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0013-7227/97/$03.00/0 Vol. 138, No.

Endocrinology Printed in U.S.A.
Copyright © 1997 by The Endocrine Society

Neuroendocrine Control of Follicle-Stimulating Hormone

(FSH) Secretion. I. Direct Evidence for Separate Episodic
and Basal Components of FSH Secretion*

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Reproductive Sciences Program (V.P., K.M., F.J.K., A.R.M.) and the Departments of Pediatrics (V.P.),
Physiology (F.J.K.), and Biostatistics (D.T.M.), University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Michigan

ABSTRACT peripheral and hypophyseal portal circulation of six ovariectomized

Continuous sampling of hypophyseal portal blood from unre- ewes from a previous study. In contrast to the nonpulsatile pattern
strained sheep is providing an unprecedented means for measuring of FSH in the peripheral blood, 93% of the GnRH pulses were asso-
and defining the characteristics of the secretory profile of GnRH. With ciated with essentially coincident, discrete pulses of FSH in the portal
this method, GnRH has been shown to be released in discrete pulses plasma. Of potentially even greater interest, additional episodes of
lasting 5– 8 min, with the amplitude of some pulses exceeding 50-fold. FSH release were clearly discernible between the GnRH-associated
Although the relationship between these pulses and the accompany- pulses of FSH. As concentrations of peripheral plasma FSH did not
ing pulses of LH measured in the jugular vein are unambiguous, the reach those in hypophyseal portal plasma, the inter-GnRH episodes
relationship of GnRH pulses to the release of FSH has not been well of FSH secretion could not result from contaminating peripheral
defined due to the longer clearance of FSH. In previous studies we blood. In addition to the episodic mode of secretion, substantial
have shown that hypophyseal portal blood, in addition to serving as amounts of FSH were found between FSH pulses. This basal com-
a source material for hypothalamic secretions, provides a means to ponent of FSH appeared to be the dominant mode of secretion rather
define secretory patterns of pituitary hormones. Because of this we than pulses. The results of this study not only confirm that GnRH
hypothesized that the GnRH-FSH secretory relationships would be pulses lead to pulsatile release of FSH, they also suggest that some
easier to define in hypophyseal portal than in jugular vein blood other mechanism or factor may be controlling the non-GnRH-asso-
before the secretory products are subjected to dispersion and clear- ciated episodes as well as the basal components of FSH secretion.
ance in circulation. To test this possibility, we monitored hormonal (Endocrinology 138: 424 – 432, 1997)
patterns in blood collected at 5-min intervals for 6 –12 h from the

I N STRIKING contrast to the wealth of information avail-

able regarding LH secretion, our understanding of the
regulation of FSH is scanty. To a large degree, this is because
circulating half-life of FSH precluded a definitive test of this
Although several laboratories, including ours, have at-
circulating patterns of FSH in peripheral blood are hard to tempted to characterize the pulsatile release of immunore-
decipher due to the long circulating half-life and apparent active FSH from peripheral measurements in sheep and
interpulse secretion of FSH. The available evidence suggests other species, such assessments have often (7–10) not yielded
that, in contrast to the dependence of the LH secretory system a convincing answer to a simple but fundamental question:
on GnRH pulsatility (1), FSH secretion is regulated by a dual is FSH secretion episodic? The utilization of a surgical ap-
mechanism, one controlling the basal and the other control-
proach, which was originally established to characterize se-
ling the pulsatile component of FSH secretion (2– 6). The
cretory patterns of hypothalamic hormones (11), to define
difficulty in monitoring secretory profiles in vivo and the long
secretory dynamics of pituitary hormones (12) has provided
Received July 31, 1996. us with a unique approach to address this question defini-
Address all correspondence and requests for reprints to: Dr. Vasantha tively. The approach exploits the hypophyseal portal blood
Padmanabhan, Reproductive Sciences Program, 300 North Ingalls collection technology (11, 13). Because hypophyseal portal
Building, Room 1101, Ann Arbor, Michigan 48109-0404. E-mail vessels are cut at the level of the pituitary, we postulated that
* This work was performed as part of the National Cooperative hypophyseal portal blood would serve as a suitable medium
Program for Infertility Research, was supported by NIH Grant U54- for determining the secretory dynamics of pituitary secre-
HD-29184, used samples generated in an earlier study funded by NIH tions. This premise proved to be true for LH (12). Capitalizing
Grant R01-HD-18018, and received the support of the Assay and Re-
agents, Sheep Research, and Biostatistics Cores of the Center for the on this approach, we here provide direct evidence that FSH
Study of Reproduction (NIH Grant P30-HD-18258). Portions of this work secretion in ovariectomized ewes is indeed comprised of
were presented at the 74th Annual Meeting of The Endocrine Society, both episodic and basal components of release. Furthermore,
San Antonio, Texas, 1992.
the episodic mode of FSH secretion appears to be comprised
† Present address: Center for Biostatistics and Epidemiology, Penn-
sylvania State University College of Medicine, 500 University Drive, of both GnRH-associated and non-GnRH-associated pulses
Hershey, Pennsylvania 17033. of secretion.


