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1. Look at the pictures. Which medical issues are represented? Are they
important? Why\why not?
2. Use the words in the box to discuss the pictures above:
medical malpractice to be obese
to lower blood pressure to suffer permanent handicaps
a premature infant below a certain weight
metabolism aesthetic surgery
chronic diseases acupuncturist
high cholesterol cosmetic surgery addictions
life-long commitment to proper diet habits to show effectiveness in clinical tests
to be seriously retarded inadequate nurse-to-patient ratios
life-or-death decision full-term infant
fetus body dysmorphic disorder
conceive a child on their own diagnosis of female infertility
birth defects misdiagnosis
neonatal intensive care units to insert needles
to treat attention-deficit disorder to be sued for negligence
an adverse event side effect
reimbursements by medical insurance inadequate knowledge
to overlook a disease to part with the child
reproductive technologies surrogacy
to act as an egg donor breach of contract
medical ethics

3. Match sentences 1-7 to the pictures above:

1. Children and adolescents who are obese are at greater risk for bone and joint
problems, sleep apnea, and social and psychological problems such as stigmatization
and poor self-esteem.

2. Some patients only require a quick in and out insertion to clear problems and
provide tonification (strengthening of health), while some other conditions might
require needles inserted up to an hour or more.
3. Advances in medical technology have made it possible for infants born as
young as 23 weeks gestational age to survive. These infants, however, are at higher
risk for death or serious complications, which include heart defects, respiratory
problems, blindness, and brain damage.
4. Higher risk procedures to improve appearance are usually only contemplated
when a person's appearance is so abnormal that it severely impairs his or her ability
to interact normally with other people, or when the deformity is the result of a
trauma or disease.
5. This is a health care crisis – people are being killed by preventable hospital
errors and neglect. Unfortunately, it's also the norm in our modern medical system.
6. The social factors that have contributed to the rise in the rates of infertility and
that have resulted in an increase in the demand for reproductive technologies are the
trend toward later marriages and the tendency for growing numbers of women to
delay having children until later in their reproductive years.
7. A survey by the Ministry of Health‟s Trade Union reveals that up to 45 percent
of interviewed patients said that they were displeased with health workers and
administrative procedures at public hospitals. According to this research work, within
one year, a newly-recruited health worker will become an „addict‟ of “envelope.”

4. Discuss:
1. Do you trust or mistrust doctors, nurses, dentists? Why?
2. Would you be willing to be a surrogate mother if you were well paid?
3. Have you ever used any alternative medicine (acupuncture, chiropractic,
osteopathy, herbalism, homeopathy, faith healing, hypnotherapy)?
4. What is your attitude to cosmetic surgery? Is it possible to become physically
addicted to surgery? What is „body dysmorphic syndrome „?
5. Which issues will become more important in the future? Why?

5. MEDICAL EMBLEMS AND SYMBOLS. Look at some medical emblems

and logos of organizations.

Caduceus Red cross WMA WHO


Emergency medical service bowl of Hygieia red ribbon The pink ribbon

 Below are the descriptions of each symbol. Match the descriptions to the
1. One of the symbols of pharmacy
2. Type of emergency service dedicated to providing out-of-hospital acute
medical care, transport to definitive care, and other medical transport to patients with
illnesses and injuries which prevent the patient from transporting themselves.
3. Organization whose humanitarian mission is to protect the lives and dignity of
victims of war and internal violence and to provide them with assistance.
4. An international and independent confederation of free professional Medical
Associations, therefore representing physicians worldwide. The goal of the
Association is to serve humanity by endeavoring to achieve the highest international
standards in medical education, science, ethics, and health care for all peoples of the
5. A specialized agency of the United Nations (UN) that is concerned with
international public health.
6. International symbol of medicine
7. A symbol for drunk driving prevention, drug prevention, and for the fight
against AIDS
8. An international symbol of breast cancer awareness.

6. Paraphrase the following quotations. Do you agree with them? Why/ why not?
To array a man's will against his sickness is the supreme art of medicine.
~Henry Ward Beecher
The art of medicine consists in amusing the patient while nature cures the
disease. ~Voltaire
Symptoms are the body's mother tongue; signs are in a foreign language.
~John Brown
Cancer is a word, not a sentence. ~John Diamond
What can't be cured must be endured. ~Robert Burton



1. James plays a game with Lappy, his laptop computer, who gives him a
text full of “body language”. Help James translate it into regular English. The
explanations of the italicized phrases are given below the note.
John and Jack, freshmen, shared a room and a skeleton in the cupboard (2):
they were head over heels in love (3) with a girl – their bone of discord (4). Being
quite wet behind their ears (5) they were jumping out of their skin (6) to impress her.
No wonder that in a blink of an eye (7) they found themselves in debts up to the neck
They finally had to make a clean breast (9) of it to their parents, who
reluctantly agreed to foot their bills (10). And they promised to tear the boys limb to
limb (11) should they do it again.
The university tutor gave them the cold shoulder (12), too. Having put the
finger (13) on the problem, he told the boys to knuckle down (14) at once to save the
face (15).
John took it on the chin (16), ready to fight tooth and nail (17) and toe the line
(18), got to the top of his class, and in twenty years‟ time made a full professor at
Unlike John, Jack had no stomach for (19) it, paid only lip service (20) to hard
work, thumbed his nose (21) at the classes, kept complaining of the tutor‟s splitting
hairs (22) and finally was expelled. Jack was drafted to the army, had a spectacular
career there, and in twenty years‟ time made a full general. Now he enjoys telling
rib– ticklers (23) about his university experience.
Both John and Jack have lived happily ever after.
Morale: Always get the skeletons off your back (24) in time.

A. doing their best G. pay the debt M. inexperienced S. save the

B. say that you agree H. be unfriendly N. show that you T. owe very much
with something to someone have no respect money

without doing because they for something
anything to prove it have upset you
C. argue that there is I. not to have O. to do what you U. accept something
a difference between enough courage should do unpleasant in a
two things when this to do something whether you like brave way
difference is too it or not
D. get rid of J. a very short P. tell the truth V. very funny story
something time
E. embarrassing K. object of Q. struggle with W. punish in a very
secret argument all available violent wav
F. from a reliable L. realize R. start working X. loving someone
source exactly what is hard very much

2. SUBSTITUTE the metaphors from exercise 1 for the italicized phrases in the
sentences below.
l. If you want to work here, you should play by our rules. 2. In a split of a second the
car reappeared. 3. She‟s got huge debts, I can‟t see any chance for her. 4. Nothing‟s
going to save his reputation now. 5. She accepted the bad news with courage. 6. I got
it from the most reliable source. 7. She was not going to give up, she would struggle
with all means available. 8. Suddenly he realized the nature of the problem in a very
clear way. 9 After the accident his teachers were quite unfriendly to him. 10. She kept
telling her funny jokes one by one. 11. He kept telling he supported the idea but was
not doing anything to prove it. 12. She was crazy in love with him. 13. They all used
to be very inexperienced then. 14. He did not have enough courage to open the
envelope. 15. At last she managed to pay all the bills. 16. He completely ignored the
teacher‟s recommendations. 17. If they fail again, they might be punished in a very
violent way. 18. You have to get rid of those people – the sooner, the better. 19. They
were doing their best to get the job. 20. You have to tell the whole truth, it would be
better for everybody. 21. She was advised to start working hard to pass the exam. 22.
He would always argue when there is nothing to argue about – it‟s so boring! 23.
They had some unpleasant secret nobody wants to talk about. 24. The way to solve
this problem is the object of argument between the two experts.

3. TRANSLATE into English. Use the metaphors from exercise 1 for the
italicized phrases below.
1. Hе встиг він i оком моргнуmu, як вони вже були тут. 2.Йому не вистачило
духу сказати це. 3.Нарешті їй вдалося зрозуміти суть проблеми. 4. Вона
одержала гарну нагоду покаятися. 5.Чого тільки не роблять, аби зберегти
репутацію. 6 . Де б взяти гроші, аби сплатити вci mi рахунки? 7. Biн завжди
мав у запасі парочку козирних анекдотів.8. 3араз знову почне вдаватися в
тонкощі – такий педант! 9. Це питання – справжнє яблуко розбрату! 10. Biн
закохався в неї шалено, а вона – нуль уваги до нього. 11. Маєте позбавитися цих
ваших сімейних таємниць. 12. Ці новини – з абсолютно надійного джерела. 13.
Цю неприємну звістку вона сприйняла на диво мужньо.14.Ще раз побачу з ним
– ноги висмикну! 15. Політики продовжували облудні запевнення у підтримці
економічних реформ. 16. Пора вже працювати по-справжньому, сесія
наближається. 17. Вона по вуха в боргах – i то не вперше. 18. Він начхав на
заняття i подався на футбол. 19. Вона зустріла його прохолодно, бо нічого не
забула. 20. Кожен має перти свого воза, чи не так? 21. В них ще й молоко на
губах не пообсихало, а туди ж – на танці. 22. Вони будуть битися зубами й
ногами, аби не випустити цю справу з рук. 23. Вона ледь з шкіри не
вискакувала, аби тільки її помітили.

4. BODY. Match the following parts of the body with the definitions on the right.
1. kidney a. any of the joints in the fingers, especially those connecting
the fingers to the rest of the hand
2. temple b. a long pipe leading from the stomach which takes waste matter
3. liver from the body
4. heart c. two small, fleshy organs in the throat
5. knuckle d. a baglike organ in which food is broken down
to be used by the body
6. intestine e. one of twenty-four bones protecting the chest
7. appendix f. one of a pair of organs which separate waste liquid
from the blood
8. tonsils g. the part of the body where the legs join at the top
9. rib h. a large organ which cleans the blood
10. stomach i. each of the flat parts at the sides of the head, at the same level
as the eyes and higher
11. groin j. the part of the body under the arm where it joins the shoulder
12. armpit k. a short organ of little use which leads off the large intestine
1. an organ in the chest which controls the flow of blood
by pushing it round the body

5. BODY. Each of the ten words below is regularly used to describe an action or
gesture made with a part of the body. Write which. In some cases more than one
answer is possible.
1. blink 5. nod 9. snap 13. pat
2. clench 6. stick out 10. stamp 14. frisk
3. cross 7. point 11. nudge 15. shove
4. fold 8. shrug 12. crack 16. squeeze

6. BODY. Crossword.
1. either of the milk-producing parts of a woman (6)
6. conducts blood away from the heart (6)
7. part of the body that includes the bowels (7)
8. of or for the teeth (6)
9. a large box or part of the body (5)
10. any one of the twelve pairs of curved bones in the chest (3)
12. a tree or part of the hand (4)
16. flat sea-fish with a delicate flavour or under surface of the foot (4)
17. a flower or part of the eye (4)
18. movable cover for the teapot or flap of skin that covers the eye (3)
19. for hearing (3)

1. organ shaped like a bag in which urine collects (7)
2. one of five on your foot (3)
3. the part of the body from the shoulder to hand (3)
4. conducts impulses from the brain (5)
5. for seeing (3).
9. a young cow or part of the leg (4)
11. fills your veins (5)
12. a schoolboy or part of the eye (5)
13. a large organ which produces bile and cleans the blood (5)
14. conducts blood back to the heart (4)
15. for smelling (4)


a) Match the following words to the definitions below.
1. to clone 5. tissue 9. a technique
2. a cell 6. an embryo 10. a physicist
3. reproduction 7. genetic engineering 11. ethics
4. an organ 8. fertilization 12. DNA

a) a part of the body, such as the heart or lungs, that has a particular purpose;
b) an animal or human in the early stages of development before birth;
c) a special skill or way of doing something, especially one that has to be
d) moral rules or principles of behavior for deciding what is right and wrong;

e) the act of making sperm join the egg so that a young baby or animal
f) the act or process of producing young animals or plants;
g) an acid that carries genetic information in a cell;
h) to make an exact copy of a plant or animal by taking a cell from it and
developing it artificially;
i) the material forming animal or plant cells;
j) someone who works in the science concerned with the study of physical
objects and substances, and of natural forces such as light, heat and movement;
k) the science of changing the generic structure of an animal, plant or human in
order to affect the way it develops;
l) the smallest part of a living thing that can exist independently.

b) Use your dictionary to find the following parts of speech.

1. A noun from to clone.
2. A verb and adjective from reproduction.
3. An adjective from embryo.
4. A noun from generic.
5. A verb from fertilization.
6. A noun from physicist.
7. An adjective from ethics.

c) Discuss with other students:

What is involved in „cloning‟ and „genetic engineering‟? What purposes could they
be used for? Are there any ethical issues? If so, what are they?





1. SYMPTOMS. Match the symptoms with the explanation what caused them.
1. Why are you sneezing? a. I‟m terrified by this story.
2. Why are you crying? b. I‟ve cut myself with a bread-knife.
3. Why are you yawning? c. I‟m bored with this lecture.
4. Why are you coughing? d. Cigarette smoke irritates my throat
5. Why are you bleeding? e. You are hurting me.
6. Why are you sweating? f. I have a bad cold.
7. Why are you shivering? g. I‟m very cold.
8. Why are you shaking? h. I must have eaten some bad food.
9. Why are you vomiting? i. It‟s too warm in here.

