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學年度: 107 第 2 學期 學 號: 姓名:

Student ID No. Name
事由: 連絡電話:
Phone Number
補選 科目序號 科 目 名 稱 學分數 任 課 教 師 簽 章
Add Course Code Course Title Credits Prof. Signature


3.此表將於 3 月 5 日以人工方式加入選課資料中,請同學 3 月 5 日以後上網確認。

1. This form is not for Courses of General Education (A9), Courses of Physical Education (A2),
and Courses of Military Training (A3).
2. The deadline of submission is on March 7, 2019.
3. Your courses will be enrolled by department office on March 5, 2019.

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