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diajukan guna melengkapi tugas individu dan memenuhi salah satu syarat
penilaian Ujian Tengah Semester (UTS) mata kuliah Metode Penelitian


Delvia Gita Friolina




JUDUL..................................................................................... 1
DAFTAR ISI............................................................................. 2
KATA PENGANTAR............................................................... 3
A. Identitas dan Tampilan Jurnal...................................... 4
B. Hasil Review Jurnal....................................................... 6
1) Apa judul jurnal tersebut
2) Siapa penulisnya
3) Latar belakang dan permasalahan yang dikemukakan
4) Bagaimana tinjauan teori dan penelitian terdahulu
5) Bagaimana Hipotesis yang diajukan (bila ada)
6) Bagaimana Metode Penelitiannya /Disain Risetnya
7) Obyek penelitian
8) Siapa unit sampelnya
9) Populasinya
10) Sampelnya
11) Besarnya sampel
12) Kriteria sampel
13) Variabel penelitian
14) Definisi operasional variabel
15) Model hubungan
16) Metode analisis data
17) Hasil temuan yang diperoleh
18) Celah yang memungkinkan untuk penelitian berikutnya

C. Tabel Review.................................................................... 15
KESIMPULAN............................................................................ 20
LAMPIRAN................................................................................. 21


Puji dan syukur Kehadirat Tuhan Yang Maha Esa karena atas
limpahan rahmad dan karunianya sehingga dapat menyelesaikan tugas
ujian tengah semester mata kuliah metode penelitian dengan sangat baik
dan lancar. Tugas ini bertujuan untuk memenuhi nilai ujian tengah
semester yang diberikan oleh Dosen Pembimbing Mata Kuliah Metode
Penelitian. Penyusun mengucapkan banyak – banyak terima kasih kepada
Dosen Pembimbing Mata Kuliah Metode Penelitian karena atas
bimbingan dan arahannya tugas ini dapat disusun dengan baik dan
Tim Penyusun berharap, dengan review jurnal internasional ini
dapat memberikan manfaat bagi kita semua dan menambah pemahaman
mengenai mata kuliah metode penelitian. Penyusun menyadari bahwa
review ini jauh dari kesempurnaan, maka Penyusun berharap kepada
seluruh pembaca khususnya mahasiswa kelas D mata kuliah metode
penelitian Program Magister Manajemen Universitas Jember Fakultas
Ekonomi dan Bisnis dapat memberikan kritik dan sarannya demi
perbaikan menuju arah yang lebih baik lagi.

Jember, 19 April 2019

A. Identitas dan Tampilan Jurnal
1. Identitas Jurnal
Jurnal Internasional yang dipilih untuk direview merupakan jurnal
internasional yang berkaitan dengan manajemen sumber daya manusia.
Identitas Jurnal Interasional yang di review diuraikan sebagai berikut :
a. Judul
The Role of OCB in Mediating the Effect of Employee Engagement
and Organizational Commitment on Employee Performance:
Contract vs Permanent Employees
b. Jenis Jurnal : Open Access
c. Jurnal Publikasi : International Journal of Scientific Research
and Management (IJSRM)
d. Link doi : 10.18535/ijsrm/v6i8.el03
e. Peneliti : Mahmud Fatoni
Dewi Prihatini
Ika Barokah Suryaningsih
f. Tanggal dan Tahun : 8 Agustus 2018
g. Volume dan Nomor : Vol.6 No. 8
h. Jumlah Halaman : 568-579 (11 Halaman)
i. Jumlah Daftar Pustaka : 19 Daftar Pustaka
j. Tujuan Penelitian
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menguji peran Organizational
Citizenship Behavior (OCB) sebagai mediator dari efek keterlibatan
karyawan dan komitmen organisasi terhadap kinerja karyawan di
PT. BCA, Tbk Cabang Jember, Indonesia.

2. Tampilan Jurnal
Tampilan jurnal ini menarik dengan penataan bagian-gagian jurnal
yang rapi. Desain layout jurnal didominasi dengan warna putih, dengan
font color hitam dan font size yang pas sehingga jelas untuk dibaca.
tampilan jurnal dapat dilihat pada gambar 1 dibawah ini :

Nama Jurnal
Publikasi Link DOI

Judul Jurnal




Tanggal Halaman

Gambar 1
Pada bagian Abstrak peneliti menjelaskan mengenai tujuan
penelitian, teknik pengumpulan data, teknk analisis data dan hasil temuan.
Jurnal Internasional ini dibagi menjadi beberapa bagian. Bagian – bagian
terebut di uraikan sebagai berikut :
1. Judul Penelitian
2. Abstrak
3. Pendahuluan
4. Literatur dan Hipotesis
5. Metode Penelitian
6. Hasil dan Diskusi
7. Kesimpulan
8. Daftar Pustaka

B. Hasil Review Jurnal

Hasil review jurnal dapat dilihat dengan menjawab beberapa

pertanyaan sebagai berikut :

1) Apa judul jurnal tersebut?

Judul penelitian pada jurnal yang di review adalah The Role of OCB
in Mediating the Effect of Employee Engagement and Organizational
Commitment on Employee Performance: Contract vs Permanent
Employees (Peran Organizational Citizenship Behavior (OCB)
dalam Memediasi Pengaruh Employee Engagement dan Komitmen
Organisasi terhadap Kinerja Karyawan PT. BCA, Tbk Cabang
2) Siapa penulisnya?
Terdapat 3 penulis pada jurnal yang di review yaitu Mahmud Fatoni,
Dewi Prihatini , Ika Barokah Suryaningsih. Semua penulis berasal
dari Faculty of Economics and Business, Universitas Jember
Kalimantan Road No. 37, Jember Indonesia
3) Latar belakang dan permasalahan apa yang dikemukakan?
 Latar belakang penelitian
Industri perbankan adalah salah satu sektor yang mengandalkan
karyawannya pada kualitas sumber daya manusianya. Dalam
menghadapi perubahan organisasi dalam bentuk digitalisasi,
kinerja karyawan benar-benar tertantang. Penelitian ini berupaya
menguji peran Organizational Citizenship Behavior (OCB)
sebagai mediator pengaruh keterlibatan karyawan dan komitmen
organisasi terhadap kinerja karyawan di PT. BCA, Tbk cabang
Jember, Indonesia.
 Permasalahan
a) PT. BCA, Tbk memiliki komitmen untuk mengembangkan
keterampilan dan kompetensi semua karyawan dari pusat,
tingkat organisasi pelengkap regional, cabang, dan cabang.

PT. BCA, Tbk Cabang Jember dituntut untuk selalu
meningkatkan kinerjanya baik dalam peningkatan operasional
serta pemasaran produk. Beberapa program pelatihan dan
pembelajaran dilaksanakan karyawan di PT. BCA, Tbk
cabang Jember, pada keduanya karyawan kontrak dan tetap.
Berdasarkan laporan keuangan PT. Cabang BCA Jember
pada tahun 2014 ini Bank masih menghadapi banyak
tantangan. Salah satu masalah yang dihadapi adalah bahwa
tidak semua karyawan dapat melakukan secara maksimal
dalam menjalankan uraian tugasnya, sedangkan PT. BCA,
Tbk sedang berusaha untuk meningkatkan kinerja melalui
produk dan operasi yang sangat baik dan itu membutuhkan
sumber daya manusia yang andal. Selain kebutuhan
karyawan dengan kompetensi tinggi, dalam menghadapi
tantangan bisnis perbankan saat ini, PT. BCA, Tbk juga
membutuhkan karyawan yang tinggi komitmen, keterlibatan
kerja, dan OCB
b) Karyawan di PT. BCA cabang Jember terdiri dari karyawan
senior dan junior yang berada di Indonesia proses kerja dan
tim kerja yang sama. Seperti itu Kondisi tersebut menjadikan
pemimpin dari unit kerja yang ada harus memimpin generasi
karyawan yang berbeda menimbulkan masalah terkait
sumber daya manusia, khususnya dalam aspek keterlibatan
karyawan dan komitmen organisasi jadi ini yang membuatnya
penelitian perlu dilakukan.
c) Masalah lain adalah keberadaan perubahan organisasi dalam
PT. BCA Tbk yang akan diimplementasikan dalam cabang
otomatisasi tersebut sebagai E-branch, Layanan Pelanggan
Digital, dan STAR kasir. Beberapa perubahan layanan juga
terjadi di PT. BCA, Tbk dalam bentuk E-Service atau
pemantauan online di semua area layanan BCA. Semua

