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(12) United States Patent (10) Patent N0.: US 8,598,240 B2

Jangbarwala (45) Date of Patent: Dec. 3, 2013

(54) FISCHER-TROPSCH PROCESS USING (58) Field of Classi?cation Search

FIBROUS COMPOSITE CATALYTIC USPC ................................................ .. 518/700, 715
STRUCTURES HAVING AT LEAST THREE See application ?le for complete search history.
(56) References Cited
(71) Applicant: Juzer JangbarWala, Chino Hills, CA

(72) Inventor: Juzer JangbarWala, Chino Hills, CA 2004/0097371

2005/0229489 Al*
Al* 5/2004

Jangbarwala .. .... . . . . . ..

Bavarian etal. ........... .. 48/1987


* cited by examiner
* N ot1ce:
' S u bj ect to any d'1sc l a1mer,t
' h etermo f t hi s
patent is extended or adjusted under 35 Primary Examiner * J afar Parsa
U.S.C. 154(b) by 0 days. (74) Attorney, Agent, or Firm * Henry E. Naylor
(21) Appl.No.: 13/680,416 (57) ABSTRACT
(22) Filed: Nov. 19, 2012 A Fischer-Tropsch process for converting a syngas to hydro
carbon products in the presence of a permeable composite
(65) Prior Publication Data ?brous catalytic sheet comprised of at least three distinct
solid phases. A ?rst solid phase is a 3-dimensional porous
US 2013/0085189 A1 Apr. 4,2013
network of a non-conductive porous ceramic material. A sec
Related US. Application Data ond solid phase is an electrically conductive phase comprised
of randomly oriented electrically conductive ?bers. A third
(63) Continuation-in-part of application No. 11/893,829, phase is comprised of catalytic particles dispersed on said
?led on Aug. 17, 2007, noW Pat. No. 8,314,044. 3-dimensional porous network, said conductive ?bers, or
both. A fourth phase can be present, Which fourth phase is
(51) Int. Cl. comprised one or more conductive species or one or more
C07C27/00 (2006.01) non-conductive species embedded in said ?rst solid phase.
(52) us. c1.
USPC ......................................... .. 518/715; 518/700 14 Claims, 9 Drawing Sheets
US. Patent Dec. 3, 2013 Sheet 1 0f 9 US 8,598,240 B2
US. Patent Dec. 3, 2013 Sheet 2 of9 US 8,598,240 B2

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US 8,598,240 B2
1 2
FISCHER-TROPSCH PROCESS USING last feW decades. The Fischer-Tropsch process involves a
FIBROUS COMPOSITE CATALYTIC series of chemical reactions that result in the production of a
STRUCTURES HAVING AT LEAST THREE variety of hydrocarbon molecules. The FT process is also one
SOLID PHASES of the most high pro?le Ways to produce synthetic liquid fuel.
It converts a mixture of carbon monoxide and hydrogen (syn
CROSS-REFERENCE TO RELATED gas) into liquid hydrocarbons of various carbon lengths, such
APPLICATIONS as Waxes, paraf?ns, synthetic diesel and jet fuel.
One of the major issues With the FT process is the rapid
This is a continuation-in-part ofU.S. Ser. No. 11/893,829 increase in temperature after the reaction is initiated. Such a
?led Aug. 17, 2007. condition needs to be controlled by cooling the reactor at the
same rate. This problem has been addressed by many unique
FIELD OF THE INVENTION reactor designs, but typically requires complicated auxiliary
equipment, some of Which are redundant for safety reasons.
The present invention relates to a Fischer-Tropsch process Another shortcoming of conventional FT processes is the
for converting a syngas to hydrocarbon products in the pres fact that the reaction, by nature, produces about 12 to 34
ence of a permeable composite ?brous catalytic sheet com moles of Water for every mole of long chain hydrocarbon,
prised having at least three distinct solid phases. A ?rst solid depending on the chain length. This Water of reaction is
phase is a 3-dimensional porous netWork of a non-conductive absorbed by the catalyst substrate, Which may be at a tem
porous ceramic material. A second solid phase is an electri perature loWer than the boiling temperature of Water under the
cally conductive phase comprised of randomly oriented elec 20 typically high operating pressure of the reactor. This Water
trically conductive ?bers. A third phase is comprised of cata contributes to deactivation of the catalyst, resulting in fre
lytic particles dispersed on said 3-dimensional porous quent catalyst changes/reactivation procedures. The largest
network, said conductive ?bers, or both. A fourth phase can component of any GTL plant is the turnover frequency of the
be present, Which fourth solid phase is comprised one or more catalyst bed. Catalysis experts attribute this drawback to
conductive species, or one or more non-conductive species, 25 many factors, one of Which is the long contact time betWeen
embedded in said ?rst solid phase. reactant gases and catalyst. Thus, it is desirable to use a
catalyst system having the ability of better control of local
The typical capital cost of a GTL plant, coupled With high
Hydrogen is used in the manufacture of many products 30 operating cost, makes smaller mobile plants uneconomical.
including edible fats and oils, metals, semiconductors and Thus, conventional GTL technology cannot be applied to the
microelectronics. Hydrogen is also an important fuel source vast majority of sources of natural gas mentioned above. The
for various energy conversion devices. For example, many plants can usually only be built Where an abundant supply of
types of fuel cells use puri?ed hydrogen and an oxidant to natural gas is guaranteed for a large plant and for a long period
produce electrical energy. 35 of time, such that the billions of dollars that are required to
Various processes and equipment are used to produce build the plant, can be justi?ed. For example, a recent plant in
hydrogen that is consumed by fuel cells. One such piece of Qatar, Where natural gas is the major hydrocarbon that can be
equipment is a steam reformer, Which reacts Water and a recovered, a GTL plant Was built at a cost of 18 to 21 Billion
hydrocarbonaceous material, such as an alcohol feed in the dollars.
presence of a steam reforming catalyst to produce a reformate 40 While various catalytic reforming processes exist for pro
comprised predominantly of hydrogen. ducing hydrogen from hydrocarbonaceous feeds, such as
Although catalysts in poWder form can be used in chemical alcohol feeds, and various Fischer-Tropsch processes exist
process units, catalyst particles are typically formed into for producing liquid synthetic fuels from syngas, there
shapes such as spheres, pellets and rods. While these shapes remains a need in the art for improvements in process tech
are easier to handle, the result in usually a decrease in catalyst 45 nology, particularly With respect to catalyst utiliZation,
activity and/or selectivity. decrease in catalyst turnover rate, and reaction selectivity.
With diminishing liquid fossil fuel reserves, and the World
dependent on such fuels for energy With existing fuel con SUMMARY OF THE INVENTION
sumption equipment design, infrastructure, and logistics
designed for such liquid fuels, it has become increasingly 50 A method of performing Fischer-Tropsch synthesis, com
desirable to convert vast reserves of natural gas to liquid fuels. prising reacting a synthesis gas comprising hydrogen, carbon
Natural gas is comprised mainly of methane, but it is under monoxide, and carbon dioxide by passing it through a perme
utiliZed due to transportation costs and economic reasons. For able composite catalytic sheet-like structure comprised of at
example, approximately 50% of the knoWn natural gas depos least three distinct solid phases Wherein: i) a ?rst solid phase
its in the World (Worth trillions of dollars) are in abandoned 55 is comprised of a 3-dimensional substantially continuous net
?elds. These ?elds have signi?cant natural gas deposits, but Work of a non-conductive porous ceramic material; ii) a sec
are located in remote areas, and the amount of reserves does ond solid phase is comprised of a plurality of electrically
not justify the costs of constructing a transmission pipeline. conductive ?bers integrated throughout the 3-dimensional
Another source of underutilized natural gas is at oil Wells, substantially continuous netWork of non-conductive porous
Where natural gas is a component of the recovered hydrocar 60 ceramic material; iii) a third solid phase comprised of an
bons. In subterranean oil reserves, the top layer is gas, and effective amount of Fischer-Tropsch catalyst particles dis
though the oil Well is constructed to tap into the liquid oil, persed throughout the non-conductive porous ceramic mate
much of the gas comes to the surface as What is termed rial, the plurality of electrically conductive ?bers, or both, at
associated gas. Typically, the associated gas is ?ared, except Fischer-Tropsch reaction conditions.
in instances Where the oil?eld is close to a major gas pipeline. 65 In a preferred embodiment the Fischer-Tropsch catalyst
Gas to liquids (GTL) using the Well-knoWn Fischer-Trop contains one or more of the catalytic metals Fe, Ni, Co, Ru
sch (FT) reaction has received a great deal of attention in the and Re.
