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Michelow 1

Brady Michelow

Professor Malcolm Campbell

UWRT 1104


Topic Proposal: Three Generations of Poverty


I will examine the underlying factors of poverty, as well as generational poverty. Are

three generations enough time to change poverty within one family? There are two types of

poverty known as relative and absolute poverty. The United Nations defines these as "Absolute

poverty measures poverty in relation to the amount of money necessary to meet basic needs such

as food, clothing and shelter. Relative poverty defines poverty in relation to the economic status

of other members of the society.” Portland State University defines generational poverty as

“When a family’s economic level remains low for two or more generations.” I will focus on

these types of poverty throughout my essay.

People that are in poverty are found all around the globe. Syria is the number one country

in poverty as of right now according to the World Top 20 Project. Poverty is in rural areas, the

city, and in the suburbs. There are many contributing factors that affect poverty. Some of the

main ones include: Geography, apathy, infrastructure, education, lack of employment, disease,

corruption, and dependency. Poverty has been a part of cultures and peoples lives ever since man

stepped on Earth. However, the poverty numbers have fluctuated in the past and will continue to

do so in the future. The highest poverty rate in America to date was in 1959. Poverty had a rate

of 22.4 percent at that time according to an article on CNBC. On it says that

currently 3 percent of America is in poverty.

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Generational poverty has been around ever since poverty has come about. However,

many people debate over whether you can escape poverty within three generations. Many people

are impoverished around the world. However, some people make it out of poverty within three

generations. The NCCP claims about 17 percent of whites born in poverty remain there and 42

percent of African-Americans remain in poverty. Many organizations are assisting in the poverty

relief effort globally. The NCCP, Habitat for Humanity, The Borgen Project, the UNDP, and more

are making efforts for poverty relief.

There is still the debate of whether poverty can be fixed within three generations. Many

scientists predict that it takes three to five generations to escape generational poverty. Many

people, and organizations believe someone could escape poverty within two generations. The

Ascend Initiative, Susan Collins, Martin Heinrich, the National Governors Association Center,

and many scientists have all discussed the topic and are pushing to eliminate generational

poverty. All these organizations/people have one thing in common, they are all trying to break

the poverty cycle.

On the other hand, some believe there is little to no chance someone can make it out of

poverty within three generations. Donna M. Beegle was born in generational poverty and wrote

an article on it. The article states, “Although there has been some progress made in diminishing

the educational barriers of race, gender, geography, and religion, poverty is the one barrier that

has not been even partially overcome.” Some believe it may take 10-20 generations for a family

to escape poverty, and Gregory Clark is one of those people. Professor Clark is a professor of

economics at The University of California, Davis. Professor Clark states that, “Every generation

gets closer to the mean by the same proportion every generation.” Poverty and social class
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slowly change throughout generations according to Professor Clark. The lack of education seems

to be the key factor effecting generational poverty.

For my initial research, I research articles from NCCP, the Center of Poverty Research,

and The New Republic magazine. I also searched the library databases for any information on

poverty. This allowed me to narrow my topic down to generational poverty. I asked many of my

peers for assistance throughout this essay and what their opinions on the topic was. I also

included my parents within the discussion. My dad grew up within a low-income family. My dad

and his brothers all made it out of poverty and are successful. It helped to have first-hand

knowledge coming from him.

Initial Inquiry Question(s)

Can poverty be eliminated from a family within three generations? Will there ever be an

end to poverty? If so, how?

My Interest in this Topic

I’m interested in the topic of poverty/generational poverty because I have been to

Jamaica on three separate occasions and witnessed it firsthand. I was in a valley in rural Jamaica

in the middle of the country. What I saw will be burned into my mind forever. It hit me hard and

I am determined to fix the problem. As I was in Jamaica spending time with them and building

houses, I realized that they are the happiest people I had ever met. I asked myself, how can that

be? They may be in poverty according to their income and social status, but they had

relationships with each other. By the end of my first trip there I knew the definition of poverty is

broken relationships. They were so happy and have nothing and I have so much more and was

jealous of them. They depend on each other and support each other. That is something that some

people don’t have, and that makes those people in poverty. I have much passion for this topic and

I love to talk about it with others.

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I already knew that poverty existed all around the world and that it has a higher rate in

some countries. I know that poverty is not based on income or social class. Real poverty is based

on happiness and relationships. Poverty is the center of many other problems globally. Problems

such as world hunger, world peace, and broken relationships. I would love to know how to stop

poverty globally. I would like to have a better understanding of what the true causes of poverty

are. It seems to me that some countries do not care about their people and that the governments

are corrupt. I would like to know more about what the world and what different countries are

doing in efforts to end poverty.

Next Steps
I will attend more mission trips internationally and nationally to explore other areas that

are affected by poverty. I hope to do what ever I can to help those in need. I will do more

research about the topic and determine what I can do. Reliable books and documentaries will

help me learn more about the topic. I will visit Won by One to Jamaica, the Center for Poverty

Research, and the NCCP. Hopefully these organizations will have information on how to stop

poverty. I will see how I can get involved within each organization. Getting information from

first-hand sources will also assist in my poverty relief efforts in the future. Giving back to the

community will also play a role in what I can do.

All this information that I find through research will help me determine what can be

done. I believe it is possible to eliminate poverty eventually. I also believe a family can escape

poverty inside of three generations. I know there is much more research to be done on this topic,

and there is much more to study. I hope to bring people together to end poverty on a global scale.

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