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Respiration 2007;74:228–236 Received: June 28, 2006

Accepted after revision: September 28, 2006
DOI: 10.1159/000097676
Published online: November 30, 2006

A Systematic Review of the Psychological

Risk Factors Associated with Near Fatal
Asthma or Fatal Asthma
G.G. Alvarez a J.M. FitzGerald b
Ottawa Health Research Institute of the University of Ottawa, and Respirology Division, Ottawa Hospital, Ottawa,
and b Center for Clinical Epidemiology and Evaluation of the University of British Columbia, and Respirology Division,
Vancouver General Hospital, Vancouver, Canada

Key Words Background

Systematic review  Near fatal asthma  Fatal asthma 
Risk factors Approximately 300 million people suffer from asthma
in the world [1]. It is estimated that asthma accounts for
1 in every 250 deaths worldwide [1]. There are more than
Abstract 5,000 deaths reported annually in the USA and 100,000
Psychological factors such as anxiety, depressive disorders deaths estimated yearly throughout the world [1, 2].
and/or personality disorders may predispose patients with Psychological factors such as anxiety disorders, de-
asthma to near fatal asthma (NFA) or fatal asthma (FA). NFA pressive disorders, coping mechanisms and abnormal
is defined by an asthma exacerbation resulting in respiratory family dynamics of asthmatics may be associated with a
arrest requiring mechanical ventilation or a pCO2 645 mm higher risk of near fatal asthma (NFA) or fatal asthma
Hg. Most studies have used the case-control study design. (FA). Several hypotheses may explain the link between
Several studies analyzing the effects of psychological factors psychological factors and NFA or FA.
on the risk of NFA or FA have shown conflicting results. We Psychological factors may predispose patients directly
reviewed all of the literature found by the systematic search to an episode of NFA or FA. Emotional factors can be re-
done of psychological factors on the risk NFA or FA. A MED- sponsible for aggravating or maintaining asthma [3]. Emo-
LINE search identified 423 articles between 1960 and March tionally induced wheezing has been reported in several
2006. Seven case-controlled studies were identified follow- studies [4]. Psychological factors may also be confused
ing strict applications of the inclusion and exclusion criteria. with worsening asthma resulting in a vicious circle. For
Due to the significant heterogeneity in the measurement of example, worsening of anxiety may be confused with
the psychological factors, a summary statistic was not calcu- worsening asthma and high levels of -agonist may be in-
lated. The trial characteristics were tabulated and qualitative haled which then results in further worsening of the anxi-
trends were observed to explain the heterogeneity in the ety [5]. Breathlessness is a common somatic accompani-
results of the studies. Recommendations on future studies in ment of anxiety [6]. Furthermore, the converse may be
the field are outlined in detail. Following a systematic assess- true, asthma may increase the risk of developing an anxi-
ment of all published studies, we cannot conclude that psy- ety disorder [7]. Psychological risk factors may predispose
chological factors increase the risk of NFA and FA. asthmatics to improper asthma management which re-
Copyright © 2006 S. Karger AG, Basel sults in poor asthma control predisposing them to NFA or

