenches; assessment of amount and
suitability of techniques for the
rate of settlement and the possibility
consolidation of loose soils.
of hastening it by such means as
vertical drains; recommendations for 7) Contamination: known or suspected
side slopes; choice of constructional contaminants and gases in soil,
materials and methods; parameters groundwater and any cavities.
for control of earthworks. Comment on health and safety
aspects both during and after
14) Drainage: comment on possible
drainage methods during
construction for works above and 8) Sources of materials. The following
below ground; general permanent are suggested:
land drainage schemes for extensive i) Fill: possibility of using
areas. excavated material for this
• Construction expedients purpose as an assessment
of the proportions of usable
Comments and recommendations are often material; methods and
required on the points listed below. Safety
standards of compaction;
aspects should be included where
possible off-site sources of
appropriate. These matters are often given fill; bulking factor.
insufficient attention, although they are
comparable in importance to the design of ii) Aggregates: in areas
the permanent works. where no commercial
sources are available, the
1) Open excavations: method and
possibilities of winning and
sequence of excavation; what
processing materials
support is needed; how to avoid available locally.
boiling and bottom heave; estimated
upward movement of floor of
excavation. Comment on relative
merits of sheet piling and diaphragm

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3.2 Hydrogeological • Make a preliminary hydrogeological

interpretation i.e. of the groundwater regime
Investigations that characterises the area under current
This Section should be read with reference to: conditions;
• Make a preliminary assessment of the
• Section 4.2 (Ground Conditions) which
possible drainage solutions in the context of
contains a general review of the
the hydrogeological interpretation;
hydrogeological conditions that characterise
Qatar; • Identify uncertainties in the interpretation
that require resolution by further site
• Section 3.1, which describes the
requirement for geotechnical investigations.
• Draw up a scope for the additional
There is considerable overlap between the
investigations, amalgamate the work
components of work that make up a geotechnical
required with any geotechnical
investigation and that of a hydrogeological
investigations, and produce a schedule of
investigation with much of the data obtained being of
works required for tendering purpose or
use in both types of interpretation. In addition it is
other procurement method as required;
most cost-effective to combine the two in one
seamless operation. • Produce an interim report on findings as
necessary or otherwise record project status
to date for record purposes.
3.2.1 Purpose of Investigations
Phase II: Intrusive Investigations
In the context of drainage issues, the purpose of a
hydrogeological investigation is to obtain a sufficient • Procure investigations through tender and
understanding of the groundwater conditions that award procedures as appropriate;
characterise an area to enable suitable and cost- • Supervise works to ensure compliance with
effective drainage solutions to be designed, specification;
constructed, and operated.
• Take responsibility for (or have provided by
site investigation contractor) factual and
3.2.2 Outline Methodology interpretative reports on ground conditions;

The recommended methodology is as follows: • Carry out longer-term monitoring as required

e.g. of groundwater levels and quality;
Phase 1: Desk Study
• Produce final interpretation for detailed
• Consider data requirements relevant to the design.
drainage problem under consideration (e.g.
dewatering, drainage for a single building,
drainage for a larger development, drainage
3.2.3 Sources of Information
for a district etc.); A considerable amount of work has already been
done to understand the hydrogeological conditions
• Procure and review currently available
that characterise Qatar, especially the Greater Doha
information on general geological and
area and a summary is given in Section 4.2. The
hydrogeological conditions;
main source of this information are consultant’s
• Procure and review relevant data on the reports that have been produced, particularly since
area concerned e.g. from previous site 1981, mainly for government ministries and their
investigations; executive agencies such as the DA. Subsequently,
• Carry out field visits and reconnaissance groundwater investigations have been carried out for
inspections to verify conditions at the site; various kinds of infrastructure development and
longer term groundwater level monitoring is

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Drainage Affairs

The available information includes the results of site 3) Indicative information on

investigations that have produced borehole logs with groundwater quality, for construction
detailed strata descriptions. Some investigations materials, design purposes and also
have included determination of key hydrogeological as an indicator of the extent of urban
parameters such as permeability, specific yield and leakage.
up-to-date groundwater level information may also
The above information will then be collated to
be available.
provide a preliminary interpretation of groundwater
It follows therefore that there is much more detailed conditions with a view to uncertainties being
and possibly site-specific information relevant to a resolved through additional site investigation, as
particular area that may be available in addition to discussed in the following section.
the general description contained in this manual.

3.2.5 Data Requirements: Site

3.2.4 Data Requirements: Desk Investigation Phase
Study Phase The following describes the components of work
The following is a summary of information likely to form the hydrogeological part of a typical
requirements at Desk Study stage: site investigation:

• Information relevant to the physical setting, • Digging of trial pits to allow inspection of
including; geomorphology, ground elevation shallow, in-situ ground conditions;
relevant to the surrounding area, proximity to • Drilling of boreholes to provide:
coastline, and the current extent of urban
development etc.; 1) Lithological details of strata
penetrated, and their distribution
• Any information that can be obtained relating spatially (across the site) and with
to the functioning of drainage systems in the depth;
new project area e.g. the propensity for
flooding, or the performance of soakaways; 2) Zones of groundwater occurrence as
the borehole is drilled, as an
• Geological Information: indicator of depth to water and
1) The strata succession in the 0-50m permeability;
depth range; 3) A means of carrying out in-situ
2) Rock types in the sequence to the permeability tests using one of the
top of the Midra Shale, including standard techniques such as falling
lithological descriptions, extent of or rising head tests.
fissuring, and degree of weathering. • Completion of boreholes with standpipes to
• Hydrogeological Information: provide:

1) Rock properties (permeability and 1) A means of measuring groundwater

porosity) estimated from lithological levels;
description, if possible supported by 2) A facility for water sampling for
information from previous site chemical analysis.
• Performance of pumping tests to provide
2) Groundwater level information data on permeability, specific yield etc. if
including likely depth to the water required;
table and its elevation (the latter
providing the basis for deducing • Longer-term monitoring of groundwater
groundwater flow patterns), and the levels and quality to assess seasonal
likely extent of seasonal variation; change and post-construction monitoring to
validate the completed scheme.

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3.2.6 Notes on Site Investigation • Use of non-biodegradable mud as a

circulation fluid during drilling may seal off
fissures and hence provide misleadingly low
As referred to in section 3.1, this section covers the permeability values in subsequent in-situ
following general issues applicable to site testing;
• Air-flush drilling will displace water as well as
• Physical extent of investigation and timing; drill cuttings and provides a useful guide as
to the groundwater level. This is used to
• Health, safety and environment Issues; record the depths at which most water is
• Site preparation and existing utilities issues; produced, with the most permeable zones
being below the water table;
• Techniques of intrusive investigation
including: • Standpipes slotted over the full length of the
hole may provide an artificial connection to
1) Trial Pits;
permeable layers otherwise separated by
2) Light Cable Percussion Boring; impermeable ones, thus confusing hydraulic
relationships and providing mixed-water
3) Mechanical Augers;
samples. If a lack of vertical hydraulic
4) Rotary Drilling, including use of continuity is suspected, casagrande-type
circulation fluids; piezometers may be considered. Standpipes
with restricted open areas (i.e. with the
5) Types of probing and penetration
annular space above and below the
response zone sealed with an impermeable
• Use of Geophysics; grout) may also be considered;
• Site restoration; • Whilst tests on individual boreholes will
• Sampling protocols (soil and groundwater); provide values of permeability, either depth-
related or bulk for the whole depth of the
• In-situ testing (including permeability tests borehole, the most comprehensive testing
and packer tests) regime for obtaining aquifer parameters over
• Field pumping tests; substantial parts of the site is through a
pumping test, the main components of which
• Laboratory testing; are:
• Reporting. 1) Installation of a pumping well from
Additional points to note in respect of investigations which groundwater can be
focussed on hydrogeological conditions are as abstracted at a constant rate,
follows: continuously for one - two weeks
• Trial pits offer a particularly useful
2) A means of measuring the discharge
opportunity to examine rock lithology in
from the pumping well and the taking
detail and in a relatively undisturbed state;
of water level measurements within it
aspects such as fracture spacing, degree of
in response to pumping;
weathering and infill can all be examined at
first hand, but the data are applicable to the 3) A means of conveying the pumped
first 3-4m only, this being the standard depth water away from the test site so that
of a trial pit; it does not re-circulate;
• In the context of the conditions that will 4) Installation of one or more
generally be found in Qatar, only rotary observation wells from which water
coring will allow lithological properties to be level measurements can be taken in
studied with the rock intact; response to pumping;

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Drainage Affairs

5) The taking of water level least 24 hours after completion of

measurements for at least seven drilling.
days before pumping begins in order
• Regarding water quality, a more detailed
to identify any background effects;
understanding of the hydrochemical
6) The taking of water level conditions may be required. In these cases,
measurements after pumping stops sampling protocols require rigorous
in order to obtain recovery data for attention. The following comments apply:
further analysis;
1) The need for wellhead (field)
7) The taking of water samples at determination of parameters such as
intervals to check for changes in temperature, pH, electrical
quality as the cone of depression in conductivity, dissolved oxygen and
the water table expands in response redox potential (Eh) should be
to pumping; considered, including use of a flow-
8) Analysis of the data using graphical
techniques or computer models but 2) Samples should be obtained in clean
in all cases using methods whose containers, preferably supplied by
inherent assumptions approximate to the laboratory responsible for the
the field conditions (e.g. for chemical analysis;
unconfined conditions).
3) Samples should be stored in a cool
• When planning pumping tests (or dewatering place away from sunlight, and should
schemes) in areas where there are adjacent be taken to the laboratory as soon as
properties it must be recognised that the possible, preferably on the day that
cone of depression may extend beyond the they are taken;
site boundaries, leading to the possibility of
4) The analytical suite should include
settlement beneath adjacent buildings.
all major anions and cations but at
Monitoring of settlement is mandatory under
least sodium, potassium, calcium,
such circumstances;
magnesium, sulphate, chloride,
• With respect to the taking of water levels carbonate/bicarbonate and nitrate,
under any circumstances, the following may so that an ionic balance can be
be noted: carried out as a check on the
accuracy of the analyses;
1) It may be most cost effective to
monitor groundwater levels 5) Other parameters may require
automatically using data-loggers that determination to suit the
can be either manually downloaded requirements of particular
or be configured to automatically investigations;
transmit the data to a designated
6) The laboratory should as far as
possible, be independently
2) Basic data should include the survey accredited for the testing carried out.
of the measuring benchmark (e.g.
the top of the borehole casing) to
QNHD so that the water levels can 3.3 Surveys
be plotted as absolute levels; Early collection of accurate survey data is crucial to
3) Groundwater levels in boreholes or the success of all design projects, but is frequently
piezometers should not be regarded also necessary during planning stages in order to
as representative of in-situ assess the viability of different options.
conditions unless they are taken at

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The nature of the work in hand will determine the 7) Paper copies should be at 1:100, 1:500,
type of survey work required. Almost all new 1:1250 or 1:2500. Other scales are not
pipeline installations will require at least some acceptable.
topographical work, but other types of survey are
8) Survey grid sizes should be carefully chosen
also frequently necessary.
to the suit the needs of the project. For a
This should be considered in the early stages of new treated urban area, a grid of spots at
project programming, so that appropriate contractors 5m x 5m may be sufficient.
with the necessary expertise can be sourced and 9) For laying of pipelines over long distance
mobilised. Some of the less common survey spot levels at 50m intervals should be
expertise may only be available outside Qatar and sufficient in flatter areas, reducing to 10m on
can take six or more months from first inquiry to inclines.
mobilisation to Qatar.
10) For a pipeline route, the width of study
corridor surveyed may be as much as 50m
3.3.1 Types of Survey wide to each alternative route at planning
stage. This may reduce to 10m wide where a
Types of survey required may include: final route has been chosen and levels are
Conventional Topographic Using Total Station or required for detailed design. It is important to
Manual Instruments give sufficient coverage at planning stage,
as the results of other surveys (such as
Conventional topographic surveys will be geotechnical) will frequently have an impact
appropriate for most smaller scale projects and the on choice of route, resulting in the need for
designer should consider carefully the information changes and more survey information at
requirements for the success of the project. later stages.

It is not appropriate to write a general specification For pipelines laid by trenchless techniques
covering all projects because they all differ. the only points of real interest are at the
beginning and end points. If ground levels
However, the general guidelines below should be do not vary significantly in between, they are
followed. of no interest. The location of topographical
features may, however, be important in
1) All levels should be reported in metres relation to other considerations, such as
above QND. property boundaries and legal notices.
2) For most hard ground, levels in millimetres
All surveys should pick up relevant
can be rounded to 2 decimal places e.g.
topographical features in the vicinity of the
6.01m. If extreme accuracy is required, this
study area, such as ground types, manholes,
should be noted specifically. In open
kerblines, boundaries, fences and barriers,
unmade ground, levels to 1 decimal place
overhead cables, wadis, trees, buildings and
e.g. 6.1m will be sufficient.
all other obstructions.
3) For design purposes, proposed levels
should be quoted to three decimal places. The surveyor should be instructed to
maintain effective checking systems at all
4) Co-ordinates should always be tied in with stages of the production of the survey. The
QND. object should be to ensure accurate work
5) Survey data should be provided in digital and/or detect errors and omissions before
and hard copy. the issue of the final survey record. The
surveyor should record the locations and
6) Digital survey data should be presented in
value of all survey stations used during the
AutoCAD files at 1:1 scale

Aerial Photogrammetry

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Aerial Photogrammetry is commonly used for urbanised areas. The ultimate aim is to provide an
planning major developments in inaccessible areas. accurate estimate of the percentage impermeable
It may be of use for planning routes of long areas of all of the subcatchments in order to
transmission pipelines; however, its use is now determine more accurate times of concentration and
becoming superseded by satellite imagery. critical storm durations. Such surveys are generally
carried out during the process of information
Satellite Imagery collection and should be carried out by an
experienced engineer or technician. The procedure
Satellite Images have now been prepared for most
involves a systematic visual survey of the whole
developed parts of the world. Although originally
developed for military purposes, these can now be catchment on foot, marking up all of the paved areas
onto a topographical survey map of appropriate
obtained commercially. Again, they can be of use
scale. Ground types should be noted, and colour
during the planning stages of a project.
coded. It is not generally practical to measure
GPS Surveys accurately all of the contributing areas, but the areas
marked up on the survey drawing can be measured
GPS Surveys also use satellite information. in the office with the use of a planimeter
Handheld GPS units are very useful for quick
determination of co-ordinates in relation to the House Connection Surveys
National Grid, but collection of accurate data
House Connection Surveys may also be necessary
requires more sophisticated equipment. Current
mobile models, carried in backpacks should be for design of foul sewers to service existing
catchments. Again, there is no set procedure for
capable of providing co-ordinate and levels to sub-
this, but it involves a systematic investigation of all
metre accuracy. Quoted accuracy is typically ±
005m horizontal and ±0.01m vertical. These units the properties in the catchment to determine
whether they are already connected to the system,
provide an excellent method of obtaining data
or served by septic tank or other means. Data
quickly in remote locations.
should be reported on a proforma, the format of
Manhole Location (Confined Space) Surveys which will be determined by the DA in the PSA. This
form will be different for each project. An example
Manhole Location Surveys will be necessary when of such a form is included in Appendix 1. Each
compiling computer models of existing sewers and property will need to be visited, and information to
when tying new works into existing. These must be be determined will, as a minimum, include:
carried out by specialist contractors with appropriate
experience. The work involves entry into confined 1) Type of property and number of inhabitants.
spaces, and often requires traffic management.
2) Water and Electricity Department Numbers.
Survey contracts should be carried out in
accordance with the requirements of WRC/WSA 3) Co-ordinates, size, materials and level of
Model contract2, adapted for use in Qatar. septic tanks.
4) Terminal manhole information, co-ordinates,
Impermeable Area Surveys
cover level and depth.
Impermeable Area Surveys are sometimes
5) Connection pipe diameter, length and
necessary for the design of new drainage in existing
6) Buried utility locations.
2 The UK Water Industry Engineering and Buried Utilities Location
Operations Committee. 2003. Model Contract for
Manhole Location Surveys and The Production of The normal procedure for location of buried services
Record Maps. 2nd ed. Marlow, Buckinghamshire: should initially follow the guidelines laid out in
Water Research Centre (WRc) Publications. Section 2.3. It is conceivable that information
received by this method may need to be
supplemented by site surveys. These will normally

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include a variety of methods, such as trial pits to pre-condition survey, and monitoring of any existing
confirm locations, use of probes to confirm pipe cracks during construction.
routes between manholes, ground radar to locate all
non-metallic pipes, and pipe tracing using hand held
electrolocation detectors (not suitable for plastic 3.4 Operating Data
Operating data is available or can be
CCTV Surveys measured/obtained for the existing DA facilities as
outlined in the following sub-sections.
CCTV Surveys are necessary for assessing the
condition of existing sewers. Work should be carried
out in accordance with the WRC Model Contract3, 3.4.1 Pumping Stations
and results reported according to the WRC Manual4.
Fixed Data
Flow Surveys
• Pump type/manufacturer;
Flow Surveys are sometimes necessary for
• Pump numbers and configuration;
confirmation of sewer flows for the purpose of sewer
modelling and design. They should be carried out in • Pump duty/operating arrangements;
accordance with the Model Contract for Short Term • Wet-well capacity;
Flow Surveysi.
• Pump on/off/alarm levels;
Again, this could be adapted for conditions in Qatar
• Rising main diameter, length and material;
and careful consideration given to timing in relation
to local weather patterns. • MCC manufacturer;

Bathymetric and Drogue Surveys • Pump control sensors;

• Flow measurement facilities;
Bathymetric and Drogue Surveys (current
monitoring) will be necessary for the design of • Inflow screening equipment;
coastal outfalls. Also specialist in nature, the survey
• Surge protection measures;
requirements will be dependent upon the modelling
software to be used. • SCADA/Telemetry facilities.

Structural Condition Surveys

Structural Surveys should be recommended for Variable Data

existing structures adjacent to tunnelling or other
• Levels in wet well (e.g. low, high water and
deep excavations. These will generally include a
alarm levels);
• Pump running details (hours run and start
stop times);
3 Water Research Centre (WRc). 1990. Model
• Flow meter records.
Contract for Non Man-Entry Sewer Inspection. 3rd
ed. Marlow, Buckinghamshire: Water Research Test data
Centre (WRc) Publications.
• Actual pump flow Q and head losses H in
rising main (i.e. actual H/Q diagram);

4 Water Research Centre (WRc). 1993. Manual of • Pump efficiency, energy use and other
Sewer Classification. 3rd ed. Marlow, relevant performance data.
Buckinghamshire: Water Research Centre (WRc) • Data from drop tests

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3.4.2 Sewage Treatment • Physical inspection: man entry for manholes

and CCTV of pipelines to check for
Fixed Data blockages, pipe damage, and other aspects
that might affect the flow characteristics of
Sewage treatment plants contain extensive
the system;
electromechanical, civil and instrumentation
facilities. As required for a project, these can be • Measurement of rainfall, especially if it can
surveyed and reported on so as to define the actual be combined with flow logging, provides very
details of the plant. useful information;

Variable Data • Groundwater monitoring can also be

Numerous data can be recorded at a sewage
The data listed in the above sub-sections can be
treatment plant such as:
obtained by various means.
• Operating levels in tanks, chambers etc.;
• Existing data record by the DA. The
• Operating details of electromechanical Department’s central SCADA control is
equipment; continually expanding its capability and
• Flows through the various elements of the extensive information on sewerage network
plant. pumping facilities is available;

Test Data • The DA can award specific data collection

• Extensive testing can be done on the
• Data collection requirements can be
sewage, effluent, and sludge at the various
incorporated into design PSAs.
stages in the process to determine the
physical, chemical and biological properties;
• Other data arising from the operation of the 3.5 Asset Condition
plant such as odour and noise; Asset condition can be determined by two methods:
• Testing of electromechanical plant to
• Review of existing reports and studies;
determine actual operating performance
characteristics can also be undertaken. • Actual surveys of the assets.
The process of undertaking surveys is described in
3.4.3 Sewerage Section 3.3 of this volume. Where existing reports
and studies exist, these can be obtained from the
Operating data for sewerage networks would be DA.
limited to:

• Flow logging;
3.6 Meteorology
• Physical inspection: man entry for manholes
and CCTV of pipelines to check for
blockages, pipe damage, and other aspects 3.6.1 Introduction
that might affect the flow characteristics of Section 3.6 provides an overview of the climate and
the system. meteorological conditions in Qatar. It includes
sufficient information for Designers to gauge the
3.4.4 Surface Water/Hydrology degree of weather severity in the State in relation to
sewerage and drainage design, and provides
Operating data for drainage networks would be maximum values for design purposes.
limited to:

• Flow logging;

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3.6.2 Climate Overview The following sections outline key climatic features
of Qatar and provide an analysis of existing data. It
This overview of the climate in Qatar has been should be noted that climate characteristics are
developed from a number of sources including the determined from a single climate station located in
‘Long Term Climate Report – 2000’ (LTCR)ii, Doha, with available and sufficient data. Therefore,
together with information from relevant journal the DA deems that it is reasonable to make the
articles detailing specifics of Qatar’s climateiii. The assumption that the climatic data collected in Doha
LTCR is based on data recorded at Doha is representative of the entire State of Qatar.
International Airport (Latitude 25 15’N and Longitude
51 34’E) between 1962 and 2000.
3.6.3 Rainfall
The State of Qatar occupies a peninsula situated on
the eastern coast of the Arabian Gulf, covering an An important climatic feature for sewerage and
area of 11 437km2. Qatar also comprises a number drainage design is rainfall. The average annual
of offshore islands. The topography of mainland rainfall in Qatar is low at around 82.8mmiii. Rain
Qatar is generally flat and low-lying except for a mainly falls during the months of December to April,
slight rise in the Dukhan area in the west. Almost with February and March accounting for almost half
the whole area of the State of Qatar is a desert, with of the annual total. In comparison, rain in Qatar is
very similar climatic conditions throughout the Arab commonly absent in the summer months between
State. The climatic regime of the area is classed as June to September. Thunderstorms occur mainly in
arid. Essentially, this means that the potential water March and April.
loss by evaporation and transpiration exceeds the
In line with other arid regions of the world, inter-
amount of water supplied by precipitationiii.
annual variations in rainfall are very large in Qatar.
The climate throughout the year in Qatar is closely The highest annual total on record is 302.8mm in
related to climatic conditions in other Gulf States 1964. Over half of this fell in December to give the
such as Bahrain, Kuwait and Sharjah in the United highest ever recorded monthly total. However, in
Arab Emirates (UAE). The climate is typically 1962, the annual rainfall was just 0.4mm, the lowest
represented by high humidity throughout the year on record. This effectively classifies Qatar as lying in
except when hot, dry winds blow from the mainland. an ‘extremely arid area’ which, according to one
Annual rainfall is very low and falls mainly between definition, is an area where precipitation totally lacks
the months of December and April. any rhythm and remains at zero for at least twelve
consecutive monthsiii.
The weather in Qatar over the summer months is
dominated by semi-permanent heat low-lying over Average and extreme rainfall values in Qatar are
the Arabian Gulf. Cloud formation is inhibited by the summarised in Table 3.6.1, below.
sub-tropical anticyclonic cell situated above the low
pressure areas on the surface. Temperatures Table 3.6.1 –Summary of Qatar Rainfall
between June and September are extremely hot, Characteristics (1962-2000)
with maximum temperatures reaching close to 500C. Rainfall Characteristics Value (mm)
Rainfall in the summer months is very infrequent
and, when it occurs, in very low quantities Annual Average 83

For the rest of the year, the weather is greatly Highest Annual Rainfall 302.8
influenced by the mid-latitude frontal systems. Lowest Annual Rainfall 0.4
These systems mostly originate over the
Mediterranean Sea and can give rise to
precipitation, sometimes in the form of At the time of compilation of this Manual, 39 years of
thunderstorms. comprehensive rainfall data from 1962-2000 was
available from a single rain gauge at Doha
The peninsula of Qatar is also subject to a land-sea
International Airport. The rain gauge is operated by
breeze effect, caused by the quick radiation cooling
the Department of Civil Aviation and Meteorology, of
of the land as compared to the sea during the night.

