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//unreal c++

using class viwer to see is-a

inheretence: character "is a" pawn "is a" actor

dog "is a" mammal "is a" animal
more details -> more abstract
2-3 level of inheritance

components are has-a

chair and rock "has a" positionReporter
objects become rich by many components

several place you can write your code


//eject mode: f8

optimize tip
PrimaryComponentTick.bCanEverTick = false, to sleep components or stop them from
take resourse

//all word with capital letter used before compile by compiler

//and used by unreal header tool to cut and paste some code

//what is pawn: is our body, can controll by us

//access to actor parent(button-up)

//access to childs(top-button)
GetWorld() //access to object in world ouliner

//access to pawn
//when we access to controller, that is a link between player and pawn and then
Pawn p = GetWorld()->GetFirstPlayerController().GetPawn(); //store pawn .cpp
AActor* myactor = p; //myactor in .h

//access to id-name of component

GetOwner()->GetName() //get id-name of parent

//read method signtures, in case of GetOwner

AActor *UActorComponent::GetOwner() const
//is member function of UActorComponent and return a pointer to a Actor

//trigger volume vs collision volume:

//collision volume: tell to physic engine, what hits what, prevent actor to passing
things as ghost
//trigger volume: trigger code on overlap
//add colider to actor: rmb->edit, then from colltion menu add collition

//maximize playview: f11

//get time and making delay

UPROPERTY() float delay; //user-define, .h
float last; //use by system, .h
TickComponent(){ //.cpp
//store last time action in last
if(somethingOverlap){ActionOnOverlap(); last=GetWorld()->GetTimeSeconds();
//create delay using lasttime

//when use bluprint?

//when need smooth animation for components(open/close door)
//when we make templates(plan for build something) of assets, becuase it's

//purpose of game mode?

//determine which default pawn use
//inventory items a player start with
//how many lives are avilable to tim limits
//score needed to end game

//pickup system
#define OUT
//create pawn and gameMode blueprint, why blueprint ? to prevent "hardcoding
//of changes and assets" into code
//means if we want to change name of asset then editor will track those changes
//that means we don't end up typing exact name of our modified default pawn intp
//if we do that and we change name in editor, then it won't be tracked
//blueprint is useful to binding assets to code
//these blueprint classes inhrit from default pawn
//hardcoding means assets writen into code,
//means we refer to something by its name and file path,
//problem is tracking asset
//"defaultPawn_bp" is a asset

//inherit from class as a blueprint/also we can inherit from class as a c++ class
//1-select "defaultPawn" in eject mode and select blueprint->convert selecyed actor
to blueprint class
//this store in "external dependency"
//2-edit shape in blueprint editor then compile and save
//3-inastate by drag into viewport
//4-create "actor component" in "c++ classes" folder
//5-add new created component to "defaultPawn_bp" in blueprint editor
//6-inherit GameMode_BP from GameMode(in c++ classes) as Blueprint, just like same
we did for "defaultPawn"
//7-in GameMode_BP, set "default pawn class" to BP_DefaultPawn that we created
//8-now in "project setting->maps & modes" set "default GameMode" to BP_GameMode
and "default Pawn class" tp BP_DefaultPawn
//now when we play game and go to eject mode, defaultPawn is BP_DefaultPawn

//9-get actor location and rotation

FVector pos; FRotator rot;
GetWorld()->GetFirstPlayerController()->GetPlayerViewPoint(OUT pos, OUT rot);
//now "pos" and "rot" contain actor location/rotation
FVector pos = GetOwner()->GetActorLocation(); FRotator rot = GetOwner()-

//where player looking ?