US 8,598,240 B2
3 4
In another preferred embodiment the Fischer-Tropsch pro Example 8 hereof is a plot of percent methanol conversion
cess conditions include temperatures from about 150° C. to versus methanol ?oW rate for the data obtained by Example 2
about 370° C., pressures from about 10 psia to about 600 psia, and Examples B-D.
and catalyst Gas Hourly Space Velocity (GHSV) of about 100 Example 9 hereof is a plot of percent methanol conversion
to 50,000/h. versus methanol ?oW rate for the data obtained by Examples
In a preferred embodiment there is a fourth solid phase, E-H.
Which is comprised of a conductive material selected from the Example 10 hereof is a plot of percent methanol conversion
group consisting of graphene, graphite, carbon nanostruc versus methanol ?oW rate for the data obtained by Examples
tures such as nanotubes, nano?bers, and nanoribbons. I-L.
In another preferred embodiment there is a fourth solid Example 1 1 hereof is a plot of percent methanol conversion
phase Which is electrically non-conductive and is comprised versus methanol ?oW rate for the data obtained by Examples
of a material selected from the group consisting of ceramic
?bers, ceramic nano?bers, and silicon carbide ?bers. DETAILED DESCRIPTION OF THE INVENTION
In another preferred embodiment, the electrically conduc
tive ?bers are selected from the group consisting of carbon The present invention primarily relates to permeable cata
?bers, graphitic ?bers, and polymer ?bers enhanced With lytic sheets for use in chemical reactors. Reactants are passed
grapheme, graphite, carbon and graphitic nanotube, carbon through the sheet, Which are brought to reaction temperature
and graphitic nano?bers. by use of an electric current. It is Within the scope of this
In another preferred embodiment, the carbon ?bers are 20 invention that additional heat from an external source can be
graphitic ?bers and the ceramic material is selected from the used, if needed, to reach reaction temperature. The reactants
group consisting of alumina, silica, silica-alumina, titania, come into contact With catalyst particles contained in, or on
Zirconia and magnesia. the catalytic sheet, thereby initiating the intended chemical
In another preferred embodiment, the catalyst particles are reaction and producing the desired product stream. The
selected from the group consisting of methanol and natural 25 chemical reaction is enhanced by an electric ?eld created by
gas reforming catalysts and Fischer-Tropsch catalysts. an electric current passing through the conductive ?bers of
In another preferred embodiment, the catalyst is a Fischer the permeable catalytic sheet. The permeable catalytic sheets
Tropsch catalyst containing one or more of the elements of the present invention are comprised of at least three, pref
selected from the group consisting of Co, Zr, Cr, Cu, B, K, and erably at least four, distinct solid phases. The ?rst solid phase
Fe. 30 is a substantially electrically non-conductive phase charac
In still another preferred embodiment of the present inven teriZed as being a 3-dimensional porous netWork, or matrix,
tion there is also present an effective amount of non-conduc of at least one ceramic material. By “3-dimensional” it is
tive ceramic ?bers selected from the group consisting of meant that this ?rst solid phase can be thought of as a sub
alumina ?bers, aluminosilica ?bers, aluminoborosilicate stantially continuous porous phase as opposed to the second
?bers, and silicon carbide ?bers. 35 solid phase Which is comprised of a plurality of randomly
In another preferred embodiment the permeable composite oriented individual electrically conductive ?bers, Which can
catalytic sheet-like structure is in a form selected from the be thought of as tWo dimensional. Any suitable ceramic mate
group consisting of sheet, board, and block. rial can be used. Non-limiting examples of suitable ceramic
Also in accordance With the present invention there are materials include alumina, silica, silica-alumina, titania,
provided processes for producing the catalytic sheets-like 40 magnesia and the like. Preferred are alumina, silica, and
material of the present invention. silica-alumina, With alumina being more preferred.
A second solid phase is an electrically conductive phase
BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE FIGURES that is comprised of a plurality of randomly oriented electri
cally conductive ?bers interspersed throughout at least a por
FIG. 1 hereof is a perspective vieW of a representation of a 45 tion, preferably the entire of the non-conductive ?rst solid
catalytic sheet of the present invention. phase. Non-limiting examples of conductive ?bers suitable
FIG. 2 hereof is a perspective vieW of the catalytic sheet of for use herein include conductive carbon ?bers, graphitic
FIG. 1 hereof, but containing current feeders on opposing ?bers, non-conductive ?bers, (preferably polymer ?bers)
sides. Which have been enhanced With an effective amount of con
FIG. 3 hereof is an exploded vieW of a section of the interior 50 ductive carbon species, such as graphene, and carbon and
of a catalytic sheet of the present invention shoWing in more graphitic nanostructures, including nano?bers, nanotubes,
detail the relationship of all three phases to each other. and nanoribbons. The term “enhanced” refers to the process
FIG. 4 is a representation of catalyst structure Which is of addition of the above mentioned conductive carbon species
subjected to an electrical current and through Which a hydro to non-conductive polymer ?bers to give or increase their
carbonaceous feedstream, preferably a loW carbon number 55 conductivity. Such addition, or enhancement to the polymer is
alcohol feedstream is passed. preferably done before the polymer is spun into a ?ber and
FIG. 5 hereof is representation of a methanol steam reform later carboniZed to produce carbon nano?bers. The addition
ing process for producing a reformate gas that is passed to a may be made either during the polymerization stage of the
separation Zone to increase its’ hydrogen concentration. polymer or during the molten state before being spun into a
FIG. 6 hereof is a representation of a steam reforming 60 ?ber.
process for producing a reformate gas that is treated to Any suitable polymer ?ber can be treated, or enhanced,
increase its hydrogen purity, Which puri?ed hydrogen stream With the conductive carbon material. Non-liming examples of
is fed to a fuel cell. such suitable ?bers include polyamide ?bers, polyester ?bers,
FIG. 7 hereof is a plot of percent methanol conversion phenol-formaldehyde ?bers, polyvinyl alcohol ?bers, poly
versus methanol ?oW rate in standard cubic centimeters per 65 vinyl chloride ?bers, polyole?n ?bers, and polyacrylonitrile
minute (sccm) for the data obtained by Example 1 and Com (PAN) ?bers. Preferred are graphitic ?bers and carbon ?bers
parative Example A. based on polyacrylonitrile ?bers. One of the leading pro
US 8,598,240 B2
5 6
cesses for producing high performance carbon ?bers is the Os, Ir), coinage metals (Cu, Ag, Au), and other transition
so-called PAN process Wherein polyacrylonitrile (PAN) is metals such as Fe, Mn, Ni, and Re. Useful catalysts and their
used as a precursor ?ber. The PAN process typically starts preparation are knoWn and illustrated in Us. Pat. No. 4,568,
With a highly prestretched PAN ?ber and consists of three 663, Which is incorporated herein by reference and Which is
steps. The ?rst step is a stabiliZation treatment Wherein the intended to be illustrative but non-limiting relative to catalyst
PAN ?ber is heat treated in air at a temperature from about selection. It Will be understood that if a supported Fischer
200° to 300° C. for one or more hours. In the second step, the Tropsch catalyst is used it Will preferably be applied to the
?ber is carboniZed at a temperature above about 1 100° C. in a surface of the non-conductive, or ?rst solid phase. If one or
non-oxidizing atmosphere. The third step is comprised of a more unsupported Fischer-Tropsch catalytic metals are used
post heat treatment at temperatures up to about 2500° C. to
then it can be applied to the surface of the conductive ?ber
graphitiZe the ?ber and give it its high performance proper
ties. It is in this post heat treatment step that the chemical
(second solid phase) by any suitable plating or coating tech
composition, the crystalline structure, and the mechanical nique. A non-limiting example of such a technique is electro
properties, are strongly in?uenced. plating Which is Well knoWn in the art.
In a preferred embodiment, carbon ?bers are heat treated Particularly preferred Fisher-Tropsch catalyst include:
prior to use, such that they develop characteristics of being at those having from 1 to 40 Wt. % Co; those containing from
least partially graphitic. This is redundant With the third step about 1 to 30 Wt. % Zr; those containing from 1 to 30 Wt. %
of the PAN to ?ber process. In another embodiment, the Ce; those containing from 1 to 30 Wt. % of a combination of
starting material, typically a polymeric ?ber such as poly Ce an Zr; those containing Cu; those containing B, those
acrylonitrile, is impregnated With graphene, graphitic nano? 20 containing K and those containing from 30 Wt. % to 70 Wt. %
bers of various types, graphite, or carbon nanotubes, to render Fe. Another preferred family of catalyst suitable for use as
the ?ber electrically conductive before carboniZation into the Fischer-Tropsch catalyst includes molecular sieves, more
?bers used in this invention. In yet another embodiment, preferably the silicoaluminophosphate compositions SAPO,
ceramic ?bers that have been impregnated With carbon nano SAPO-l l, SAPO-34, and SAPO-l3.