© 2006 S. Karger AG, Basel Dr. Gonzalo G. Alvarez

0025–7931/07/0742–0228$23.50/0 Ottawa Health Research Institute of the University of Ottawa, and
Fax +41 61 306 12 34 Respirology Division, Ottawa Hospital, General Campus
E-Mail Accessible online at: 501 Smyth Rd, Box 211, Rm 1835B, K1H 8L6 Ottawa (Canada) Tel. +1 613 737 8899/ext. 78198, Fax +1 613 739 6266, E-Mail
Psychological risk factors
Exposure, Outcome and Population Definitions
The exposure is defined as a psychological abnormality. The
outcome is NFA defined as an asthma exacerbation resulting in
respiratory arrest requiring mechanical ventilation or a pCO2
Poor asthma control 1 45 mm Hg [11, 12]. NFA and subjects who had FA were presumed
to be part of the same pathophysiological spectrum [13, 14]. NFA
is considered by many to be a good surrogate marker of FA [11,
15–19]. This is true because if patients with NFA did not receive
medical attention they would inevitably become a fatal case of asth-
NFA or FA ma [14]. Furthermore, these two groups share many characteristics
thus allowing NFA episodes to be a proxy measure for FA [19]. The
population is defined as persons diagnosed with asthma as defined
by the ATS (American Thoracic Society) standards [20].
Fig. 1. Hypothetical links between psycho-
logical factors and NFA or FA.
Literature Search
A literature search in MEDLINE (1960–March 2006 inclusive)
was conducted by one of the investigators (G.G.A.). The following
FA. Ability to comply with asthma medications is influ- search strategy was used in PubMed: (‘psychology’ [Subheading]
OR ‘Mood Disorders’ [MeSH] OR (‘Dependency (Psychology)’
enced by the psychological interaction between asthmatic [MeSH] OR ‘Codependency (Psychology)’ [MeSH])) AND (‘Fatal
children and their families [8]. Many studies done in asth- Outcome’ [MeSH] AND ‘Death’ [MeSH] OR ‘fatal outcome’ [All
matic children have identified family dynamics as an im- Fields] OR ‘life threatening’ [Text Word] OR ‘near fatal’ [All
portant risk factor for poor asthma control. Disturbed Fields]) AND (‘asthma’ [MeSH Terms] OR asthma [Text Word]).
family cohesion had a negative correlation with peak expi- We also searched citations from published reviews, the original
articles, expert opinion and our own extensive bibliography. The
ratory flow rates or hyperresponsiveness in asthmatic chil- literature search was cross-checked by a university librarian at
dren [9]. Family interaction in families of asthmatic chil- The Harvard School of Public Health to ensure reproducibility
dren may tend to be rigid, overprotecting and may avoid and that no other new citations were identified.
conflict [9]. Family dynamics are sometimes altered nega-
tively following an NFA episode [5]. Some of the psycho- Inclusion and Exclusion Criteria
The inclusion criteria included: (1) NFA defined as an asthma
logical defenses or coping styles used by asthmatics include exacerbation resulting in respiratory arrest requiring mechanical
a ‘hopeless dependency’ on physicians and hospital servic- ventilation or a pCO2 645 mm Hg or asthma resulting in death
es or they may have inappropriate excessive independence (FA); (2) the number of cases (NFA and/or FA) and controls re-
where they are in denial of their illness [10]. Increasing de- ported; (3) explicit reporting of risk factors; (4) adult and pediat-
nial is an adaptive mechanism to cope with chronic ill- ric cases, and (5) all study types. The exclusion criteria included:
(1) case series since they do not contain controls; (2) studies that
nesses yet retain a normal social agenda [5]. Denial of asth- included COPD patients; (3) studies that contained only patients
ma severity could certainly result in patients not following over the age of 65 years were excluded to minimize COPD overlap,
appropriate action plans or a delay in seeking medical at- and (4) studies in a language other than English. One of us
tention which could result in a NFA/FA episode (fig. 1). (G.G.A.) identified all potentially relevant articles from the ab-
Identification of high-risk patients according to their stracts yielded via the comprehensive search strategy. Any study
that used human subjects that included the terms NFA or FA or
specific psychological profile could allow healthcare SLTA (severe life-threatening asthma) or asthma and the word
teams to intervene earlier and prevent NFA or FA from death in the abstract was examined in detail. Using a standard-
occurring. Severe asthmatics could get a psychological ized data extraction sheet that was developed for the purpose of
assessment to determine if any pathology exists. Psychi- the study, each of the identified potentially relevant articles had
atric therapy and treatment could become part of the in- the data abstracted by two observers independently (G.G.A.,
J.M.F.). Data extraction sheets were filled out for each article and
tervention strategy. then entered into an Excel spreadsheet. Differences were resolved
We present a systematic review of all the available lit- by consensus. Appendix 1 lists the reasons for exclusion.
erature on the subject with consideration of possible
sources of heterogeneity between studies and conclude by Quantitative Summary Appropriateness
The data in this systematic review were not summarized in a
a series of recommendations regarding future studies. We
quantitative manner due to the following three reasons: (1) Sig-
qualitatively reviewed the existing studies noting meth- nificant heterogeneity was detected in the measurement of the
odological shortcomings in hopes that such a critique exposure. Three different categories were identified: (a) psychiat-
may inform further research studies. ric illness assessed by reviewing medical records; (b) psychomet-

Systematic Review of Psychological Risk Respiration 2007;74:228–236 229

Factors Associated with NFA or FA
Table 1. Summary of case-control studies of psychological factors associated with NFA/FA

