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_-----------GEAR FUND.


Metallurgical Aspects
to be Considered in
Gear and Shaft Design
M. G.,Cnnyngham

IntroducUoD cheaper and quieler

In his Handbook qf Gear Design higher loads at increasing speeds. Wtis
(Ref. 1). Dudley tates (or understates); only through an increa ed knowledge
"The best gear people around ll1e world and understanding of 'the metallurgical
are now coming to realize that metallur- a peel of gear and shaft design that
gical qualiryis just a . important as gee- the. e demands can beati fied.
metric quality." Geometric accuracy For many y,ear , indu trial gear man-
without metallurgical integnt.yin any ufacturers have followed me \arger auto-
highly , tre ed gear Oil' shaft would only motive gear companies in introduclng
res 11II in wasted effort for all con- proces es . uch as gas carburizing '~or
cerned-the gear designer. the manufac- their small to medium siz'edgear .
turer, and the customer-as the compo- Surface hardening techniques such as
nern' life cycle would be prematurely flame hardening and contour induction and computer software (0 aid in this,
cut hart. A carburized automotive gear bardening are frequently used [0 process. He will utilize table and charts
or shaft with the wrong . urface hard- improve the endurance or load carrying in these references '10 obtai:nthe load
ness, case depth all' core hardne s may a:bil'ity. allowing reduced weight and carry:ing properties of variou material
1'101 even complete it ha ic warranty co 1. Gears and shafts manufactured for or, more likely. to compare the urface
period before failing 'I.orally at can ider- mining machines. for example. have load and bending endurance limits of
able expense and loss 'of prestige for the been surfa e hardened using techniques th available material . The mo I com-
producer and the eu tornez The unex- that. include go. earburizing, nitriding, monly tabulated metal!lugical property
pected early failure of a lar~e industrial induction hardening and shot peening. shown in these tables ami graphs is
gear or shaft ina coal mine or mill could In all of these cases, cu torner demands Brinen hardne s, which is directly relat-
result in lost production and income can be fuUy mel by an intimate knowl- .dm ultimate tensile strength, as are .all
while the machine i down since edge of the metallurgical change occur- indentation hardne S 'tests (Ref. 2).
replacement components may not be ring before, during and! after manufac- The e chart apply to n rmalized or
readily available. - ortunately, this sce- turing, Thi includes material selection, hardened. and tempered ueel gears up to
nario j not common. Most reputable machining, heal. treatment processing, a maximum. of about 400 Brinell hard-
gear and shaft. manufacturers around the shot peening. grinding. chemical treat- ness. MetallUll' factors such a ur-
world would never neglect. the metallur- ment and ubseqnent lubrication.
gical quality of their product. Desigp Engineer's Role
Additionally.thereexi t today a The de ign engineer has overall. M. G. C'Dnyngham
is /I IlU'lallllrgisl and II thin.Y· 'Or
wide range of sophisticated and reliable respen ibmty of the engineering specdl- IIt'ltron of Ihe Ilear iM1lStr)'. He i a
control equipment available to the gear cations of new gears and shafts used to Membu of Ihe Enginnring faculry
i'ndustry to ensure that all of the metal- transmit torque, change rotational at me Unilltrsiry ojWo/longong.
New South Walts. )luslraUa, ·....htrr
lurgical processes in gear making are speeds or drive machinery. This respon- he coordinates postgraduate educa-
adequately quality a ured, sibility includes calculating the geomet- tio« wilh lhe CooperoJi~ Rt'st'arch
New Oppo.rtunlti for ric or dimensional specification and Cente» for Marl!!riais Wtltling and
Joining. His rrsean:h irJIeTt'sU and
Manufacturers ensuring that the .Ioad can be transmit-
arras .oj expertis« inclutie g ar
In the automotive indu try, cus- ted moothly and safely without. break- process tl'cilooiogy and urfa t
tamer' have always demanded lighter, age or seizure, The designer mak:es u e
face microstructure, grain size and steel
cleanliness can have a major influence
all. gear and shaft endurance limits. but
they are typically ignored. Such factor

are not easily expressed numerically and
are difficult for the design engineer to
use directly in his calculations. It is
probable that the designer may consult
MORE ACCURACY tabtesgiving the full mechanical and
physical properties of specific materials