Materials and Methods identified; pulses beginning within 10 min (two samples) of each other
Experimental design were considered to be concordant. The average lag time between con-
cordant pulses was also estimated for each ewe. In addition, to assess
For determination of secretory patterns of FSH, blood samples col- the overall temporal relationships between hormone patterns, the cross-
lected from the peripheral and hypophyseal portal circulations of ovari- correlation for the above variables was calculated at different time lags
ectomized ewes from a previous study (14) were used. Details of the (autocross-correlation). The time lag that yields the highest cross-cor-
surgical procedures, hypophyseal portal sample collection, and circu- relation is an estimate of the overall time lag between two series. The
lating patterns of GnRH in hypophyseal portal blood and LH in both the average pulse lag time simply estimates the temporal relationship be-
peripheral and hypophyseal portal circulations have been described tween concordant pulsatile episodes. Within-animal comparisons, such
previously (12, 14). Briefly, adult Suffolk ewes were ovariectomized and as amplitude of GnRH-associated vs. non-GnRH-associated pulses, were
surgically fitted with an apparatus for collection of hypophyseal portal performed using paired t tests or the nonparametric Wilcoxon signed
blood, and the collection procedure was initiated approximately 1 week rank test.
later, using methods described previously (13). Integrated samples of

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hypophyseal portal blood and jugular blood collected at 5-min intervals Results
for 6 h from five ovariectomized ewes (no. 1, 2, 5, 6, and 10) and for 12 h
from one ovariectomized ewe (no. 3) were used in this study. Samples Figure 1 depicts representative patterns of hypophyseal
from ewes 1, 2, 6, and 10 were collected during the breeding season, and portal (top panel) and peripheral FSH in two ovariectomized
those from ewes 3 and 5 were obtained during the anestrous season. ewes sampled during the anestrous season (ewe 5 and 6 h in
Hypophyseal portal samples were collected in tubes containing 0.5 ml ewe 3). Levels are plotted on the same scale to provide an
3 3 1023 m bacitracin in phosphate-buffered isotonic saline. FSH con-
centrations in both the peripheral and hypophyseal portal samples were estimate of the magnitude of differences between the pe-
determined. Each series of portal and peripheral FSH measurements was ripheral and hypophyseal portal levels. For comparison, pre-
compared with corresponding measurements of previously reported viously reported hypophyseal portal and jugular patterns of
GnRH (14), peripheral LH (14), and hypophyseal portal LH (12). LH (14) are shown in the bottom panel. Concentrations of FSH
All procedures were approved by the University Committee on the
in hypophyseal portal blood were several-fold higher than
Use and Care of Animals.
those in the peripheral circulation. FSH patterns in hypoph-
RIAs yseal portal blood showed a distinctively episodic pattern of
release that appeared to be superimposed over a basal level
Hypophyseal portal and jugular FSH were assayed in duplicate by a of secretion. The relative increases in FSH secretory episodes
previously validated RIA (15–17). The assay uses the 620 antibody at a
1:48,000 dilution (17) and purified ovine FSH (NIDDK oFSH-1) for
appeared to be lower in magnitude for FSH than LH. Fur-
iodination as well as a reference standard. All samples from each animal thermore, the magnitude of changes occurring between FSH
were measured in a single assay. The assay sensitivity (2 SD from the in portal and jugular circulations often did not parallel the
buffer control) averaged 3 pg/tube (range, 2–5 pg). The cross-reactivity changes occurring between hypophyseal portal and jugular
of the a-subunit averaged less than 0.3%. Intra- and interassay coeffi- LH, even within a given sample.
cients of variation based on three quality control pools at approximately
0.9, 1.7, and 6.0 ng/ml averaged less than 12%. Figure 2 shows patterns of hypophyseal portal (closed cir-
To minimize degradation of GnRH during collection and to chill cles) and jugular FSH (open circles) in two other ewes sampled
