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5 Uncomfortable Things That Will Make You More Successful

Let’s do something uncomfortable today!

That’s exactly how successful and daring ones start their day, whereas for most
of us, living the same life, doing the same work, eating the same food has
become our humdrum routine work.
If you’re bitten by the bug of leading an extraordinary life, you must know the
price that comes along with it. You don’t just have to work extremely hard but
also make difficult, and at times, uncomfortable choices almost every day.
These choices could be physical, psychological, and emotional. That’s exactly
how you’re going to grow and become successful in your endeavors. Below
discussed are some uncomfortable things you should start doing ASAP.
Brace yourself, it’s going to get awkward:

1. Not hitting snooze anymore

Hitting the snooze button repeatedly is how most of us like to start our day
with. No matter how harmless or tempting it might feel to get those ten
minutes of extra sleep, stop doing it. Make yourself proud by getting up before
the Sun and start doing things for your future-self.
Here’s how to never hit the snooze button again:
Hit the sack early
Set the right intentions and read them aloud
Optimize your sleep
Download apps like Alarmy and Step Out of Bed
2. Asking for what you want
I know how intimidating it could be to straightaway ask for something you
want from your roommate, spouse, or boss. But, that’s the only way to get
what you want. All it takes are instant courage and confidence in your abilities.
Don’t be bothered with rejections, instead get better at negotiating because
the more you ask, the better are your chances of getting it.
Here’s how to ask for what you want:
Identify what you need exactly
Communicate like a pro
Be willing to strike a counteroffer
Also Read: 6 Ways to Plan Up Your Day to Set a Positive Tone
3. Admitting a mistake
We all make mistakes, there’s nothing to be embarrassed about. We are
humans and at times, things go wrong. It’s natural to get panicky, anxious, and
uncomfortable thinking about the outcome. Oftentimes, the best way to deal
with such situations is by admitting it gracefully without getting into blame-
How to admit a mistake gracefully:
Be direct and take the blame
Justify your stance
Don’t be too confrontational
4. Stepping out of your comfort zone
The most common way to get out of your comfort zone is by doing things that
are both exciting and uncomfortable. You cannot expect to grow by doing
something that you’ve been doing for the last three years. Ask your boss to let
you helm that project or take up a role you’ve always been interested in.
Always remember that consistent action begets greater success.
How to step out of your comfort zone:
Do something that challenges you
Visualize success
Don’t get disheartened by failure
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5. Letting go of certain people
The one thing that could inspire you the most to be successful is the company
you keep. It saddens me when people complain about how uninspired and
unmotivated they are when they constantly like to surround themselves with
people who are lazy, ungrateful, and unproductive. You have to learn to let go
of friends and colleagues if they aren’t helping you grow or making you better.
How to let go of people:
Make room for better people
Start socializing
Distance yourself from negative people
What do you think?
Looking at our own life-experiences and success stories of other people, it is
evident that we have to be willing to be uncomfortable to genuinely attain
great levels of success.
I’d love to know what do you guys do and how often you like to put yourself in
a tight spot to propel your growth. Tell me in the comments below.

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