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Importance of computer science education

The primary aim of a computer science teacher should be to inculcate logical thinking and
problem-solving skills
By Asil Ali
Published: August 6, 2017
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The writer is an undergrad student at the Institute of Business Administration with a keen interest
in semantic web and data mining. He can be reached at

Imagine a world without Google and you will see your life immediately coming to a standstill.
That is the power of Google — a tiny fraction of the products powered by the science behind
computers, saving the users a great amount of their precious time.
Indisputably, computer science has affected the entire human race in such a way that there is no
point of going back. In order to survive, one has to be on a par with the continuously unfolding
trends of time. So, it is becoming mandatory for everyone to receive quality computer education
irrespective of what field they have chosen to pursue.

Today, we are evolving towards a more and more computer-dependent society. As a matter of
fact, almost every modern technology, whether directly or indirectly, depends on the applications
of computer science. The advent of artificial intelligence (AI), a branch of computer science, in
particular has played a pivotal role in changing the dynamics of the professions throughout the
world. A New Zealand-made mobile app named Betty is being used by local dairy farmers to
replace veterinarians. Farmers using the app are presented with a series of questions, with the
response combined with regional farm and weather data to produce a list of the most likely
causes of disease in their animals.

Now this is just one instance of the utility of AI, where the farmers who probably have little or
no computer education will, firstly, have to get training to make use of the application. The point
of stating this is to highlight the necessity of gaining the computer education. The future
demands every individual working or not working to be highly equipped with modern computer

Apart from the growing necessity of computer education in modern life and general social
context, computer education helps in developing mental capabilities which are required to solve
deep and multidimensional problems requiring imagination and sensitivity to a variety of
concerns. Programming, which resides at the heart of computer science, is the main process of
problem-solving. No matter what your field is, a course in basic programming will help you
better your logical thinking and the ability to abstract. By being able to think logically, you can
better connect ideas together and make your point in a more coherent manner.

However, is teaching computer science different from other subjects? Since the discipline
encompasses the processes such as programming and designing solution, it is said to involve
logical thinking and mathematical modeling. It is highly efficient to learn by doing. Unlike other
disciplines, an effective methodology of teaching computer science revolves more around the
practical tasks than the theory.

A computer science teacher must need to have certain distinctive traits that distinguish him from
other teachers. The first and foremost quality he or she must possess is to be a good facilitator.
What facilitated learning does is it encourages the students to take more control of their learning
process. A facilitator is meant to guide and assist the students in learning for themselves —
picking up different problem sets, forming their own algorithms and creating solutions through
logical thinking.

Unlike many other disciplines, computer science is a very fast-paced discipline. One can never
guarantee that the concepts and practices that prevail now would be there tomorrow. Therefore, it
becomes very difficult for the teachers to keep up with the continually changing technology in a
particular field. However, if a teacher is a facilitator he will become an integral part of the group
of students to solve the problem. This sort of teaching methodology not only encourages the
students but also invigorate the learning process of a teacher without affecting his or her self-
esteem in front of their students.

Ultimately, the primary aim of a computer science teacher should be to inculcate logical thinking
and problem-solving skills which are the underlying basis of the modern computer education
pressingly needed to cope with the emerging challenges of day to day life.

Published in The Express Tribune, August 6th, 2017.

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The Internet and Press

On the Internet, the majority of websites are written and created in English. Even sites in other
languages often give you the option to translate the site. It's the primary language of the press: more
newspapers and books are written in English than in any other language, and no matter where in the
world you are, you will find some of these books and newspapers available. In fact, because it is so
dominant in international communication, you will find more information regarding nearly every
subject if you can speak this language.


English is also essential to the field of education. In many countries, children are taught and
encouraged to learn English as a second language. Even in countries where it is not an official
language, such as the Netherlands or Sweden, we will find many syllabi in science and engineering
are written in English. Because it is the dominant language in the sciences, most of the research and
studies you find in any given scientific field will be written in it as well. At the university level,
students in many countries study almost all their subjects in English in order to make the material
more accessible to international students.