2. SYMPTOMS. Match the symptoms (column A) with their definitions
(column B).
1. hiccups a) yellowness of the skin and the whites of the eyes;
2. blisters b) a spasm of the respiratory muscles;
3. heartburn c) feeling of sickness as caused by bad food;
4. fatigue d) pain in a nerve;
5. cramp e) act of sending out gas from the stomach noisily
through the mouth;
6. inflammation f) the soft yellowish substance formed in and coming
out from a poisoned place in the body;
7. constipation g) sudden and painful tightening of the muscles;
8. malformation h) a burning sensation in the stomach from
9. pus i) weariness from bodily or mental exertion;
10. neuralgia j) a birth in which the baby is born dead;
11. nausea k) small bubbles on the skin filled with serum and
caused by friction, burning, or other damage;
12. colic l) when a part of the body is deformed;
13. jaundice m) a redness and swelling attended with heat, pain;
14. stillbirth n) difficult or infrequent emptying of the bowels
15. belching o) severe pain in the stomach and bowels

3. SYMPTOMS. Choose words from the group below to complete the

sentences. It may be necessary to change the form of the given words.
dizzy feverish queasy rash runny seedy sore
swollen to cough to vomit
1. I haven‟t taken her temperature yet but her face is flushed and she seems
………………….. .
2. It‟s hard to describe. I just feel generally ………..…... . Can you prescribe a
3. When I stand up the room seems to be going round. I feel really
……………..…... .
4. I‟m not in pain but the glands in my neck seem to be ………….……….... .
5. I‟ve got a tickle in my throat. I can‟t stop ………………………... .
6. I feel a bit queasy. I think I‟m going to ………………………………… .
7. I‟ve come out in a ……………………….... all over my chest and arms. I think I
may be allergic to strawberries.
8. It‟s like being sea-sick. I feel ……………………... whenever I move about.
9. My throat is awfully …………………….. I hope it‟s not another bout of
10. I‟ve got a ………………………………….. nose. I suppose it‟s a cold coming

4. SYMPTOMS. Choose the correct answers.
1. After the accident she suffered brain ………….…... and couldn‟t speak.
a) damage b) decay c) destruction d) disease
2. Six people were overcome by ………….. from a container in the laboratory.
a) fumes b) leaks c) odours d) outflows
3. Colour-blind people often find it difficult to …….... between blue and green.
a) compare b) contrast c) distinguish d) separate
4. I have a ………………..headache.
a) burning b) raving c) spitting d) splitting
5. His illness made him …………….. of concentration.
a) incapable b) incompetent c) powerless d) unable
6. I felt a sharp ………………...when I put my hand in the boiling water.
a) ache b) harm c) pain d) suffer
7. If you have got measles, your body is covered in ….. .
a) blots b) dots c) freckles d) spots
8. Every time she eats shellfish, she comes out in ……………….. .
a) a blush b) a bruise c) an itch d) a rash
9. The baby is very fretful: he must be …………..…..some teeth.
a) cutting b) grinding c) making d) producing
10. There is a small hard ………….. on my wrist. I think I‟d better see the
a) bruise b) lump c) rash d) swelling
11. I have a bad cold, and have lost all …………………… of smell.
a) degree b) scent c) sense d) skill
12. He fell heavily and was immediately conscious of ……....pain in his right
a) acute b) hard c) raw d) strong
13. Left on his back, an unconscious casualty may ……… his own vomit.
a) drown b) sink c) submerge d) suffocate

5. SYMPTOMS. Choose the correct word.

The clinical thermometer is used (for, to) measuring (body‟s, body)
temperature. It (consists of, contains, includes) a tube made (from, of, with) glass,
which (comprises, contains, consists of) a certain (amount, number) of mercury.
When the mercury is (hot, heated), it (expands, extends, increases) and (raises,
rises) up the tube, which is graduated in degrees Fahrenheit or Centigrade
(according, depending) on the country of manufacture.

6. SYMPTOMS. Choose the correct word.

1. He suffers from a speech ….... and so he cannot pronounce the letter “r”
a) break b) defect c) error d) mistake
2. After speaking for two hours, the lecturer found he could scarcely talk, as he
had become …………………. .
a) dumb b) hoarse c) inarticulate d) speechless
3. When he spoke on the telephone, his voice was so ………….. that I could
hardly hear him.
a) dim b) dull c) faint d) unnoticeable
4. You will find John rather difficult to understand at first, as he has a slight
……………………….. in his speech.
a) complication b) contraction c) difficulty d) impediment
5. You will have to …………….. , Aunt Betty is rather deaf.
a) call up b) ring up c) speak up d) stand up
6. After a fall from a horse, his speech became rather …………….. .
a) anxious b) confused c) confusing d) clear
7. I‟m afraid I‟m rather …..of hearing. Will you speak a little louder, please?
a) deaf b) hard c) quiet d) slow
8. His stomach felt very …………….. after that rough journey in a lorry.
a) disused b) undone c) used up d) upset
9. It was so cold my fingers were quite ………………. .
a) insensible b) numb c) paralyzed d) senseless
10. Although the injured driver was almost unconscious, he was ……..…
a) moaning b) mumbling c) stammering d) whispering
11. He was so cold that his teeth were ……………... .
a) chattering b) perishing c) shivering d) shuddering
12. John broke his leg. That is why he still ………….... a little.
a) halts b) limps c) staggers d) trips
13. I was ………… the gas in the room and fell to the ground.
a) depressed b) overcome c) overturned d) submerged
14. Her right eye ……………... when she is anxious.
a) twiddles b) twirls c) twitches d) twists
15. I have got such a …………..headache that I can‟t concentrate on the lecture.
a) beating b) drumming c) hammering d) throbbing
16. He had a terrible cold and found it difficult to breathe as his nose was ….. .
a) closed up b) filled up c) shut up d) stuffed up
17. The fumes were so thick that he was ………....for breath.
a) gasping b) inhaling c) suffocating d) wheezing

7. ODD ONE OUT. Find the word that is different. Prove your choice. For
0 callosum .........cerebellum........colliculus.........coccyx
Coccyx is the odd one out. It is a bone; the others are all parts of the brain.
1. aching............bleeding...........nagging.............throbbing
2. bandage..........forceps.............probe................scalpel
3. accident..........damage............harm.................injure
4. gums.............tongue ............palate...................lips
5. cataracts........eyelids............nearsightedness.....strabismus
6. liver .............heart …............pancreas...............spleen
7. improve........ get better.........recover..............relapse
8. iris ............. lens.................palm ................pupil
9. oval window.......semicircular canals…tympanic membrane…vertebral column
10. break.............crack...............fracture ............wound


a) Read the eleven descriptions. Which disease or illness is described in
each case?
tuberculosis cataracts gastroenteritis Parkinson's disease
epilepsy diphtheria gangrene AIDS cerebral palsy cholera
1. A disorder of the nervous system in which there are convulsions and loss
of consciousness due to disordered discharge of cerebral neurons. In its more
severe form, the patient may lose consciousness and fall to the ground in
2. A condition where tissues die and decay as a result of bacterial action
because the blood supply has been lost through injury or disease of the artery.
Infected limbs may have to be amputated.
3. A condition where the lens of the eye gradually becomes hard and opaque.
4. A slow, progressive disorder of elderly people, it affects the parts of the
brain which control movement. The symptoms include trembling of the limbs, a
shuffling walk and difficulty with speaking.
5. An infectious disease, its commonest form attacks the lungs, causing
patients to lose weight, cough blood and have a fever. It is caught by breathing in
germs or eating contaminated food, especially unpasteurised milk.
6. Inflammation of the membrane lining the intestines and the stomach,
caused by a viral infection, and resulting in diarrhea and vomiting.
7. A serious bacterial disease spread through infected food or water. The
infected person suffers stomach cramps, diarrhoea, cramp in the intestines and
dehydration. The disease is often fatal and vaccination is only effective for a
relatively short period.
8. A serious, infectious disease of children, its first symptoms are a sore
throat, followed by a slight fever, rapid pulse and swelling of the glands in the
neck. A membrane-like structure forms in the throat and can close the air passages,
asphyxiating the patient. The disease is often fatal for this reason or because the
heart becomes fatally weakened.
9. A disorder of the brain, mainly due to brain damage occurring before birth
or due to lack of oxygen during birth. The patient may have bad coordination of
muscular movements, impaired speech, hearing and sight, and sometimes mental
10. A virus disease, it can take a long time, even years, for it to show
symptoms. It causes a breakdown of the body's immune system, making the patient
susceptible to any infection.

b) Explain the highlighted words.
9. DISEASES. Choose the correct answer.
1. She died after a long ………………......
a) disease b) failing c) illness d) sickness
2. The children were suffering from the........................of the hot weather.
a) consequences b) effects c) products d) results
3. He still suffers from a rare tropical disease which he.............while in the Congo.
a) contracted b) gained c) infected d) received
4. My grandmother is very old and is not..................very good health.
a) from b) in c) on d) with
5. The teachers at the school went.....................with flu one after another.
a) down b) off c) out d) under
6. Malaria the female mosquito.
a) broadcast b) sent c) transmitted d) transported
7. Mary is in bed with a.........................attack of flu.
a) hard b) heavy c) large d) severe
8. My brother was……………….....ill yesterday and is now in hospital.
a) broken b) caught c) fallen d) taken
9. The school is half empty as a serious epidemic of measles has broken............
a) down b) in c) out d) up
10. Several......................of malaria have been reported.
a) cases b) doses c) occurrences d) types
11. The local medical officer reported a serious………………..of food-poisoning.
a) event b) incident c) outbreak d) state
12. He....................a rare disease when he was working in the hospital.
a) caught b) infected c) suffered d) took
13. My headaches are usually worry.
a) in b) on c) up d) out
14. She couldn't go out because she had a……………....cold.
a) flowing b) leaking c) running d) streaming
15. Some diseases..................quickly from one person to another.
a) catch b) get about c) move d) spread
16. Tropical diseases are Poland.
a) few b) rare c) scarce d) slight
17. It was a minor illness and he soon got……………
a) around b) on with c) over d) up to
18. The.................last thing I want now is to catch a cold.
a) extremely b) most c) utterly d) very

10. DISEASES. Fill in the blanks.

1. He often _ _ _ _ _ r_ from bronchitis.
2. That's right, darling, Mummy's got a fat tummy because she's _ _ _ g _ _ _ _.
3. She is colour-blind, which means that she can't _ _ _ _ _ n _ _ _ _ _ between
4. I am allergic to this kind of pollen. I start _ _ _ e _ _ _ _ any time it gets into my
5. She is not coming today. She has got a _ _ _ cold.
6. Please don't cough all over everyone! Your cold may be _ _ _ _ _ t _ _ _ _.
7. The epidemic seems to be dying out: only four _ _ _ e _ of cholera were reported
last week.
8. The illness from which Alice is suffering has now been _ i _ _ _ _ _ _ _ as
9. It was just a _ _ l _ attack of bronchitis.
10. I am very _ _ _ i _ _ _ about her health. She seems so weak and has a high

11. DISEASES. Match the types of diseases with their definitions.

1. acute a. indicating hypersensitivity to
particular foods, kinds of pollen, insect
stings, etc.
2. allergic b. caused by mental stress
3. chronic c. coming sharply to a crisis
4. congenital d. lasting for a long time
5. contagious e. due to disturbances in anabolic and
catabolic processes
6. familial f. transmitted genetically from parent to
7. infectious g. caused by improper diet
8. metabolic h. spread by bacteria or viruses
9. nutritional i. present from of before birth
10. psychosomatic j. spreading by physical contact

12. BODY. PHYSICAL STATES. SYSTEMS. These sentences give

information about various systems, but they have been divided into separate
halves. Match the parts.
1. Blood clots occur in ... a) from the site of the infection.
2. Fluid collects in the tissue ... b) to the mouth by the trachea.
3. The normal adult pulse ... c) calcified connective tissue.
4. Adrenaline extracted from the d) many people's vision begins to fail.
animal's adrenal glands ...
5. The symptoms of hay fever ... e) an acute sense of touch.
6. After the age of 50 ... f) are a running nose and eyes.
7. Bone is ... g) is 72 beats a minute.
8. The lungs are connected ... h) is used in the treatment of asthma.
9. Blind people develop ... i) of patients suffering from dropsy.
10. Pain radiates ... j) embolism and thrombosis.

11. Aspirin inhibits ... k) which takes blood to the tissues.
12. The blood vessel is a narrow l) along the neural pathways.
13. Bile circulates from the liver ... m) according to the ABO system.
14. Impulses are transmitted ... n) to the intestines via the bile ducts.
15. Blood groups are classified ... o) the clotting of blood.