//10- get player viewpoint, for ai mean eye view and for pawn mean camera view
FVector pos; FRotator rot;
GetWorld()->GetFirstPlayerController()->GetPlayerViewpoint(OUT pos, OUT rot);

//what is out-parameters: function change parameters that we given and then return
//for example, we send a empty FVecor variable as parameter to "GetPlayerViewPoint"
and it return variable with calculate value
//parameter with perfix out_
//means void getter going to change parameters
//this is confiusing so we can use a macro to annotate these variables
//only declare this in .cpp and after #include: #define OUT
//now place OUT, befere each parameter, where thay have out_ perifx, such as
//how find parameters are out ?
//parameter identifir: out_ in
//collection of references: TArray<Actor*> &OverlapingActor
//look at method document

//how find parameter is optimal ? look at method document

//11- line tracking or raycast out to reach distance(superman laser but with one
//useful for laser to track bullet path

//"player collision" view is grat to examine hard-body/movable object

//debug functions to visualation

//DrawDebugLine() to visualize vectors, class attach to default pawn
FVector pos; FRotator rot;
GetWorld()->GetFirstPlayerController()->GetPlayerViewPoint(OUT pos, OUT rot);
//"reach" determine how far vector can go from start point in cm
FVector end = pos + rot.Vector() * reach;//reach declaration in .h, private float
reach =100.f
DrawDebugLine(GetWorld(), //get current world
pos, //vector start point of pawn
end, //end of vector
FColor(255, 0, 0), //color constructor for color of vector visualize
false, //perisest vector or not ?
0.f, //lifetime of perisest is zero becuase perisest set to false
0.f, //draw in behind or front of other object
1.0f //thickness of line

//12-evulate what we hit ?

//convert FRotator to vector
FRotator rot; FVector vec = rot.Vector();

//fast method to test game:

//write code, in unEditor run game and go to eject mode then copile code from

//DrawDebugLine() to visualize vectors, class attach to default pawn

FVector pos; FRotator rot;
GetWorld()->GetFirstPlayerController()->GetPlayerViewPoint(OUT pos, OUT rot);
FVector end = pos + FVector(0.f, 0.f, 50.f);
DrawDebugLine(GetWorld(), //get current world
pos, //vector start point of pawn
end, //end of vector
FColor(255, 0, 0), //color constructor for color of vector visualize
false, //perisest vector or not ?
0.f, //lifetime of perisest is zero becuase perisest set to false
0.f, //draw in behind or front of other object
1.0f //thickness of line

//modify actor behavier

//method 1: componentd
//method 2: edit actor and pawn classes directlly

//get information
//1-search subject
//2- examine members after . or ->

//how get info by read signture of method

void PlayerController::GetPlayerViewpoint(FVector Location, FRotator Rotation)
//for access to GetPlayerViewpoint, we need to create a PlayerController
//for access to PlayerContoller, current class is must add to pawn as component
//now in class we access by this way: GetWorld()->GetFirstPlayerController()
//now we can access to ViewPoint:
GetWorld()->GetFirstPlayerController().GetPlayerViewpoint(FVector Location,
FRotator Rotation)

//declare AActor *owner; in .h and define in BeginPlay, now we can in anywhere(more

//use this method for more global-base variable, used too much as GetOwner/GetWorld

//if unreal crashing?

//1-check-out or reset to working commit
//2-delete these folders: .vs, build, binaries, intermadite, saved, .sln,
//3-run .uproject
//4-rmb on .uproject and "generate visual studio project files"

/* FindComponentByClass()
-to find attach component
UComponent* comp; //example UPhysicsHandleComponent - .h
//go to parent, in this case "defualt pawn" then find component specidied in <> -
comp = GetOwner()->FindComponentByClass<UComponent>();
if(comp){}else{UE_LOG(Log_Temp, Warning, TEXT("bal"), *GetOwner()->GetName());}

/*Input Binding
-Settings->Project setting->engine->Input and map key/mouse to action/axis name
-action mapping: on/off
-axis mapping: analog
-in eject mode you can find "PawnInputComponent" in details(native component)
UInputComponent* input; //holder for input - .h
input=GetOwner()->FindComponentByClass<UInputComponent>(); //find input component
at runtime - .cpp
//now we map our function to key
input->BindAction("ActionName", //key to action map in project setting
IE_Pressed, //key press action
this, //current component/class
&MyCurrentClass::MyMethod, //refrence to my method in current class to
execute when key pressed