structures of various types, such as carbon nanotubes, carbon 25 Fischer-Tropsch reaction conditions include temperatures
nano?bers, carbon nanoribbons, graphene or graphite may be ofabout 300 to 700° F. (149 to 371° C.), preferably about 400
used to impart partial conductivity to the substrate. It has been to 550° F. (204 to 228° C.); pressures ofabout 10 to 600 psia,
discovered that such techniques provide a substantially stable (0.7 to 41 bars), preferably about 30 to 300 psia, (2 to 21 bars);
and predictable conductivity for the substrate such that auto and gas hourly space velocity (GHSV) of about 100 to
mation and precise temperature operation can be achieved. 30
A third solid phase is comprised of an effective amount of
Another consequential draWback of conventional Fischer
catalyst particles capable of catalyzing the intended chemical Tropsch synthesis is catalyst deactivation due to coking (car
reaction. The catalyst particles can be present in bulk form
bon soot formation) on the surface of the catalysts. One of the
(not on a carrier or support) or on a suitable carrier, such as a
metal oxide, preferably alumina. Non-limiting examples of 35
fundamental functional differences betWeen catalysts used
chemical reactions for Which the catalytic sheets of this for Fischer-Tropsch synthesis or other higher alcohol synthe
invention can be used include oxidation of volatile organics sis, and the ones used for methanol synthesis is Whether or not
and per?uorocarbons from semiconductor manufacturing, the adsorbed CO molecule dissociates on the catalyst surface.
groundWater remediation, NOx abatement from burners, For Fischer-Tropsch synthesis and higher alcohol synthesis,
Water- gas shift reactions, Fischer-Tropsch reactions, polymer 40 CO dissociation is a necessary reaction condition. For metha
production, hydrocracking reactions, hydrogen gas produc nol synthesis, the CO bond remains intact. There are many
tion from gaseous hydrocarbonaceous materials such as the postulations concerning the mechanisms and conditions for
steam reforming process involving methanol or methane. If such coking, one of Which is the presence of Water in the
the reaction to be performed With the catalytic sheets of the substrate, reducing the acidity (electron motion) betWeen the
present invention is the methane steam reforming of methane, 45 metal substrate interface. Another reason could be the high
then preferred catalysts are nickel based catalysts. Typical local temperature conditions created by the exothermic reac
reaction conditions for methane steam reforming include tion, thus forming elemental carbon deposits on the metal.Yet
temperatures from about 700° C. to about 1000° C. another consequence of the high local temperatures could be
One preferred chemical reaction is the Fischer-Tropsch the sintering of the catalyst, thereby reducing the number of
reaction Where liquid hydrocarbons, preferably synthetic die 50 the speci?c coordinate atoms available for absorption of CO
sel and jet fuels are produced from a syngas comprised pri into the catalyst. Use of the catalytic sheet structures of the
marily of carbon monoxide and hydrogen under suitable con present invention addresses these concerns by maintaining
ditions in the presence of a Fischer-Tropsch catalyst. In temperature at a local level, and maintaining a high How of
general, Fischer-Tropsch catalysts contain a Group VIII tran electrons in the catalyst.
sition metal on a metal oxide support. The catalysts may also 55 When the ?rst non-conductive solid phase and second con
contain one or more noble metal promoters and/or crystalline ductive solid phase are combined, and the third solid phase
molecular sieves. Suitable Fischer-Tropsch catalysts com (catalyst) is dispersed in either the ?rst phase, second phase or
prise one or more of Fe, Ni, Co, Ru and Re, With cobalt being both, the resulting catalytic sheet material Will have a com
preferred. A preferred Fischer-Tropsch catalyst comprises posite characteristic value of conductivity and resistivity, the
effective amounts of cobalt and one or more of Re, Ru, Pt, Fe, 60 value of Which Will be someWhere betWeen the values of the
Ni, Th, Zr, Hf, Mg and La on a suitable inorganic support individual phases. This composite characteristic value
material, preferably one that comprises one or more refrac de?nes the current How and resistive heat that can be gener
tory metal oxides. In general, the amount of cobalt present in ated during the operation of the composite material of this
the catalyst is from about 1 to about 50 Weight percent based invention comprised of solid phases 1, 2, 3. Catalytic reac
on the total Weight of the catalyst composition. The catalysts 65 tions can be exothermic or endothermic, loW temperature or
can also contain basic oxide promoters such as ThO2, La2O3, high temperature, and therefore require various amounts of
MgO, ZrO2, and TiO2, as Well as noble metals (Pt, Pd, Ru, Rh, electron ?oW for achieving catalyst activation and perfor
US 8,598,240 B2
7 8
mance as Well as various reaction temperatures and thermal stood that the present invention provides for multiple Ways to
energy supply to provide the required thermal energy of the achieve precise reaction conditions and optimiZing aids to
reaction. alloW commercial reactions to approach theoretical condi
Depending on the reaction conditions required for the tions for the intended catalytic reaction. For each reaction,
intended use of the catalytic sheet the fourth phase may be experimental data can determine Whether the composite
needed. This need Will typically result When it is not possible material is to include 3 or 4 solid phases, and further if the 4th
to form the ?rst solid phase having the desired resistivity and solid phase is to be conducting or non-conducting.
subsequent resistive heat generating capacity Without an If graphene is used as the fourth solid phase it can be used
undesirable reduction in porosity of the ?nal catalytic sheet. in an amount from about 0.3 to 3 Wt. %. If the carbon or
When the composite material of phases 1, 2 and 3 exhibits graphitic nanostructures are used then the amount can range
higher conductivity than required, and also resulting in not from about 3 to 5 Wt. %. If the fourth solid phase is graphite
enough heat generation to provide a temperature high enough or an insulating material such as a ceramic ?ber or a silicon
for the given reaction, a fourth solid phase Will be an effective carbide ?ber, the amount can range from about 20 to 30 Wt. %,
amount of electrically non-conductive, or insulating materi It is Within the scope of this invention that an effective
als, preferably a ceramic material. This non-conductive amount of non-conductive ceramic ?bers may also be used in
fourth solid phase preferably consists of ?bers or nano?bers the case Where the total conductivity of the product catalytic
made of insulating type materials. By adding tWo dimen sheet needs to be reduced to a target conductivity. Any suit
sional ?bers or nano?bers, the porosity of the composite able non-conductive ceramic ?ber can be used for this pur
phase consisting of phases 1, 2 and 3 is not compromised, and pose. This ceramic ?ber phase is distinguished from the 3-di
remains substantially unchanged. 20 mensional non-conductive ceramic phase. For example, the
It Will be understood that a fourth solid phase can therefore ceramic ?bers of this additional solid phase can be thought of
be present to either increase or decrease the characteristic as a plurality of 2-dimesional ?bers since they are not jointed
conductivity and resistive heat generation value of the com to one another in a 3-dimensional netWork. Non-limiting
posite material formed from solid phases 1, 2 and 3. For examples of such ceramic ?bers that can be used in the prac
example, When an increase in conductivity and decrease in 25 tice of the present invention include alumina ?bers, alumino
resistive heat generation of the composite material comprised silicate ?bers, aluminoborosilicate ?bers and silicon carbide
of solid phases 1, 2 and 3 is desired, one or more conductive ?bers. Preferred are aluminosilicate ?bers.
materials Will be used for the fourth solid phase. Non-limiting Carbon nanostructures, preferably graphitic nanostruc
examples of material that can comprise this fourth solid phase tures, can be used as a catalyst carrier or they can be used to
When an increase in conductivity and decrease in resistive 30 enhance the conductivity of the resulting catalytic sheets.
heat generation is required, are carbon species selected from Non-limiting examples of preferred carbon nanostructures
the group consisting of graphene, graphite, and carbon nano are those selected from carbon nanotubes, carbon ?brils, and
structures preferably carbon nano?bers, carbon nanotubes carbon nano?bers. Typically, the nanostructures Will be sub
and carbon nanoribbons. It is preferred that all of these carbon stantially graphitic, and in the case of carbon nano?bers and
nanostructures be graphitic and electrically conductive. 35 nanotubes, the most preferred nanostructures, the distance
The fourth solid phase is preferably embedded in the struc betWeen graphitic platelets Will be about 0.335 nm. It is to be
ture of the ?rst solid phase, Which is the non-conductive understood that the terms “carbon ?laments”, “carbon Whis
3-dimensional phase. The embedding is preferably done dur kers”, “carbon nano?bers”, and “carbon ?brils”, are some
ing the formation of this ?rst solid phase from a ceramic sol, times used interchangeably by those having ordinary skill in
such as alumina sol. Once the liquid is driven off from the 40 the art.
ceramic sol this fourth solid phase Will be embedded in the Carbon nanotubes, other than those that are sometimes also
?rst solid phase. An effective amount of fourth solid phase is referred to as carbon ?brils and those that are the multifaceted
embedded into the ?rst solid phase to provide the desired type, Will typically be of the fullerene type. Such structures
conductivity and resistive heat generation capacity of the neW are described in an article by M. S. Dresselhaus et. al. entitled
composite material consisting of phases 1, 2, 3 and 4. The 45 Fullerenes, on pages 2087-2092 in Journal of Materials
amount of material of the fourth solid phase added to the ?rst Research, Vol. 8, No. 8, August 1993, Which article is incor
non-conductive phase is determined by experiments for the porated herein by reference. Fullerenes are C” cage molecules
desired chemical reaction. In other Words, When there is no built from a collection of hexagonal and pentagonal faces.