hypophyseal portal samples in an ice bath as quickly as possible, the during the breeding season (ewes 1 and 2). Also shown are
collection rate was set at a higher speed than the rate of flow of hy- corresponding, previously reported patterns of hypophyseal
pophyseal portal blood into the collection apparatus (13). This led to the
collection of hypophyseal portal blood as discrete blocks segmented by
portal and jugular LH (lower panel) and GnRH (shaded patterns
air; this approach minimized dispersion of secreted products during in both panels). Comparison of time courses of GnRH, LH,
collection. Jugular blood, on the other hand, was collected as a contin- and FSH revealed that, although the dominant patterns of
uous stream in the collection line. To allow direct comparisons with GnRH and LH were pulsatile, the pattern of FSH was com-
concentrations of FSH in peripheral samples (nanograms per ml), all prised of both pulsatile and basal components. In contrast to
measurements of FSH (as well as LH and GnRH) in hypophyseal portal
plasma are reported as concentrations. Furthermore, to adjust for the the absolute one to one relationship of LH to GnRH (12, 14),
difference in transit time in the collection line (10 –12 min for jugular not all episodes of FSH release were associated with a de-
blood and 3 min for hypophyseal portal blood), samples are offset by 10 tectable GnRH pulse. Episodes of FSH secretory activity were
min (two samples) for the purpose of plotting. It should be noted that evident between GnRH-associated pulses of FSH. In several
a small error of 1–3 min may remain.
instances (identified by arrows in Fig. 2), GnRH-associated
bursts of FSH appeared to develop upon a previously trig-
Statistical analysis
gered episode of FSH release.
The measured concentration of hormone in the hypophyseal portal Figures 3 and 4 summarize the patterns of secreted (see
blood is the sum of that which is secreted plus that which recirculates. Materials and Methods for calculation) and jugular FSH from
To obtain an estimate of secreted FSH, the concentration of FSH in each
jugular sample was subtracted from that in the corresponding hypoph- two ovariectomized ewes. To reveal more clearly the com-
yseal portal sample. Although subtracting the jugular concentrations parative magnitude of changes in the hypophyseal portal
adds another, small source of error to the portal data, the variation in and peripheral blood and to account for heterogeneity of
jugular concentrations is so much smaller than changes in hypophyseal variance, values are plotted on a logarithmic scale. To pro-
portal circulation that subtracting the jugular values is for all practical
vide an estimate of measurement errors, the range of dupli-
purposes like subtracting a small constant. All hormonal series from
each ewe were analyzed with the Kushler-Brown Pulsefit algorithm (18). cate values is also shown (the thin lines running on either side
This statistical model is nonlinear, assumes exponential decay, and of the plotted concentrations of secreted FSH). Previously
attempts to account for the error in measurements due to biological noise reported patterns of GnRH (14) are coplotted to facilitate
as well as assay error. Pulses are identified by stepwise selection. As the comparisons. As reported previously (14), GnRH was re-
algorithm is limited to identifying pulses that are no longer than two
observations on the upslope, a postprocessor merges pulses that are leased in discrete episodes, between which values returned
contiguous in time into a single pulse. Concordant pulses of GnRH and to an undetectable or nearly undetectable baseline. Each
FSH, LH and FSH, and hypophyseal portal FSH and jugular FSH were pulse of GnRH was directly associated with a concomitant
Vol 138 • No 1

FIG. 1. Patterns of hypophyseal portal

and jugular FSH from two ovariecto-
mized ewes (no. 5 and 3) both sampled
during the anestrous season. Previ-

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ously reported patterns of hypophyseal
portal (12) and peripheral LH (14) are
coplotted for comparison. Statistically
identified pulses of FSH in the hypoph-
yseal portal and peripheral samples are
shown (* and Ç in hypophyseal portal
and peripheral blood, respectively).

