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How to explain the framework to the interviewer.

In our project Your_Project_Name (ex- CustomerCentre) , we are using Hybrid

Framework(why framework required) which is the combination of Data Driven, Method
Driven and Modular Driven Framework. Basically this involves 3 stages-

1) Designing the framework,

2) Implementing the framework,
3) Execution of the framework.

1) Designing the framework-

a) while designing the fw in anyone of the local drive create a folder by name
HybridFramework. Launch the eclipse, set the workspace to HybridFramework.
b) in eclipse create a java project by name CustomerCentre.
c) in eclipse under CustomerCentre proj create a folder Jars & to that Jars folder
include all the jar files related to the project such WebDriver jar, poi jar etc.
d) in eclipse under CustomerCentre proj create another folder by name Drivers to
this folder copy all the executable files or driver such as Chrome Driver, IE
driver and so on.
When designing the framework there are methods which can be used in more than one
project such methods we call it as Generic method. And there are methods which are
related to only one single project those methods are called as project specific
Naming convention for package- com.projectname.packagename
All the methods related to Generic, we write them under GenericLibrary class which
is present in the Libraries package. And all the project specific methods are
written under ProjectSpecificLibrary class which is present under libraries
All the GenericLibrary method should be public as well as static. Like �
getLastRowNum, getCellValue, setCellValue, etc.
In the application there are certain types of steps which has to be used again &
again such as open browser, open application & so on. In order to handle these
types of steps we create ConfigLibrary (SuperTestNG) class in which we have written
the methods by using Selenium annotations like @BeforeMethod, @AfterMethod etc. so
that we need not to write the code for repeating steps each time. Inharit this
class from all other classes to use these class methods.
We create an excel file by name Config, in which we wrote all the input data for
the testing and then copy the entire excel file, and paste it under the
CustomerCentre project.
To confirm everything working fine or not, we create a dummy package with dummy
@Test method. If browser is getting launched, app is getting launched & browser is
getting closed i.e. whatever we have developed till is correct. Then delete the
dummy package.
To perform the validation, we create one more class Assertion. Whenever we need to
perform validation we need to call assertText() or assertTitle() present under the
Assertion class. (Assert.assertEquals())

2)- Implementing the ProjectSpecificLibrary-

This is where actual implementation of the framework start. While going thru the
manual testcases we note down the common repeated steps and make those steps as a
project specific methods. Even if one step is repeating , may be in same testcase
or other testcase make it as a method. Then write the test script for all the
manual test cases.

3)- Execution-

Right click on the project, navigate to TestNG ? convert to TestNG ? give the
proper suite name and test name and click on finish. Then execute this xml file
(ctrl+f11) or right click and run as TestNG Suite. Or to run thru cmd ? navigate
till project then give this commnd-
java -cp bin;jars/* org.testng.TestNG testng.xml

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