Perubahan yang dilakukan oleh P BCA, Tbk di atas
menjadikan PT. BCA cabang Jember juga harus melakukan
perubahan pada proses kerja, di mana diperlukan untuk
meningkatkan kompetensi masing-masing karyawan dengan
cepat untuk mengikuti perubahan itu terjadi dan dapat sesuai
dengan pengembangan teknologi. Jika kita lihat di atas
diskusi termasuk adanya berbagai perubahan organisasinya,
diduga ada juga perubahan keterlibatan karyawan dan
karyawan komitmen di PT. BCA, Tbk cabang Jember, di
mana keterlibatan dan komitmen karyawan juga akan
memengaruhi OCB kemudian memengaruhi kinerja
4) Bagaimana tinjauan teori dan penelitian terdahulu
Penulis meggunakan beberapa teori dan penelitian terdahulu untuk
mendukung penelitiannya. Dalam Jurnal ini ada beberapa research
gap dari beberapa penelitian terdahulu, antara lain sebagai berikut :
a) Nabilah dan Jafar (2014) yang menemukan karyawan itu
keterlibatan mempengaruhi kinerja karyawan secara positif.
Penelitian ini tidak mendukung penelitian Shindie et al (2015)
yang menemukan karyawan itu keterlibatan tidak berpengaruh
signifikan terhadap karyawan kinerja yang berarti tingkat
karyawan keterlibatan tidak membuat kinerja karyawan
perbaikan di PT PLN (Persero) di Bekasi. Putu (2016)
menemukan bahwa keterlibatan karyawan memiliki pengaruh
signifikan terhadap kinerja individu.
b) Amanda (2013) yang menemukan bahwa OCB tidak
berpengaruh kinerja karyawan. Putu (2016) menemukan OCB
itu memiliki efek pada kinerja individu. Ticoalu (2013)
menemukan bahwa OCB memiliki efek yang signifikan pada
kinerja karyawan
c) Putu (2016) yang menemukan ada yang signifikan pengaruh
keterlibatan karyawan melalui OCB pada kinerja individu. Studi

ini tidak mendukung penelitian oleh Maharani et al (2013) yang
menemukan bahwa OCB tidak memediasi hubungan antara
kepemimpinan transformasional pada kinerja. Itu karena OCB
muncul dari individu bukan dari lainnya
d) Amanda (2013) yang menemukan organisasi ituKomitmen
memiliki dampak signifikan terhadap kinerja karyawan tetapi
komitmen organisasi tidak memiliki pengaruh signifikan
terhadap kinerja karyawan melalui Organizational Citizenship
Behavior (OCB)
e) Amanda (2013) yang menemukan bahwa komitmen organisasi
tidak memiliki signifikan berdampak pada OCB. Tetapi penelitian
ini mendukung penelitian oleh Rahayu (2017) yang
menunjukkan organisasi itu variabel komitmen berpengaruh
positif dan signifikan berpengaruh pada variabel OCB
b) Vincentia dan Fibria (2013) yang menemukan bahwa
keterlibatan karyawan memengaruhi OCB. Putu (2016)
menemukan bahwa ada yang signifikan pengaruh antara
keterlibatan karyawan dan OCB
5) Bagaimana Hipotesis yang diajukan (bila ada)
Hipotesis yang diajukan pada jurnal yang direview ini terdiri dari 7
hipotesis yaitu antara lain:
H1 : Employee Engangement Berpengaruh Secara Langsung
Signifikan Terhadap Kinerja Karyawan Pada PT. BCA, Tbk
Cabang Jember
H2 : Komitmen organisasi Berpengaruh Secara Langsung
Signifikan Terhadap kinerja Karyawan Pada PT. BCA, Tbk
Cabang Jember
H3 : Employee Engangement Berpengaruh Secara Langsung
Signifikan Terhadap OCB Karyawan Pada PT. BCA, Tbk
Cabang Jember

H4 : Komitmen organisasi Berpengaruh Secara Langsung
Signifikan Terhadap OCB Karyawan Pada PT. BCA, Tbk
Cabang Jember
H5 : OCB Berpengaruh Secara Langsung Signifikan Terhadap
kinerja Karyawan Pada PT. BCA, Tbk Cabang Jember
H6 : Employee Engangement Berpengaruh Secara Tidak
Langsung Signifikan Terhadap Kinerja Melalui OCB Pada
PT. BCA, Tbk Cabang Jember
H7 : Komitmen organisasi Berpengaruh Secara Tidak Langsung
Signifikan Terhadap Kinerja Melalui OCB Pada PT. BCA,
Tbk Cabang Jember
6) Bagaimana Metode Penelitiannya /Disain Risetnya?
Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kuantitatif. Berdasarkan
tujuan penelitian yang telah ditetapkan, maka jenis penelitian ini
dapat digolongkan sebagai penelitian confirmatory dan eksplanatori
yaitu penelitian yang menyoroti hubungan antara variabel-variabel
penelitian dan menguji hipotesis yang telah dikemukakan
sebelumnya. Penelitian penjelasan juga dinamakan penelitian
pengujian hipotesis atau testing research.
7) Siapa Obyek penelitian?
Karyawan PT. BCA, Tbk Cabang Jember.
8) Siapa unit sampelnya?
Sampel adalah bagian dari obyek populasi yang mewakili
karakteristik populasinya. Unit Sampel dalam penelitian ini adalah
karyawan teteap dan karyawan bhakti PT. BCA, Tbk Cabang
9) Siapa Populasinya?
Populasi merupakan keseluruhan kelompok yang dapat berupa
manusia, kejadian atau segala sesuatu yang mempunyai
karakteristik tertentu yang menarik minat peneliti untuk mengadakan

penelitian. Populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah Seluruh karyawan
PT. BCA, Tbk Cabang Jember
10) Bagaimana Metode Penentuan Sampelnya?
Sampel yang diamati ditentukan dengan metode sensus, dimana
seluruh jumlah populasi dijadikan sampel penelitian.
11) Berapa Besarnya sampel?
Jumlah sampel penelitian adalah sebanyak 162 karyawan (121
karyawan tetap dan 41 Karyawan Bhakti
12) Bagaimana Kriteria sampelnya?
Tidak terdapat kriteria sampel dikarenakan semua karyawan atau
seluruh jumlah populasi dijadikan sampel penelitian
13) Variabel penelitian
Berdasarkan pokok permasalahan yang diajukan, maka variabel
yang akan digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah sebagai berikut:
a. Variabel Eksogen adalah Employee Engangement (X1) dan
Komitmen organisasi (X2)
b. Variabel Endogen Intervening adalah OCB (Y1)
c. Variabel Endogen adalah Kinerja (Y2)
14) Definisi operasional variabel
Pada Jurnal yang direview tidak dijelaskan mengenai definisi
operaisonal variabel
15) Model hubungan

16) Metode analisis data
Alat analisis yang digunakan adalah analisis jalur yang dilakukan
pada dua kelompok sampel: 1) sampel karyawan tetap dan 2)
sampel para karyawan kontrak
17) Hasil temuan yang diperoleh