MORE EXPANSION and rate them on performance in areas

uch as impact strength, ducrility,
:fatigue life, or surface load and bending
MORE VERSATILITY endurance limits if these figure are
available. In reality. it is implied that the
LONGER UFE vast majority of vital metallurgical fac-
tors must be correctly dealt with by the

AND LESS COST? material supplier or process provider.

who must ensure that metallurgical
integrity and the optimum balance
between trength and toughne s proper-
tie .are achieved ill the final product.
LeCOUNT, Iinc., Materials Engineer's Role
12 Dewitt Dr, • POIBox 950 • W-hite, River Jet., VT 051101U.S.A. ht larger gear and shaft companies, it
1'e'I:I800) 642.0113 lor (1m) 296~2200· fax; (802) 296-6843 E.-mail: lecount<ih:oYeT,net. is the responsibility of the materials
Website: hnpil\vwW',SOi'el,nertlecDunt/ (includss, pJoductspecifielllionsl 1

engineer to ensure the metallurgical

integrity of the final product. This
ineludes selecting the correct materials
Now You Can Meet ISO '90011Gear I'nspection andthermal processing, as well as qual-
Demands With A Simp:l!e Mouse Click ity assurance of all the vital production
processes that could change the proper-
ties of the final gear or shaft. Many
metallic and nornmetaUic materials have
been successfuUy used to manufacture
gears (Ref. 6). A wide variety of steels.
cast irons, nonferrous alloys, phenolic
resin • thermoplastic and sintered iron
are available. but by far the greatest
number of highly stressed gears and
shafts are made from steels because of
their high strength to weight ratio and
Yes. it's (hat easy 10 gel aceept/reject testresuks to ISO, AGMA and D.IN standards with Mabr's
relatively low cost. Additionally. fer·
new DFI 890 sene double Ilank gear roll tesiers. l'.asy-tO-Ule,. Windows '!l5-compaLihJe
WinGearJl' lest and evaluation software leI! you determine Total Composite, Tooth-to-Tooth and reus materials gain their wide accep-
Radial Runout errors with a single mous click.
There's much more, of course, including Mabr's field-proven modular mechanical design and, tance from the fact that their structural
on the model H!l6. a highly sensitive leaf spring transmission which allows measuring force
properties can be modified by Ileat
adju tin nts to 0 ounces - 1!Il especially critical feature [or testing plastic and powdered metal gears.
For FREE F.ACTS, ,COlllad ,Ihe Mahr gear I1IelHVremenl.speciaJiltJ: treatment, and their surface chemistry
HJOO-96!J-1331.EiU: 51314119-2020, can. be changed by diffusing carbon or

nitrogen into their surfaces. It has been
estimated. for example, that reels
account for about ninety percent of all
The Measure of ¥OUf Quality
Mahr Corporation
gears and shafts produced in Australia.
11435 WllIia.mson Road' Cincinnati, OH~S241 "Phone: 1-800-969-1331 ,. Fax: 513/4119-2020 There are also, a wide range of surface
CdI. ~r WilliMd,'! M~ Prvl"Q,.
F_.,..p-,Iwul-AtIJ 8'''' ""I.1"""l IDols ' PC ",1Ilrvllnl. rloJJhjlad IDa Illkr>' GNGtlMl,Iwt1 tctn Il1IIl
hardening options to select from, so
t--. s..jta fi~iIJJ' /tst "fV-ifmuoJ for ##' II1IJJiIprofiln specia.list knowledge and material te t
CIRCLE 13Q equipment is required. [t is in this ailea
dun most materials engineer receive For the most. highly loaded gears and to smaller gear eompaaies thaI cannot
llIeir training. shafts, this uncertainty may affect the afford an in-house araterials engineer
Mechanical and materials engineers final fa tor of afety in the de ign calcu- and do not. pos ess ln-hou e heal trear-
work together in, their differing roles to laLions. The gear design standards may' rnent racHitie .
arrive at the correct design and manu- mention certain metallurgical factors to ,G r Tooth iLou.dio,g
facturing route to make better and be con idered, but '!Jiley may not give Any discussion of the metallasgical
cheaper gear, and Rafts that will not precise answer regarding what can be aspects of gear de ign mu t begin by
fai,1 prematurely. tolerated, Finally, confusion may exist looking at ba ic gear tooth loading.
Materials and, Preeess SeI~ecUon between !Jile different standards regard- Regardle s of the gear type, whether
In general. the de ign engineer will I ing how they hould be applied. I pur, bevel, helical. hypoid or worm, in
con lilt, with the materials engineer to ! These problems are of major concern highJy loaded mechanicali gear trains, the
discus all of the available options
before selectingthe final materials and
heat treatment processes that satisfy the

