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Computers and Chemical Engineering 25 (2001) 571– 576

Shape and terminal velocity of single bubble motion: a novel

G. Bozzano *, M. Dente
CIIC Department, Politecnico di Milano, Piazza L. da Vinci, 32, 20133 Milano, Italy

Received 10 May 2000; accepted 5 January 2001


The relative terminal rising velocity of a single gas bubble, moving into a liquid phase, is determined by its size, by the
interfacial tension, by the density and viscosity of the surrounding liquid. Both shape and velocity are strongly interacting. Along
the years several methods have been presented for solving the problem of bubble deformation and relative rising velocity, at least
in connection with some specific regimes of motion and/or shape of bubble. In this work, a new approach is proposed. © 2001
Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.

Keywords: Bubble shape; Bubble rising velocity; Total energy minimization


Reynolds Re = zLD0U0/vL
Eötvös Eo =(zL −zg)gD 20/|
Morton Mo =gv 4c /zL| 3
e1, e2 eccentricity of the two semi-spheroids defined as e=
1 −b 2/a 2
f friction factor
U absolute bubble terminal velocity
U0 bubble terminal velocity in infinite environment
6D absolute descending velocity
CD drag coefficient
a bubble major semi-axis
b1, b2 bubble minor semi-axes
x b1/R0
y b2/R0
L liquid
G gas
D0 diameter of the equivalent spherical bubble
D equator diameter of the spheroid
Dt tube diameter
R0 radius of the equivalent spherical bubble
| surface tension

* Corresponding author.

0098-1354/01/$ - see front matter © 2001 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.
PII: S 0 0 9 8 - 1 3 5 4 ( 0 1 ) 0 0 6 3 6 - 6
572 G. Bozzano, M. Dente / Computers and Chemical Engineering 25 (2001) 571–576

1. Introduction been studied. The starting point of the studies related to

bubble motion has been the assumption of a spherical
The understanding of bubble motion mechanism is shape for the bubble with internal recirculations
essential for many gas – liquid operations, not only re- (Hadamard, 1911; Rybczynski, 1911) and creeping flow
lated to chemical processes applications. Even if in regime. They obtained a drag coefficient equal to 2/3 of
practical applications the overall motion regards bub- that typical of rigid spherical body. However the exper-
bles swarms, the behavior of the single bubble (i.e. imental data indicate that sometimes very small bubbles
spoiled of the interactions with the other surrounding of air in water seem to behave like rigid body (and
bubbles) can support a better knowledge of the overall. therefore without internal recirculations). Frumkin and
The present work has been concentrated on the single Levich (1947) justified the phenomenon with the pres-
bubble behavior: this is by itself a quite complex prob- ence of even small amounts of impurities acting as
lem, particularly when the main purpose is to cover a tensioactive substances that can be collected at the
wide range of liquid phase properties and bubble size. gas –liquid interface. This possible accumulation of im-
Some theories have been presented in the literature purities can give place to surface tension gradients and
covering specific aspects of the problem (Levich, 1962; therefore to an increase of the bubble friction factor
Batchelor, 1970; Bhaga & Weber, 1981; Grace, 1973; towards that of a rigid sphere.
Mendelson, 1960; Sadhal, Ayyaswamy, & Chung, In the case of bubble in water and Reynolds numbers
1997). Different bubble shape and fluid-dynamic greater than 600, significant deformations can be ob-
regimes, and, in correspondence, drag coefficients have served. Mendelson (1960) proposed a law valid for the
rising velocity of spheroidal air bubbles in water with
an equivalent diameter larger than 1.3 mm. This rela-
tion however does not have a physical justification even
if it offers a satisfactory representation of some experi-
mental data. The validity of the proposed expression is
restricted to Morton numbers less then 10 − 8. Spherical
cap large bubbles were mainly studied by Davies and
Taylor (1950) and subsequently by other researchers
that have proposed some modifications of the drag
coefficient. The theory governing the motion of spheri-
Fig. 1. Basic shape of the bubble and asymptotic degeneration.
cal cap bubbles has been reported by Batchelor (1970).

Fig. 2. Wall effect.

Fig. 4. Air bubbles in nitrobenzene.

Fig. 3. Air bubbles in water. Fig. 5. Air bubbles in pyridine.

G. Bozzano, M. Dente / Computers and Chemical Engineering 25 (2001) 571–576 573

Table 1
Properties of some of the liquid used for the experiments (Figs. 3–8)

Pyridine Nitrobenzene Cottonseed oil Glycerol 90.6% Glycerol 99%

Density (g/cm3) 0.987 0.987 0.910 1.235 1.260

Surface tension (g/s2) 36.6 42.5 35.5 64.0 63.0
Viscosity (g/cm/s) 0.0085 0.0167 0.59 1.8 7.75

The second one is constituted by the approximated

generalization of the drag coefficient.