Tabel 2 menunjukkan organisasi itu komitmen memiliki
pengaruh dominan terhadap OCB dengan koefisien efek jalur
langsung 0,490 dan ini adalah jalan terkuat, lalu diikuti oleh jalan
komitmen organisasi terhadap kinerja dengan koefisien jalur
langsung 0,477. Tabel 3 menunjukkan bahwa keterlibatan
karyawan memiliki efek dominan pada kinerja dengan dampak
langsung koefisien 0,448 dan ini adalah jalur terkuat, kemudian
diikuti oleh jalur dari keterlibatan karyawan ke OCB dengan
koefisien jalur langsung 0,281.
Berdasarkan analisis yang dilakukan pada kontrak dan
karyawan tetap di PT. BCA, Tbk Jember cabang, kami
menyimpulkan beberapa hasil. Kami akhirnya bisa terima semua
hipotesis. Kami melaporkannya keterlibatan karyawan memiliki efek
langsung yang signifikan pada kinerja karyawan dan efek ini
ditemukan lebih tinggi ketika dilakukan pada karyawan tetap. Itu
komitmen organisasi PT. Karyawan BCA memiliki pengaruh
langsung yang signifikan terhadap kinerja karyawan, dan efek ini

lebih tinggi pada sampel karyawan kontrak. Keterlibatan karyawan
memiliki efek langsung yang signifikan terhadap OCB, dan efeknya
besarnya lebih besar pada karyawan tetap. Itu komitmen organisasi
memiliki hubungan langsung yang signifikan berpengaruh pada
OCB dan pengaruh semacam ini ditemukan lebih tinggi bila
dilakukan pada karyawan kontrak PT. BCA Cabang Jember. OCB
karyawan memiliki a dampak langsung yang signifikan terhadap
kinerja karyawan dan hubungan ini lebih kuat dalam para karyawan
kontrak. Kami juga melaporkan efek tidak langsung, pertama, ada
pengaruh tidak langsung yang signifikan dari karyawan keterlibatan
pada kinerja karyawan melalui OCB dan besaran dampak ini lebih
besar pada karyawan kontrak, dan kedua, ada pengaruh tidak
langsung yang signifikan komitmen organisasi terhadap karyawan
kinerja melalui OCB dan dampak ini besarnya juga lebih besar
pada karyawan kontrak daripada pada karyawan tetap.
18) Celah yang memungkinkan untuk penelitian berikutnya
Penelitian ini, serta penelitian sebelumnya, juga tidak dapat
dipisahkan dari berbagai kekurangan dan keterbatasan. Artinya,
penelitian ini hanya menggunakan survei metode melalui kuesioner
tertutup sehingga kurang tajam dalam mengeksplorasi apa yang
diinginkan oleh responden sebenarnya. Oleh karena itu kesimpulan
yang diambil didasarkan semata-mata pada data yang dikumpulkan
melalui penggunaan tersebut instrumen tertulis. Berdasarkan
keterbatasan tersebut makan dapat menjadi celah bagi penelitian
berikutnya untuk lebih mempertajam dalam mengeskplorasi apa
yang diinginkan oleh responden.

Tabel Review
Judul The Role of OCB in Mediating the Effect of
Employee Engagement and Organizational
Commitment on Employee Performance: Contract
vs Permanent Employees
Nama / Jenis International Journal of Scientific Research and
Jurnal Management (IJSRM)
Website: ISSN (e): 2321-3418
DOI: 10.18535/ijsrm/v6i8.el03
Vol, No dan Hal Volume 06 Issue 08 Pages EL-2018-568-569
Tahun 2018
Peneliti Mahmud Fatoni
Dewi Prihatini
Ika Barokah Suryaningsih
Keyword OCB, Employee Engagement, Organizational
Commitment, Employee performance
Latar Belakang Industri perbankan adalah salah satu sektor yang
Penelitian mengandalkan karyawannya pada kualitas sumber
daya manusianya. Dalam menghadapi perubahan
organisasi dalam bentuk digitalisasi, kinerja karyawan
benar-benar tertantang. Penelitian ini berupaya
menguji peran Organizational Citizenship Behavior
(OCB) sebagai mediator pengaruh keterlibatan
karyawan dan komitmen organisasi terhadap kinerja
karyawan di PT. BCA, Tbk cabang Jember,
Indonesia. .
Research Gap 1. Nabilah dan Jafar (2014) yang menemukan
karyawan itu keterlibatan mempengaruhi kinerja
karyawan secara positif. Penelitian ini tidak
mendukung penelitian Shindie et al (2015) yang
menemukan karyawan itu keterlibatan tidak
berpengaruh signifikan terhadap karyawan kinerja
yang berarti tingkat karyawan keterlibatan tidak
membuat kinerja karyawan perbaikan di PT PLN
(Persero) di Bekasi. Putu (2016) menemukan
bahwa keterlibatan karyawan memiliki pengaruh
signifikan terhadap kinerja individu.
2. Amanda (2013) yang menemukan bahwa OCB
tidak berpengaruh kinerja karyawan. Putu (2016)
menemukan OCB itu memiliki efek pada kinerja
individu. Ticoalu (2013) menemukan bahwa OCB
memiliki efek yang signifikan pada kinerja

3. Putu (2016) yang menemukan ada yang signifikan
pengaruh keterlibatan karyawan melalui OCB
pada kinerja individu. Studi ini tidak mendukung
penelitian oleh Maharani et al (2013) yang
menemukan bahwa OCB tidak memediasi
hubungan antara kepemimpinan transformasional
pada kinerja. Itu karena OCB muncul dari individu
bukan dari lainnya
4. Amanda (2013) yang menemukan organisasi
ituKomitmen memiliki dampak signifikan terhadap
kinerja karyawan tetapi komitmen organisasi tidak
memiliki pengaruh signifikan terhadap kinerja
karyawan melalui OCB
5. Amanda (2013) yang menemukan bahwa
komitmen organisasi tidak memiliki signifikan
berdampak pada OCB. Tetapi penelitian ini
mendukung penelitian oleh Rahayu (2017) yang
menunjukkan organisasi itu variabel komitmen
berpengaruh positif dan signifikan berpengaruh
terhadap OCB
6. Vincentia dan Fibria (2013) yang menemukan
bahwa keterlibatan karyawan memengaruhi OCB.
Putu (2016) menemukan bahwa ada yang
signifikan pengaruh antara keterlibatan karywan
dan OCB
Hipotesis H1 :Employee Engangement Berpengaruh Secara
Penelitian Langsung Signifikan Terhadap Kinerja Karyawan
Pada PT. BCA, Tbk Cabang Jember
H2 :Komitmen organisasi Berpengaruh Secara
Langsung Signifikan Terhadap kinerja Karyawan
Pada PT. BCA, Tbk Cabang Jember
H3 :Employee Engangement Berpengaruh Secara
Langsung Signifikan Terhadap OCB Karyawan
Pada PT. BCA, Tbk Cabang Jember
H4 :Komitmen organisasi Berpengaruh Secara
Langsung Signifikan Terhadap OCB Karyawan
Pada PT. BCA, Tbk Cabang Jember
H5 :OCB Berpengaruh Secara Langsung Signifikan
Terhadap kinerja Karyawan Pada PT. BCA, Tbk

Cabang Jember
H6 : Employee Engangement Berpengaruh Secara
Tidak Langsung Signifikan Terhadap Kinerja
Melalui OCB Pada PT. BCA, Tbk Cabang
H7 : Komitmen organisasi Berpengaruh Secara Tidak
Langsung Signifikan Terhadap Kinerja Melalui
OCB Pada PT. BCA, Tbk Cabang Jember
Variabel a. Variabel Eksogen adalah Employee Engangement
Penelitian (X1) dan Komitmen organisasi (X2)
b. Variabel Endogen Intervening adalah OCB (Y1)
c. Variabel Endogen adalah Kinerja (Y2)

Desain Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan

Penelitian kuantitatif. Berdasarkan tujuan penelitian yang telah
ditetapkan, maka jenis penelitian ini dapat
digolongkan sebagai penelitian confirmatory dan
eksplanatori yaitu penelitian yang menyoroti
hubungan antara variabel-variabel penelitian dan
menguji hipotesis yang telah dikemukakan
sebelumnya. Penelitian penjelasan juga dinamakan
penelitian pengujian hipotesis atau testing research.
Sumber Data Jenis data dalam penelitian ini adalah data primer
yang diperoleh dari menyebarkan kuesioner kepada
Populasi dan Populasi dari penelitian ini adalah seluruh karyawan
Sampel dari PT. BCA, Tbk Cabang Jember sebanyak 162
orang, yang terbagi dalam dua jenis yaitu karyawan
tidak tetap ( bhakti ) sejumlah 41 orang dan karyawan
tetap sejumlah 121 orang. Dikarenakan Jumlah
karyawan PT. BCA, Tbk Cabang Jember berjumlah
162 orang maka populasi dalam penelitian ini
bertindak pula sebagai sampel atau dapat dikatakan
bahwa penelitian ini menggunakan metode penelitian
sensus yaitu penelitian yang dilakukan untuk meneliti
seluruh elemen populasi sebanyak 162 karyawan.
Proses Metode pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan
Pengumpulan menyebarkan kuesioner kepada responden yaitu
Data karyawan tetap PT. BCA, Tbk Cabang Jember.
Analisis Data Alat analisis yang digunakan adalah analisis jalur