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the Ministry of Communication and Transport, and Note: Tr- indicates a trace amount of rainfall. Source:
provides the largest record in Qatar. LTCR, (2000).

The Department of Civil Aviation and Meteorology Table 3.6.3, summarises statistical parameters for
processes the daily rainfall data from this rain gauge existing rainfall data, including mean, maximum and
and produces climate reports which contain a minimum values for annual rainfall, maximum rainfall
summary of annual rainfall depth, maximum rainfall in 24-hours and number of rainfall days for the 39-
in 24-hours and the number of rainfall days in a year record.
A comparison of maximum and minimum values in
Table 3.6.2, below, provides a comparison of the Table 3.6.4 indicates a large variation in rainfall. In
average and peak monthly rainfall values over the addition, the coefficient of variation for rainfall depth,
period of 1962-2000. Peak monthly rainfall is which is defined as the ratio of the standard
defined as the highest rainfall value recorded for deviation and the mean, was found to be 0.85. This
each respective month over the entire rainfall data value is high in comparison to well-watered regions
period. where coefficients are as low as 0.1iii.

The monthly maximum rainfall in 24-hours and the From 1978, a second climatological station was
mean number of rainfall days over the 39-year installed at the Doha Port, approximately 4km from
record are provided in Table 3.6.2 below. the station at Doha International Airport. Table 3.6.5
outlines the variation in rainfall characteristics in
Qatar through a comparison of data at Doha Port
Station and Doha International Stationvii. The
correlation of the annual rainfall depth and the
number of rainfall days is high as compared to the
maximum rainfall in 24-hours.

Table 3.6.3 - Maximum Rainfall in 24 Hours and

Table 3.6.2 - Average and peak monthly rainfall Mean Number of Days with Rainfall 1mm or
in Qatar taken at Doha Airport (1962-2000) More. (1962-2000), taken at Doha Airport
Average Monthly Peak Monthly Maximum Rainfall Mean No. of
Rainfall (mm) Rainfall (mm) in 24hrs & Days with
Year of Rainfall 1mm or
Jan 13.9 101.8 Occurrence More
Feb 17.5 130.5 Jan 58.0 1969 1.8
Mar 21.4 141.6 Feb 44.6 1993 2.0
Apr 7.4 68.1 Mar 58.2 1995 2.2
May 3.1 106.4 Apr 34.4 1976 1.3
Jun 0.0 0.0 May 64 1963 0.2
July 0.0 Tr Jun 0.0 - 0.0
Aug 0.0 0.7 July 0.0 - 0.0
Sep 0.0 Tr Aug 0.7 1983 0.0
Oct 1.1 17.3 Sep 0.0 - 0.0
Nov 5.6 110.5 Oct 17.3 1977 0.1
Dec 12.8 115.4 Nov 45 1976 0.5
Dec 80.1 1964 1.3

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Table 3.6.4 - Summary of Statistical Parameters for Rainfall Data (1962-2000) taken at Doha Airport
Maximum Minimum Standard Coefficient of
Variable Mean
& Year & Year Deviation Variation
Total Annual Rainfall (mm) 82.8 302.8 1964 0.4 1962 70.0 0.85

Maximum Rainfall in 24 hrs (mm) 26.4 80.1 1964 0.2 1962 18.6 0.70

No of Rainfall Days per year in excess of 1mm 9.4 22 1964 0 1962 5.8 0.62

Table 3.6.5 - Variation of Rainfall Characteristics in Qatar- Doha Port and Doha International Airport
(for Data between 1979-1989)
Annual Rainfall Depth Max Rainfall in 24 hrs No. of Rainfall Days
Year (mm) (mm) >1mm


1979 101.9 107.4 48.8 34.3 7 9

1980 50.8 71.4 20.2 25.1 10 15

1981 33.8 31.1 12.7 12.1 6 6

1982 167.3 130.3 40.1 44.6 20 17

1983 68.1 59.8 17.5 24.1 8 8

1984 40.9 45.9 16.2 13.1 4 5

1985 9.7 11.4 3.8 8.6 3 2

1986 78.0 72.2 17.1 17.9 12 12

1987 61.3 65.9 28.0 37.5 4 2

1988 152.8 170.1 41.3 39.8 12 14

1989 69.7 129.7 34.9 104.0 11 11

Mean 75.85 81.38 25.51 32.83 8.82 9.18

Correlation 0.880 0.591 0.908

Note: D.I.A =Doha International Airport Station; D.P= Doha Port Station.
Source: Bazaraa & Ahmed (1991) and LTCR (2000).

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3.6.4 Other Climatological Wind characteristics recorded at Doha International

Airport during the period 1974-2000 are summarised
in Table 3.6.6.
A summary of other key climate characteristics in
Qatar is provided in Tables 3.6.6–3.6.8. The Relative Humidity
following sections provide an overview of some of
Typically, the months of May and June have the
these characteristics, including surface air
lowest relative humidity with an average value of
temperature, wind speed and direction, and relative
43%, but mostly within the range of 40-50%. In
humidity. Climate data was collated from only one
comparison, the humidity gradually increases
station (Doha International Airport), as there is
towards the winter months to about 70% in the
insufficient climate data elsewhere in Qatar.
months of December- February.
Therefore, in the absence of data to indicate
otherwise, it is recommended that the climate details In addition to the variables examined, Table 3.6.7
presented in this Manual are used for all other and Table 3.6.8, below, provide peak and average
locations in the State of Qatar, unless site specific monthly values for Atmospheric Pressure and
data becomes available (for example, through a Vapour Pressure, Fog Days, Sunshine Hours,
dedicated monitoring programme of specific climate Global Solar Radiation and Evaporation (Pan).

3.6.5 Wind Speed and Direction

Surface Air Temperature

As mentioned in previous sections, the climate in

Qatar consists of extremely hot and humid summers
and mild winters. The summer months are from
June to September, whilst the winter months run
from December to February.

The maximum surface temperature ever reached in

Qatar was recorded on 9 July 2000 at 49.60C, whilst
the minimum was 3.80C, recorded on 21 January,

In general, the highest temperatures occur in the

mid-summer month of July, with a mean monthly
temperature of 34.90C.

As summarised in the LTCR (2000)ii, the surface

wind flow over Qatar is influenced by different
pressure systems. In winter and transition months,
the mid-latitude frontal systems dominate the wind
regime, whereas in summer months the wind regime
is primarily influenced by thermal lows over the
Indian subcontinent and Sudan (extending to Saudi
Arabia and Qatar). Concurrently, the direction and
speed of surface winds in Qatar is also influenced
by the Zagros Mountains of Iran, and the highlands
of the Arabian Peninsula.

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Table 3.6.6 - Summary of Wind Characteristics in Qatar

Wind Characteristic Units Value

Predominant wind direction - Northwest

Highest wind speed (10 min duration) Knots 40
Highest wind speed (1 Hr duration) Knots 36
Highest wind speed reported (gust) Knots 54 (achieved March 1995)
Mean wind speed from December to January Knots 8.9-9.3
Mean wind speed from February to May Knots 7.8-8.2

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Table 3.6.7 - Summary of Climatological Characteristics in Qatar

Air Temperature ( C) Fog Pressure Relative Humidity (%)
Pressure (hPa)
No of Days
Peak Average MSL Average Average Peak Average
with visibility
Monthly Monthly Monthly Monthly Monthly Monthly
<1000 m
Jan 21.9 17.2 3.4 1019.1 14.0 88 71
Feb 23.1 18.1 2.6 1017.1 14.4 87 70
March 26.7 21.2 1.0 1014.3 15.5 84 63
April 32.1 25.9 0.3 1010.9 17.2 75 53
May 38.3 31.2 0.4 1006.7 19.1 66 43
Jun 41.3 34 0.6 1000.6 21.4 67 43
Jul 41.6 34.9 0.7 997.6 26.2 73 49
Aug 40.8 34.5 0.6 999.5 29.9 78 56
Sep 38.7 32.4 1.6 1005.4 29.4 83 62
Oct 35.2 29.1 2.2 1012.2 25.0 83 63
Nov 29.5 24.3 1.4 1016.7 20.0 84 66
Dec 24.3 19.4 3.1 1019.0 16.3 88 71
Yrs. of 39 39 39 27 27 27 27
Years 1962-2000 1962-2000 1962-2000 1974-2000 1974-2000 1974-2000 1974-2000

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Table 3.6.8 - Summary of Climatological Characteristics in Qatar

Global Solar
Sunshine Evaporation Pan
Wind Radiation
Hours (mm/day)
Speed (Kt) Direction
Average Average Peak Average Peak Average
based on (degrees) based
Speed (kt) Daily Daily Daily Monthly Daily
10 mins on 10 mins
Jan 8.2 28 330 7.9 502.4 374.9 11.56 3.91
Feb 8.9 30 350 8.2 663.1 436.6 11.17 5.00
March 9.3 40 340 7.9 757.8 489.3 14.87 6.69
April 8.9 33 360 9.2 781.9 569.9 20.25 9.73
May 9.3 38 340 10.6 777.1 620.4 28.50 13.42
Jun 10 38 330 11.6 799.5 646.3 30.60 15.60
Jul 8.4 30 340 10.6 802.7 605.1 27.79 13.61
Aug 8.1 33 330 10.7 718.2 584.7 32.02 11.80
Sep 6.7 30 350 10.2 697.6 545.8 21.20 9.44
Oct 6.9 30 350 9.9 673.2 481.7 18.78 7.64
Nov 7.6 40 350 9.1 560.6 414.9 14.40 5.51
Dec 7.8 28 350 7.9 455.2 349.8 10.58 3.83
Yrs. of 27 26 26 26 18 18 25 25
Years 1974-2000 1975-2000 1975-2000 1795-2000 1976- 1976-1993 1976-2000 1976-2000
Source: LTCR, (2000).

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3.7 Environmental 3.7.3 EIA Investigations

Investigations A EIA might include the following types of

3.7.1 Introduction Walk Over Surveys

This section provides general guidance on the These are a qualitative overview of the site,
various types of environmental investigations surrounds, and potential issues meriting more
required for sewerage and drainage projects. detailed investigation.

These surveys should provide general baseline

3.7.2 Strategic Environmental information and allow the assessor to have a
Assessment (SEA) general appreciation of the site and surrounding
area. From this survey, the most significant impacts
The following items require environmental may be defined. Impact interactions, secondary
investigation during the planning process: impacts and cumulative effects would also be
• The current and evolving features of the identified through this procedure.
State of Qatar National Physical Ecological (Flora and Fauna) Surveys
Development Plan;
An initial ecological site survey should provide a
• Associated population growth trends,
description of the baseline environment in terms of
expectations and projections for various time
habitats and species present. This would identify the
potential need for further surveys to be conducted
• Land use plans associated with national and should the presence of statutorily protected species
local physical development plans; or habitat be identified. Ecological Surveys should
• National conservation areas and the be conducted by an appropriately qualified ecologist.
identification of protected ecological areas; Baseline Noise Levels and Predictions
• Internal investigations should be made
The site survey should provide baseline information
relating to DA Environmental Policy – e.g.
on ambient noise levels in order to ensure
final effluent standard targets may be more
compliance with Qatari Environmental Regulations.
onerous than those applicable under
SCENR Environmental Protection Following the survey, the data should be
Standards ; vi
manipulated and run through various models to
• DA Environmental Management Plan determine projected noise levels during both
(ISO14001) – e.g. has an environmental construction and operation following the
audit been undertaken across the sewerage development of the works.
and drainage sector, or a particular works,
Baseline Odour Level and Predictions
and what were the findings?;
• DA Monitoring Programme – laboratory Guidance on investigations required for odour
quality accreditation, sampling location, assessment is included in Volume 5, Section 1.5.
frequency, criteria analysed, results,
Baseline Air Quality and Predictions
database storage, equipment used, staff
training for monitoring, response to The site survey should provide baseline information
unacceptable data, as well as any other on ambient air quality levels in order to ensure
outstanding issues. compliance with Qatari Environmental Regulations.

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Incoming Effluent Quantity and Quality Sampling

Specific requirements and suggested methodologies

are detailed in Volume 5, section 1.15.

Existing Wastewater Quantity and Quality


Specific requirements and suggested methodologies

are detailed in Volume 5, section 1.15.

The breadth and depth of detail required for these

investigations should be agreed in advance with the
DA, and in consultation with SCENR. Typical
outline investigation methods and data collection
requirements are included for certain types of
activities in Volume 3, Section 3.2, Volume 4,
Section 1.5, and Volume 5, Section 1.5).

Water quality, noise and odour surveys are

particularly important for the EIA process. More
detailed guidance on water quality and odour
surveys are presented in Volume 1, Section 3.4, and
Volume 5, Section 1.5, respectively.

The surveys and their subsequent assessments aim

to ensure that both existing and future potential
receptors will not be significantly adversely impacted
as a result of any construction works or operation.
Results from the surveys should be tested against
pre-determined criteria defined and agreed through
consultation with SCENR.

Existing and future potential receptors include

operations and maintenance staff, nearby residential
properties and inhabitants of any future proposed
housing in the vicinity. All parameters should be
tested for compliance to the relevant Qatari
Environmental Standards. If the case arises where
it is deemed that there would be a significant
adverse impact, appropriate mitigation measures
should be assessed in order to reduce or eliminate
the potential adverse effect.

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within the roundabout prevent this, the services

4 Design Process should be located within the road close to service
reservations, but the number of direction changes
should be minimised.
4.1 Background Information
Split Level Interchanges

4.1.1 Existing Services and Underpasses effectively provide a barrier to services

Utilities therefore they must be diverted. Such diversions
must be undertaken even when such schemes are
On commencement of a design project, the parties only at master planning stage and the consultant is
listed in the Foreword, Section ii, of this Volume. to liase with the Roads Affairs to ensure sufficient
should be contacted to request any service provision is made.
information relevant to the design project. These
requests are hereafter referred to as design Major Junctions
enquires. All requests must be accompanied by a
These will usually be signalised, with road layouts to
letter of authorisation from the DA, indicating
suit the necessary turning and holding lanes.
consent for the consultant to collect information on
Provision must be made within the drainage design
the behalf of the DA. Example letters are included in
works for the specific layout and this is to be done in
Appendix 7.
co-ordination with, and to the approval of, the Roads
When information is not forthcoming, the consultant Affairs.
is to pursue this matter with the concerned authority
Non-perpendicular Junctions
and notify the DA. In the event that receipt of
information is unduly delayed or not received, the In order to avoid changes in direction of flow
consultant must advise the DA of any delays to the exceeding 90o pipes may have to locate outside of
project or design assumptions made in it’s absence. the designated corridors. In this event, permission
must be obtained from any service authority
4.1.2 Services Hierarchy
Existing Services
Service reservations are shown on standard Drg.
No. SR 1 and SR 2 in Vol. 8 of this manual. Service Existing services may not be within the designated
reservation corridor widths of 16, 20, 24, 32, 40 and corridors, resulting in a change to standard
64m are possible, and consistent with the Qatar hierarchy. In this event, the changes are to be
Highway Design Manual, with the exception of the carried out in co-ordination with the authorities
surface water reservations, which are not shown. concerned, and with their full approval.
Service reservations for surface water are not
included in the Qatar Highway Design Manual.
Consultants must therefore consult with DA on each 4.1.3 Site Investigations
project to confirm surface water corridors.
Investigations of the types detailed in section 3 will
The standard service corridor sections are not be undertaken as per the specific requirements of
applicable at junctions and interchanges. In such the project brief. The scope of the investigation must
cases, the general guidelines listed in the following be finalised by the consultant and approved by the
sub-sections are to be followed. DA prior to work commencing.

Roundabouts In determining the scope of the investigations, the

consultant is to formally ask the DA for any reports
Drainage works should extend into the roundabout from previous investigations to avoid any
with the intersection point in-line with the corridors unnecessary works. The consultant is to also
on either side, as there is usually sufficient space prepare a schedule of other organisations that may
within the roundabout to accommodate the have carried out relevant investigations and make
necessary manholes and chambers. If obstacles appropriate requests on behalf of the DA and update

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Drainage Affairs

the schedule to show responses received. The DA • 19 – Roadworks

are to be advised of updates to the schedule.
• 20 - Drainage
A statement from the consultant confirming that all The QNBS has been the subject of numerous
enquires have been undertaken and due cognisance variations and these are to be included in tender
taken of previous investigations is required when the documentation. The tender document is also to
proposal for the scope of the investigations is contain a further specification (Clause 21) that will
proposed. contain any project-specific clauses and variations
required to the QNBS for the particular project.

4.1.4 GIS / AIS The Qatar Construction Specification (QCS) is a

more recent document in use by other departments,
The DA has it’s own GIS section that handles the
but it is still undergoing revision with supplementary
input and abstraction of information that relates to
clauses for DA projects. Until such time as these are
the DA’s assets. This is linked to the Ministry’s main
complete, it should not be used on DA projects.
Centre for GIS (cGIS). Requests can be made
through the CSD for information on DA existing and
proposed assets. Information on plot boundaries,
roads layout, and any other information on the cGIS
4.2 Ground Conditions
network can also be reproduced. It is, however, the An understanding of the geology is fundamental to
consultants’ responsibility to confirm the accuracy of interpretation of hydrogeological conditions. This
such data. Section presents a review of the geological
conditions that characterise the State of Qatar,
Design information produced by the consultant is to
followed by a description of the hydrogeology. In
be in a format that is compatible with the GIS.
both aspects there is a focus on the upper parts of
Adherence to Vol. 7 - CAD Manual, will ensure this.
the sequence because it is the shallower zone that
is most relevant to drainage projects.
4.1.5 QNBS/QCS The general objective of this section is to provide a
The basic specification for DA works is the Qatar guide to the general conditions that are likely to be
National Building Specification (QNBS) published by encountered. However because of variability, there
the Ministry of Public Works. This is comprised of is always a need for site-specific information and the
the following sections: review presented here is intended as a basis for the
additional investigations described in section 3.2.
• 1 – General
• 2 – Demolitions and Alterations
4.2.1 Topography & Regional
• 3 – Excavations and Earthworks Geology
• 5 – Concrete Work Qatar is a peninsula of low-moderate relief, the
• 6 – Blockwork highest elevation being 103mQND in the south.
There is a gentle slope towards the sea from inland
• 7 – Roofing areas.
• 8 – Carpentry, Joinery and Ironmongery
A significant landscape feature is the series of
• 9 – Structural Steelwork shallow depressions that are caused by dissolution
• 10 – Miscellaneous Metalwork of gypsiferous and calcareous strata at depth,
resulting in collapse at the surface. Some 850 such
• 14 – Finishes features have been identified, ranging in size from a
• 15 – Glazing few hundred metres to 3km in diameter. The
resulting occurrence of low-lying areas is of
• 16 – Painting and Decorating particular significance in drainage projects.