Group Sample size Disorder studied Data acquisition Measure Assoc.1

(first author) case/control

Yellowlees [22] 13/36 Panic, phobia, depressive, Interview with patient DSM-III No
Barboni [23] 17/17 Personality, depression, Interview with patient DSM-IV, Zung, No
anxiety (>2 weeks after NFA) Hamilton, MMPI
Kolbe [14] 77/239 Social support, life event, Interview with patient (24–72 h HAD scale Yes2
attitudes and belief scales after admission to general ward
from ICU
Boulet [24] 19/19 Personality Interview with patient MMPI scale Yes
Strunk [25] 108/108 A battery of psychological Medical records Interviews with psychiatric No
variables staff, obtained from chart
Rea [26] 21/21 Personality, depression, Quest given to proxy, relative Info from medical Yes
alcoholic, unemployed, or friend, 6–8 weeks after FA records
Ernst [16] 44/39 Conflict, depression Medical records or phys. quest. Info from medical records No
Types of scales used: DSM = clinical criteria applied by a clini- Significant association between psychological disorder as
cian; MMPI = Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory, per- measured by the scale and odds ratio for NFA or FA: Yes = psy-
sonality psychometric assessment about 655 questions; HAD = chological risk factors are associated with NFA or FA; No = psy-
Hospital Anxiety and Depression scale measures the level of anx- chological risk factors are associated with NFA or FA.
iety and depression, specific for the distress in physically ill sub- 2 ‘Adverse psychological factors were more common in those

jects, and state and anxiety assessed on visual analogue scale. admitted (NFA and hospital controls) than in the community-
Caseness for anxiety and/or depression was defined as a HAD based control group, that is, adverse psychological factors are a
score >11; Zung score = (A) anxiety score and (D) depression risk factor for admission for acute severe asthma.’
score; Hamilton Score = (A) anxiety score and (D) depression

ric tests measuring personality, anxiety and depression, and ed 40 articles (Appendix 1); 18 were excluded because
(c) family members were interviewed by proxy for those patients they studied risk factors for NFA and FA other than psy-
that endured FA. (2) Significant heterogeneity was detected in the
measurement of outcome as a result of different definitions for
chological factors; 6 articles were case series and did not
NFA. (3) Lastly, several studies did not provide enough data to contain controls; 3 compared NFA to FA; 3 studied severe
calculate weighted mean differences since only p values were pro- asthmatics but not NFA or FA; 1 included COPD patients;
vided. We present a systematic review that will qualitatively focus 1 published the same results twice; 8 did not meet the
on key components of design and differences found rather than NFA definition in the inclusion criteria, and 1 was an
quantitative aggregate scores. A formal meta-analysis was not
done since summation of individual trials would likely have re-
editorial. Seven case-controlled studies met the inclusion
sulted in misleading conclusions. We followed the MOOSE Group and exclusion criteria. No other observational type stud-
proposal for reporting observational studies in this systematic re- ies were discovered (table 1).
view [21].
Exposure Assessment
Some studies assessed psychological factors (the expo-
Results sure) by examining the medical records [25–27]. The lim-
itation in this method is that patient’s medical records
We identified 423 potentially relevant articles from reflect their medical encounters that may or may not have
several comprehensive searches. Review of the abstracts been associated with their psychological profile. Further-
of these articles yielded 47 potentially relevant articles more, even if the psychological profile was assessed, if the
that met the study inclusion criteria. Of these, we exclud- healthcare team did not write it in the chart the exposure

230 Respiration 2007;74:228–236 Alvarez /FitzGerald

Table 2. NFA and FA outcome definitions

Group Assoc. ICU Cardio- MV pH <7.2 PCO2 Alteration

(first author) adm. pulm. >50 mm Hg or loss of
arrest consciousness

Yellowlees [22] No 冪 冪
Barboni [23] No 冪 冪 冪 冪
Kolbe [14] Yes 冪 冪 冪 冪 冪 冪
Boulet [24] Yes 冪 冪 冪 冪*
Ernst [16] No 冪 冪*
Strunk [25] Yes F A T A L
Rea [26] Yes 冪 冪

MV = Mechanical ventilation.
* Used pCO2 >45 mm Hg.

