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Which chemokine SDF-1 receptor serves as a Mode of transmission: Hepatitis E virus – Fecal-

secondary HIV receptor - CXCR4 oral only

Cell lines derived from human lung carcinoma – The smaller the virus, the more virulent it is –
A-549 False

Which is Heat stable? – HAV & HEV HIV can be inactivated by treatment for 10
minutes at room temperature with: - 35%
isopropyl alcohol
Alphavirus – Togaviridae

Phlebovirus – Bunyaviridae
Viral shedding in the body – False

Their vegetative hyphae are sparsely septate –

Tanapox – Yatapoxvirus Zygomycota

Subcutaneous mycosis presenting as local “The asexual spore are large, usually septate,
tumefaction & interconnecting often draining club, oval, or spindle in shape” – Macroconidia
snuses that contain granules – Mycetoma

Fungal Class of Coccidioides and Candida –

Causative agent of Tinea nigra - Exophiala Deuteromycetes

Dermatophyte species that causes the favic

Type of hyphae which is usually visible and is infection – T. schoennleinii
used for fungal identification – aerial hyphae

Fungal colony with long aerial hyphae would

This is used to identify the hyaline capsule of appear as: - cottony
yeast – India ink prep

This fungal infection develops into fungal

Viral attachment glycoprotein molecule on the disease: - Mycosis
surface of viruses – peplomer

Fungal infection involving the skin nail & hair –

Match: Owl’s eye appearance – CMV Cutaneous mycoses
Second most common causes of invasive Viral replication: exit of new viral progeny from
asppergillosis – A. flavus host cell – Release

Viruses contain both DNA and RNA – False Hepatitis E virus – Hepevirus

Matrix core protein of HIV virion – p17 High titers of HIV are found in these two body
fluids – blood and semen

Tick borne – Nairovirus

Heat inactivates while cold preserves most
viruses – True
Hepatitis B virus – enveloped ds DNA

Lone star virus – Bunyavirus**

Type of cell line WI-38 – Diploid Cell lines

Exhibits tuberculate macroconidia – H.

Causes pharyngoconjuctival fever – capsulatum

Subcutaenous infection with a disfiguring nasal

Isolation of phenol oxidase positive fungi mucosal nodules –
resulting to production of melanin – Rhinnoentomophthromycosis
Birdseed(Nigerseed) agar

The chemokine receptors used by HIV for cell

This specialized vegetative hyphae produce entry is also founds in the following cells except
asexual spore – Conidiophore – keratinocytes

Simplexvirus – alphaherpesvirinae Japanese B encephalitis – Flavivirus

Subcutaneous mycosis presenting as verrucous Dermatophyte genus with natural

cauliflower-like lesions and would show fluoresecence – Microsporum
sclerotic bodies on biopsy – Chromomycosis

Subcutaenous infection manifesting with nasal

Subcutaneous infection manifesting polypoid mass – Rhinosporidiosis
subcutaneous cyst – Phaehyphomycosis
Inclusion bodies are viral protein aggregates in
the infected cell - True
Match: Renal disease – BK virus

Type of cell line : KB – Heteroploid cell lines

Genotypic change which results to translation of
a different amino acid – Missense mutation

HIV reverse transcriptase – pol gene

Subcutaneous infection manifesting nodules

which may show cigar shaped yeast on
Vector of Colorado tick fever – Dermacentor
microscopy – Sporotrichosis

This causes progressiee multifocal leuco… - JC

Heteroploid cell lines can … - False

All viral infection results to cell proliferation –

These fungi do not exhibit a teleomorphic phase
– Deuteromycota

Type of hyphae which has uniform diametes

Their teleomorphic state results in four
size – Septate hyphae
meiosispores supported by a club-shaped
structure – Basidiomycota

Anopheles A and B mosquito- borne –

Naked virus has this as a protective layer –
protein coat

HBV marker present at the onset of infection –

This organism resides exclusively in soil
containing feces of certain bird and bats –
Used for stimulation of chlamydospore
production in Cadidas sp. – Cornmeal agar with
Tween 80
Exhibits sporangia/ spherule with endospores –
C. immitis

The converts the mold phase of Blatomyces to

yeast phase – Cottonseed agar
Match: Anogenital warts – HPV 6,11

Hepatitis D virus – Deltavirus

Protein coat of the virus is known as its: - capsid
MA p17 – gag gene Most rna replicate in nucleus