13. a) MATCH the words in column A with words in column B to make

allergic anaesthetic
balanced attack
bedside death
bone diet
brain intervention
circadian manner
clinical marrow
digestive practitioner
general reaction
general rhythm
heart surgery
malignant system
milk teeth
plastic trial
surgical tumour

b) Match the collocations from part ………………………………………

A with their definitions 8. The way a doctor behaves to a
1. Cardiac arrest patient.
……heart attack………………
2. Pain-killer.
…………………………………… ……………………………………….
3. Soft substance found inside 9. The effect of, for example, pollen.
calcified connective tissue. ……………………………………….
........................................................ 10. Test of a drug on a small group of
4. Knife instead of drugs. people.
…………………………………… ………………………………………
5. Twenty, to be replaced by thirty- 11. Cancer.
two. ……………………………………...
……………………………………... 12. Local doctor.
6. Operating on appearances. ………………………………………
……………………………………... 13. Everyday the same old routine.
7. Life ends, though the heart beats ………………………………………
14. Liver, pancreas, gall bladder, 15. Proteins, carbohydrates, fats,
stomach, duodenum, etc. vitamins and mineral: all in the
………………………………………. correct proportions

14. DIAGNOSIS. Test your medical abbreviations. What do the following

stand for?
1. A&E ...........................................................................
2. AIDS ............................................................................
3. TBI ............................................................................
4. CAT ............................................................................
5. CHD ............................................................................
6. D&V ............................................................................
7. DOA ............................................................................
8. GP …………............................................................
9. HAV ............................................................................
10. HIV .............................................................................
11. MD .............................................................................
12. OTC ............................................................................
13. PM ............................................................................
14. PMA ...........................................................................
15. VDH ............................................................................
16. RQ ...........................................................................
17. UV ...........................................................................
18. SAD ............................................................................
19. SIDS ............................................................................
20. STD ............................................................................
21. TB ............................................................................
22. WHO ............................................................................

15. MENTAL HEALTH. Choose the correct answer.

1. His mother‟s illness had placed him under a considerable ……..….. .
a) strain b) stress c) tension d) worry
2. He sat all day silently watching the fire and seemed to have no ……..…... at
all left in him.
a) action b) life c) mind d) movement
3. He has a medical …………..full of nervous trouble.
a) ancestry b) history c) story d) tree
4. ……….… one of the most important factors when giving first aid.
a) Boldness b) Courage c) Conviction d) Reassurance
5. Robert has suffered from epileptic …………... ever since his accident.
a) disorders b) disturbances c) falls d) fits
6. Anyone would lose their …………… with that madman.
a) brain b) brains c) health d) sanity
7. The doctors say he‟ll take a long time to get ………..….. the shock.
a) above b) over c) past d) through
8. As she is so heavily overworked, there is a…………... possibility that she
will have a nervous breakdown.
a) distinct b) little c) manifest d) tiny
9. Some psychiatrists argue that in the final …………..parents are to blame for
their children‟s behaviour.
a) analysis b) case c) collapse d) experiment
10. He showed signs of mental disturbance so they sent him to a …
a) brain b) lunatic c) psychiatric d) psychological

16. MENTAL HEALTH. Choose the right answer.

1. Every day in the hospital was the same and the ……… on Peter‟s nerves.
a) comparison b) monotony c) same d) similarity
2. Working with the mentally handicapped requires considerable …………... of
patience and understanding.
a) means b) provisions c) resources d) stocks
3. After the accident, his thinking seemed to be somewhat …………….. .
a) confusing b) muddled c) ordered d) sane
4. His memory has become very ……………....lately.
a) infallible b) insecure c) precarious d) unreliable
5. If people are deprived of dreaming during sleep they begin to show signs of
mental …………………. .
a) decay b) deficiency c) derangement d) subnormality
6. Psychic people claim to possess highly-developed powers of extra- …………....
a) sense b) sensitive c) sensory d) sensuous
7. He feels slightly ……………. but this is a common after-effect of influenza.
a) dejected b) depressed c) deprived d) oppressed
8. My nerves are totally …………….... .
a) burst b) cracked c) demolished d) shattered
9. Yoga is very beneficial for people who suffer from emotional …………… it
helps them gain an inner peace.
a) havoc b) knock-out c) stress d) violence

17. DENTAL CARE. Choose the right form.

1. Dentists recommend brushing teeth with a fluoride toothpaste to……………….
them from decay.
a) arm b) defend c) guard d) protect
2. Have you got toothache? Your face looks...................................
a) big b) enlarged c) expanded d) swollen
3. I had to have two...........................when I went to the dentist last week.
a) cavities b) fillings c) paddings d) refills
4. She always pays..................visits to the dentist.

a) customary b) habitual c) normal d) regular
5. The dentist told him to open his mouth……………....
a) broad b) greatly c) much d) wide
6. He……………….....when the dentist touched the bad tooth.
a) alarmed b) dreaded c) laughed d) winced
7. Robert is very....................about the cost of his dental treatment.
a) ashamed b) pained c) sorry d) worried
8. I'm.....................having to pay yet another visit to the dentist.
a) afraid b) dreading c) frightened d) terrified
9. one of my teeth has come out, so I'm going to the dentist.
a) cover b) completion c) filling d) replacement
10. He made a note of the appointment with his dentist in his........................
a) diary b) directory c) journal d) register
11. She phoned her dentist to say she was unable to…………....her appointment.
a) arrive b) hold c) keep d) stand
12. She put.......................going to the dentist although her teeth needed attention.
a) away b) in c) off d) out
13. The small girl had to have four teeth...................because they were so bad.
a) broken b) pulled c) taken away d) taken out
14. The loss of a front tooth has left an her teeth.
a) gap b) hole c) slot d) space
15. In some countries more and more young people now need…………....teeth.
a) false b) spare c) unnatural d) untrue

18. DENTAL CARE. Fill the blanks with the words below. You may need to
change the form of the words. Each word can be used only once.
cavity practice interval equipment
examine dentist tooth nerve
pain gums disease treatment
cement preventive lose
fill dentures treat
General Dental Practice
General dental ............. includes mouth examination, diagnosis, treatment, and
prevention of................ . There ............. frequently uses X-rays and other
………….... to ensure correct diagnosis and .................... .
Treatment may include filling …………...., removing the ................. of teeth,
treating diseases of the ...................., removing .................. and replacing ..................
teeth with bridges and ....................... . Anesthesia is often used in any treatment that
might cause …………….... . Teeth may be …………..... with amalgam, or
............................. .
Perhaps one of the most important parts of a dentist's work is ......................
dentistry. If a dentist …………...... a patient‟s teeth at regular …………….., he may
find and ...................... a disease before it becomes serious.

19. DIET. Choose the right answer.
1. There‟s an old saying, “it's the double gins that cause the………….....”.
a) crossed eyes b) double chins c) flat feet d) knock knees
2. Exercise tends to...................the effects of old age.
a) offset b) run down c) set back d) waylay
3. A diet high in carbohydrates contains little of the..................material needed to
build up tissue.
a) calorific b) digestible c) nourishing d) sustaining
4. He will have to go on a diet because he is worried that he is……………....
a) buxom b) chubby c) robust d) strong
5. I think you‟ll find that the inconvenience of the diet is……… the benefits.
a) outranked b) outweighed c) overbalanced d) overthrown
6. When there is excessive obesity patients are sometimes put on a………
which enable them to lose weight extremely quickly.
a) balanced b) crash c) light d) slim
7……………....your food will give you indigestion.
a) Bolting b) Cramming c) Gorging d) Munching
8. When dieting, eat only to satisfy your hunger ................ not to gratify your desire
to eat.
a) aches b) pangs c) spasms d) twinges
9. Very fat men sometimes have a ............................. at the back of the neck.
a) double chin b) roll of fat c) spare tyre d) ton of flesh
10. The doctor advised my mother to keep on her weight.
a) near b) severe c) strict d) tight
11. You shouldn't eat so much chocolate..........................meals.
a) between b) else c) except d) through
12. She has put...........................a lot of weight since last year.
a) down b) in c) off d) on

20. DIET. Fill in the blanks with the words below. You may use each word only
Activity children dietary energy include
Lean nursing nutrients people person
Products rapidly tissue well-balanced
Special Diets
Certain groups of ......................., such as young children or older people, have
special .......................... needs. Because .................. grow …..............., they need food
not only to replace worn-out tissues and provide ………...., but also to build
new........................... .
A child's diet should ................... milk and milk ……......., eggs, ……...... meat,
poultry, fish, fruits, vegetables, and cereals.
A ................. diet is important to the older ……...... as it is to the child. Older
people need as many ..................... as young adults. But if their ...................... is
reduced, they will need fewer calories. Expectant or …………... mothers and babies
also need special diets.
21. CORRECT THE MISTAKES. In the most lines there is one spelling error.
Write the correctly spelt word on the right, or put a tick if there are no mistakes .
00. Unfortunately, when it came to cosmeceuticals, nobody could agree what was ....... .......
1. meddical and what cosmetic. So it was proposed in 1990 that these chemicals …………...
2. should be in a category of their own – potent biological substences that do not …..............
3. seem to treat any disease – and that new rales should be drafted to deal with them. ……...
4. So far none has been. If Renova is approved, it will therfore have to be sold ……..............
5. as a pharmaceutical rather than as a cosmetic. The disease it will be prescribed …………
6. to treat is “appearance of fine wrinkling roughnes and hyper-pigmentation ………............
7. all associated with photo-damaged skin” (i.e. ageing). The absurdity is that ……………...
8. Avon last year lunched a new potion that does much the same thing, but got it …………..
9. approved as a cosmetic. .…………….
10. Regulators willing to call products designed to rejuvenate “pharmaceuticals” …..............
11. nevertheless seem reluctant to regard memory-enhancers in the same way – even ……...
12. through memory-loss, like skin damage, is generally caused by ageing rather than …….
13. ilness. Doctors have tried to devise a loophole – “age-associated memory – …….............
14. impairment disease”, or AAMI – which they diganose in anybody over 50 not …………
15. suffering from a mental disorder, but complaning of forgetfulness, AAMI has yet ……...
16. to gain official recognition. …………...
17. After this regulatory mess has ben sorted out, the cosmeceutical industry could be ……..
18. huge. Acording to Kline and Company, a consultancy based in New Jersey, new ………
19. antiaging lotions have helped boost 1992 sales of facial treatments in America by ……...
20. 7%, to $1.2 billion. (That compairs with a rise of just 1-2% for other cosmetics.) ………
21. As consumers grow elder, they want pills and ointments that will improve their ..............
22. health, fitness and appearance – and it seems they are going to get them. ……………

22. SMOKING. Choose the right answer.

1. Smoking is a dirty …………………... .
a) custom b) fashion c) habit d) manner
2. You will die of lung cancer if you ………… smoking so many cigarettes.
a) assist b) consist c) insist d) persist
3. He never stops smoking; one cigarette after another. I‟m afraid he‟s become a
………………….. smoker.
a) chain b) cord c) line d) rope
4. His doctor advised him to …………... himself to three cigarettes a day.
a) border b) cage c) keep d) limit
5. Heavy smokers are twenty-five times more likely to be ……….. by lung cancer
than non-smokers.
a) attacked b) gripped c) stricken d) taken
6. I used to be quite a …………...smoker, but I gave it up several years ago.
a) bad b) frequent c) heavy d) strong
7. Smoking is a very bad habit, which many people find difficult to ………….... .
a) beat b) break c) breathe d) cough
8. Can you ……………….me an effective way to stop smoking?
a) advise b) instruct c) show d) suggest
9. All cigarette packets carry ……..….. about the effect of smoking on health.
a) an advice b) an alarm c) an alert d) a warning
10. I hope you don‟t ….. to my smoking.
a) disapprove b) disagree c) object d) oppose

23. FILL IN THE GAPS. For questions 1-15, read the text below and think of
the word which best fits each space. Use only one word in each space. There is
an example at the beginning (0).
Throughout the ages, disease has stalked (0) our species. Prehistoric humans
must quickly have learnt (1)……. could be eaten without danger, and how to avoid
plants that could (2)……. about illness. They found leaves, berries and the bark of
different trees that could actually heal wounds and cure the sick, and (3)….. soon
became a special skill to understand natural medicine.
Ever (4)…… the dawn of history, medicine men and wise women have always
been expert in treating diseases and have dispensed medicine with ritual and magic.
(5)….. trial and error they discovered treatments for almost (6) ……..affliction
prevalent at the time. The precious recipes for preparations which could relieve pain,
stop fits, sedate or stimulate were (7) ……. down from generation to generation,
(8)…….. there was (9)……….. exact understanding of the way in (10)…………. the
medicines worked. Nevertheless, (11)…… the power of these primitive medicines,
generations were still ravaged by disease.
(12)……… the last 150 years, scientists and doctors, (13)………. work has
focused on these early medicines, have learnt that their power derived (14)………
certain chemicals which were found in herbal remedies or could be synthesised in the
laboratory. In just (15)…….. a way, advances in modern medicine continue, aided by
the discoveries made centuries ago by our ancestors.