could not be detected. An interview with the patient is a Outcomes Assessment

more precise manner in obtaining the data. Some studies Different studies used various definitions for NFA.
interviewed patients but only asked them yes or no ques- Several studies recommend the definition of intubation
tions about anxiety or depression or personality disor- resulting in mechanical ventilation or a pCO2 1 45 mm
ders. The limitation in this method is its tendency to re- Hg during a hospitalization for asthma. Some studies
sult in bias. Patients tend to interpret conditions such as used pCO2 150 mm Hg which would have missed asth-
anxiety differently and their assessment of themselves matics that were between 45 and 49 mm Hg. Several stud-
may not be accurate. A more robust manner to assess a ies included a pH of 17.2 that would imply an elevated
patient’s psychological profile is to actually measure it pCO2. Other studies included the term alteration or loss
with standardized psychometric questionnaires. Several of consciousness [14, 22, 23, 26]. Using this term (e.g., re-
of the studies used such scales or scoring methods de- spiratory failure OR alteration or loss of consciousness)
pending on the psychological factor of interest. The introduces a problem since patients may have been in-
MMPI score is a personality inventory. The HAD score cluded for alteration or loss of consciousness alone and
measures the level of anxiety and depression, specific for not for NFA specifically [23]. One study [25] used FA as
the distress in physically ill subjects, and state and anxi- the outcome, however the ability of the investigators to
ety assessed on visual analogue scale. The Zung and adequately extract information on the patients’ psycho-
Hamilton scores measure anxiety and depression. Future logical profiles was limited. The investigators had to ask
studies should delineate clearly what psychological pa- family members to answer questions by proxy. This prac-
rameters will be studied and use validated scores such as tice is not ideal since it introduces observer bias since
these to obtain more objective and reproducible measures family members may or may not be aware of the psycho-
of psychological problems. Studies using a standardized logical problems faced by the patient. Instead we propose
psychometric measurement will produce more reproduc- using NFA as a surrogate or proxy for FA as interviews
ible, comparable and accurate reflection of psychopathol- with patients with NFA can capture the psychological ab-
ogy. Although we did not develop a quality score because normalities experienced by the patients with more preci-
they may lack validity [28], studies that used standard- sion. Furthermore, NFA is known to be a good proxy for
ized scales were considered to be of higher quality. An- FA [11, 15–19]. Amongst studies that used a standard
other important point brought out by the studies is the scale to measure psychological profiles [14, 22–24] and
timing of the interview. The timing of the interview showed an association between psychological factors and
should ideally occur prior to the discharge of the patient NFA or FA, a more precise definition of NFA was used.
following the NFA episode. Some studies collected data Amongst studies that used a standard scale and did not
many months after the episode had occurred which could find an association between the outcome and exposure,
introduce recall bias or the patient’s psychological factor a less precise definition of NFA was used [22, 23]. The
may have improved since the event. studies that did not use a precise definition may have di-

Systematic Review of Psychological Risk Respiration 2007;74:228–236 231

Factors Associated with NFA or FA
Table 3. Details of controls in each study

Group Assoc. Sampling Matching factor Control type

(first author) of controls

Yellowlees [22] No Matched Age and gender Community

Barboni [23] No Random None Community
Kolbe [14] Yes Matched Date of event Com. & Hosp.1
Boulet [24] Yes Matched Age, sex, atopy, med. and baseline FEV1 Do not report
Ernst [16] No Matched Matched sets Community
Strunk [25] Yes Matched Gender, age, race and severity of illness Community
Rea [26] Yes Matched Age, gender, race and date of event Hospital
‘Adverse psychological factors were more common in those admitted (NFA and hospital controls) than in
the community-based control group, that is, adverse psychological factors are a risk factor for admission for
acute severe asthma.’