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The regional geological sequence is summarised in

Table 4.2.1 below.

The modern-day topography and surface geology

was created largely as a result of post-Eocene
tectonic and geomorphic activity. Following
deposition of the Dammam Formation, widespread
emergence of the landmass from the sea occurred,
accompanied by considerable erosion.
Submergence and the re-establishment of marine
conditions then occurred again, leading to
deposition of the Dam Formation. The Qatar
peninsula finally emerged at the end of the Miocene
at which time the Hofuf gravels were laid down. In
the Quaternary period beach deposits accumulated
and with the onset of arid conditions, dunes and
sabkha deposits formed.

At the present time, some 80% of the land surface of

the Qatar peninsular is formed by the Dammam
Formation. The geology of the Dammam Formation
is described in more detail later in this chapter.

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Table 4.2.1 - Regional Geological Succession of Qatar

Formation Thickness
Age Formation Description
Name Range (m)

Pleistocene- Made Ground (including reclaimed land), residual soils, dunes,

Holocene beach deposits and sabkha.

Hofuf 0-10 Residual gravels


Dam 0-30 Marls, chalk and limestone

Dammam 0-75 Chalky and dolomitic limestones, marls and shales


Rus 10-120 Chalky limestone, anhydrite, marls and shale

Umm er Limestone and dolomites with siliceous and marly zones;

Palaeocene 270-370
Rhaduma basal shales

Aruma Dolomites and shales

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Certain structural features are apparent that have fissured. The Rus is reported to be a chalky,
had a strong influence on the depositional dolomitic limestone.
environments that created the Rus sequence. The
sedimentary rock sequence beneath Qatar has been The weathering of fractures to produce fissures is a
subject to folding, with the present peninsular particularly important feature in hydrogeological
located in a zone that has been active since early terms
Tertiary times. North - South trending anticlinal
(positive) and synclinal (negative) structural areas
can be recognised, with clayey, gypsiferous
(sulphate-rich), sediments deposited in the deeper
marine environments created by the negative areas,
and calcareous dolomitic limestones deposited in
the warmer, shallower, positive structural areas.

As a consequence, calcareous, shallow depositional

rocks characterise the Rus sequence in the northern
and western parts of Qatar and gypsiferous rocks
characterise most of the remainder. This distribution
is more applicable in the upper parts of the Rus
formation than in the lower.

4.2.2 Geology of the Dammam

The geology of the Dammam Formation and the
upper parts of the Rus are summarised in Table
4.2.2 overleaf.

The strata descriptions are summarised from

published reports and from an examination of
borehole logs compiled on an ad-hoc basis by the
DA. It may be noted that consideration is being
given to systematic compilation of such information
on a geological database.

The main features of significance are as follows.

The upper 10–15m of the Dammam Formation, the
Simsima Limestone, is often weathered and altered,
especially where the limestone is fractured and
these are opened up to fissures by solution
processes. Some of the fissures are infilled with
secondary products such as silt, clay, and gypsum.
It may be noted that there are places where the
upper part of the limestone is not fissured and is
more massive. Below 15m the fractures are more
closely spaced and free of weathering.

The lithology of the deeper layers is less well-

recorded in detail. The Midra Shale is reported to
consist of a series of laminated shaley horizons
separated by silty sand. The shales are not
necessarily persistent laterally and the unit may be

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Table 4.2.2 - Geology of the Dammam and Upper Rus Formations (characteristic of the Greater Doha area)
Formation Member Thickness Lithological Description
Recent Residual soils from weathering of the Simsima Limestone below, in
Deposits the form of sand and gravel.
White or cream coloured microcrystalline or chalky and dolomitic
Upper Simsima limestone with secondary siltstone or gypsum in cavities. Fissured
Dammam Limestone and weathered to a variable extent to10-15m depth from the surface,
becoming fresher with more closely space fracturing at depth.
White, compact, fossiliferous chalky limestone that marks the
Lower Alveolina
0-1 boundary between the Upper and Lower Dammam. Not present in
Dammam Limestone
northern Qatar.
Lower Midra Brown, weak, shale interbedded with silty sandstone.
Dammam Shale
Rus (>10) Interbedded cream and light brown chalky and dolomitic limestone

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4.2.3 Hydrogeology Rises of 1-2 metres for the period 1983-1991 are
fairly typical.
The principal components of the hydrogeological
system are as follows: In Doha there is a general gradient on the water
table in the Simsima Limestone towards the coast
• The Simsima Limestone is characterised by and again, in general, the closer a location is to the
unconfined (water-table) groundwater coast the shallower the depth to water table is likely
conditions, with groundwater stored and to be. The water table is typically less than 2.5m
transmitted via fissures that are especially depth within 3km of the West Bay Lagoon area and
prevalent in the upper 10–15m; typically 2.5 – 5m outside of it. However there are
• The Midra Shale is characterised by low many local exceptions to this general pattern,
permeability and is an aquiclude; particularly in low lying areas such as Abu Hamour
where standing water persists into the dry season.
• The Rus (and the upper parts of the
underlying Umm er Rhaduma) combine to It may be noted that where the natural groundwater
form a significant aquifer over many parts of condition is high, either district-wide drainage
Qatar. schemes will need to be installed to achieve the
desired level of at least 4mbgl or, bespoke designs
The Rus and Umm er Rhaduma formations owe
will be required to dewater the area around
their aquifer designations to enhanced permeability
individual building structures. This is particularly
produced by dissolution. Recharge to the Rus
applicable to coastal areas where groundwater
occurs from infiltrating rainfall in central Qatar, as
levels are generally the shallowest.
evidenced by the presence of a recharge mound,
and groundwater flow is then seawards. As a result, Seasonal variation in groundwater levels is
a freshwater lens has formed that is important over significant. It is reported that over most of greater
large areas of Qatar in water resources terms. Doha a range of 1-1.5m may be observed as a
seasonal effect, reducing to 0.5-0.6m near the
In the context of drainage issues, the most
coast. In low-lying areas, the rise may take
significant attribute of the Rus is that dissolution of
groundwater levels above ground level.
the anhydrite (gypsum) by groundwater movement
within it, has led to collapse of the formations above, Because of the nature of the permeability in the
producing depressions at the ground surface. Simsima Limestone as secondary due to fissuring, it
is unevenly distributed throughout the formation.
The permeability within the Dammam Formation is
Apart from generally decreasing with depth as
similarly attributable to dissolution effects, especially
overburden pressure closes up the fractures and the
by infiltrating rainfall and resulting groundwater flow.
solution action of water is less prevalent, it also
In the greater Doha area, natural recharge has been
varies spatially. Thus fissured zones in which bulk
significantly enhanced from sources such as garden
permeability may reach 10-4m/s are interspersed
watering, soakaway drainage systems, and leakage
with zones where it may be 3-4 orders of magnitude
from water mains. Increased runoff as the extent of
paved areas grows, encourages storm water to
pond in the low-lying areas created by collapse of Both groundwater levels and variations in
the Rus, enhancing recharge and standing water at permeability have a significant effect on the ability of
those locations. chamber-type soakaways to function.
The artificially enhanced recharge has resulted in a The porosity of the limestone is relatively low and
general rise in groundwater levels in the greater consequently, so is the specific yield (a
Doha area as it has in many other Arabian Gulf dimensionless aquifer parameter) for an unconfined
cities. A network of observation boreholes has aquifer, estimated in one area to be 0.02.
shown a net but variable rise in water table levels in
many areas since 1983. In areas where a sewerage Groundwater quality is an issue because of potential
network has been installed, levels have fallen again. effects on construction materials. Infiltrating waters
are under-saturated with respect to the minerals in

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the rock fabric and the recharge-through flow • Groundwater generally has a high
process causes these minerals to be taken into conductivity but recently recharged waters
solution. Using Electrical Conductivity (EC) as a are under-saturated with respect to sulphate
guide to total dissolved solids, background levels of and carbonate minerals;
10,000-20,000µohms may be expected in
• The groundwater conditions described
groundwater but a study in 1983 showed that in
herein are only a general guide to the
many parts of central Doha, the levels were 3000-
hydrogeological conditions that may
6000µohms due to dilution by urban leakage.
characterise individual areas and site-
Highest levels may be found in the coastal areas
specific investigations are always required
reclaimed from the sea.
as the basis for appropriate drainage design.

4.2.4 Summary of Relevant 4.3 Construction Materials

As pipeline material on foul sewerage, surface
A summary of the main conditions relevant to water, groundwater control and treated sewage
drainage design is as follows: effluent (irrigation water) contracts can constitutes
around 15% of the capital costs of a projects in
• Most of the country is directly underlain by
Qatar, it is essential that suitable materials are
the Simsima Limestone member of the
selected for the long term benefit of the Client. The
Dammam Formation which stores and
design principles adopted for a particular system
transmits groundwater via fissures that are
may reduce the number of options on material
opened up by solution;
selection either from cost or geological /
• Below the Simsima are the Midra Shales, an geographical standpoint.
aquiclude, and below that, a major aquifer,
the Rus Formation; Established international standards and guides such
as BS, ISO, ASTM, WIS, and WRC should be
• Dissolution of anhydrite in the Rus causes followed in the selection of and specification for
collapse in the strata above it and the Construction Materials. Ideally, the material product
occurrence of depressions in the should be covered by an established ISO 9000
topography; Quality control system and wherever possible a third
• In Doha, the water table in the Simsima is party quality assurance scheme e.g. BSI (see
shallowest near the coast and beneath QA/QC Section 4.3.3).
depressed areas. Superimposed on
seasonal variations due to recharge from
rainfall, is a general rise in water table levels
4.3.1 Materials Selection
due to urban leakage; General
• In several areas of low elevation, recharge In order to determine if a material is suitable for
events, coupled with shallow groundwater inclusion in foul, SW or TSE projects, several factors
levels may result in water table levels rising have to be considered. These include:
above ground level during and after rainfall;
• Suitability for intended purpose;
• The permeability of the shallow ground is
variable according to the incidence of • Availability of material locally and cost;
• Capital cost of selected material offset
• The variation in permeability and the against reduction or elimination of
elevation of the groundwater are critical maintenance costs;
factors in the ability of soakaways to function
• Capital cost of installation by trenchless
methods offset by reduction in disruption to
traffic etc.;

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• Quality of the medium being transported; is not exhaustive on labour and jointing costs. This
table is presented only a guide, as prices for
• Ground conditions (strata and groundwater);
materials and labour vary with prevailing economic
• Difficulties in handling, transporting and conditions. Table 4.3.1 also provides a brief
installing the material; summary of the materials acceptable for foul, SW
and TSE applications in Qatar.
• Environmental conditions within the network,
such as high temperature, poor ventilation Structural Behaviour & Classification of Pipes
high levels of corrosive products and
significant sand accumulation; A buried pipe and the soil surrounding it are
interactive structures. Pipes are generally classed
• Future use of land. into “rigid”, “semi-rigid”, or “flexible”, depending on
The selection of materials should strive to maximise the degree of this interaction.
all options available to provide the lowest total
Rigid pipes are those where, due to the nature of the
installed cost of the system without compromising
pipe material, only very small diametrical (ring)
the long-term performance.
deflections are possible before fracture occurs at a
The conveyance of sewage, combined with poor well defined limiting load. These deflections are too
ventilation and high temperatures creates anaerobic small to develop significant lateral passive pressure
conditions resulting in the creation of hydrogen in the pipe zone fill material (i.e. the soil surrounding
sulphide (H2S). This in turn will convert to sulphuric the pipe) due to external vertical loading. Thus all
acid, which is highly corrosive to cementitious and the external load is taken by the pipe itself and
ferrous materials (see also Volume 2 section 1.6). bending moments are induced in the pipe wall. The
Caution should be exercised in Industrial areas design of rigid pipes is based upon the concept of a
where dumping of neat waste into sewerage or maximum loading at which failure occurs.
drainage networks, in the absence of local
Some examples of rigid pipe are RC, VC and AC
legislation, may result in abnormally high
(Note that AC pipes are no longer acceptable in
concentrations of corrosive products in specific
locations of the network.
Semi-rigid pipes are capable of being distorted
sufficiently without failure to transmit a part of the
The DA preferences for materials used in SW, vertical load to the pipe zone fill material. This
sewerage and irrigation networks are included in the mobilises a measure of lateral passive support from
following sections of this manual: the surrounding soil, with the pipe wall continuing to
take the remainder of the load in bending.
• Foul Sewerage – Volume 2, Sections 1.7.1 Resistance to vertical loading is thus shared
and 2.5; between the pipe wall itself, and the lateral support
• Surface Water and Groundwater Control – from the pipe zone fill material. The proportions of
Volume 3, Section 1.1.3 and 2.5; this distribution depends upon the relative stiffness
of the pipe and the soil surround.
• Treated Sewage Effluent – Volume 4
Section 4.2.7. Some examples of semi-rigid pipe are ductile iron
(DI), and cylinder type pre-stressed concrete.
WRC Pipe Materials Selection Manualiv and EN
1295-1:1997v should be used as guidelines where Flexible pipes are capable of being distorted
appropriate. sufficiently without failure to transmit virtually all
vertical load to the surrounding pipe zone fill
The material for a pipeline must be selected to suit
material for lateral support; the proportion of the load
the liquid being conveyed and the installation
resisted by the pipe wall itself is very small. Flexible
conditions. Table 4.3.1 highlights the suitability of
pipes are designed on the basis of maximum
each type of material for various systems together
acceptable deflection (or strain induced in the pipe
with Client’s preference, manufacturing base, and a
wall), and resistance to buckling under load.
guide to the relative cost of each material. The table

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Drainage Affairs

Some common flexible types of pipe are 3) Bolted coupling.

unplasticised polyvinyl chloride pipe (PVC-u Note
Push fit spigot and socket joints comprise a belled
that PVC is not acceptable on DA projects),
end (socket) integrally formed at one end of the
polyethylene pipe (PE), glass reinforced plastic pipe
pipe. This has a slightly enlarged internal diameter
(GRP) and glass reinforced epoxy pipe (GRE).
sized to receive the spigot end of the next pipe.
Pipe Bedding Sealing of the joint is achieved with flexible
elastomeric gaskets (sealing rings) which allow a
The selection of the proper type of bedding and limited degree of angular rotation and longitudinal
surround material is important in the long-term movement without risk of leakage or fracture.
integrity and performance of both rigid and flexible
pipes. A sleeved coupling comprises a short cylinder into
which the machined ends of the two pipes are
Although rigid pipes support vertical loads mostly inserted. Sealing is affected by two elastomeric
through their inherent strength, and little support is gaskets, one for each end of each pipe, which also
generated by the horizontal soil reactions, the allow movement of the joint. The sleeve can have a
bedding can significantly increase its load bearing raised ring, or central locating register on the inside,
capacity by ensuring a more even distribution of to ensure that the pipes are correctly inserted.
vertical loads onto the pipe itself. It also allows
transmission of the load by the pipe to the trench Bolted couplings comprise a cast iron or steel
formation beneath. sleeve, which is located over the ends of the two
pipes to be joined. Detachable flanges, located
There is a much greater interaction between flexible outside the sleeve are bolted together, compressing
pipes and the pipe zone material. The integrity of a rubber gaskets on the outside edges of the sleeve to
flexible pipe is therefore critically dependent on the effect sealing of the joint.
width and degree of compaction of the pipe bedding
material, and the stiffness of the native soil. A Joints can also be formed by solvent welding (PVC-
flexible pipe should be totally surrounded with U pipes) and in-situ lamination (GRP pipes). The
granular bedding material. Sufficient trench width pipes themselves are flexible and can accommodate
each side of the pipe is essential to allow correct limited differential settlement through longitudinal
placement and compaction of the granular bed and bending.
surround. Incorrect placement will lead to distortion
of the pipe walls. A geotextile membrane is often For HDPE pipes and fittings, two types of fusion
employed to avoid loss of fines from the native soil welding of joints are available – butt-fusion welding
and/or to stiffen up the pipe zone material. This is and electrofusion welding. The latter method is
particularly important in Qatar, where settlement expensive and should be avoided where possible.
around manholes continues to be a problem. Universal mechanical couplers are also available,
particularly for jointing HDPE to pipes/fittings
Joints composed of different material. Flanged joints can
also be formed, generally comprising a slip-on
Joints are an essential component of any pipeline
galvanised mild steel flange restrained by an integral
system, providing continuity between individual
stub return on the pipe end.
pipes. The number and type of joints can
considerably affect cost and timescales for a Pipe Handling, Storage and Laying
particular pipeline.
It is imperative that Manufacturers’
For buried pipelines it is important to allow for some recommendations for handling, storage and laying
movement of the pipeline which occasionally occurs are strictly followed. Each material has its frailties
through differential settlement of the soil. There are and rejection and repair strategies should be
three principal types of flexible joint: assessed at tender stage.

1) Spigot and socket. The Manufacturer should be encouraged to attend

site to evaluate the performance of the contractors’
2) Sleeve coupling.

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personnel to handle, store and more importantly to

correctly install and backfill the pipes to provide
optimum performance throughout the lifetime of the


Ductile iron pipes for sewage use require lining with

epoxy or polyurethane.

Ductile iron pipe for TSE or storm water require

lining as above or with cement mortar.

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Drainage Affairs

Table 4.3.1 - Summary of Properties of Pipe Materials

HDPE GRP Ductile Iron Concrete VC

PrEN 12201 ASTM C128 ISO – 2531 BSEN 639 BSEN 295
WIS 4-37-17 AWWAC 400 ISO – 8179 BSEN 642 BS 65
Specification ISO 4427 BS 486 Coating BSEN 1916 ASTM C700
DIN 8074 ISO R160 BSEN 545 BSEN 5911 DIN 1230
ASTM D1447 BSS 5480 BSEN 548
ASTM D 3035 ASTM D3262
Maximum 25 Prestressed to
Operating 2.5 Bar to 30 bar Maximum 24 Bar 10 Bar
Bar 20 Bar

Structural Type Flexible Flexible Semi Rigid Rigid Rigid

coil up to 180mm
Standard Length 6m 5/6m to 2.5m to 3.0m
> 12m length
above 180 mm

Push fit rubber Spigot and

Butt Fusion Gasket collar joint Push fit spigot socket
Push fit with
Jointing welding, Electro Spigot – socket and socket / or welded steel rubber gasket
Fusion, Flange with gasket slip-on flanged joints for pressure
collar, flange pipe

Not required on
Anchor Blocks Required Required Required Required
welded lines

HDPE Fabricated
Concrete VC
Fittings fittings, standard GRP D.I. Fittings
(Limited) (Limited)
mechanical joints

Up to DN 200
More than 50
Max. 50 Up to 50 up to 20 2.90
Deflection Allowed
35 D radius
For 1000mm 0.60

Trench Required Narrow Trench Wide Trench Wide trench Either Wide Trench

Can be laid over Over Ground

Installation ground / under Underground Underground Underground
ground on slopes Under ground

Resistant to soil
Resistant to soil
corrosion. May be
corrosion. Not Affected by Affected by Resistant to soil
susceptible to
Corrosion suitable for certain soil certain soil corrosion
degradation by
contaminated chemicals chemicals Chemically inert

Weight Light weight Light weight Heavy Heavy Heavy

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Drainage Affairs

HDPE GRP Ductile Iron Concrete VC

Very Careful Can be

Easy handling, not Careful handling,
Handling handling, cracks if damaged by Robust
easily damaged brittle
badly handled heavy handling

Low frictional Low frictional

Hydraulic Low frictional Low frictional
losses, low losses, low Moderate friction
Properties loss when lined losses
pumping costs pumping costs

Abrasion Lining subject

Good Good High Good
resistance to abrasion

Damaged due
Impact resistant Impact load cause Damage by
Breakage to heavy Robust
unbreakable cracks impact
impact loads

Easy installation,
Less time required Easy installation,
Very careful installation,
Installation Easy installation many joints due
Only very large installation required. larger sizes
to small length
sizes need need craneage

Selected as dug
Granular surround
Selected as dug material or
important to
Bedding material, target As dug processed
support along entire Granular
Requirements 90% standard material granular
length must be self-
Proctor. materials, target
90% Proctor

Leakages No Leakage Normal Normal Normal Normal

Low wave Medium surge

velocity High surge
Surge Head pressure. Poor at n/a in Qatar n/a in Qatar
Less surge pressure cyclic loading

Good durability
Deterioration with Joints deteriorate, Corrosion
Nil when correctly Joint deterioration
time encrustation etc. encrustation etc.