1. HOSPITAL. Where can you find these patients? Match the patients with the
correct wards or departments.
1. Intensive Care Unit
2. Casualty and Emergency Department
3. Paediatric Ward
4. Maternity Unit
5. Orthopaedic Ward
6. Surgical Ward
7. Geriatric Ward
8. Ophthalmic Ward
9. Gynaecological Ward

a. Mary who has just had a baby
b. John who has broken his leg
c. My grandmother who is suffering from pneumonia complications
d. Peter who will have his appendix removed
e. Betty‟s mother who is suffering from women‟s disease
f. My mother who will be operated on for an eye cataract
g. Samuel who is unconscious
h. Paul who has just been in a car crash
i. Your son who has measles

2. SPECIALISTS. Give the name of persons defined below.

1. a family doctor g__ __ __ __ __ __ p __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ er
2. someone who looks after sick people in hospital __ __ __ s __
3. sick person who has to stay in hospital i __ _ __ __ __ __ __ __ __
4. sick person who has to visit hospital regularly for treatment
o __ __ _ __ __ __ __ __ __ __
5. someone who operates on sick people __ __ __ __ __ o __
6. person badly injured in an accident, fire, war __ a __ __ __ __ __ __
7. person who helps at the birth of a baby m __ __ __ __ __ __
8. person who specializes in one area of medicine __ p __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __

3. SPECIALISTS. Here are some specialists with brief descriptions of their

specialties. Check the one correct title that fits the description in each case.
1. He treats children‟s diseases.
a. He is an orthopaedist.
b. He is a pediatrician.
c. He is a pathologist.
2. He corrects deformities of the body.
a. He is a gynaecologist.
b. He is an orthopaedist.
c. He is a pathologist.
3. He straightens crooked teeth.
a. He is an orthodontist.
b. He is an orthopaedist.
c. He is a pathologist.
4. He is a medical doctor who specializes in diseases of the eye.
a. He is an oculist.
b. He is an optician.
c. He is an orthopaedist.
5. He makes your eyeglasses.
a. He is an oculist.
b. He is an orthopaedist.
c. He is an optician.
6. He specializes in disorders of the mind.
a. He is an intern.
b. He is a psychiatrist.
c. He is a physiotherapist.
7. He treats diseases by electricity.
a. He is a pathologist.
b. He is a physiotherapist.
c. He is a psychologist.
8. His specialty is taking and interpreting X-rays.
a. He is a gynaecologist.
b. He is a neurologist.
c. He is a radiologist.
9. He specializes in diseases of the nervous system.
a. He is a cardiologist.
b. He is a dermatologist.
c. He is a neurologist.
10. He treats diseases of old age.
a. He is a cardiologist.
b. He is a geriatrician.
c. He is a pediatrician.
11. He specializes in skin diseases.
a. He is a dermatologist.
b. He is a geriatrician.
c. He is a pathologist.
12. He treats women‟s diseases.
a. He is a dermatologist.
b. He is a geriatrician.
c. He is a gynaecologist.
13. He brings children into the world.
a. He is a gynaecologist.
b. He is an obstetrician.
c. He is a pediatrician.

4. SPECIALISTS. What is the difference between a psychiatrist and


5. HOSPITALS AND DOCTORS. Choose the correct answer.

1. There is a................for blankets and medicines in the disaster area.
a) dearth b) lack c) need d) shortage
2. At midday the doctor went on his......................, visiting sick patients.
a) circles b) rounds c) routes d) ways
3. He was worried about his health, but his doctor put his mind at…............... .
a) comfort b) leisure c) rest d) sleep
4. Euthanasia, or...........killing, is a common subject for debate these days.
a) helpful b) kind c) mercy d) sympathetic
5. The nurse told me that Sam's................immediately after his operation was
a) condition b) health c) situation d) suite

6. DOCTORS AND PATIENTS. Choose the correct answer.

1. The doctor asked me the waist.
a) bare b) strip c) take off d) undress
2. The nurse put a..............round Peter's bleeding knee.
a) bandage b) belt c) ribbon d) scarf
3. He had injured his arm badly and had to keep it in a.............for several weeks.
a) cradle b) litter c) sling d) stretcher
4. When he finally..............., he couldn't remember what had happened.
a) came round b) held back c) stood back d) wore off
5. The doctor told her that her temperature was……….......
a) current b) familiar c) habitual d) normal
6. After any hard or prolonged exercise it is advisable to check your……….. .
a) brain waves b) eyesight c) mental balance d) pulse rate
7. The ambulance men took the injured climber down the mountain on……......
a) a bedstead b) a cot c) a couch d) a stretcher
8. The injured man was taken to hospital on …………. .
a) an ambulance b) a bed c) a sling d) a stretcher
9. If he loses consciousness, give him a sip of brandy to bring him………….....
a) back b) over c) round d) up
10. Apply direct.....on the wound to stop severe bleeding.
a) compression b) contraction c) pressure d) restriction
11. My sister works in a home for the deaf and......
a) dumb b) mute c) speechless d) voiceless
12. While he was in hospital, his wound was.................twice a day.
a) changed b) cured c) dressed d) healed

7. HEALTH. Choose the odd word/ phrase out in each line

For example: 1.) poorly / hot under the collar / off colour / under the weather. Hot
under the collar refers to someone getting angry or becoming irritated rather than
being ill or poorly.
2.) below par / out of sorts / in a cold sweat / ill.
3.) unwell / sick as a dog / sick as a parrot / ailing.
4.) peaky / anaemic / ashen / blooming.
5.) pale / wan / pallid / ruddy-cheeked.
6) in fine fettle/ fit to drop / in good kilter / raring to go.
7.) healthy / hale and hearty / in the pink / rundown.
8.) infirm / recuperating / as weak as a kitten / feeble.
9.) unfit / out of kilter / running to fat/ trim.
10.) laid up/ bedridden/ to have a clean bill of health / incapacitated.
11.) to pull through / on the road to recovery / convalescing/ sickening.
12.) laid low by (with) an illness / struck down by(with) an illness / fall down with an
illness/ go down with an illness / fall ill.
13.) bacteria / microbe / bud / germ.
14.) virus / bug / micro-organism / germinate.
15.) gravely ill / at death's door / dead to the world / breathing one's last.
16.) on top of the world / flushed / never better / looking a picture of health.
17.) a check up / to be hospitable / to go under the knife / to take a turn for the worse /
to be on the mend.

8. PATIENTS AND THEIR CONDITIONS. Complete the sentences using the

nouns in the box. The first one has been done for you as an example.
accident ambulance biopsy consent effort examination
excess exercise injection intake intolerance overdose
paroxysm programme rash recurrence surgery tendency
vaccination whisper
1. He developed an intolerance to penicillin.
2. He suffered from a ________________ of coughing in the night.
3. She went into a coma after an _________________ of heroin.
4. He had to undergo major __________________ on his heart.
5. She took a ____________________ of steroid treatment.
6. He had a _______________ of a fever which he had caught in the tropics.
7. There is a ___________________ to obesity in her family.
8. The X-ray ______________ showed the presence of a tumour in his colon.
9. She had an________________ to ease the pain in her leg.
10. He doesn't take enough __________________: that's why he's fat.
11. The injured man was taken away in an __________________.
12. She was advised to reduce her __________________ of sugar.
13. The ______________ of the tissue from the growth showed that it was benign.
14. The parents gave their ________________ for their son's heart to be used in the
transplant operation.
15. She has a sore throat and can only speak in a ____________________.
16. It took her a lot of ___________________ even to walk a short distance.
17. Her body could not cope with an __________________ of blood sugar.
18. He has been an invalid since he had the _________________ six years ago.
19. The ____________________ has left a little bump on her left arm.
20. The _____________________ has left red marks on his chest and back.

9. PATIENTS AND THEIR CONDITIONS. Fill in the right words.

1. I've got hayfever and that's the reason why I keep on _ _ _e _ _ _ _.
2. I really do not know if this medicine _ _ _ _ a _ _ _ alcohol; most medicines do.
3. As far as I know common aspirin is the best _ u _ _ for your illness.
4. If the meeting is tomorrow I'll have to _ _ _ c _ _ an appointment with my dentist.
5. He is a very talented _ _ _ g _ _ _. All the patients on whom he has operated are
in good health now.
6. While some surgeons are experimenting with transplantation of natural organs,
others see the future in the use of _ _ _ _ f _ _ _ _ _ ones.
7. He asked me if he might smoke a cigarette. I am a smoker myself, so I did not
_ _ _ e _ _ to it.
8. As the doctor came into the room the nurse handed him temperature _ _ _ r _ of
the patient.
9. He took a sleeping-tablet, but it had absolutely no _ _ _ _ c _. It was a sleepless
night for him.
10. Our children seem to spend all day playing doctors and _ _ _ _ _ n _ _.
11. He slipped on the icy road, lost his _ _ _ _ n _ _ and fell.
12. You can't buy this medicine without a _ _ _ _ _ r _ _ _ _ _ _ from a doctor.
13. It may be dangerous to have a meal first and go for a swim immediately
_ _ _ _ _ w _ _ _ _.
14. I don't feel very well. I think I'm going to be _ _ c _.
15. The psychiatrist's _ _ e seems exorbitant considering the short time he spends on
each patient.
16. His mother sent him to bed because he had quite a high _ _ _ _ _ r _ _ _ _ _.
17. He was 10 kilos overweight and was advised to go on a _ _ _ t.
18. I had to wait for an hour in the doctor's _ _ _ g _ _ _.
19. If you want to find out someone's temperature, use a _ _ _ r _ _ _ _ _ _ _.
20. If you want to stay well; don't eat too much and get plenty of _ x _ _ _ _ _ _.

10. PATIENTS AND THEIR CONDITIONS. All these sentences describe

patients and their conditions. Complete the sentences using the past tense verbs
in the box.
adapted aggravated broke burnt controlled developed
exacerbated fractured overcame picked up prolonged rebuilt
received recovered required strained suffered trembled
underwent weakened
1. He must have ______________ the disease when he was travelling in Africa.
2. He _______________ a new kidney from his brother.
3. He _______________ his back lifting the table.
4. She ________________ from her concussion in a few days.
5. The doctors decided that her condition _______________ surgery.
6. She _______________ her disabilities and now leads a normal life.
7. She _______________ from poor circulation, which made her feel the cold.
8. After the accident her pelvis was completely _______________.
9. She _________________ several operations.
10. She ___________________ well to her new diet.
11. She fell off a wall and __________________ her leg.
12. She ___________________ her hand on the hot frying pan.
13. He __________________ his asthma with a bronchodilator.
14. The sore throat ___________________ into an attack of meningitis.
15. The cold damp weather __________________ his chest condition.
16. His tibia _____________________ in two places.
17. He was ________________ by the disease and could not resist further infection.
18. The treatment ____________________ her life by three years.
19. Playing football only __________________ his knee injury.
20. His hands _____________________ with the cold.
11. CHOOSE the three best answers to fill the gap in each sentence:
1. If he still feels taking this treatment, he should see a………………………
consultant GP midwife quack specialist
2. He will have to go on a diet because he is getting………………………….
buxom dense flabby plump robust stout
3. She needs to put on some weight after her illness because she is too………
fragile lean light skinny slender slim thin
4. Many illness today are related to ……………………………………….
grief sadness stress suffering tension worry
5. What treatment should be given to someone who has…………………..?
fainted lost consciousness passed away passed out passed through
6. I‟m a bit worried about the ………………….I‟ve been having in my back.
ache agony pain suffering twinges wound
7. Illness can be stopped before it happens by means of…………………….….
after care healthy living preventive medicine therapy vaccines
8. The nurse made her take ………………………….. to help her sleep better.
a lotion an ointment a pain-killer a sedative a tranquilliser
9. Take two of these ………………………….……three times a day after meals.
capsules drugs pills placebos sweets tablets
10. Everyone hoped that he would ………………………... after the operation.
get better get up get well pull out pull over pull through
11. You really must see a doctor about that…………………………………...
blister inflammation pimple rash scratch swelling
12. Keep away from other people if you have a disease that is……………..…..
antiseptic catching catchy contagious infectious
13. Once a year it‟s a good idea to go to the doctor for………………………….
a check-up an examination a medical an operation a post-mortem
14. She had to go to hospital when she………………………………………..……
broke up fractured her wrist had a break pulled a muscle sprained her ankle
15. Medical experts take the claims of…….. medicine more seriously nowadays.
alternative complementary conventional fringe mainstream orthodox

12. PATIENTS AND THEIR CONDITIONS. Choose the right answer.

1. The patient's condition is ……………….....
a) critical b) dangerous c) hazardous d) perilous
2. Everything possible was done to………... the suffering of the wounded man.
a) alleviate b) console c) diminish d) pacify
3. The doctor decided it was better at that point not to…....the nature of the illness.
a) confess b) give up c) reveal d) unmask
4. Abortion has become a………......issue in recent years.
a) blazing b) burning c) fiery d) hot
5. Peter was....................from hospital last week.
a) discharged b) dismissed c) released d) withdrawn
6. We thought she was over the worst of her illness, but yesterday she had a….....
a) come-back b) relapse c) relaxation d) reversion
7. Before the group of doctors would give their opinion they wanted to................with
each other.
a) confer b) confess c) confirm d) confide
8. It is physically impossible for any human being to...............such extreme cold for
a) endure b) last c) persist d) withhold
9. I have been offered the appointment,…… my passing a medical examination.
a) condition b) confirmatory c) dependent d) subject
10. Exercising generally begins with standing up straight,……….....slowly and then
letting your breath out evenly.
a) airing b) exhaling c) ingesting d) inhaling
11. Try something sharp-smelling under her nose, that might……….....if she's still
a) bring her about b) bring her to c) get her over d) put her forward
12. The test.....................that she was pregnant.
a) certified b) demonstrated c) indicated d) verified
13. According to a hospital spokesman, hopes were..................last night that the
victim would ever regain consciousness.
a) decreasing b) fading c) growing d) increasing

13. PATIENTS. Choose the right answer.

1. You know that smoking always brings ………….. a fit of coughing.
a) in b) on c) out d) up
2. He took the pills and a week later he was as right as ………... .
a) dawn b) rain c) sunshine d) water
3. Sue looks the picture of ……….... since she returned from her holiday.
a) health b) wealth c) well-being d) wholesomeness
4. We‟re sorry you are ill and send you our best wishes for a speedy ….. .
a) recovery b) relief c) repair d) survival
5. She will never be able to ……….. the winters in Poland because of her health.
a) repulse b) resist c) stand d) sustain
6. Sam is in hospital again. The poor chap seems accidents ……….. .
a) bound b) destined c) disposed d) prone
7. After her long illness she looked quite …………... .
a) elevated b) emaciated c) emancipated d) emasculated
8. He‟s been very ill but we think he'll …………
a) come back b) get over c) pull through d) take off
9. Pensions are given to people who lose ………... in industrial accidents.
a) arms b) heads c) limbs d) pieces
10. The patient recovered from his operation ….. .
a) by bits and pieces b) by degrees c) gradual d) in bits and pieces
11. After a month in the sunshine she was well on the ……….. to recovery.
a) avenue b) direction c) road d) route

14. PATIENTS AND THEIR CONDITIONS. Fill in the English translation of
the word(s) in brackets.
1. Diane was seriously ill some time ago. She is still weak but her health is
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ (покращується) rapidly and no doubt she will be all right soon.
2. I really admire him for the patience and the calm with which he _ _ _ _s
(переносить) his terrible illness. I know how he must suffer.
3. His injuries are so serious that he may _ _ _ _ _ _ (залишитися) an invalid for the
rest of his life.
4. I have recently read about a youth who _ _ _ _ _ _ _ (рятувати) four children from
5. The dentist uses a _ _ _ _ _ (бор) to cut into your teeth.
6. I went to the doctor about my cough and he prescribed some _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
(таблетка для розсмоктування).
7. It was quite a bad cut and it was bleeding, so I put on a _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ (пов‟язка).
8. I hurt my wrist yesterday playing football and today it's _ _ _ _ _ _ _ (припухлий).