FIG. 2. Patterns of hypophyseal portal and jugular FSH patterns from two ovariectomized ewes (no. 1 and 2), both sampled during the breeding
season. Hypophyseal portal LH and peripheral LH patterns (14) from a previous study are provided in the lower panels for comparison. To
understand temporal relationships between FSH and GnRH, GnRH secretory patterns are overlaid (shaded patterns; scale not shown). Asterisks
identify statistically identified pulses of FSH. Arrows indicate the GnRH-associated bursts of FSH that occur on top of a previously triggered
episode of FSH release.

episodic burst of FSH in hypophyseal portal plasma. In con- pophyseal portal and peripheral circulation are summarized
trast, such an association was not evident between GnRH in Table 1. Shown in Table 1A for each ewe are the sampling
and jugular FSH. FSH remained elevated between episodes duration, number of portal and jugular FSH pulses identi-
of release, whether measured at the hypophyseal portal or fied, and number of pulses per h. Previously reported pulse
jugular levels. The interval between the onset of the GnRH numbers of GnRH from the same ewes (14) are provided in
burst and secreted FSH in the hypophyseal portal blood was parenthesis for comparison. Within each series, although the
very short, with initial increases occurring within the same number of LH pulses identified in the hypophyseal portal
5-min sample for both hormones. The subsequent fall in plasma was the same as the number identified for GnRH (12),
secreted FSH was rapid, but slower than that for GnRH. the number of FSH pulses identified in the hypophyseal
Various characteristics of FSH pulses identified in the hy- portal plasma far exceeded that for GnRH. The mean pulse

FIG. 3. Secreted (hypophyseal portal

less jugular) FSH and jugular FSH pat-
terns from one ovariectomized ewe (no.
6). To understand temporal relation-
ships between FSH and GnRH, previ-
ously reported GnRH secretory pat-
terns (14) are overlaid. FSH and GnRH
results are plotted on logarithmic scale

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to facilitate evaluation of the magni-
tude of changes across series. Note that
the dominant mode of FSH secretion is
basal, with episodes of FSH secretion
occurring on top of the basal secretion.
The thin line patterns on either side of
the plotted concentrations of secreted
FSH represent the range of duplicate
values. When the lines cannot be dis-
cerned, they are within the size of the

FIG. 4. Secreted (hypophyseal portal

less jugular) FSH and jugular FSH pat-
terns from another ovariectomized ewe
(no. 10). For details, see Fig. 3.

amplitude of hypophyseal portal FSH is shown in Table 1B. in the periphery (7.8 6 2.3 vs. 26.2 6 5.5 min for hypophyseal
Portal FSH pulses were 18.0 6 5.5-fold greater in amplitude portal and peripheral FSH, respectively; Table 1B).
than jugular FSH pulses. Further, GnRH-associated pulses of Table 2 summarizes average concentrations of FSH in the
FSH were larger (P , 0.01) than non-GnRH-associated pulses hypophyseal portal and peripheral circulations during the
of FSH (57.7 6 10.8 vs. 43.4 6 11.4 ng/ml, respectively; Table 6-h collection period and the relative proportions of the basal
1C). Such a relationship was not evident when the analysis and episodic components. The total FSH level measured in
was conducted on jugular FSH pulses (3.6 6 0.8 vs. 3.2 6 0.3). hypophyseal portal blood during the 6-h collection period
The disappearance time of FSH in the hypophyseal portal was approximately 21-fold greater than that measured in
plasma, although not as rapid as that reported for GnRH peripheral blood (2919.8 6 1023.5 vs. 138.9 6 38.2 ng/ml,
(1.7 6 0.2 min), was much faster than that observed for FSH respectively). Total FSH measured in the basal compartment
Vol 138 • No 1