List of Countries by English Speaking Population

(click column header to sort results)

Country % English Speakers Total English Speakers

United States 94.2 298,444,149

India 10.35 125,226,449

Country % English Speakers Total English Speakers

Pakistan 49 92,316,049

Nigeria 53 82,941,000

United Kingdom 97.74 63,962,000

Philippines 56.63 57,292,884

Germany 64 51,584,000

Bangladesh 18 29,398,158

Canada 85.63 28,360,240

Egypt 35 28,101,325

France 39 25,500,000

Italy 34 20,300,000

Ghana 66.67 18,000,000

Australia 97.03 17,357,833

Thailand 27.16 17,121,187

South Africa 31 16,424,417


The Importance of the English Language in Today's

Updated on July 12, 2015

Language is our primary source of communication. It's the method through which we share our ideas
and thoughts with others. Some people even say that language is what separates us from animals
and makes us human.

There are thousands of languages in this world. Countries have their own national languages in
addition to a variety of local languages spoken and understood by their people in different regions.
Some languages are spoken by millions of people, others by only a few thousand.

<img src="" data-

ratio="0.54406130268199" alt="Map of countries where English is either the national language or an
official language. " title="Map of countries where English is either the national language or an official
language. "/>

Map of countries where English is either the national language or an official language. | Source

Why Learn English?

English was originally the language of England, but through the historical efforts of the British Empire
it has become the primary or secondary language of many former British colonies such as the United
States, Canada, Australia, and India. Currently, English is the primary language of not only countries
actively touched by British imperialism, but also many business and cultural spheres dominated by
those countries. It is the language of Hollywood and the language of international banking and
business. As such, it is a useful and even necessary language to know.

English is the International Common Tongue

There are several factors that make the English language essential to communication in our current
time. First of all, it is the most common foreign language. This means that two people who come
from different countries (for example, a Mexican and a Swede) usually use English as a common
language to communicate. That’s why everyone needs to learn the language in order to get in touch
on an international level. Speaking it will help you communicate with people from countries all over
the world, not just English-speaking ones.
Importance of Engliah while I am student of
Computer Science
Uploaded by irfan_chand_mian

My universty Teacher assigne me a topic " Importance of Engliah For Computer Science".but This topic Is
very Dificult.I Had Big search For My Presetation.

Importance of English in computer science The importance of knowing English in computer

science: It does not matter in the country in which we live if we work in systems speaking in
English is one of the most important tools that we can count on. The "technical" part of working
in computer science is learned easy, and fast. The reasons for the importance:

Most of the technology is developed in English-speaking countries.

Most of the information and books available are in English.
Certifying a technology requires knowledge of the language.
The software update is first performed for English systems.

The technology comes from English speaking countries:

Most of the technology we work with in day-to-day computing comes most from the United
States, Canada, and to a lesser extent from countries like England or Israel. There are other
technology developing countries but in most cases the parent company of the companies is
English speaking therefore the information, documentation and updates is done in English. We
like the language or not if we work in IT we will have to learn.

Comments to “Why are English majors studying computer science?”

1. Bob Seeman says:

March 10, 2018 at 3:45 pm

With the recent advent of artificial intelligence and companies like, there is
another reason why English majors should study computer science – it will soon be
possible to write smart contracts, i.e. program computers, in English.

2. Kameshwar Poolla says:

I think we must have a balance. Too many CS people think that their subject is more
important than everything — physics, math, biology, humanities — everything. This is an
extreme view. For many users, CS is a tool. But if you don’t have the foundations, what
are you going to use the tool for? Deep learning cannot discover newtons laws, or
principles of thermodynamics. Balance is key.

3. Ali says:
I thought that computer is better because in future everything is done on computer

4. mike says:
5. Computer science is a great field and need good analytical and problem solving skills.
6. Janice Partyka says:

It is unfortunate that it is sometimes difficult for students with certain majors to easily
find jobs. Recent studies indicate that a student’s major has an important impact on her
employment status after graduation. When deciding on a major it is important for
students to talk with recent grads about majors and careers. There is a new site in which
grads share their experience with their major and career and students can ask them
questions. It is

7. Raghuveer Parthasarathy says:

This is a fascinating post — thanks! Are there similar plots of CS enrollment for other
schools that you know of? I quickly made a rough one for the University of Oregon,
which shows similar increases, though more sudden (plotted here). Also: has anyone
systematically surveyed students about the motivations behind the upswing in appeal of
CS courses?

8. David Oppenheimer says:

Beautifully put, as always!

Devdatt Dubhashi says:

If you want to understand life, don’t think about vibrant, throbbing gels and oozes, think about
information technology.

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