fourth solid phase present, the conductivity from the second The C6O fullerenes are typically referred to as “buckminster
conductive phase, the resistivity from the ?rst solid non 50 fullerenes” or simply “buckyballs”. C6O-derived tubules can
conductive phase and the dispersion of the third solid phase in be de?ned, in simplest terms, by bisecting a C60 molecule at
the ?rst solid phase, in the second solid phase orboth, are Well the equator and joining the tWo resulting hemispheres With a
suited to provide the characteristics of electron How and resis cylindrical tube one monolayer thick and With the same diam
tive heating required for some reactions, like the methanol eter as C60. Cylindrical carbon nanotubes can also be de?ned
steam reforming reaction, as described earlier, there Would be 55 as substantially holloW structures comprised of substantially
no need for a fourth phase. parallel graphite layers aligned at distances of about 0.335 nm
Given the variety of reaction conditions for various cata to 0.67 nm from each other. It is to be understood that the
lytic reactions practiced by industry today, some reactions graphite platelets of the preferred carbon nano?bers of the
may need loWer reaction temperatures or are exothermic in present invention may have various orientations. For
nature, and require no resistive heat from the composite mate 60 example, they can be aligned parallel, perpendicular, or at an
rial, but they do bene?t from the higher acidity (higher elec angle With respect to the longitudinal axis of the nano?ber.
tron availability) provided by the present invention, because Further, the surface area of the carbon nano?bers can be
such electron ?oW enhances the performance of the dispersed increased by careful activation With a suitable etching agent,
catalyst, the third solid phase. Yet other reactions, such as such as carbon dioxide, steam, or the use of a selected cata
highly endothermic reactions, may need less electron ?oW but 65 lyst, such as an alkali or alkaline-earth metal.
more resistive heat. Hence, While it is not practical to de?ne In addition, the preferred carbon nano?bers and multifac
each and every reaction condition here, it should be under eted carbon nanotubes of the present invention Will have: (i) a
US 8,598,240 B2
9 10
nitrogen surface area from about 40 to 300 m2/g; (ii) an cally conductive ?bers CF. This results in the sheet being
electrical resistivity of 0.4 ohm-cm to 0.1 ohm-cm; (iii) a heated to reaction temperature because a substantial amount
crystallinity from about 95% to 100%; and (iv) a spacing of the carbon ?bers are in intimate contact With the 3-dimen
betWeen adjacent graphite sheets of 0.335 nm to about 1.1 sional porous netWork containing the catalyst particles. While
nm, preferably from about 0.335 nm to about 0.67 nm, and the electrically induced heat alone may be enough to catalyZe
more preferably from about 0.335 to about 0.40 nm. the intended chemical reaction, the plurality of electrically
The more preferred carbon nano?bers of this invention are conductive carbon ?bers creates an electric ?eld throughout
those having graphite platelets that are substantially perpen the catalytic sheet, thus providing an unexpected and syner
dicular to the longitudinal axis of the nano?ber (“platelet” gistic effect With regard to the activity of the catalyst. Thus,
structure) and those Wherein the graphite platelets are aligned for a given catalyst activity, or level of reactant conversion,
substantially parallel to the longitudinal axis (“cylindrical” the process can be run at loWer temperatures compared to the
and “multifaceted” tubular). U.S. Pat. No. 6,537,515 to Cata case When only heat is provided to initiate the chemical reac
lytic Materials, LLC, Which is incorporated herein by refer tion and not heat plus an electric ?eld. It Will be understood
ence, teaches a method for producing a substantially crystal that some chemical reactions may require more heat than is
line graphite nano?ber comprised of graphite platelets that 5 generated by the electric current passing through the conduc
are aligned substantially perpendicular to the longitudinal tive carbon ?bers. In such cases, additional heat from a con
axis of the nano?ber. ventional source, such as a burner, Will be required.
The mo st preferred carbon nano?bers having their graphite The catalytic sheets of the present invention can be pre
platelets aligned substantially parallel to the longitudinal axis pared by any suitable method. One preferred method is to
are the non-cylindrical multifaceted tubular nano?bers, also 20 prepare the catalytic sheets by a so-call “?ltration” method
knoWn as “ribbon type” nano?bers. Such multi-faceted tubu Wherein a suspension of catalyst particles is passed an effec
lar nano?bers can be single or multi-Walled, preferably multi tive amount of time through an electrically conductive ?ber
Walled. By multi-Walled We mean that the structure can be mat (one of the solid phases) comprised of a plurality of
thought of a multi-faceted tube Within a multi-faceted tube, electrically conductive ?bers. The conductive ?ber mat Will
etc. The multi-faceted tubular carbon nanostructures of the 25 be comprised of a plurality of randomly oriented electrically
present invention are distinguished from the so-called conductive carbon ?bers, preferably graphitic ?bers. The
“?brils” or cylindrical carbon nanostructures. The multi-fac total surface area available for contact With reactants of this
eted tubular nano?bers of the present invention can also be electrically conductive solid phase Will be from about 100
thought of as having a structure that resembles a multi-faceted m2/g to about 1500 m2/g, preferably from about 400 m2/g to
pencil or Alan key. That is, a cross section of the multifaceted 30 about 1000 m2/ g, and more preferably from about 500 m2/g to
nanotube Would represent a polygon. A single Wall of the about 1000 m2/g. The only limit to the external dimension of
multifaceted nanotubes of the present invention can also be the catalyst sheet of the present invention is the process equip
thought of as being a single sheet folded in such a Way to ment in Which it Will be used. The bulk density of this elec
resemble a multifaceted tubular structureithe folds being trically conductive solid phase Will be an effective bulk den
the corners. 35 sity. That is, the bulk density Will be enough to provide
It Will be understood that the carbon nanostructures used continuous electrical conductivity from one end of a sheet
herein can be a separate ingredient embedded into the ?rst containing these carbon ?bers to an opposing end. It Will also
solid phase or they can be groWn from and be a part of, the alloW the reactant feed to pass through it’s cross sectional area
electrically conductive carbon ?bers, the 3-dimensional non at su?icient residence time on-catalyst at process How rates.
conductive netWork, and/ or ceramic ?bers. The carbon 40 Further, it Will be porous enough so that the pressure drop of
nano?bers of this invention can provide additional conduc a reactant gas (feed) passing through the catalytic sheet Will
tivity to the ?nal catalytic ?brous structure and thus loWer be loW enough to carry out the process Without extensive
loadings of conductive ?ber can be used for the same total pressure drop. Preferred pressure drop should be equal to or
conductivity of the ?brous substrate structure. less than 5 psig, preferably equal to or less than about 3.0 psig,
The present invention can be better understood With refer 45 and more preferably equal to or less than about 1 psig. The
ence to the ?gures hereof. FIG. 1 is an illustration of a per porosity of the catalytic sheets Will preferably be form about
spective vieW of a preferred catalytic sheet CS of the present 50 to about 99%, more preferably from about 80 to about
invention in the shape of a rectangle having a thickness of 99%. Although this electrically conductive mat can be pre
about 1 to 30 millimeters. The sheet is comprised of a plural pared by molding or pressing a suitable amount of electrically
ity of randomly oriented conductive ?bers CF, a 3-dimen 50 conductive carbon ?bers, it is preferred that a pre-manufac
sional porous netWork of electrically non-conductive ceramic tured carbon or graphite ?ber mat be obtained from a third
material CNET and catalyst particles CP. FIG. 2 shoWs the party, such as Osaka Gas Co., Ltd.