Hasil a) Employee engagement secara signifikan
Penelitian berpengaruh langsung terhadap kinerja karyawan,
b) Komitmen organisasi secara signifikan
berpengaruh langsung positif signifikan terhadap
c) Employee engagement secara signifikan
berpengaruh langsung terhadap OCB,
d) Komitmen organisasi secara signifikan
berpengaruh langsung positif signifikan terhadap
e) OCB secara signifikan berpengaruh langsung
positif signifikan terhadap kinerja karyawan,
f) Employee engagement secara signifikan
berpengaruh tidak langsung terhadap kinerja
karyawan melalui OCB,
g) Komitmen organisasi secara signifikan
berpengaruh tidak langsung terhadap kinerja
karyawan melalui OCB.
Kesimpulan Hasil analisis menunjukkan bahwa karyawan pada
PT. BCA, Tbk Cabang Jember memiliki
kekuatan,dedikasi, konsertrasi terhadap pekerjaan,
penerimaan terhadap tujuan perusahaan, keinginan
untuk bekerja keras dan hasrat bertahan untuk
menjadi bagian dari PT. BCA, Tbk Cabang Jember
sehingga muncul perilaku membantu rekan kerja,
perilaku menerima kondisi atau keadaan yang tidak
menyenangkan dan kurang ideal dan tanggungjawab
dalam aktivitas kehidupan perusahaan yang
menimbulkan peningkatan kualitas, kuantitas,
ketepatan, efektivitas dan kemandirian.
Keterbatasan Penelitian ini, serta penelitian sebelumnya, juga tidak
Penelitian dapat dipisahkan dari berbagai kekurangan dan
keterbatasan. Artinya, penelitian ini hanya
menggunakan survei metode melalui kuesioner
tertutup sehingga kurang tajam dalam mengeksplorasi
apa yang diinginkan oleh responden
sebenarnya. Oleh karena itu kesimpulan yang diambil
didasarkan semata-mata pada data yang dikumpulkan
melalui penggunaan tersebut instrumen tertulis.
Daftar Pustaka 19 daftar pustaka


Berdasarkan hasil review diatas maka dapat disimpulkan bahwa

jurnal diatas memiliki kelebihan dan kekurangan diantaranya sebagai
berikut :
1. Kelebihan
a. Peneliti menyampaikan latar belakang dan permasalahan dengan
rinci dengan menampilkan data perusahaaan yang mendukung
dan menguraikan permasalahan yang ada diperusahaan dengan
b. Peneliti menyajikan beberapa teori dan penelitian terdahulu yang
mendukung penelitiannya dan menampilkan research gap dari
beberapa penelitian terdahulu sehingga penelitian ini menarik
untuk diteliti.
c. Peneliti menguraikan hasil penelitian dengan jelas dengan
mencantumkan tabel-tabel hasil analisis data dan membahasnya
dengan rinci
2. Kekurangan
a. Peneliti tidak mencantumkan definisi operasional variabel
b. Peneliti tidak mencantumkan rekomendai-rekomendasi untuk
penelitian selanjutnya


International Journal of Scientific Research and Management (IJSRM)
Website: ISSN (e): 2321-3418
Index Copernicus value (2015): 57.47, (2016):93.67, DOI: 10.18535/ijsrm/v6i8.el03

The Role of OCB in Mediating the Effect of Employee Engagement and

Organizational Commitment on Employee Performance: Contract vs
Permanent Employees
Mahmud Fatoni1, Dewi Prihatini2, Ika Barokah Suryaningsih3
Faculty of Economics and Business, Universitas Jember
Kalimantan Road No. 37, Jember 68132, Indonesia

Banking industry is one of sector that relies its employees on its quality of human capital. In facing the
organizational change in the form of digitaliation, the performances of employees are really challenged.
This study seeks to test the role of Organizational Citizenship Behavior (OCB) as mediator of the effect of
employee engagement and organizational commitment on the employees performance at PT. BCA, Tbk
Jember branch, Indonesia. This study used quantitative approach. As many as 162 employees are involved
as respondents. We differ them based on their employee types, those are contract and permanent
employees. The analytical tool used is path analysis. We report that there is a significant indirect effect of
employee engagement and organizational commitment on employees performance through OCB. The role
of OCB as mediator is significant in both of effects. We also found that employee engagement and
organizational commitment have a significant direct effect on employee performance, employee
engagement and organizational commitment have a significant direct effect on OCB, and OCB has a
significant direct impact on employee performance.

Keywords: OCB, Employee Engagement, Organizational Commitment, Employee performance

1. Introduction Podsakoff et al. (2000) defined OCB as a
The success of an organization can be influenced voluntary behavior, an action beyond the tasks that
by the performance of its employees. Every contribute to the success of an organization. OCB is
organization and company will strive to improve a behavior that is consciously and voluntarily done
employee performance in achieving organizational outside the formal job description and there is no
goals by taking various ways. Highly committed sanction if they do not do it. This kind of action is
employees will be reflected in their behavior, influenced by two main factors: internal factors (job
loyalty, and contribution beyond workplace roles. satisfaction, commitment, personality, employee
Their performance can be realized well if they are morale, motivation, etc.) and external factors
engaged to the company, having good organizational (leadership style, organizational culture and so on).
commitment, and showing Organizational Employees who have good OCB will greatly assist
Citizenship Behavior (OCB). Employee the company or institution in achieving its goals. In
engagement, organizational commitment, and OCB fact, not all employees practice OCB in their
become interesting issues to be studied because the workplace. Therefore, the company trust the
organization is currently in need of loyal employees existence of employee engagement, organizational
in order to be able to survive and to develop their commitment, and OCB can boost employee
career, especially in the banking field where in this performance, especially in PT. BCA, Tbk. As one of
digitalized era, banking industries keep performing banking industries branch in Jember, Indonesia, in
facing the challenges of the banking world today.
Employee engagement is the extent to which a
person is committed, dedicates himself, and be loyal
many changes in the use of technology in providing to the organization, their work, superiors, and
services to its customers. colleagues. Robinson, et al (2004) defined