design requirements for a particular gear i
or ' han 11 well as :fulfill.the economic i
requirem.ents of lhe tmsi,ness in an


increasingly competitive environment.
In Australialhere are a limited Dumber i
of steels and prece options available ;
- - - -

(Ref. 6), .0 the right deci ion at the

de igl'l tage i .e ential. For example, an
automottseuansmissloa shan may be !
made from a low carbon alloy teel and i
carburizedl and quenched, Of it could be
atl factorily made from a cheaper plain
carbon steel and induction hardened.
The final decision wiU depend on the
configuration and type of gear or shaft
being considered as well as the location,
magnitude and duration of stresses that
are l:ikel.yto be present Abo vital are the
cnpabil,i.l)" reliability and cost of the met- proce es available at the time.
At this stage, ihe materials engineer
must consider metallurgical problems
such as distortion duri~g heal treatment
processing, the lLlrely impact and fatigue
load that may be encountered during
service, and the added cost related to
ensuring metallurgical ,quality. The two
engineer must be able to apply theory Visiit Show Centrall, the worl'd's premiere vhtual gear show. only at fbI
and experience 10 the particular applica- 688' Industry Home P8ge~. this 'online version 10I Gear IExpo'99 willfea-
tion in question so as to' arrive al the
desired resu·lt-a precision product at a
tum hUlldreds of companies showing the latest in gear manufacturing
competitive price to satisfy the customer. and testing technologri. You will ha,ve access to Web sites, product pho-
Con iderable experience and knowl-
tosand Ilit,erartur'B,.
online product d,emonstntions and much more, and ,all
edge of existing successfal designs is
normally required. Discussion of the within an int'eractive 3D 'ex_nibit hall brought rlight to,your desktopl
precise application needs and require-
ments may reveal, !.bat special problerns
exist with lubrication or overheating. IDIPENS MAY 1 19991 II
Impact loads are llonnaUy impossible to
e timate accurately and some melallurgi-
cal factors may not be known precisely.
_------------GEAR FUN!DAMENTAlS _
forces acting on the mating gear teeth Su.rface stresses. Surface fatigue is a in rating pitting resistance. However,
when they engage to transmi; power will frequent cause of gear failure. Although these Hertzian ,equatjolls are correct
produce high mace contact stresses on wear and scoring can be related to poor only for static load on i otropic homo-
the loaded flanks of the mating teelh and lubrication or surface roughness, pimng geneous materials. Because of the com-
high bending stresses at OJ near the root fatigue and subsequent breakage 'can be plex stress patterns existing in modem.
of those teeth. Differences exist in the related to metallurgical factors. gears, where sliding and rolling take
magnitude and depth of the shear stress as The surface and near surface stress- place above and below the pitch line,
well as in the thrust direction and amount es developed between two steel sur- more recent]y developed relationships
of sliding that OCCIUS in the different gear faces under load have been studied by are available. However, these too are of
types, bUI these differences will not be the 19th century German engineer limited value as the effect of lubricants
considered at this point. Hertz, who developed formulae to aid was notconsidered (Ref. 4),
Initial wear or "wearing in" may be
normal, and unles cracks develop in
the tooth surface, it willI generally not