Most common cause of congenital infection: -

Causative agent of white piedra

Trichosporon beigelli

The organism resides exclusively in soil

containing feces of certain burds


Sindbis virus


This causes progressive multifocal

leucoencephalopathy in immunocompromised
Hepatis A virus family
patients: JC VIRUS

The chemokine receptors used by hiv except

Causative agent of tinea nigra
Exophiala werneckii

Fungal infections limjted to the outermost dead

laters of skin and hair Subcutaneous infection manifesting
subcutaneous cyst
Superficial myco

These sexual spores are borne in saclike

structure This imparts a blur color to the cell wall of fungi
Ascospore Lactophenol cotton

Tupe of cell culture human embryonic kidney This fungal form consists of fungal mass
Primary cell culture Yeast
Cutaneous mucosa

Outer envelop glycoprotein if hiv virions

Gp41 Fungal colony with long aerial hyphae would

appear as

Which of the following has 2 segments of
nucleic acid

Reovirus Latent infections in glands and kidney


Which can only cause acute hepatitis

Hbv & hcv Hiv can be inactivated by treatment for 10

kinutes at room temperature

10% koh
Which of the following is an etiologic agent of
actinomycotic mycetoma

Pseudiallescherichia Orbivirus


Would show aseptate hyphae

Aspergillosis Rna viruses are more stable dna viruses


Phospholipid bilayer which surrounds some

Hepatitis e virus
Lipid envelope

Naked viruses are resistant to detergents

Type of cell culture: rabbit kidney
Primary cell culture

Match: atypical lymphocyte

Yellow fever
Ebv Selected Answer: Flavivirus

Fungal jnfections involving dermis, HIV integrase

subcutaeneous tissues, muscles and fascia
Selected Answer: pol gene
Match: infectious mononucleosis
Selected Answer: EBV RNA viruses are more stable than DNA
Selected Answer: False

This organism resides exclusively in soil

containing feces of certain birds and
Selected Answer: Histoplasmosis

Presence of this marker indicate current

HBV infection
would show pseudohyphae Selected Answer: HBeAg
Selected Answer: Candidiasis *** Anti- HBc

Selected Answer: betaherpesvirinae
Type of cell cuture: Rabbit Kidney (RK)
Selected Answer: Primary cell culture

Type of cell line with more than 25% of

cells have an abnormal karyotype
compared to the the normal cells of the
tissue source:
Selected Answer: Heteroploid Cell Lines
These are secondary segment branch
of conidiogenous hyphae.
Selected Answer: phialides
Venezuelan hemorrhagic fever
Selected Answer: Guanarito

Type of hyphae which has no

Selected Answer: aseptate hyphae

Heat inactivates while cold preserves

most viruses.
Selected Answer: True
This is used to identify the hyaline
capsule of yeast.
"The chemokine recptors used by HIV
for cell entry is also found in the Selected Answer: India ink preparation
following cells, EXCEPT:"
Selected Answer: neurons

Which of the following is NOT true for Which can cause Chronic Hepatitis?
HAV: Selected Answer: HBV & HCV
Selected It is destroyed by acid in
Answer: the stomach

Type of cell line: KB

Selected Answer: Heteroploid Cell Lines
exhibits non-encapsulated intracellular
Selected Answer: H. capsulatum

Match: infectious mononucleosis

Selected Answer: EBV

This fungal hair infection would show

demaciateous hyphae with ascospore:
Selected Answer: Black piedra
Sakhalin disease
Selected Answer: Nairovirus

"This asexual spore are small round,

elliptical, or pyriform shaped and is
Sexual reproduction involves a sac in
Selected Answer: microconidia which karyogamy and meiosis occur
producing ascospores
Selected Answer: Ascomycetes
This fungal hair infection would show
demaciateous hyphae with ascospore:
Selected Answer: Black piedra

Heteroploid cell lines can retain the

normal karyotype for approximately 20
to 50 subcutures before losing their
Selected Answer: False

Animal virus origin of HIV 1

Selected Answer: chimpanzee

This fungal form resembles bacterial

Selected Answer: yeast

This converts the mold phase of

Blastomyces to yeast phase.
Selected Answer: Cottonseed agar

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