15. GENERAL TRUTH. Complete the sentences using the adjectives in the box.
Use each adjective once only. The first one has been done for you as an example.
bitter compatible confused delicate highly-strung hoarse
hygienic inactive inadequate inborn inoperable insanitary
intoxicated left-handed motionless poisonous predisposed
recognized safe sedentary
1. This is a safe painkiller, with no harmful side effects.
2. Some mushrooms are good to eat and some are _________________
3. The donor's blood must be _______________ with the patient's.
4. The surgeon decided that the cancer had become _______________
5. _______________ people need special scissors.
6. The body has an _______________ tendency to resist transplanted organs.
7. The hospital has an _______________ staff to deal with a major accident.
8. This serum makes the poison ___________________
9. People in _______________ occupations are liable to have digestive problems.
10. Old people can easily become _______________ if they are moved from their
11. Catatonic patients can sit _______________for hours.
12. Don't touch food with dirty hands: it isn't __________________
13. All the members of the family are ________________ to vascular diseases.
14. Oranges are sweet, but quinine is ____________________
15. The bones of a baby's skull are very __________________
16. Cholera spread rapidly because of _______________ conditions in the town.
17. She is very _______________, so don't make comments about her appearance.
18. Are his qualifications _________________ in Great Britain?
19. He drank six glasses of whisky and became completely _____________.
20. He became _______________ after shouting too much.

16. ETHICAL ISSUES. 5 sentences have been removed from the article. Choose
from sentences A-E the one which best fits each gap (1-5).
The very success of modern medicine have produced issues and dilemmas
unknown in previous periods. The ability to treat newborn infants with severe
deformities is one example. Should expensive operations be performed to save the
lives of babies who will be seriously retarded or disabled all of their lives?
Others, less optimistic, think that an early death is better than a life of pain and
suffering. In either case, who should make such life-or-death decisions: the parents,
the physician, the hospital administrators, the community (through passage of laws)?
The availability of amniocentesis and legal abortion also raises complicated
ethical questions. Physicians can now withdraw a small amount of amniotic fluid
that surrounds a fetus in the womb.
They can tell, for example, whether the fetus has Down‟s Syndrome, a defect
that causes mental retardation and, often, other physical disabilities. Since
amniocentesis carries a slight risk of harming the fetus, it is usually performed only
on older mothers who are at greater risk for giving birth to infants suffering from
birth defects. Many types of birth defects, however, cannot be discovered through
Parents who learn of severe abnormalities can choose to abort the fetus prior
to the 24th week of pregnancy. Abortion, however, is an intensely controversial
subject. Although the abortion is legal, many feel that it should be legal only when
the mother‟s life is in danger. Others believe that abortion should never be
undertaken under any conditions.
Occasionally, a very small living infant is born prematurely.
Many hospitals have established special intensive care units which can now
save many such premature babies. But should all premature infants be treated in this
manner, especially if they are below a certain weight and therefore likely to suffer
severe disabilities?
At the other end of the spectrum, the situation of unconscious patients also
triggers intense debate. Physicians can use respirators – machines that breathe for
patients – and other medical equipment to keep patients alive indefinitely, even
though the patients will not regain consciousness.
Most physicians now recognize that there is a point at which further treatment
merely prolongs the agony of death, and with the family‟s consent, they may decide
not to resuscitate (restart the stopped heart) an old person dying of cancer. Young
victims of auto accidents who are unconscious pose a different set of issues. Often,
the decision to maintain an unconscious, critically ill patient may turn on whether or
not the person is “brain-dead” – with no measurable electrical activity in the brain.

Such patients also become valuable sources of organs for transplants for other

A They can thus obtain fetal cells and study them for possible abnormalities.
B When is it proper to turn off these machines and let the patient die?
C Physicians today recognize that these patients are, in fact, dead, and their
life supporting system can be removed.
D Such infants seldom survive, and the risk of their suffering permanent
handicaps is great.
E Some parents want every possible effort made to save such babies, in the
hope that treatment to improve their child‟s condition may be developed in the future.
 Give the definitions to the words in bold.

1. DRUGS. In most cases drugs are
1. taken by mouth
2. injected into the body
3. applied to the body surface.
Divide the following forms of drugs into the three groups.
capsules cream gargle jelly lotion lozenge
ointment pill powder serum tablet vaccines

2. DRUGS. Choose the right answer.

1. The nurse put a……………....on the wound.
a) bandage b) cloth c) material d) towel
2. Take two of these................three times a day after meals.
a) capsules b) drugs c) placebos d) prescriptions
3. Illness can be stopped before it happens by means of.................
a) after-care b) prescription c) therapy d) vaccines
4. If you've got a headache, why don't you take a....................of aspirin?
a) couple b) couplet c) pair d) prescription
5. Can you……………....a good pill against airsickness?
a) advise b) propose c) recommend d) suggest
6. The…………… a teaspoonful, to be taken three times a day. You must not
exceed it.
a) dose b) measure c) medicine d) quantity
7. Barbiturates are drugs which are often used in the…………...of emotional
a) cure b) healing c) improvement d) treatment
8. Many herbs are well known for their healing……………….…....
a) contents b) medicines c) parts d) properties
9. The doctor prescribed tablets to help....................the pain.
a) calm b) lighten c) relieve d) rid
10. He threatened to drink the....................chemical.
a) deadly b) deathly c) dying d) mortal
11. The doctor gave me some………….....for my rheumatism.
a) gargle b) lozenges c) pastilles d) pills
12. As the drug took……………...the patient became quieter.
a) action b) effect c) force d) influence
13. It's time to take another..................of medicine.
a) cup b) dose c) drink d) spoon
14. The effects of the anaesthetic used for the operation take quite a time
a) give b) move c) turn d) wear
15. One way to get rid of hiccups is to……….your breath for as long as possible.
a) catch b) draw c) hold d) take
16. She's suffering from a.............of iron and needs to take a course of tablets.
a) default b) defect c) deficiency d) deficit
17. After his illness, the doctor gave him medicine to.................another attack.
a) deny b) improve c) prevent d) recover
18. You'll feel better after you've taken a.................of cough medicine.
a) dose b) helping c) portion d) ration
19. Take the tablets twice a two tablespoons of water.
a) dissolved b) melted c) resolved d) solved
20. The medicine he takes can only..................the pain. It cannot get rid of it
a) heal b) remedy c) relieve d) solve

3. DRUGS. Fill the blank with the right word from the list below. You may use
each word.
antiseptic cleanse disease fester ointment plaster skin wound
Treatment of a Minor Injury
............. the wound thoroughly and apply an ............. to counteract germs
which spread .................. .
Otherwise the wound may………..... . Sticking …….... may be applied or the
………..... may be bandaged. ................. may be smeared over the .................. .

4. DRUGS. Choose the right answer.

1. The doctor gave the woman a strong……… calm her down.
a) antidote b) antiseptic c) bromide d) sedative
2. Morphine is sometimes used to…….....severe pain.
a) deaden b) decimate c) smother d) suffocate
3. I hope this headache..............soon.
a) comes away b) goes out c) passes away d) wears off
4. Few poisons are more..................than cyanide.
a) deathly b) killing c) lethal d) mortal
5. The nurse made him swallow a(n) help him sleep better.
a) lotion b) lozenge c) ointment d) tranquilliser
6. Beside washing that cut, put some…....on it in case you have got some dirt in it.
a) antidote b) antiseptic c) disinfectant d) medicine
7. Certain vitamins help to overcome a loss of……….......
a) life b) vitality c) vitiation d) vividness
8. The medicine was so.........that he was almost back to normal within a few days.
a) effective b) efficient c) influential d) proficient
9. He was in terrible pain, so he was given a(n)………........
a) injection b) scratch c) stab d) wound
10. She has killed herself. She took a(n)............of sleeping pills.
a) excess b) exorbitance c) overdose d) profusion
11. This is a very rare poison for which there is no known……….....
a) antibody b) anticoagulant c) antidote d) antiseptic
12. They.........on a cure for tuberculosis while they were doing research on something
a) foundered b) stumbled c) tripped d) trod

5. DRUGS. Fill the blanks with the right word from the list below. You may use
each word only once.
administer after antibodies diseases fight generally
harmless including injected orally prevent prevention
serums smallpox substances symptoms vaccines
Drugs That Prevent Disease
Doctors use two main types of drugs for the .................. of disease:
1. Vaccines contain dead or .................. germs. They cause the body to
develop .................. called ………… that act to ………….. disease. Doctors
……………. ……......... before a person has been exposed to such …………..... as
poliomyelitis or …………...... . Vaccines are usually …….……....... but sometimes
are given ..................... .
2. Serums contain antibodies that ..................... off the germs of certain
diseases, ....................... scarlet fever and lockjaw. These drugs are given
………............ a person has been exposed to the disease, or after ..................... of
the disease have appeared. ...................... are …………..... administered by injection.

6. DRUGS. Choose the right answer.

1. The label said “It is dangerous to....................the stated dose”.
a) exceed b) infringe c) overdo d) repeat
2. What you need is a good rest, so I think a holiday would be more…….....than
giving you more drugs.
a) benefaction b) beneficial c) benefiting d) benevolent
3. In Britain women who are pregnant are……....from prescription charges.
a) exempt b) freed c) free d) released
4. 1 always take............aspirin when I have a headache.
a) fluid b) molten c) soluble d) runny
5. Poisons should be kept in a place that children.
a) impracticable b) inapplicable c) inaccessible d) unavailable
6. The medicine should be...........with a little water.
a) diluted b) reduced c) thinned d) weakened
7. Alcoholic drinks have a.....effect on many people.
a) sedate b) sedative c) sedentary d) sedimentary
8. Did you get any..............effects when you were taking those tablets?
a) backwash b) subsequent c) subsidiary d) side
9. Many drugs are the public without a doctor's prescription.
a) acceptable b) available c) permissible d) reliable
10. People who distribute drugs like heroin can have all.
a) conscience b) consciousness c) goodness d) moral
11. I took the doctor's prescription to the chemist's to be made...............
a) for b) into c) out d) up
12. It seems that medical science is.................of discovering a cure for cancer.
a) on the corner b) an the edge c) on the rim d) on the verge

7. CHEMISTRY. Give English equivalents for the chemical elements and

compounds in the table below. Complete the 'name' column and connect each
substance to the notes which refer to it.
Symbol Name Notes
1. Na sodium(h) (a) the major component of bones and teeth
2. Ca (b) an addictive alkaline
3. Zn (c) the basis of a radioactive isotope used to treat cancer
4. Fe (d) a colourless gas used in anaesthetics
5. Co (e) a colourless gas which is essential to human life
6. Cl (f) a powerful green gas used to sterilize water
7. He (g) an essential part of red blood cells found in liver & eggs
8. Au (h) the basic substance in salt
9. O (i) a light gas used with oxygen to relieve asthma
10. N2O (j) a white metallic trace element
11. CmH]4N2 (k) a soft yellow metal used as a compound in various drugs



1. INJURIES. Choose the right answer.
1. I think I‟ve got a ………….... of dust in my eye. Can you see it?
a) grain b) sliver c) speck d) splinter
2. She ………….and fell from the top of the stairs to the bottom.
a) slipped b) sloped c) spilt d) split