PROCESS lead to pitting. However, pitting fatigue

is progressive and leads to the destruc-

In pection I
tion of the loath profile.
A combination of rolling and sliding
takes place both above and below the
pitch line. The sliding motion plus the
.coefficient of friction tend to cause
additional. surface and sub urface stress-
es. Compressive stres es are present just
Since 1938 ITW has provided the gear ind.ustry ahead of the contact zone in the direction
with gear inspection devlces .. Put your trustm of sliding .. Just behind this zone, there
the people who invented the process!., are tensile stre ses. Beneath the contact
zone are shear stresses. The depth ofllle
PRODUCTS AVAILABLE: point of maximum shear stress is about
• Manual double flank testers for coarse pitch. one third the width of the contact bane!.
• Manual double flank testers for fine pitch. For any given load. 'the magnitude of
• Computerized double flank testers for these stresses is dependent. on the length
coarse pltcn,
of the contact band and the action ohhe
• Computerized double flank testers
lubricant present.
for fine pitch.
As already mentioned, gear design
• Dimension over pins or balls.
• Automatic In-line gauges. tables and standard make use of the
trong relation hip that exists between
!\Ioder 2275-DOP indentation hardnes , olrimate tensile
Olmens,ion over
Pins or Balls
strengthcthe surface stress factor (Sc)
and the bending stres factor (Sb) for
, Cornpulenzed 'aU static loads ..But as th majority of gears
tester 10, COIT1PQ$i18 -
rod lead and shafts fail by fatigue at loads welJ
below the ultimate tensile strength,then
No matter what theappUcation; coarse such tables are only \I eful in detennin-
pitch, line pitch, externals, internals, ing the steel's behavior under static
shafts, metal or plastic - we look loads. They are of little help in predict-
forward to working with you.
ing the material's behavior under cycli-
cal loading. It is at this point that the
ITrfJf Heartland influence of residual stresses on fatigue
must be discussed.
1205 36th Avenue west It has been well documented that
Alexandria. MN 56308 U.S.A
Ph: (320) 762-8782 processes introducing residual tensile
;Hne Pitch Fax: (320) 762·5260 stresses into the surface of a cycl:ically
GearRot~ E-mail: itwgearsOraa· loaded specimen decrease its fatigue life,
Processesthat introduce residual com-
CIRCLE 1116 pressive stresses i.nto the surface of a
pecimen increase il fatigue life (Ref. TltermalProcessing of improve wear resistanc _ and load carry-
3). Because indentation hardness does Gears and Shafts ing ability. The process ba .come. long
not indicate the ign or magnitude of Carburizing;. Case hardening processes way from the early years of pack IlI'Id alt
residual I1e e exi ting at or below the have been known to impart high residual bath hardening to modem controlled
surface, load table . ba ed onhardness compressive stresses at the surface of a gear atmosphere furnace that us sophisti-
are of little help in designing fatigue or shaft It is these beneficial internal stress- ! cated gas. measuring devices and corn-
re istant, higlit.lyloaded gear and shafts. e thal give the gear or shaft the improved puten . The process, when correctly car-
It ha also been well documented that tile endurance properties that allIow the compo- ried out. produces very high residunl
pre enee of surface abnormalities in lite nellis Lacarry higher loads withem failing. compre sive . tresse l Ihe mace IlI'Id
micro true lure. orinelu ion in the base Carburizing ha . been used for many I underlying cased region. This results jn
material. can initiate. fatigue cracks that 'Year to ca e harden gears and hafts to i improvedurt'aee endUranceand wear resis-
eventually lead to failure. 10 addition,
cracks can initiate at the urface of high
hardnes . gears and shafts if high impact
load. are present. Therefore, in order [0
know more about improving the fatigue TH PU'..... V
life of gears and shafts, and 0 be able to
build lighter and cheaper gears and
shafts that give longer service, we must
concentrate Oil knowing more about;
I. processes that introduce high r~sidual
compressive tresses into the surfaces of
gears and shafts where fatigue failure is
2. the metallurgical factors controlling
impact toughnes •
3. the factors affecting the cleanliness of
the reel.
ResiduaJ' Compressive Stresses.
High urface contact loads can produce
unfavorable tensile stresses in the tooth
urface. These stresses eventually pro-
duce cracks. thai lead '10 failure of the
surface by pitting and breakage. The
introduction of re idual compressive
stresses into the tooth urfaee oppose
the tensile tres e and prevent the ini-
tiation of :fati.gue cracks. It is well doc-
umented 'that manufacturing processes
such a carburizing. carbnnirriding,
nitriding, induction hardening and shot
peening considerably increase the
re idual compressive tress level at the
urface of ferrou components. Also,
thermal, mechanical and chemical
processe can be used together as in the
case of automotive planetary gears
which are carburized, acidueated and
shot peened with hardened steel shot.
(This process produce the most fatigue
resistant gear that the author is aware
S86 Hilliard Swef. RO. 1898. Manchester. a 06045-1898 uss:
Tele,phone" B60 649-0000 • F:ax: 860 645-6293
of.) It is extremely importanttbat all Home Page: http://www;purdytransmissions.(om
such processe be preci ely controlled E-Mail:
if maximum residuall compressive stres 0'II1II n£ P\RI\' aJRI'ORI('I'IIJ