TABLE 1. Characteristics of FSH pulses identified in hypophyseal portal and peripheral circulation
A. Number of FSH pulses identified in hypophyseal portal and jugular circulation

Animal No. of S-FSH No. of S-FSH No. of J-FSH No. of J-FSH

ID peaksa pulses/h peaks pulses/h
Ewe 1 6 10 (8) 1.7 9 1.5
Ewe 2 6 14 (9) 2.3 12 2.0
Ewe 3 12 18 (16) 1.5 25 2.1
Ewe 5 6 14 (8) 2.3 12 2.0
Ewe 6 6 12 (9) 2.0 10 1.7
Ewe 10 6 10 (8) 1.7 16 2.7
Mean 1.9 6 0.1 2.0 6 0.2

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(1.4 6 0.04)
Numbers in parentheses depict corresponding no. of GnRH pulses. S-FSH, secreted FSH; J-FSH, jugular FSH.
B. FSH pulse characteristics in hypophyseal portal and peripheral circulation

Amplitude (ng/ml) Half disappearance (min)

Animal ID
Portal Jugular Portal Jugular
Ewe 1 97.6 2.3 3.4 21.0
Ewe 2 45.2 2.9 3.6 9.6
Ewe 3 60.1 5.6 6.9 48.7
Ewe 5 26.5 2.2 6.6 23.3
Ewe 6 66.0 2.9 18.7 33.8
Ewe 10 19.4 4.5 7.8 20.6
Mean 6 SE 52.5 6 11.7 3.4 6 0.6 7.8 6 2.3 26.2 6 5.5
C. FSH pulse amplitudes: GnRH-associated vs. non-GnRH-associated

GnRH-Associated (ng/ml) Non-GnRH-associated (ng/ml)

Animal ID
Portal Jugular Portal Jugular
Ewe 1 100.3 2.2 87.5 2.7
Ewe 2 53.7 2.8 36.1 3.0
Ewe 3 62.3 7.1 45.0 3.7
Ewe 5 35.6 2.3 17.9 2.1
Ewe 6 68.7 2.7 61.1 3.0
Ewe 10 25.4 4.5 12.9 4.4
Mean 6 SE 57.7 6 10.8 3.6 6 0.8 43.4 6 11.4 3.2 6 0.3

of FSH secretion during the 6-h collection period averaged The time lag relationship between the onset of GnRH and
2245.1 6 897.0 and 101.5 6 36.5 ng/ml in hypophyseal portal hypophyseal portal FSH pulses closely paralleled that of
and jugular circulations, respectively. Although basal GnRH hypophyseal portal LH (1.2 6 0.3 min for LH and 1.1 6 0.4
concentrations were reported to be at or near the limit of min for FSH). No time lag existed between the onsets of LH
detection (14), the mean baseline of hypophyseal portal FSH and FSH pulses (0.4 6 0.2 min).
was 8.2 6 2.4-fold greater than that estimated for peripheral
FSH (68.4 6 16.6 vs. 9.1 6 1.0 ng/ml, respectively). A sub-
stantially greater proportion of FSH comprised the basal
component compared with the episodic component (72.9 6 Progress in understanding the secretory nature of FSH has
3.8% vs. 27.1 6 3.8%, respectively; P , 0.01). A similar re- been limited by the inability to assess secretory patterns of
lationship was noted for jugular FSH (69.2 6 6.5% vs. 30.8 6 FSH at a site close to its production. In the majority of studies
6.5%, respectively; P , 0.01). in which secretory patterns of FSH were assessed from the
Figure 5 summarizes the pulse concordance relationships peripheral circulation, the very nature of an episodic pattern
of GnRH and FSH (solid bars), with values for GnRH and LH of FSH secretion appears suspect. As a consequence, many
provided for comparison in the background (striped bars). As studies that have characterized LH patterns in depth are
reported earlier, a virtual one to one relationship exists be- either limited by infrequent measurements of FSH or by the
tween GnRH and LH, whether LH was measured at the use of mathematical procedures to deconvolve the nature of
hypophyseal portal (12) or peripheral level (14). Similarly, secretion (9, 10, 19 –21). This difficulty can be overcome if
assessment of FSH in hypophyseal portal blood revealed a blood is acquired close to the site of secretion before the
close association between GnRH and hypophyseal portal secretory products are subjected to dispersion and clearance
FSH, with 93% of the GnRH pulses found to be associated in circulation. Recently, we determined that hypophyseal
with FSH pulses. This relationship was less pronounced portal blood, in addition to serving as a source material for
when GnRH and jugular FSH pulses were compared (79% defining secretory patterns of hypothalamic secretions (11,
concordance). Episodes of FSH secretion were identified in 13), provides a means to define secretory patterns of pituitary
the absence of corresponding GnRH pulses (31.5% in hy- secretions (12). Exploiting this powerful approach we find, as
pophyseal portal and 45% in peripheral blood). has been surmised (2– 6), that FSH is secreted in two modes:

TABLE 2. Average concentrations of FSH in the hypophyseal portal and peripheral circulations and relative proportions of basal and
episodic components
A. Total and basal components of FSH

Total (basal 1 pulsatile), ng/ml Total basal, ng/ml

Animal ID
Portal Jugular Portal Jugular
Ewe 1 7763.2 98.9 6540.1 81.6
Ewe 2 3449.3 321.5 2565.5 280.5
Ewe 3a 2089.6 121.8 1515.2 53.8
Ewe 5 1480.5 84.9 1071.3 64.4
Ewe 6 1606.4 63.8 903.1 40.5

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Ewe 10 1129.8 142.8 875.6 88.4
Mean 6 SE 2919.8 6 1023.5 138.9 6 38.2 2245.1 6 897.0 101.5 6 36.5
Total assessed for 12 h and divided by 2.
B. Proportion (%) of FSH in basal and pulsatile components

Basal component Pulsatile component

Animal ID
Portal Jugular Portal Jugular
Ewe 1 84.2 82.5 15.8 17.5
Ewe 2 74.4 87.2 25.6 12.8
Ewe 3 72.5 44.2 27.5 55.9
Ewe 5 72.4 75.9 27.6 24.0
Ewe 6 56.2 63.3 43.8 36.5
Ewe 10 77.5 61.9 22.5 38.1
Mean 6 SE 72.9 6 3.8 69.2 6 6.5 27.1 6 3.8 30.8 6 6.5

caveats, studies in rats have documented clearly discernible

episodic patterns of circulating FSH (27). However, because
a-subunit is also secreted in a pulsatile manner (28), and a
cross-reactivity in the FSH assay was not assessed, these
studies did not discern whether the observed pulsatility re-
sulted primarily from episodic secretion of FSH or pulsatile
secretion of the a-subunit. Studies in sheep (7, 8) and humans
(10) have failed to show discrete pulses of FSH such as those
seen for LH and have relied heavily on statistical approaches
to deconvolve pulses (29). Our own studies in nutritionally
growth-retarded ovariectomized lambs, in which GnRH se-
cretion is dependent on the nutritional status of the animal,
have shown the existence of bioactive, but not clearly de-
FIG. 5. Pulse concordance relationships of hypophyseal portal FSH to finable (except by pulse analysis), immunoreactive pulses of
GnRH, peripheral FSH to hypophyseal portal FSH, and GnRH to FSH (8). Supportive evidence for a GnRH-driven episodic
hypophyseal portal FSH. For comparison, corresponding relations of component of FSH has come from perifusion studies (30 –32)
LH are provided in the background (striped boxes).
in which FSH secretion mirrors the delivered pulsatile pat-
tern of GnRH.
tonic (basal secretion) and episodic. In addition, we find that Using cavernous sinus sampling as an approach to get
the episodic mode of secretion includes both GnRH-associ- closer to the secretion site, Irvine and Alexander (33) char-
ated and non-GnRH-associated episodes of FSH secretion. acterized the secretory pattern of FSH during the luteal phase
Whether the basal mode results from additional minor ep- of the cycle in horses, a time when GnRH pulse frequency is
isodes of non-GnRH pulsing or continuous secretion remains expected to be low. They identified eight pulses of concurrent
to be determined. Furthermore, the results of this study pro- LH and FSH in both the pituitary and peripheral blood
vide direct evidence that unlike LH, which is secreted pri- during 80 h of sampling. Unfortunately, this study, similar
marily in pulses, the predominant mode of FSH secretion is to those in rats, did not provide an estimate of the a-subunit
basal. cross-reactivity of the FSH assay. Using a well characterized
FSH assay (15–17) that cross-reacts minimally with a-subunit
Episodic mode of FSH secretion (,0.3%) and a unique approach for characterizing FSH se-
Although part of the problem in assessing secretory dy- cretion dynamics in vivo, our studies extend the observations
namics of FSH in the periphery has stemmed from its long from the mare and unequivocally demonstrate that an epi-
half-life (22–24), it has also been confounded by the molec- sodic component of FSH secretion exists.
ular heterogeneity of FSH (25). FSH isoforms secreted in Key to our understanding of whether other hypothalamic
pulses appear to have a much shorter half-life compared with factors regulate pulsatile control of FSH secretion is the de-
those secreted in between pulses (8, 26). Despite these termination of whether all identified pulses of FSH are con-
Vol 138 • No 1