luted the effect of the exposure amongst individuals that Quality, Validity and Bias in the Identified Studies
may not have had NFA (table 2). Two major factors that can significantly affect the
Controls were fairly heterogeneous between studies. quality, validity and bias of case-control studies are selec-
Most matched on age, gender and date of event, but many tion of the control group and exposure status [29]. We
matched on different variables including race, severity, identified the manner in which each control group was
baseline FEV1. Most of the studies compared cases to chosen, the matching factor and the control type (com-
community controls, one of them [14] compared cases to munity vs. hospital) in each study (table 3) in order to
hospital and community controls separately and another compare them. Choice of controls is paramount in these
[26] compared cases to only hospital controls. studies since different results were obtained when differ-
The evidence for psychological risk factors associated ent controls were used. For instance, Kolbe et al. [14]
with NFA/FA is equivocal. Three studies by Yellowlees showed that psychological factors played an important
et al. [22], Barboni et al. [23] and Ernst et al. [27] were role in the risk of being admitted with asthma but did not
positive and three by Boulet et al. [24], Strunk et al. [25] show a difference between those that were admitted to
and Rea et al. [26] were negative. The seventh paper by hospital and those that had NFA or FA. The conclusion
Kolbe et al. [14] found that psychopathology existed of this study was that psychological factors increased the
more frequently amongst all admitted patients includ- risk of admission but did not necessarily increase the risk
ing those with NFA when compared to community con- of a NFA or FA episode. Controls should be matched for
trols, however they did not find a difference between index date, age, gender and explicitly categorized as a
NFA/FA and admitted patients with acute asthma with community or hospital control. It may be more instruc-
no NFA. tive to use community controls to better illustrate the ef-
fect of psychological risk factors on asthmatics.
The exposure to psychological risk factors needs to be
Discussion measured with an objective validated psychometric test.
Although validated psychometric tests exist, not all stud-
A systematic review of all published studies was not ies used the same tests. Studies using such tests were gen-
able to conclude that psychological factors increase the erally of higher quality than those that did not. The test-
risk of NFA and FA. Due to the significant heterogeneity ing or questionnaire must be given in a reasonable period
in the measurement of the psychological factors, a sum- of time preferably within close proximity to the NFA
mary statistic was not calculated. Instead, the trial char- event to minimize bias. A review of the medical records
acteristics were tabulated and qualitative trends were ob- is not ideal since it is fraught with recall bias as well as
served to explain the heterogeneity in the results of the recording bias. Cases need a consistent definition of
studies. NFA which should include: (1) mechanical ventilation;
(2) pCO2 1 45 mm Hg, and (3) cardiopulmonary arrest

232 Respiration 2007;74:228–236 Alvarez /FitzGerald

should not on its own include altered level of conscious- Study Design
ness as it may introduce bias in the definition since pa- A randomized controlled study would be impossible
tients with level of consciousness alone may in fact not to carry out to answer the clinical question being posed
have NFA. The American and Canadian Thoracic Societ- since patients cannot be given psychological abnormali-
ies should come up with a standardized definition of ties. Furthermore, a prospective cohort study, although
NFA. not impossible, would be challenging and costly since
Asthma severity is an issue in many of the studies in NFA or FA is a rare event and many person-years of pa-
our systematic review in that the cases may have had tient follow-up would have to be accrued to discern the
more severe disease than the controls. Most patients were issue. A well-designed large case-controlled study could
matched for age and gender but few were matched for further research in this field. Another design that has not
asthma severity. Only Strunk et al. [25] attempted to con- been used to study psychological risk factors in NFA is
trol for severity, however it is not clear what method was the case cross-over design [32]. The case cross-over de-
used. Ernst et al. [27] attempted to further adjust for asth- sign is used to identify transient risks that are associated
ma severity in a study of the association of inhaled - with intermittent exposures. In order to find out if indi-
agonist use and NFA [30]. They showed that after at- viduals were experiencing a psychological event or life
tempting to adjust for confounding by severity, the over- stressor prior to the NFA episode, this design would be
all effect of the use of a -agonist and the risk of NFA was useful and cost-efficient. In this type of design the com-
unchanged, suggesting that confounding by severity was parison is between different exposure periods (hazard
less of a problem when studying NFA. Furthermore, NFA period and non-hazard period) within individuals in-
or FA may occur to asthmatic patients belonging to the stead of between individuals. Incident cases of NFA could
whole spectrum of disease, from mild to severe asthma be identified by a national or provincial registry. Cases
[31] providing further evidence that asthma severity may could be identified by intensive care unit medical admis-
not be an important confounder in these studies. It is not sion records identifying anyone who was mechanically
only confined to patients with severe disease but can af- ventilated or had a pCO2 1 45 mm Hg as a result of an
fect patients with mild disease as well [31]. It is very dif- asthma attack. The cases would then be interviewed a
ficult to categorize patients with asthma in a manner week after the episode to ensure accurate recall of the
which is reproducible. In the 2005 Global Initiative on events preceding the NFA episode. The week before the
Asthma (GINA), asthma severity is categorized into four NFA episode can be used as the hazard period for the
groups using an evidenced-based approach: intermittent, matched analysis. Exposure to a psychological risk factor
mild persistent, moderate persistent, and severe. Unfor- or stressor like a life event could be measured using a
tunately, this has not translated into a clean tool to be validated scale proposed by Tennant and Andrews [33]
used by epidemiologists around the world because it still which allows the significance of life events to be scaled.
remains a challenge to categorize the severity of asthma Possible problems with this design include the fact many
in a way that will be easily reproduced given the dynam- patients decompensate psychologically following a NFA
ic and complex nature of the disease. The document states episode [5] and it may be difficult to ascertain how the
that any patients at any level of severity – even intermit- patient was feeling prior to the event, however if the scale
tent asthma – can have severe attacks. is applied promptly after the event this effect may be min-
Quality and Bias in the Systematic Review
The quality of the systematic review was enhanced by Key Recommendations for Future Studies
independent assessment of trials using a standardized Recommendations include: (1) Use of standardized
data extraction sheet that was used independently by two psychometric tests to assess exposure. (2) Interviews
investigators. An independent librarian (A.G.) tested the should be done within a close time frame from the NFA
reproducibility of the literature search. Bias may have event. (3) Use of a standardized definition of NFA.
been introduced since the non-published data and non- (4) Studies should not include COPD patients as this is a
English papers were not included in the systematic re- different pathophysiological process. Excluding patients
view. Publication bias was not assessed given that meth- older than age 35 would essentially eliminate the risk of
odological differences and heterogeneity were found in disease misclassification and allow for a firm diagnosis
the analysis of the trials. of obstructive lung disease due to asthma [1]. (5) Con-
sider using the case cross-over study design.