catalytic sheet of FIG. 1 hereof except that the sheet noW A suspension containing an effective amount of catalyst
contains electrical current feeders ECF to Which an electrical particles is prepared by use of any suitable liquid dispersing
poWer source can be connected. FIG. 3 hereof is a magni?ed 55 agent. Preferred liquid dispersing agents include Water, loWer
vieW of a section of the interior of a catalytic sheet of the carbon number aliphatic alcohols, as Well as any other organic
invention. FIG. 3 shoWs the 3-dimensional porous netWork of solvents suitable for dispersing the catalyst particles and not
ceramic material CNET throughout the sheet and randomly cause any signi?cant undesirable effect. More preferred are
oriented conductive ?bers CF. Catalyst particles CP can be Water, ethanol, and iso-propanol. By “effective amount of
seen associated With the 3-dimensional porous netWork but 60 catalyst particles” We mean that amount needed in the sus
not the carbon ?bers. It Will be understood that during the pension to result in the desired catalyst loading on the carbon
preparation of the catalytic sheet of the present invention ?bers of the mat after a suitable number of times the suspen
small amounts of catalyst particles may become associated sion is passed through the conductive ?ber mat. For example,
With the electrically conductive carbon ?bers, but no so much only about 75 Wt. % to about 90 Wt. % of the catalyst particles
as to adversely affect the intended chemical process. 65 in suspension Will be transferred to the carbon ?bers during
When electrical poWer is fed to the current feeder ECF an any given pass-through, since some of the catalyst particles
electrical current is carried through the sheet via the electri Will alWays remain With the liquid dispersing agent and not
US 8,598,240 B2
11 12
deposit on the carbon ?bers. After the predetermined amount previously described, is added. The blend, plus ceramic sol, is
of catalyst particles are loaded onto the conductive ?ber mat, placed in a mold of suitable siZe and predetermined shape and
the catalyst-containing conductive ?ber mat is dried to drive thickness and dried, as also previously described, to produce
off substantially all extraneous dispersing agent. The drying a shaped pre-catalytic sheet or mat of predetermined thick
Will preferably be done at a temperature from about 85° C. to ness. The pre-catalytic sheet is then calcined as previously
about 95° C. at atmospheric pressure, although reduced pres described and reduced under reducing conditions and in the
sures can also be used. presence of a hydrogen-containing gas to produce the cata
A 3-dimensional non-conductive porous netWork of lytic sheet.
ceramic material is formed Within the dried catalyst-contain FIG. 4 hereof is a simpli?ed schematic of a catalytic sheet
ing conductive ?ber mat. This is preferably done by use of a of the present invention used in a methanol reformer. Cata
ceramic sol, more preferably an alumina sol. The alumina sol lytic sheet CS is shoWn in methanol steam reformer reactor
can be prepared by any suitable means, such as by using 10. The catalytic sheet is connected to an electric poWer
boehmite gel poWder and 0.5 um ot-alumina particles, such source (PS) by current feeders 12 and 14. The amount of
that about 80% of the oxide alumina results from the ot-alu electrical poWer supplied Will be an effective amount. That is,
mina particles and the remaining 20% from the boehmite. If that amount needed to provide and maintain the reaction
desired, silica sol can be added to the alumina sol to produce temperature plus to provide an electrical ?eld throughout the
a mullite sol. The catalyst-containing conductive ?ber mat is sheet. In the case of the methanol reforming reaction men
soaked in the ceramic sol for an effective amount of time and tioned above, a stream comprised of methanol and steam is
at about room temperature and atmospheric pressures. That introduced via line 16 into the inlet of the methanol reactor
is, for at least that amount of time needed for the sol to 20 and passes through the catalytic sheet CS and reacts With the
in?ltrate throughout the conductive ?ber mat. During this catalyst particles to produce a hydrogen-rich gas product. The
stage of the procedure a substantial amount, preferably sub inventor hereof believes that the electric ?eld created by an
stantially all, of the catalyst particles Will migrate from the electric current passing through the conductive ?bers of the
electrically conductive carbon ?bers of the conductive ?ber sheet results in a synergistic effect in combination With the
mat to the ceramic sol. The catalytic sheet of the present 25 heat of reaction Which also provided by the electric current
invention is completed by removing the conductive ?ber mat passing through the catalytic sheet. This results in a more
from the sol and drying it under conditions similar to that active catalyst at any given temperature Within the tempera
previously mentioned. The dried catalytic sheet is then cal ture range of the intended reaction. More active catalysts
cined in an oxygen-containing atmosphere, preferably air, enable the intended process to be conducted at loWer bulk
and at a temperature of about 100° C. to about 500° C., 30 reaction temperatures Without sacri?cing yield or selectivity.
preferably at a temperature of about 250° C. to about 450° C. FIG. 5 hereof is a simpli?ed schematic exemplifying a
for an effective amount of time Which Will typically be from typical vapor phase reaction by the present invention. The
about 0.5 hours to about 24 hours. The dried catalytic sheet is schematic, in this case is of a fuel processing system that
then activated by heating it in a reducing environment, typi contains a fuel processor for producing a product gas stream
cally in the presence of a hydrogen-containing gas, at a tem 35 comprised predominantly of hydrogen. A preferred fuel pro
perature from about 150° C. to about 500° C. cessor is a steam reformer, Which produces the product hydro
If an effective amount of non-conductive material, such as gen-containing stream by steam reforming a feed stream con
ceramic ?ber is to be used to reduce the total conductivity of taining Water and a hydrocarbonaceous material. FIG. 5
the ?nal catalytic sheet, it can be added to the ceramic sol shoWs a steam reforming process system generally indicated
during the preparation of the ceramic sol. An effective amount 40 at 100 and comprised of a steam reformer REF and a gas
of carbon nanostructures can also be added during the prepa separation Zone SZ. A suitable feed, preferably methanol, is
ration of the ceramic sol. introduced into steam reformer REF via line 101 along With
Current feeders can noW be added to the ?nal catalytic steam via line 102 Where it passes through catalytic sheet CS.
sheet. In a most preferred embodiment, the catalytic sheet is For example, if the intended reaction is methanol steam
rectangular and one current feed is attached to one side of the 45 reforming (MSR), then it is preferred that the catalyst be a
sheet and another current feeder to the opposing side. The Cu/ZnO on alumina catalyst. Although this ?gure only shoWs
current feeder can be composed of any suitable conductive one catalytic sheet it is to be understoodthat multiple catalytic
metal. It can be attached to the sides of the sheet by merely sheets can be used in series either layered together or With a
clamping it onto the sheet. It can also be attached by use of a gap, or void, betWeen one or more sheets. It is preferred that
solder or conductive paste, or by dipping opposing sides of 50 2 catalytic sheets of the present invention be used in series
the sheet into a molten conductive metal, then removed and With an effective void, or gap betWeen each sheet. A suitable
alloWed to harden. The current feeder must be physically gap betWeen sheets Will be about 1A to about 2 times the
secure enough to Withstand the reaction conditions of the thickness of the catalytic sheets. PoWer supply PS supplies
reactor in Which the catalytic sheet is to be used. It is Within current to the catalytic sheet While feed is passing there
the scope of this invention that the current feeder be part of a 55 through. Steam reformer REF is maintained at suitable tem
holder into Which the catalytic sheet is placed for insertion peratures, for example betWeen about 200° C. and 800° C.
and placement into a catalytic reactor. and at pressures from about 0 psig to about 1000 psig. In some
In a preferred embodiment of the present invention, the embodiments, feedstream 101 can be delivered to the steam
catalytic sheets are prepared by blending together effective reformer at an elevated temperature, and accordingly can
amounts of electrically conductive carbon or graphitic ?bers 60 provide at least a portion of the required heat needed for the
and catalyst particles. An effective amount of dispersing liq intended reaction. When a burner or other combustion cham
uid is added and the resulting slurry is agitated, preferably by ber is used to supply heat, a fuel stream is consumed and a
mechanical mixing, until a substantial homogeneous blend heated exhaust stream is produced. Further, the feedstream is
results. The blend is then passed through a ?lter of suitable preferably vaporiZed prior to passing through the catalytic
composition and porosity to obtain a substantially uniform 65 sheet and undergoing the reforming reaction.
and substantially dry blend of ingredients. The blend in then While methanol is the feed of choice for producing hydro
placed in a vessel of suitable siZe to Which a ceramic sol, as gen for purposes of this invention other hydrocarbonaceous
US 8,598,240 B2
13 14
feedstreams can also be used. Methanol steam reforming and the component is present in at least 3 Wt % and often at
(MSR) typically takes place at a lower temperature compared least 5 or 10 Wt % of the active components in the composi
to reforming other hydrocarbonaceous feedstrems. For tion. Preferably, but not necessarily in all embodiments, the
example, methanol steam reformers typically have reforming MSR catalyst contains Zinc oxide and chromium oxide as
regions that are heated to approximately 300° C. to about active components. In such a catalyst, the chromium oxide
500° C., preferably from about 350° C. to about 425° C. enhances the activity of the Zinc oxide. These MSR catalysts
Methanol steam reformers also typically receive a feedstream may contain at least about 20 Wt. % Zinc oxide, preferably
having approximately a 111.25 molar ratio of methanol to about 25 Wt. % to about 80 Wt. % Zinc oxide. For example, the
Water (or approximately 64% methanol by Weight). This feed catalyst may contain about 30 Wt. % to about 70 Wt. % Zinc
ratio may be varied Without departing from the scope of the oxide, preferably from abut 40 Wt. % to about 60 Wt. % Zinc
present invention and still produce su?icient amounts of oxide, more preferably about 50 Wt. % Zinc oxide. Similarly,
hydrogen gas. Non-limiting examples of other hydrocarbon the MSR catalyst may contain at least about 20 Wt. % chro
aceous feedstreams suitable for being treated in accordance mium oxide, preferably about 25 Wt. % to about 80 Wt. %
With the present invention include the C l to C l l alkanes, C l to chromium oxide. For example, the catalysts may contain
C20 alkanols, and petroleum streams such as diesel, kerosene, about 30 Wt. % to about 70 Wt. % chromium oxide, preferably
and naphthas. Petroleum streams may require hydrotreating from about 40 Wt. % to about 60 Wt. % chromium oxide, more
to remove undesirable heteroatoms, such as sulfur and nitro preferably about 50% chromium oxide.