current with GnRH pulses. In contrast to studies in the mare of FSH-releasing factor was first provided by Igarashi and
(33), in which 35% of the identified GnRH pulses had no McCann (48). Although considerable anatomical and bio-
concurrent FSH or LH pulses, almost all (93%) of the GnRH chemical evidence supports this possibility (49), and partial
pulses in this study were associated with FSH pulses. Such separation of a separate FSH-releasing activity has been
a close relationship was, however, not evident when FSH achieved (50), no specific FSH-releasing factor has been iso-
pulses were identified in the peripheral circulation. The very lated or found to be released into hypophyseal portal blood.
discrete nature of the GnRH-associated bursts of FSH in the Whether the non-GnRH-associated excursions in FSH secre-
hypophyseal portal blood and the close time lag relationship tion represent responses to a yet to be identified hypotha-
between GnRH and FSH suggest that the primary factor lamic FSH-releasing factor remains to be determined.
responsible for induction of the GnRH-associated pulses of

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FSH is GnRH. Basal component of FSH secretion
Interestingly, secretory excursions of FSH were also iden-
In addition to the episodic component of FSH release dis-
tified in the absence of detectable GnRH pulses. Further-
cussed, several lines of evidence have suggested that a large
more, many of the GnRH-associated pulses of FSH them-
portion of circulating FSH results from basal secretion. First,
selves appeared to develop on top of a previously elicited
circulating FSH concentrations remain detectable for several
episode of FSH release. In forming a judgment regarding non
days in sheep after interruption of hypothalamic inputs to
GnRH-associated episodic FSH secretion, one should bear in
the pituitary (51) and in hypophysectomized rats bearing
mind that the blood passing from the hypophyseal-portal
pituitary transplants under the kidney capsule (52). Second,
circulation is not returned; washout can lead to very fast
FSH continues to be secreted in long term pituitary cultures
disappearance times. Thus, simple persistence of concentra-
(53) while LH secretion declines. The in vivo studies dis-
tions is indicative of additional FSH release; the fact that the
cussed earlier (7–10, 51, 52), have used peripheral FSH mea-
concentrations increase provides evidence for incremental
surements and do not provide direct evidence for a basal
active secretion. The existence of fairly discrete, non-GnRH-
mode of FSH secretion. The results of this study provide
associated excursions of FSH suggests external coordination
direct evidence that not only does a basal mode of FSH
of the gland by some trigger, rather than independent ac-
secretion exist, but this is the dominant mode of FSH secre-
tivity within the pituitary gland. An understanding of what
tion in ovariectomized ewes.
controls the non-GnRH-associated component of episodic
Considering that the dominant component of FSH secre-
FSH secretion is critical to our understanding of the control
tion is not episodic in the employed ovariectomized model
of the secretion of this hormone. Several possibilities are
with its high frequency, high amplitude patterns of GnRH
plausible. First, the non-GnRH-associated excursions of FSH
(11, 54), the relevance of the pulsatile component of FSH
could be the outcome of intrinsic pituitary FSH rhythmicity.
release during the estrous cycle needs to be addressed. Here,
This appears unlikely, because long term perifusion studies
GnRH pulses are of much lower amplitude (54). GnRH neu-
of dispersed ovine pituitary cells fail to show such an epi-
tralization studies have revealed that blockade of GnRH
sodic pattern of secretion (our unpublished data). Second,
input, while having little effect on peripheral FSH secretion
non-GnRH-associated episodes of FSH secretion could rep-
(55), may be relevant in inducing paracrine factors, such as
resent FSH responses to low levels of GnRH (not detectable
follistatin (56, 57), that may be involved in the control of basal