levels are to be con i tently achieved, CIRCII.E 119

""':RCHI,",P!I!L 1 nu 53
_-----------GlAR FUNDAMiE,NTALS, _
lance, as well as improved bending fatigue 0.8-0.'9% carbon, they exhibit the most Automotive axle shafts are hardened
life and impact resistance, The metallurgical desirable combination of surface en- [Ising motor alternator units with a fre-
requirements (in the tooth, contact. zone) to durance, bending endurance and tough- quency between 3 and to Khz. The result-
achieve these benefits can be slated briefly ness. Extremely precise control of all vari- ing hardened depth, measured to 40 KRC,
belowas: ables is required during earburizing and is approximately 2.5 mm. Smaller olid
1. surface carbon level 'to achieve the sub equern quenc.l:ring to achieve the hJgh- state units operating at radio 'frequency
eotectoid composition for the particular est qua:lity. lowest distortion gears. 450KHz can harden small shafts within
steel used: Whether the gear designer requests seconds to a depth of 0.7 mm.
2. absence of excessive retained austen- direct quenching or reheat quenching Processing
ite after quenching: after carbarizing will depend. on the Shot Peening. The automotive industry
3. absence of cementite networks (car- known applications of the gear . Direct uses dynamometers. driven by either elec-
bides) at or near the contact. face: quenching has been used for many tric molDIS or gasoline engines, to clUl)' out
4. absence of sub-surface oxides: years with automotive gears where precise life tests on finished transmission
5. absence of intermediate transforma- extremely fine grained. autemctive assemblies. The e tests have proven that
lion products. 100% martensite or mix- quality steels are specified. However, catburized automotive gears and shafts can
tures of martensite and lower bainite the reheat method for more precise achieve significantly improved fatigue life
being the aim (no pearlitic or upper gears such as turbine gears bas been after peening with hardened steel hoL, pre-
bainuic skins): said to produce better metallurgical cisely earned oui, The shot peening process
6. fine grain size throughout the case. structures and more assurance that the is expensive but has allowed automotive
The above requirements can only be gears can run satisfactorily for a much companie (0 upgrade the rating of auto-
achieved by preci e control over higher number of cycles. matic and manual transmis ions without
I. furnace temperature and carbon In.duction hardening. Induction hard- 'the need 'to make expensive dirnen ional
potential of the furnace atmosphere at ening has long been used to hardenplain changes 10 their gear trains. The peening
the desired level: carbon automotive axle shafts. Surface operation induces beneficial residual com~
2. use 'of the optimum quenehant and hardening shafts using induction tech- pressive stresses LIJithe flank and root area
quench conditions (oil type. agitation, niques also develops residualcompres- of the teeth under strictly controlled condi-
and oil temperature): sive stresses at the surface and in the tions. Compressive "tress prevents or limits
3. fine grain steel of the correct harden- hardened zone (Ref. 7). The exact panern failure in gearing due to fatigue failure at
ability to ensure the gear or shaft meets of these stresses depends on the process. the fiUet and pilting failure at the pitch line.
the requirements for surface hardness, conditions and the composition of the Rolling .. In some applications, work. bard-
effective case depth. and core hardness: material being hardened. ening of a component surface by rolling can
4. optimum heat treatment cycle to pro- Apart from delaying the initiation of induce residual compressive surface tresses
duce the required case depth (carbon gra- ratigue cracking in service. these residual and improve the smfaee futiSh. bu.t care must
dient) and micmstructure. compressive stresses are known to delay be taken not to prodooe tine mface cracks
The above requirements become diffi- the process of stress corrosion cracking. that may inriliate fatigue.
cult to achieve if the carburizing furnace Gear can also be induction hardened Common FaUure Modes of
load contains gears or shafts made from using different inductors and fixtures. Gears and Shafts
carburizing steel!s of different composi- The method best suited to' large gears, Fatigue Considerations. In regard [0
tion, or the furnace is overloaded to the where the pro me and root area can be surface stresses, the limiting load for wear
extent of reducing either gas circulation hardened without embrittling the tip of depends upon the urface endurance limits
or subsequent quench oil circulation, For the tooth, involves using an jnductar of !he material, which in turn depend on
example, ,a plain carbon manganese car- shaped to fit between the teeth. Modem geometric as well as melallurgica:i factors.
burizing steel such as YK1320H wi11 techni'ques use dual frequencies .in order Surface endurance limi'l values appear to
.require a higher carbon potential than a 1.0 achieve the deeper ca e depths be related consistenijyto a Brinell. hard-
higb nickel carburiziog steel such as required by larger gears. Shaft are ness number up to approximately 400
X3312H. induction hardened using a scanning-type BrineU hardness (Ref. 2). Wilen the Brinell
Residual surface stresses must now be machine. which progressively moves the hardness is over 400. the steel does not
considered in relation to the commonly haft through the inductor, heating and
available gear heat treatment operations. then quenching a small moving zone. The TABLE 1
Spur and helical Gears IRel. 2t
By far the greatest quantity of highly depth of the induced currents that heat the
stre sed gears are carburized. The e gears steel shaft. or gear are related to the fre- Brinall Hardness Surface Endurance
are made from low calibon.low alloy quency ofthe induction hardening unit. HB Limit (psil
steels which, in and of themselves. lack Ca e depths lor small hafts require high- 200 70,000
300 110,000
surface durability. However, after raising
the urface carbon of these gears to about
er frequencies (RF), while larger shafts
require low frequencies (AF). 400 I 150,00
eontem using instrumented Charpy
TABLE 2---for steels over 400HB IRe •..2) testers. Although the early re ults indi-