2. Approximated shape and related total energy

The underlying concept of the work is to cover most

part of the fluid-dynamic situations and then, corre-
spondingly, all the possible shapes assumed by the
bubble. A good approximation solution can be ob-
tained by minimizing ‘‘the total energy’’ associated to
Fig. 6. Air bubbles in cottonseed oil. the bubble. The bubble shape is represented by means

Fig. 7. Air bubbles in glycerol 90.6%.

Fig. 9. Bubble aspect ratio.

Fig. 8. Air bubbles in glycerol 99%.

Small deformations to ellipsoidal bubbles have been

theoretically treated by Taylor and Acrivos (1964) and
improved by Brignell (1974). The approach was based
on some assumptions on the local balance of forces
normal to the interfacial surface. Similar concepts have
been later used by Pruppacher and Pitter (1971).
The first aspect of the present approach has been to
consider that the shape assumed by the rising bubble is
the one minimizing the total energy associated with it. Fig. 10. Terminal velocity versus radius of curvature.
574 G. Bozzano, M. Dente / Computers and Chemical Engineering 25 (2001) 571–576

and b2/R0. A map of the total energy for each bubble

shape can be calculated and then its minimum.

3. Drag coefficient and extended expression

The purpose of this work has been to obtain a drag

coefficient that can cover a wide range of Eötvös and
Morton numbers. The last one essentially represents the
effect of the liquid viscosity against the interfacial ten-
sion. The bubble motion is assumed linear and sec-
ondary motions (i.e. helicoidal, zigzag, oscillating) are
When steady state motion has been reached, the
forces balanced around the bubble gives:
zLU 20
(zL − zG)gVB = pa 2 f. (2)
Fig. 11. Effect of Mo number on terminal velocity. 2
By neglecting the gas density in comparison with that
of the liquid, Eq. (2) gives the terminal rising velocity in
of the superposition of two oblate semi-spheroids (Fig. infinite environment
1) having in common the larger semi-axis. Asymptoti- 4 gD0
cally this shape can degenerate towards something re- U 20 = , (3)
3 CD
sembling a spherical-cap or towards a spherical bubble

(therefore skirted bubble are neglected). The total en-
ergy associated to the bubble is the following: a 2
CD = f . (4)
Etot =Epot +Esup + Ekin, (1)
The proposed generalized friction factor ( f ) is such to
where Epot is the potential energy with reference to the cover a wide range of Reynolds, Eötvös and Morton
upper pole which is

(zL − zG)gVB(3b1 +5b2)/8 48 1+ 12Mo1/3 Eo3/2
f= + 0.9 .
Re 1+ 36Mo1/3 1.4(1+ 30Mo1/6)+ Eo3/2
Esup =surface energy=|SB
1 b 2 1 + e1 1 b 2 1 +e2
=| 2ya 2 + y 1ln + y 2ln . The expression is the result of the combination of some
2 e1 1 − e1 2 e2 1 −e2
asymptotic behaviors. For instance, at low Reynolds
Ekin is the kinetic energy of the virtual mass of adherent number, it degenerate towards f“48/Re or f“16/Re,
liquid displaced by the bubble motion. The last one, depending on the value of Mo. On the contrary, at high
from a theoretical point of view, is a function extremely Re and Eo numbers the friction factor becomes 0.9, i.e.
complex to be evaluated (because of the bubble shape the typical figure of the spherical cap.
and motion conditions). However, as a first approxima- By using the expression 5 for the friction factor, the
tion, it can be deduced by extending the expression total energy minimization procedure depends only on
obtained for irrotational motion around a spherical Mo, Eo, x and y.
bubble that is also formally similar to that of a circular The interpolation of the numerical results obtained
disk (Batchelor, 1970). Therefore at sufficiently high through the minimization procedure can give a first
Reynolds numbers it is estimated as: approximation expression of the deformation factor

Ekin $ 23pzLa 3U 2. (DEF), resulting in
a 2 10(1+ 1.3Mo1/6)+ 3.1Eo
Of course the bubble volume is given by: DEF = = $ . (6)
R0 x+y 10(1+1.3Mo1/6)+ Eo
VB = 43pR 30 = 23pa 2(b1 +b2).
The drag coefficient can be then estimated by the
In principle, the minimization problem appears to be a product of expressions 5 and 6, and therefore it be-
variational one. However the selection made in favor of comes an approximate explicit function of Eo, Mo and
a simple, realistic and flexible shape makes it easy. In Re numbers. Finally by substituting Eq. (4) into Eq. (3)
fact, the total energy that has to be minimized becomes a simple second order equation is generated, that gives
a function of only two geometrical parameters b1/R0 place to U0.
G. Bozzano, M. Dente / Computers and Chemical Engineering 25 (2001) 571–576 575