Mahmud Fatonim, IJSRM Volume 06 Issue 08 August 2018 [] EL-2018-568

engagement as an employee emotional measurement 2017 2016 2015 2014
and an intellectual commitment to the organization Total Asset 750.320 676.739 594.373 553.156
and its success and believe it to be a measurement Gross 467.509 415.896 387.643 346.563
result and describe how employees behave as a Credit
result of their interaction with the organization. Third-party 581.115 530.134 476.666 447.906
Commitment to the organization means more funds
than just formal membership, because it includes an Total 131.402 112.715 89.625 75.726
attitude of loving the organization. The attitude equity
referred here is about how far the attitude taken by Operational 56.982 53.779 47.876 41.373
the individual over their organization and the income
willingness to strive for a high level of effort for the
Net income 23.321 20.606 18.019 16.486
achievement of organization goals. Luthans (2006)
stated that organizational commitment is an attitude Source : Annual Report of BCA, 2017
that shows employee loyalty and an ongoing process
of how an organization member expresses their The explanation above shows that the
attention to the success of an organization. contribution of employees in an organization at any
Furthermore, Luthans (2006) opined that employee's level is important in maintaining trust and providing
loyal attitude is indicated by three things: (1) a quality services to customers. Therefore PT. BCA,
strong desire of a person to remain a member of Tbk has a commitment to develop the skill and
their organization, (2) a willingness to exert effort competence of all employees from the central,
for his organization, and (3) confidence and regional, branch, and branch auxiliary level. PT.
acceptance of organizational values and goals. Based BCA, Tbk Jember branch is required to always
on this definition, the organizational commitment improve its performance both in the improvement of
includes elements of loyalty to the organization, operational as well as in products marketing. Some
involvement in work, and identification of the values training and learning programs are carried out on
and goals of the organization. employees at PT. BCA, Tbk Jember branch, on both
Banking industries is one of sector which treat contract and permanent employees. Based on the
human capital as their valuable asset. But the fiscal report of PT. BCA Jember branch in 2014, this
challenge of the banking world in the last two years bank still face many challenges. One of problem
is quite heavy where the economic situation has not faced is that not all of the employee can perform
improved yet. Net Interest Margin which became maximally in running their job description, whereas
one of the sources of income is thinning as well as PT. BCA, Tbk is trying to boost performance
increasing bank competition due to the similarity of through excellent products and operations and it
products and services among banks. The situation needs reliable human resources. Besides the needs of
will certainly also affect the performance of the employees with high competencies, in facing the
banking business. PT. BCA, Tbk always focuses on challenges of nowadays’ banking business, PT.
maintaining its performance and it is proven by the BCA, Tbk also needs employee with high
performance of PT. BCA, Tbk in 2017 is better if commitment, work engagement, and OCB.
compared to the initial target set. In 2017,the current The employees in PT. BCA Jember branch
account saving account (CASA) funds grew 8.7% or consist of senior and junior employees who are in
Rp.443, 7 trillion. For loan disbursement activities, the same work process and work team. Such
BCA posted a 12.4% growth in loan portfolio to condition makes the leader of the existing work unit
Rp.467.5 trillion, exceeding the target set at 8% - must lead different generations of employees. It
10%. Net income in 2017 grew by 13.1% or Rp.23.3 raises problems related to human resources,
trillion. Good profit growth of PT. BCA, Tbk in especially in the aspect of employee engagement and
2017 makes the Return on Assets (ROA) of 3.9% organizational commitment so this makes this
and the Return on Equity (ROE) of 19.2%. As seen research need to be done.
from the financial aspect growth, there is a good Another problem is the existence of
achievement reached by PT. BCA, Tbk in 2017. organizational changes within PT. BCA Tbk which
will be implemented in a branch of automation such
Table 1 The Financial Performance of PT. BCA, as E-branch, Digital Customer Service, and STAR
Tbk teller. Some service changes also occur at PT. BCA,
( in billion rupiah ) Tbk in the form of E-Service or online monitoring in
all areas of BCA service. All Changes made by PT.

Mahmud Fatonim, IJSRM Volume 06 Issue 08 August 2018 [] EL-2018-569

BCA, Tbk above makes PT. BCA Jember branch employee engagement usually have high energy,
must also make changes to the work process, where stamina, and excitement. Employees will also feel
it requires to increase the competence of each united with their works and it can increase their
employee quickly in order to follow the changes that performance. The intense competition puts pressure
occur and can be in accordance with the on an organization to continually find ways to
development of technology. If we look at above improve their performance. High performance will
discussions including the existence of various improve the quality and value provided to
organizational changes, it is allegedly there are also stakeholders.
changes to employee engagement and employee
commitment at PT. BCA, Tbk Jember branch, where
H1: Employee engagement directly affects employee
employee engagement and commitment will also
affect the OCB then influences the performance.
Previous studies have found different research
results. Vincentia and Fibria (2013) found that 2.2 The Direct Influence of Organizational
employee engagement has an effect on OCB. Commitment on Employee Performance
Nabilah and Jafar (2014) found that employee
engagement has an influence on employee A research by Amanda (2013) found that
performance. While Shindie et al. found that organizational commitment has a significant effect
employee engagement has no significant effect on on employee performance. The more committed
employee performance which means higher employees, the better the performance.
employee engagement makes no employee Organizational commitment is sense of
performance improvement ar PT PLN (Persero) in identification (trust in organizational values),
Bekasi. Putu (2016) found that there is a significant involvement (willingness to do the best possible for
influence of employee engagement and OCB on the the benefit of the organization) and loyalty (the
individual performance. Devi (2017) reported that desire to remain a member of the organization
organizations with higher levels of employee concerned) declared by an employee to the
engagement outperformed their competitors in terms organization . Employees with organizational
of profitability. Considering the phenomenon commitment will perform better than their
mentioned above, it is necessary to re-conduct counterparts.
research related to employee engagement and
organizational commitment in PT. Bank Central
H2: Organizational commitment directly affects
Asia, Tbk Jember branch which further affects their
employee performance
OCB and employee performance. This research can
be used to improve the insight and knowledge in the
field of human resource management, especially 2.3 The Direct Effect of Employee Engagement on
about employee engagement and commitment to OCB
employee performance with OCB variable as The results of research by Vincentia and Fibria
intervening variable. The results of this study are (2013) showed that employee engagement
expected to be useful as input and thought influences OCB. Engagement is a state of mind, a
contribution, especially for PT. Bank Central Asia, more persistent and comprehensive feeling. Strength
Tbk Jember branch, in an effort to solve problems refers to high levels of energy and mental resilience ,
related to human resource development. the will to earnestly work and persevere in the face
2. Literature Review of adversity. Dedication refers to feelings of
2.1 The Direct Influence of Employee Engagement meaning, enthusiasm, inspiration, pride and
on Employee Performance challenge. Absorption is characterized by full
Previous research found that employee concentration, interest in work and difficulty
engagement has a significant effect on employee breaking away from work. One important aspect
performance, one of them is a research by Nabilah affecting employee psychological safety is the extent
and Jafar (2014). Through employee engagement, to which employees 'support and concerns are shared
employees will have the strength characterized by by both the organization and its superiors (Saks,
high energy and mental resiliency, a genuine 2006). Organizational support perceived by
willingness to work, and persistent in the face of employees will make them feel valuable. Robinson
adversity while working. Individuals with high et al (2004) found that the most prominent driving

Mahmud Fatonim, IJSRM Volume 06 Issue 08 August 2018 [] EL-2018-570

force of engagement is the feeling of value and take action beyond their responsibilities when they
involvement. are satisfied with their work, moods and so on.
Employees with large direct responsibilities will
H3: Employee engangement directly affects OCB improve their performance.

2.4 The direct effect of Organizational Commitment H5: OCB directly influences employee performance
on OCB
The results of research by Amanda (2013) 2.6 The Indirect Influence of Employee Engagement
indicate that Organizational commitment has a on Employee Performance Through OCB
significant impact on OCB. Commitment to the Employee engagement is a positive attitude of
organization means more than just formal employees to the organization and value of the
membership, as it includes an attitude of liking to organization. Employees with engagement to the
the organization and a willingness to seek high company have a physical, cognitive, and emotional
levels of effort for the benefit of the organization for connection to their role in work (Albrecht, 2010).
the achievement of the goal. Under this definition, Employee engagement is the extent to which a
organizational commitment includes an element of person is committed, dedicated himself and loyal to
loyalty to the organization, involvement in work, his or her organization, employer, job and
and identification of organizational values and goals. coworkers. Dedication refers to feelings of meaning,
Commitment to the organization involves three enthusiasm, inspiration, pride and challenge.
attitudes: (1) Identification with organizational Absorption is characterized by full concentration,
goals, (2) Feelings of involvement in organizational interest in work and difficulty in breaking away from
tasks, and (3) Feelings of loyalty to the organization. work. Highly dedicated employees are having a great
This means that employees committed to the sense of responsibility for their own performance.
organization perceive value and importance to
integrate personal and organizational goals, so that H6: Employee engagement indirectly influences
the goals of the organization are their personal goals. performance through OCB
Jobs that are his job are understood as personal
interests, and have a desire to always be loyal for the 2.7 The Indirect Effect of Organizational
sake of organizational progress. Organizational Commitment on Performance Through OCB
commitment as a relative power of partisanship and Organizational commitment is a relative strength
involvement of an organization. In other words of the individual in identifying his or her
organizational commitment is the attitude of involvement into the organization. Commitment to
workers' loyalty to the organization and is an the organization means more than just formal
ongoing process of the organization's members to membership, as it includes an attitude of loving the
express its concern to the organization and it organization and a willingness to seek high levels of
continues to success and prosperity. With effort for the benefit of the organization for the
commitment to employees, OCB will automatically achievement of the goal. Under this definition,
be established. organizational commitment includes an element of
loyalty to the organization, involvement in work,
H4: Organizational commitment directly influences and identification of organizational values and goals.
OCB Highly committed employees will be responsible for
all their actions or in other words created OCB so
2.5 The Direct Effect of OCB on Employee that their performance can increase.
Robbins and Judge (2012) stated that OCB as H7: Organizational commitment indirectly
an optional behavior that is not part of an employee's influences performance through OCB
formal employment obligation, but effectively
supports the organization's functioning. OCB is a 3. Methodology
voluntary behavior of a worker to undertake a task This study uses quantitative approach. Types
or job outside of responsibility or obligation for the of data in this study is primary data obtained from
advancement of his organization. Employees tend to distributing questionnaires to the respondents.