//how memory work

//permanent storage: any unchanged data as const /functions
//:: accessor used to access to content of that class/enum/namespace, access
//heap(free store)/stack: . or -> accessor for things that can vary and do vary at

//hot loop: is code that get call often, example is TickComponent

//less code

//hover ctrl+alt to find more info

/* generics

//initalize pointer with 0 address

int* ptr = nullptr;

//Physic Handle component: grab/moving/release physic object - ikeyn grab function

that map to key
//a-LineTraceSingleByObjectType that return hit actor
auto HitResult = GetFirstPhysicBody();
auto ComponentToGrab = HitResult.GetComponent(); //b-component taht hit
//c-get parent of hit component
FVector ComponentToGrabLocation = ComponentToGrab->GetOwner()->GetActorLocation();
//d-now attach parent to physic handle
GrabComponent(ComponentToGrab,//component to grab
NAME_None, //bone name
ComponentToGrabLocation, //which part(component)of actor we grab ?
true //allow rotation
//e-if physic handle attach ?(done in TickComponent)
handle->SetTargetLocation(end)//move grab object in each frame, "end" is create by

if(ActorPtr) /* is equal to */ if(ActorPtr != nullptr)

//search name of method in entire of solution and see examples in engine code
//google it




//TArray: grouping elements/many elements same type

//TArray<AActor*>: list of actors
//store all actors inside trigger volume

//TriggerVolume react to actor's mass ?

float GetTotalMassActorOnPlate();
AActor* OverlapActor; ATriggerVolume* PresurePlate;
#define OUT
float OpenDoor::GetTotalMassActorOnPlate(){
TArray<AActor*> OverlapActors; float TotalMass = 0.f;
PresurePlate->GetOverlapActors(OUT OverlapActors); //return array of actors
for(auto& actor : OverlapActors){ //itrate in collection of actors
TotalMass += actor->FindComponentByClass<UPrimitiveComponent>()-
>GetMass(); //add-up actors mass
UE_LOG(LogTemp, Warning, TEXT("Actor %s"), *actor->GetName());
return TotalMass;
if(GetTotalMassActorOnPlate() > 50){ //overlap actor in .h: UPROPERTY()

//crashes and pointer protection

//crashes happen when we follow a nulptr
//we must always check pointers before use by "if" statment
//we must initialise pointers to "nulptr" when declare them
//search all pointers in .h then .cpp by search "*" in the code
//now in .cpp find where pointer used as -> or = and place "if(!ptr){return;}"
before that
//where declare attrubute with UPROPERTY(), in .cpp check it with "if" and log
//place if(!ptr){UE_LOG()} in BeginPlay() for some UPROPERTY() as VolumeTrigger

Exposing events to blueprint
1- convert actor to bluepoint by "settings->convert selected actor to bluepoint
2- in .h of class that attached to out bluepoint, add followong code:
//3- declare delegate(event) after pre-processor, #include and before class
//4- now declure following code in .h class declaration:
FOnOpenDoorEvent OnOpenDoorEvent; //now event avilavle from Blueprint editor as
//5- now we broadcast event(call for events) in .cpp, OpenDoor() method
OnOpenDoorEvent.Broadcast();//now anythings that connect to our event in blueprint
will execute
//6- now in blueprint editor select "c++ component", rmb and select events
//7- create smooth door open/close by timeline

//using varibles in blueprint

//1-"promote to variable" 2-component pallet in left-side of blueprint editor 3-c++
//create varible from node's pin: rmb on pin and select "promote to variable"

//create rotation
//world-space = absolut rotation: object in orgin has r{0,0,0} but when we rotate
it become r{0,0,90}
//relative = door in orgin has r{0,0,0} but when we rotate it, its rotation is
r{0,0,0} again
//so rotaion in worls is addtive but in relative not
//relative is great for components that use anywhere and in any location/rotation
in level
//1- get init rotation: BeginPlay()->GetActorRotation()->variable (blueprint
//2- open/close event->timeline->CombineRotator(MakeRotator, get_variable)-

//add sound to timeline in blueprint

add new event inside timeline node
connect new event to "PlaySoundAtLocation"
connect "getActorLocation" to "PlaySoundAtLocation" location

