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V Thg mifaClg stoot

of vetoed budget -The
President a[d-hi-s economic managers

ffi i
qu""iiy J"r;y"a i{s approval Ee{ore Congress adjoumed
fLr Chrisnnas As allowed under our counhJ sLon-

^W I
ioro u"ag"t bili with the usual th" p*"lons year's budget autolati5ally ki&s in
;:ifi .1"5;#i{:r;r ":;'* I ;:Hft $ffi ;H',n;il: i:i':;;fi :'#*'fl.Iff"Ti

the House still tarqled overa conllicting version of tle final
siened last Monday Republic A.t
(riA)tt2o0o,th"cenerarApproprjationsAct(cAA)of "T?J:9:l::':"1i*1':*:3:l,tiX13"l,lll,"ilu
-'- err".ii"a', the president's veto virtua'v upherd 'ot'"ra
Mediatde:'::';fr.ij"ii;ils the Senate o6iection to the Pq5 37 billion worth of re-
live Secrerary Satvador
office in Malacaflang Palace
confer'ence commiitee approval ofthe 2019 budget bill'
The Chie{ Executive ended the budget conboversies
rtre President based thli ifter the Cabinet vetting done
bv invokine hjs line-item *. pr#"13 "'li"t il" rs?i
the "condjtional siqnature" made by senate prcsident
constitutio-n. Thus, th" upprou"a G"qi-r;;"issl;tl](J.
"oointed to this post-bicam changes
less than the original
p3.757-tri1ifi i"?# p."p-t-":"i l'icente sntto IIt who
rh:r prcsirtenr Dubrte submifted to iiie lZtliCo'ngti:ss in that miraiulously goi prin-ted in the bnrolled copy of the
i"i" iuiiu"-. et tigned, the President approved P3 652 ProPosed
2u 19 buclget Drrr'
all a lossfor Congressmen
of the natioiri.l govemment . Despite the veto,lr was not
r^- !L:- .,-,r TLa pqE 3 Wffi"" th" totul after PrcsidentDuterte agreed to extend until Dec 31 ihis
*'iil'.;;;;;;#-r1u"u"i yearoutisatingrundsro;theirpetProiects-tobePaidbv
zorse;;utistartea from ihe natio"nal g"overnment untii De; 31,2020 Thus' no
if."-trr-"lJt*.t'ti,.,ie SfHouse leadership hom former to
cash budget svstem for thrs year'
Speake, Davao del Norte n"p. F"r,iul",ir, Alvarez Cabin; Sd=1un Nograles disdosed these
ij.".r |*"al"t "na now n.mpunga Congresswoman to us during ourA@ iha Manil, Bay atC-aI6 Adriatico 1ast

;i##;:;;;fAdo a"ri.! [Fpi* o'p"" g"tth" wednesiai, or tw6 days after the 2019 cAAour was siSned'
in breakfast
;;i;;;;';;;f;i;;i;tli" thil ""r; iJ;;;gitu'
" '&slo"" lt was the'second time for him to suest
;ifiil;g;;it h Congress. ,,"*s forqn that we hold weekly at the Remedios
The Presiden(s submlssron of the 2019 hdg+ lill i" rvraiute fte rirst rime was in Slptember last year'
of Davao
u"ior"a uu ttt" ensuing Hous" ieadershiilriultJra he was still congressman from the fust district
".,t on the-day of his slate of
8"'r"lu'zs tuti u"ut jr" the nation Ciry where lrcsidenl Duterte resides
]i#ir:i.Jil ',iii ." ,t-ri ntJt sg"s of troubles for irograles was lhen the outSoing chairman of the
t'"-"'.,""""i'z?rTs u.ia""i uirr t"ot ioot" and led to €t House" committee on appropriations before he was
;;5;ffiilJ;"t.ititiJrv, tt't" ct"gressmen balked unceremoniously replacei by Co-ngressman Rolando
o""-ro,"nt of sudget and'Managerient (DBM) Sec- Andaya Before he boued outas House appropriations
,"6^i6Jri" ir-oir-r.?Jt . committee chief, Nograles turned over.the 201q b_udget
'r"f*r" ,o frf y Hence, these were bill to the Committee of the Whole of the enhre House

iii,i"i*itt " i]rl-U*.i t fr"'i""'";1i;;"- ; f Subsequenllv, President Duterte appointed the 42-year-
:,;;,i'jilii"i;ir,-"i 't"_?:?::'"1.r?:i.'#i,*l;ilfiffi:lTffiI;,,,
bi[.' - were vetoeo' Manili BaV the ]3-Page presidential veto message on
Under a cash-based ." *hy Pg5.jbillion o( tlese provisions 8ot cut out from
u"Jn"tt.*, cash has to be spent within a year wiih a d""ig196AA'Thebulkofthe P95 3-billion vetoed items
,r*?-r"ri"a of tfuee months at most of the next suc- were public works ptojects that were not identified in
:;;ii*u;-. The government previously adopted are an the Presiden(s origrnal budget, Nograles noted.
,i"-["t"a Sudgeting, wherein payments Hence, these viere the iisertions of "pork-barrel"
,eleised as commitments or obligations, without any that were vetoed.
time-bound lirnits. . Nograles recited the Presidenf-s previous declara-
UJ"l *r" ota budget system, contracts can be detivercd tion' lie would not sign anything illegal, including the
even aftet the vear it wis awarded Economic manag- supreme court ruling on ihe "porkbarrel" case' nor
I *ho uraut"a Dokro - justified the shift lo annual anything that does not conform to the Constitution
.-r, u"*a-u"Jg"ting would fast track the delivery ard the iabinet secret-ary conceded that the vetoed P95 3
completion of i'overi.rment programs and proiects and bitlion meant less budget thatcould havebeen allocated
l.,revlnt under slpending, ifnot plug sources of corruPhon. to the administration's priority exPenditure Program
,"-*,tf;lf iif#ttf,ffr,:,r$i"'"r"j33r?'*l$Jfili
ii-"*"Jally. This, after sbme i{ouse leaders be res?rrected "iheoretically" through- supplemental
uli"r"J'oiot"o of a'llegedly having favored certain budget for this year. But this miracle will happen though
orivate "contractor" related to his daughter in gethng in the next Congress.
:'jui.y' $
".n-"nt Proiects.
Pe?tt t 3

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