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To overcome the crisis of the environment we are living we have to realize that we are doing harm
to nature with each and every one of the acts we are committing: generating garbage, buying
things that we do not need, exploiting natural resources in order to generate more money,
polluting rivers and seas to have more money.

Now, governments are interested in exploiting natural resources with fracking, which has been
rejected in some countries and can not be responsible. It contaminates the rivers, kills animal
species and does a lot of damage. All this is done in order to have more money, without realizing
that we can not live with a lot of money but without nature, without rivers, without seas, without
trees, with polluted air.

As recommendations I would think it is important to educate future generations about the need to
take care of the environment. We also remind adults of the kind of world we are leaving to
children who are young or who have not come to life.

Also another recommendation would be to start doing small actions from each one to improve the
environment such as producing less waste, stop changing the electronic elements until they do not
work and continue taking actions to improve the environment.


Humans have been the cause of the environmental crisis that our forests, our fields and rivers live
in today. We continue thinking that money will feed us without thinking that we will have money
but we will not have food to buy when we have finished with all natural resources and the crisis
becomes worse than we have now.

The shortage of food is going to start to be a problem in a few years if we do not correct the things
we are doing wrong on our planet. One of them is the lack of use of public transport or transport
with clean energy. Now in several cities of our country we go through an environmental crisis due
to lack of awareness.

Actions such as sharing the car, the motorbike, using public transport that is clean with the
environment such as the metro, help to lower emissions of polluting gases and improve the quality
of life for all. In the same way, we must go to review everything that is done in our country and in
the world illegally: mining, water pollution with oil, the production of chemical elements, lack of
care with elements of nature .
If we managed to change and control these issues we could improve the environment and
overcome the crisis. The advice would be to invite all human beings to know that this is the only
planet we have and that we can not eat money, that our natural resources are the most valuable
thing we have and that it is not too late to start making a change

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