Mahmud Fatonim, IJSRM Volume 06 Issue 08 August 2018 [] EL-2018-571

Population in this study are all employees of PT Table 1. Characteristics of Respondents
BCA, Tbk Jember branch as many as 162 Based on Age
employees. The sample observed is determined by No Age (years Number of %
the census method, where total population is used as old) Respondent(s)
research sample, so the number of research samples 1. < 19 12 7
are 162 employees (121 permanent employees and 2. 21-25 24 15
41 contract employees). To answer research 3. 26-30 35 21
question, the analystical tool used is path analysis 4. 31-35 5 3
which is done on two groups of sample: 1) a sample 5. 36-40 3 2
of permanent employees and 2) a sample of contract 6. 41-45 15 10
employees . The exogen variables are employee 7. 46-50 32 20
engagement and organizational commitment, the 8. 51-55 36 22
intervening variable is OCB, and the endogen Total 162 100
variable is employee performance. Based on Gender
No. Gender Number of %
4. Result and Discussion
4.1 Results 1. Male 47 29
a. Characteristics of Respondents 2. Female 115 71
Characteristics of respondents describe the Total 162 100
composition of age, gender, latest education, and Based on Latest Education
type of employee and it is shown on table 1. As No Latest Number of %
shown on the table, the percentage of employees Education Respondent(s)
over 31 years is 55% which means that experienced 1. Senior High 36 22
and senior employees at PT. Bank Central Asia, Tbk School
Jember Branch is more able to perform well and 2. Diploma 10 6
expected to have more engaged to the company 3. Bachelor 110 68
dimension, having more organizational commitment, 4. Master 6 4
having better OCB to improve PT. Bank Central Total 162 100
Asia, Tbk Jember Branch. PT. BCA, Tbk Jember
Based on Type of Employee
branch has more female employees than men.
No Type of Number of %
Female employees are expected to have better
Employee Respondent(s)
service capability, have higher dedication, more
1. Contract 41 26
focus and more resistance in facing job pressure in
order to improve the performance of bank. The
2. Permanent 121 74
employees of PT. BCA, Tbk Jember branch is
considered to accomplish high education, at least
Total 162 100
bachelor degree. Those who just graduate from high
school are contract employees. From the data above, Source: Processed questionnaires, 2018
the human resources in PT. BCA, Tbk Jember
branch are dominated by bachelor graduates. PT. b. The Result of Path Analysis
BCA, Tbk Jember branch has more permanent Path analysis is used to analyze the influence of
employees than contract employees, it indicates that employee engagement and organizational
there are many employees who have committed to commitment to employee performance with OCB
this company, while contract employees who are not variable as intervening variable at PT. BCA, Tbk
yet becoming permanent employees are expected to Branch oJember. Each path tested represents the
have higher levels of employee engagement and hypothesis proposedin this study The results of
organizational commitment. direct impact based on path coefficient test are
presented in Table 2.
Table 2 shows that organizational
commitment has a dominant influence over OCB
with the direct path effect coefficient of 0.490 and
this is the strongest path, then it followed by the path
of organizational commitment to performance with

Mahmud Fatonim, IJSRM Volume 06 Issue 08 August 2018 [] EL-2018-572

direct path coefficient of 0.477. Based on the results Commitme
of path coefficient test in table 2, then the model nt (X2)
expressed in the form of equation is presented as Organizatio OCB 0,22 0,01 Signific
follows: nal (Y1) 6 0 ant
Y1contract = 0,274 X1 + 0,490 X2 + e Commitme
Y2contract = 0,412 X1 + 0,477 X2 + 0,383 Y1 + e nt (X2)
Source: SPSS Output, 2018

Table 2. Coefficient of Regression Analysis on Based on the results of the path coefficient test
Contract Employee as in Table 3, the model expressed in the form of
Independe Depende Std. Co Conclus equation is presented as follows:
nt Variable nt Dev ef ion
Variable Y1permanent = 0,281 X1 + 0,226 X2+e
Employee Performa 0,41 0,0 Signific Y2permanent = 0,448 X1 + 0,171 X2 + 0,202 Y1+e
engagement nce (Y2) 2 11 ant
(X1) Result of Hypothesis Test (t-test)
Employee OCB 0,27 0,0 Signific Hypothesis test aims to examine the direct and
engagement (Y1) 4 49 ant indirect effects of employee engagement and
(X1) organizational commitment to employee
OCB (Y1) Performa 0,38 0,0 Signific performance with OCB variable as intervening
nce (Y2) 3 37 ant variable. Hypothesis test done on contract employee
Organizatio Performa 0,47 0,0 Signific is shown on Table 4.
nal nce (Y2) 7 08 ant
Commitme Table 4. The Result of t-test on Contract and
nt (X2) Permanent Employees
Organizatio OCB 0,49 0,0 Signific
nal (Y1) 0 01 ant
Commitme Variable t- t- Beta Sig.
nt (X2) value table
Source: SPSS Output, 2018 Contract Employees
Table 3 shows that employee engagement has a Variable:
dominant effect on performance with direct impact Performance 2,66 0,41 0,01
coefficient of 0.448 and this is the strongest path, Independent 5 2 1
then it followed by path from employee engagement Variable: 2,79 0,47 0,00
to OCB with direct path coefficient of 0.281. a. Employee 9 1,684 7 8
engagement 2,16 0,38 0,03
Table 3. Coefficient of Regression Analysis on b. Organiationa 9 3 7
Permanent Employee l commitment
c. OCB
Independe Depende Std. Coe Conclu Dependent
nt nt Dev f sion Variable: OCB
Variable Variable Independent 2,03 0,27 0,04
Employee Performa 0,44 0,00 Signific Variable: 4 4 9
engagemen nce (Y2) 8 0 ant a. Employee 3,64 0,49 0,00
t (X1) engagement 0 0 1
Employee OCB 0,28 0,00 Signific b. Organiationa
engagemen (Y1) 1 1 ant l commitment
t (X1) Permanent Employees
OCB (Y1) Performa 0,20 0,02 Signific Dependent
nce (Y2) 2 5 ant Variable:
Organizatio Performa 0,17 0,04 Signific Performance 5,14 0,29 0,02
nal nce (Y2) 1 9 ant Independent 7 1 2

Mahmud Fatonim, IJSRM Volume 06 Issue 08 August 2018 [] EL-2018-573

Variable: 1,99 0,19 0,02
a. Employee 4 1,65 7 3 Direct Effect:
engagement 2,26 8 0,28 0,01 1) The influence of employee engagement (X1) on
b. Organiationa 4 6 4 performance (Y2)
l commitment
c. OCB DExy = X1 → Y2
Dependent DExy = 0.412
Variable: OCB
3,27 0,28 0,00 2) The influence of organizational commitment (X2)
5 1 1 on performance (Y2)
a. Employee 2,63 0,22 0,01 DExz = X2 → Y2
engagement 1 6 0
DExz = 0.477
b. Organization
al commitment 3) The influence of OCB (Y1) on performance (Y2)
Source: SPSS Output, 2018 DEzy = Y1 → Y2

As shown on the Table 4, hypothesis 1,2,3,4, DEzy = 0.383

and 5 are accepted because all of the t-values are
greater than t-table. We can also look at the
Indirect Effect :
significance values which are less than error level
(5%). It means that employee engagement directly 1) Indirect influence of employee engagement (X1)
affects employee performance, organizational on performance (Y2) through OCB (Y1)
commitment directly affects employee performance, IEy2y1x1 = X1 → Y1 → Y2
employee engagement directly affects OCB,
organizational commitment directly affects OCB, IEy2y1x2 = (0,477)+{(0,490 x 0,383)}
and OCB directly affects employee performance. = 0,664

Path Calculation 2) Indirect influence of organizational commitment

The models of path analysis after performing (X2) on performance (Y2) through OCB (Y1)
regression analysis can be presented as follows: IEy2y1x2 = X2 → Y1 → Y2
a. Contract Employee
IEy2y1x2 = (0,477)+{(0,490 x 0,383)}
= 0,664
b. Permanent Employees