//compile code in unreal and use "message log", it has useful info

//change node's connections: ctrl+click on pin and drag on another pin

//redline errors
//add Engine.h before generated.h
//switch to Developement_game and then back to Developement_Editor build

//loging to output window

UE_LOG, a macro to print to output console, search on net
UE_LOG(LogTemp, Warning, TEXT("message")); //in beginplay
//embed varible in message
//*Object here is not a dereferencing, it's overloding becuase use in macros
UE_LOG(LogTemp, Warning, TEXT("message %s"),*FStringVar);

//get actor transform

FVector fpos = GetOwner()->GetActorLocation();
FVector fpos = GetOwner()->GetTransform().GetLocation();
FString spos = fpos.ToString();//convert to string for logging purpose, *spos when
use in UE_LOG

//rotate actors
//set "mobality" to "movable"
Rotator rot = Rotator(); //define rotation vector

//view->show fps to measure performence

//display private prperties in "details"

private: //or public, dosen't matter
float Angle;

//create trigger volume property to select trigger volume

ATriggerVolume* volume;

//trigger volume overlap response by "IsOverlapingActor()"

AActor* OverlapActor; /*or more specific*/ APawn* OverlapActor; //choose pawn in
"eject mode"
//Polling vs Event Driven
//polling: check overlap in everyframe and when overlap happen do right thing
void MyClass::TickComponent(){ //polling, check every frame
//TriggerVolume and ActorOverlap are custom properties that add by UPROPERTY
if(TriggerVolume->IsOverlapingActor(ActorOverlap) ){
OpenDoor(); //our custom function that execute after overlap
//event driven: using event delegates

//create light: hold l+click

//create a material

//get a reference to material

//edit material properties

//change mesh material

//temery actors: in eject mode we can see them

//message on screen
GEngine->AddOnScreenDebugMessage(-1, 5.f, FColor::Red, TEXT("This is an on screen
GEngine->AddOnScreenDebugMessage(-1, 5.f, FColor::Red, FString::Printf(TEXT("Some
variable values: x: %f, y: %f"), x, y));
//or use this MACRO at the begin of your cpp, so we can use a regular lovely
print(); inside to all
//To prevent your screen from being flooded, you can change the first parameter,
key, to a positive number. Any message printed with that key will remove any other
messages on screen with the same key. This is great for things you want to log
#define print(text) if (GEngine) GEngine->AddOnScreenDebugMessage(-1, 1.5,

EVENT handling
-allows call member function on c++ objrcts and dynamically bind to function and
call functions on object
-degates are combination of function/variable and
-events handle by delgates
-delgates using templetes and typedefs heavy
-declare by macros and many predifined macros based on varius comination of
function signtures
so signture of function nound to macro :
void foo() = DECLARE_DELEGATE(DelegateName)
void foo(ParamType param1) = DECLARE_DELEGATE_OneParam(DelegateName, Param1Type,
DECLARE_DYNAMIC_MULTICAST_DELEGATE_OneParam(FActorBeginOverlapSignture, class
AActor*, OtherActor);
//compiler bound this delegate with function format below:
void MyOverlap(AActor* OtherActor)
/*FActorBeginOverlapSignature, associates a type with this delegates signature.
Delegate signatures are stored in the header files of their respective classes
and super-classes(in this case AActor)
Children can and do inherit their status with delegates from their parents.
look in the headers of base classes to find more info about delegates signatures */
//how add event handler to delegate list of callbacks
//delegate will except an event handler with same signture
//if signture has no type/name argument then function you define must also have no
//first parameter is delegate signture and is a type that use in other parts of
//1-declare event handler(exact singture as delegate signture)in MyOverlap.h
void OnOverlap(AActor* OtherActor)
//2-define handler in MyOverlap.cpp
void MyOverlap::OnOverlap(AActor* OtherActor){
// what happend when overlap meet
//3-now we add our function to delegate's list of callbacks
//this done by calling delegate's AddDynamic in MyOverlap.cpp
//first argument,"this" means reference to myslef
//secend argument is a reference to function that will called in event of event
OnActorBeginOverlap.AddDynamic(this, &MyOverlap::OnOverlap);
//wenever MyOverlap and another actor overlap, OnBeginAcorOverlap delegate which
will call
//MyOverlap::OnOverlap(AActor* OtherActor) passing in a pointer to other AActor
overlaping it
//optimize building
project->myproject properties->nmake->addtional option = /yu