by RIA and subthreshold for LH). This also seems unlikely
FSH secretion.
because dose-response studies carried out in static cultures
(our unpublished data) and in nutritionally growth-
restricted ovariectomized lambs (34) show FSH not to be Hypophyseal portal blood as a means to assess active
more sensitive to GnRH. Furthermore, preliminary studies secretion of FSH
that used GnRH antagonists to block GnRH input in ovari- Demonstration of the two modes of FSH secretion was
ectomized ewes show that such excursions in FSH persist made possible because the secretory signal can be monitored
even after complete blockade of GnRH action (35). Another with high resolution in hypophyseal portal blood free from
possible explanation is that non-GnRH-associated release of the influence of dispersion and clearance in the circulation.
FSH is caused by acute changes in locally produced inhibin, Because rates of changes in hormone concentrations in hy-
activin, and/or follistatin (36 – 40). This, however, seems un- pophyseal portal samples are far more rapid than those in the
likely in view of the findings that these FSH regulatory pep- periphery, we believe that FSH patterns in the hypophyseal
tides take long to act and have a sustained effect on the basal portal samples approximate the actual secretory dynamics of
FSH secretion (41– 43), as opposed to the rather discrete FSH FSH more closely than those obtained by other reported
secretory episodes that were often observed in this study. approaches.
Another possibility is that the non-GnRH-associated epi- An important caveat that needs to be addressed relates to
sodes of FSH release are the outcome of inputs from a se- the means by which FSH enters the hypophyseal portal cir-
lective FSH-releasing-factor(s) originating from the hypo- culation. Does FSH in hypophyseal portal blood represent
thalamus. Studies demonstrating selective regulation of FSH leaching from damaged cells or active secretion? The dis-
release after ablation (44), deafferentation (45), or destruction creteness of the LH and FSH episodes, the one to one rela-
(46) of the dorsal anterior hypothalamic area or electrochem- tionship of GnRH with LH and FSH, their immediate block-
ical stimulation of hypothalamic regions apart from those ade after GnRH antagonist administration (35), and the
that regulate LH secretion (47) strongly support a specific site constancy of secretion (perifusion studies suggest that dam-
of control for FSH release. Evidence supporting the existence aged cells deplete their content and do not respond to secre-

tagogues) all suggest that the FSH we measure in pituitary portal plasma should be used merely as guides, providing an
portal blood reflects primarily secretion and not leakage insight into the dynamics of pituitary FSH secretion, and not
from damaged pituitary cells. As for the site of origin of the to calculate total secretion.
FSH in hypophyseal portal blood, there are three possibili- In summary, characterization of FSH secretory profiles in
ties: 1) active secretion of gonadotropes located in pars tu- the hypophyseal portal blood from ovariectomized ewes
beralis, 2) retrograde blood flow from pituitary to the hy- reveals a dual mode of FSH secretion, basal and episodic.
pothalamus, and 3) drainage from pituitary sinusoids. Furthermore, a close one to one relationship exists between
GnRH and FSH pulses, suggesting that GnRH is a regulator
of episodic FSH secretion. Finally, identification of non-
Secretion vs. clearance GnRH-associated excursions of FSH secretion supports the

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vide more accurate assessment of what is being secreted, an involved.
important question arises. How meaningful are jugular FSH
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question is particularly relevant because peripheral blood is
the only convenient means available for monitoring FSH. The authors acknowledge the efforts of Geoffrey E. Dahl, Neil P.
Evans, Douglas L. Foster, Judy M. Manning, and Sue M. Moenter in
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