4.2 Discussion
a. The Direct Effect of Quality of Work Life on the
Work Motivation of PT. Bank BCA Branch Jember
Based on the analysis, it was found that the quality
Figure 1. Model of Path Analysis of Contract of work life has a significant and positive effect on
Employees work motivation of the employees of PT. Bank BCA
Figure 4.2 Model of Path Analysis of
After knowing the coefficient of each path, we Permanent Employees
then calculate the direct influence between employee
engagement (X1) variable on performance (Y2),
direct influence between organizational commitment After knowing the coefficient of each path, we
(X2) on performance (Y2), direct influence between then calculate the direct influence between employee
OCB (Y1) on performance (Y2), indirect effect of engagement (X1) variable on performance (Y2),
employee engagement (X1) on performance (Y2) direct influence between organizational commitment
through OCB as mediator (Y1), and indirect (X2) on performance (Y2), direct influence between
influence of organizational commitment (X2) on OCB (Y1) on performance (Y2), indirect effect of
performance (Y2) through OCB (Y1). employee engagement (X1) on performance (Y2)

Mahmud Fatonim, IJSRM Volume 06 Issue 08 August 2018 [] EL-2018-574

through OCB as mediator (Y1), and indirect commitment indirectly affects performance through
influence of organizational commitment (X2) on OCB are accepted.
performance (Y2) through OCB (Y1).
4.2 Discussion
The Direct Effect of Employee Engangement on
a. Direct Effect (DE): Employees’ OCB at PT. BCA, Tbk Branch
1) The influence of employee engagement (X1) on
performance (Y2) Statistical result showed that employee
DExy = X1 → Y2 engagement has a direct significant effect on OCB,
which means the better employee engagement
DExy = 0,448 occurred at PT. BCA, Tbk Jember, the higher also
2) The influence of organizational commitment (X2) the Organizational Citizenship Behavior (OCB) on
on performance (Y2) both contract and permanent employees, vice versa.
The magnitude of this relationship on permanent
DExz = X2 → Y2
employees is larger than contract employees. This is
DExz = 0,171 because the employee composition of PT. BCA, Tbk
3) The influence of OCB (Y1) on performance (Y2) Jember Branch which has 55% of senior employees
indicates that in running the company, PT. BCA,
DEzy = Y1 → Y2 Tbk Jember Branch is held by experienced people
DEzy = 0,202 with high employee engagement level in the
company. Senior employees can not be doubted that
b. Indirect Effect : they have more engagement than junior employees
1) Indirect influence of employee engagement (X1) who just have been working for a short time and
on performance (Y2) through OCB (Y1) have not had a strong sense of belonging to the
company. Regardless of which is the highest
IEy2y1x1 = X1 → Y1 → Y2
between both, the employee engagement performed
IEy2y1x1 = (0,448)+{(0,281 x 0,202)} by senior employees and junior still be able to cause
= 0,504 OCB.
Robinson, et al (2004) define employee
2) Indirect influence of organizational commitment engagement as a positive behavior of employees
(X2) on performance (Y2) through OCB (Y1) towards the value of the organization. Engaged
IEy2y1x2 = X2 → Y1 → Y2 employees have a physical, cognitive, and emotional
connection to their role in work (Albrecht, 2010).
IEy2y1x2 = (0,171)+{(0,226 x 0,202)} According to Schaufeli and Bakker (2003),
= 0,216 engagement is a positive state, fulfillment, views on
working conditions characterized by strength,
Based on the analysis results,it can be seen that
dedication, and absorption. They said that
the magnitude of the direct influence of X2 to Y1 on
engagement is a more persistent and thorough state
contract employees reaches 0.490 and it is the
of mind and feeling, not just focusing on the object
largest effect among the other direct influences. But
of individual events or specific behaviors.
the value of direct variable effect is less than the
Employees of PT. BCA, Tbk Jember who have
value of indirect effect, this is due to the existence of
engagement emerge the behavior of assisting
intervening variable in the indirect effect calculation.
colleagues in completing their work, such as willing
Then for permanent employees, the value of the
to volunteer to help new colleagues, helping co-
direct effect of X1 to Y2 reaches 0.448 and it is the
workers who get overloaded work, doing the work
largest effect among other direct effects. The results
of absent colleagues.
of calculations on contract and permanent employees
The result of this study supports a research
indicate that the value of influence is greater on
conducted by Vincentia and Fibria (2013) who
contract employees. Based on Table 4.4, it can be
found that employee engagement influences OCB.
concluded that the sixth hypothesis (H6) stating that
Putu (2016) found that there is a significant
employee engagement indirectly affects employee
influence between employee engagement and OCB.
performance through OCB and the seventh
The implication is employees at PT. BCA, Tbk
hypothesis (H7) stating that organizational
Jember Branch can increase energy and morale in