//using int32 insted of int

//FString vs FText: string used inside of code(class),
//ftext used to display and interaction to user and used in main.cpp

-place comment on sifntures in header, when hover cursor on method in .cpp,
comments appear
great way to sure about what we did before

declare/create component
make component as root
destroy when actor overlap
make actor random scale

actor spawn
declare/create component to choose spawn actor
display only actors devired from our class

//U: any devied calss of UObject

//find parameter of api methods: go to difination

1-create components, find more in engine/classes/components/
A-declare in .h file
#include "Components/BoxComponent.h" // before generated.h
PROPERTY(EditAnywhere) //will be editable in detail view
UBoxComponent* box; //define box collision component
B- in .cpp
box = CreateDefaultSubobject<UBoxComponent>("box"); //create/naming component

2-create overlap event
-event called when something overlap with this component as player with trigger or
object have a blocking collision(player hit wall)
A-in .cpp call function when event trigger
box->onComponentBeginOverlap.addDynamic(this, &OurClassName::OnExecuteWhenOverlap);
when comp in OnExecuteWhenOverlap ovelap with box comp, ovelap event trigger and
function OnExecuteWhenOverlap will be call
B-declare function in .h
void OnExecuteWhenOverlap(UPrimitiveComponent* overlappedComp,
AActor* otherActor,
UPrimitiveComponent* otherComp,
int32 otherBodyIndex,
bool bFromSweep,
const FHitResult& SweepResult)
C-define function in .cpp
#include "Kismet/GameplayStatics.h"
MyClass::OnExecuteWhenOverlap(as above){
//if component overlap with player?
if(otherActor == UGameplayStatics::GetPlayerCharacter(this, 0)){
Destroy(); //when overlap trigger, this fumction call and destroy

//UGamePlayStatics is in fact a helper class, and it contains a variety of
functions that
//you may need to call on the fly, such as spawning particles

determine root component ?
1-just reorder CreateDefaultSubobject in .cpp
box=CreateDefaultSubobject<>(); //box is root
mesh=CreateDefaultSubobject<>(); //static mesh is child
/* 2- using RootComponent */
RootComponent = mesh; //cancel out reorder and now mesh is root

/* set mesh relative scale to a random vector in begin of game */

FVector newScale = FVector(FMath::RandRange(0.1f, 0.7f)); // in .h, produce vector
of random number
mesh->SetWorldScale3D(newScale); //in .cpp, set relative scale to vector

/* spawn custom component in game */

/* 1-create a actor class in unreal, PickupSpawner */
/* 2-declare root component(box) in .h */
UBoxComponent* SpawnBox;
/* 3-create root component(box) in .cpp */
SpawnBox = CreateDefaultSubobject<UBoxComponent>("Spawn Box");
/* 4-devired from our custom component(base) in .h */
class MYPROJECT_API PickupSpawner:public AActor {
//method 1: is unsafe and any UObject subclass can used
UPROPERTY(EditDefaultsOnly, Category=Component)
UClass* PickupToSpawn;
//method 2: safe way, only derived class from CustomComponentClass display
TSubClassOf<class APickup> PickupToSpawn;
/* 5-declare spawn function in .h */
void SpawnPickup();
/* 6-set timer to call spawen function at a set interval in .cpp BeginPlay */
FTimerHandle handle;
GetWorldTimerManager().SetTimer(handle, this, &PickupSpawner::SpawnPickup, 3.0f,
/* 7-definition spawn function in .cpp */
#include "Pickup.h"
#include "Kismet/KismetMathLibrary.h" //advance math
void PickupSpawner::SpawnPickup(){ //spawn component that created in Pickup class
//spawn component, with location this is randomly inside bouning box of
component and no rotation
//random point inside of spawnbox bounding box



attach components in .cpp->BeginPlay, child follow parent

//child parent
PichupBox->AttachToComponent(PickupMesh, FAttachmentTransformRules::bla);

actor: anything that place in 3d world
-many actors ship with engine, they are accessable from "modes"
-why we create custom actors ?
1-add functionality to existing class
2-combine components in a combination not present in default sub classes
3-add additional member variables to a class