4. Riser tube diameter effect The physical data of some of the liquids that have
been used for the experiments (Figs. 3–8) are reported
A significant number of experiments on bubble rising in Table 1. A wide range of the liquid phase physical
velocity have been performed inside limited diameter properties has been covered. In order to verify also the
tubes. We will neglect the case of bubbles so large to fill ability of the model in predicting the geometrical aspect
the tube forming a slug. For relatively large bubbles of the bubble some comparisons have been made re-
(D0/Dt \ 0.2/0.3), the presence of the tube wall has the garding the aspect ratio and the radius of curvature of
main effect of reducing the absolute rising velocity the bubble. A sample of the obtained results is shown
(compared to that attainable in an infinite environ- in Figs. 9 and 10.
ment). A first approximation of this effect can be Finally Fig. 11 shows the dependence of terminal
estimated as follows. The flowrate entrained by the velocity from the equivalent diameter at different Mo
bubble wake is about CD/2(p/4D 20)U. For continuity, an numbers. It is worth observing that for low Mo num-
equal flowrate has to descend, crossing the restricted bers (quite less than 10 − 7 –10 − 8) a relative maximum
section between the tube wall and the bubble equatorial and minimum are present. However, when Mo number
section. This (negative) contribution gives place to a becomes larger (i.e. for very viscous fluids) the behavior
maximum absolute descending velocity (6D, see Fig. 2) of the velocity becomes monotonic and for the same
equivalent to value of Eo number the aspect ratio of the bubble is
higher. A meaningful example of this phenomenon is,
CD D 20
6D $ U. (7) for instance, constituted by the air bubbling into
2 D 2t −D 2
molten glass furnaces: in this case the Mo number can
Therefore the relative velocity (at the equator of the be as high as 106 –1010. The bubble behaves as spherical
bubble) is and moving in creeping flow regime even if the equiva-
lent diameter is 10 cm. The transition value of Mo

U0 =U + 6D [ U =
n (8) between the two different behaviors has been demon-
strated by means of the model to be in the order of
(Dt/D0)2 −DEF magnitude of 10 − 7 –10 − 8.
U0 is assumed to be equal to that of the same bubble
rising in an infinite environment, free of walls.
6. Conclusions
5. Results The presented new approach brings to a unified
model for the description, in extended fluid-dynamic
The following figures show the comparison between conditions, of a single bubble motion. Both terminal
the proposed model and literature experimental data, velocity and shape of the bubble can be determined.
covering a wide range of conditions. They are a sample The comparison with different literature experimental
of the total satisfactory comparisons that have been data, covering a wide range of physical properties and
made. Fig. 3 is related to the experimental data of bubble sizes, is very satisfactory.
Haberman and Morton (1956) on air bubbles in water.
The experimental apparatus was a large size basin (the
David Taylor Model Basin, Bryn, 1949). As it is possi-
ble to observe, the range of bubble size, and, as a Acknowledgements
consequence, the fluid-dynamic regimes covered by the
model, is wide and well represented. The authors wish to thank Rita Bizzozzero and
Figs. 4–6 are referred to the experiments of Peebles Christina Kühlwetter for their contributions to the
and Garber (1953) performed in a 2.62 cm diameter computational efforts during their master thesis work
tube. Also in this case the agreement can be considered on the present subject.
satisfactory particularly taking into account that a very
wide range of liquid properties and bubble size has
been covered. References
Finally Figs. 7 and 8 show the comparison of simula-
tion results with the data of Calderbank, Johnson, and Batchelor, G. K. (1970). An introduction to fluid-dynamics. Cam-
Loudon (1970). The system is constituted respectively bridge: Cambridge University Press.
by 90.6% and 99% glycerol in water. The tube diameter Bhaga, D., & Weber, M. E. (1981). Bubbles in viscous liquids: shape,
wakes and velocities. Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 105, 61–85.
is 10.6 cm. These comparisons demonstrate the model Brignell, A. S. (1974). Mass transfer from a spherical cap bubble in a
prediction abilities for bubble motion in high viscosity laminar flow. Chemical Engineering Science, 29, 135– 147.
environments. Bryn T. (1949). David Taylor Model Basin Transl. Rep. No. 132.
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