Mahmud Fatonim, IJSRM Volume 06 Issue 08 August 2018 [] EL-2018-575

order to arise the sense of volunteer to be willing to the initiative to increase productivity within the
perform duty outside of its obligation for the company. The results of this study do not support
progress of PT. BCA, Tbk Jember branch. research conducted by Amanda (2013) who found
The results showed that the contract employees has that organizational commitment has no significant
the good energy and mental resilience, willingness to impact on OCB. But this study supports a research
work earnestly, and persistent in the face of by Rahayu (2017) who showed that organizational
adversity. In addition, employees also have good commitment variable had positive and significant
dedication, enthusiasm, inspiration, pride, challenge, effect on OCB variable.
concentration, and interest in work so it raises
altruism, spotmanship, and civic virtue.. The Direct Effect of Employee Engangement on
The Employees Performance at PT. BCA, Tbk
The Direct Effect of Organizational Commitment Jember Branch.
on Employees’ OCB at PT. BCA, Tbk Jember The hypothesis test result showed that employee
Branch engagement has a significant direct influence on
The path analysis result showed that employees performance, which means the better
organizational commitment has a significant direct employee engagement occurs in PT. BCA, Tbk
influence on OCB, which means the better Jember branch, the higher the performance of
organization commitment occurred at PT. BCA, Tbk employees, vice versa. The results of the analysis
Jember Branch, the higher also the employees’ also showed that employee engagement on
OCB, vice versa. Both contract and permanent permanent employees is greater than the effect on
employees also have high commitment to the contract employees. This happens because the
company, and it is shown by the commitment of working period of permanent employees in PT.
permanent employees who have a composition of BCA, Tbk Jember Branch is longer than contract
74% in PT. BCA, Tbk Jember Branch which has an employees, so they have more openness and higher
effect magnitude of 0.226. But this effect is larger on connectivity both physically, cognitively, and
contract employees which has composition of 26% emotionally to his colleagues and to their work.
of whole employees. This is because contract Robinson et al (2004) define employee
employees still have high ideals and desires to be engagement as a positive behavior of employees
able to work in PT. BCA, Tbk Jember Branch as towards the organization and value of the
well as being a permanent employee. organization. Engaged employees have a physical,
Streers (in Munandar, 2004: 75), stated that cognitive, and emotional connection to their role in
organizational commitment is the nature of an work (Albrecht, 2010). According to Marciano
individual's relationship with the organization by (2010), employee engagement is the extent to which
showing the following characteristics: accepting a person is committed, dedicated himself and loyal
organizational values and goals, having a desire to to the organization, their boss, and their coworkers.
act for his organization, and having a strong desire Because the employees of PT. BCA, Tbk Jember
to remains together with his organization. Griffin Branch are having good employee engagement, they
(2004: 15), states that organizational commitment is may eventually improve the quality and quantity of
an attitude that reflects the extent to which an work, timeliness, effectiveness and independence
individual knows and is tied to his organization. The that can carry out its work function without
employees who feel more committed to the requesting assistance, guidance from supervisors or
organization have reliable habits, plan to stay longer requesting the intervention of supervisors in order to
in the organization, and devote more effort in the avoid adverse outcomes.
work, because they finally have behavior of assisting This result supports a research conducted by
colleagues in completing the work, for example Nabilah and Jafar (2014) who found that employee
willing to volunteer to help colleagues, to help co- engagement affects employee performance
workers who gets overloaded work, doing the work positively. This study does not support a research of
of a co-worker who does not come in. Organization Shindie et al (2015) who found that employee
commitment is also reflected in the behavior of engagement has no significant effect on employee
accepting the less ideal conditions, for example do performance which means that the level of employee
not like to complain narrowly, do not like to neglect engagement makes no employee performance
reality, participate in corporate life activities, such as improvement at PT PLN (Persero) in Bekasi. Putu
attending meetings, willing to follow or adhere to (2016) found that employee engagement has a
changes that occur within the company, and having significant effect on the individual performance.
Mahmud Fatonim, IJSRM Volume 06 Issue 08 August 2018 [] EL-2018-576
The results showed that the the employees of PT. on employee performance. Rahayu (2017) found that
BCA, Tbk Jember, both contract and permanent organizational commitment has a positive and
employees, have high energy and mental resilience significant effect on performance variable.
while working, willingness to work earnestly, and
having persistent in the face of adversity. In
addition, employees also have a dedication that is a The Direct Effect of OCB on Employees
feeling full of meaning, enthusiasm, inspiration, Performance at PT. BCA, Tbk Jember Branch.
pride, absorption, and interest in the workplace. The statistical result showed that OCB has a
significant direct effect on performance, which
The Direct Effect of Organizational Commitment means the better OCB occured at PT. BCA, Tbk
on Employees Performance at PT. BCA, Tbk Jember branch, the higher the performance of
Jember Branch. employees, vice versa. The results show that the
The results of the analysis showed that effect of contract employee’s OCB on their
organizational commitment has a significant direct performance is greater than permanent employees,
influence on the performance, which means the this is due to the recent working age making contract
better organizational commitment occurred at PT. employees more want to show that he has high
BCA, Tbk Jember branch, the higher the empathy, willingness to help colleagues, and high
performance of employees, vice versa. The result responsibilities, or it can be said that they want to
also indicates that the influence of organizational prove themselves that he deserves to work
commitment on permanent employees performance permanently in the company.
is not as strong as contract employees. This Robbins and Judge (2013) defined OCB as an
condition happens because contract employee is optional behavior that is not part of an employee's
more accepting the values and goals of the company, formal employment obligation, but it supports the
and more fear if his working period is not extended, effective functioning of the organization. Another
thus they are more maximizing their work to achieve opinion expressed by Gary (2012) who explained
better performance. that OCB is a voluntary behavior of a worker to be
Griffin (2004: 15) stated that organizational willing to perform tasks, responsibility, or
commitment is an attitude that reflects the extent to obligations for the progress or benefit of the
which an individual knows and is tied to his organization.
organization. Employees who feel more committed This result do not support a research by Amanda
to the organization have reliable habits, plan to stay (2013) who found that OCB has no effect on
longer in the organization, and devote more effort to employee performance. Putu (2016) found that OCB
work. According to Robbins (2013), declaring has an effect on individual performance. Ticoalu
commitment to an organization is defined as a (2013) found that the OCB had a significant effect
situation in which an employee sides with a on employee performance.
particular organization and its goals, and intends to The result also showed that the employees in PT.
maintain membership in the organization. Robbins BCA, Tbk Jember branch have the behavior of
(2013) viewed organizational commitment as one of helping colleagues in completing the work, for
work attitude, because it reflects a person's feelings example willing to volunteer to help less-understood
about the organization. Robbins (2013) defined it as colleagues and new colleagues, helping co-workers
an individual orientation to an organization that who get overload work, and doing work of colleague
includes loyalty, identification, and involvement. who is on absent. Employees also have the attitude
Thus, organizational commitment is the orientation of accepting unpleasant conditions or circumstances
of the active relationship between the individual and that are less ideal, for example, do not like to
his organization. The orientation of the relationship complain narrowly, do not like to neglect reality, and
results in an individual’s willing to give something have the responsibility to participate in corporate life
of his own, and something that is given illustrates activities, for example attending meetings that are
his support for the achievement of organizational not necessary for him but beneficial to the company,
goals. willing to follow or obey the changes that occur
This kind of result supports a research conducted within the company, and having the initiative to
by Amanda (2013) who found that organizational increase company’s productivity.
commitment has a significant impact on employee The Indirect Effect of Employee Engangement on
performance. Ticoalu (2013) also found that Employee Performance through OCB at PT.
organizational commitment has a significant effect BCA, Tbk Jember Branch.
Mahmud Fatonim, IJSRM Volume 06 Issue 08 August 2018 [] EL-2018-577
Based on hypothesis test, employee engagement Organizational commitment is a relative strength
has a significant indirect effect on employee of the individual in identifying his or her
performance through OCB. This indirect effect is involvement into the organization. Commitment to
greater on contract employees than on permanent the organization means more than just formal
employees. This is because contract employees are membership, as it includes an attitude of liking to
having a strong desire to become permanent the organization and a willingness to seek high
employees. Employee engagement is a positive levels of effort for the benefit of the organization for
attitude of employees to the organization and value the achievement of the goal. According to Greenberg
of the organization. Engaged employees have a & Baron (2003: 182) the forms of organizational
physical, cognitive, and emotional connection to commitment are: affective commitment, which is the
their role in work (Albrecht, 2010). Employee strength of a person's desire in working for the
engagement is the extent to which a person is organization or company because he agrees with the
committed, dedicated himself and loyal to his or her goals of the organization and wants to do it,
organization, employer, job and coworkers continuance commitment, which is the strength of
(Marciano, 2010). According to Schaufeli and one's desire in continuing his job for the
Bakker (2003), the aspects that build on the organization because he needs the job and can not do
dimensions of engagement are strength, dedication, other work, and normative commitment, which is
and absorption. Dedication refers to feelings of the strong desire of a person in continuing his work
meaning, enthusiasm, inspiration, pride and for the organization because he feels obliged from
challenge. Absorption is characterized by full others to be maintained. Based on the above
concentration, interest in work, and difficulty in explanation, in the organizational commitment
breaking away from work. Highly dedicated includes elements of loyalty to the organization,
employees mean having a great sense of involvement in work, and identification of the values
responsibility for performance. The OCB dimension and goals of the organization. Highly committed
stated by Organ (2006) is the behavior of assisting employees will be responsible for all their actions or
co-workers in completing their work, the behavior of in other words created OCB so that performance can
accepting unpleasant conditions or circumstances increase.
that are less ideal, and the responsibility behavior to The results of this study do not support a research
participate in the company's life activities. by Amanda (2013) who found that organizational
The results of this study support the research by commitment has a significant impact on employee
Putu (2016) who found that there is significant performance, but organizational commitment has no
influence of employee engagement through OCB on significant effect on employee performance through
individual performance. This study does not support Organizational Citizenship Behavior (OCB).
the research by Maharani et al (2013) who found
that OCB does not mediate the relationship between 5. Conclusion
transformational leadership on performance. That's Based on the analysis done on contract and
because OCB arises from individuals not from permanent employees in PT. BCA, Tbk Jember
others. When the employee is satisfied, he will branch, we conclude some results. We finally can
contribute a higher role (OCB) than the other accept all of the hypotheses. We report that
person's role. If employees are satisfied, their employee engagement has a significant direct effect
tendency to do OCB will be stronger. on employee performance and this effect is found
The Indirect Effect of Organizational higher when it is done on permanent employees. The
Commitment on Employee Performance through organizational commitment of PT. BCA employees
OCB at PT. BCA, Tbk Jember Branch. has a significant direct effect on employee
Based on path analysis, it can be interpreted that performance, and this effect is higher on the sample
organizational commitment has a significant effect of contract employees. The employee engagement
on employee performance through OCB. The has a significant direct effect on OCB, and the effect
influence of existing organizational commitment on magnitude is bigger on permanent employees. The
employee performance through OCB is greater value organizational commitment has a significant direct
when it was done on contract employee than on effect on OCB and this kind of influence is found
permanent employees. This is because bhakti higher when it is done on contract employees of PT.
employees are still very eager to become permanent BCA Jember Branch. The OCB of employees has a
employees so they will show stronger commitment significant direct impact on employee performance
to the company. and this relationship is stronger on contract
Mahmud Fatonim, IJSRM Volume 06 Issue 08 August 2018 [] EL-2018-578
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