3. While the children were playing on the beach, Peter ……….. on a broken bottle
and cut his foot rather badly.
a) came b) ran c) tripped d) trod
4. Mr Jackson is permanently ………... as the result of a car accident.
a) disabled b) inactive c) incapable d) powerless
5. He was hit by a bullet but luckily he was only ………..wounded.
a) barely b) little c) merely d) slightly
6. John slipped as he was walking beside the river, and fell into the water with a loud
……………….. .
a) bang b) crash c) splash d) trickle
7. The patient was found to be suffering from …….. injuries as a result of his fall.
a) multifarious b) multiple c) multipliable d) multiplied
8. John slipped on a piece of orange …………...and broke his leg.
a) crust b) coat c) peel d) shell
9. He tripped in a pot-hole and...........his ankle.
a) slid b) slipped c) sprained d) stressed
10. I have broken my new glasses and I can't find my old ............. .
a) couple b) double c) one d) pair
11. In spite of the number of cars involved in the accident, there was only one
………….... a man with a broken hand.
a) case b) casualty c) injury d) patient
12. The electrician got a...........from the faulty wiring.
a) blow b) jump c) shock d) start
13. He hurt his knee early in the game, and……… the field.
a) carried b) left c) limped d) trod
14. The woman tripped over the uneven pavement and……....her elbow.
a) disabled b) dislocated c) dislodged d) distorted
15. Since his motor-accident, he has been …….... in one leg.
a) cracked b) crazy c) irregular d) lame

2. INJURIES. Choose the correct answer.

1. He got that................on his forehead when he ran into an open cupboard door in
the dark a few days ago.
a) blister b) bruise c) scar d) sprain
2. Mary a wasp while she was gathering some pears.
a) bitten b) eaten c) stung d) wounded
3. Be careful you don't...................yourself when you are cutting those roses.
a) pick b) prick c) sting d) wound
4. I fell off my bicycle when I was five and I still have a................on my knee.
a) freckle b) scar c) hole d) scratch
5. He got a terrible……………...on the head when he forgot to bend as he went
through the low doorway.
a) bump b) hunch c) ripple d) wrinkle
6. This.....................dates from my operation last year,
a) cut b) scar c) scratch d) sore
7. A sword will only draw blood if it actually.....................the skin.
a) pierces b) pricks c) plunges d) thrusts
8. I have a.......................on my leg where you hit me. '
a) blister b) bruise c) hole d) wound
9. She cried so much that her face became………………......
a) fat b) soft c) swollen d) torn
10. If you are so senseless as to go on long walks in tight-fitting shoes, you must
expect to get ………………....
a) blisters b) bruises c) scars d) scratches

3. INJURIES. Crossword puzzle.

1. from an old wound (4)
5. painful swelling on the hand or foot caused by exposure to cold (9)
6. small mark in the skin, possibly caused by an illness such as measles (4)
7. from dog's teeth (4)
8. on the knee (5)
1. often the result of a toothache or sprained ankle (8)
2. hard skin, often on the foot (4)
3. from cat's claws (7)
4. from walking in too tight shoes (7)

4. INSTRUMENTS & EQUIPMENT. Which item in the list of instruments and

equipment does each one refer to? The first one has been done for you as an
bandage; catheter; curette; drain; forceps; gag; hook; pipette;
probe; scalpel; sling; splint; stethoscope; stretcher; syringe;
thermometer; tourniquet; wheelchair
1. wheelchair = a chair with wheels in which an invalid can sit and move
2....................... = a small, sharp pointed knife used in surgery
3....................... = an instrument used to explore inside a cavity or wound
4.......................= an instrument similar to a pair of scissors, used for holding and

5....................... = a long spoon, used for scraping the inside of an organ
6....................... = a thin glass tube used for taking and measuring samples of
7....................... = a device used to constrict an artery and reduce the flow of blood
8.......................= an instrument with a bent end, used for holding structures apart
9....................... = a tube used to remove liquid from the body or the site of an
10......................= an instrument which is placed between a patient's teeth to stop
him closing his mouth
11..................... = a tube with a plunger which slides inside it, forcing the contents
out through a needle
12......................= a tube which is passed into the body along one of the
13.......................= a piece of cloth which is wrapped wound a wound or injured
14....................... = a triangular piece of cloth attached around the neck, used to
support a broken arm
15....................... = a folding bed, with handles, on which an injured person can be
carried by two people
16....................... = a stiff support attached to a limb to prevent a broken
bone from moving
17....................... = two earpieces connected to a tube and a metal disc, used to
listen to sounds inside the body
18....................... = a device used for measuring temperature

5. WORD ASSOCIATION. One word connects each set of four below. All the
words have medical connections. What are they?

Reading 1
a) You will read book review which retraces alternative healing techniques.
Before you read discuss the following:
What do you know about alternative medicine?
What is your attitude to this?
What methods of alternative medicine are you familiar with? Can them be helpful?

b) Read a review from The Sunday Times about a new book on alternative
medicine and answer the questions with a partner.
1. Do the authors of the book believe that alternative medicine is a trick or a valid
form of treatment?
2. Do they think there are any exceptions?
3. Does the reviewer agree?
Alternative Medicine on Trial
'For 2,400 years,' wrote the historian of medicine, David Wootton, „patients
believed doctors were doing them good; for 2,300 years they were wrong.‟ Only in
the past 100 years have treatments in mainstream medicine been consistently subject
to clinical trial, to discover what works and what doesn‟t. Much medicine, though,
still stands defiantly outside this mainstream. Can these alternative therapies really
claim to be medically effective judged by today‟s standards, or are they no better than
the blood-letting and snake oil of darker centuries?
Simon Singh, a science writer, and Edzard Ernst, a doctor, have set out to
reveal the truth about „the potions, lotions, pills, needles, pummelling and energizing
that lie beyond the realms of conventional medicine.‟ Their conclusions are damning.
„Most forms of alternative medicine,‟ say the authors, „for most conditions remain
either unproven or are demonstrably ineffective, and several alternative therapies put
patients at risk of harm.‟
One by one, they go through the most influential alternative therapies
(acupuncture, homeopathy, chiropractic, and herbal medicines) and subject them to
scientific scrutiny. In each case, they ask what the evidence is for saying that a given
therapy „works‟. Acupuncture, homeopathy, and chiropractic all come out badly.
Singh and Ernst build a compelling case that these therapies are at worst positively
dangerous – chiropractic neck manipulation can result in injury or death – and at
best, are more or less useless. For example, tests done in Germany have shown that
„real‟ acupuncture works no better in easing migraines than sham acupuncture, a
random application of wrongly positioned needles, working as a placebo.
Singh and Ernst do not deny that placebos are powerful things. This being so,
does it matter if homeopathy really „works‟ in scientific terms? If it makes me feel
better to rub arnica cream into a bruise, what harm is done? The authors argue that it
does matter, for three reasons.

First, if, as the evidence indicates, homeopathy is merely a placebo, then the
price tag is a rip-off. A second problem lies in the ethics of the doctor-patient
relationship. In order to make the placebo effect work, doctors would have to
suppress their knowledge that homeopathy was bogus. „In fact, the best way to
exploit the placebo effect is to lie excessively to make the pill seem extra-special, by
using statements such as „this remedy has been imported from Timbuktu, etc.‟. Third,
and most worrying, by putting his or her faith in homeopathy, a patient may fail to
seek out more effective conventional treatment. In the case of a minor bruise, this
doesn‟t matter. It's altogether more serious when it comes to asthma, say, or cancer.
Does this mean that all alternative therapies are to be dismissed? In the case of
herbal medicines, Singh and Ernst admit that some are effective, but even here they
argue that, once an alternative treatment passes proper tests, it is accepted into the
mainstream and ceases to be alternative. The examples they give are St John’s Wort
for the treatment of mild depression and fish oils for preventing heart disease, as well
as osteopathy (a gentler alternative to chiropractic). They would like to see all
alternative medicines jump through the same expensive hoops as mainstream drugs.
Until they have passed such tests, they should come with cautions („Warning: this
product is a placebo‟), though of course any such warning would work against the
placebo effect.
The authors admit that, in the 19th century, patients were sometimes better off
with homeopathy (i.e. no treatment at all) than with the mainstream practices of
„blood-letting, vomiting, sweating, and blistering, which generally stressed an
already weakened body‟, but point out that today‟s medicine is, of course, infinitely
more effective in the treatment of disease. However, in my opinion, mainstream
medicine is hopelessly primitive when it comes to preventing illness. The „evidence-
based‟ medicine that Singh and Ernst are so fond of does not look so great when we
consider the profiteering of big pharmaceutical companies, which would rather sell us
drugs to manage our illnesses than help us stay well. Alternative medicine flourishes
in the space that conventional medicine, which, focusing on cure rather than
prevention, neglects. Is it any wonder that some people – against all the evidence –
prefer 90 the warm lies of the alternative practitioners to the cold drugs of the men in
white coats?

c) Read the article again and choose the right answers:

1. ‘Mainstream medicine’ refers to...
a) medicine which is considered normal and used by most doctors.
b) all kinds of medicine, including alternative medicine/
с) medicine which has been given to patients for thousands of years.
2. ‘Damning means...
a) rather unclear.
b) extremely negative.
с) ambiguous.
3. In paragraph 3, the German tests are cited to show that...
a) acupuncture is the least effective of the three therapies mentioned.
b) any benefits from acupuncture are due to the placebo effect.
с) some alternative therapies can be dangerous.
4. What most concerns the authors about alternative medicine is that...
a) seriously ill patients may choose to use it and not get effective mainstream
b) it is ridiculously expensive considering that it does no real good.
с) doctors would have to be dishonest in order for the placebo effect to work.
5. St John’s Wort is given as an example of a medicine which...
a) doesn‟t really work.
b) has not passed proper tests.
с) should no longer be considered alternative.
6. The reviewer believes that some people use alternative medicine because...
a) the practitioners pay them more attention than mainstream doctors.
b) it is cheaper than having to pay the high prices charged by big pharmaceutical
с) they believe all the evidence about alternative medicine.

d) Match the words or phrases from the text in bold with their definitions below:
A. a drinks that contain medicine, poison, or something that is supposed to have
magic powers;
B. a plant with yellow flowers which has been used for centuries to treat mental
disorders and nerve pain;
C. a system of complementary medicine based on the diagnosis and manipulative
treatment of misalignments of the joints, especially those of the spinal column, which
are believed to cause other disorders by affecting the nerves, muscles, and organs;
D. medical treatment used in the past in which some of a patient's blood was
E. the treatment of disease by minute doses of natural substances that in a healthy
person would produce symptoms of disease;
F. the act of moving or pressing bones or muscles to remove pain in them;
G. a branch of medical practice that emphasizes the treatment of medical disorders
through the manipulation and massage of the bones, joints, and muscles;
H. the act of ejection matter from the stomach through the mouth;
I. a substance that has no physical effects, given to patients who do not need medicine
but think that they do;
J. swelling on the skin containing clear liquid;
K. something that is grossly overpriced.

e) Replace the highlighted words from the text with their synonyms below.
fake thumbing speculation label drug
provocatively examination headaches treatment warning

Find the opposite of the bold word or expression in the text.
1. alternative medicine conventional or _____________ medicine
2. a proven theory an ________________ theory
3. effective treatment _______________ treatment
4. a useful remedy a _________________ remedy
5. real acupuncture ___________ (or bogus) acupuncture
6. a bargain a __________________
7. severe depression __________________ depression

g) Now complete the expressions and collocations, using the active words from
the text.
1. His record will not bear close _________________ .
2. The ____________ effect can be understood only if we acknowledge the unity of
mind and body.
3. I don't shop at that store any more, they're known for __________ _____ the
4. Why are you looking ___________ at me?
5. There is a _______________ for all things but death.
6. The movie contains scenes of violence and _______________ .
7. ______________ is the treatment of someone with mental or physical illness
without the use of drugs or operations.
8. The boxers _____________ each other in the ring.
9. Anyone receiving a suspect package should exercise extreme ___________ .
10. All the staff wore name ___________ .

h) Do you agree with the following points made in the article?

Alternative medicine only works because of the placebo effect.
Mainstream medicine is far more effective in treating serious illnesses.
Some alternative medicine can actually be harmful.
All alternative medicines should be tested in the same way that conventional
medicines are.
Drug companies have no interest in preventing or eradicating illnesses, only in
controlling them.
Alternative medicine does more than mainstream medicine to prevent illness.