gen. Preferred hydrocarbonaceous streams are the C1 to C3 Other examples of a composition that may be used as a
alkanes, preferably methane or natural gas. When a naphtha is MSR catalyst according to the present disclosure and Which
the hydrocarbon feed, the stream reformer is an on-board 20 exhibits both of the above-discussed properties is sold under
reactor for transportation vehicles that produces high purity the trade name KMA by Sud Chemie. KMA is designed to be
hydrogen for an on-board fuel cell. Non-limiting examples of used as a high temperature methanol synthesis catalyst. By
suitable C1 to C20 alkanols include the C1 to C3 aliphatic “high temperature” it is meant a temperature greater than
alcohols, as Well as polyols, such as ethylene glycol and about 700° C. and typically in the range of about 700° to about
propylene glycol. 25 900° C. For example, in contrast to an LTS catalyst, KMA has
Traditionally, loW temperature shift catalysts (LTS) have very little activity in the conventional temperature ranges in
been used as methanol steam reforming catalysts. These cata Which LTS catalysts are used, such as 200° C. to about 275°
lysts Were designed to catalytically facilitate the conversion C.
of Water and carbon monoxide to hydrogen and carbon diox Another example of a suitable MSR catalyst suitable for
ide at temperatures less than about 275° C., such as in the 30 use herein is a catalyst that contains Zinc oxide supported on
range of about 200 to about 275° C. These catalysts typically calcium aluminate. Similar to KMA, this MSR catalyst is not
are copper-based, such as stabilized compositions of copper pyrophoric and is not reduced and deactivated by sintering
and Zinc. More particularly, LTS catalysts typically include during use. For example, the catalyst may contain up to
copper oxide and Zinc oxide supported on alumina. LTS cata approximately 95% Zinc oxide and at least approximately 3%
lysts are available in various shapes and forms, such as pel 35 calcium aluminate. Other illustrative examples of possible
lets, poWders, etc. LTS catalysts containing copper and Zinc compositions include about 25 to about 80 Wt. % Zinc oxide,
Will generally include about 10 to 90% copper (1) and/or about 50 to about 90 Wt. % Zinc oxide, and about 70 to about
copper (ll) oxide and about 10 to 90% Zinc oxide. As used 95 Wt. % Zinc oxide. Similarly, the MSR catalyst may contain
herein, “copper oxide” shall mean copper (1) and/or copper at least about 5 Wt. % calcium aluminate, about 10 to about 30
(ll) oxide. The LTS catalysts may further include other mate 40 Wt. % calcium aluminate, about 25 to abut 75 Wt. % calcium
rials, such as about 0 to 50% alumina. Other examples of LTS aluminate or about 40 to about 60 Wt. % calcium aluminate.
catalysts may be described as containing about 20 to 60% An example of such a catalyst is sold under the trade name
copper oxide, about 20 to 50% copper oxide, or about 20 to G72-E from Sud Chemie. G72-E is designed to be used as a
40% copper oxide. Still others include these illustrative sulfur absorbent material but has proven effective as a MSR
ranges of copper oxide and about 20 to 60% Zinc oxide, about 45 catalyst.
20 to 50% Zinc oxide or about 30 to 60% Zinc oxide. Other Although the above-described MSR catalysts are usually
LTS catalysts contain chromium instead of the copper-Zinc substantially free of copper oxide, it is Within the scope of this
formulations described above. An example of a conventional invention that copper oxide may be present in small quanti
LTS catalyst is made by lCl Chemicals & Polymers, Ltd. of ties, such as less than about 5 Wt. % and preferably less than
Billingham, England and sold under the trade name 52-1. 50 about 1 Wt. %. Other examples of MSR catalysts that may
This LTS catalyst contains about 30% copper (ll) oxide, about offer some performance bene?ts over the copper-Zinc LTS
45 Wt. % Zinc oxide and about 13 Wt. % alumina. Another catalysts discussed above (especially When operated at a tem
example of a LTS catalyst is K3-110, Which is made and sold perature at or above 300° C.) include high temperature shift
by BASF Corporation. Other examples include G66B and catalysts that contain iron oxide. Again, these catalysts are
T-2617, Which are made and sold by Sud-Chemie, Inc., of 55 designed for high temperature and/or pressure operation to
Louisville, Ky. Unless otherWise speci?ed herein, all compo produce methanol. HoWever, and as discussed herein, the
sition percentages are expressed in Wt %. present disclosure is directed to using these catalysts at a
Catalysts used in the practice of the present invention are moderate (300° to about 500° C.) temperature to produce
typically those containing Cu or a Group VIII metal, such as hydrogen from methanol via steam reforming. Iron oxide is
Ni, Rh, Pd or Pt. These metals are preferably supported on a 60 someWhat pyrophoric, but much less so than the copper-Zinc
metal oxide support such as alumina, silica, silica-alumina, LTS catalysts discussed above. Therefore, compared to cop
Zirconia or magnesia. Another type of preferred methanol per-Zinc LTS catalysts, these catalysts offer greater safety and
steam reforming catalyst that can be used in the practice of the reduced risk of ?re When exposed to air. Similar to copper
present invention contains Zinc oxide as an active component Zinc LTS catalysts, hoWever, these iron oxide-based catalysts
and does not contain copper oxide as an active component. By 65 may be reduced and deactivated through sintering during use.
“active,” it is meant that the component takes part in, or A further property that may be exhibited by MSR catalysts
otherWise promotes, the methanol steam reforming reaction according to the present disclosure, either alone or in combi
US 8,598,240 B2
15 16
nation With one or more of the above properties, is that the materials for membranes include palladium and palladium
MSR catalyst minimizes the amount of methane produced alloys, and especially thin ?lms of such metals and metal
during the methanol steam reforming process. It is preferred alloys. Palladium alloys have proven particularly effective,
that substantially no methane be produced during methanol especially palladium With 35 Wt % to 45 Wt % copper. A
steam reforming. For example, many high temperature shift palladium-copper alloy that contains approximately 40 Wt %
catalysts and methanol synthesis catalysts, such as iron-based copper has proven particularly effective, although other rela
catalysts, produce approximately 1 Wt. % to about 5 Wt. % tive concentrations and components may be used Within the
methane during a methanol steam reforming reaction. This scope of the disclosure.
production of methane, While not detrimental to many appli Hydrogen-selective membranes are typically formed from
cations for the product hydrogen-containing reformate gas a thin foil that is approximately 0.001 inches thick. It is Within
stream, and Which may be removed or reduced in concentra the scope of the present disclosure, hoWever, that the mem
tion in a subsequent separation and/or puri?cation step, still branes be formed from other hydrogen-permeable and/or
reduces the overall yield of hydrogen gas because some of the hydrogen-selective materials, including metals and metal
alloys other than those discussed above as Well as non-metal
methanol is reacted to form methane instead of hydrogen gas.
lic materials and compositions, and that the membranes may
KMA and other Zinc oxide MSR catalysts meeting the criteria have thicknesses that are greater or less than discussed above.
described herein and Which do not contain iron oxide as an For example, the membrane may be made thinner, With com
active component do not tend to produce methane When used mensurate increase in hydrogen ?ux. Examples of suitable
as a MSR catalyst in the operating conditions described mechanisms for reducing the thickness of the membranes
herein for steam reformer REF. include rolling, sputtering and etching. A suitable etching
Hydrogen Will be the major, or primary, component of the 20 process is disclosed in Us. Pat. No. 6,152,995, the complete
resulting product gas stream 103. Although product gas disclosure of Which is hereby incorporated by reference for
stream 103 contains a substantial amount of hydrogen gas, all purposes. Non-limiting examples of various membranes,
preferably less than or equal to 75 vol. %, the stream may also membrane con?gurations, and methods for preparing the
be referred to as a mixed gas stream because it also contains same are disclosed in Us. Pat. Nos. 6,562,1 1 1 and 6,537,352,
gases other than hydrogen. Examples of such other gases 25 6,319,306, and 6,221,117, the complete disclosures ofWhich
include carbon dioxide, carbon monoxide, Water, methane are hereby incorporated by reference for all purposes.
