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Education is like a fuel that ignites and gives power to human beings. It is the primary
tool that activates the innate capacities of a person towards the realization of his or her full
potential. This makes an individual become a rational and a total human being.

Every person is born in this world with his or her natural power or capabilities. Every
human being has the power to see, hear, touch, smell, taste, perceive, and imagine. Each one has
also the natural power to conceive ideas, make judgment, and reason out. These are all natural
capabilities of a person or a learner. This only signifies that all of these capabilities are within
each individual. However, some of these capabilities are still hidden and waiting to be
discovered and developed.

My perspective towards education is anchored on the aforementioned proposition. I

firmly believe that learners come to school not to fill in their empty minds but to engage to
various experiences that will enable them to discover and activate their capabilities towards
developing their full potential which will make them an empowered and a rational being.
Furthermore, I also agree and believe on the Constructivist view of education which stresses that
learners learn well when they are actively involved in the process of meaning and knowledge
construction as opposed to passively receiving information.

The purpose of education is to provide appropriate and step-by-step trainings and

experiences for the learners to acquire the necessary knowledge, skills, and attitudes that will
enable them to use their innate powers or capabilities efficiently and effectively. This very
important purpose of education can only be attained when teachers and soon to be teachers (like
me) will continuously and passionately give their full effort in doing their duties and
responsibilities as “human engineers.” The role of the teacher nowadays is no longer to
spoonfeed the learners with the knowledge that they need, but to equip them with the necessary
competence that will enable them to use their ability to discover and formulate new knowledge
and skills.

Moreover, teachers and future teachers must be reminded that we do not only need
educated individuals but also cultured ones. One of the vital roles of the teachers is to mold the
students to become a person with positive and appropriate behavior. In teaching, educators must
not only focus on imparting the necessary knowledge and skills to the students. Integrating good
values to the everyday teaching-learning process is also a vital one.

Indeed, education is a fuel that empowers every human being. Just like a machine that
needs a fuel in order to start and activate its engine, every human being also needs education to
activate and develop his or her potentialities in order to function efficiently and effectively in
this challenging world.

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