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Montana Difford

Post 4 - What’s Next...? War?

WELL THATS JUST GREAT!!!! After reading what all of you have
wrote its clear that you are all just a bunch of cry babies. You
have no idea how things should be run and you have no right
complaining to me about the things that I have been doing. I
mean seriously, I was doing all of those out of LOVE! Besides,
what could you measly little colonists do to me and my great
empire? You have no chance at all in any confrontation. Please....
enlighten me with what I should possibly be worried about? I think
I am just going to take all of your winey complaints and stock up
my bathroom tissue supply. HAHAHA!
~King George III~
Respond the the King by explaining to him the phrase “Life,
Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness”. Explain to him what each
one of these means to you and end your post with a collective
reason why the colonies are no good under his control.
The right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. These are the unalienable rights, rights that we are born with,
given to us by our creator as many put it. Right to life means we have the right to live how we want which leads
into the next right which is liberty. Liberty is just another word for freedom. What that means is that each of us has
the right to be free and make our own decisions, be them good or bad, and a mistake is simply a learning
experience for how to do something better come next time. We are free to live our lives how we see fit and make
our own decisions. That's what the right to liberty is basically saying. The right to the pursuit of happiness ism
basically saying the right to property, because back then the owning of property was normally what symbolized
what many presumed as happiness and power, but it doesn't just relate to the property meaning nowadays. It
means we have the right to pursue whatever makes us happy because we are free to live our life as we please and
do what makes us happy and while there are laws that are against murder and all that because that's obviously
illegal, but we are free to make our own choices and if that's what someone wants to do they have have to be
willing to live with the consequences of doing that and that's what these are saying we have the right to make our
own decisions and live our lives as we see fit, as it'll make us happy, but ultimately we will have to deal with
whatever consequences come from our actions. The colonies want the right to rule themselves as they deem fit
and while they will have ups and downs, they have the right to try ifo they all as a whole agree, and you, King,
have been belittling them and oppressing them. You haven't been giving them a voice in what your declaring as the
laws over in the colonies, and by doing this you haven't been giving them their natural rights and have been
forcing horrible, unfair acts on them that have been oppressing them and their natural rights which not even you
have the power to take away.

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