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Devia Oktariana
Nurul Hidayah
Rani Wahyuningsih
Thania Ardilla
Via Muti
1. Be Honest
Honest means telling the truth or able to be trusted and not likely
to steal, cheat or lie. Honesty, the quality of being quality of being
honest, can be reflected in a simple action, such as filling in account
opening form and other forms, you must be true and honest since
signing the form means not only accountability but also legal
Relationship cannot be successful without trust, which is gained
from being honest. Being honest in human relations can be done by
telling others the truth of their obligation without giving any offense.

A. Form
Definition of form

1. a form is..

a paper that included some question to fill out ,like name,date of

birth and more.

2. form is a black document to be filled in by the user.

(formulir adalah sebuah dokumen kosong yg diisi oleh pengguna)

3. a form is a window or screen that contains numerous fields,or

spaces to enter data.each field holds a fielf label so that any user who
views the form gets an idea of its contents.

A form is more user friendly than generating queries to create tables

and insert data into fields

Formulir adalah :
Lembaran kartu/kertas dengan ukuran tertentu yg di dalamnya
terdapat data/informasi yg bersifat tetap dan juga bagian lain yang
diisi dgn bagian yg tdk tetap.

#Keuntungan membuat formulir :

1. Menghemat waktu. Tenaga dalam hal penulis serta biaya dlm hal
penggunaan kertas

2. Memudahkan dalam hal menyimpan dan mencatat

3. Adanya keseragaman sehingga mengurangi terjadinya


4. Mengurangi kegiatan fotocopy

#Fungsi formulir :

1. mencari suatu keterangan tertentu .

2. menghimpun data yg sama.

3. menyampaikan info yg sama.

4 .sebagai bukti fisik.

5. sebsgai dasar petunjuk untuk bekerja.

6. menetapkan tanggung jwb terjadinya transaksi bisnis.

7. merekam data transaksi.

8. mengurangi kesalahan pesan dibanding dgn cara lisan .

9. dan sbg media komunikasi antar org /bagian/organisasi

#Langkah" membuat formulir:

1. Siapkan terlebih dahulu data yg akan dibuat from/formulir dgn

menggunakan microsoft Access

2. Pilih create di menubar. Lalu klik more forms, dan kemudian pilih
form wizard

3. Setelah itu pilih data apa saja yg akan dimasukkan dgn cara klik

4. Seteralh selesai menginsert data, kemudian klik next

5. Pilih layout columnar dan klik next

6. Setelah itu pilihlah model style untuk from/formulir

7. Dan formulir selesai di buat

#Kegunaan formulir :

Mencari suatu keterangan tertentu, menghimpun data yg sama,

menyampaikan informasi yg sama kepada bagian yg berbeda, sbg
bukti fisik, sbg dasar petunjuk untuk bekerja

#Manfaat formulir :

1. Menetapkan tanggung jawab terjadinya transaksi bisnis

2. Merekam data transaksi

3. Mengurangi kesalahan pesan dibanding dengan cara lisan

4. Media komunikasi antara orang/bagian/organisasi.

#Jenis - jenis Formulir :

1. formulir pendaftaran sekolah.

2. formulir bank.

3. formulir ktp

4. formulir pengajuan sim

5. formulir pembelian (kwitansi)

6. formulir order (bisnis atau jual beli barang)

7. formulir medis.

8. formulir pemesanan.

9. formulir registrasi

B. Expressing Obligation
An Obligation is a course of action that someone is required to
take, whether legal or moral. There are also obligations in other
normative contexts, such as obligations of etiquette, social
obligations, and possibly in terms of politics, where obligations are
requirements which must be fulfilled. These are generally legal
obligations, which can incur a penalty for non-fulfilment, although
certain people are obliged to carry out certain actions for other
reasons as well, whether as a tradition or for social reasons.

Penggunaan Obligation dalam Dialog Bahasa Inggris

James: Excuse me, Mr. Rudolph. May I come in?

(Permisi, Pak Rudolph. Bolehkah saya masuk?)

Mr. Rudolph: Yes, James. Come in, please. Well, how can I help you?
(Ya, James. Silahkan masuk. Nah, bagaimana saya bisa membantu

James: I want to submit my math assignment. I know it’s already very

(Saya ingin menyerahkan tugas matematika saya. Saya tahu itu sudah
sangat terlambat.)

Pembahasan Materi

Kata yang bercetak tebal di atas merupakan ciri dari penggunaan

Obligation di dalam sebuah percakapan formal/ resmi.

Simak penjelasan di bawah ini:

1. Selain “should/ought to” kalian dapat menggunakan “‘be

supposed to” untuk memberikan Obligations/
Kewajiban. Penggunaan ini dalam Bahasa Inggris yang diucapkan
menunjukkan kewajiban kurang kuat.

* I have an appointment with Mr. Hens at 10 a.m. tomorrow. So I’m

supposed to be at the office by 9:30 a.m. at the earliest.

* You’re supposed to turn off the light when you are not working in
the room.

2. “be supposed to” sering digunakan untuk menceritakan tentang

sesuatu yang dianggap benar oleh banyak orang atau yang secara
luas diyakini.


* It’s supposed to be bad luck to spill salt.

* Milk is supposed to be good for our bones.

* You’re not supposed to open an umbrella indoors. It’s unlucky.

3. “Be supposed to” dapat diartikan “be required” atau “be

expected to” jika kenyataan tidak sama dengan pernyataan.


* You were supposed to submit your assignment a week ago. (You

were required to submit your homework a week ago, but you didn’t
do it.)

* Miss Corrine is supposed to give a conference in Denpasar

tomorrow, but she has the flu now. (Miss Corrine will probably not
be able to give the conference in Denpasar tomorrow.)

* The test was supposed to start at 10 sharp, but the teacher was
late. (The test started after 10.)
4. “Be not supposed to” digunakan untuk menunjukkan bahwa ada
sesuatu yang tidak diperbolehkan atau dilarang.


* You’re not supposed to smoke in this room. This is an air-

conditioned room. (It is forbidden to smoke in the air-conditioned

* I’m not supposed to tell you this secret. (I am not allowed to tell
you this secret.)

Expression of Obligation:

Present/ Future Form


* I’m supposed to….

* She’s supposed to….

* He’s supposed to….

* It’s supposed to….


* We’re supposed to…

* You’re supposed to…

* They’re supposed to…

Past Form

* I was supposed to….

* She was supposed to….

* He was supposed to….

* It was supposed to….

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