Imported from
Local up to 1200
Availability UAE Europe, USA UAE Saudi Arabia
or Japan

Deteriorates in
UV Light Deteriorates in UV Not affected Not affected Not affected

Cost Moderate Moderate High Low Low

HDPE GRP Ductile Iron Concrete VC RC

Volume 1 General Page 67

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State of Qatar -Public Works Authority
Drainage Affairs

GRP + Conc
(Not preferred , but Common in To 1200

surround >1200 X
sometimes used as pump mains dia
Use in Qatar

liner for pipejacks)

To 1000 > 1000

SW X a a a
mm mm

TSE a a a X X X

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Drainage Affairs

quality and serviceability when exposed to the

4.3.2 Structures surrounding environment for a long service life.
Water is responsible for many types of physical
Concrete processes of degradation. It also serves as the
Concrete is produced locally using locally sourced carrying agent of soluble aggressive ions that can
materials (cement, aggregates, clean water, be the source of chemical processes of degradation.
admixtures etc). Approved readymix companies and Tests and field experience have demonstrated that
pre-cast yards should be selected to provide compressive strength is the most important single
concrete. Auditing of the facilities is essential to factor controlling the physical degradation of
verify that a quality product is supplied. concrete.
A good guide for properties of concrete constituents Generally, two factors leading to the chemical
and properties is provided in the CIRIA Guide to degradation of reinforced concrete are sulphate and
concrete construction in the Gulf regionvi. Also useful chloride attack. Sulphates and chlorides are found
is ACI 305R Hot weather concretingvii. in abundance in the soil and groundwater in Middle
Generally, two classes of concrete are required to East. The sulphates attack the concrete, while the
be designed for use on networks. A structural grade chlorides cause corrosion of reinforcing steel. The
will reflect the compressive, tensile strength and chemical processes involved in both cases are
durability requirements. This will have a water- complex and these are described briefly in the
cement ratio less than 0.4, minimum 28-day following section.
compressive strength of 40N/mm2, with durability • Ordinary Portland Cement (OPC) Versus
properties e.g. RCP value less than 4000 Coulombs. Sulphate Resisting Cement (SRC)
A non-structural grade is required for blinding etc.,
where strength and durability are not a major The British and American Standards
requirement. governing Portland Cement classify several
different types of cement based on their
Concrete mix designs should be designed to BS chemical compositions. The differences in
5328viii or equivalent. Trial mixes should be chemical composition impart different
conducted on each mix to confirm the suitability and properties to the cements.
the properties of fresh concrete and hardened
concrete. The approved mix designs should be • Classification and Applicable Standard
continually assessed by frequent site sampling and There are five general types of cement
testing. Limits should be derived from the trial mix, classified by ASTM C 150ix. The five types
which will govern the quality of the concrete supplied are designated as Type I through Type V
throughout the remainder of the project using that with each classified for a particular type of
particular mix design. application based on its properties. OPC is
designated as Type I and SRC is designated
as Type V.
• Additives
All concrete used in construction work must have a Relatively small quantities of other materials,
certain strength, regardless of its application. called additives or admixtures, can be added
However, a high strength alone does not guarantee to concrete to modify its properties in either
long-term performance of a concrete structure. The fresh or hardened state.
durability of concrete is probably the single most
important property. The additives used to modify the properties
of fresh and hardened concrete are of the
The durability of concrete can be defined as its following general categories:
ability to resist weathering action, chemical attack,
abrasion, or any other form of deterioration. A 1) Water-Reducing admixtures and
durable concrete should maintain its original form, workability aids.

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2) Superplasticizers and high-range significantly improve their service life. The

water-reducing admixtures. protection of concrete will be necessary for
buried structures and exposed structures.
3) Air-entraining agents.
4) Accelerators and “antifreezes”. For buried structures, an external
waterproofing membrane should be applied
5) Retarders. to all surfaces. The membrane can be either
6) Waterproofers. a self-adhesive or a torch-applied type,
consisting of a rubberised bituminous
7) Viscosity modifiers. compound coated to one side of a
8) Resin bonding agents. polyethylene sheet. Alternatively, the
waterproofing membrane may be a liquid-
In general a well-produced Portland cement
applied elastomeric type.
concrete, with appropriate protection when
necessary, will perform adequately for the It is worth noting that in hot climates,
duration of its design life without the need for problems can be experienced with the self-
any expensive property-modifying additives. adhesive type membrane. The bituminous
The following simple measures if compound softens in the heat when exposed
implemented and strictly enforced will to direct sunlight for a long period of time
significantly improve the durability of and the membrane will sag or slide off
concrete. vertical surfaces if not protected or backfilled
soon after application. The torch-applied
1) Use of high quality aggregates.
protective membrane is much more robust in
2) Use of minimum water-cement ratio. this regard.
3) Avoidance of segregation and Designers should note that the membrane,
elimination of bleeding. whatever the type, should be protected by a
4) Use of properly-timed finishing and suitable protection board so that no damage
curing procedures. occurs to it during backfilling operations.

5) Use of surface barrier sealants and For structures in splash zones (such as
coatings, waterproofing membranes, headwalls, outfalls, etc.), where exposure to
etc. wetting and drying cycles are expected, the
exposed concrete surfaces can be coated
The use of concrete additives should be
with an epoxy coating to DA approval.
evaluated on a case-by-case basis for
particular applications. If required to be All concrete that is subject to exposure to
used, ASTM C 494x and BS 5075xi should sewer , gasses should be lined with GRP or
be referred to for specification requirements. painted with an epoxy paint system to
prevent acid and bacterial attack on the
• Protective Coatings and Linings
The service environment of network
structures in the Middle East is considered • Reinforcement Bars
very severe. High concentrations of sulphate 1) Plain (Uncoated) Reinforcing Steel
and chloride ions in the surrounding soil,
groundwater and effluent present an Reinforcement used in DA projects
environment which makes all concrete should be mild or high yield steel,
structures susceptible to significant bending dimensions and scheduling
deterioration. New structures should be in accordance with BS 8666xii.
properly protected by means of surface
2) Epoxy Coated Reinforcing Steel.
barrier sealants, coatings and membranes in
order to preclude chemical attack and

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State of Qatar -Public Works Authority
Drainage Affairs

Epoxy coated steel is widely used in ME detailed requirements regarding manhole

countries but may only be used on DA covers.
projects in exceptional circumstances.
• Step-irons and Ladders
The advantages are that it significantly
The top of the rungs should have a non-slip
improves the long-term durability of
surface for safety reasons. Three types of
concrete, due to corrosion resistance
material may be used for step irons and
against chloride attack.
ladders on DA projects as follows.
The main disadvantages are the increased
1) Stainless Steel can be used for step
construction cost for reinforced concrete and
irons and ladders.
the possibility of damaged epoxy coating
being undetected and used; damaged Although covered more fully in
coating can make the steel prone to severe QNBS, it is worth noting that the
chloride attack. designer should ensure that the
grade is type 316 S31 to BS 790 Pt.
Manholes 1, or better. Lower quality ladders
may still be subject to corrosion in
• Manhole construction
harsher environments.
Manholes are generally designed in both
cast in-situ and precast concrete with 2) Encapsulated Step-irons.
protective coatings on internal and external These are galvanised mild steel with
faces. an epoxy coating.
For sewage applications the internal liner 3) GRP Ladders.
must be corrosion resistant and generally,
GRP with a vinylester resin-rich outer layer
is used. For ease of construction it has been 4.3.3 Quality Control and Quality
found that use of double-skin GRP units as Assurance
shuttering has proved successful. The units
Quality of a material can be defined as the ability to
can be manufactured in one piece for small
satisfy defined, and implied, needs. This will often
depths but generally come as separate units
include compliance with national or international
that have to be joined in-situ. Designers
should note that the joints must be made
watertight by application of an external Quality is rarely achieved without a formal system of
epoxy bandage to the outer faces, and controls being established, and implemented. There
finished with epoxy putty on the internal are three main requirements to ensure that quality
faces. standards can be achieved in a reliable and
predictable manner:
For stormwater and irrigation the manholes
are constructed by conventional shuttering • Quality Control (QC): A system of
methods with external bituminous tanking documented procedures for manufacturing
and an internal coating of solvent free epoxy and inspection;
• Quality Assurance (QA): The
• Manhole Covers implementation of the quality control system
by routinely providing evidence that all
In addition to being capable of withstanding
reasonable actions have been taken to
applied loads, covers must be durable.
achieve the required quality;
Manhole covers are classified according to • Auditing: Routinely providing evidence that
load classes in relation to the areas in which the quality control system is being
they will be installed. BS EN 124xiii provides implemented and that all reasonable actions

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Drainage Affairs

have been taken to achieve the required 4.5 Standard Drawings

Volume 8 contains a complete list of all Standard
Quality management systems (not product
Drawings. Sections of the same drawings are
standards) are now governed by ISO 9001:2000
reproduced in Volumes 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6 as A3
Quality Management Systems – Requirementsxiv. It
appendices for ease of handling.
is becoming increasingly recognised world-wide that
mandatory implementation of these standards does Standard Drawings were obtained from the DA for
significantly help achieve desired quality standards incorporation into this Manual. In addition, a large
and it is recommended that the DA insist that number of typical drawings is also presented. The
suppliers have quality systems in place which are Standard Drawings must be used in their original
regularly verified by certified external auditors before format without alterations. Where used in contract
their materials are approved for use. documents their numbers shall remain unaltered,
and may be referred to without the need to
The choice of material and a high standard of
incorporate as hard copies into all documents.
specification alone cannot guarantee the satisfactory
performance of a drainage system. Improper Typical drawings have been developed from a
handling or installation of a high quality product will number of past DA projects, and are presented as
render it inferior. For example, GRP pipes are an indication of standard format and quality. These
susceptible to impact damage during installation, may be used as the basis of individual contract
which can easily occur without proper training of drawings but must be renumbered and edited
operatives and with poor supervision. Such damage accordingly for specific projects.
is not easily detected by visual examination and can
cause cracking of the fibre-resin matrix leading It should be noted that the typical drawings include
possibly to the eventual failure of the pipe. only drawings developed from previous projects. It
is the DA’s intention that the list be supplemented by
In concrete construction, the durability of an new drawings from other projects as they become
otherwise superior mix is significantly reduced if available. The list includes:
poor placement practices result in inadequate
compaction, honeycomb formation, and insufficient • Sewerage Standard Detail;
hydration due to improper curing. • Sewerage Standard Details for manholes,
miscellaneous chambers and septic tanks;

4.4 Design Standards, • Surface Water Details for manholes and

miscellaneous chambers;
Procedures and
• TSE and Irrigation Drawings containing
Calculations general layout plans, chamber and
Design standards are detailed in the following protection bollard details;
Sections: • General Details Drawings containing thrust
• Volume 1 - Foreword i) blocks, pipe bedding details, boundary wall
and gates details, and sign and notice board
• Volume 1 - Section 1.5 details;
• Volume 2 - Section 1.1 • Sewage Treatment Works Typical details
• Volume 3 - Section 1.2 covering typical general arrangements, plant
layouts, landscaping, process and hydraulic
• Volume 4 - Section 2.2 profiles;
Calculations are to be produced when necessary as • Non-Disruptive Pipeline Construction
detailed in the technical sections of this Manual. Drawings containing details of pipelines,
thrust and reception pits;

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• Service Reservation Detail Drawings 4.6.2 Initial DC 1 Approval

containing details of service reservations
corridors; To obtain this the consultant must present drawings
• Pumping Station Standard Detail Drawings
containing site layout plans, general • Site location;
arrangements, elevations, details of
• General Arrangement of Site;
chambers, boundary walls and
miscellaneous works. • Plot details including plot number, total plot
area, area of proposed works, proportion of
All other drawings should be produced in
works to plot area, and overall dimensions of
accordance with the CAD Manual, Volume 6. It
plot. These are to be consistent with the
should also be noted that, where projects infringe
Ministry of Lands Information plot details.
upon highways, traffic management measures will
be required, and the consultants will be expected to At this stage the municipality will advise on the
produce traffic management drawings to suit the service authorities from whom approval will be
requirements of the project, to satisfaction of the RA required. These will be selected from the following
and DA. list depending on the scope of work:

• Roads Affairs;
4.6 Building Permits • Electricity Networks;
Building permits will be required for any new building • Civil Defence Department;
or structure which requires utility connections. The
• Water Networks;
stages required to obtain a building permit are:
• Q-Tel;
• Open a building permit file at the Planning
Department; • Drainage Affairs;

• Obtain Initial Design Control (DC) 1 • Police.

• Obtain utility approvals; 4.6.3 Utility Approvals
• Obtain Final DC1 approval; Roads Affairs

• Obtain DC 2 approval; Drawings submitted to the RA are to show the

surrounding road corridors and design details as
• Collect building permit.
available. Points of vehicular ingress and egress
These are described in more detail below. with access roads, gate details etc. must also be

4.6.1 Opening a Building Permit Electricity Networks

File Electricity networks will require details of buildings
Depending on the location of the project the building which will contain electrical equipment and site
permit file need to be opened at either Doha, layout showing cable routes, duct provisions,
Rayyan, Al Khor or Wakrah Municipality. To open electrical items, including small power and lighting,
the file drawings showing the location and general to be installed and meter cabinet. A single line
arrangement of the building/structure and the land diagram showing details of all distribution boards
ownership, details from the Lands Information and total demands is to be supplied. It is important
Department will be required. that the QGEWC Building Permit Application Form is
completed consistently with the single line diagram.
Thermal insulation calculations for the building will
also be required. Digital and A3 size hard copies of

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Drainage Affairs

all the drawings are to be submitted prior to final • Structural drawings, three copies;
• Architectural drawings, three copies;
Civil Defence Department • All approved utility drawings;
Details of all fire alarms and fighting equipment are • Digital copy of the site layout drawings in the
to be included on the drawing submitted for municipality’s format;
• Drawing list of all submitted drawings.
Water Networks

The provision of a water meter cabinet has to be 4.6.6 Building Permit

made whether a supply is currently available or not. Once the DC2 approval has been given the Building
This is to be shown on the drawings together with Permit will be prepared and can be collected from
any existing or proposed water network pipes. the municipality following the payment of fees which
Copies of all drawings are to be submitted in digital are dependant on the nature of the project.

4.7 Environmental Design
The drawing submitted for approval is to show the This section provides guidance on sewerage and
point of supply, the duct from the plot boundary to drainage project design and the potential for impact
the internal sockets and any additional internal on the environment. As with all environmental
sockets. Drawings showing site location and site management activities in the sewerage and
layout will also be required. Copies of all drawings drainage sector, the need for an integrated
are to be submitted in digital format. approach, including extensive consultation with
planning authorities, SCENR, and DA staff is re-
Drainage Affairs
The DA will require a site layout showing the
The pollutants in municipal wastewater are
sewerage outlet and connection to the sewage
suspended and dissolved solids consisting of
network or location of septic tank with provision for
inorganic and organic matter, nutrients, oil and
connection to the future network for approval.
grease, toxic substances and pathogenic micro-
Police organisms. Urban storm water can contain similar
pollutants, sometimes in surprisingly high
Police approval is infrequently required and would concentrations. Human wastes that are not properly
relate to matters such as vehicular access to treated, and disposed of at source, or collected and
developments which are open to general public, carried away, pose high risks of parasitic infections,
such as sports stadiums and shopping malls. hepatitis, and various gastro-intestinal diseases
including cholera and typhoid (through
contamination of water supplies and food).
4.6.4 Final DC1 Approval
When wastewater is collected but not properly
Once all the requisite service authority approvals
treated before disposal or reuse, health hazards
have been obtained they should be returned to
exist at the point of discharge. If the discharge is to
municipality with the original file so that final DC 1
a confined lake (see Volume 3, Section 1.1.2) then
approval can be given.
its nutrient content can cause eutrophication, with
nuisance algae and plant growth that can cause
4.6.5 DC 2 Approval odour, and disrupt fisheries, recreation and/or
conservation. Solid waste generated as part of the
DC 2 approval relates to the structural elements of wastewater treatment process (grit, screenings,
the building or structure and architectural and sludge) can pollute soil and groundwater if not
structural details will must be submitted as follows: properly managed.

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Drainage Affairs

Wastewater projects are implemented in order to • Design and Construct Contracts;

prevent or alleviate the potentially significant
• Material Supply Contracts;
negative effects of the pollutants described above
on the human and natural environments. When • Hybrid Contracts;
properly carried out as part of an EIA and
• Work Order Agreements.
sustainability procedure, their overall impact is
positive. Direct beneficial impacts include Fig 1 in Appendix 4 illlustrates the procedure by
abatement of nuisances and public health hazards which contracts are tendered and awarded, in flow
in the serviced area. In addition, an opportunity for chart format. In addition to this procedure,
more effective control of industrial wastewater consultants must be aware of the following:
through pre-treatment and connection to public
• Once a tender document has received
sewers offers the increased potential for beneficial
approval it cannot be amended.
reuse of treated effluent and sludge. Indirect
impacts include the improved provision of serviced • Tender circulars may either be prepared by
sites for development, increased tourist, the DA, for items such revisions to the
conservation and recreational activity and revenues, tender return date or the consultant for item
increased agricultural and silvicultural productivity such as revisions to specification or
and/or reduced chemical fertiliser requirements, drawings. Numbering of circulars is to be
alongside reduced demands for other water sources sequential;
as a result of effluent reuse. Public health
• When tender enquiries are received from
improvements, together with the above
tenderers the consultant is to review them,
improvements, result in strong positive social,
advise the DA on any action required, and
economic and environmental benefits that contribute
prepare any necessary tender circulars;
to the sustainable development of Qatar.
• On return of the tenders, the consultant will
From the preceding discussion, it will be clear that undertake the technical and final review of
the environmental design procedure will follow on the tenders as per the PSA requirements;
from the drivers presented by Qatari environmental
law, the environmental scoping study (Section 2.7.4) • During the design period the estimated value
and the EIA (Section 2.7.5). of the works to be constructed, construction
period and likely start date will be
The environmental design process must follow on determined and finalised. During this period
from the mitigating measures identified in the EIA. the DA will keep DOFA advised of cash flow
Where a design changes significantly during the requirements for approval and re-approval
course of the project, the EIA must be reviewed and as found necessary. The consultant is to
amended accordingly. This is an iteration process, provide in a suitable format all the necessary
and amendments will require approval by SCENR information required by the DA to fulfil this
via Q&SD. It is essential that monthly project obligation.
meetings are held between consultants PM, DA PC
The use of the above noted contracts will be
and a designated Q&SD representative on all
dependent on the DA’s requirements as described
environmentally sensitive projects.