Brinell Hardness ~urlacBendurance limit [psi) cared that molybdenum steels were
tougher than nickel steel • it w later
HB 11 X U)Ii 2 X lao 5 XI OS 107
hewn that. cenaincombination of the
450 188000 1170000 147000 132000
two alloys gave the best results. The
500 210000 190000 165000 148000
.in trumented Charpy re Is gave the
'55(1 233000 210000 182000 163000
researchers valuable inform lion re-
600 255000 230000 200000 179000
garding the initiation of the propagation
Wnen tile Brine" hardness is over 400
of cracking that could :nOl be obtained
appeal!" to hav a definite endurance through hardened gears with a surface otherwise.
limit. Values for the surfa e endurance hardness over 400 Brinell can give ConclusiolL'l
limit for steel over 400 Brinen are excellent wear properties, they may lack Many workers have g nerated a wealth
given in the table above. the toughne s for many applications. of meLallurgicalk-nowledge and informa-·
The focus up until. now has been on Tempering will reduce the hardness and lion about the surface fatigu re istance
uniform loading, but ill reality many gear wear re istance but will increase the and impact resistance of vnsiou materi-
systems experience fluctuaring loads rang- toughne s, The balance between als. There is also con idera:ble Information
ing from moderate 10 heavy shock. The strengjh and toughness, developed after about the metall.urgical :fact affecting
sensitivity of !be gear or shafl material to quenching and tempering, is a eritieal \ those thermal and mechani aI proce. ses
notches or s.barp comers is a major con- 'Consideration for the materials engineer. used to improve. the life of highly sltessed
sideration. Wn addition, rno l gears: and The only processes where both strength , gears and haft . Much of lhh information
shafts fail by fatigu at loads well below .and toughne increase together are those Ii available for the de igner to c nsideJ
their yield strength, Although Tables I. and involving grain refinement. This is I and apply in order to a hieve metallurgi-
2 above are comparatively useful to design achieved by making micro-alloy additions I,! cal and geometric quality and meet ell -
engineers in calculating load carrying 10 teel and thenno mechanical process- lamer demands for precision gears and
capacity. they do not impart any informa- ing. Heal. treatment processes involving shafts at minimum costs, 0
tion about the toughne or impact proper- the diffusion of carbon, or carbon and
nitrogen combinations, into the surface 0:1" REFERENCES
ties of the material. nor can they shed any
I. Dudley, D.W. Handbook of Pro tical Gi'al"
light on the materials' fatigue sliellgth. D! low or medium carbon steel can re ult .in I
Design, McGraw-Hili Book Company, New
The onen quoted "rule af'thumb" !hal the th _ production of wear resistant gears and Yon., ]984.
2. Sloke • A. Gear Handbf:KJk. SAE Intern-
