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To Kill A Mockingbird Project #1

10 8 6 4 2 0
Originality All artwork, Some of the One or two All work is
commentary, artwork is pieces are unoriginal
poetry is original original some original the
work of the may have been majority of
student taken from the the visuals
web and content
taken from
the web
Creativity Project displays Has some Work Attempts No real
creativity—use of creative appears creativity creativity
colors and other aspects creative, but went into
eye pleasing effects is sloppy or this project
not well-
thought out
Grammar/Mechanics There are no There are two – Three-five Five- More than No obvious
grammatical or three mistakes mistakes seven 10 mistakes revision or
mechanical mistakes proofreading
mistakes in any took place
part of the project
Presentation Project presented Unorganized,
in an organized not taken
manner seriously
Organization All An attempt No clear
information/visuals at organization
are displayed in an organization to the
organized fashion project,
some things
seem out of
Content The content The content is The content Off topic
follows all related to seems
directions of the TKMB’s superficial,
project. All characters no in depth
content is related analysis of
to TKMB and the the theme or
theme its characters
Total Points


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