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Math Communication Capability of Students with High Skill of Math in Math

Problem Solving

Conference Paper · April 2018


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1 author:

Moh Zayyadi
Madura University


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Math Communication Capability of Students with High Skill

of Math in Math Problem Solving

A Zakaria1,a and M Zayyadi2,b

Program Studi Pendidikan Matematika, Fakultas MIPA, Universitas Negeri Surabaya
Program Studi Pendidikan Matematika, FKIP, Universitas Madura


Abstract. is research aim to completely describe Math communication capability of

Students in VIII grade, in solving Math’s problem based on their Math abilities difference.
The discussion can be concluded as follow; students with high and intermediate Math
skill understand the problem by identifying the symbols or term found in the problems.
They also identified the symbols and terms were being questioned in the problem they
face by using their best understanding. In problem solving planning, subject which in this
case is students, made a design of problem solving model or strategy used in it. Students
did not use any other strategy since they believed that the strategy they used is good
enough in solving the Math problem correctly. They showed that strategy is the best in
solving the problem correctly. In doing problem solving planning, students applied the
problem solving strategy based on their planning. Students decided the right early
decision from what they have performed. Critical result was done in rechecking. Subject
also rechecking the steps in problem solving by re-reading the answer of the question.
The subject took the final decision of rechecking problem solving and the correct result.

1. Introduction
Communication skills in learning mathematics is also very necessary to achieve good learning
outcomes. Without proper communication, then the learning process will not run smoothly in
accordance with the plan. Communication in school math is usually manifested through problem solving
on a problem. Mathematical issues are often found in everyday life / situations [2]. In addition, Ramdani
[5] explained that the communication of mathematics is the ability to communicate which involves the
use of writing skills, listening, reviewing, interpreting, and evaluating the ideas, symbols, terms and
mathematical information that is observed through the process of listening, presenting, and discussing.
This is in accordance with Pauweni [3] which stated that the communication of mathematics is an
activity or activity of someone in sharing information either idea, situation, or relation both orally and
in writing, in the form of symbol, data, or table with others.
Ramayanti [4] said that the ability of mathematical communication is the level or level of learners
knowledge that reaches the ability to present the mathematical statement orally, written, drawing,
diagram, alleged, perform mathematical manipulation, draw conclusion, compile evidence, give reason
To the truth of the solution, to draw the conclusion of the statement, to examine the validity of an
argument, the pattern or the nature of the mathematical phenomena to make generalizations. The
mathematical communication according to NCTM is the student's ability to describe an algorithm and a
unique way of solving problems, the ability of students to construct and explain real world phenomena
present in graphics, words / sentences, equations, tables and physical presentations or the ability of
students to conjecture about images -the geometry image (Jazuli, 2009). So the communication of

90 ISBN: 978-602-449-116-1

mathematics is the ability to reproduce mathematical understanding with various forms whether it is
writing, oral, drawing, and so forth in solving math problems.
The ability of mathematical communication can be interpreted as a student's ability to convey
something he knows through dialogue events so that there is a transfer of messages. Displaced messages
contain mathematical materials that students learn, such as concepts, formulas, or problem solving
strategies. Parties involved in communication events in the classroom are teachers and students. The
way of the message can be transmitted, spoken or written. The purpose of this study is to describe the
Process of Communication Skills of High School Student VIII Junior High School in Solving
Mathematical Problems.

2. Method
Qualitative descriptive research is a research procedure that uses descriptive data in the form of written
or oral words of persons and observers that can be observed. The way of research students in this
research by purposive sample (purposive sample) is chosen based on the goal to be achieved is to know
the ability of students' mathematical communication which is reviewed based on differences in the
ability of mathematics. Students of this research are students of class VIII SMPN 1 Proppo.
The main instrument in this study was the researcher himself, and the supporting instruments were
the problem-solving and interviewing interviews. Methods of data collection is a way to obtain data in
research activities in the form of tests and interviews. This problem-solving test method is used to obtain
data about the mathematical communication ability of grade VIII SMPN 1 Proppo students in solving
math problems. Interviews in this study were used to obtain data directly about the process of
communication skills by students in solving mathematical problems not found in written data or test
Furthermore, to obtain valid data (ajeg) and be analyzed as a result of research, then the data that has
been collected will be tested its validity with triangulation. Triangulation used in this research is the
time triangulation. Triangulation of time is a technique conducted by researchers who aim to test the
credibility of data by checking the data to the same source, same technique with different time.
Data analysis is done with the following steps: 1) Reduce data, data reduction is an activity that refers
to the process of preparing, selecting, simplifying and extracting data obtained from the results of written
tests and interview results. Activities undertaken are as follows: Checking test results and analyzing to
then grouping students' mathematical communication skills, Creating transcripts of interview results
with each research student and combined with field notes and observations of researchers during
interviews. The results of this transcript were analyzed to determine the causes of difficulties in the
mathematical communication ability of students, Doing triangulation between the test results of students
with the results of interviews for validation of qualitative data. 2) Presentation of data, The next analysis
activity is the presentation of data interpreted as a collection of information neatly arranged, and
organized so as to allow for the withdrawal of conclusions from the data. 3) Drawing conclusions
Withdrawal conclusion is the activities of summarizing the data and check the truth of the data.