Systematic Review of Psychological Risk Respiration 2007;74:228–236 233

Factors Associated with NFA or FA
In summary: The systematic review presented is in- Acknowledgements
tended to generate discussion using the current literature
The author would like to thank Anna Getselman, Assistant
and explain some of the heterogeneity observed amongst Director for Reference and Education Services at the Countway
the current case-control studies. A formal meta-analysis Library of Medicine, for cross-checking our search findings and
was not done therefore a summary static was not calcu- to Emily Levitan, PhD, candidate and Teaching Assistant at Har-
lated since it would have been misleading given the het- vard University for her advice on the project.
erogeneity of the studies. There remains much to be stud-
ied in this field, however at this time we cannot defini-
tively conclude that psychological disorders increase the
risk of NFA and FA.

Appendix Excluded Articles

No. Group (first author) Year Reason for exclusion

1 Campbell [11] 1994 Compared NFA to FA

2 Campbell [34] 1995 Case series, no controls
3 Godding [35] 1997 Not all NFA cases
4 Innes [36] 1998 Compared NFA to FA
5 Janson [37] 1994 Not NFA or FA
6 Martin [38] 1995 Case series, no controls
7 Miller [39] 1989 Compared NFA to FA
8 Rocco [40] 1998 Published same data from Barboni
9 Sturdy [41] 2002 Used COPD patients (40%)
10 Wjst [42] 1996 No NFA or FA but regular asthma
11 Yellowlees [5] 1989 Case series, no controls
12 Kean [43] 2006 NFA definition not met (incl. criteria)
13 Turner [44] 1998 Psychological factors not assessed
14 Davenport [45] 2001 Psychological factors not assessed
15 Kesten [46] 1995 Psychological factors not assessed
16 Suissa [47] 2000 Psychological factors not assessed
17 Suissa [48] 1994 Psychological factors not assessed
18 Spitzer [30] 1992 Psychological factors not assessed
19 Joseph [49] 1996 Psychological factors not assessed
20 O’Hollaren [50] 1991 Psychological factors not assessed
21 Lanes [51] 2002 Psychological factors not assessed
22 de Klerk [52] 2002 Psychological factors not assessed
23 Tanihara [53] 2002 Psychological factors not assessed
24 Crane [54] 1989 Psychological factors not assessed
25 Tough [55] 1998 Psychological factors not assessed
26 Corn [56] 1995 Psychological factors not assessed
27 Hessel [57] 1999 Psychological factors not assessed
28 Mitchell [58] 2002 Psychological factors not assessed
29 Dhuper [59] 2003 Psychological factors not assessed
30 Kikuchi [60] 1994 Psychological factors not assessed
31 Heaney [61] 2005 No controls
32 Garden [62] 1993 Not NFA or FA
33 Vamos [63] 1999 No controls
34 Romero-Frais [64] 2005 No controls
35 Kean [43] 2006 Not NFA or FA
36 Gillaspy [65] 2002 Not NFA or FA
37 Goodwin [66, 67] 2004 Not NFA or FA
38 Pendergraft [68] 2004 Not NFA or FA
39 Adams [69] 2004 Not NFA or FA

234 Respiration 2007;74:228–236 Alvarez /FitzGerald


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