-Actor subclasses(native classes) begin with A

-.generated.h create by unreal header tool(uht) based on macros(UCLASS, ...) in


-when inherit from actor, #include point to Actor.h, becuase new class is subclass
of actor

-UCLASS is a macro which indicate this class will be exposed to unreal reflection
this system allows us to inspect and iterate object properties during runtime +
references to our objects for garbage collection

-MYPROJECT_API macro after class help project compile properly on windows and
that our project's module's classes exported correctly in directlly

-GENERATED_BODY() is another UHT macto that has been expanded to include

generated functions that underlying UE type system requires

-implement inside of constructor
-enable ticking for this actor
-all actors have a function called Tick and "bCanEverTick" means that actor will
that function called once per frame and enabling actor to perform actions in every
-for performance optimization, we can disiable it

//Instanting an actor using SpawnActor

//1-inherit "AMyActor" from "Actor" class
//content browser->add new->new c++ class->actor /file->new c++ class->actor
//2-inherit "AMyGameMode" from "GameModeBase" class: same as 1
//3-declare in .h:
virtual void BeginPlay() override;
UPROPERTY() AMyActor* SpawnActor = nulptr; //store spawned actor
UFUNCTION() void DestroyActor();
//4-implement(define) BeginPlay():
#include <MyActor>
void AMyGameMode::BeginPlay(){
GEngine->AddOnScreenDebugMessage(-1, -1, FColor::Red, TEXT("spawn actor"));
UWorld* World = GetWorld();
//assign spawned Actor to new UPROPERTY
SpawnedActor = World->SpawnActor<AMyActor>(AMyActor::StaticClass(),
FVector(0,0,0), FRotator(0,0,0));
FTimerHandle Timer;
GetWorldTimerManager().SetTimer(Timer, this, AMyGameMode::DestroyActor, 10);
//5-implement DestroyActor()
void AMyGameMode::DestroyActor(){
if(SpawnedActor != nulptr){
//6-World Settings->GameMode Override->change to "GameModeTest" that we created
//7-play and look "World Outliner", GameMode spawn a copy of AMyActor in world
//8-look ouliner, actor will deleted afet 10 sec

-special type of actor, map's GameMode is instantiated by engine when game starts
-is part of unreal game framework

-by default constructed to have 0 rotation and location at Origin
-define actor location


-reference to current level's UWorld instance then call SpawnActor and give it
actor location


-call our method on object pointed by this pointer after 10 sec
-SetTimer return an object(handler) to allow us to cancel timer
-take a FTimerHandle object as reference

Destroy Actor after delay

1-inherit a actor class
2-SetLifeSpan(10); in BeginPLay(), after 10 sec actor call its own Destroy()
3-drag actor in viewport, it will die after 10 sec
Implementing Actor functionality by Composition
-custom actors without components don't have a location and can't be attached to
other actors
-without a root component, an actor dosen't have a base transform and ot has no
-we create custom actors theough composition by adding components to our actors
where each component provides some of functionality
//1-inherit a actor class
//2-declure component inside our actor .h
//is a pointer to hold component we are using as a subobject of our actor
//we use static mesh but any of actor component subclasses would work
UStaticMeshComponent* mesh = nulptr;
//3-create component in constructor of our actor .cpp
//initialize pointer to a known valid value by using "templete function"
//this function is responsible for calling engine code to initalize component
//and return a pointer to newly constructed object
//so that we can give out component pointer a default value
//this is important to ensure that pinter has a valid value at all times and
//risk of dereferencing uninitalize memory
mesh = CreateDefaultSubobject<UStaticMeshComponent>("show in details");
//4-drag instance of class from "Content Browser" out into game
//5-now it has transform and other properties such as "Static Mesh"

ensuring that object declared in pointer is considered to be referenced
and won't be garbage-collected(that is, deleted) out from under us, leavng pointer

is templete based on type of object to create
first parameter is name of subobject
second is whater object should be transient(that is not saved along with parent