4.8 Tendering and Contract 4.8.1 Professional Service

Procedures Agreement
The types of contracts awarded by the Government These are utilised where services are to be provided
for DA works are: by consultants for activities such as:

• Professional Service Agreements; • Master Planning;

• Conventional Construction Contracts; • Feasibility Studies;

Volume 1 General Page 75

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Drainage Affairs

• Outline Designs; • Form of Tender;

• Detailed Designs; • Instruction to Tenderers;
• Record Surveys; • Conditions of Contact;
• Specialist Investigations; • Project Specification;
• Specialist Services. • Bill of Quantities.
• Site Management and Supervision
These are based on the Professional Service 4.8.3
Agreement General Conditions of Engagement
1984xv, as expanded and modified by the particular 4.8.4 Design and Construct
Fee Tender Professional Consultancy document. It
will comprise:
Construction Contracts
Design and build contracts can be advantageous:
• Form of Tender;
• where an early start to construction is
• Instruction to Tenderers;
• Conditions of Engagement;
• when there is a substantial element of
• Specimen of the Consultancy Services electromechanical works which will dictate
Contract; the civil requirements;
• Project Brief; • where it is desirable to use the special skills
• Tender Submission Schedules; of the contractors to design the works e.g.
treatment processes.
• Reference Documentation and Schedules.
These are based on the General Conditions of
Generally the Fee Proposal will comprise a single Contract prepared by the Ministry of Public Works
combined technical and financial proposal. as expanded and modified by the particular Tender
However, for projects that require a high level of Document, which will comprise:
technical expertise, outside the normal scope of
projects, a separate technical submission can be • Form of Tender;
specified. This will enable a full technical appraisal • Instruction to Tenderers;
and evaluation to be undertaken prior to the opening
of the financial offers. • Conditions of Contact;
• General Specification;

4.8.2 Conventional Construction • Output Specification;

Contracts • Payment Schedule.
These are utilised where a contractor is required to Design and Construct Contracts will generally be
undertake major construction works such as: valued at more than QR 3M and will be tendered by
the CTC.
• Area drainage/sewerage schemes;
• Pumping Stations;
4.8.5 Material Supply Contracts
• Sewage Treatment Works;
Where materials only are required, the Standard
• Refurbishment Works. Supply Conditions of Contract are utilised. These
These are based on the General Conditions of will comprise the following:
Contract prepared by the Ministry of Public Works
• Bill of Quantities;
as expanded and modified by the particular Tender
Document, which will comprise: • Specification;

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• Tender and Contract Forms. The Department expects all of its staff, contractors
and consultants alike to:

4.8.6 Hybrid Contracts • comply with all applicable laws and

regulations, and apply internationally
These are used when the other forms of contract are
recognised standards where local laws and
not applicable. They have to be prepared on a one–
regulations do not exist;
off basis for the specific requirements, and all of the
necessary approval procedures followed must be • manage all risks to a level which is as low as
based on internationally recognised Conditions of is reasonably practicable;
Contract (eg flow survey contracts.
• design facilities, establish procedures,
provide training and conduct operations in a
4.8.7 Work Carried Out Under manner that minimises risks and hazards to
workers, property, and the community at
Work Order Agreements large, applying best available technology,
The DA is currently reviewing the procedure of the consistent with good industry practice.
issue of Work Orders and this section will be added
The Department will:
following the completion of the review.
• hold all levels of line management
accountable for H&S issues and for the
4.9 Health and Safety and development of positive attitudes in
Security themselves and those they supervise;

The Health and Safety section incorporates many • provide H&S training to appropriate staff,
features of international practice which are not yet and will assist both the consultants and
incorporated into Qatar legislation. This section will contractors by providing with the relevant
be revised as necessary in the final document to advice and encouragement in the provision
accord with Qatar procedures. The department is of H&S training;
currently drafting a revised policy statement, which • ensure all operations are conducted with the
will be included, when Ministerial approval is safety of the employee and community as a
granted. Until this time, the policy stated below shall primary objective;
be observed.
• appoint a safety manager for all projects,
whose main role will be to provide the
4.9.1 Policy Statement required safety expertise to the department
and liase with Consultants via the Project
It is the Department’s policy to conduct its activities Co-ordinator’s safety related duties.
in a manner designed to minimise H&S risks, protect
the health and safety of its employees, consultants, The Consultant shall:
contractors, the community at large and the
environment in which the Department’s activities are • prepare and submit copies to the head of the
conducted. department, with copies to the department’s
safety manager, along with their company
The Department, through the active participation of health & safety policy and procedural
all employees, contractors and consultants will strive manual which outlines their company’s
to manage H&S risks with the goal of preventing proposal for effectively managing the H&S
accidents, injuries and occupational illnesses, using aspects of their business and on all the DAs
energy efficiently and producing safe, quality building and construction contracts;
• during the design phase of each contract,
The Department considers that good H&S prepare a pre-tender H&S plan, which will
performance is equally if not more important than all enable prospective contractors to be made
other primary business objectives. aware of the project’s main health and safety

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issues. The pre-tender H&S plan should pre-construction meeting, a copy of their
contain enough information to allow proposed Health and Safety Plan specific for
prospective tenderers to plan and price for that contract. This will be based on the
H&S on that particular contract. A copy of information received in the pre tender health
the pre-tender H&S plan shall accompany and safety plan they received with the
each tender; tender, and any other main risks or hazards
they themselves may have identified;
• appoint a full/part time safety officer;
• are responsible for ensuring that their sub-
• report all accidents/injuries, dangerous;
contractor(s) comply with the minimum H&S
• submit to the Head of the DA, with a copy to standards laid down by the DA, and any
the DA Safety Manager (safety unit), at the other additional standards either included in
beginning of each month using their own the contract specification, or agreed on site;
company format, a brief summary of the
• appoint a full/part time safety officer;
contractor’s safety performance on each of
their contracts during the previous month. • submit risk assessments/method statements
Where applicable, this should include copies for specific operations as directed by the
of any H&S site instructions issued to the consultant’s site engineer and/or the
contractor during that period; department’s safety manager;
• arrange both the pre-construction and site • provide information on all
safety meetings; accidents/dangerous occurrences;
• ensure, as far as is reasonably practicable, • attend safety meetings as directed by either
that the contractor fully complies with the the consultant’s site engineer or the
appropriate H&S procedures and minimum departments safety manager;
H&S standards laid down in the DA safety
• appoint a trained first-aider;
manuals, and any other additional standards
either included in the contract specification • submit monthly H&S reports to the
or agreed on-site; consultant’s site engineer;
• set a high example of health and safety on • ensure that they fully comply with the
all the department’s building construction minimum H&S procedures and standards
contracts. laid down by the DA.
The Contractor shall: The Contractor’s policy document should
include, as a minimum:
• at the tender stage, submit with the tender
documents, a copy of their company health • a written statement of their general policy with
and safety policy and procedural respect to the H&S of their employees signed
arrangements for effectively managing H&S by the managing director of the company;
issues on all the DA’s building construction
• details of their safety organisation and its
• include with the tender documents, a brief • safety responsibilities of all concerned;
summary and breakdown of moneys
allocated to effectively manage the main • procedural arrangements for effectively
hazards/risks identified in the pre-tender implementing the policy including:
H&S plan; 1) provision of safe systems of work;
• on being officially informed of being awarded 2) safety training;
the contract, to prepare and submit to the
Department Head, with copies to the 3) safety committees;
Department’s Safety Manager and 4) accident reporting;
consultant’s site engineer, prior to, or at the

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5) emergency procedures. The construction industry is labour intensive and, as

such, should regard its labour and trades staff as
one of its major resources. It is therefore important
4.9.2 Accident Reporting that, in improving the quality of the industry, the
An accident is defined as an unplanned and skills and knowledge of its personnel are also
unexpected occurrence, which upsets a planned improved.
sequence of work resulting in loss of production, As part of that improvement programme, the DA
injury to personnel and/or damage to plant and firmly believe that providing the skills and knowledge
equipment. to facilitate the avoidance of accidents and
Ideally, the causes of all accidents should be occupational ill health through properly organised
established regardless of whether injury or damage and structured safety courses, is of paramount
results. Where necessary, a full investigation should importance. As such, the DA requires consultants,
be carried out and a record of accident classification contractors and sub contractors to carry out, and
should be maintained. This will enable appropriate record, the following minimum safety training
preventative action to be taken should a pattern of requirements.
causation emerge. Training Required
The main purpose of this procedure is to firstly Senior Management
ensure that all accidents, injuries and incidents are
properly reported and investigated in order that the • Includes directors, principals and others who
main cause(s) can be determined with a view to may be responsible for defining and
preventing a recurrence. Secondly, this will enable influencing the management of health and
the gathering of statistical information so that any safety at a senior level. In broad terms,
particular trend can be identified and corrective those who have overall responsibility for
action taken. matters of H&S and will be required to
establish and support the H&S policy and
Consultants, contractors and sub-contractors are allocate resources for the policy objectives
responsible for ensuring that all accidents occurring to be met;
to their employees are reported as follows:
• training syllabus should include, but not be
• In the case of Death of any Person, limited to the following:
immediately Inform Police (999);
1) management of health and safety;
• In the case a Major Injury to, within 24 hrs
2) legal obligations;
inform (either by fax or phone) DA Safety
Unit; 3) DA’s site safety procedures and
• In the case of both major and lost time
accidents to within 7 days, forward full report 4) health and safety resources;
of the accident to DA Safety unit;
5) accidents and accident prevention;
• All minor accidents to be included in the
6) hazards of toxic gases and COSHH.
consultant’s monthly record of accidents
reports to the Department Safety Unit. Site Management
Note: where applicable, include any witness • Includes senior consultant site engineers,
statements, photographs, drawings etc. consultant site engineers, contract
managers, project managers, contractors
site engineers, safety officers and general
4.9.3 Training foremen;
Introduction • training syllabus should include, but not
limited to the following:

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1) company health and safety policy • On recruitment, all site operatives should
and procedural arrangements; receive a H&S induction course which will
alert them to:
2) individual health and safety
responsibilities; 1) their company health and safety
policy and procedural arrangements;
3) legal obligations;
2) their individual health and safety
4) DA’s safety procedures and
3) procedures for the reporting of
5) site safety management;
accidents and dangerous
6) health and safety planning; occurrences;
7) accidents and accident prevention; 4) outline the management systems
which are in place to identify and
8) common health and safety issues
e.g. manual handling, welfare eliminate or minimise identified risks;
facilities, personal protective 5) advise them of the role they have to
equipment (PPE) etc.; play to ensure that standards of
9) specific training requirements e.g. health and safety provisions are
scaffolding, excavations, cranes,
confined space etc.; 6) name and responsibilities of the
10) hazards of toxic gases e.g. chlorine, company’s safety officer;
hydrogen sulphide and methane, 7) availability, use and care of personal
and procedure sin their safe handling protective equipment;
for all employees;
8) risks that are related to the tasks
11) radiation safety for those involved in they perform;
industrial radiography on site.
9) location of welfare facilities;
First Line Supervision
10) first aid, trained first aider and
• Includes supervisors, trades foremen, location of first aid boxes;
chargehands and gangers; 11) fire arrangements, evacuation
• training syllabus should include, but not be procedure etc. in the labour camp.
limited to the following: On Site Training: (Tool Box Talks)
1) company health and safety policy
• The techniques for training operatives will
and procedural arrangements;
often be quite different from those used to
2) individual safety responsibilities; train first line managers. Operatives training
is normally site based, but that should not
3) DA’s safety procedures and
standards; give rise to any compromise in the careful
setting of training objectives and delivery of
4) health and safety management; the training by competent instructors working
5) accidents and accident prevention; in a suitable training environment. An
additional means of providing instruction and
6) standards of health and safety training to operatives is in the form of “tool
provisions. box talks”.
Site Operatives These are brief instruction/training sessions
lasting approximately 20 to 30 minutes
Induction Training
duration dealing with specific subjects, and

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ideally delivered by the safety officer with a Health and Safety will be the first item on the
member of site management in attendance. meeting agenda and will include, but not be limited
to the following:
Specialist Training
• contractors health and safety policy, with
• These will be courses designed to meet the details of their safety organisation and
needs of specific operatives involved in arrangements/procedures;
specialised trades and will include, but not
limited to the following: • arrangements/procedures for dealing with
1) safe entry into confined spaces;
• copy of their H&S plan indicating their
2) crane operation; methods/proposals for either eliminating or
3) slingers/banksmen; controlling the main hazards/risks identified
in the pre-tender H&S plan;
4) scaffolding;
• their procedure for the reporting of
5) abrasive wheels;
accidents/injuries and dangerous
6) woodworking machinery; occurrences;

7) excavation support equipment; • details of their appointed full time/part time

safety officer’s qualifications, experience etc.
8) first aid.
together with his prime duties and
4.9.4 Site Safety Meetings • their arrangements and procedures for the
Pre-Construction Site Meetings provision of trained first aiders, first aid
boxes and portable fire fighting equipment;
To be organised by:
• ensure that the contractor has received a
The consultant senior site engineer and/or copy of DA H&S policy;
contractors project manager for the contract, • bring to the notice of the contractor DA
in conjunction with the DAs safety unit and enforcement policy and financial penalties
appropriate engineers and technical for non-compliance.
Site Progress Meetings
To attend:
To be organised by:
In addition to those normally invited to these
meetings, the following are also required to consultant’s senior site engineer and
attend for the safety agenda only: contractors project manager for the contract,
in conjunction with the DAs appropriate
• DA’s safety manager and/or engineers and technical inspectors.
nominated member from the safety
unit; To attend:

• consultants full/part time safety In addition to those normally invited to these

officer for the contract; meetings, the following are also required to
attend, for the safety agenda only:
• contractors full/part time safety
officers. • representative from the DA’s safety
• consultant’s full/part time safety
H&S Agenda Items:

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• contractor’s full/part time safety This will be issued by either DA’s Head of Safety
officer for the contract. Unit and/or by the engineer/inspector responsible for
the contract. It will instruct the contractor to
H&S Agenda Items
immediately cease work when, in their opinion, the
Health and safety will again be the first item on the violation noted could result in a serious or fatal injury
meeting agenda and will include, but not be limited to the worker(s) involved in that particular operation.
to the following:
Types of violation for which a prohibition notice
• matters arising and actions outstanding from could be issued:
the previous meeting;
• scaffold platforms over two metres high
• on the agreed format, to receive from the which are not properly boarded out, no
contractor details of any accidents/injuries or proper and safe access provided, and no
dangerous occurrences reported; guard rails fitted;
• review any health & safety site instructions • men working in areas without safety helmets
issued since the last meeting; where overhead work is in operation;
• details, together with records of any safety • deep excavations where sides are not
training carried out since the last meeting; supported or battered back to a safe angle,
and there is imminent danger of collapse;
• any other matters relating to health and
safety. • using cranes and/or lifting gear which,
because of their condition, or the manner in
which they are being used, could cause
4.9.5 Enforcement Policy serious or fatal injury during lifting
The DA, in its commitment to continuously improve operations;
H&S standards may introduce an enforcement
• cranes being used not being certified and
policy, which will financially penalise contractors
tested within the last twelve months.
who consistently violate the DA H&S procedures.
Improvement Notice
The enforcement policy will consist of two notices, a
Prohibition and an Improvement notice, and both This will be issued by either the DA’s Head of Safety
consultants and contractors should note that, failure Unit and/or by the engineer/inspector responsible for
to comply with the requirements and time scale the contract, when he is of the opinion that, although
indicated in any of these notices, will result in the there is no immediate danger to life, items noted in
matter being referred to the Head of the DA. the notice are in contravention of procedures and/or
standards laid down by the DA H&S Section.
On being informed of the violations, and after
confirming that these have still not been attended to, The contractor will be given 28 days to rectify the
the Dead of the Department will approve the fine violations indicated in the notice, following which, if
issued by the DA Safety Manager to the contractor no action has been taken, he will be given a further
concerned, in line with the schedule of rates seven days. If no action has been taken after these
published from time to time by DA. two warnings, penalties as indicated in the
introduction to this section will be imposed.
In the case that fines which have already been
implemented, but still no action has been taken by Types of violations for which an improvement notice
the contractor, the Head of the Department will refer could be issued:
the matter to the QMMAA legal section.
• non-appointment of full or part time safety

Prohibition Notice • not providing appropriate PPE e.g. head,

foot, ear, face protection etc.;

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• untidy site; issues adequately at the design stage may make it

difficult to devise safe systems of work. It could
• non-provision and/or maintenance of existing
also cause additional costs later because, for
welfare facilities;
example, expensive scaffolding or other access
• non-provision of fire fighting equipment; equipment is needed.
• lack of proper security fencing;
• non-provision of appropriate safety signs; 4.10.3 Co-ordination
• deficiencies in safety training requirements. It is essential that the input of all designers involved
on a project is properly co-ordinated. The lead
designer should take on the role of co-ordinator and
4.10 CDM Best Practice ensure full co-operation between all parties in order
to implement a ‘brainstorming’ approach to
4.10.1 Introduction ‘designing out’ hazards and risks. In order for this to
be effective, there must be a broad definition given
The Construction (Design and Management) to the term ‘designer’ to ensure that no-one is
Regulations 1994, commonly known as the CDM missed out of this process. Therefore, the input of
Regulations, came into force in the UK in 1995. The the following should be included:
Regulations, supported by an Approved Code of
Practice, brought about a major change in the • architects;
management of construction health and safety and, • quantity surveyors;
in particular, imposed explicit statutory duties on
Clients, Designers and Contractors. Other EC • building service designers;
countries produced similar legislation. This section • those purchasing materials;
of the Manual recommends how the main
requirements on Designers can be implemented in • contractors carrying out design work;
situations where the Regulations do not apply in law, • temporary works designers;
such as in the State of Qatar, but may be used as a
• interior designers;
means of ensuring Best Practice during design with
a view to increased health and safety during the • heritage organisations.
construction and indeed the maintenance of assets.

4.10.4 Preparing the Design

4.10.2 Earliest Involvement Designers must critically assess the risk to those
Designers are in a unique position to reduce the people involved during construction. When the
risks that arise during construction work. Designs design is being prepared, these risks don’t yet exist,
develop from initial concepts through to a detailed but there is already a potential for harm when the
specification, often involving different teams at work starts on site. The first stage in reducing risk is
various stages. At each stage, designers from all to identify the hazards in the proposed design. The
disciplines can make a significant contribution by next stage is to eliminate each hazard, if feasible.
identifying and eliminating hazards and by reducing Where it is not feasible to ‘design out’ a hazard, the
the remaining risks. Designers’ earliest decisions next stage is to consider what can be done to
are crucial in that they influence later choices. reduce the risk and give priority to control measures
Considerable work may be required to unravel which will protect all those involved.
earlier inappropriate decisions, so it is vital to
The designer should, where possible, select the
address health and safety at the very start. It is also
position and design of structures to minimise risks
important to realise that designers’ responsibilities
from the following hazards:
extend beyond the construction phase of a project.
They also need to consider the health and safety of • buried services, such as electricity and gas;
those who will maintain, repair, clean and eventually
demolish a structure. Failure to address these • overhead cables;

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• traffic movements; • making allowance for temporary works;

• contaminated ground; • considering the stability of partially erected
structures and, where necessary, providing
Health hazards should be ‘designed out’ by:
information to show how temporary stability
• specifying less hazardous materials, e.g. could be achieved during construction;
solvent-free or low solvent adhesives and • identifying hazards that may arise during the
water-based paints; eventual demolition of the structure being
• avoiding processes that create fumes, designed (refer to section 4.10.6 ).
vapours, dust, noise or vibration, e.g. by:
disturbing asbestos, cutting chases in
4.10.5 Health and Safety Plan
brickwork and concrete, breaking down cast
in-situ piles to level, scabbling concrete, Designers (together with clients, if appropriate) must
using hand-held tunnelling machines, flame include adequate health and safety information with
cutting or sanding areas coated with lead the design. This includes information about hazards
paint or cadmium; that the designer has not been able to eliminate,
reduce or control, and will consequently remain a
• specifying materials that are easier to
design hazard during construction. Such information
handle, e.g. lighter weight building blocks.
should be included in a document referred to as the
Safety hazards should be ‘designed out’ by pre-construction Health & Safety Plan. It should
avoiding: contain details of all the significant residual risks
facing contractors and should include any
• the need for work at height; assumptions about working methods or precautions
• fragile roofing materials; to be taken into account by contractors.

• deep or long excavations in public areas or A section of the Health and Safety Plan should
in highways; contain the Hazard and Risk Assessments
• materials that could create a significant fire (HARAS), which will have been produced by the
risk during construction. designers. The HARAS will contain all of the risks
identified during the assessment, together with all of
Designers should consider prefabrication to the mitigating measures as appropriate. An example
minimise hazardous work or to allow it to be carried of a HARA is included in Appendix 1.
out in more controlled conditions, e.g. by:
Designers do not need to mention every hazard or
• designing elements such as structural assumption, as this can obscure the significant
steelwork whereby it can be erected at issues. Significant hazards are those that are:
ground level and then safely lifted into place;
• not likely to be obvious to a competent
• arranging for ‘cutting to size’ to be done ‘off-
site’ under controlled conditions to reduce
the amount of dust released. • unusual; or

The designer should include features that reduce • likely to be difficult to manage effectively.
the risk of injury, e.g. by: To identify significant hazards, designers must
• the early installation of permanent access, understand how the design can be built.
such as stairs to reduce the use of ladders; Examples of significant hazards to be included in the
• designing permanent edge protection at pre-construction Health & Safety Plan are:
• hazards that could cause multiple fatalities to
• providing lifting points at marked centres of the public, such as tunnelling or the use of a
gravity of awkward items requiring ‘slinging’ crane close to a busy public place;
on drawings and on the items themselves;

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• temporary works required to ensure stability • information regarding the removal or

during construction; dismantling of installed plant, e.g. lifting
• hazardous or flammable substances
specified in the design, e.g. epoxy grouts, • information about equipment provided for
fungicidal paints or those containing cleaning or maintaining the structure;
• the location and markings of significant
• heavy or awkward prefabricated elements services such as fire-fighting services.
likely to create risks in handling;
• areas needing access where normal
methods of tying scaffolds may not be
Information should be clear, precise and in a form
suitable for the users. This can be achieved by

• notes on drawings;
• a register of hazards with suggested control
• suggested construction sequences showing
how the design can be erected safely.

4.10.6 Health and Safety File

Designers (together with clients and contractors)
should also provide health and safety information
needed by people carrying out cleaning work,
maintenance, alterations, refurbishment and
eventual demolition of the structure being designed.
This information is included in a document referred
to as the Health & Safety File, which is handed to
the client or operator of the asset at the end of the
construction phase. Such information could include:

• ‘as built’ drawings of the structure, its plant

and equipment;
• information on remaining hazards (e.g.
asbestos or contaminated land) and how
they should be managed;
• HARAs (see 4.10.5);
• key structural principles incorporated in the
design of the structure (e.g. bracing, sources
of substantial stored energy including pre or
post tensioned members) and safe working
loads for floors and roofs;
• information on hazards associated with
materials used, e.g. lead paint;

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progressing in alphabetical order. If a volume of the

5 Reporting Systems report remains unchanged through a revision
change it should be reissued with the new revision
5.1 General
Drawings and figures included in reports need not
Each project has its own specific technical brief and have the report revision number, but where
design process. During this design process a drawings have been revised from previous issues
standard reporting system is to be followed for each they must be given the next revision letter. Each
of the main design stages: report is to include a drawing/figure list showing the
revision letter of the drawings/figures included in the
• Sketch Stage;
• Preliminary Stage;
Each volume of a report is to include a quality
• Investigation Stage; control sheet containing the following:
• Detail Design and Tendering Stage;
Prepared By ……………Date ……………
• Documentation;
Checked By ……………Date ……………
• Engineering Report;
Approved By ……………Date…………….
• Supplementary Reports.
Basic requirements for each report stage are given Report No. ...................Rev..............…..
in the ‘Professional Service Agreement General
Note: Authors, Checkers and Approvers are to be
Conditions of Engagement’, 1984xv, which will be
defined in the Project Quality Plan, see Section 6.1.
amended and amplified by the particular terms of
reference for the project. The investigation stage In the case of tender documentation, which for
noted above will often overlap between sketch and quality control purposed is to be considered a report,
preliminary stages. It may be carried out by the the report number and revision are to be included on
consultant or another contractor. However, the the quality control sheet, which is to be inserted in
consultant will need to review any reports produced the copies for DA only. Copies for re-issue to other
by such contractors for completeness in relation to parties such as SAB, DLO and tenderers are not to
the PSA. contain the quality control sheet.
The objective of each report is to describe the Specifics of the technical aspects for the design
design activities up to that stage and to clearly state works undertaken by the DA are covered in other
the specific requirements required by the project volumes of the QSDDM, the purpose of this section
brief for that stage, as outlined below. Prior to is to define the level of detail required of the various
submission of any report the following quality report stages and the general requirements for all
assurance procedures are to be carried out. projects.