Reading 2
a) You will read an article written to a newspaper about the health hazards
of modern-day life. What do you think the following words\phrases 1- 8 mean?
Use a dictionary to help you if necessary.
to dice with death an early grave
fraught with danger to pant
lead (n) /led/ to throb
gums to inhale
What do you think are some of the health hazards that the article mentions?

b) The writer describes a typical day in the life of a businessman, and the
dangers that he faces at different times of the day. Read the article quickly and
answer if the article was written by a doctor.
And Living With Statistics by RUTH JEMMETT
Every day is fraught with danger. You wake in the morning, rush to the
window and take a deep breath. Don' t! Hasn't anyone told you about the air being
polluted with lead from petrol? Next you go to the bathroom. After touching the
lavatory handle, your innocent-looking hands are covered in bacteria, which even a
good wash won't entirely remove. You sigh, and get dressed. Good heavens! Didn't
you realize that all that nylon won't let your skin breathe?
With a rash beginning to appear on your skin, you make your way to the
kitchen for breakfast. Eating must be good for you – mustn't it? Of course it is,
provided you don't have tea or coffee, which are bad for your heart, or a good old-
fashioned English fry-up, which will fill your stomach with cholesterol-building fat.
Depressed – not to mention hungry – you go to clean your teeth. Put down that
nylon toothbrush at once! It will ruin your gums. Do you have the courage to weigh
yourself? Horrors! You're at least half a stone overweight, which is sure to help send
you to an early grave.
Hesitating, you make your way to the car, knowing that (according to statistics)
there's a good chance that either you or one of your nearest and dearest will be
involved in an accident sometime during your life. After a heart-thumping journey,
you reach work. Filled with relief you get into the lift. Get out at once and race up
those stairs, unless you want a heart attack tomorrow.
Panting, you reach the office, where you collapse into a chair. The cleaner has
just left, leaving an aerosol's delightful aroma floating in the air. You inhale deeply
enjoying the sweet fragrance. Danger! Breathing in the substance will ruin your lungs
(not to mention our atmosphere, if we are to believe the experts).
With trembling hands you light a cigarette to calm your nerves. A what'! How
dare you? In comes your colleague, Ms Brown, all ready for a busy day, blonde hair
and make-up in place. Do you think she's heard about the cancer scare concerning
hair dyes and eye-liners?
At last lunch-time comes. You join your mates in the local for a sandwich.
White bread, eh? A low-fibre diet is no good at all. You have 'just one more drink',
which helps you on your way to liver failure, and you return to the office. You spend
the afternoon fighting a battle with high blood pressure and chronic indigestion (or is
it your heart at last?) and give a sigh of relief as 5.30 arrives.
What jam on the by-pass tonight. It gets your fingers tapping on the steering
wheel, doesn't it? You look in the driving mirror and see a large vein throbbing up
and down on your forehead. It throbs even faster as you suddenly remember that
article you were reading about strokes.
A nervous wreck, you reach home. You crawl up the path and fall into your
wife's protective arms. She won't last much longer, of course. She's inhaled a large
amount of washing powder, quite a few asbestos particles from her hair drier and a
great number of chemicals from aerosol sprays.
But do not fear, civilization is here. Are we really that much happier in our
modern technological world with all its new-found knowledge than our ancestors
who knew nothing of these things? Is it any surprise that there were no analysts or
psychiatrists in any century before ours? I'm sure they didn't need any.

c) Comprehension check.
1) According to the writer, what dangers are attached to the following?

2) Why isn‟t nylon a good material for the skin?

3) How many kilos overweight is the businessman?
4) Why should you use the stairs and not the lift?
5) What does his colleague need to be careful of?
6) What effect does the traffic jam have on him?
7) What dangers has his wife faced all day?
d) Discuss the following:
1) What point is the writer making in the last paragraph? Do you agree?
2) Do you think the writer is . . .
a. much too worried about the dangers of modern life?
b. right to be worried about them?
c. being funny about them to make a point?
3) Read the text again and mark it like this:
I agree that this is a real danger.
This could be dangerous, but it's not worth worrying about.
× I don't agree that this is a danger.
? I don't understand the point that the writer is trying to make.
Compare your reactions with a partner's.

e). The article deals with quite a serious subject, but it is written in a
humorous way. Some parts of it sound like spoken English, as though two people
were talking to each other. Find the examples of the colloquial words / phrases.


1. a. You are going to read an article about the study of chromosomes. Before
you read, discuss the following questions.
Why is it important to predict possible diseases?
What diseases might be predicted nowadays and how?
b. The following words appear in the article. In what context do you think
they will appear?
fortune tellers /the DNA / infected with colds / blood cells
2. Now read the article and check your answers in the task above.


Liz Szabo @LizSzabo USA TODAY(February 20, 2013)

Fortune tellers claim they can forecast the future by reading tea leaves, tarot
cards or your horoscope.
Now a preliminary study suggests that our susceptibility to infections such as
common cold – and maybe even our future health overall –may be foretold not in the
creases of our palms but in the tips of our chromosomes.
These tips, called telomeres, are special DNA sequences that act like the
plastic tips on shoelaces, preventing the DNA in chromosomes from unraveling.
Scientists believe telomeres get shorter each time a cell divides, until a cell can‟t
divide anymore and it dies.
Scientists are interested in learning more about telomeres in order to better
understand the process of aging and why people become more susceptible to disease
as they get older, says James Crowe, a professor at Vanderbilt University Medical
Center in Nashville, who wasn‟t involved in the new study.
In the study, 152 people ages 18 to 55 were deliberately exposed to a cold
virus. Researchers found that adults with shorter telomeres were more likely to
become infected with colds.
Researchers weren‟t really interested in predicting which people are most
susceptible to colds, says study co-author Sheldon Cohen, a professor at Pittsburgh‟s
Carnegie Mellon University. Instead, Cohen used cold infections to gauge the
strength of volunteers‟ immune systems.
Overall, 69% of people became infected with cold viruses, and 22% actually
got sick, says the study, published Tuesday in The Journal of the American Medical
Those rates differed according to the length of telomeres in a type of white
blood cell: 26% of volunteers with the shortest telomeres got sick, compared with
13% of those with the longest.
That makes Cohen wonder whether the length of the telomeres in people‟s
white blood cells is related to their overall health and future disease risk.
Studies in older adults have found that telomere length is related to the risk of
age-related ailments such as heart disease, cancer and infections, Cohen says. Some
new studies suggest telomere length doesn't change much over a 10-year period.
However, there has been little research into the telomeres of young people, like those
in the new study.
Cohen says his study raises the intriguing possibility that telomere length isn‟t
just a sign of chronic disease, but a predictor of it.
Crowe says the study is “provocative because it comes out of left field.” He
notes that the study is preliminary and it won‟t be convincing unless other scientists
can replicate these results. But he says many people, including doctors, wonder “why
some people get infected with some colds and some don‟t.”
One of the most intriguing questions raised by the study, Crowe says, is what
causes telomeres to shorten. Earlier studies have linked shorter telomeres to
smoking, radiation and psychological stress, such as early life maltreatment and
taking care of a chronically ill person.
Studies also suggest that early childhood adversity can cause telomeres to
shorten more quickly than normal.

3. Read the article again and say if the statements are True or False:
a. Telomeres are found in the creases of our palms.
b. The results of studying how telomeres act show that adults with shorter
telomeres were more likely to become infected with colds.
c. Professor Cohen used cold infections to estimate how strong were
volunteers‟ immune systems.
d. There has already been a lot of research into the telomeres of young people.
f. Studies suggest that nothing can cause telomeres to shorten more quickly
than normal.

4. Look at the words / phrases in bold and try to explain them:
susceptibility to infections, in the creases of our palms, chromosomes, telomeres,
special DNA sequences, unraveling, exposed to a cold virus, immune systems, white
blood cell, age-related ailments, have linked to, early life maltreatment, early
childhood adversity.

5. Find a synonym for each of the highlighted words.

Listening 1

1. Which of the following medical procedures are suggested by the
Choosing sex of your child
Choosing the physical appearance of your child
Fertility treatment for older women
Cosmetic surgery
The conception of a child after the death of one of the parents
The creation of a child with identical characteristic to another person

2. Some of the medical procedures listed above are already possible, and some
are likely to be possible in the near future. Do you think that they should:
a) never be allowed?
b) be allowed in special circumstances?
c) be generally available to those who want them?

II. You will hear two friends, Jessica and Will, discussing a television
documentary about medical advances. Before you listen, look through the list of
opinions below. Which of them relate to the topics in Exercise 1? Which are new
1. Cosmetic surgery can be acceptable at any age □
2. Children‟s toys may establish false standards of beauty □
3. People should be allowed to pay for cosmetic surgery if they want to □
4. It‟s acceptable for older women to be given fertility treatment □
5. Nowadays men and women share child-care more equally □
6. Multiple births may lead to problems for the children and families □

III. Now listen to the recording and indicate which of the opinions are given by
each speaker. In each box write either:
J (Jessica)
or W (Will)
or B (both Jessica and Will)
Then listen again to check and complete your answers.

IV. Discuss this question.

How far do you agree that the developments discussed in the Listening are “flying in
the face of nature”?
Listening 2

1. What forms of alternative medicine are popular in our country? Why do you
think some people are skeptical about them?
2. Listen to four people talking about their experience of alternative medicine.
Complete the chart.

What did they What for ? Was it successful?

Speaker A
Speaker B
Speaker C
Speaker D

3. Listen again. Write the number of the speaker.

1. took more than the recommended dose _______
2. had a physical side effect _______
3. felt slightly better immediately after the treatment _______
4. had been unwell for some time before trying alternative medicine _______
5. had been using alternative medicine for a very long time _______
6. thought that the dose they had to take was very high _______
7. tried alternative medicine because of a previous bad experience _______
8. never gave their children conventional medicine _______

4. Have you ever used any alternative medicine? Was your experience positive or

Speaking 1


1. Is plastic surgery popular in our country?
2. Do you think people who have plastic
surgery are too concerned about their looks?
3. Do you think the number of men who want
plastic surgery will equal the number of women?

Read through the article and

answer the questions:
Surgeons at clinics specialising in plastic surgery are reporting increasingly
younger patients, according to a report released recently by the National Association
of Plastic Surgery in the United States.
“They want to look like the people they see in films or the models they see in
magazines. It's becoming an obsession,” said one doctor in a beauty clinic in
California. “Last week we had a woman in here who, at 30, said she was looking too
old and wanted a facelift. I told her to come back and see me in 15 years.”
The average age for patients undergoing plastic surgery over the last year was
32, down from 34 just the year before. In England recently, a 15-year-old girl was in
the news for announcing that her parents were going to pay for breast enlargements
as her 16th birthday present. Her mother said, “If it makes her happy and gives her
more chance of success in life, then what is the problem?” Though women still
dominate the plastic surgery scene, men are growing increasingly concerned with
their physical appearance and are doing something about it. According to the report,
men now make up 39% of all surgeries performed – that's an increase of nearly 20%
from last year.
One man, who wished to remain anonymous, said he got his liposuction –
removal of excess fat – after pressure from his wife. “She's a very athletic woman
and, well, I enjoy a good steak.” Liposuction tops the list of plastic surgery performed
on men, followed by hair implants and breast reduction. For women the top order is
still breast enlargement, followed by liposuction and facelifts.

l. Why are younger people turning to plastic surgery?

2. Why did the doctor refuse plastic surgery to one patient?
3. Why is plastic surgery now more popular with men?

Match these types of plastic surgery solutions to the problems below:

breast enlargement hair implant rhinoplasty (nose job)

varicose vein removal facelift tummy tuck
1. “This thing on my face is an atrocity. I'm surprised birds don't sit on it or that
lightning doesn't strike it in thunderstorms.”
2. “I hate them. I can't wear shorts or a bikini because they stick out, especially on the
back of my thighs. They‟re the ugliest things I 've ever seen and they're getting worse
every year because I have bad circulation.”
3. I started receding really badly at the age of 23. My wife says she doesn't mind, but
I hate it. I mean, I'm not completely bald or anything, but I constantly wear hats and
baseball caps because I' m so self-conscious about it. I could never wear a wig.
4. “I hate being flat-chested. The boys at school used to call me “ironing-board”.
Imagine! I think I have a pretty face but I don't feel confident about myself from the
chin down. I would like to feel good about wearing a tight sweater or a low-cut
5. “I used to have such a youthful, vibrant-looking face. Now my skin just sags. I
think I look twice my age.”
6. “No matter what I do, my belly sticks out. I think it has something to do with my
posture. If I could just get a flat stomach, I wouldn't feel so bad about looking at
myself sideways in the mirror.”

Which of the above treatments are most popular in our country? Are
there any other ones that were not mentioned? If you had the problems above
and plenty of money, would you have the surgery? Tell your partner what you
would do for each problem.

Speaking 2


1. Under what circumstances would you allow an organ to be removed from
your body? Tick the ones you agree with:
a. if I needed an operation,
b. after death, for general medical purposes,
c. to donate an organ to a close relative,
d. to donate an organ to a close friend,
e. to help anyone in need,
f. to make money,
g. never.

2. Many people carry an organ donor card, which allows doctors to take parts of
their bodies if they are killed. Would you like to carry one? If not, why not?

I request that after my death:
A. any part of my body may be used for the treatment of others

B. my kidneys □ corneas □ heart □ lungs □ liver □ pancreas □ be
used for transplantation
Signature ............ Date
In the event of my death, if possible,
Tel: …………………………
Remember to tell someone close to you
that you want to be an organ donor.
Their agreement is important it the
time ever comes.

3. Read this article about debt collection in Japan. Does the same thing happen
in other countries?
The phone calls from the debt collector got increasingly more threatening.
First, the standard pressure: “You have to come up with the money. Sell your house
quickly ... sell your clothes and all your belongings if necessary.” But then: “Sell a
kidney. You have two, don't you? Many of our borrowers only have one. You can get
$28,000 for it. You can get $9,500 for an eyeball.” said the debt collector, on tape
recordings of the calls.
By this time, the person receiving the calls, Mr. Mamoto, a retired
metalworker, was so frightened that when he heard dogs barking, he thought it was
debt collectors coming after him, his lawyer said.
These 'shoko loan' firms lend money to small businesses who are experiencing
financial difficulties and who cannot raise money in other ways. Their methods give a
whole new meaning to the idiomatic expression, “It'll cost you an arm and a leg!”
Aggressive debt collection has always been an unpleasant aspect of the
business world but this new development has caused outrage. The sale of body
organs is especially sensitive in Japan, where people are often reluctant to even allow
the donation of an organ after death for medical purposes.
“We believe that our bodies are sacred. I would never allow anyone to take
anything away from my body – dead or alive,” said Mr. Hiroshi Yamazaki, a small
business owner in Tokyo and also a recently-threatened borrower. “Maybe in the
western world this is different.” And indeed it is. The United States, for instance,
outnumbers organ donations in Japan by 20 to1.
Fortunately for Mr. Mamoto, he found the legal help he needed before having to
resort to selling off parts of his body. He filed the first criminal complaint against one
of the largest loan shark companies in Japan, a company charging interest rates of 30
to 40 per cent. National television has broadcast the recorded telephone threats
repeatedly in an attempt to make Japanese citizens aware of the ruthless world of debt
 Read the text again and answer these questions:
1. In the telephone threats that were made, what did the debt collector say that shows
there have been other victims of these threats?
2. How did Mr. Mamoto get proof of these threats?
3. According to the article, why are there so few organ donors in Japan?
4. Which idiomatic expression in the article means 'very expensive'?