//Load Assets from Actor Class Constructor
1-define following code in constructor after "CreateDefaultSubobject":
2-rmb on your asset in "Content Browser" and choise "Copy References"
then paste inside TEXT()
mesh = CreateDefaultSubobject<UStaticMeshComponent>("bla");
-we create an instance of "FObjectFinder" class and passing in type of asset that
-we are trying to load as a templete parameter
-FObjectFinder is a class templete that help us to load assets
-when we construct it, we pass in a string that contains a path to asset that we
are trying to load

-use auto to avoid trying out our whole object type in its declaration,
compiler deduces it for us, without auto we declare asset as :
ConstructorHelper::FObjectFinder<UStaticMesh> asset;
-"FObjectFinder" has "Object" property that will either have a pointer to asset or
if asset could not be found
auto asset =
//string inside TEXT() is format "{ObjectType}"'/Path/To/Asset.asset'
if(asset.Object != nulptr){mesh->SetStaticMesh(asset.Object);}

Implementing Actor functionality by Inheritance
-second way to implement a custom Actor
-done by make a new subclass which add member variables/functions/component to
existing Actor class
-int32: use to ensure of portability between various compilers that UE supports
-UPROPERTY: when use, variables garbage collect appropriately
1-can call or overridden by blueprint
2-can be marked as "exec" that means they can be run as console commands
by player/developer during play session, which enables debuging
//1-inherit from "GameState" base class(content browser/file -> new c++ class)
//2-declare following code in header
void SetScore(uint32 NewScore);
void GetScore(); //retrieve current score
int32 CurrentScore;
//define in .cpp
AMyGameState::AMyGameState(){CurrentScore = 0;} //constructor
int32 AMyGameState::GetScore(){return CurrentScore;}
void AMyGameState::SetScore(uint32 NewScore){CurrentScore = NewScore;}

Attaching components to create a hierarchy
-attaching components together creates a relationship where transformations applied

to parent component will also affect components that are attached to it

//1- create Actor subclass
//2- declare following properties in header
UPROPERTY() //for each properties delclation
USceneComponent* Root = nulptr; USceneComponent *Child = nulptr;
UStaticMeshComponent* BoxOne = nulptr; UStaticMeshComponent *BoxTwo;
//3- define in constructor in .cpp
Root = CreateDefaultSubobject<USceneComponent>("Root");
Child = CreateDefaultSubobject<USceneComponent>("Child");
BoxOne = CreateDefaultSubobject<UStaticMeshComponent>("BoxOne");
BoxTwo = CreateDefaultSubobject<UStaticMeshComponent>("BoxTwo");
auto MeshAsset =
BoxOne->SetStaticMesh(MeshAsset.Object); BoxTwo-
}//set first SceneComponent as Actor root
RootComponent = Root;//this component will determine transformation applied to all
other components
//attach second box to our child scene component
BoxTwo->AttachTo(Child);//how changing transform on that scene component affect its
childern but no other components in object
//set relative transform of that SceneComponent, so that it moves a certain
//away from origin and is one-tenth of scale
//this means that in Editor, you can see that BoxTwo component has inherited
//translation and scaling of its parent component, Child Component
//4- drag a instance into view and verify components hierarchy in details