5.1.1 Quality Control 5.1.2 Format of Documents

Each report is to be given a specific sequential The consultant is required to submit all reports,
number prefixed by the letter R i.e. R01, R02, R03, drawings and documents in an approved format
etc. recorded on computer media (compact disc) using
software compatible with the Client’s computer
Where a report consists of more than one volume
each volume is to be numbered as follows R01/A,
R01/B, R01/C, etc. Drawings shall be produced on AutoCAD Windows
Version 14 and submitted as .DRG files and shall
Revisions to reports: the initial issue of a report is to
comply with Volume 6 CAD manual. All documents
be denoted as (Rev A) with subsequent revisions

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should be in digital format compatible with Word 97

for Windows and the font to be used is Arial text size

Reports are to be submitted in a standard format as

per the example included in Appendix 1. Tables,
graphs and charts included in reports can use colour
but this should be complemented with the use of
shading types such that when copied in black and
white the meaning remains clear. Each chart, table
etc. should be given unique reference.

Hard copy reports and documentation shall be either

comb bound with hard covers or in four-ring binder
format and accompanying drawings either up to A3
size bound or in A1 size folded and inserted in
plastic holders.

Tender drawings shall not bear the names of the

consultant or checkers/approvers. These are to be
reinstated on Contract Issue documents and
drawings as agreed with the DA.

All reports, documents and drawings to be submitted

in hard copy shall also be submitted in an
appropriate electronic format (2 copies each)
including the PDS submission.

Examples of DA submission formats are included in

the following tables:

Table 5.1.1 - Format & Numbering of Documents;

Table 5.1.2 – Design Enquiry Status;

Table 5.1.3 – Status of Available Information;

Table 5.1.4 – Investigations Status.

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Table 5.1.1 – Format & Numbering of Documents

Report Format Max, Drg Size Number of Copies
Project Quality Plan A4 - 4
Sketch A4 A3 4
Preliminary A4 A1 4
Tender Documents
DA Review A4 A3 4
Roads Dept Approval A4 A3 2
Planning and Land Department Approvals A4 A3 2
Documents 40
Final Tender A4 A1 Drawings A1s 24
Drawings A3 3
Cost Estimate A4 - 4
Tender Circulars A4 A1 17
Supplementary Reports A4 A1 4
Contract Documents
Unsigned A4 - 13
Signed A4 - 5
Engineering Report A4 A1 4
Signed PSA A4 - 1
Tender Document A4 - 1
Tender Drawings - A1 1 Negative
Engineering Report A4 A1 1
Table 5.1.2 – Design Enquiry Status
Service Authority Date Submitted Date of Reply Information Received Action Required

Table 5.1.3 – Status of Available Information

Required Information Source Date of Receipt Information Abstracted Action Required

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Table 5.1.4 – Investigations Status

Name of Sub-
Ministry/ Consultant
Investigation Consultant/ Programmed Start Duration Status

Further examples are included in Appendix 1. These are:

• Example of report summary page, together with header and footer;

• Example of calculation cover sheet;
• Typical calculation sheet for foul sewer sizing;
An example of a project programme is included in Appendix 2.

Typical drawings are shown in Appendix 3.

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5.2 Sketch Stage Government, or the consultant, should be

The requirements for the sketch stage report are
• data required – data will be obtained from
given in section 10.1 of the Professional Service
numerous sources depending on the project
Agreement General Conditions of Engagement
requirements which should be defined at this
1984xv as amended and amplified by the particular
stage and is presented in tabular form as
terms of reference in the project PSA. The main
shown in Table 5.2.1 below.
objective of the report is to define the design
parameters, prepare various design options and
recommend the preferred option. The main part of Table 5.2.1 – Data Requirements
Data Source Date Date Remarks
this design stage is the collection and assimilation of
Required Requested Received
the information required for the design, the control
and use of which of forms an important part of the
sketch stage report.

The DA requires the following basic structure, which

is to be amplified, if required by the project PSA.

5.2.1 Structure/Content of Report • studies – each specific project will require

certain studies to be carried out. These will
Objective of the Project
be defined in the PSA but should be listed
A clear statement of the objective of the project is to and briefly described in the methodology
be given with specific reference to the main design and work plan. These should be tabulated to
criteria. enable progress tracking to be carried out,
see Table 5.2.2 below.
Methodology and Work Plan
Table 5.2.2 – Study Progress
The purpose of the methodology and work plan is to
Study Date Date Date
define how the objectives of the PSA will be Remarks
Required Submitted Approved
achieved and cover the following subjects:

• staff – approval of appropriate staff will be

covered by the Project Quality Plan, see
Section 6.1, the purpose of this section is to
define the specific input from the various
members of the design team. It should be
clearly stated whether design works are to
be carried out in the consultant’s offices, Note that these studies may be submitted
outside Qatar or by a sub-consultant; separately or be included in a design stage
report. Studies submitted separately should
• investigations – each project will require follow the same quality control procedures
specific investigations to be carried out, the for reports.
details pertaining to which are covered by
Section 3 of this Volume. The methodology • design calculations – at the methodology
and work plan should state the investigation and work plan stage the design calculations
to be undertaken, the company who will required for the project should be identified
undertake the work, description of the and itemised. With the studies, a reporting
investigation and the information that is to be table should be included. Note, these
obtained. Whether a specialist investigation calculations may be submitted separately or
company is to be employed directly by the be included in a design stage report. All
calculations, whether included in a report or

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submitted separately are to have a cover 5.2.6 Land Use

sheet in the format shown in Appendix 1.
Land use is of the utmost importance and is
• deliverables schedule – in addition to the fundamental information for any scheme as it
design calculation and studies a full table of governs the end use of the scheme and indicates
all deliverables is to be included. area where new facilities can be constructed. The
land use can be obtained from the Lands/Planning
5.2.2 Programme Department and should be reproduced in the report
as per sample drawing, C415/ER002, shown in
The project programme submitted within the Project Appendix 3.
Quality Plan is to be up-dated to show current
progress, as per the example shown in Appendix 1.
5.2.7 Design Criteria
5.2.3 Design Enquiry Status The technical aspects of the design criteria to be
adopted on different types of schemes are detailed
Design enquires will have been submitted to all in the appropriate sections of this manual. However,
authorities as detailed in Section 4.1, the sketch the sketch report should clearly state the design
stage report is to contain a table, showing the status criteria that are to be used on the project.
of information received and any action required to
facilitate the receipt of outstanding information.
5.2.8 Options
5.2.4 Available Information At sketch stage design, the requisite design options
need to prepared and presented in sufficient detail
Most design projects will have a relationship to other so that the merit and demerits of each option can be
design works that could vary from master planning quantified and assessed and estimates for the total
to detailed design or construction. The consultant cost of each option prepared.
will be required to research all available design data
and existing assets that DA may have. This
research should extend to other departments, and 5.2.9 Recommendation
authorities and should not be limited to the
Based on the merits, demerits and cost estimates
information received in response to design enquires.
for the individual options, the consultant shall make
It is the consultant’s responsibility to ensure that all
a recommendation as to which option is to be
the required information is obtained and assess the
adopted clearly stating how this conclusion is
accuracy of information received. The sketch stage
report should identify the required information
available and report the status of this information
and any further action required, clearly tabulated, 5.2.10 Appendices
and including a synopsis of all relevant data.
Appendices can be used as necessary to included
information, such as design calculations, that are too
5.2.5 Investigations bulky for in incorporation in the main text, but as a
minimum the following two appendices should be
The investigations required will have been identified
in the methodology and work plan. Programming of
the investigation may require them to have • Project Brief;
commenced prior to the submission of the sketch
stage report. The status along with other basic • Relevant Correspondence and Minutes of
information should be reported clearly in tabular Meetings.

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5.2.11 Typical Drawings information has not been forthcoming then the report
should clearly state any assumption made in the
As noted above, one of the main objectives of this absence of this information.
manual is to set the level of information required at
each design report stage. In this respect, the Available in formation
following example drawings have been included in
Appendix 3: As with the Design Enquiries, this should be
complete and in the absence of information
Sewage EIC0543/D3/FS/100 assumptions made clearly stated. The preliminary
report is to identify which sources of information
Surface Water EIC0543/D1/PR/SW/100 have been used and specific information abstracted.
Sewage Treatment Works C627 004 Investigations
Process Flow Diagram C627 011 Investigations should have been completed and the
details recorded in tabular format.
Land Use C415/ ER002
Design Criteria

5.3 Preliminary Stage The final design criteria used to determine the
Report design should be stated and any revisions from
sketch stage highlighted.
The requirements for the preliminary stage report
are given in Section 10.3 of the Professional Service Cost Estimates
Agreement General Conditions of Engagement
The cost estimate should be updated to match the
1984xv as amended and amplified by the particular
level of design completed.
terms of reference for the project. The main
objective of the report is to fix the design. The Appendices
finalised scope, depending on the project specifics,
will comprise drawings showing: Appendices can be used as necessary to include
information, such as design calculations, that are too
• Layout plans; bulky for in incorporation in the main text, but as
• Long sections of pipelines; minimum, the following four appendices should be
• Structural drawings;
• Project Brief;
• Compound layouts;
• Relevant Correspondence and Minutes of
• Mechanical and electrical installations.
The DA require the following basic structure, which
• Drawings;
is to be amplified if required by the project PSA.
• Details of Cost Estimate.

5.3.1 Structure/Content of Report Typical drawings

Programme Sewerage, SW, STW, and TSE drawings as

necessary, in sufficient detail to clearly illustrate the
The programme submitted with sketch stage and design options discussed.
intervening progress reports should be updated and
any revisions to the deliverable schedule included.

Design Enquiry Status

A table should now be complete with all information

received. If it has been the case that some

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5.4 Detail Design and • Form of Tender;

Tendering Stage • Instruction to Tenderers;

Detailed design is to be prepared and presented in • Conditions of Contract;

the form of tender documentation. This may be for a • Project Specification;
single, or for several contracts depending on the
• List of Drawings;
requirements of the PSA. The tender documentation
will be divided in to the following sections: • Bill of Quantities.

• Drawings; Instructions to Tenderers

• Specification; Instruction to tenderers are to a standard format,

however, the consultant will be required to
• Bill of Quantities.
incorporate the:
The tender documents will be prepared in
accordance with section 5.5. On completion, they • Project Title, Number and Code;
will be submitted to the DA for review and • Budget Reference and Code.
comment/approval. Following approval by the DA,
final approval will be required from the Roads Affairs Conditions of Contract
and the Lands and Planning Department prior to
The Conditions of Contract are to be the General
submitting for SAB and DLO approval.
Conditions of Contract prepared by the Ministry of
A cost estimate, in the form of a priced bill of Public Works. This will be amended by the Part II
quantities is to be submitted with the tender Conditions of Particular Application, which are
documentation. standard on all contracts and only require the
incorporation of the:
Prior to progressing to tender stage any building
permit required should be completed. • Project Title, Number and Code;
• Budget Reference and Code.

5.5 Documentation The Specimen Form of Contract Agreement is to

included in both English and Arabic and as such be
As noted above, the tender documentation will updated to represent the correct Government
comprise the following. signatories at the time of preparation.

Project Specification
5.5.1 Drawings
The project specification will comprise the general
All drawings are to be prepared in accordance with specification and project specification, which may
Volume 6- CAD Manual, and should fully describe also include a Mechanical and Electrical
the works to be constructed. Specification depending on the project

5.5.2 Specification The general specification is to be the Qatar National

Building Specification or Qatar Construction
The specification will be combined with the
Specification as specified by the DA for each
necessary other sections to form the main tender
project. Drainage Affairs issue specification
document, this will, for civil works, comprise a single
amendments and those issued at the time of
volume but where electromechanical works are
preparation are to be included. Other amendments
required a separate volume containing the
to the general specification for items such as the
Mechanical and Electrical specification will be
Engineer’s site accommodation will be incorporated
to suit the project requirements.
The main tender document will comprise the
following sections:

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The project specification will contain all the A summary of all the reports prepared for the
necessary specification required for the specific scheme shall be given.
project and are written for each project.
A separate section of the Engineering Report, if
Where a mechanical and electrical specification is required, shall deal with the design of
required this should follow the same format as electromechanical equipment. It shall include a
above. In the case where QNBS is adopted this will summary of design criteria for all principal
be a full specification as QNBS does not contain a equipment such as pumps, process units, aerators,
mechanical and electrical specification. compressors, air conditioning, ventilation and odour
control systems, specifying respective electrical
List of Drawings loads and estimated power consumption. The
calculations shall be accompanied by a single line
The project specification is to contain a complete list
diagram and complete electrical load chart showing
of all the drawings that comprise the contract. This
list shall contain the following information: principal parameters for confirming the capacity of
transformers, power supply, capacity of standby
• Drawing Number; generators detailing kVA and kW loads.

• Drawing Title; The Engineering Report is to include the following

• Drawing Revision. aspects, to particular project requirements, and be
prepared in accordance with the format and quality
control procedures detailed in this section.
5.5.3 Bill of Quantities
Plans: Layout of the Works including existing
The Bill of Quantities is to be prepared in Works and those which are under construction at a
accordance with the Civil Engineering Method of suitable scale showing general arrangement of
Measurement, 3rd Edition (1991) with additions and pumping stations, chambers, manholes, structures,
amendments as detailed in the DAs standard other facilitates, buildings, roads, pipelines and
preamble, if applicable. works inter-faces etc.

Catchment and sub-catchment plans showing the

5.6 Engineering Report main drainage routes and major facilities are to be
included at an appropriate scale.
The Engineering Report shall be prepared for the
Works included in the detailed design, details of Plan drawings showing general arrangements with
options not adopted need not be included. The dimensions of pipelines, buildings, structures,
report is to contain a summary of the main elements, chambers and manholes. The drawings are to
which will depend on the particular project, typically: illustrate all M&E equipment with centre lines and
leading dimensions; machinery pipelines, cable
• design criteria;
ducts, control panel, valves, penstocks etc.
• design parameters;
Sections: Sections of all pipelines and other
• hydraulic calculations; hydraulic structures, at appropriate scales. These
• effluent standards; are to include chainages, connecting pipelines and
structures, manholes/chambers, invert cover and
• average and peak design flows (STW’s); ground levels, bedding type, pipeline diameters and
• general layout plans; materials, gradient, terrain crossed, major service
crossings and any specialist construction
• process flow schematic;
• hydraulic profiles;
Detailed Drawings: Outline drawings, to
• calculations for rising mains with pump approved scales, of: building, structures pumping
system curves. stations, chambers, manholes, roads, pipelines and
including M&E equipment showing the principal

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components, pipework, fuel tanks etc. The limit and specialist investigations. These are to be prepared
extent of the Works undertaken under the Project and submitted in accordance the quality control and
shall be clearly identified together with existing and format requirement details in this section.
other proposed works.

Hydraulic Model Studies: Description and

illustration of the hydraulic model study for relevant
catchment and sub-catchment areas. The study is to
cover current and fully developed catchment
conditions. The report is to show hydraulic profiles
for peak flow along all pipelines, hydraulic
structures, chambers, pumping stations, together
with clear illustrations and listings of all input data.

M&E Equipment: Schedule of all items of M&E

equipment and instrumentation control and
automation (ICA). Where the new equipment is
incorporated with existing equipment, details shall
also show existing machinery and apparatus. A
basic P&I diagram indicating the method of control
and layout of the proposed instrumentation. The
diagram shall incorporate existing equipment where
necessary to illustrate the complete system.

Hydraulic Calculations: Complete manual

hydraulic calculations shall be provided where not
provided by computer model or spreadsheet.

Structural Design: Structural calculations shall

be prepared for the structural elements of the

Geotechnical Information: A summary of

geotechnical information and key parameters used
in the design of the Works together with a drawing
showing the location of relevant boreholes and test

Health and Safety: The Report shall contain a

summary of health and safety measures adopted to
meet fundamental safety requirements with respect
to construction, refurbishment, operation and
maintenance of those sections of the Works which
are covered under this PSA.

Environmental Impact Statement: The report

shall contain an EIS if requested by in the PSA
(refer to Section 3.7).

5.7 Supplementary Reports

Supplementary Reports will be required by the
specific project brief and will cover such items as

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Drainage Affairs

Investigations and Sub-Contracts: Where

6 Checking Systems specialist investigation and sub-contract works are
to be carried out, these shall be listed with the name
and full details of the proposed specialists included
6.1 Project Quality Plan for DA approval.
The objective of the Project Quality Plan is to Quality Requirements: The minimum requirements
demonstrate that the consultant has a full are stated in Section 5. The purpose of this part is
understanding of the project and Drainage Affairs‘s for the consultant to demonstrate how he will
requirements and should as a minimum comprise meaningfully fulfil these requirements, with
the following sections: reference to his own company quality control
procedures. The names of authors, approvers and
• Project Description;
checkers must be clearly stated.
• Work Plan;
Meetings: Progress meetings are to be held and
• Schedule of Deliverables; should be held to coincide with the monthly progress
• Investigations and Sub-Contracts; reports. Other meetings will be required on subjects
such as:
• Quality Requirements;
• Meetings; • Project start-up (Kick off);

• References and Sources of Information; • Co-ordination with DA Divisions;

• Team Structure; • Co-ordination with other consultants;

• Programme. • Co-ordination with other Departments;

The Quality Plan is to be submitted within two weeks • Design stage reviews.
of the commencement of the project unless This will vary depending on the project
otherwise specified in the project brief. requirements, but all meetings should be identified
and listed in the Project Quality Plan along with
Project Description: The Project Description is to
provision dates to suit the design programme.
define the scope of the works as defined in the PSA.
It is to expand on the brief to fully define the References and Sources of Information: Section
project’s requirements and DA’s aspirations. 5 describes the sources of information and
references. The sources of required information
Work Plan: In this section the consultant is to
should be identified and listed in the Project Quality
describe how the project will be carried out. The
design approach, i.e. the individual design elements,
are to be stated and the method by which these will Team Structure: Organograms showing the team
be undertaken. The design philosophy, i.e. how the structure of the DA and consultant’s staff are to be
consultant will utilise his resources to complete the included, along with contact details as appropriate.
work, is to be described with particular reference to
internal and external communications. The consultant is to include a curriculum vitae, and
any other relevant documentation, for all his
A methodology is to be included stating the proposed staff for DA approval.
requirements at different design stages, the
information required form external sources, and the Programme: A programme, in an approved format,
process by which the major design parameters will using appropriate software such MS Project or
be derived. Primavera is to be included. This should show all the
main design stages and activities in sufficient
Schedule of Deliverables: A schedule listing all the details. to allow approval by DA. The programme
project deliverables and delivery dates is to be should be in a format that will allow progress to be
included. monitored and up-dates to be issued as required.

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6.2 Stage Approvals 6.4 Progress Reporting

Approval of the DA will be required for the main The consultant is to submit a Monthly Report to an
design stages namely: approved format and this should contain the
• Sketch Stage;
Project Details
• Preliminary;
• Detailed/Tender; • Project Title;

• Engineering Report. • Project Code;

Although the project PSA may vary or be expanded • Consultant Name and Contact Details;
on, the above the implications of approval of the • Report Title;
report will be as follows.
• Month Reported on;
Sketch Stage: The recommended option has been
• Report Issue Number;
accepted and can be progressed to preliminary
design. • Prepared By;

Preliminary: The design and scope of work is fixed • Approved By;

and detailed design and tender documents can be • Project Co-ordinator;
• Consultant Key Staff;
Detailed/Tender: Tender documentation is finalised • Start Date;
and necessary copies of documents can be
produced for tendering purposes. • Completion Date;
• Addends issued.
Engineering Report: The engineering and design
elements are finished and the project is effectively Introduction
complete. The only remaining obligations will relate
to the tendering process and may included items • Brief statement of the scope of the project.
such production of tender documents, tender review Progress Summary
and production of contract documentation.
• List of report issued;
• Main objectives received;
6.3 References and
Status of on-going works.
Information updating •
Detailed Progress
During the course of the project the consultant will,
from various sources, obtain much information. The • Details of work undertaken in the month;
sources of this, details of information received, and
• Details of information received.
details utilised will be included in the various design
stage reports as described in Section 5. It is not Outstanding Information
generally desirable or practicable to include copies
of the actual information in the reports. However, the • Details of information that is still required.
consultant is to maintain a register of all information Key Issues
received and store this information in such a way
that in can be easily retrieved for the duration of the • Main item of progress;
project. The DA may request an inspection of the • Any items of importance.
register and storage arrangements at any time
during the course of the project and this is to be
accommodated by the consultant.
Programme and Planned Process

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• Status report of actual progress compared

with original programme;
• The project programme is to be updated and
submitted in tracking format.
Schedule of Meetings Held and Site Visits

Schedule of Submission

• Programmed dates;
• Actual dates;
• Data Collection;
• Status report of data collection;
• Staffing;
• Details of consultant’s staff who worked on
the project.