3. Results and Discussion

Indicator of mathematical communication ability with problem solving steps according to Polya as
follows: (a) Know what symbols are known. (B) Know what symbols are being asked. (C) Designing a
model of completion (mathematical model). (D) Resolving the problem. (E) Determine the initial
decision of the settlement of the problem that has been implemented (f) Conduct a critique of the results.
(G) Re-examine the troubleshooting steps. (H) Determining the final decision.
Researchers argue that there is a link between the ability of mathematical communication with the
ability of students in solving math problems. Each individual student has a method or way of solving
the problem. This can be described in the ability of students in solving mathematical problems
influenced by differences in mathematical ability it has. This difference in mathematical ability among
students of high mathematical ability, students of medium math skills and low students of mathematical
ability. Ansari [1] examines the mathematical communication skills of two aspects namely verbal

91 ISBN: 978-602-449-116-1

communication (talking) and writing communication (writing). Oral communication is expressed

through the intensity of student involvement in small groups during the learning process. While the
meaning of the communication of mathematics writing (writing) is the ability and skills of students
using vocabulary (vocabulary), notation and mathematical structure to express relationships and ideas
and understand it in solving problems.
According Sumarmo [6], mathematical communication is a capability that can include and contain
various opportunities to communicate in the form of:
1. Reflecting real objects, drawings, and diagrams into mathematical ideas
2. Model situations or problems using oral, written, concrete, graphic, and algebraic methods
3. State the daily events in language and mathematical symbols
4. Listening, discussing, and writing about mathematics
5. Read with an understanding of a written mathematical presentation
6. Create conjectures, construct arguments, formulate definitions, and generalize
7. Explain and make questions about mathematics that have been studied.
8. Draw the conclusions from the statement.

Based on data analysis of research results that have been described then it can be seen that: Students
who have high mathematical skills can understand the problem by reading math problems to identify
and recognize which symbols / languages are known in the problem. Then students also recognize the
symbol / language that is asked on the problem by using its own language. But having difficulty in
formulating what is known. To be able to plan Problem solving students design a model of completion
or strategy that will be used to solve the problem. Then the students do not use other ways to solve the
problem because the strategy applied is considered to be able to solve the problem properly. In addition
students explain that the strategy used can solve the problem correctly. To be able to Implement Problem
Solving Plan students apply strategy according to plan to solve the problem. After that, the student
determines the proper initial decision of the settlement of the problem that has been implemented. To
be able to Check Back Students do outcome critiques. After that the students review the troubleshooting
steps by reading back the answers already obtained. Then the student determines the final decision to
resolve the problem that has been checked again and the results are correct.

4. Conclusion
Based on the discussion that has been described, it can be concluded as follows: students with high math
skills in understanding the problem, by reading math problems to identify and recognize which symbols
/ languages are known in the problem. Then students also recognize the simbo / language of what is
asked on the problem by using its own language. In the Troubleshooting plan, students design a model
of completion or strategy that will be used to solve the problem. Then the students do not use other ways
to solve the problem because the strategy applied is considered to be able to solve the problem properly.
In addition, students explain that the strategies used can solve the problem correctly. In implementing
the Problem Solving Plan, students apply the strategy according to the plan to solve the problem. After
that, the student determines the proper initial decision of the settlement of the problem that has been
implemented. In checking Back, students are doing a results critique. After that the students review the
troubleshooting steps by reading back the answers already obtained. Then the student determines the
final decision to resolve the problem that has been checked again and the results are correct.

[1] Ansari, Bansu I. 2003, Menumbuh kembangkan Kemampuan Pemahaman dan Komunikasi
Matematika Siswa SMU Melalui Strategi Think-Talk-Write, Disertasi, Bandung: UPI, Diakses 30 April 2016
[2] Nusi dkk. 2012. Deskripsi Kemampuan Komunikasi Matematika Siswa Dalam Penyelesaian
Soal Cerita Pada Materi Sistem Persamaan Linier DuaVariabel .Diakses: 10 Mei

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[3] Pauweni, Khardiyawan A. Y. 2012. Pengaruh Model Pembelajaran Konstruktivisme

Berdasarkan Masalah dan Perbedaan Gender Terhadap Kemampuan Komunikasi
Matematika.Tesis pada Program Pasca Sarjana (PPS) Universitas Negeri Gorontalo (UNG).
[4] Ramayanti , 2009. Kemampuan Komunikasi Matematis Siswa Pada Materi Kubus Dan Balok
di akses: 30 Mei 2016
[5] Ramdani, Yani. 2012. Pengembangan Instrumen Dan Bahan Ajar Untuk Meningkatkan
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Penelitian Pendidikan Vol.13, No 1, April 2012. Diakses: 13 Mei 2016
[6] Sumarmo (2006). Berfikir matematik tingkat tinggi. Makalah pada seminar pendidikan
matematika UNPAD, Bandung

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