and/ or unreacted methanol as Well as other carbon-containing Another example of a suitable gas separation process that
feedstock. can be used in separation Zone SZ is sWing absorption. Non
HoWever, many applications require a hydrogen stream limiting examples of sWing adsorption processes that can be
that has greater purity and/or a reduced concentration of one used in the practice of the present invention includes conven
or more non-hydrogen components that is present in product 30 tional pressure sWing adsorption, rapid cycle pressure sWing
gas stream 103. Therefore, steam reformer REF may have an adsorption, partial pressure sWing adsorption, thermal sWing
optional separation Zone SZ in Which the hydrogen purity of adsorption, and rapid cycle thermal swing adsorption.
the product gas stream is increased and/or the concentration Accordingly, separation Zone SZ can include one or more
of at least one non-hydrogen component is reduced. As shoWn sWing adsorption systems. Pressure sWing adsorption (PSA)
in FIG. 5 hereof, separation Zone SZ receives the product gas 35 processes are Well knoWn to those having ordinary skill in the
stream 103 and produces a hydrogen-rich stream 104 there art and in such systems gaseous impurities are removed from
from. Hydrogen-rich stream 104 Will have a greater concen a stream containing hydrogen gas. PSA is based on the prin
tration (or purity) of hydrogen gas than product gas stream ciple that certain gases, under the proper conditions of tem
103 and/or has a reduced concentration of at least one non perature and pressure, Will be adsorbed onto an adsorbent
hydrogen component of the product gas stream. material more strongly than other gases. Typically, it is the
Separation Zone SZ can utiliZe any suitable separation 40 impurities that are adsorbed and thus removed from product
technology and/or utiliZe any suitable mechanism, including gas stream 103. The success of using PSA for hydrogen
a pressure-driven mechanism or separation process, to puri?cation is due to the relatively strong adsorption of com
increase the purity of product gas stream 103 and/ or remove mon impurity gases (such as CO, CO2, hydrocarbons includ
selected components therefrom, such as to separate product ing CH4, and N2) on the adsorbent material. Hydrogen
gas stream 103 into hydrogen-rich stream 104 and by-product 45 adsorbs only very Weakly and so hydrogen passes through the
stream 105. Although only a single one of each of these adsorbent bed While the impurities are retained on the adsor
streams has been schematically illustrated, it is Within the bent material. lmpurity gases such as NH3, H28, and H20
scope of the present disclosure that separation Zone SZ may adsorb very strongly on the adsorbent material and are there
produce more than one of each of these streams, Which may fore removed from product gas stream 103 along With other
thereafter be combined before or after leaving the separation impurities. If the adsorbent material is to be regenerated and
region. Similarly, although schematically illustrated as these impurities are present in product gas stream 103, sepa
streams in FIG. 5 hereof, it is Within the scope of the present ration Zone SZ preferably includes a suitable device (not
invention that the by-product stream be formed from a portion shoWn) that is adapted to remove these impurities prior to
of product gas stream 103 that is split from the stream and delivery of product gas stream to the adsorbent material
stored or otherWise retained Within the separation Zone and because it is more di?icult to desorb these impurities.
thereafter removed, such as during servicing, replacement of 55 Yet another example of a suitable process for separation
the containment structure, etc. It is also Within the scope of the Zone SZ is a chemical process, in Which one or more non
present disclosure that steam reformer REF utiliZe more than hydrogen components of the product gas stream are chemi
one separation Zone and/ or utiliZe more than one type of cally reacted to form additional hydrogen gas and/ or to form
technology and/ or structure for increasing the concentration components that are more desirable than the components that
of hydrogen gas and/ or reducing the concentration of selected 60
are removed from the product gas stream. Illustrative
non-hydrogen components relative to product gas stream examples of chemical separation processes include the use of
103. at least one methanation catalyst bed to produce methane
An example of a suitable separation structure for separa from carbon monoxide and suitable structure for performing
tion Zone SZ is one or more hydrogen-permeable and/or the Water-gas shift reaction to produce hydrogen gas from
hydrogen-selective membranes. The membranes can be Water and carbon monoxide present in the product gas stream.
formed of any hydrogen-permeable material suitable for use 65 For example, in the context of a steam reformer that is
in the operating environment and parameters in Which sepa producing a fuel stream for a fuel cell stack containing a
ration Zone SZ is operated. Non-limiting examples of suitable plurality of fuel cells, many fuel cells are subject to damage if
US 8,598,240 B2
17 18
exposed to certain components, such as carbon monoxide trollers, ?oW-regulating structures, sensor assemblies, heat
and/or carbon dioxide above certain threshold concentra ing assemblies, poWer management modules, and the like.
tions. For at least many conventional proton-exchange mem A fuel cell stack typically includes multiple fuel cells 106
brane (PEM) fuel cells, the concentration of carbon monoxide joined together betWeen common end plates 107, Which con
should be less than 10 ppm (parts per million). Preferably, the tain ?uid delivery/removal conduits (not shoWn). Examples
system limits the concentration of carbon monoxide to less of suitable fuel cells include proton exchange membrane
than about 5 ppm, and even more preferably, to less than about (PEM) fuel cells and alkaline fuel cells. Fuel cell stack FC can
1 ppm. The concentration of carbon dioxide may be greater receive all of product hydrogen stream 104. Some or all of
than that of carbon monoxide. For example, concentrations of hydrogen stream 104 may additionally, or alternatively, be
less than about 25 Wt. % carbon dioxide may be acceptable. delivered, via a suitable conduit, for use in another hydrogen
Preferably, the concentration is less than about 10 Wt. %, and consuming process, burned for fuel or heat, or stored for later
even more preferably, less than about 1 Wt. %. Especially use. For example, and as illustrated in FIG. 6 hereof, it is
preferred concentrations are less than about 50 ppm. The Within the scope of the disclosure that at least a portion of the
acceptable maximum concentrations presented herein are product hydrogen stream produced by the steam reformer be
illustrative examples, and concentrations other than those conducted via line 108 in a suitable hydrogen storage device
presented herein may be used and are Within the scope of the ST. Non-limiting examples of suitable storage devices for
present disclosure. For example, particular users or manufac hydrogen gas include pressuriZed tanks and hydride beds.
turers may require minimum or maximum concentration lev When the fuel cell system includes a steam reformer and a
els or ranges that are different than those identi?ed herein. hydrogen storage device ST, the hydrogen gas that is deliv
ered to fuel cell stack FC may come from reformer REF,
Similarly, When steam reformers according to the present storage device ST, orboth. A portion of the hydrogen can even
disclosure are used With a fuel cell stack that is more tolerant
come from an external source as Well. Fuel processing and
of these impurities, then the product hydrogen stream may fuel cell systems according to the present disclosure may also
contain larger amounts of these gases. Similarly, When the be constructed Without a hydrogen storage device.
steam reformers are used to produce product hydrogen The electric current produced by fuel cell stack FC may be
streams that are used for applications other than as a fuel used to satisfy the energy demands, or applied load, of at least
stream for a fuel cell stack, it may be desirable to remove 25
one associated energy-consuming device (not shoWn). Non
other components from the product hydrogen stream and/or it limiting examples of such energy-consuming devices include
may not be necessary to utiliZe a separation process. motor vehicles, recreational vehicles, industrial or construc
As previously mentioned, steam reformer process system tion vehicles, boat or other seacraft, tools, lights or lighting
100 can utiliZe more than one type of separation process assemblies, appliances (such as a household or other appli
and/or include or be associated With more than one type of 30 ance), households, commercial of?ces or buildings, neigh
separation structure. For example, When the hydrogen-rich borhoods, industrial equipment, signaling or communication
product stream is intended for use in a PEM fuel cell stack or equipment, the balance-of-plant electrical requirements for
other device that Will be damaged if the stream contains more the fuel cell system, etc. It is Within the scope of the present
than determined concentrations of carbon monoxide or car invention that the fuel cell system may (but is not required to)
bon dioxide, it may be desirable to include a methanation 35
include at least one energy-storage device EST Which is
catalyst in one of the separation Zones. The methanation adapted to store at least a portion of the current produced by
catalyst converts carbon monoxide and carbon dioxide into fuel cell stack FC. Described in other Words, the current may
methane and Water, both of Which Will not damage a PEM fuel establish a potential that may be later used to satisfy an
cell stack. A polishing Zone (not shoWn) may also be used applied load, such as from an energy-consuming device. An
doWnstream of the one or more separation Zones SZ and may illustrative example of a suitable energy-storage devices is a
also include a steam reforming catalyst to convert any unre 40 battery, but others may be used, such as ultra capacitors and
acted feedstock into hydrogen. Thus, it is optional to include ?yWheels. Energy storage device EST may additionally or
a doWnstream, or secondary, reforming Zone. In such an alternatively be used to poWer the fuel cell system, such as
embodiment, it is preferable that the reforming catalyst is during star‘tup of the system.
upstream from the methanation catalyst so as not to reintro The folloWing examples are presented for illustrative pur
duce carbon dioxide or carbon monoxide doWnstream of the 45 poses only and are not to be taken as being limiting in any
methanation catalyst. Way.