• List of finalised variations;

• List of variations being processed;
• List of variations notified by consultant.

• List of accepted delays;

• List of delays notified by the consultant.

• List of finalised addenda;

• List of addenda being processed.

• List of invoices submitted and payment

Health and Safety

• Description of any health and safety issues

applicable to the project.

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accommodate varying demand requirements

7 Operation and depending on the weather, maintenance
Maintenance programme, upstream/downstream flow
conditions, etc.;
• Confine all operations, maintenance and site
7.1 Normal Operations establishment facilities to within the site

7.1.1 Operational Objectives and • Safeguard all structures in the vicinity of the
• Ascertain from the public utility authorities,
The overall objective of the Department shall be the
positions of all existing underground
provision, within budget, of timely, efficient and
services and maintain, protect or divert them
effective operational and maintenance services,
as required;
including scheduled preventative maintenance and
unscheduled corrective activities. This overall • Establish procedures for procurement and
objective seeks to: installation of all spare parts, consumables
• Maximise the overall performance of all
infrastructure; • Establish and maintain a central
computerised stores management system;
• Increase performance levels by the use of establish minimum stock holding; replenish
improved technologies and methods; stock in a timely manner; and as and when
• Perform services to the best industrial necessary, man stores to suit operational
practices in terms of delivery, efficiency, requirements;
workmanship, housekeeping, planning and • Ensure all personnel are fully familiarised
control; with the requirements of the services to be
• Cater for expansion of the wastewater provided and the various site layouts, plant
collection, treatment and disposal systems assets, site safety regulations, statutory
to meet future demands and deliver its requirements and Department procedures;
required levels and quality of service; • Implement a community relations
• Monitor and control operations and programme to prevent abnormal and
maintenance expenditure within agreed improper use of assets;
financial targets; • Emergency response service;
• Provide the continuity of the services with • Develop ongoing planned
minimal disruption to the flows and pumping repair/refurbishment work;
• Establish proactive planned inspection,
• Guidelines for Setting up the Operating operations and maintenance, and cleaning
Procedures. routines;
The operating procedures shall address the • Undertake reactive and non-routine
following particular requirements: maintenance;
• Operations shall be structured using a split • Provide appropriate qualified personnel to
system, i.e. 24 hrs; plan, direct and supervise all activities.
• Ensure that no activity causes hindrance to
the execution of any works and fully
cooperate with the concerned parties;
• Operate/adjust pumping station reservoirs,
networks and or treatment works to

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Drainage Affairs

7.1.2 Management and Control of by good logistics management. Ongoing analysis of

the database generated through Computerised
Maintenance Management System (CMMS) linked
A co-ordinated and planned operations policy shall to the assets will enable improvements and fine
be adopted with the aim of providing a cost effective tuning of the operational activities, maximising asset
service whilst providing ongoing security of service life, minimising costs of delivery and ensuring
and assurance as to the operation of the asset. activities are effective.

Base operation management on sound planning, Regulation of flows using Pumping Stations,
good communications and good working Valves, Penstocks, Temporary Stoppers, etc. to
relationships between all parties concerned. Accommodate Work on the System: Operation
and maintenance of assets, e.g. networks, pumping
Optimise the operation of the system with the help of stations and treatment works, are closely interlinked
accurate operational records and management and have a close working relationship. Interface and
science. co-ordination with other authorities, contractors, etc.
Consider personnel safety in all operations. is essential if the total service delivery of the system
is to be maintained.
Organise the different levels of operation procedures
into the following: Adjust normal method of working/operational
practices/maintenance programme to accommodate
• Routine operation procedures which are changes in up/downstream flow conditions resulting
normally carried out without shutting down of from work by others.
plant. These include operational data
gathering, plant condition monitoring, Surveillance of Networks to Ensure Appropriate
pump/equipment status, cleaning etc.; Use and/or Stop Misuse: Any environment in
which explosive or poisonous gases are present,
• Routine operational procedures requiring presents a potential safety hazard. Therefore,
shutting down of plant for not more than permission from the Department and other
two hours continuously and where a standby authorities shall be sought for works falling under
facility is available; the following categories:
• Major maintenance/inspection and overhaul
• Dewatering discharge;
procedures which require shutdown of the
plant for more than two hours irrespective of • Entering into confined space, e.g. manholes,
availability of standby plant; chambers, pump station wet-wells, etc.;

• Routine maintenance procedures requiring • Discharge of waste, e.g. hazardous or toxic

shutting down of plant for not more than two material, oil, collected sediments, fat/grease,
hours continuously and where a standby rags, etc.;
facility is available; • Monitoring salinity;
• Emergency procedures which require • Illicit and/or cross-connections.
immediate action.
The Department shall monitor the assets through
Apply all Health and Safety requirements and in various sources in order to ensure their proper use.
particular for confined spaces, traffic management,
use and storage of chemicals and such substances, Co-ordination of Work on the System by Others
workshop and offices. (Connections, Rehabilitation, Diversion, etc.):
Co-ordination of work with others is essential to
Optimisation of Pumping Station Operation to effectively manage the ongoing operations of the
maximise the life of ‘whole system’ assets and network.
minimise station and network maintenance. The key
to optimising operational activities of assets is an Ensure that no activity causes hindrance to the
effective schedule and dispatch system backed up execution of any work on the system. Adjust normal

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method of working/operational practice/maintenance

programmes to accommodate changes in 7.1.4 Cost Control and
up/downstream flow conditions resulting from work Operational Efficiency
by others or as required.
Achieve the following:

7.1.3 Operating Procedures, • Optimum control of resources;

Schedules and Organisation • Best cost management and auditability;

Operating procedures shall be in accordance with • Ability to schedule complex, fast-moving

the following: work loads;

• Equipment manufacturer’s • Optimum performance of the assets;

recommendations; • Planned maintenance on programme;
• Operating requirements; • Response to emergencies and complaints
• Industry standards. within agreed response time.

Operating procedures shall be written in accordance The key to optimising operational activities is an
with relevant ‘best practice standards’ to achieve effective schedule and dispatch system backed up
best possible quality. These will concern facilities, with good logistics management in delivering
quality of service, staff and their organisation. essential services to the people.
Operating procedures shall be followed by all staff.
Ongoing analysis of the database generated through
Operating procedures shall be reviewed and audited CMMS linked to the assets will enable
systematically and regularly to ensure that they are improvements and fine tuning of the
practical, safe and meet the intent for which they are operational activities, minimising costs of delivery
designed. and ensuring activities are effective. Analysis of
trends in salinity, odour issues, collapses, and
Operating schedules shall: blockages against asset class, operating context,
location and history will allow problems to be
• Generate work order schedules based on identified and addressed effectively. Analysing the
resource levelling techniques; performance of assets will enable understanding of
• Graphically analyse and manipulate assets performance and determine the most
availability of resources; appropriate operational and maintenance strategies.

• Set down-time requirements for machinery

required to be off-line prior to work being 7.2 Routine (Scheduled)
• Optimise asset life through what-if analysis;
A routine (scheduled) programme shall be
• Store new schedule dates for comparison implemented over a period of time to improve the
with the original target dates; utilisation of the assets, reduce down-time due to
• Forecast future preventive maintenance failure and therefore corrective maintenance costs.
dates for resource planning.
The approach to maintenance of assets should be
The operation of the Department’s assets will be based on the following philosophy:
organised into manageable; efficient areas of
responsibility and service centres for call-outs, • Retain the functionality of the assets in
inspections, cleaning and repairs. accordance with the performance
requirements of the Department;
• Minimise the impact on public health;

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• Customer and environmental consequences • Annual Inspections.

of asset failure are avoided or minimised;
• Maintenance programmes take account of 7.2.2 Classification of Routine
all aspects of business effectiveness, risk, Maintenance Tasks
safety, environmental integrity, energy
efficiency, product quality asset life Routine maintenance tasks will be divided up on the
expectancy and customer service; basis of frequency and will bear the effective
operational date during the year. There will be for
• Maintenance strategies are based on a
example routine daily, weekly, monthly, quarterly,
proper understanding of the life performance
six-monthly, annual and two-year operations etc.
of the assets in their operating context, and
Particular attention will be paid in planning
maintenance tasks reflect both technical
procedures to avoid an excessive concentration of
feasibility and cost effectiveness;
programmed works on the same day. The following
• Condition-based maintenance tasks will be are some typical examples of routine maintenance:
preferred and will be based on the ‘lead time
to failure’, not availability or reliability; • Extensive manual rodding programmes;

• Ensure that protective devices are effectively • Routine maintenance using mechanical
maintained, thus limiting the probability of rodding equipment e.g. combi-jet rodding,
multiple failures at acceptable levels; mechanically driven cutters, screen
cleaning, bucket machines;
• Ensure an appropriate balance between
maintenance and capital solutions, i.e. cost • Manhole/chamber inspection and renovation
effectiveness, asset capability vs. current programmes;
and future required demand. • Manhole/chamber location, raising and
Maintenance programmes based on the above lowering;
principles will ensure that lowest ‘whole of life’ costs • Construction of manholes, discharge
will be achieved in delivering the required asset manholes and overflow structures;
performance. Maintenance programmes may be
• Treatment of odour with absorbent chemical
controlled through CMMS that generate work orders
on a regular basis (i.e. daily, weekly, etc). This
system allows the control of corrective maintenance • Blockage removal;
and stock management, and produces reports.
• Pressure main inspection and repair;
• Sewer excavation and repair;
7.2.1 Definition of Scheduled
• Joint sealing programmes (patches, sleeves,
Maintenance etc.);
Scheduled maintenance shall include: periodic • Chemical grouting programmes;
lubrication, inspection and testing, based on the
recommendations of the equipment manufacturer. It • Inspections with CCTV, probes and flexible
shall also take account of any specific legal probes;
requirements relating to particular work equipment, • Man-entry inspection programmes;
e.g. inspection and testing of lifting gear.
• Routine maintenance for valves, probes and
A Scheduled Maintenance programme shall consist flowmeters (lubrication, painting, electric
of the following aspects: wiring inspection, etc.);

• Routine Maintenance; • Ordinary maintenance of control, indicators

and measurement instrumentation;
• Routine Inspections;
• Electrical and Mechanical test procedures;
• Monthly Inspections;

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• Mandatory/statutory testing of equipment; 7.2.3 Method Statements on Each

• Maintenance of traffic management Activity and Sub-Activity
All major activities carried out on-site shall be
• Maintenance of safety equipment; gas preceded by the creation of a method statement.
monitors, man-lifts, harnesses, etc. Typical examples of method statements are detailed
Safe working methods, e.g. working in confined
spaces; isolation, tests and restoration on high • Safety/risk assessments;
voltage equipment; isolation, working and re-starting
of rotating & electrical equipment; winching; • Isolations required;
jetting/de-silting of sewers; major/minor pipe repairs, • Work procedure;
and working in public highways.
• Permits required;
Cleaning of pipes, tanks, sumps: Cleaning
• Emergency procedure;
services are defined as the removal from the
networks, tanks, sumps, etc. of: obstructions, • Personnel required;
deposits and debris. Cleaning services can be low • Tools required.
or high velocity jetting, flushing, winching, cutting
and rodding. The Department shall require that any organisation
undertaking to perform work on assets under its
Preventive/Reactive maintenance of assets; jurisdiction shall submit appropriate method
pumps, motors, starters, manholes, valves, air- statements for implementing the proposed work.
conditioning units, buildings, civil structures
and etc: A well planned and executed
preventive/reactive maintenance programme is 7.2.4 Organisation and Control of
absolutely necessary in order for pumps, Scheduled Maintenance
motors, starters, valves, air conditioning and civil
structures to operate efficiently. Attention to Efficient maintenance schedules for any asset
maintenance is particularly important in preventing require that inspection precede maintenance
the accelerated corrosion and wear resulting from activities. There are many drivers of asset
the severe conditions imposed by acidity, gases and performance, and predicting asset condition and
dampness. therefore maintenance requirements are very
Establishment of and a firm commitment to a strong
scheduled maintenance programme are critical to By identifying key points that can provide
reduce equipment downtime and extended representative statements on the asset condition,
equipment life. planned maintenance activities can either proceed
or be deferred. The programme cycles are
Maintenance of pump sets, MCCs, ACs, etc.: A correspondingly adjusted to reflect the new
continuing preventive maintenance programme can information. If maintenance activities show the rate
maximise the performance, minimise life cycle of deterioration of the assets to be greater than
operating costs, and extend the life of assets such predicted, the inspection cycle is shortened to suit.
as pumps, MCCs, ACs, etc. by several years.
Keeping an accurate record of the performed In some instances, inspections are required to
maintenance will also help in the diagnosis of simply provide ongoing monitoring of the rate of
failures when they do occur. deterioration of assets, to enable planning of capital
expenditure in major renovation programmes. It is
essential to schedule asset inspections to identify
problems or issues, assess rates of deterioration
and to calibrate planned maintenance activities.
These inspections will be scheduled through
Computerised Maintenance Management System

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(CMMS) and dispatched to the inspection team to inspections as well as service quality in general,
action. particularly related to the following:

• Reliability of collected data;

7.2.5 Inspection, Quality Control • Condition of works and equipment;
and Follow-Up
• Compliance to instructions and manual
The inspection programme will be based on the best procedures;
asset data available:
• Accuracy of measures taken;
• Existing documents and drawings; • Service management efficiency;
• Asset details; • Presence of abnormal conditions.
• Existing asset condition data; The department shall ensure that all work complies
• Asset historical data; with the requirements of the relevant QC/QA
standards, as a minimum. Internal audits shall be
• Local knowledge of existing employees; performed to verify that QC/QA procedures are
• Most appropriate asset evaluation adhered to.
A review and follow-up system will also address the
• Evaluation rate for the specific asset. problems and failures with assets, e.g. why a failure
During routine maintenance and inspection, occurred, and to ensure that there is no repeat. Any
maintenance personnel will note the condition of failure discovered through the exercises shall be
various assets and identify areas that need repair. managed through the QA corrective action system.
Potential problems documented and repair work Implementation of actions shall be followed up by
prioritised, depending on the nature and severity of means of continuous monitoring, planned reporting
the problem: back on actions or direct follow-up. The result of the
follow-up shall be documented.
• Immediate repair, e.g. pump station failure,
sewer line rupture, sewer line blockage.
These repairs may be temporary until 7.2.6 Maintenance and Inspection
scheduled or capital improvements can be of Safety/Rescue Equipment
The condition of the safety and rescue equipment
• Scheduled repair, e.g. lubricating pump shall be monitored during routine site visits by
motors, sealing cracks, flushing sewer lines, operations staff. When a safety/rescue item is
repairing manholes, etc.; issued from the stores it will be accompanied by
instructions for its use, storage and maintenance.
• Capital improvements, e.g. rehabilitating
sewer lines, constructing or replacing new Inspection and operational checks must be carried
out before and after each use:
pump stations, installing new sewer lines,
etc. • Seek advice from the manufacturer if in
Quality controls will be done by maintenance doubt or if any faults or defects are found
personnel through inspecting installations to check with a unit;
for any breakdowns, defects, or other elements • Inspect for: loose bolts, bent or damaged
interfering with asset operations. In any case these parts, signs of corrosion and ensure fully
controls make it possible to notify any critical legible labels and instructions are present;
situation to the management for further action.
• Examine the housing for wear, cuts,
The work of the operators assigned to the asset damage, distortion, fractures or other
maintenance/installations will be checked by these damage;

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• Gas detectors to be calibrated by qualified documented and reported to the management for
personnel, as required; prioritisation and co-ordination of repair work. There
are three general priorities that may be used:
• Operate the mechanism and confirm the
device activates correctly; • Immediate repair – urgent problem that may
• Remove from service and return to cause an immediate overflow, e.g. pump
authorised dealer for service; station failures, sewer line collapse,
blockages, etc.;
• Document the inspection in the inspection
log. • Scheduled repair – problems that do not
require immediate action, e.g. sealing
cracks, repairing manholes, lubricating
7.3 Non-Scheduled (Non- pump motors and flushing sewer lines;
Routine) Maintenance • Capital improvement - for large projects or
replacement project, e.g. rehabilitating
Non-scheduled maintenance is a result of a defect
sewer lines, constructing or replacing a new
developing and/or being identified between
pump station.
scheduled maintenance. Non-scheduled
maintenance will:
7.3.4 Management of Non-
• Provide immediate attention to the problem;
Scheduled Maintenance
• Stabilise the situation and either provide
temporary repair or provide full correction of Non-scheduled (reactive) maintenance is geared to
the defect. assessing and resolving system component
breakdowns as quickly and as efficiently as
possible. Examples of such problems are as follows:
7.3.1 Definition of Non-Scheduled
Maintenance • Blockages in sewers due to encrustations;
• Blockages in sewers due to root in-growths;
Non-scheduled maintenance activities are defined
as any activity, which is required to sustain the • Blocked storm drains;
proper and continued operation of any system, but
• Wastewater overflows;
are not at the time included in the Computerised
Maintenance Management System (CMMS). • Bursts on sewage pumping mains;
• Leaks and bursts on irrigation mains.
7.3.2 Classification of Non- Procedures should be put in place so that staff can
Scheduled Maintenance react to the failure of major items, or have clear
ideas on contingency actions. Priorities can be
made as follows:
The Department shall identify and classify all non-
scheduled maintenance activities and where • Quick assessment of problem – can it be
applicable include them in the Computerised resolved?
Maintenance Management System (CMMS). Non- • Safeguard process – deduce any impact on
scheduled maintenance tasks can be divided up on environment and community;
the basis of priority.
• Detailed inspection – formulate plan of
7.3.3 Identifying the Need for Non- • Mobilise resources – personnel and
Scheduled Maintenance materials;

During routine maintenance and inspection, crews • Fix problem;

may identify potential problems. These should be

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• Report on problem and ways to prevent into account in developing the procedure. A check
recurrence in future. list of actions may be a useful addition.

A well prepared plan should give competent

7.3.5 Control of Costs and Quality operatives adequate information to initiate
appropriate remedial action. This will eliminate
The Department shall have in place management
having to wait for decisions to be made by others
and accounting systems that would allow it to set
and reduce the overall response times required to
budgets for the works, manage the costs and
contain the incident.
measure actual performance against budget for cost
categories such as labour, spares, consumables, A well-prepared plan will also include availability of
fuel, recruitment costs, capital items, chlorine, and resources, internally and externally.