/*Creating a Custom Actor Component

-actor components are an easy way to implemetn common functionality
that should be shared between actors
-they aren't rendered but can still perform actions as subscibing to events or
communicating with other components of actor that they are present within
-BlueprintSpawnableComponent: means instances of component can be added to
blueprint classes in editor
-ClassGroup: allows us to indicate what category of class our component belongs
(add component menu)
//1-inherit from "ActorComponent"
//2-add following "class soecifiers" to UCLASS macro
UCLASS(ClassGroup=(Custom), meta=(BlueprintSpawnableComponent))
//3-declare in .h
UPROPERTY() float MovementRadius;
//4-define in constructor in .cpp
MovementRadius = 5;
//5-add to implementation of "TickComponent"
//get current location of component's owner that is Actor(empty actor) that
contains our component
AActor* Parent = GetOwner();
Parent->SetActorLocation( //generate an offset in world space
Parent->GetActorLocation() + //add random offset to current location
FMath::FRandRange(-1, 1) * MovementRadius,
FMath::FRandRange(-1, 1) * MovementRadius,
FMath::FRandRange(-1, 1) * MovementRadius)
//6-in editor, create an "empty actor" and add this component to it
//7-now add a "cube component" to visulize and play

Creating a Custom Scene Component
-scene component is subclass of Actor
-have transform tat is relative location/rotation/scale
-like actors, aren't render themselves
-we use their transform for various things as spawning other object at fixed offset
from actor
-TSubclassOf is a template type that allows us to restrict pointer to either base
class or subclasses
also means inside editor we will get a pre-filtered list of classes to pick
//1-create custom "ScenComponent" by inherit from "ActorComponent"
//2-declare following in header:
UFUNCTION() void Spawn();
UPROPERTY() TSubClassOf<AActor>ActorToSpawn;
//3-implement function in .c++
void UActorSpawnComponent::Spawn(){
UWorld* World = GetWorld(); //access to our world
//SpawnActor wants FTransform* to specify location to spawn new actor
//so this variable has current component's transform
FTransform ComponentTransform(this->GetComponentTransform());
//spawn an instance of subclass and passing address of FTransform
World->SpawnActor(ActorToSpawn, &ComponentTransform);
//4- create "Empty Actor" and add this component to it
//5-select component and in details change "ActorToSpawn"
//now whenever spawn() is called on an instance of your component
//and it will instantiate a copy of actor class specific in ActorToSpawn

Creating a custom Primitive Component READ MORE 132
-are most complex type of actor component becuase they nit have transform also
//1-inherit from "MeshComponent"
//2- declare in .h
UCLASS(ClassGroup=Experimental, meta=(BlueprintSpawnableComponent))
virtual FPrimitiveSceneProxy* CreateSceneProxy() override;
TArray<int32> Indices;
TArray<FVector> Vertices;
UPROPERTY(EditAnywhere, BlueprintReadWrite, Category=Materials)
UMaterial* material = nullptr;
//implemet "CreateAceneProxy"
FPrimitiveSceneProxy* UMyMeshComponent::CreateSceneProxy(){
FPrimitiveSceneProxy* proxy = NULL;
proxy = new FMySceneProxy(this);
return proxy;

Creating an InventoryComponent for an RPG
-enables its containing Actor to store InventoryActors in its
inventory, and place them back into the game world
//1- ActorComponent called InventoryComponent
//2- add following to header
TArray<AInventoryActor*> CurrentInventory;
int32 AddToInventory(AInventoryActor* ActorToAdd);
void RemoveFromInventory(AInventoryActor* ActorToRemove);
//3- implementation
int32 UInventoryComponent::AddToInventory(AInventoryActor* ActorToAdd)
{return CurrentInventory.Add(ActorToAdd);}
void UInventoryComponent::RemoveFromInventory(AInventoryActor* ActorToRemove)
//4-create a new StaticMeshActor subclass called InventoryActor. Add to declaration
virtual void PickUp();
virtual void PutDown(FTransform TargetLocation);
//5-Implement the new functions
void AInventoryActor::PickUp()
{SetActorTickEnabled(false); SetActorHiddenInGame(true);
void AInventoryActor::PutDown(FTransform TargetLocation)
//6-change the constructor
PrimaryActorTick.bCanEverTick = true;
auto MeshAsset =
if (MeshAsset.Object != nullptr)
//7-add an InventoryComponent to our character so that we have an
//inventory that we can store items in. Create a new SimpleCharacter subclass
//using the editor, and add the following to its declaration

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