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Why do teenagers spend more time with there friends?

I love people and enjoy helping others. I have a great thirst for knowledge and always strive to expand
my mind and thus my life.

As a teenager, I know that almost all teens feel like their parents are either out to get them, feel like
they have no privacy, so they might as well go out with friends(or maybe that's just me); are too
stressed and some are into drugs, drinking, smoking and what not. I know it doesn't seem like we get
stressed like adults do, but honestly, if you think about it.. we have it worse sometimes.. Keeping out
grades up to please our family, after school activities, chores at home, making time for friends, peer
pressure of drugs, sex, drinking, and staying out of trouble and then there's the Internet. I'm not saying
we don't need discipline, I'm just saying don't lay so much responsibility on us, and at least act like you
trust us unless we give you a reason not to. But who's fault is that? Look at the world now, look at the
people we're surrounded by, look at who's raising us.

It is certainly true that the teens of the 21st century have much more stress than previous decades and
the world has become much more dangerous for not only teens, but adults. Not all teens will become
drug or alcohol addicts; some will smoke and other won't, but those that do are driven by peer pressure
and it generally stems from their very own (teens and not the parents) where a teen wants to fit into a
group of other teens so is more apt to take risks with drugs or alcohol. It only takes once to be given a
drug or drink too much to be rendered unconscious and this is especially dangerous for female teens as
rape is up by a large percentage, not to mention the 'date rape drug.' To be more specific there are
some bad characters out there waiting for young female teens (even young teen males) and murder is a
high percentage as well, not to mention leading young females into prostitution (it does happen more
often than you think!) If a teen wants more freedom and responsibility then they are going to have to
earn that respect to get that freedom. If a parent says no to something then they have lived a lot longer
than that teen and are much more aware of the dangers out in society. Most parents love their children
no matter what age and until the teen turns 18 and is no longer a minor they are simply going to have to
deal with parents who have thankfully learned to say 'no' every so often to their teen. Parents are not
out to make their teen miserable, but love them (more than the teen realizes) and wants to protect
them. There are some parents who balance what freedom they choose to give their teens; there are
some parents who are too strict and then there are some parents who simply do not care. With many
parents where the two have to work it is extremely difficult for a teen to come home to an empty house
and perhaps the parents may be too tired or stressed themselves to spend quality time with their teens
and open up to hearing what their teen has to say. The parent who has a normal teen should bite the
bullet and trust their teen on occasion and depending on the circumstances. Remember your parents
were teens once themselves a long time ago and through their own experiences in life (we all make
mistakes along the way) and the good parents pass this knowledge along to their teens and later in life
that teen who becomes an adult; gets married and has children of their own will pass that knowledge off
to their children and you will do the same thing as far as discipline and keeping your children as safe as
you can. If a teens grades are decent; they do their chores at home; they respect their parents and
choose their friends wisely then that teen should ask their parents to sit down and listen to what they
have to say because that teen has earned some freedom and trust. Communication is extremely
important in all aspects of life. Good parents will listen to their teen and most likely the parents and
teen will come to an amicable decision to give that teen a little more freedom as time goes on. As far as
teens whining about 'look who is raising us' or 'my parents are too strict' you should be thankful your
parents even care enough to protect you, but that doesn't mean if you are not always getting into
trouble that you cannot sit down with your parents and in a mature way ask them for more freedom.
Remember this ... there are young mothers who may desert their child; young fathers who don't care
about their own child; parents who would rather party or are constantly traveling leaving their teen in
another's care and have their own freedom than care about what their teens are doing and then there
are teens out on the streets (aka: mean streets) that become victims of all sorts of dangerous acts. Being
a teen goes by very quickly although most teens will think it drags on forever. Even after the teen is no
longer a minor and becomes an adult parents will continue to worry about them, but most parents will
not interfere and pray their child or children feel free enough to come to them if they are in trouble.

Friendship Is Important to Teens

Peer relationships are very important to teens. 1) Friendships provide teens with opportunities to
develop conflict resolution skills. Teens can learn how to end a fight and still remain friends. 2) Friends
provide fun and excitement for teens through companionship and recreation. 3) Friends also give advice
to one another. Teens talk through lots of issues and problems with their friends. 4) Loyalty is a valued
trait in friendship. Teens are looking for loyal allies that can help them out at school or in their own
neighborhood. 5) Friendships also provide stability during times of stress or transition. It is helpful to
teens to have a friend who is going through the same situations and can ease the anxieties of the times.

What happens when youth don't have friends? Teens without friends tend to be more lonely and
unhappy. They tend to have lower levels of academic achievement and lower self esteem. As they get
older, they are more apt to drop out of school and to get involved in delinquent activities.

Friendships change as youth move into their teen years.

Teens tend to spend more time with their peers.

They are also more mobile than when younger so more time is spent with peers without parental

During the teen years, there will be increased contact with opposite-sex peers.
In the early teen years, often small groups of friends or cliques are formed which help to boost their
confidence and give them a sense of identity.

Another feature of the teen years is the emergence of crowds. These are large groups of teens who
gather together because they have characteristics that identify them with a particular crowd. Teens use
crowds to figure out who to associate with. Crowds help teens sort peers into groups of people they
would like to spend time with and those they wouldn't. Through crowds and cliques, teens show other
people who they are.

As parents, it is important to encourage friendships among teens. However, it is vital to know who your
teen's friends are and to communicate openly about changes in peer relationships and friendships with
your teens.

Source: Gateway: Parenting Into the Teen Years, Issue 6, University of Illinois Extension.

Why do students give more importance to friends rather than to parents?

5 Answers

Salman Gurung

Salman Gurung, Ethical Tourism Advocate | Entrepreneur

Updated Jun 21, 2016

Friendship is an essential part of life, be it of a human being or an animal.

As you have only mentioned students or children in this case, therefore, let me answer it by saying, Yes!,
children tend to value their friends more than their parents, mainly because;

They can share anything and everything with their friends without the fear of being judged or punished.

They can participate in like-minded stuffs; games, traveling etc.

Most parents are less likely to share or spend time with their children, therefore, creating a rift in
between their spiritual relationship. At such a time, friends can become true companions.

During difficult times, including the ones which you can't share your family, friends can be the real

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