4. DISCUSS the following questions in small groups or pairs:

1. Do you think one day doctors will be shopping for organs on the Internet?
Is there anything wrong with selling organs?
2. Would you mind having your body cut up for the sake of science after you
die? Would you put a limit on what they can take?
3. What would you tell a person who is considering becoming an organ donor?
What would you say to encourage or discourage her/him?

Speaking 3

Group work:
Imagine that you are on the ethics committee of a
hospital. An ethics committee is a group of people
who have to decide what is “morally” right to do
in circumstances connected with a patient‟s
health. You will have to prioritise the seven cases.
You should go on the assumption that if an
operation is needed, and it is not done now, the opportunity will not arise again. All
of the cases have an equal cost. Select three to do, having first decided on some
criteria for making this selection.

1. This man needs a heart transplant; he is very overweight. Heart transplants give
a further life expectancy of around five years.
2. This man needs a sex change. He has been waiting for five years for the
operation and has attempted suicide on three occasions. Sex change operations are
known to have an extremely high success rate, far higher than for any other
surgical procedure.
3. This father is the sole income provider for a wife and five children. He needs a
coronary bypass, which stands a 90% chance of being completely successful.
4. These five patients all need cataract operations. All have been waiting for over a
year and all are unlikely to be able to do their current jobs if their eye problems are
not resolved.
5. These two 60-cigarettes-a-day smokers need operations to have malignant
tumours removed. Their life expectancy is thought to be no more than six months.
6. This two-month-old baby needs a heart and lung transplant. The surgery needed
is so new that no one knows the chances of the baby‟s survival.
7. This 80-year-old lady has just had a very serious car crash, and is now in a coma
in the emergency ward.

Supplement 1



I. Pre-watching tasks
1. Look at the pictures. The pictures were selected to give you some idea about
the content of the video you are going to watch. What do they illustrate? Discuss
with your partner.

2. Work in groups. Check you understand the words in bold:

a) Zeus and Aphrodite were ancient Greek deities.
b) A fire was lit and the shamans chanted incantations over offerings of sweets.
c) Itinerant laborers travel with all their possessions from farm to farm in search
of work.
d) Now he was feverish, coughing up phlegm and having difficulty speaking.
e) Fresh leaf or a poultice of fresh or dried flowers was applied to ant bites.
f) The blue light is the bilirubin light used to treat jaundice. (Jaundice is a
condition that causes the skin and parts of the eyes to turn a yellow colour).
g) Meat-eaters must produce extensive bile acids in their intestines to properly
digest the meat that they eat.
h) A corpus of spoken language has been gathered from all over the country for
the purposes of examining regional differences.
i) It was recognized in early times that a serpent’s venom, like certain chemicals
of plants and fungi, had the power to either heal, poison or provide expanded
j) Eisenstein was the first to draw up and codify a formal aesthetics for the
k) There were further tests on the blood, bile and vitreous humor.

II. While-watching tasks

1. Watch the video from 5.17 to 11.44 . Look at the summary statements below.
Choose the correct answers: a), b) or c)
1. The Hippocratic corpus was written in ____________ dialect.
a) Attic
b )Aeolic

c) Ionic
2. The deities were large group of gods, but primarily under the control of the great
god Apollo, who was also the god of _________.
a) well-being
b) fertility
c) healing
3. Lone priest would wander through singing ____________.
a) contention
b) incantation
c) intonation
4. The God was said to hold this large stuff around which a single snake, the healing
_______was wound.
a) serpent
b) surgeon
c) pigeon
5. If you could remember the appropriate dream, you would come to a priest
a) ward
b) wizard
c) lizard
6. One thing we do know about medicine is that _____ of us get better regardless of
what we do.
a) 90%
b) 99%
c) 19%

2. Watch the video from 11.44 to 15.43. Complete each space with ONE word.
What about Hippocrates. Who really was Hippocrates? We don‟t know anything
about him. We know only that his father was named Heraclides. He was a _________
Asclepian physician. They did tend to be hereditary. He, Hippocrates, was born in
460 B.C. on the little island named Cos: C-O-S, which is off the south-west coast of
what is now Turkey where there was a large Asclepian ________. Just to give you
some idea of the exciting time in which this man made his __________ it was what
we call “The Golden Age of Greece”. It was the age of Pericles, Euripides,
Aeschylus, Sophocles, Aristophanes. He was born when Socrates was still alive. His
life __________ the entire life of Plato and he lived for at least a decade during the
early years of Aristotle. So, this is the best time. This is the time we all read about
and study in our ________ courses. But that‟s it. We know only beyond that that he
was an _______ physician as all of these Hippocratic physicians were somehow. And
we don‟t know how they came together, probably studied on that island of Cos and
eventually migrated on to the Greek _________ and found their way all over this
enormity of Greek Empire. What did they leave us, this, so called Hippocratic
_______, this body of knowledge. Where did it come from? What was it? Who wrote

Well, as I‟ve said it was written by groups of these men, sometimes individuals,
sometimes groups. It is thought that it is the remains of a library that was found on
that island of Cos and it is also thought that a good part of it was eventually
__________ to the great library in Alexandria that, as you know, was eventually
destroyed. It consists of 70 different texts. They are all, in the true sense,
___________, they just cover this entire span of things. Over the years as historians
have studied them, especially during 19th century when there was a lot of interest in
studying Hippocrates, a conclusion was ________ that there was certain of them
which at particularly high moral or ethical value or they were particularly useful in
understanding a disease process and somebody or others, some medical historians, all
of them were medical historians in the early 19 th century, someone who was
working on his things called those works the „Genuine works of Hippocrates‟ and
today you can go to an ___________ bookstore and get one of these books that
originated in 1850-1860 called „The genuine works of Hippocrates‟. They are, those
genuine ones, distinguished by a particular ____________of thought, by a high moral
message and every one of them by what we can only call a scientific objectivity.
They are stepping back, these writers, again, they‟re taking away any notion of the
___________, and they‟re looking only to use their own personal observations, which
they would record again and again and teach to the students. And that is what we find
in his Genuine Works, but the rest of the books have this as well.

3. Watch the video from 15.44 to 22.49. Write true (T) or false (F) next to each
1. The aphorisms of Hippocrates were first translated into Greek from Latin ____
2. In the various Hippocratic writings the word “art” is always written with a small
3. The biggest thing in modern medicine is that it uses statistics nowadays ____
4. It takes 8 years to train a surgeon ____
5. The Hippocratic physicians tended to think of a disease and the patient ____
6. The concept of 4 fluids was first suggested by the Egyptians ____
7. The words which denote particular personality and particular character came
from the Greek notions of 4 fluids ____
8. In their medical examination the Hippocratic physicians felt the pulse in the
sense of timing ____

4. Watch the video from 22. 50 to 24.30 and complete each space with the word in
the box:
humor phlegm plain expel
pneumonia pour purgatives cup

Well, how does this nature cure in a system and how can the doctor help nature
cure. They believed that nature tried always to get rid of the excess ___________. So,
if you have a respiratory disease, you can observe an enormous amount of
_________, that was coming out of your nose and mouth. Or if you had tuberculosis,
not one of the common disease at that time, or one of the other____________ type
disease, they‟d see that phlegm coughing up. Diarrhea could be either yellow bile or
black bile, depending on what the diagnosis had been. So, the trick was that nature
was trying to___________ the excessive material, but the doctor had to help. Now, if
a patient had fever, if his skin was hard , if his pulse was fast, clearly you had to get
rid of blood, of course. So, they would open up a vein, and they‟d let the blood
__________ out, trying to get rid of this excessive humor, which was blood. So, they
used __________, a medics, baths, wet poultices, anything, that would bring heat to
the surface, they would __________ people, as a matter of fact. Bloodletting was a
major thing. But before they went into any of these treatments, which, over the years,
have come to be called, not surprisingly, „heroic treatment‟, they would try to change
diet, they would give people ___________ drinks, change where they lived, like the
Asclepians had done. But then they would go right to it and tried to get rid of this

5. Watch the video from 24.31 to 30.58. Answer the comprehension questions:
1. What is one of the most important characteristics of the Hippocratic physicians?
2. Why did the Hippocratic physicians attribute such a great importance to their
3. What medical\surgical procedures were successfully performed by the
Hippocratic physicians at that time?
4. What principal distinctions have set the Hippocratic physicians apart from all
other doctors?
5. What are the ethical principles that permeate the entire Hippocratic corpus?
6. What are the main statements, according to the lecturer, which exemplify the
whole Hippocratic corpus?

III. After-watching task.

Write the review for the video „The Origins of Western medicine‟, mentioning
the main points and the general comments.

Supplement 2

Pre-watching tasks:
1. Look at the title of the video you are going to watch. What do you think it
means? What information do you expect to extract from the video?
2. A. Work in pairs. Do you remember what the words below mean? Explain
them to your partner.

premature to reiterate biased

hypothermia counterintuitive

pouch to resort to

B. Match the words in the box with the descriptions 1-7:

1. a bag or soft container for a small object or a small amount of something
2. a serious medical condition in which a person's body temperature falls below the
usual level as a result of being in severe cold for a long time
3. showing an unreasonable preference or dislike for a person or group of people
based on personal opinions
4. (of an idea, proposal, etc) seemingly contrary to common sense
5. to use (something) for help, because you cannot find any other way of acting
6. happening or done too soon, esp. before the natural or desired time
7. to say (something) again, once or several times

While-watching :
1. Watch the video from 0.00 to 2.05 and number the sentences in the correct
a) On one of my first trips to India, I met this young woman, Sevitha, who had just
given birth to a tiny premature baby, Rani ___
b) But traditional incubators require electricity and cost up to 20 thousand dollars ___
c) The reason is because in the first month of a baby's life, its only job is to grow ___
d) Sadly, 20 million babies like this are born every year around the world _____
e) Imagine: Many of these problems could be prevented if these babies were just kept
warm ___

2. Watch the video from 2.05 to 3.19 and complete each space with ONE word:
Inspired by this story, and dozens of other similar stories like this, my team and
I realized what was needed was a local solution, something that could work without
_________, that was simple enough for a mother or a ___________ to use, given that
the majority of births still take place in the home. We needed something that

was___________, something that could be sterilized and reused across __________
babies and something _________ сost, compared to the 20,000 dollars that an
incubator in the U.S. costs. So, this is what we came up with. What you see here
looks nothing like an incubator. It looks like a small sleeping bag for a baby. You can
open it up completely. It's ____________. There's no seams inside so you can
sterilize it very easily. But the magic is in this ________of wax. This is a phase-
change material. It's a __________ substance with a melting point of human body
temperature, 37 degrees Celsius. You can melt this simply using hot water and then
when it melts it's able to maintain one constant temperature for four to six hours at a
time, after which you simply __________ the pouch. So, you then place it into this
little pocket back here, and it creates a warm micro-environment for the baby.

3. Watch the video from 3.20 to 4.46 and write true(T) or false (F) next to each
a) We plan to put this product on market in 2010.
b) The standard unit price will be 25 dollars.
c) The reduction in population growth is the short-term social impact.
d) The population sizes increase as infant mortality rates are reduced.
e) In designing this innovation we tried to be open-minded to understand the
initial cause of the problem.

After-watching task:
Summarize the information. Write the thesis statement, expressing the main
idea and arguments.


1. Certificate of Proficiency in English: Examination Papers from

University of Cambridge ESOL Examinations: 5. – Cambridge University Press,
2006. – 192 p.
2. Hall, Erica. Objective to Proficiency / Erica Hall. – Cambridge
University press, 2002. – 112 p.
3. Hastings, Bob. Uminska, Marta. Chandler, Dominika. Longman Exam
Accelerator : Advanced / Bob Hastings, Marta Uminska, Dominika Chandler . –
Pearson Education Limited, 2012. – 175 p.
4. Jones Leo. Progress to Proficiency / Leo Jones. – Cambridge University
press, 1995. – 314 p.
5. May, Peter. Towards Proficiency / Peter May. – Oxford University
Press, 2003. – 168 p.
6. Misztal Mariush. Thematic Vocabulary / Mariush Misztal. – К : КОО,
2004. – 351 p.
7. Newbrook, Jacky. Wilson, Judith. New Proficiency Gold / Jacky
Newbrook, Judith Wilson. – Pearson Longman, 2007. – 240 p.
8. Oxenden, Clive. Latham, Christina. New English File: Advanced / Clive
Oxenden, Christina Latham. – Oxford University Press, 2010. – 168 p.
9. White, Lindsay. Fricker, Rod. Nixon, Rosemary. Success: Advanced /
Lindsay White, Rod Fricker, Rosemary Nixon. – Pearson Education Limited, 2009. –
120 p.
11. http: //


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