fatigue strength i.about 50% of the yield shaft that axe also tough, The resulting
ational, Oxford; Boston: Buuerwenh-
strength is probably very conservative. lrigh hardness is at the surface of the case Heinemann. 1992.
More infonnatioDBbout
factors that influence toughness
the metallurgical
wh reit can improve wear and fatigu
strength. while the core is softer and more i The MetallurgicalI
3. Cavanaugh. AX "Gear and Shalt Design,
Engineering Approach:'
Ausiralian Institute of Mellils Seminar, Mel-
fatigue life is needed 0 that the engineer ductile, .rughtouglmess propertie . bourne,1979,
cal'lconfidenlJy reduce !he weight and The core, however, must not be too soft as 4 . Beale, R.F. "The Mechanical Engineers'
the case needs adequate support to prevent Approach to Design, SpecUicationand 'i[;!;slin
hence the cost of a drive sy em. Research
of Gears;' Australian Instiune ,of Melals
work 10 dale points clearly at factors uch case crushing (Ref. 4), Seminar. Melbourne, 1979.
as steel cIeanliness.a11'oy combinations Importance of Flow Line 5. Killey. J.M. and M.G. Conyngham, "Mctal-
Iurgical Contribution to the Produ tiun of
present. heal treatmenr condition. grain The impact propertie of steel cast-
Automotive and Lighl Industrial 'Gear ,"
size and gram flow and the nature of ings, plates, and forgings are not uniform Australian Institute of Metal Seminar, Mel-
micro-constituents prescnt at or near ·Ihe in all directians, but. are related to the bourn ,1979.
harpy tests indicate 6. ConYllgnam, M.G, "Gear M terials," Trans-
urtaee, Of critical impenance is the steel- now line direction.:
I action of Mechanical Engineering, Vol. ME
making practice and the proce ing route mal. the impact strength acro s the How 15, No.1, 1989.
used to make ihe components. Two steel lines can be up to 50% lower than te t 7. Semiatin .. S.L.and D.E. Slutz .. lnductiQ/1
Heal Treatment of Slut, ASM. 1986.
with the . arne Brinell bardn could vary where the test piece is parallel with the
(lramatically in impact and f,uig~e proper- flow lines. Since any incluionsand This paper wasfirse presented ,aerha,Gear
tie, particularly in the presence of small micro egregation will follow these flow and Shaft Technol'ogy: seminar orOloiled
stress concentrators such a machine tool lines, they must not be parallel with the b,WLhe Institute lof Mat,erialls Enginsarin
marksor ub uri ce defects. base of the gear teeth in highly stressed Australasia.
lmpad Properties gears ,(Ref". 4).
The selection of the correct material ~mpol"fanc,e of Composition
and heal. treatment proce for: teel must During the eigilt ies, re earth was Tel' Us ... v.. TIIiIIk .••
If you found tillS arliele of interest and/or
be considered [0' be a comproml e completed on the impact propertie of useful, please Circle 215.
between strength and ductility. Although alloy steels with higher mol.ybdenum
lURCH/APRIL 111&1 55

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