As schematically illustrated in FIG. 6 hereof, steam
reformer REF according to the present disclosure can be EXAMPLE 1 AND COMPARATIVE EXAMPLE A
adapted to deliver at least a portion of a high purity hydrogen
stream 104 to at least one fuel cell stack FC. Fuel cell stack FC
Preparation of Catalytic Sheet
receives the portion of the product hydrogen stream and an The folloWing procedure, Which is sometimes referred to
oxidant and produces an electric current therefrom. Non herein as the “?ltration procedure”, Was used to prepare a
limiting examples of suitable oxidants include air, oxygen plurality of catalytic sheets for these tWo examples.
gas, and oxygen-enriched air. The oxidant stream may be A suspension Was prepared by mixing 40 g of a commercial
delivered to the fuel cell stack via any suitable mechanism. CuO/ZnO catalyst in 1000 ml iso-propanol at room tempera
Although the steam reforming process system is indicated at 55 ture, and treated With ultrasonic at about room temperature
100 in FIG. 6, it is Within the scope of the present invention (18° C. to 21° C.) for 2 hours. The commercial CuO/ZnO
that any of the steam reformers previously disclosed herein catalyst used Was in poWder form having a density of 65 to 85
may be incorporated With a fuel cell system. Fuel cell stack lb/ft and With particles siZes ranging from about 300 pm to
FC is adapted to produce an electric current from that portion about 1 mm and available from Siid-Chemie Inc. With the
of product hydrogen stream 104 delivered thereto. In the 60
designation Cl8-AMT. A 9 cm diameter carbon ?ber felt
illustrated embodiment, a single steam reformer system 100 having a thickness of 10 mm and Weighing 3.5 g Was placed
and a single fuel cell stack FC are shoWn and described. on a Buchner funnel and placed on a ?ltering ?ask. The
HoWever, more than one of either, or both of these compo carbon ?ber felt mat Was pretreated by oxidiZing it With
nents, may be used. It is also Within the scope of the present H202. The carbon ?ber mat acts as a ?lter. The carbon ?ber
invention that these components have been schematically mat, Which is available from Osaka Gas Chemicals Co. Ltd
illustrated and that the fuel cell system may include additional 65 Was comprised of electrically conductive carbon ?bers hav
components that are not speci?cally illustrated in FIG. 6, such ing an average ?ber diameter of about 10 um and average unit
as feed pumps, air delivery systems, heat exchangers, con Weight of about 500 g/m. The CuO/Zn catalyst in iso-pro
US 8,598,240 B2
19 20
panol suspension Was poured through the carbon ?ber mat 20 g of the commercial CuO/ZnO catalyst used for the
until the suspension Was substantially depleted of catalyst, above examples Were mixed With 4 g of chopped electrically
thus indicating that substantially all of the catalyst Was taken conductive carbon ?bers and 100 g of the alumina sol as used
up by the carbon ?ber mat. The so treated carbon ?ber mat in above examples. The mixture Was introduced into a 2 ft><2
Was then dried at a temperature of about 100° C. for about 5 ft><0.7 ft mold. The molded mixture Was dried at about 95° C.
hrs. It Was found that about 34 g. of CuO/ZnO catalyst Was for 10 hours then calcined at about 350° C. for 5 hours.
loaded onto the carbon ?ber mat. 1.25><1.25><0.35 inch3 sections of the molded sheet Were cut
The dried mat, Which had sponge-like appearance, Was for testing in the methanol steam reforming apparatus of these
then soaked in 100 g of alumina sol designated Al2O from examples. Each resulting catalytic sheet Weighed 6.2 g and
Nyacol Nano Technologies, Inc. Which Was comprised of 20 contained 3.9 g of catalyst and 2.3 gram of alumina. The
Wt. % alumina in deioniZed Water. The alumina particle siZe
Was about 50 nm. After soaking in the alumina sol the treated electrical resistance of the sheet Was 60 ohms. The catalytic
carbon ?ber mat Was dried and calcined at about 350° C. for sheets also contained three distinct solid phases. A ?rst solid
about 10 hours. The result Was a 61 g catalytic sheet charac phase Was comprised of a 3-dimentional netWork of porous/
teriZed as having three distinct solid phases. A ?rst solid phase ?brous alumina (from the alumina sol), a second solid phase
Was comprised of a 3-dimentional netWork of porous/?brous comprised of the carbon ?bers interspersed throughout the
alumina (from the sol) that Was interspersed throughout the 3-dimensional alumina netWork and catalyst particles (third
carbon ?ber mat, Which carbon ?ber mat represents a second solid phase) substantially all of Which Were found on the
solid phase. It Was observed that substantially all of the cata 3-dimensional alumina netWork and not the on the carbon
lyst particles (third solid phase) had migrated from the carbon ?bers.
?ber mat to the 3-dimensional alumina netWork. Use of Catalytic Sheet in Methanol Reforming
Use of Catalytic Sheet in Methanol Reforming 20
For each run for each example a section of the catalytic Methanol steam reforming Was performed as in the above
sheet measuring 1.25><1.25><0.3 inch3 Was cut to ?t into the examples. The temperature for Example 2 Was 150° C. Which
methanol reforming apparatus used in these examples. This Was provided by an electric current at 28 Watt poWer being
section of catalytic sheet had an overall Weight of about 7.0 g; applied to the catalytic sheet. The temperatures for Compara
contained 3.9 g. ofcatalyst, 0.55 g. ofcarbon ?bers, 2.55 g of 25 tive Examples B, C and D Were provided by an oven at
3-dimensional alumina netWork and a resistance of 7 ohms. temperatures 250° C., 200° C. and 150° C. respectively. No
The section of catalytic sheet Was positioned in a methanol electric current Was passed through the catalytic sheets for the
steam reforming reactor so that a methanol feedstream could Comparative Examples B-D. The level of methanol conver
pass through the sheet perpendicular to the face of the sheet. sion Was measured for each and the results are set forth in
The temperature at Which the methanol steam reforming Was Table II beloW.
performed for Example 1 was 1500 C. and Was provided by
use of an electric current that Was passed through the catalytic TABLE II
sheet at a poWer (P) about 28 Watts. The temperature at Which
the methanol steam reforming Was conducted for Compara Example 1 Comparative Comparative Comparative
tive Example A was 2500 C. and Was provided by use of an Con- Example B Example C Example D
oven into Which the reformer apparatus Was placed. No elec 35
version Conversion Conversion Conversion
tric current Was passed through the catalytic sheet for Com MeOH ofMeOH ofMeOH of MeOH ofMeOH GHSV
parative Example A. Each example Was performed Without (800m) (%) (%) (%) (%) (41f)
the use of an argon reference gas, each Was run at various feed
rates as shoWn in Table I beloW, and each at a steam to carbon 17 93 87 83 38 324
ration of about 1 .5 and a methanol/ steam feed rate from about 40 33 91 72 61 36 648
0.05 to 0.2 ml/min. The product gas exiting the reactor Was 66 82 66 51 31 1296
trapped by Water at about 00 C. and the collected methanol/
Water mixture Was analyZed by GC-FID (Gas Chromatogra
phy-Flame IoniZation Detector). Table I beloW shoWs the FIG. 8 hereof is a plot of the data of Table II Which again
results from these tWo Examples. evidences that greater methanol conversion can be achieved
at loWer temperatures When the catalytic sheet of the present
TABLE I invention is heated by use of an electric current that is passed
Comparative through the sheet Was opposed to more conventional heating
Example 1 Example A in an oven.
MeOH Conversion Conversion
(sccm) ofMeOH (%) of MeOH (%) GHSV (/hr) 50
17 93 80 324
33 80 71 648
66 66 50 1296 The ?ltration procedure of Example 1 and Comparative
ExampleA Was folloWed for preparing catalytic sheets except
FIG. 7 hereof is a plot of the data of Table I Which evidences no alumina sol Was used. Methanol steam reforming reactions
that greater methanol conversion can be achieved at loWer Were run With the resulting catalytic sheets, Which noW con
temperatures When the catalytic sheet of the present invention tained the catalyst particles on the carbon ?ber mat instead of
is heated by use of an electric current that is passed through on a 3-dimensional non-conductive netWork. The tempera
the sheet Was opposed to more conventional heating in an ture of Comparative Example E Was 150° C. Which Was
60 provided by an electric current at 28 Watt poWer being applied
to the catalytic sheet. The temperature for Comparative
EXAMPLE 2 AND COMPARATIVE EXAMPLES Examples F, G and H Was provided by an oven at tempera
B-D tures 250° C., 200° C. and 150° C. respectively. No electric
current Was passed through the catalytic sheet for Compara
The folloWing procedure, Which is sometimes referred to 65 tive Examples F-H. The level of methanol conversion Was
herein as the “mixing procedure” Was used to prepare a plu measured for each and the results are set forth in Table III
rality of catalytic sheets for these tWo examples. beloW.

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