7.4.1 Definition and Classification

7.3.6 Inspection and Follow-Up of Emergencies
Maintenance personnel shall inspect installations to
An incident can be defined according to the alarm
check for any breakdowns, defects or other
levels that trigger an emergency response:
elements interfering with asset operations. In any
case, these controls make it possible to notify any Level 1 – incidents arising on a daily basis, e.g. a
critical situation to the management for further blockage or surcharge imminent or occurring. After
action. intervention and action by the operator, the situation
returns to normal with no resultant effect on the
The follow-up system shall address the problems
system. This type of emergency does not require
and failures with assets, e.g. why a failure occurred,
other organisations to be notified immediately.
and to ensure that there is no repeat. Any failure
However, a procedure will exist to record the
discovered through the exercises shall be managed
incident in order to allow recognition that these
through the QA corrective action system.
problems can exist.
Implementation of actions shall be followed up by
means of continuous monitoring, planned reporting Level 2 – incidents limited to a well defined area
back on actions, or direct follow-up. The result of the that completely halt the operation of that area, e.g. a
follow-up shall be documented. pipeline collapse. Level 2 incidents concern well
defined zones of the system and during these
incidents the affected zone is non-operational.
7.4 Emergency Procedures Irrespective of the severity of the situation, the
This guidance document provides advice on operator in charge of the problem will provide an
emergency response planning. It aims to help account as soon as possible to the management.
operators consider the appropriate level of detail for Following internal communications, the
a specific site, taking into account the risks and the management will implement the necessary
site layout. safeguards. These may involve:

Emergency procedures will define the scope of • co-ordinating the actions with the operator;
activities covered, staff responsibilities, and • contacting emergency works services;
procedures for dealing with a variety of events. The
level of response will depend on health and safety • informing the relevant authorities.
issues, staff training, the level of Personal Protective For incidents of this level, the management takes
Equipment (PPE) available, the nature of the complete control of the problem.
problem, and types of control equipment available
on the site. The appropriate level of response will, Level 3 – incidents (or associated incidents) that
therefore be site specific. It is important to consider completely stop the works, and require some co-
what could happen in the worst case and to take this ordination with external organisations, e.g. industrial

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pollution in a network, or a fire. Level 3 incidents pollution management, alerting staff on site
adopt the same concept as emergency level 2. As a and clean-up procedures and follow-up
priority, the management will consider actions to reviews;
solve the problem and will identify as quickly as
• Information, including contingency plans and
possible the most probable delay in the restitution of
access to reliable and appropriate
works. During this type of crises, the role of the
information/databases and resources, etc.;
management is essential, in that, all resources,
personnel, emergency works services and relevant • The above elements are all worthless unless
authorities must be assigned to control the crisis in the people concerned know how to use
the best possible way. them. Any site ERP will depend for its
effectiveness on staff training. All staff and
Each of these three levels is defined using three contractors working on site should be made
criteria: aware of the plan and should know their role
if an incident occurs. Exercises should be
• zone of influence;
carried out periodically to familiarise staff
• seriousness; with the operation of the plan and to test its
• management of the emergency. effectiveness. Records of staff training
should be maintained;
• Review and follow-up systems of ERP, e.g.
7.4.2 Establishment of Emergency to determine why a failure occurred, and
Response Plans/Procedures how to ensure that there is no repeat
An effective Emergency Response Plan (ERP) shall incident. Any failure discovered through the
be an essential element of the Department’s exercises should be managed through the
strategy for dealing with operational emergencies. QA corrective action system. In order for the
Included in this should be a system for plan to remain effective, it is vital that it is
avoiding, or at worst, minimising pollution during regularly reviewed and that any significant
emergencies. changes are reflected in a revised plan.
Ensure that revised copies are sent to all
An ERP should enable operators to respond to plan holders and that old versions are
incidents in a timely and cost effective manner. In destroyed.
this respect procedures should:
Finally, the document must be retained by all
• Be comprehensive, yet short and easy to personnel, in a simplified version that defines their
read; personal responsibility. All personnel must be
retained in the system, and the communication
• Be simple, with a minimum of bureaucracy. strategy must be part of exercising the ERP.
ERPs need to take account of the department’s
‘Client’ Procedures: It is important in any
operational arrangements and will vary from one
emergency to respond quickly to correct the
organisation to another. However, an ERP should in
situation, learn from the experience and restore
general address the following issues:
confidence. An ERP will ensure positive action is
• Communication strategy that identifies, for taken and the duration of the problem is minimised.
each level of failure, the communication that Important factors are co-ordination and teamwork,
is to occur. These could include and all Department staff must familiarise themselves
communication with the emergency with the Plan so that they fully recognise their own
services, local authorities, other roles within a team when dealing with any incident.
organisations concerned, customers,
Management of Specific Types of Incidents on
internal department communications, and
the Whole System: An incident is defined as an
the media;
unexpected, unplanned and undesired event that
• Management systems, including systems results in physical harm (injury or disease): i) to
that give an early warning of problems, individual; ii) damage to property; iii) near miss; and

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iv) any combination of these effects. The • Emergency Response Teams;

management of the incident must follow a procedure
• Other Service Providers;
that is agreed between all parties, taking into
consideration the local law. • Armed Services, where necessary;

An effective incident management procedure should • The Media.

be an essential element of the Department’s
strategy for dealing with operational emergencies. 7.4.3 Emergency Plant and
Included in this should be systems for avoiding, or at
worst, minimising pollution during emergencies.
Provision of specialist plant and equipment in an
The type of emergency reported will vary from emergency situation in a public utilities environment.
incidents such as a blockage and flooding, to less These shall include, but not limited to, the following:
defined problems such as a depression in the road.
Such reports may be from customers, contractors, • Lifting and salvage equipment ;
from highway authorities, or others.
• Surface supplied air equipment;
In case of a fatal or major accident, notification shall • Rescue and diving equipment;
be forwarded to the Department Representative.
• Swiftwater rescue equipment;
Site/Location Specific Procedures: Irrespective of
• Flotation gear;
the site and/or location of an incident, all emergency
enquiries and demands should be reacted to • Full face masks;
promptly and appropriately. Notice of the incident
• Rope rescue equipment;
will come from one of the following sources:
• Ventilation equipment;
• Customer/public complaint;
• Sealed retracting lifeline with retrieval;
• Operations notification;
• Tripods / winches/ life-lines / gas detectors /
• Department notice (pumping station or communications equipment / etc.
treatment works breakdown).
A well-prepared ERP will define the organisation, 7.4.4 Public Health and
the methods of intervention and the courses of
action in the case of incident or accident, with least
possible delay, following any unforeseen damage or Considerations
safety problem. Actions taken within the framework Most industrial and commercial sites have the
of the ERP would intend to: potential to cause significant environmental harm
and to threaten water supplies and public health.
• Make the installations safe and limit the
ERP guidance notes will, if followed, reduce the risk
consequences of an accident;
of an incident occurring and often minimise
• Guarantee that the emergency services and expenditure. However, there will always be a
responsible authorities are alerted. residual risk of a spillage or a fire that could cause
Interaction With Other Authorities: The ERP shall serious environmental problems. In addition to these
include details of the organisations capable of obvious threats posed by spillage of sewage,
assisting in the various areas and their ability to be chemicals and oils, even materials which are non-
brought together outside normal working hours. hazardous to humans, such as foods and
beverages, can cause serious environmental harm.
Interaction and co-ordination with other authorities, The run-off generated in the event of a fire can also
consultants and contractors is essential to effectively be very damaging.
manage an emergency, also with:
The health and environmental impact of such an
• Emergency Services; incident may be long term and, in the case of ground

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water, may persist for decades or even longer. As a 7.4.6 Feedback and Optimising
result, the legal consequences and clean-up
Emergency Response
operation can be costly. Sewers, culverts, drains,
water distribution systems and service ducts all It is in the interest of the Department to provide an
present routes for pollutants to travel off-site. As a efficient response to problems in order to avoid
result, the effects of a discharge may not be evident incidents that have the potential to result in pollution
on site but may become apparent some distance and when an incident occurs, to minimise any
away. resulting pollution. Serious failures can cause
disruption, health risks, a loss of service, a poor
In most cases, an incident of this kind need not image to customers and unnecessary expenses.
result in serious environmental damage, providing
appropriate pollution prevention measures are in
place or immediately available. 7.4.7 First Aid Arrangements and
Emergency Procedures
7.4.5 Safety Considerations In an emergency situation, the experienced person
or team member renders First Aid, assesses the
In order to effectively manage sites from a safety
situation, and then summons assistance. Clearly
perspective, the Department shall ensure all its
state the position, problem, people involved and
contractors shall have site specific training manuals.
emergency service required. As soon as practicable,
Typical examples are:
advise the appropriate safety office and local
• Permit to work system; depot/team of the occurrence.

• Permit to work on HV equipment; In rendering 1st Aid the following points should be
• Risk assessments;
• Safe confined space entry procedures; • In all emergency situations, the rescuer
• Sludge digestion tanks;
1) Assess the situation quickly;
• Safe hand tool procedures.
2) Ensure the safety for the rescuer,
Wastewater collection, treatment and disposal victim and bystanders;
systems contain numerous hazards and can be
highly dangerous environments in which to carry out 3) Commence appropriate treatment
any task, from a simple inspection, to physical 4) Where there is more than one victim,
maintenance works. the care of an unconscious victim
has priority.
All personnel involved in carrying out, planning or
supervising assets/plant operations work should • The rescuer should not be distracted by
receive training (general and specialised), to victims who are calling out; their needs are
increase awareness of hazards associated with their less urgent as they are able to breathe.
work, so that they are able to recognise potential
Note: If an emergency situation arises, the
dangers and their effects.
safety of the workers, in a manhole or wet
The Department will meet all its statutory safety well, is the highest priority regardless of the
duties and aspire to those standards generally task being performed or equipment being
recognised as being best or approved practice in used.
order to ensure, so far as reasonably practicable,
the health, safety and welfare of the public,
employees, contractors and others affected by its 7.5 Spare Parts and
operations. Equipment
Purchasing and stock control play an important part
in effective project management and co-ordination.

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All efforts are wasted if necessary supplies are • Reduce inventory costs; as parts are issued
unavailable. Therefore, good logistics management out to work sites, real-time updates to
of stores spares and procurement requires a holistic inventory allow for accurate replenishment
approach. and turn around, minimising costly on-hand
The most efficient approach requires analysis of the
supply chain to ensure ‘value added’ is maximised
at each step. It is not necessary to hold large 7.5.2 Spare Parts Availability
numbers of spares, however, it is important
The O&M teams and the related workshops and
to decide what spares are required. Value is through
stores will indicate the minimum stock levels
skilled personnel applying sound maintenance
required for each item based on the quantities
practices to ensure existing equipment function
required for maintaining a service. This figure is
entered on the stock card. It needs to be taken into
The following list will help to identify which spare consideration whether an item is a local or overseas
parts are already held and which extra items may purchase. Orders need to be placed well in advance
need to be ordered and kept available in the store: of the minimum stock level being reached. Forward
planning is important.
• Routine consumables;
• Specialist items; 7.5.3 Storage Facilities
• Spare parts for routine equipment needing
Storage conditions are a vitally important
regular and frequent maintenance.
consideration in hot, humid climates. As such, air-
Needs should be discussed with O&M staff conditioning may be necessary. Storage areas are
members who know exactly what is required. Clear to be designated to prevent damage or deterioration
explanations must be given regarding what they of spare parts and equipment, in accordance with
hope to achieve through good stock control practice. the manufacturers’ storage instructions.
When supply needs are decided, the information
can be collated and a stock control policy devised. Personnel are to make sure that spare parts and
equipment are labelled/marked in such a manner so
as to enable easy identification and location.
7.5.1 Targets and Objectives Frequently used parts are best kept in a central
Better access to communication and accurate place within the stores where staff who are familiar
information leads to improvements in maintenance with them and understand their functions can quickly
planning, equipment scheduling and reduced access and order them as stock levels demand.
inventory costs. The following objectives should be
Specialist equipment and expensive materials
aimed for:
should be stored in a designated area.
• Increase readiness in order that operators
may access faults more quickly; Displayed lists and colour-coding of shelves will
provide easier access.
• Improve safety and compliance; automated
forms and checklists; Maintain the relevant documentation for
identification and location of spare parts prior to use
• Improve asset utilisation; time, materials and
or delivery.
spare part usage is collected at point-of-
work and automatically updated on back-end
systems. This eliminates rework, allows for 7.5.4 Inventory Control and Stock
more efficient spare parts scheduling, and
enables management to track and allocate
Management Procedures
resources more effectively;
A Computerised Maintenance Management
System (CMMS)

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Spare parts received should be checked and • Test and inspection records;
catalogued against the supplier/manufacturer part
• Commissioning reports;
number. If no number is apparent, a part number
shall be allocated and attached to the • O&M procedures;
component(s) packaging. Data against each
• Manufacturer’s manuals;
component shall then be recorded into a:
• Networks drawings and documents;
• Computer and linked to accounting and
• Spares and chlorine procurement.
Management Information System (MIS).
Data can be entered more accurately and in
a timely manner and is easily accessible; 7.6.1 Operational Records
• Show a running balance of the quantity of The following records, documents, drawings and
the specific item; inventories are essential to the operation of assets:
• Should be checked each month by someone
• Equipment and maintenance inventories;
in authority to ensure accuracy and also to
enable monitoring of the general usage in • Operation records;
each department.
• Laboratory inventory;
Noting the monthly usage is useful when
considering the annual budget and requirements for • Asset engineering and specifications;
the year ahead. An end-of-year stocktaking exercise • Asset documents and drawings;
is required for correct auditing procedures.
• Discharge monitoring reports;
Industrial discharge permits;
7.6 Records •
• Financial records.
Information shall be kept in two ways:
At least one complete set, hard copy and/or
• Real-time data and trends stored on computerised data, of current/working records of
telemetry system, e.g. water flows in assets information, and ‘as-built’ drawings, shall be
different networks; kept in a safe place. Computerised information shall
• Data and trends stored on CMMS or in be backed-up daily. Back-up copies should be
technical reports such as spreadsheets. stored at separate locations.

All computerised data shall be downloaded onto disk

and archived. Typical examples of information to be 7.6.2 Records of Scheduled
recorded are as follows: Maintenance
• Flows of wastewater in various networks; Information relating to all scheduled (planned)
• Process alarms and event; maintenance programmes shall be scheduled
through CMMS, and work orders dispatched to the
• Personnel movement and operation times; work teams together with the responsive
• Salinity measurements; maintenance requests. Work orders shall give
details of all parameters to be monitored and items
• Electricity consumption; to be inspected. Where a deviation from normal
• Chlorine consumption; operating parameters is observed, this is noted and
further maintenance investigation/action will be
• Digester performance. taken. This information can be used for future
Permanent records will be kept as part of the maintenance programmes.
operation and maintenance plan, but not limited to:

• Asset inspections;
• Asset condition;

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7.6.3 Records of Non-Scheduled • Daily reports shall concentrate on day to day

issues such as equipment out of service,
unusual occurrences, daily flows, chlorine
Provision of resources and systems to deal with consumption, etc.;
unplanned events within an agreed target time.
• Weekly reports detail the planned
Priorities will be made as follows:
maintenance due in the following week;
• Quick assessment of problem – can it be • Monthly reports summarise the activities
resolved? during the month and provide details, such
• Safeguard process – reduce any impact on as; quality of effluent, digester and drying
environment and community; bed performance.

• Detailed inspection – formulate plan of

action; 7.6.6 Records of Existing Assets,
• Mobilise resources – personnel, materials; Including GIS and Electronic
• Fix problem;
This involves collection of existing records,
• Report on problem and ways to prevent
standardisation of formats and update of records.
recurrence in future.
Information relating to all scheduled (planned) Data collected from various sources will be stored in
maintenance programmes shall be scheduled CMMS. This has the capability of providing reports,
through CMMS and used for future maintenance generating graphical trends of asset performance
programmes. and undertaking statistical analysis of data,
providing an understanding of asset behaviour.

7.6.4 Records of Emergencies

7.6.7 Procedures for Maintenance
Reports dealing with emergencies shall be reported
within an agreed time period and shall include, as a
and Updating of Asset
minimum, the following points: Databases
Maintenance and updating of asset system maps,
• Established points of contact;
documents and records is of utmost importance.
• Recorded details of the incident; Many of these very important records may be on
• References to previous reports; paper and or in Geographical Information System
(GIS) format. Whatever the format, there will be
• Determined responsibility; procedures in place for maintaining the system and
• Assessed action required; adding system improvements. GIS assists in
accessing the information and keeping the data
• Advice to informant of action taken; current.
• Update of asset records;
• Assessment and recommendations for
further work.

7.6.5 Recommendations for

Reporting of Operation &
Reports shall be produced on a daily, weekly,
monthly, quarterly and annual basis, as required:

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7.6.8 Verification, Updating and 7.7.1 Guidelines for Monitoring

Maintenance of ‘As-Built’ and Reporting of Operational
Drawings, Documents and Capacity
Manuals Maintaining historical records of key operational
Updating of ‘as-built’ records will be an activity as parameters such as:
important as the maintenance work itself and must
• Pumping station flows;
be seen as an active part of the asset maintenance.
Such records shall, as a minimum, include: • Pump running hours;

• Visual inspection of manholes/chambers, • Sewer surcharging and flooding;

etc.; • Sewage works inflows/outflows.
• Cleaned pipes in km/month, assessed Such records will be compiled through either of the
according to size or profile; following:
• No. of blockages occurring in each network • Continuous flow monitoring by magnetic
sewer; flowmeters on rising mains;
• No. of manholes whose structural condition • SCADA records on pump running hours and
have been recorded/month; sewage treatment work flows;
• No. of manholes structurally repaired/month; • Flumes/weirs on sewage works;
• No. of storm drains cleaned/month; • Manual recording of flowmeter readings (if
• No. of storm drains whose structural there are no automatic readings).
condition have been recorded/month; Temporary flow monitoring equipment will also be
• No. of storm drains structurally deployed and maintained at predetermined strategic
repaired/month; points in the sewerage system, to record flows for
hydraulic modeling purposes.
• CCTV inspected pipes/month subdivided
according to dimension or profile in km; Sewage biological/chemical loading entering a
• Results of salinity measurements with the works will also be monitored periodically to
aim of localising and quantifying infiltration; determine the spare treatment capacity at each
process stage of a sewage treatment works. Trade
• Construction works, number of damaged effluent monitoring will also form part of this activity,
reports completed for third parties, and for either against trade effluent discharge licenses (if
which repairs were commissioned. applicable), or monitoring of trends.

Reporting on the operational capacity will determine

7.7 Capacity Review any risk to the Levels of Service, and when
The O&M responsibilities will include the investment would be required to in extend the
measurement of asset performance parameters that system assets.
monitor the efficiency of the assets, and their spare
capacity against actual daily demand. The data will
7.7.2 Measurement of Pump
be recorded and used to measure operational
efficiencies against maintenance requirements, and Performance Against Design
predict the future asset upgrade requirements. This • Measurements to monitor the electrical
will result from a whole of life cycle cost analysis, power taken from the electricity supply
being constantly studied on a rolling basis. against station flow for all duty pump
operating combinations;
• Monitoring of station system curves against
that measured at station commissioning, and

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State of Qatar -Public Works Authority
Drainage Affairs

the operating points of all pumpsets on that

curve for all duty pump operating
• Measurement to monitor the pumpset
characteristic curves head/flow, absorbed
power & overall efficiency for each pumpset.
Comparison of theoretical/new pump performance
against actual performance will be made using the
following criteria:

• Manufacturers flow/energy data;

• Installation/commissioning data;
• Actual flow/energy data determined by
temporary or permanent flow/energy meters
against variety of heads;
• Pump reliability;
• Maintenance costs.

7.7.3 Comparison of System/Part

of Actual System Against
Design Capacity
The above measurements will be reported to the
project coordinator, DA design section, who will
determine through hydraulic modeling and demand
forecasting, any risk to the Levels of Service, and
when there is a need to invest in extending the
system assets.

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State of Qatar -Public Works Authority
Drainage Affairs

13189) (AMD 14857). London, BSI. Notes:

8 References Amendment 13189 is Corrigendum No.1.
Supersedes DD ENV 206:1992. In conjunction with
i British Standards Institution, 1990, BS1377: 1990 BS 8500-1, BS 8500-2, BS 8500-3 and BS 8500-4
- Methods of test for soils for civil engineering will supersede BS 5328-1:1997, BS 5328-2:1997,
purposes. London, BSI. BS 5328-3:1990 and BS 5328-4:1990 (withdrawn
December 2003).
ii The UK Water Industry Engineering and
Operations Committee. 2003. Model Contract for xiii ASTM C 150.
Manhole Location Surveys and The Production of
Record Maps. 2nd ed. Marlow, Buckinghamshire: xiv ASTM C 494.
Water Research Centre (WRc) Publications.
xv British Standards Institution, 2001, BS EN 934-
iii Water Research Centre (WRc). 1990. Model 2:2001: Admixtures for concrete, mortar and grout.
Contract for Non Man-Entry Sewer Inspection. 3rd Concrete admixtures - Definitions, requirements,
ed. Marlow, Buckinghamshire: Water Research conformity, marking and labelling, London BSI.
Centre (WRc) Publications.
xvi British Standards Institution, 2000, BS 8666:2000
iv Water Research Centre (WRc). 1993. Manual of - Scheduling, dimensioning, bending and cutting of
Sewer Classification. 3rd ed. Marlow, steel reinforcement for concrete, London, Highways
Buckinghamshire: Water Research Centre (WRc) Agency.
Publications. xvii British Standards Institution, 1994, BS EN

124:1994 – Gully tops and manhole tops for

v Water Research Centre (WRc). 1993. Model vehicular and pedestrian areas – design
Contract Document for Short Term Sewer Flow requirements, type testing, marking, quality control
Surveys. 2nd ed. Marlow, Buckinghamshire: Water (AMD 8587), London, BSI.
Research Centre (WRc) Publications.
xviii British Standards Institution, 2000, ISO
vi Ministry of Civil Aviation and Meteorology, State of 9001:2000: Quality Management Systems –
Qatar, 2002. Long Term Climate Report –2000, Requirements, London, BSI.
extracted from Long Period Means & Extremes of
Climatological Elements, Doha International Airport, xix MMAA Drainage Dept Professional Service
period (1962-2002), Qatar Ministry of Civil Aviation Agreement General Conditions of Engagement
and Meteorology. 1984.

vii Bazaraa, A.S., Ahmed, S., 1991. Rainfall

Characterization in an Arid Area, Engineering
Journal of Qatar University, Vol. 4, pp35-50.

viii Water Research Centre, 1995, Pipelines Selection

Manual, UK, WRC.

ix BSI. 1998. BS EN 1295-1:1998. Structural design

of buried pipelines under various conditions of
loading. General requirements. London. British
Standards Institution.

x Construction Industry Research and Information

Association, 2002, CIRIA Report C577: Guide to the
construction of reinforced concrete in the Arabian
Peninsula : M Walker (ed), London, CIRIA. ISBN: 0
946691 93 2.

xi ACI 305R - Hot Weather Concreting.

xii British Standards Institution, 2000, BS EN 206-

1:2000: Concrete. Specification, performance,
production and conformity (AMD Corrigendum

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State of Qatar -Public Works Authority
Drainage Affairs

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