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FILE No.905 08.07.06 15:54 — ID:CROWN*SOLS. FAX :s22q5220 PAE 3 17 CROWN SOLICITOR'S OFFICE NEW SOUTH WALES ‘Your Ref: My Ret; £DU0S702762 T? Christa |.udilow Email: 30 June 2006 Mrs Jolanda Chaliia Dear Mrs Chatlta Comments on website refer to the website: ‘on which you have posted a umber of commenis conceming the Department of Education and its staff, In particular, a comment posted on June 28 at 00.19 am as follows: “It appears that only Magda Pollak of the Selective Schools Unit knows how to identity a gifted child and as far as she is concerned, na matter what the Psychologist (sic) say, no matter what the teachers say, no matter what the District Office says she is not going to identity my children and offer my children @ place, in fact she will even go in after hours ang do what ever she has to do to make sure that they are kept out. She is evil, vexatious and she is discriminating against my children and | am going to raport her fo DOCS." ‘These allegations are defamatory of Ms Pollak and as you are well aware they are untrue and have no basis in fact. Your continued attempts to defame and victimise Ms Pollak by publicising these comments have been noted by the Department of Education and Training. You should retract your comments immediately and refrain from placing any similar comments on this ar any other website, If this is not done legal action may be taken, Yours faithfully Christa Ludiow Senior Solicitor for Crown Solicitor CROWN SOLICITOR'S OFFICE nw so 132.005 S46 * 60-70 Elizabeth Street Sydney NSW 2000 = GPO Sex 25 Sydney 2001 + DX 19 Sydney Telephone 02 3228 3000 « FarOz 9224 5012» Email crownssiAage AEWLEOLY * WwW SeO.REMEEN DH EDunsTo2TS2 02006/118050

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